Scally Encounter

By moc.liamtoh@0891s_sirhc

Published on Apr 13, 2009


Subject:: Scally Encounter Part 1

Ok will start with a little bit about myself, i'm 17, about 5'7 and just under 10 stone. I have black hair and blue eyes. I dress like a scally, i've always found the look sexy, but no matter how hard I tried, I could never live up to the proper scally image. I'm a bit of a wimp really, and with my size I've always shied away from trouble. I know I like lads, but no one else does. When I say I like lads I mean I like scallies, the trackies, the rockport boots and the whole bad boi attitude drives me insane with lust and I just can't take my eyes off them. So getting back to this story. Id seen this lad around loads, he's bout 6', and bout 16 or 17 stone, so not scrawny, but not fat.. Well proportioned in my eyes. He's bout 18 or 19and always tanned; he has black closely shaved hair and dazzling bright blue eyes, with a proper bad boi scouse accent. Every time I see him my knees go weak. I try not to stare but I just can't stop myself. He's always with a big gang of his mates and never even notices me so I get away with a quick glance or two. This day I saw him he had on some light grey addidas trackies. His perfect bubble arse filled them perfectly, the material clung to his perfect round cheeks and when I saw the front, I could tell, hell anyone could tell he had a lot of meat packed in there. His cock went down one leg of his trackies and as he walked, the material tightened and showed his cock more prominently. Just seeing that made me look tiny on full bone compared to him. Today though I had looked for a second too long. He must have seen me staring at the chunk of meat in his trackies because the next thing I heard was "the fuck you lookin at dickhead?" I carried on walking, looking down hoping it wasn't me he was talking to but I knew it was. Then he shouted again "eh ya fuckin tit, am fuckin talkin to you" I looked up at him and he and all his mates were just staring at me. I instantly went bright red and carried on walking with my head down. He started to walk after me, followed by all of his mates. I could hear him saying "eh lads we got us a dirty fuckin bender ere. E was avin a gud look". I was shitting myself, undecided weather to face him or just run, run for my life. I was going to get a good kickin, I knew it. I thought what the hell why prolong it, so I stopped and turned round to face him, shakily muttering, "I wasn't lookin at you mate I swear I wasn't I'm not queer." He carried on walking towards me stopping with his face inches from my face. I could smell his deodorant, I could smell the beer on his breath, and I could fell the burning of his eyes burrowing into me. I looked up at him and saw those piercing blue eyes glaring at me. I closed mine and lowered my head, tensed up and waited for it.. for the fist or the head to come crashing into my nose, but it didn't come. I opened my eyes again, he was still staring straight at me, his mates were silently watching, hoping for some good entertainment as their idol knocked fuck out of some shirt lifter. I stood still, looking at his eyes and he knew... I knew he knew that I was lusting after him. I knew he could tell and that scared me more than anything, not the beating I thought id get but scared of what he would say, who he would tell, the humiliation of being outed like this. No one knew and all this lad had to do was say one thing and my life would fall apart. He was still staring directly at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking his face was completely void of emotion; he was still so close, I could feel the heat of him, his breath, and those amazing eyes. My heart was beating so fast, and he was so close I bet he could feel it too. Suddenly he spoke "ya fuckin tit" and turned and walked away. Is mates followed him and started jeering him and laughing at me. I was frozen to the spot, desperately trying to hold onto my emotions, I was shaking and tears were rolling down my cheeks. I was still so afraid of what would happen next, who would he tell. I was also confused, id seen this lad kick fuck out of people for a lot less than I had just done, but he let me get away with it. Did he like me, was he gay? Nah I was just kidding myself I was being stupid. He would go and tell everyone that I was pervin at him and it would ruin my life. I started to stay in whenever I could to avoid him; I thought if he didn't see me for a while he would just forget about it. But weeks went by and I just became more and more reclusive, my friends started to drift away, tiring of waiting for me. The only time I went out was to get picked up and dropped off for work. However it changed one morning when I got a call from my work mate saying he wasn't going in so I would have to get there myself. It had happened before, and I got the bus, I wasn't worried bout the lad because it was early, and he was probably lying in some girl's bed or sleeping a hangover off somewhere. So I got ready an off I went. As I approached the bus stop there were lots of people there, more than normal, and when I got there I overheard a conversation about the first bus not turning up at all so they all waited for the second. The bus came and I was among the first to get on. I paid my fare and took a seat near to the back of the bus. I was sitting there waiting for everyone else to get on, looking out of the window when I saw him; he jogged up to the back of the queue and waited to get on. I was horrified, I couldn't get of now, id have to pass him, so I just put my hood up and lowered my head hoping he wouldn't notice me. I took the opportunity to have a look while he was in the queue outside the bus, he was wearing a pair of dark blue nylon lacoste trackie bottoms, a grey hoodie and some while lacoste trainers. His arse filled those trackies perfectly as usual. He boarded the bus and took a seat right behind mine. I was so scared of him seeing me. The bus pulled off and the beginning of the journey was pretty uneventful. Then all of a sudden he tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Alright lad avnt seen ya for a bit where ya bin". At first I ignored him thinking he would drop it, but he didn't. He tapped me on the shoulder again and said "ya alright lad?". I turned and looked at him, those amazing blue eyes again, he was chewing and had a slight grin on his face, and my heart was beating faster and faster by the minute. I couldn't believe he recognised me after all that time, but here we were on a bus full of strangers and he knew exactly who I was. I hoped to god he didn't say anything. I just mumbled a hello and turned back to the front. The bus carried on stopping and starting and pretty soon it was almost full. A lady an her daughter got on and she sat the daughter next to me an she sat behind next to him, told the woman they could both have his seat and felt him moving behind him, then, to my horror he sat next to me!! I was shitting myself, but didn't say anything, I just kept looking down. He had his leg pressed up against mine and I could feel the heat of him. I had my hood up and with my head down I could see his lower half without him knowing I was looking. He was wearing some dark blue nylon looking lacoste trackies, the material clung to every inch of him, his thighs, and his enormous package. It looked like the material was straining to hold him in. I could see the shape of his balls pressing against the silky material and I could also see his cock which was snaking down one leg, it looked huge... from what I could see it was way bigger than mine when I got full bone on. I couldn't take my eyes off it.. Then he reached up and squeezed it, and rearranged it inside his trackies, I turned my head and looked up at him and he was staring straight at me. I had blown it, I could have gotten away with a distant glance but he knew I was staring at him then. Now I was really shitting it. My secret was well and truly out. My stop came up an we both got up to get off I was hoping he'd wait till everyone had gone and we were alone before he beat the shit out of me, but he never said anything to me just got off and walked in the opposite direction to me. I went to work an had my usual shite day, and at the end of it walked to the bus stop to go home, I turned the corner an he was already there, I though bout going again, but figured if he wanted to hit me he would have done it already. We didn't say anything to each other and eventually the bus turned up. I got on an it was already packed no seats left so I was stood in the aisle he got on behind me and as the bus was filling we were being squashed further up the aisle until there was no where for me to go, he was squashed against me and finally the driver stopped anyone getting on. The bus set off an as it pulled away everyone fell forwards, if felt him press against me, more to the point felt his package press against my ass. This continued throughout the journey and each time I could feel it was a little bigger and harder than the last time. By the time our stop came up he was rock hard and not only was he pushing it against me when the bus moved but he was purposely grinding it against my ass. It felt massive; I could feel it across both cheeks of my ass. Our stop cam up an he leaned and whispered into my ear, your gonna have to go in front of me an stay close cause every fucker will see this and at that he pressed his hard cock against my ass again. I shuffled past him trying to hide my own obvious hard on and we started to progress down the aisle, him close behind me, me holding my bag in front of me to hide my own hard on. We got off the bus and it drove away, we both stood by the stop and waited for it to clear, he had taken his trackie top off and was holding it in front of his crotch to hide himself. The stop cleared and he walked closer to me, he was staring at me and chewing still, with a slight grin on his face. He asked me where I lived, I told him not far, he asked me if there would be anyone in, I said no, the he told me he would walk home wit me. We didn't say anything on the way, if I'm honest I was scared of what might happen, was it a ploy to find out where I lived?? Anyway I figured wit the cock pressed against me on the buss, it wasn't a fight he wanted from me, and to be honest I was willing to take the chance. We got to my house an went in, he stood in the lounge and threw his trackie top on the sofa, I just stood there looking at him, he was pretty well build, his arms bulged a little, his trackies still straining to hold his now soft cock, I cant imagine how they managed to hold him hard!!. Any way, he was staring at me and still chewing, he said" I know u've been afta this for a while now lad an me bird ain putting out an I need to blow ma load like. An ur gonna get me off." I didn't know what to say, was it still a ploy, I asked him what he wanted me to do about it like, he just replied "you can start by suckin this lad" and squeezed his cock though his trackies. He walked up to me an put his arms on my shoulders. I dropped to my knees and came face to face with his swelling crotch. I was just watching it growing and he was obviously not in the mood for waiting, he grabbed my head and pulled me in, he mashed my face against his swelling cock and started rubbing it against my face. I reached up and hooked my finger in the waist band of his trackies and pulled them down. He laughed and said " see I told ya ya wanted this, cant wait to get down on ma cock ya dirty little queer. I had grabbed his boxers with his trackies so it all came down. Then I was face to face with it, it must have been about 10 inches long and bout 3 inch fat. I could smell him, slightly musty but not nasty. I could feel the heat of his monster cock. I couldn't take my eyes of it. Slowly I opened my mouth and flicked my tongue over the end, he groaned with pleasure which I took as an invite so I opened and took the head in my mouth. I slid my tongue all over it and enjoyed the taste licking and sucking and it gently. Again he must have grown tired of waiting as he grabbed my head and forced his cock further into my mouth. I felt it touch my throat and gagged slightly, I had never had a cock so far before. He didn't care though, he kept pushing, I put my hands on his thighs to push him away but he just gripped stronger and pushed harder. "ur gonna suck it lad, uve bin lookin at it for long enough so now ur gonna get wat ya wanted... fuckin all of it" he started jabbing his cock into my throat, I was gagging and really struggling to take it. And I was really scared I wondered what he'd do to me before he stopped. He kept on pushing and I new I had no choice. I closed my eyes and concentrated on it, trying to stop my self from gagging. Eventually I felt his cock slip inside my throat. He groaned and found a new more desperate energy an started pushing it further an further, I couldn't breath, I managed to stop gagging and felt him slide his cock in further an further. He started breathing heavy and grunting then he said "fuckin hell lad no ones ever had all that before" he looked down at me and he must have seen me going purple cause he shoved forward one last time and groaned then he pulled out all the way. I sucked in a deep breath of air glad to be able to breathe again. He came back at me again, I ducked my head and went under his cock I took his balls in my mouth enjoying a minute of air I sucked an licked his balls as his cock lay across my face... once id recovered I licked all the way to the end of his cock and he just slid it right back in, I opened up and it just slid straight back down my throat. He grabbed my head and just started humping a little. Obviously enjoying it, he started to get rougher until soon he was fuckin the shit out of my face, my nose was hurting cause his body was hitting me that hard. Then he plunged it all the way in and held it there. I felt it throb in my throat an felt him shiver, I knew he was dumping his load deep inside me I just wish I could taste it. He finished cumin an I felt him soften slightly and he pulled out. He stumbled back and fell into the sofa his cock twitching still dripping cum and me panting for breath. I looked up at him and he was lying there grinning at me. I just smiled back at him, he said "you got ten minutes..." I asked him what for, confused and a little apprehensive. "till I'm ready to dump another load in ya" he must have seen the look of shock on my face and laughed. He said "tellin ya lad am gunna fill ya full o scally spunk before I go ome lad, ur gonna be sick of the stuff". I just smiled at him knowing id never get sick of his cum.

He leaned back in the chair and lifted one leg up and said "right times up ya can start on me arse" I asked him what he meant and he replied "well u queers rant about getting ya asses licked an I wanna know wat it feels like so get over ere an get lickin". Id never done this before and I wasn't sure I wanted to.. Maybe this wasn't going to be that much fun after all. I got down on my knees and he lifted his legs exposing his arse. I leaned in closer and it didn't smell like I expected it to, a little musty like hic cock, but again not bad, I was worried it would taste bad and was hesitant to touch his hole wit my tongue. Again getting bored of waiting he grabbed my head and pulled it in. My mouth covered his ass hole and my tongue tip touched dead centre of his hole. "right get suckin it dickead" he shouted. I started to slide my tongue around surprised at how clean it tasted. I started to get into it, sliding my tongue over his tight hole I could hear him groaning and muttering fuck yea, I could tell he liked it so I carried on eating him out. His cock was lying across the top of my head when I started licking his arse, but now it had gone, I took a long swipe of his ass wit my tongue and looked up and sure enough that monster was standing straight up in the air. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head up and shoved his cock into my throat again, my eyes were watering he was that ruff but I knew what he wanted and I knew he would have it before he let go.. Again I opened my throat up and my lips sank to base of his cock. He let go of my hair and groaned as my throat swallowed his throbbing cock. I began slowly sliding up and down his cock and I could feel every ridge and vein as his mammoth cock slid in an out of my throat. I was really getting into this slow and deep blow job enjoying making this fit lad grunt wit pleasure but all of a sudden he pushed my head off and stood up, he got up so forcefully I fell backwards onto the floor, I was shocked and asked what was wrong an he said, bored of ya mouth now am gonna fuck ya ass.

And started to grab my ankles and lift them up, his fat cock bobbing around glistening with my spit. He knelt down and started moving toward my ass with it, I was so scared. I thought I was gonna end up in hospital getting sewn back up again. I opened my mouth to plead with him to at least lube me up and be gentle, but he pushed my legs back spat on my hole and just slammed his whole cock right inside.. I was in agony I was desperately trying to writhe away from him and get it out of me but he kept on shoving it in, and pretty soon I was against the wall. I was cornered and I knew I was gonna take this weather I liked it or not. I was crying my eyes out the pain was that bad but I could see in his face he didn't give a toss. He started humping me gently at first, but once he shuffled round a bit and got into position he started to get faster and harder, I could feel my arse burning and the pain was so bad. After about ten minutes of pleading an begging for him to stop I started to quiet down a bit until I was saying nothing at all, he just laughed and said Ya fuckin likin tha aint ya lad, I had my eyes closed and panting I just nodded quickly. He laughed and started to get harder and faster, every time he pushed in it felt as though that cock was pushing my insides out of the way just as aggressively as him. I fuckin loved it though; he held me in the corner of the room and started to fuck my hole, he got faster and faster until I was whimpering with the sheer pleasure of him using my arse the way he wanted. He was fuckin me so hard now he actually lifted me of the ground with each thrust forward and pushed my crumpled body even further into the corner. I could tell he was getting close as his urgency to dominate me increased his breathing began to get faster and he closed his eyes, then with a short grunt he shoved deep and I felt his cock twitch inside me, I knew he was pumping his spunk deep inside me and just the thought made my own cock explode, I came all over my chest and his and as soon as he felt it, he pulled out an moved away calling me a dirty fucka. He was stood over me still cumming and it was dripping all over me. After a few minutes he walked over to the sofa and started picking his stuff up and getting dressed, he picked my t shirt up and wiped the spunk off his cock before tucking it back in his trackies. He finished dressing and turned to me in the corner, still naked and covered in spunk and said.. Not bad lad.. gonna be bring a few mates next time tho... and then he grinned and turned and walked away. I haven't washed that shirt since, the smell of his cock is still on it and I have it over my face every time I wank. But I had no idea what he had instore for me next.

To be continued.

Any feedback welcome but be gentle it's my first time doing this, but hope it makes you as horny as I was writing it ...

Next: Chapter 2

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