Published on Mar 25, 2000



Scott was absolutely massive. Everything about him was. At 17, he was 6'1, 225 lbs. of muscle. His shoulders were huge, both wide and massive, his chest and abs were immense and hard as rocks...but the best part, well...all girls (and of course some guys) like to sit near Scott to watch him sit down. His thighs were massive mounds of muscle, as was his ass, and when he sat down, his manhood filled up the entire crotch of his jeans. It was huge--it strained the crotch of jeans that were supposed to be completely loose fitting so that they looked like they were a few sizes too small for him. As far as personality went, Scott was the typical frat-boy in waiting--just about done with high school and ready to be the king of fraternities in college. Perfectly friendly and very out going, members of both sexes of his high school class found incredibly attractive. However, "The girls were lucky enough to be able to do it out in the open", Mike thought.

Sitting directly across from Scott in history class was a treat. He got to watch Scott sit down and then adjust his massive package four or five times during class! Scott had his own secret fantasies too--he loved to be worshipped for his incredible physique. This weekend, Scott was planning a huge workout, and wanted to invite a small, pathetic guy over to watch him get huge. He wanted somebody who would be impressed, and aroused, by him pumping iron. Scott was ready to "experiment", and he had just the person in mind to experiment on...

After the bell had rung on Friday in history class, Scott went over to Mike's desk, "Hey, wanna come over tonight about eight--I wanna talk to you, get your opinion on a few things." Mike could hardly believe it. What would this musclegod want with him, a pathetic, skinny little loser? "C'mon, we'll have some real fun!", Scott said, leaning over on Mike's desk. Mike didn't know what to do. He had always heard that Scott was a homophobe, and everybody in school new Mike was gay. Did Scott want to invite him over to experiment, or did he want to invite him over to crush him with his bare hands. At 5'6, 120 lbs., Mike would hardly be a match for the huge bodybuilder standing before him if anything were to go wrong. But, Mike decided, the possibilities for tonight were endless, and what if, just what if, Scott wanted to "experiment" tonight. "Sure", Mike said, "I'll see you 'round eight tonight". "Great", Scott said, "trust me, you made the right choice, just trust me". Mike became around as he watched Scott turn and walk away from him, his huge thigh muscles twitching with every step. "Tonight could be great", Mike thought, "or tonight could be...NO!", said Mike to himself, "tonite WILL be great".

After Mike had eaten dinner alone, his parents were out of town, he got ready to go to Scott's house. The truth was, Mike was afraid of Scott. Mike had seen Scott squat 1200 lbs. in the school gym--the max the machine could hold--with not effort. Mike also knew that Scott thought he was just a little "fag boy", as he had so often called him. Mike had also seen Scott's huge package actually rip through pairs of pants while Scott was doing squats--and what a package it was--the briefs Scott was wearing when the pants ripped were completely, TOTALLY filled up so that they stretched almost as thin as paper! Still, Mike thought, Scott was huge, and seeing him was worth the risk. Mike headed up to his room, deciding what to wear. He didn't want to seem like he was coming on to Scott, yet he didn't want to be completely underdressed for what might happen. Mike changed everything he was wearing. He changed his underwear, too--from lose fitting boxers to a pair of tight white briefs which, he thought, made his puny, 2 and a half inch cock, look a little bigger. With that, he set off downstairs, hopped on his bike, and headed for Scott's house.

On the way to Scott's house, Mike looked at his little, skinny legs pedaling the bike. He once again thought about how small he was, how puny his little legs were compared to Scott's, how small his chest and arms small his cock must be compared to Scott's... But he couldn't think about that now. He finished the route to Scott's house, locked his bike to the fence, and rang the door bell...

What he saw when the door opened made it hard for Mike to stand all the way up in front of Scott. Here was the musclegod that Mike was in love with, standing here completely ripped in a pair of skin tight boxers! "Hey", Scott said, "c'mon in...sorry about the way I'm dressed, underwear companies don't make boxers in the right proportions, if you know what I mean. I have huge legs, a small waist, and as you can see...the boxers, extra large, don't hold everything in." As he said it, Mike looked over Scott. His cock must be 7 inches long. His thighs were HUGE. Mike was certainly hoping this would go somewhere. "Look", Scott said, "I invited you over here because I wanted to "experiment" with a few things. You've got a certain reputation at school, hell, everybody knows you're Bi, and believe it or not, that's what I invited you over here. I figured you're puny, I can get rough with you and you might enjoy it, and I wanted to experiment, girl after girl after girl is just getting old. So, wanna go downstairs to my workout room?" "Sure", Mike said, "no problem..."

When they reached the bottom of the steps, Mike saw a huge amount of muscle building equipment. Weights, machines, everything a bodybuilder would use in a professional gym. "So", Scott said, "wanna watch me work out for a while?" "Are you serious?", Mike asked, a bit taken aback by the question. "Yeah", Scott said, "I told you thats why I invited you here--I wanna try anything and everything tonight!" With that, Scott went to the first machine.

Scott sat down on the seat of a machine with two large pads to his right and left. The arms that the pads were attached to were made out of huge rods of steel--and Mike saw why the steel was so thick right away--the arms were attached to a HUGE amount of weight. As Scott settled and "adjusted" himself on the small seat of the machine, Mike remembered why everyone wanted to sit across from Scott in class. In these skin tight plaid boxers, Scott looked ENORMOUS--bigger than he had EVER looked before. Every seam on the boxers was strained to the breaking point--and this was the regular size boxers Scott wore EVERY day! Mike watched in awe as Scott took a deep breath, than another, than another, each time his massive chest expanding with air. Scott pulled the pads inward towards each other as a huge amount of weight--765 lbs.--lifted off the back of the machine. Scott lifted the huge amount slowly at first, then faster and faster and faster. Then he stopped. "Like what you see?", Scott asked? "I love it", Mike replied, knowing it was what Scott wanted to hear--after all, it was the reason he had been invited here, to praise the musclegod.

"Come here", Scott commanded. Mike obeyed. Scott, still on the seat of the machine, gave an order Mike would never, ever forget, "Have some fun with me, go anywhere you want, my body is yours! But I'm warning you, I better feel really, REALLY good", Scott said, motioning towards his huge package. "You excercise while I excercise", Scott said. Scott began pumping the 765 lbs. again, harder and harder, as Mike thought about what to do. Finally, he got on his hands and knees in front of Scott's huge package as Scott was working out. Scott spread his legs open. Mike moved in with his mouth, licking at the huge package that seemed to have a life of itself. Scott never looked down, just kept pumping. Mike licked the package and used his tongue and teeth to open the fly.

Gasping at what he saw, but never stopping what he was doing, Mike watched in awe as a huge 8 inch cock sprung out of the pressured boxers. Mike took the huge instrument into his mouth, licked it fully, then let it back out, as Scott kept pumping away. "Let everything go!", Mike yelled. Scott listened. As Mike took the huge cock back in his mouth, Scott did just what Mike said, letting a huge pissload go. Mike swallowed every drop--which was the longest pissload Mike had ever seen let go. He then began rapidly taking Scott's massive rod in and out of his mouth over and over and over again. Finally, Scott couldn't hold back any more. A huge load of cum sprayed out of Scott's cock into Mike's mouth like a river. It overwhelmed Mike...he could barely swallow all of it. As Scott went into full orgasm, he growled like a huge, muscled bear. Scott let all the weight go, stood up quickly easily pushing Mike, who was still connected to his dick, out of the way, and in skin tight boxers with his massive rod still hanging out of the fly, flexed every muscle and lifted the entire weight machine he had just been sitting on completely off the floor--spraying what seemed to Mike to be gallons of cum across the room. "That was INCREDIBLE", Scott roared, tucking his cock back into the fly, "Wanna get rough?"

Mike didn't know how to answer Scott's question. Yes, he did want to get rough, but he didn't want to get hurt--Scott had just lifted up a total weight of a thousand pounds off the floor at the height of his orgasm--he was incredibly powerful. Finally, "yes", Mike said, "I wanna get rough as we can get!" "Great", Scott bellowed. "Get on the machine I just got off of, take your pants and shirt off, and I'll reduce the weight for you." Mike did as he was told. He didn't care how puny he looked, he just couldn't wait for what was going to happen next. As Scott reduced the weight on the back of the machine to 75 lbs., Mike stripped to his briefs and sat on the machine. "My turn", Scott said. "You pump the weight, I do the work." Slowly, Mike started to pump the 75 lbs., which was a challenge to him. Scott got on his hands and knees in front of Mike's puny, brief-encased package and smiled.

As Mike was pumping, Scott went to work, doing exactly to Mike what Mike had done to him. He used his teeth and tongue to open the briefs, smiling and the tiny tools that lay underneath them.

He gently took Mike's cock into his mouth. "God", Mike thought, "Even his mouth has a lot of power." Scott began to suck Mike cock back and forth slowly, than faster and faster. Bang! Mike had achieved orgasm in seconds. It was tiny and pathetic, but it was an orgasm--though nothing compared to Scott's. Scott, however, was thrilled. He stood up and flexed in front of Mike, ordering him to keep pumping. "I'm gonna add all the weight back, don't move--we're gonna get rough like you asked", Scott said. Soon, Mike was paralyzed holding onto the weight machine's pads. Scott had made the weight in the back of the machine 765 lbs. again.

Scott ordered Mike off the machine. "Are you ready to try anything?", Scott asked. "Sure am!", Mike said. "Good, we're gonna switch underwear--we're gonna get really close", Scott said. Puzzled, but obeying, Mike watched as Scott took off his skin tight boxers, revealing a package that looked bigger than anything Mike had ever seen. Then, he took his briefs off and handed them to Scott. "They'll never fit", Mike told Scott. With a smile on his face, Scott flexed everything inward, forcing the briefs to fit. "Sit on the machine", Scott ordered. Mike listened, taking his place on the machine. "I wanna feel everything...everything about you", Scott said slyly, staring at Mike sitting on the machine's seat. Mike thought about the danger of what he was going to suggest, then quickly cast it aside, "sit on me, and do your workout", Mike said. "Yeah right, I'll break you in half, you'll become part of the seat of I sit on you and work out!", Scott said, feeling good about his size. "We said we were going to get rough, now sit on me", Mike ordered. Scott, standing there in Mike's briefs, and Mike sitting there in boxers that on him were so big it was ridiculous, stared at each other.

"What the hell, if you want it rough, you're about to get it rough", Scott said. With that, he sat on Mike gently, not wanting to break him in half. "UGHHH!", the air was forced out of Mike as Scott sat on him. Mike could feel Scott's package hanging on his legs through the skin tight briefs that once contained his tiny tools. Scott began to pump the 765 lbs. again. Just from the thought of what Scott must look like pressing all this weight, Mike's tiny cock, contained by Scott's huge boxers, went up pressing into Scott's right thigh. "YES!", Scott roared, "this is what i want." Despite the pain, this is what Mike wanted, too.

If this is how he was to die, this is how he WANTED to die, Mike thought. "Crush me!", Mike screamed. In the fit of another orgasm, Scott stood all the way up, lifting the 765 lbs. with him. He stood up with such force, the tight briefs were wedged into Scott's powerful ass, giving a beautiful view from behind.

CRASH! Scott crashed his powerful body onto Mike. "UGGGGGGFFFF!"

was the only sound Mike could make as his dick slid right up Scott's powerful ass, with only the briefs as a sheath. Scott stood up and flexed every muscle in his body in a powerful lunge.

Mike could not stand up. "I think you broke me.", he said to Scott. "Nah, only bruising", Scott said, looking at Mike's puny legs, "c'mon, GET UP!, I've got something really good to show you. Mike slowly, painfully got up, feeling like his legs were on fire. Scott looked incredible to Mike as he walked across the room wearing the tight briefs...


Mike followed Scott across the basement to a leg press machine. It was the weirdest machine Mike

had ever seen. It had two leg pedals which were attached to massive amounts of weight below the machine. The machine had such an awkward angle that the headboard was nearly on the floor, so that the leg pedals were on an incline way above the headboard. "Watch this", Scott said. Scott, still wearing Mike's briefs, got on the machine, his head on the low headboad, his legs bent and his feet on the foot pedals. Mike new Scott had powerful legs, but nothing could prepare him for what he was about to see.

The leg pedals were attached to a THOUSAND pounds of weight. "What are you going to do?", Mike asked innocently. "Just watch", Scott replied with a smile. Slowly, Scott pushed the leg pedals out away from the machine, lifting the thousand pounds of weight, which was attached to the bottom of the machine with a cable. "OH MY GOD!", was all Mike could say over and over again as Scott smiled. "Sometimes freaky stuff happens when I leg press a thousand pounds", Scott said to Mike. All of a sudden, the speed with which Scott was pressing the weight picked up. Over and over and over again, each time getting faster, Scott roared with great pressure. Then Mike heard it: a tearing sound. As Scott was pressing the weight, his thighs flexed incredibly, but the Mike's tiny briefs wouldn't be able to support Scott for long.

Finally, in what was the last push, Scott turned to Mike, "ready to be excited?", he asked. Barely able to talk, Mike said, "am I ever!". Scott let the leg pedals come all the way back on the machine. As they did, they pushed Scott's massive thighs closer to his body--not that Scott was tired, he was just preparing for something big. The pedals slid more and more down the machine, and the closer Scott's feet got to his powerful ass, the more Mike's briefs stretched, until they could stretch no more. With Scott nearly in a ball on top of the machine, the leg straps of the briefs could no longer hold Scott's now fully-flexed thighs.

They just exploded. Mike could not believe what he was seeing. The leg straps snapped, and the small strap of briefs between Scott's legs gave out. The elastic waistband, unable to cover Scott any longer, tore away and the now rag-like briefs fell to the floor. Scott roared in full orgasm. The briefs were forced out of the way and into the air by the geiser of cum now spraying from Scott. "HOW ROUGH DO YOU WANT TO GET!", he screamed to Mike. Before Mike could answer, Scott, fully naked, 9 inch erection exposed, ROARED and lifted the whole leg machine off the floor. Scott went to a drawer and took out a pair of even tighter pair of boxers than he was wearing before. Mike wanted to feel Scott, even more than he did before on the arm machine. "Break me, musclegod, break me", Mike said to Scott. "With pleasure", Scott smiled. Scott easily picked Mike up and put him on the bench of the leg machine. Mike didn't know what was going to happen next, but he hoped it would be more pleasure than pain. Scott went to the area under the leg pedals and added 600 lbs.--HE WAS GOING TO LEG PRESS 1600 LBS.! "Get on!", Mike told Scott. Without a word, Scott got ontop of Mike, who was laying on the bench of the leg machine. Fire. Pain. Blackout. Mike couldn't believe what Scott felt like on top of him. "You alright?", Scott asked. "Fine!", Mike yelled. Scott adjusted himself, which made Mike think he was going to be broken in half. All of a sudden, what was that feeling? Scott reached in between his legs until he found Mike's cock. He began stroking it and stroking it until it was as hard as it could get. "What is he doing?", Mike thought out loud. "I'm making a tripod!", Scott laughed. Mike was now as hard as he could be, and Scott lifted his own package, placed Mike's erection right between his legs and then let his own package's full weight come down on Mike's cock. He was literally using Mike for support. "How's that feel?", Scott asked. "Heavy", Mike responded. It was the truth. Mike was actually in pain and pleasure, supporting the massive weight of Scott's package. Slowly, Scott returned to his workout, his girth supported by Mike's puny cock. As Scott let the leg pedals all the way back down the machine, Mike began to cry. At first, he cried because he was being crushed. He literally thought he would die. Scott was unimaginably heavy.

Mike's tiny stomach was what Scott's huge, muscular ass rested on, and it was completely flat. Mike could feel Scott growing erect, because his tiny rod was supporting Scott's huge package. "Do you want me to stop, are you really alright?", Scott asked with concern. Mike thought for a minute, then responded.

"HURT ME, REALLY HURT ME!", Mike screamed. "Are you sure, really sure?", Scott asked. "YES", Mike screamed. With that, Scott did as he was told. He flexed his huge, powerful ass muscles, which were laying on top of Mike's puny stomach. "UGGGH!", Mike cried out. "I think I should stop now", Scott said, "I don't want to crush you!" "CRUSH ME!", Mike responded--, "Make me feel your powers!" To make sure he would get what he wanted, Mike playfully bit Scott's back. Scott reached into the boxers Mike was wearing and took his dick out of them. Feeling he was no longer "supporting" Scott, Mike couldn't imagine what was going on. Then he felt it. Scott took Mike's dick and inserted it fully into his ass, with only the boxers as a sheath. "AWESOME!", Mike screamed. "Glad you like it!", Scott said.

With that, he went back to his workout. He was literally stroking Mike's cock with his ass muscles as they contracted to lift the 1600 lbs. Mike was pleasured unbelievably. "YES, YES, YES!", Mike screamed.

The pain was unbelievable, but so was the pleasure. Then, all of a sudden, Mike's dick felt Scott quiver.

Scott roared and thrust his ass muscles upward with such incredible force, Mike thought his puny dick would be ripped off. As Scott's ass muscles thrust upward, the dug into Mike's puny stomach--but the pain was worth it--Mike achieved orgasm at the same time Scott did! "I feel you!", Scott laughed. As the orgasms ended, Scott reached in, taking Mike's dick out of his ass. Letting his ass rest down onto Mike's stomach one more time, he realized he could feel the bottom of the bench right through Mike. Realizing his size, Scott quickly got up and got off of Mike, who was smiling. "How do you feel?", Scott asked.

Mike simply smiled. "You're the most powerful guy I've ever met", Mike groaned. "Did I hurt you?", Scott asked. "I don't know--I don't care", said Mike. To Scott, Mike looked flatter than he did before the previous excercise. "I want you to pump my stomach--show me what you're really made of!", Mike ordered Scott. "You want me to what?", Scott replied, "No way, If I do anything else to you with my legs, you'll be crushed like a soda can!" "Just do it!", Mike ordered once more. "Alright, but we're gonna do it my way", Scott replied. Slowly, Scott let his massive rod slip out of the fly of his tight boxers. Mike was still laying on the angled bench of the leg press machine. Scott straddled the bench, "open wide!", he said to Mike. With that he inserted his hot rod into Mike's mouth, and lowered his huge girth on Mike's chest.

"Let's excercise the lungs", Scott said, "Breathe deep!" With that, Mike took a deep breath. Incredibly, he was actually able to fill his chest with air even with Scott sitting on it--Mike couldn't believe that fact that his puny chest was able to lift 225 lbs. Of muscle! "Now", Scott said, "here's the plan: I don't want to do any work this time. You breathe in and out really fast, I'll do up and down with your breathing, and you'll get the full taste of my rod without me doing any work!" Mike smiled a big smile and nodded. He wanted to do the work, he wanted to show this huge musclegod what he was made of. With Scott's huge gong in his mouth, he began to breathe in and out, slowly at first. With each breath out, Mike lowered Scott even more so that his huge cock went even deeper into his throat. Then faster and faster and faster yet. Mike could feel Scott achieving full orgasm. "AHHH!", Scott roared incredibly, and stood up as the precum came. He stood up so fast, he picked Mike up between his massive thighs. Mike couldn't believe it. Scott, who just seconds ago had been straddling him, stood up so fast and with such force that he lifted Mike's entire body up between his legs! Scott let everyting go. Gallons and gallons of hot cum were forced into Mike's mouth. "The man is incredible!", Mike thought to himself. Mike also had some degree of fear mixed with this pleasure--he knew that if Scott accidentally closed his thighs, he'd be crunched. But then, gently, Scott relaxed his thigh-flex and let Mike slip slowly to the floor, cum still on his lips. Scott and Mike smiled at each other as Scott tucked his meat back into the skin tight boxers. "I'll be right back!", Scott said happily, then ran up the basement stairs. "The guy is a monster, a total monster, and he's ALL MINE!", Mike said to himself. Seconds later, Scott came back downstaris carrying Mike's bicycle. "What can we do with this?", Scott asked, referring to the bike. "Anything you want, use it to show me your real power, show me your true muscle!", Mike screamed. Scott sat on the small seat of the bicycle. "Oh my God!", Mike said. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Just from Scott's pure weight, the bicycle began to creak. The tires were nearly crushed flat. Scott began to ride it around the basement. "YOU'RE INCREDIBLE!", Mike bellowed. Right before his eyes, the seat of his bike was actually bending to fit Scott's powerful crotch. The wheels were actually bending into ovals as Scott moved on the bike. Every time Scott pedaled the bike, the seat would creak as if in pain--the springs supporting the seat gave out immediately and were literally crushed so flat they couldn't even be seen. Then, Scott stopped, grabbed the handlebars, and flexed inward. "OH MY GOD!", Mike screamed. Scott was actually bending the handlebars inward and ripping them off the bike. Then Scott got off the bike. "Come here", he said to Mike, "that puny little seat of yours gave me a nicely placed wedige--wanna help me out?" "You bet!", Mike said. He went over behind Scott and found out he wasn't kidding. The tight boxers were almost completely crushed into Scott's powerful ass. Mike reached into Scott's ass, but before he could pull the boxers out, Scott flexed his ass together. Mike's hand was trapped in Scott's ass. "FLEX!", Mike yelled.

Scott did as he was told once again, slamming his powerful ass together. Mike didn't scream, yell, or flinch--but the pain was incredible. He just wanted to see up close and personal how powerful Scott's ass really was--and he found out it was very powerful. "LET GO! LET GO!", Mike screamed. Scott laughed, and so did Mike, even though the pain he had just felt was incredible. "We're gonna finish up now", Scott said. He picked up a poorly made wooden stool that was low to the ground and sat on it. "Come around to the front, on your hands and knees!", he ordered Mike. Mike did as he was told. Kneeling before Scott, he did exactly what Scott had wanted him to do. He licked Scott's crotch through the boxers. All of a sudden, "Hold on a sec!", Scott ordered. Scott grabbed the crotch of his boxers, and in one single flick of the wrist, ripped it to shreds. "I don't wanna be contained!", he said with a smile. Before Mike was the most incredible display of cock he had ever seen. Scott's package was huge in general--his fully erect cock was more than 9 inches long, and his balls were huge. "GO TO WORK!", he ordered Mike. Mike immediately enveloped Scott's huge gong in his mouth. He let it slide all the way down his throat so that he could feel everything. He then caressed it with his tongue. Scott began to get hard, and the huge rod worked itself into Mike's throat. From being erect so many times in the last few hours, it was easy for Scott to become fully aroused now. All of a sudden, Scott grabbed Mike by the ears and began to move his head gently up and down on his cock. As opposed to pumping his cock, Scott was using Mike's head as some kind of device to achieve orgasm--and by the smile on Mike's face, it was easy to see he liked it. Quickly, Scott picked up the pace. "HERE IT COMES!", Scott roared. As Scott held Mike by the ears and thrust his cock into his mouth with inredible force, Mike could feel Scott let a huge load go. Scott's cock was so deep in Mike's mouth Mike didn't even taste the cum, it was being delivered straight to his stomach. SLAM!

Scott slammed his monster-cock into Mike's mouth with such force, the tiny wooden stool collapsed, and Mike was forced to let go of Scott. "OUT OF MY WAY!", Scott screamed as he stood up. He then turned and faced the rubble of the stool and let the remainder of his huge load go on it. Slowly, Mike began to get dressed, wearing Scott's boxers. "Keep the boxers", Scott said, "because there will be a next time--at your house." "Agreed!", Mike said with a smile, and with that, he was redressed and heading up the stairs on his way back home--happier than he had ever been in his entire life.


Mike couldn't believe it. Tonight was the night he had been dreaming of. Scott was coming over to HIS house to show off. His parents were visiting relatives overnight, and they would be alone in the house, where Scott could do whatever he wanted to Mike. And Mike still had those boxers from last time, which was another, added plus. These were the very same boxers which Scott had used in his incredible sexual acts the last time they were together. It was 7:00 PM, and Mike's parents would be leaving any minute. In just one hour, Scott would arrive, bigger than he was the last time. IN the school weightroom, Mike had watched as Scott increased his workout weights and length. Scott was now benching 240 for over 25 minutes at a time, and squatting 500lbs. For over an hour at a time. Tonight was going to be HUGE. Mike looked around at the small furniture in his bedroom. He knew if Scott got very abusive, the bed and the small wooden chair wouldn't be able to survive the abuse that this muscleman could easily provide. He remembered that he had some small weightlifiting machines in the basement, but that Scott could probably bench the ENTIRE machines without so much as sweating. He also didn't think the machines were heavy enough to support Scott's massive girth while he was working out.

At 8 o'clock, the doorbell rang. When Mike opened it, he almost died! There was Scott standing in a pair of tight, revealing jeans and a sweatshirt. He looked like a God. He stepped in without saying a word, picked 125 lb. Mike up, closed the door, and carried Mike upstairs to his bedroom. "This stuff isn't going to withstand the abuse I'm gonna give," Scott said with a smirk. "I know-so what does that mean?"

Mike asked. "It means some stuff is gonna break," Scott replied. Scott walked over to Mike's tiny wooden desk chair, and sat on it backwards, his arms resting on the back of the chair. As Scott's full weight came to rest on the chair, it creaked and swayed. "I don't think it's used to holding a bull load like yours up,"

Mike said. "Yeah, tell me," Scott said, "this is the most uncomfortable chair I've ever sat on-let me adjust it." Scott stood up for a second, took off his jeans, and revealed that this time he was wearing boxers with an extra short leg-Mike's favorite kind. Standing only in his boxers, Scott reassumed his position sitting backwards on the chair. "Now," Scott said, "for a demonstration of power!" Scott lifted his muscle ass off the chair's thin wooden seat, and slammed it down. "CRACK" The seat had cracked, but not broken yet. "My god," Mike said, "you're still incredible." Scott lifted his tremendous girth off the weakened chair, and slammed it again. "CRACK" The chair had given way, and Scott was on the floor with the rubble around him.

"UNDRESS," Scott ordered Mike, "strip down to your cute little briefs. Mike did as he was told.

Scott lifted Mike up and tossed him on his bed, face down. As Scott jumped on the bed, it began to creak and roll. Mike knew this could be the end of his childhood bed. "Need to make some room," Scott said.

As Mike tried to figure out what Scott meant, he felt Scott grab the seat of his briefs and rip a hole in it.

SLAM. Scott had slammed his cock through the hole in the seat of the briefs right into Mike's tiny little ass. "UGGGFFF, please Scott, you're going to crush me!" Mike trembled. Scott was ass fucking Mike with his cock hanging out of the fly of his boxers. All of a sudden, Mike yelled, "harder, harder1" Scott did as he was told. Grabbing onto Mike's tiny little shoulders, he began to ride him. Scott's barrel chest rested squarely ontop of Mike's puny back, and Scott knew every time he breathed he could crush Mike. "Here it comes," Scott said. Mike closed his eyes. "Make me know you're there, big man!" Mike yelled. Scott lifted his cock completely out of Mike's tiny ass, ROARED, and slammed it in like a freight train. Mike groaned and groaned. He was truly in agony and ecstasy. "God," Mike said, "you're still incredible!" The truth was, Mike felt like he was snapped at the wishbone. He was very sore. "You have any exercise equipment around here?" Scott asked. "Yeah," Mike replied, "but it's some stuff of mine, some really puny crap. You'll probably break it if you get really rough. But then again, I'd like to see how much abuse it can tolerate, so let's go down stairs."

Scott followed Mike into the basement, where they came upon exercise machines where the maximum bench press was 125 lbs. Scott knew he could bench the whole machine without getting tired.

Scott went over to a laundry pile, slipped out of his boxers, and slipped on a pair of Mike's tight white briefs. "Let's recreate what we had last time," Scott said. "Mike, you get on the seat of that bench press machine, I'll be over in a minute." Silently, Mike did as he was told, sitting in his tattered briefs on the seat of the tiny exercise machine. He knew what was about to happen-Scott was going to sit on him and bench press, and he was INCREDIBLY excited at the thought of it! "What do you think," Scott said, appearing before Mike wearing the tiny briefs. "They're gonna collapse," Mike said with a smile. Without another word, Scott sat down on top of Mike, who was sitting on the puny machine. "Comfortable?" Scott asked? "Just make me feel all your powers," Mike replied. Scott knew this machine was going to break.

As soon as he sat on top of it, it began to wobble. And with Mike's added 125 lbs. Underneath him, there was 350 lbs. On the machine. As Scott began to let his huge body settle on the machine, he could feel the thin bolts holding the machine together creek and bend. "The machine's moaning from having to hold you up," Mike said with a laugh. "Are you comfortable?" Scott asked. "I'm fine," Mike answered, "now stop talking and show this machine who's boss!" Scott began to bench press the machine's maximum of 125 with ease. "I'm gonna get rough with this machine now," Scott said. "GO FOR IT!" Mike yelled. Scott began to push the bars of the machine as far as they would go. Breathing deep, he slammed the bars attached to the weights as far as they would go, again and again, and again. "CLANG!" Scott had broken the bars right off the machine! HE HAD RIPPED THE STEEL BOLTS APART! Stepping off Mike for a second, Scott said, "watch this!" He did a right lunge, flexing his HUGE thigh muscle, nearly breaking Mike's tiny briefs. Stepping around to the back of the machine, Scott yelled, "hold on!" He began to lift the battered machine, with Mike on it, over and over and over again! "God, you're unreal," Mike said while being lifted with the machine. "You ain't seen nothin' yet," Scott said, "get off the seat." Scott then sat on the seat backwards, his face facing the back of the seat. Slowly, he flexed his thighs enough to lift his huge muscled ass off the tiny seat. He brought it down with a crash. Mike watched in amazement as the seat bent. "Do it again," Mike said. Scott looked at Mike and said, "Listen Mike, if I slam my muscle ass on the seat again, the machine's gonna die!" "Just do it!" Mike yelled. With that, Scott lifted his huge ball of ass, encased in Mike's tiny briefs, up high over the seat and brought it down with more forced than Mike ever thought was possible. The whole machine just collapsed onto the floor. The seat was attached to the main support bolts of the machine, and they had just snapped under Scott. "Holy shit!" Mike yelled as Scott got up off the floor and the rubble of the machine on the floor.

In a sudden rage, Scott walked over to Mike's tiny leg extension machine and ROARED. "What are you gonna do?" Mike asked. Without answering, Scott picked the machine up off the floor-200 lb.

Weight all, and threw it across the basement into a concrete wall. The machine disintegrated to rubble on impact. "Now," Scott said, "I'm gonna have some fun with you." He picked Mike up and carried him up the stairs, back to his room.

When they arrived at Mike's room, Scott said, "I'm gonna give you a night like you've never had before." "Wait," Mike said, "demonstrate your power first. See my desk chair?" Scott looked over to Mike's desk, and behind it was a small folding chair. The chair had a light steel frame with a pressboard seat, covered by a thin cushion. "Yeah," Scott replied, "I see the chair." "Bring it here in front of the bed,"

Mike said. As Scott folded the chair up and carried it in front of the bed, he looked a sign on the bottom of the thin pressboard seat. The sign read, "Caution: weight limit 150 lbs." "You see this sign about the weight limit?" Scott asked. "Yeah," Mike said, "now show me what you can do to it. I want you to prove your awesome sexual power to me by using only your bottom half-from the waist down, to reduce that chair to dust." Without speaking, Scott set the chair down in front of Mike's bed. He stared at it for a while. Then, he gently sat down on the chair with his legs spread wide open. Mike's briefs were barely surviving, having to hold the full weight of Scott's load now that his legs were open. "God, your equipment is huge," Mike said. Scott just smiled. As his full weight came to rest on the chair-he was 75 lbs. Above the weight limit-the chair groaned and creaked. Legs still wide open, he lifted his tremendous ball-of-muscle ass up, and SLAMMED it on the seat. The pressboard cracked, and the metal frame of the chair bent and twisted in a way it just wasn't designed to go. What was left of the seat and metal frame was leaning awkwardly to the right. "The right side is my dominant, heavier thigh," Scott explained. Once again, legs open, Scott lifted his muscle packed ass above the weakened chair, and SLAMMED onto it.

This time, he ended up on the floor. "Holy Shit!" Mike yelled. Scott was amazed with himself, too. There wasn't much left of the chair. The cheap pressboard dissolved into sawdust, and the metal frame just bent, crushed, and compacted itself into a mangled pile on the floor.

"Take me now!" Mike ordered. Scott jumped on Mike's bed, playwrestling. He easily pinned Mike face down on the bed. Scott squeezed his huge, powerful member out of the fly on Mike's briefs, "stay face down so you don't get hurt," Scott laughed. "I'll do anything you want," Mike said, "just pleasure me like I've never been pleasured before. His cock out of Mike's briefs, he began doing push ups over Mike, each time lowering his load gently into Mike, through the hole he'd ripped in Mike's undies earlier in the night. "This is boring, do it HARDER!" Mike screamed. Scott did as he was told. He increased the rate of the pushups and came slamming down into Mike. He flexed his ass into a hard ball. "HERE IT COMES!"

Scott roared. As Scott slammed down harder than he ever had before into Mike, he began to groan. Amid the sounds of his groaning, a crack was clearly heard. As Mike groaned and groaned, cumming all over his bedspread, he said, "I think you cracked my bed frame!" "This should take care of how you feel about your bed," Scott replied, shooting a deep load into Mike. "Who needs drugs when you have this kind of feeling right here with you?" Mike laughed. Scott withdrew from Mike, getting into bed next to him.

"Sweet dreams, lil' guy," Scott said.

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