Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Apr 30, 2005


Phoenix here. This update goes out to Chellebelle aka calistroke23, once again you've inspired me to write. Hope you like. And thanx again Juilianj19, I haven't forgotten you either. Also thanks out to deeze95 for the encouragement. Hope I can keep you hooked. Also thanx to everyone who's joined my group. I really appreciate it. I only hope you like it. To all those who posted kind words thanx a lot luv ya!!

Give me an email at to tell me what you think. Or post a message on the group.

Chapter 7- "Seven Days, Seven Nights"


I was so worked up tonight, I'd virtually given up sleep as impossible. Truth be told, after everything that happened this afternoon, I didn't want to sleep. I wanted to spend every waking moment to savor the flavor...I could almost taste him on my tongue. I no longer cared if I was straight, gay, bi, tri- whatever. All I knew was I wanted Jessie. No one else. Too bad his parents came home so early..wonder how the rest of the evening would have turned out?

It all started from the time the bell rang, signaling the end of English Lit. I was having mixed feelings about going to class. I mean, I was dreading the low grade I'd get on Jameson's test, but at the same time there was no way I'd want to miss being next to Jessie. It was the only class we shared...but there was a more important reason. It was the only place we could be together in public, without anyone suspecting anything. For one thing, my friends would never understand it if they saw me chillin' with Jessie. I was glad none of them were in this class. I wanted to be with Jessie, but I had a reputation to maintain. I couldn't afford to go soft. It was sometimes a little difficult to be a badass punk with the guys and be nice to Jessie. But it was Jessie, it was worth it. What happened this evening proved it. I was just glad Jessie or his friends couldn't see the way I acted outside of class. Anyway, being nice that way only with Jessie made it feel all the more special. Don't get me wrong, I wanted Jessie, I just didn't want anyone else to know, I didn't know if I could deal with all the complicated shit that could happen if people found out. Man, what a world to live in.

That said, I was so not gonna cut Jameson's class. Might sound weird, She was my worst teacher, but English Lit. was now officially my favorite class. I've never minded cutting Jameson's classes before if I was REALLY not in the mood....but since Jessie, well a lot of things about me started to change. I felt..happier. And all it took was seven days with Jessie,

"Seven days and seven nights of thunder, The water's rising and I'm slipping under I think I've fell in love with the Eighth World Wonder"

Damn, I couldn't get the fricken' song outta my head. I'm more of a Rock and Rap kinda fella myself, but that song just fit so perfectly.

Well, the class, what else, dragged, until Jameson handed out the results. I saw Jessie cross his fingers ( like a little kid lol ) and look at his paper. I was rewarded...he smiled. Something I know I wouldn't feel like doin' when I watched mine. I wouldn't have watched it then and there, but Jessie asked me how I did.

D-, "D", for DAMN!!

This wouldn't be good for my dream of goin' pro. The disappointment probably showed on my face too. The next thing I knew he was checking out my paper like he was trying to mark it himself. It made me feel so embarrassed. Man...he was so smart. He'd probably think I was just some dumb jock. Apparently...he didn't, 'cause when I tried to explain,

"It's the Shakespeare that kills me. I swear I just can't figure out what the fool's tryin' to say sometimes. Man that dude's lingo is wack!! You'd think after a couple of hundred years this stuff woulda get outdated by now?"

He, he offered to! He asked me what grade I wanted. I told him a C. I was about to say I didn't think I could make the grade when he spoke up, very persuasively I should add,

Jessie: "But nothing, come on I know you can do this. You answered the questions on "To Kill A Mockingbird" just as good as I did. Your problem is you just don't understand what Shakespear's tryin' to say. Since our project's on Romeo and Juliet, later we can review it and I'll help you translate into modern English. We have a whole month so we better do this right, from scratch."

Honestly, he just blew me away! I actually felt like there was hope. Just by what he said, more how he said it. He seemed to know exactly what I needed...just by reading the paper. Jameson hadn't written any comments. I wasn't exactly the most likeable of her students. I didn't know if he'd want to use the month for the project..on me and my problems. He assured me he did. Well the bell eventually rang and he told me he'd meet me at my car. I told him ok and left. When he didn't come after a few minutes I decided to check in on him. I was walking up the corridor and into the supposedly empty class-room when I heard,

Josh: "Hey come on man, we ain't been anywhere since...I can't remember when. Can't you study with Brad some other time? You've got a whole month for that stupid project."

That asshole Mckenzie.

Then Jessie was tryin' to explain to him how he was gonna help me with raisin' my grade. That set it off,

Josh:"What?! Your'e blowin' us off cuz of Brad and his dumb jock syndrome? I thought you hated the guy? Now he's your best bud? You know how long Stacy and me waited for you at Joe's last week?!"

What, this was the same guy who wanted to beat me up on Jessie's behalf on Monday? And this was Jessie's FRIEND? The fucker went on,

"We were supposed to study for Jameson's test. Only problem was you weren't there. You wanna know what grade I got, F, that's right FAIL. But I don't see you running to help me. Didn't even bother to ask."

Yes!, I did better than him at least.

" I mean I could understand were dealin' with Brad that weekend and you were busy, but now, what he's your best friend now?"

I swear I didn't expect to hear what Jessie said next,

Jessie: "Josh Brad's not really a bad guy, if you get to know him-"

Thank God Jessie was actually beginning to like me. It was paying off, all the work I put in was actually payin' off. He went on to explain how I'd get kicked offa the team and all. Like Josh would care...

Josh: "Brad's a total jerk. You know what, never mind. Just thought you'd be smart enough to know who your real friends were." too. I thought Josh and Jessie were real tight. Guess not...good. I'd always hated cocky Mckenzie. What I didn't know was why was Jessie puttin' up with abuse? Jessie went on to shock me even more,

Jessie: "Josh, your'e a selfish son of a bitch, can't you stop thinking 'bout yourself for one frickin' moment? We can always hang out any time, but Brad doesn't have that time to spare."

Josh just said, "Fuck You" and was off. Stacy went after him. Jessie was just standing there. He seemed to be at the point of breaking up. I was taken aback. The way he'd spoken to Josh, on my behalf, someone who'd he'd no doubt known only as a typical jerk before last week Friday. He walked up to the doorway where I was standing...he was putting up a great fight against the emotion, I could tell. It'd take a complete ditz to not notice. I didn't know if he would still want to help me, after all it was kinda my fault it happened in the first place.

I asked him if he was okay. He told me he was. He's such a terrible liar. He asked me how long I was standing where I was. I told him long enough. I didn't know if he would still want to help me, after all it was kinda my fault it happened in the first place. He assured me he did. I drove him home. The drive was quiet. Almost like when I'd driven him to the Park last week Saturday. He was definitely takin' it hard. We arrived at his house soon enough, and got started. He helped me translate Act 3 of "Romeo and Juliet" and let me try to see what it meant. I couldn't focus though. He was on the verge of tears, I was sure of it. I had to get him to talk to me. It might lighten' him up.

I asked him if he wanted to talk about it. He answered me just not the answer I was expecting,

Jessie: "Huh, what? Do you need me to explain something on Act 3?"

If I thought I might actually like him before, I was sure as hell now. He had to at least like me...Here he was puttin' aside his own issues ( no doubt more important ) to take care of mine. I continued, " But maybe you could talk to me about what happened between you and Josh. It might help you feel better. I mean I heard everything. I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear. You were just takin' so long and well I came to see if somethin' was up."

I decided to go sit next to him. It might open him up more. "Well" He looked at for a while...I thought that maybe he wouldn't want to talk, but once again he surprised me,

He told me just how close he and Josh were ( I liked how he was using the past tense..I know it's selfish but I so hated Mckenzie ).

Jessie: "The worst part is I know he probably hates me now, and there's nothing I can do", okay that was when I lost it. I started to cry and shudder a liitle. I'd never forget what happened next as long as I lived.

He started shaking now. I had my arm around him, to steady him. I wish I could hold him like that when he was happy and not fallin' apart. Then he just broke down cryin'. I just couldn't stand to see him cry. It almost made me want to cry too. Something I hated.

"Come on Jess, he doesn't hate you, man. He's just a liitle upset. He'll get over it. You'll see."

Damn! I hated defending the Prick. It made me feel like such a hypocrite. He was still crying. It was then that I decided. I wanted HIM. And I wanted him to know it. I didn't know how he'd react but I had to find out. I couldn't live in denial anymore. I just had to know, to hell with the consequences. It pays to advertise right? I made him watch me face to face.

"Jessie, you've been friends for a long time. He just needs some time to chill. That's me." I can't believe I'm defending him, but anything to get Jessie to stop crying. Then I made my move. I looked him in the eye. Now or never...

I leaned over and kissed him. Looking into his eyes all the while searching. He had the softest lips. He tried to pull away. I wouldn't let him. He may have been trying to pull away, but I knew better. His eyes couldn't lie, he wanted this. I was as gentle as I could be with him. Didn't want to scare him. I wasn't gonna let him go. I didn't want it to end. But he broke the kiss and gasped,

"My parents." I left. Not because I was mad or anything. I wanted to give him some time to think. That..and after what happened I didn't think I could face his parents right then and there. I'd just kissed their little boy after all. Not that I regretted it. And so here I was...11:45pm on Friday, thinking about what happened. I was gonna find him tommorow...find him and let him know how I felt about him. I'm sure he felt the same way. His eyes said it all. I drifted off to sleep...hope I dreamt him tonight...


So here we were. Me, Josh and Stacy. Hangin' out at Joe's, seated at our favorite table. Stacy sipping on a latte, Josh an expresso and me on an heavenly Triple Fudge Sundae.

"So, Josh how'd your parents take it?", I asked.

Josh: "Damn, they were pissed...thought I'd run off, or got kidnapped or something"

I continued, "They didn't seem so mad when I was over there this morning".

Stacy: "Yeah, they didn't. How'd you swing that?"

Josh: "I'm a smoothe talker. I told em' I was just so upset about how disappointed I knew they'd be, Jameson's test you know. I didn't know how to face them with another "F". I was sooo afraid of what they'd think of me. Next thing I know theyr'e like all teary eyed, saying how much they loved me, thought somethin' bad had happened to me and how sorry THEY were for pushing me so hard."

I couldn't help it, I was practically roaring with laughter. Yup, only Josh could have gotten out of a situation like that.

Stacy: "Josh, it's not right to toy with peoples' feelings like that. I'm ashamed of you."

Josh went strangely quiet after that. After a while he went on,

"Had to...or I doubt I'd be able to come down here this morning. I'd be grounded till I was 25 for sure."

I was honestly enjoying myself. I couldn't remember when last we had all been together outside of school. I had to admit Josh was awfully nice about it. It seemed like everything was back to the way they used to be. When we came in, Josh went to take our orders while Stacy and I took the table. He came back with his expresso, Stacy's latte and bowing, presented me with the Triple Fudge Sundae,

Josh: "I humbly present this token of appreciation to his Majesty, for honouring us with his presence."

Yup same old Josh. I hoped we'd never have to argue like that again. Unfortunately trouble walked in. Brad. He was heading our way. I honestly didn't want to talk to Brad now, not in front of my friends, especially Josh. And , well the memory of the kiss was still too much. I didn't know how Brad was feeling about me after it had happened. He was heading straight for us. He didn't look mad, he seemed to be looking for some one. I decided to try and get us outta there.

"Uh, guys can we go now?"

Josh: "Why, we just got here. You haven't even eaten your Sundae yet."

Stacy: "Yeah Jess. Come on. You owe us. You stood us up last week and made us wait four hours."

"Yeah, but we could still hang out at my place. Just not here. Not now."

Too late. Brad walked up to our table. Instantly Josh was on his feet. Packing up.

Josh: "Yeah, man. Anything you want. We can chill at your place. It's kinda hot in here anyway. Stacy, come on let's go." Josh was taking it rather well, considering I was asking to leave so soon after he'd practically begged me to come here in the first place.

Stacy: "What are you talking about. We haven't even been here for ten minutes yet."

Josh: "Jessie wants to hang out at home, what's it matter as long as were all hanging out."

Just then Brad started to speak. He was actually still talking to me nicely, after what happened?

Brad: "Jess", I saw Josh frown at the word, "I need to talk to you, it's important, real important."

I didn't want a repeat of Josh's performance yesterday so, " Brad uh I was just gonna leave actually..I really just hav to go home."

Josh was looking at Brad all this time, a bit triumphant I should add.

Brad: "It won't take long just a couple of minutes..that's all"

Josh: "He said he has to go-"

Brad: "When I'm talking to you, you'll know it Mckenzie"

I looked to Stacy for some help. Unfortunately she was just sipping here stupid latte, back to staring again. I had to do something to end this before it got worse. I had to do a little damage control. I'd listen to whatever Brad had to say, BUT, I'd still go home with Josh and Stacy and chill. That way everyone would be happy.

"Okay, Brad, what's so important?"

Brad: "I kinda need to tell you alone. Um...", He said looking around.

"Uh the bathroom's empty", I said. "I'll be right back guys". With that we headed in.

I decided to go first, "Brad, about what happened..I'm sorry. Please don't hate me"

He surprised me,

Brad: "You don't have to be. I was the one that kissed you remember."

Well at least he'd admit that. He went on to surprise me even more,

Brad: "Besides, I'm not sorry it happened." He was moving closer now,

"I kinda liked it, a lot. Did you?"

I was so taken away... I could only nod dumbly. I couldn't keep it back anymore.. I couldn't, not from him.

Brad: "And that's not all I like. I think I might like you..a lot in fact. So... do you think you might like me?"


I nodded. Damn, chicken.

There was something I needed to say though,

"Brad, do you really like me?, This isn't some teenage, one time experiment is it? I don't know how I'd take it if it is. I mean you've been so nice to me and all and...Brad, I'm gay"

He looked shocked. I thought I said the worst thing possible. At least before if anything went wrong, I could always say that he'd kissed me. He surprised me by smiling, gosh that killer smile.

Brad: "So, did you like it?"

I nodded.

Brad: "Then that's all that matters."

"Brad, please, just be straight with me-" , I didn't get a chance to finish.

The next thing I knew, he was all over me, kissing me, our tongues wrestling for control, he didn't stop either. What did he think this was CPR?

When he finally pulled off...he was flashing me that cocky grin. I was speechless.

Brad: "So, you still want me to be STRAIGHT with you?"

I couldn't help but smile and shake my head, NO, no ,no not

He laughed and said, "I'll see you later...when your'e not with Josh or Stacy".

He turned to go, and bumped into the door,

Brad: "Damn!"

And he was gone.

I echoed him, "Damn!" I walked out of the room, heading back towards Stacy and Josh, trying to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

Josh didn't look too happy. Hope I didn't keep them waiting too long.

Josh: "Aren't we going over to your house?"

"Nah...why waste a good Triple Fudge Sundae", I said.

Stacy giggled. Josh sat back down. I went back to eating my Sundae. Wasn't as sweet as Brad's kiss though. Sigh

Next: Chapter 8

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