Scotts Dream

By moc.loa@82reggagylloL

Published on Aug 10, 2000


Disclaimer: Yadda yadda yadda, if you're under 18 (or 21 in some utterly ridiculous jurisdictions) you technically shouldn't be reading this but knowing that is probably your sole intention and you won't follow the disclaimer here, don't hold me responsible and don't get caught. If gay sex offends you, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? There is no man/man sex yet anyway. Anyway, enjoy! **********

----Chapter 1

As Scott sat upright in his bed, the sweat that ran down his face in small droplets chilled him. Scott has been having these dreams a lot lately. All he saw was a face. A face surrounded in mist, just so it was barely visible, looking for something. That something was Scott. The mysterious face kept on calling his name.

"Why?" Scott thought. "What does the face want with me? And why is my cock rock hard?"

The face was youngish and slender, with dark brown hair. It had grey-blue eyes, that seemed to freeze your gaze when you looked into them.

Scott walked downstairs to get a drink of water. He then headed straight for the bathroom, he had almost pissed himself from that freaky dream. He held his dick and let loose. As the stream fell into the toilet bowl, he sighed and relaxed knowing that his bladder was empty. He returned upstairs and fell back into bed. Scott's dick was coming back to it's normal soft state. He closed his eyes, still pondering about that face...

Scott woke the next morning to an empty house at 9:30. He went downstairs and fixed himself a bowl of cereal. All he could think about was the face in his dreams. Scott went back to his room and switched on his computer. He logged onto AOL and went directly to he favorite list which contained a lot of links to sex sites. Scott was a normal teenager, 15, and raging hormones controlled his life. He clicked the first link and after a few seconds a page appeared with a good-looking guy fucking a busty girl up the ass. His cock sprang to attention. He grabbed the hand lotion next to the bed and started to jerk off to the pictures at his disposal. Scott's right hand clicked the "Next" button at the lower-right hand corner of the page and another picture of the same couple having vaginal sex popped up. His hand was moving furiously up and down his throbbing member. He could tell he was getting close. When the next picture loaded, Scott felt the wonderful sensation building around him and came with a little whimper and spurted white cream onto his desk. He then realized that the dream-face had appeared in his mind's eye at the point of orgasm.

"Wow," he thought. "That was weird. For the first time I get hard dreaming about this guy, and now I cum thinking about him? What the hell is up with me? Do I LIKE this guy?"

He spent the rest of the day thinking about the face. Scott was totally infatuated with it. When his parents got home, they even thought he looked a little preoccupied.

Scott jumped in the pool and swam back and forth, this was his daily exercise routine. He knew that swimming used nearly all muscles in his body, so he saw it as the most ideal way to get in shape. Scott was 5'9", medium-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and he weighed about 170 pounds. He knew if he could just lose some weight he would look pretty decent. He hated his belly the most. It was the part of him that he thought looked the worst. He didn't want a chiseled stomach. He didn't really like that look, he thought that if you were almost flat, where your stomach stuck out just a tiny bit, was perfect. That was the look he was striving for. Then, he thought, he could be at least a bit attractive.

Over the next few months, he continued to have the same dream. And more and more, he realized, he was attracted to this guy. It was really hard for him to admit it to himself. Then he finally came to terms with his feelings and allowed himself to have feelings for the face that he dreamed about. He continued to swim nearly every day and eventually got the look he strived for, in time for school to start.

On September 6, school started, and Scott drearily stepped onto the bus that would take his 3 months of freedom away from him. He sat in his seat, dressed in his new clothes and new haircut, and looked out of the window. He thought about how, for the next 9 months, his life would suck except for weekends and school holidays. During his thoughts, he felt someone sit next to him. He looked over, and to his utter astonishment, the dream-face was sitting next to him, only this time it was attached to a body. A body very similar to Scott's at that. He was to afraid to speak to him at first, but he had an urge to find out dream-face's name. Scott opened his mouth and let himself say, "Hi, I'm Scott. Are you new here?"

"Yea," he-who-has-yet-to-be-named replied. "moved here over the summer. Well Scott, you are the first person to talk to me. I guess that makes you my new best friend." He shot Scott a cute smile, and all Scott could do is smile back.

"I guess so. We can't be friends until I know your name though." This was like an itch in the back of his brain, who the hell was this guy?!

"Oh, I suppose you're right. I'm Flinn."

Itch scratched. Scott knew his name, and he was content for the time being. "Sexy face, sexy body, hell even a sexy name. He's funny, and has THE perfect body. How cool is this? The only thing that could make this better was if he was gay." Scott thought to himself. He had a 1 in 10 chance, theoretically.

"But my luck," Scott thought, "probably slims that moderate chance down to miniscule. Stupid luck."

It turned out that they were in two classes and lunch together. In Math and Science, they both made a point to sit next to each other. They always were whispering to each other. In lunch, they sat together.

"So Flinn, are you enjoying Manorville so far?" Scott lived in Manorville, a small town on Long Island.

"Yea, it's OK. It is kind of small and rural though. There are a lot of farms here. I love the city a whole lot more. Oh, by the way, I moved from New York City." Flinn sounded like he missed the city.

"So do I. About liking the city, I mean. I usually visit a few times a year, and I can't get enough."

"My Mom just remarried, and he doesn't like the city. So we moved here instead. I don't like him much. He just seems so, I don't know. Fake. Like he's using my Mom in some way."

"If you don't mind my asking, how did your real Dad die?"

"Oh, he died in a drive-by. We lived in downtown Manhattan, in a bad part. I went uptown almost everyday by subway, just to get away from there. We were planning to move uptown after my dad died, but then Roger, that's my stepdad's name, came along and begged to move out east. I miss my Dad. A lot. He always was there when a had a problem, and then he just, just -"

Scott could tell he was sad remembering his Dad, and he saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh man, I'm sorry for reminding you. Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Flinn nodded, and Scott led him to the men's room where they went to the stall farthest away. Flinn started to sob. Scott decided he should give him a hug, it was the right thing to do whether he was attracted to Flinn or not. "Though it's not like I wouldn't enjoy it," he thought. As he hugged him, Flinn completely relaxed and hugged back, his chin on Scott's shoulder. Scott heard him sniffling, and then Flinn said, "Thanks. ::sniff:: This is just what I needed."

"No problem bud. It was my fault for asking. Are you OK now?"

"Yea, thanks."

They returned to lunch. Scott knew that they had just shared a rather private moment, and only people you trust could be let in on a secret like that. He felt that Flinn really trusted him. And Scott genuinely felt sorry for Flinn.

*********** Well there ya have it. The first installment. Please e-mail or IM at, tell me what you think, what I should change, what you would like to see in the next installments. And if there's mixed-up 'I's and 'he's or 'my's and 'his's, its my fault, I'm used to writing in first person. I'm going to switch POV's in the next chapter. Alright, I'll stop talking and let you get to writing those comments, and oh yea, please mention something about 'Scott's Dream' in the Subj...or it probably will be deleted, and flames are ignored for you don't have to read it if ya don't want to. Thanx!

Next: Chapter 2

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