Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Nov 9, 2005


Jessie's Point of View

It was Friday afternoon. Another long week behind me. Thankfully I was spared from having any close contact with the likes of Gabriel Carpenter that day. I seriously was uncomfortable with being in his presence when I found out his attitude to all things Gay. I was looking forward to a weekend of unwinding and destressing. Even thinking of calling up my hubby Brad and suggesting that we chill at my place during the weekend, rent some movies or something. I was busy musing over the possibilities when my phone rang. It was my girl Stacy.

Stacy: "Jessie...Oh My God! He asked me out! Can you believe it?!...."

She faded out into the senseless girly gibberish that only they understand, intermingled with some shrieks of delight. I was just standing there taking it all in, pretending like I understood whatever she was saying...I take it you know I didn't tell her what an ass her "future husband" was/is. I say future husband, because that was what she referred to him as.

" he asked you out like on a date?"

She grew a little quiet and a little less hyperactive here.

Stacy: " he did say we could all go hang out somewhere this weekend...and he did ask me if I wanted to go"

I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was being. I wondered if that was what I had seemed like when I went on and on about Brad. I was so caught up with her mood that I didn't even notice my tongue slipping before it was too late.

"Yeah...well he did tell me you were a hot piece of ass.."

Stacy: "Oh Fuck! Uh..I mean..that is..are you for real? This isn' a joke or anything right?"

"Why would I joke about something like that?", I asked a little bitterly.

Stacy: "Oh, it's just that Vickie made up some story about him and had me all excited and then had a good laugh at my expense..."

It must run in the family...

Stacy: "Isn't he like the cutest thing ever...that hair, all black...makes him look so dark and mysterious...and those eyes...oh I could just stare into them for you comin'?"


Stacy: "Weren't you listening? I said he wanted us to all hang out this weekend. Personally, I think he wanted to ask me out proper but is just too shy to just have me alone please tell me you'll come. We haven't decided on a place yet, but he said he'd call me later"

"I dunno...I mean I have to call Brad up and see what he's doing this weekend. I wanted to spend some time with him and-"

Stacy: "Well, you could just bring him along...he is your friend isnt he?"

"Yeah, but..."

Stacy: "Jessie please...If he's really that shy and you say No, then Josh will say No. And, he won't just go with me and Vickie alone...hell no one would go somewhere with Vickie alone there and the girl he's supposedly interested in..."

"You haven't asked Josh yet?"

Stacy: "No...but I figured if I get you to go, he'd go too, he always goes along with whatever you say anyway."

"No he doesn't....and I don't really want to go out anywhere this weekend."

She commenced begging again. It was hard to say no to her of all people.

Stacy: "Why won't you do this one thing for me? If we don't have enough people, he might call it off.."

"I'm...not comfortable around him Stacy.."

There, I said it...

Awkward silence...

Stacy: "What do you mean by that? Does he...turn you on and you're afraid you'll get aroused or-"

" Fuck no! (The Idea itself was disgusting) I just don't like being around him. I don't want to say anything more because I don't want you losing the perfect image of your "Future Husband"..."

Stacy: "I don't understand."

"Forget's nothing..."

Stacy: "Let's make a deal...if I can convince Josh to come, you'll come too..."

I didn't want to feel the guilt of telling her no outright so I agreed. Josh would never go out on plans that idiot made anyway.

Stacy: "Okay...great. I gotta go call Josh."

With that she was gone. I went back to wondering what to do for the weekend.


Josh's Point of View

I was just home, lying semi-asleep, semi-awake in front of the tube when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Stacy. I wasn't really in the mood for a conversation right then...long or otherwise. And with Stacy, the conversations do tend to get longwinded. Especially since that idiot Gabriel Carpenter got here. All she seemed to talk about was him. It was obvious to see, she had the hots for him. I knew I'd end up picking up the phone. It was Stacy after all. Sighing, I made my way to the phone, the sooner I picked it up the sooner it'd be over.

"Hi Stace."

Stacy: "Hi Josh. Look, I was wondering if you wanted to go hang out with us somewhere this weekend. Don't know where yet, but I'll call and let you know?"

I considered. It would be a boring weekend in the house anyway. And we do usually hang out. Before any other thoughts came into my head I had already told her,

"Yeah sure Stace.."

Stace: "Oooh thank you so much! Now Jessie will have to come! Haha!"

I was perplexed.


Stacy: "Oh, he didn't want to go but I got him to compromise, he said he'd go if you went."

I felt a warm rush somewhere inside me when I heard that. But then I caught on.

"Wait, if you weren't sure he'd be going then who were you talking about when you said "with us"?"

Stacy: "Oh Vickie and...Gabriel...sigh.."

I should have known. Vickie was no problem. Sure she was very touchy feely when it came to guys, and it did make me uncomfortable being gay and all, but Gabriel....

"So Gabriel's going huh?"

Stacy: "Yeah...Oh Gosh! I think this is his way of asking me out.."

"So this isn't your idea...but his?"

Stacy: " said you'd go..."

She had me there. I didn't wait to find out more about this little gathering...I always rush into decisions and now it caught up with me.

Stacy: "Oh come on. You'll have company. Vickie will be there. Now that you're going Jessie will go too. Hell, Brad might even be there-wherever there is..."


Stacy: "Yeah...all the friends...don't back down on me Josh..."

Like I had a choice. She was a sneaky little vixen wasn't she?

Stacy: "Just one more thing...ah...what do you think of Gabriel?"

"Huh? What do you mean, in what sense?"

Stacy: "Generally..."

I think he's a homophobic, bigoted idiot.

"Why should you care what I think? I'm not the one crazy over him." Perhaps I said that a little too roughly.

Stacy: "It's just that Jessie said he's not comfortable around him. It seems like he doesn't like him for some reason. I was just wondering what you thought."

Thankfully I didn't have to answer her. I heard my mom scream for me to go put out the garbage again, so loud I was sure Stacy heard her.

"I gotta go. I'll see you...wherever it is you guys decide."

Stacy: "Yeah, okay...Gosh I can't believe I'm actually feeling like this over a guy...blah...blah...blah.."

I wondered if she heard me say "I gotta go"? before she started a conversation up again I dropped the phone. Well, looks like I have plans for the weekend after all.


Stacy's Point of View

Oh my God! My second date! Eeeek! Okay, well, maybe not a date per se. But compared to my previous social-life, you know, the one where the only guys I hung out with being Gay, and therefore the possibility that I'd get some lovin' being non-existant...this was the closest I had ever come to a date. Well, there was that Justin Parker thing. But that didn't count. All he was after was sex and he made no attempt to hide it. And how utterly wretched that I had to be stuck with two gay guys who had absolutely no fashion sense (Still confused about that one) so now I'd have to rely on my own common sense as to what to wear. Either that or I'd call up Victoria...she's sure to know what to do. I'd just have to be careful and not let my parents see what I was leaving the house wearing. Either that, or go get dressed at her place.

I wondered why Jessie and Josh weren't a little bit more excited for me. It hurt a little. Them being my best friends and all. Hell Jessie had all out said he wasn't comfortable with being around Gabriel. I sure as hell didn't know why. If I could help it, I'd be around him all the time. After a little pondering, I thought I had it figured out. They must be a little jealous. All the while they had my undivided attention and now I had another guy in my life...well, I was on the verge of having him in my life...finger crosses, fingers crossed. They must feel like they're losing me or something. Men...hahaha! I'd have to let them know that I could juggle a relationship and duties as their official fag hag simultaneously. I was busy musing when the phone rang. When I saw the caller ID I just about leapt the room in a single bound. It was Victoria's number. It could only mean one of two things. Either she or Gabriel was calling me. God please let it be the latter...


Victoria: "Ohh...a sexy voice..."


"Oh, it's you."

Victoria: "Not happy to hear from me?"

"I was kinda hoping Gabriel would call. He said he tell me where we could go hang out..." I said in obvious disappointment.

Victoria: "Yeah well, he was talking faster than he thinks. You know he's new here and doesn't know squat about the local neighborhood. So I told him I'd decide and tell you."

"Oh..So where are we going?"

Victoria: "Wait...Josh and Jessie are coming?"

"Yup, I got Josh to agree and I know Jessie will come now too. Is it okay if Brad tags along? I mean I don't know for sure if he'll want to come but he is Jessie's...and Josh's friend.."

Victoria: "Hell yeah! Do you realise that if they don't come the only guy with us will be my cousin? The more the merrier! Anyhow, I was thinking we could all go to that water theme know...Atlantis?"

"I cannot believe you thought of everything?!"

Victoria: "Well I do aim to please. Hahaha, we'll get to see 'em shirtless!"

"You are officially a slut..."

Victoria: "Yeah, well since you've started taking pointers from me, it makes you an official Slut in Training. Congrats! I knew you had it in ya!"

"I used to bash on sluts...but they do have more fun..."

We chatted for an hour on this and that, like only teenaged girls can do and then she hung up. I had a devious grin on my face. Tomorrow was going to be fun, Fun, FUN! Oh just wait till I called Jessie!


Jessie's Point of View

I was shocked! To say the least. First off, the sneaky devil had managed to trick Josh into going along with her plans. I thought that would be near impossible too. But she made it seem like it was her idea. What shocked me more was where we'd be going. I thought we'd go catch a movie or something, you know. At least that way, everyone would have all of their clothes on! But no...I knew Stacy would never think up of "Atlantis" on her own. And she didn't deny it either. It was Victoria. I always wondered if we'd ever live down that girl's horniness. It had to be her master plan to get all the guys she could get nearly nude. I mean, it would be like a beach thing, if we were going to the beach. But I knew about "Atlantis". It was like a heavy duty makeout spot! My poor Stacy...Victoria was corrupting her alright. She made me promise to ask Brad to go too. I wondered if Vickie and Gabriel would be okay with him coming along. But quoting Stacy, her response was,

"Hell Yeah!"

If he did decide to go, I'd have to keep a careful eye on her. I mean she's my friend , but he's my boyfriend. Hell, I better keep an eye on her all the time. She's always feeling up either me or Josh too. The girl cannot keep her hands to herself wherever "Man" is concerned. I picked up the damned phone and dialed Brad's number. Yeah, I finally had the good sense to get it. A woman answered the phone. At first I panicked. But then it hit me. Mommy...okay. I am so paranoid.

Brad's Mom: "Hello...Summers' Residence. Who would you like to speak to?"

"Uh-is Brad there?"

I heard her call out and heard the phone being handed to someone. Undoubtedly Brad.

Brad: "I gotta give you my cell number."

"And I still have to give you a number...why can't we ever seem to remember?"

Brad: "Cuz we're always too busy oogling each other."

That was certainly true.

"How'd you like to see me all wet and slick, wearing almost nothing at all tomorrow?"

Brad: "Would I?!?! What are you trying to do here? Phone sex?"

I giggled.

"No, I was just having a joke. But'd you like to go to Atlantis with us tomorrow..Stacy and Vickie and stuff?"

Brad: "Isn't that-"

"Yeah, the waterland themepark, slash makeout arena."

Brad: " Hell yeah! I always wanted to go to that place but just never gotten around to it. What time?"

"Well, since they want to spend the entire day, could you make it over here by...nine in the morning should be good."

Brad: "Yeah...okay. And Jessie..?"


Brad: "Wear something a thong bikini...personally, I'd prefer you with a flaming red..."

"You perverted man-bitch!"

He hung up before I could make him feel my wrath. Yup, tomorrow would be interesting. Wonder what Gabriel would think if he knew he would be going to Atlantis with at least two gay guys....hahahah! oooh on second thought....


I got up a little begrudgingly on Saturday. I mean, after a hard week, I usually look forward to a nice Long sleep in on Saturday morning. I heard my alarm ring, smacked it silent, and got up grumpy, before I remembered exactly why I had set it for so early in the first place. Atlantis...I went through the usual morning routines. Then got something out to wear. No, I don't happen to have a flaming red, thong bikini in my wardrobe, I just thought a pair of basic black bathing trunks would do. Stacy's always saying that I have no fashion sense. And the only reason that it's odd is because I'm a gay guy. She should talk...she only started her fashion blitz since Vickie came back. Thank goodness she wasn't corrupted during her impressionable years...the world was not big enough for two Jessica Wardens. I chuckled...then I heard a responding chuckle at the door, I turned. It was mom.

Mom: "I never thougt I'd see the, actually excited about going out somewhere that's not either school or that café with Josh and Stacy."

"Yeah, well I'm growing up now. Time to live."

Mom: "I guess so. Still,'s a safe place right. No sort of wild club or anything.."

Well okay, I wasn't totally honest with her. It certainly was not a club or anything. But people did go there stuff. I thought if I told her that though, she wouldn't let me go. So I just told her,

"No it's not. It's a waterland themepark."

Mom: "And there won't be any wild, drunken behavior right?"

"No mom, we're not taking any booze. We know the thing about alcohol and swimming."

Mom: "And no rowdy sexual-"

I cut her off...ickie...

"No! We're not going there to get laid!...we'd go to Club Eden for that...taste the Forbidden Fruit...ooh yeah.."

I started laughing, she looked peeved. I changed tone.

"Oh come on mom. You know I'm joking...we wouldn't do that."

Mom: "Okay, I trust you...and Brad. Just go have fun."

"That's what I have been trying to do, but with the constant interrogation..."

Mom rolled her eyes and went downstairs, leaving me to do my pimping. I wanted to look good for Brad. I mean in my twisted, imaginative thinking, this was kind of a "Date" for me two. The second one in fact. The first one was on my living room sofa! Snickers I heard a car beeping and looked outside my window. I saw Vickie's black Benz pull up with Gabriel at the helm...oh joy. Still everyone else was in there, except Brad. He was due any minute then. My thoughts were confirmed when I saw his Civic pull up into the driveway. With a surge of excitement, I grabbed my things and rushed downstairs, saying a quick goodbye to my mom and dad ( who had just woken up and was on his way downstairs) and flew out the door. I ran over to them, my excitement probably bleeding out of my face.

"Okay, so let's get on the road!"

Gabriel: "Put your stuff in the trunk..."

I was about to but Brad begged to differ.

Brad: "Or my trunk..."

"So you're taking your car too?"

Brad: "No sense in packing in like sardines...besides if something happens to one car, we always got the other one."

"I'll ride with you then."

Josh: "Here, hold up, I'll come with you guys too."

I could tell why Josh was so eager to get away from the black Benz. The nut at the wheel... but I did notice something else though. When Brad said he'd be driving his own car, Stacy looked a little happy about that. And when I said that I'd be riding with him, her smile grew. When Josh said he'd go with us, she just about split her mouth. The vixen...she was happy because as each of us decided to go with Brad, she got closer and closer to being alone with Gabriel. Sly... I saw her nudge Victoria, no doubt trying to convince her to go with us too, but Vickie wasn't budging. She fiercely whispered (I was right next to them)-

Vickie: "I'm staying in MY car okay. First off Benz...secondly, I wanna be close so I can monitor Gabe and make sure he doesn't try any wild driving in MY car."

Stacy pouted slightly. I thought it was all rather funny. I never thought someone as introverted as Stacy could be making so forward and advance. Then again, I was one to talk. Who would have thought that I would be going on a virtual roadtrip, to none other that was full of surprises indeed. So Stacy, Victoria and Gabriel went in Vickie's precious Benz, whilst Brad, Josh and me went in the Civic. I almost wished Josh stayed with Gabriel...that way I would have had Brad all to myself in his car...okay...okay...I was just as guilty as Stacy. Suffice it to say, neither one of us got our wish...we both had our hubbies in the car and were both trapped with a friend...drats!


Brad: "So, she's over you already huh? Damn...and I thought she wasn't that kinda girl. She sure is a fast one..."

Josh: "What? Stacy...Brad..there never was anything going on between us. Really..."

Brad: "First comes denial...don't worry bro...I've been there too."

Josh looked upset in the back seat. Of course I was in the front seat! Anyhow, it was now all too clear to see why he got upset whenever we teased him about him and Stacy "Being Together". Well to me and Stacy it was anyway. And to think that I had been joking about it with him all along...not even knowing how he was feeling about me too. I hoped he wasn't taking it too seriously though. Brad was just teasing and had no idea how it was affecting him. I knew it was harder for Josh to pretend to be a regular, straight guy. Especially when people kept bringing up topics like gay or relationships up. He just about blew a gasket when Gabriel made his comment...and the look on his face when Roger spewed out his crap in class two days before, was classic rage. He was a little more reserved here, as we were all friends, but I could see it was eating him. I decided to shift the topic away from him.

"So, how long again till we get there...anyone know?"

Brad: "Victoria said it was like a forty-five mintue drive so I'd say about...ten minutes."

"Cool...can't wait. A water theme park...with rides and everything. You know my mom was all thinking we'd be going there to get drunk and have a wild time? Me?"

Josh: "Really...she thought that?"

"Yeah...I told her we'd do that at club Eden, not at Atlantis though. The look on her face."

Brad: "Hmm...maybe next week, we could go to Eden."

"You're serious?!"

Brad: "Yeah...why not?"

"You know that place's rep?"

Josh: "Atlantis isn't so innocent either you know. All the nearly nude mermaids and mermen...hmm..."

"I didn't tell my 'rents about that part."

Brad: "I bet you didn't. I hope they chlorinate the water good enough...some people..."

We giggled...

Jessie: "Leave it to Vickie to choose Atlantis...I bet she wanted to get us all shirtless.."

Brad: "And your problem with that is..."

I cannot believe he just asked me that!

Josh had a look of slight 'ickie" on his face.

Brad: "I notice whnever she's around you Josh, she can't seem to keep her hands to I guess you a fast boy too huh?"

Not that again...

Josh: "I'd never be interested in Vickie like that."

Brad: "What?! Don't you have eyes man?"

Josh: "Yeah...but for someone else."

Oh dear...thankfully we were spared anymore. We were within sight of Atlantis. At the main entrance there was a Mermaid holding up the sign. We all looked at the statuette and laughed. The mermaid had her tits all exposed, even with nipples.

"Okay, this cannot be a kiddie place, I mean...couldn't they cover them..."

Josh: "With like, shells or something?"

Brad: "Looks fine to me..."

The downside of having a semi-straight...semi-gay boyfriend I suppose...

We drove into the parking lot and got out of the vehicle to meet up with Stacy and the rest. To our surprise they were already in bathing suits. They sure didn't waste any time.

Vickie: "What are you still doing dressed...uh...I mean in those...where are your bathing trunks?!"

Brad: "Oooh a flaming red thong bikini!"

Vickie looked pleased. Then flashed us her wicked grin. She grabbed Josh and me and started pulling us towards the entrance.

Vickie: "Now...which one of you boys wanna go first and rub me down with suntan lotion hmmmmm? Oh wait, why dontcha do it at the same time? Brad..there's enough skin for you too!"

Stacy giggled. If only Vickie knew....rubbing her down...ugh...ickie...

This would surely be a day to remember...rubbing....god please don't make me have nightmares tonight...please...

Next: Chapter 19

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