Scout Feet Exploration

By K Writing

Published on Mar 2, 2014



This story is complete fiction. Any similarities between these fictional characters and any living person is purely coincidental. This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between an incoming college student (17) and high school freshman. If that offends you, please do not continue.

In addition, this story contains various foot fetish scenes. If you do not enjoy reading about this fetish, I highly suggest you do not continue. But for those of you who do, feel free to keep reading and enjoy the deliciousness.

Thank you to anyone who reads this story, and I welcome comments to let me know what you thought about the story, and how I can improve. And please consider making a donation to nifty to keep this amazing site up and running!

Self-control. Have some self-control. It was the mantra that echoed in Chase's mind every day, and the one that always seemed to fall on deaf ears. He felt like such a perv, and often fell asleep praying that he could be cured of his foot fetish.

The first time Chase had even the slightest interest in feet was in the third grade. His older brother, Jeff, a sixth grader and the coolest guy on the face of the planet as far as Chase was concerned, came from home soccer practice and crashed onto the couch.

"My feet feel like they're gonna explode," Jeff said. He plopped his feet, covered by his blue and white soccer socks, onto the table. Chase and Jeff had both been scolded numerous times by their mom for doing this, but she wasn't home, so Chase was more than happy to emulate his brother.

As he watched Jeff stretch and curl his toes through his socks, Chase found his attention gradually drifting from the afternoon cartoons to his brother's socked feet. He wasn't even sure why he was looking so much, but Jeff was sighing and groaning so often that Chase felt compelled to do something.

Without saying anything, Chase reached forward and took hold of his brother's feet, sliding them into his lap. Surprise flashed across Jeff's face, but he didn't protest. With Jeff's feet in his lap, Chase felt frozen. He had no idea what he was doing. But when Jeff wiggled his toes through his socks, Chase took hold of the right foot.

His touch was tentative at first, but the sighs pouring from Jeff's mouth encouraged Chase to be bolder. Knowing that he was making his brother feel so good excited Chase, and after he peeled off the blue and white sock, he saw Jeff sink even deeper against the couch. He was doing a good job.

Jeff's foot was a little sweaty, but the smell was not unpleasant. Chase continued to massage the right foot, before giving the left the same attention. After an hour passed, Jeff gave him a "thanks, little bro" and gently pressed his foot against Chase's nose.

That became the ending to what quickly developed into a daily routine. Jeff never asked, but Chase waited on the couch for his brother to come home, let a couple minutes pass, and silently took Jeff's feet into his lap. They were usually quiet during these sessions, but as the weeks passed, they became more conversational. Chase loved hearing about sixth grade. Listening to his brother's stories while massaging his feet, Chase felt like he was a part of that older world.

Weeks went on, and Chase began to feel weird when he felt his brother's bare foot gently pressing against his nose with the familiar "thanks, little bro." He didn't think anything of the smell at first; he was just happy to get a playful gesture from Jeff. But he began looking forward to that gesture more and more, until feeling Jeff's foot pressed against his face became the highlight of his day.

He felt like a freak. Chase began thinking about his brother's feet at random points of the day, imagining that soft sole against his face and the familiar scent filling his nostrils. It only got worse when he pictured putting his brother's toes in his mouth.

Chase was convinced that he wasn't normal, a fear which only grew exponentially one night when he snuck into his brother's room. He had been thinking about doing this for weeks, but he couldn't hold back the urge anymore. Careful not to wake his brother, Chase lifted the covers just enough to expose Jeff's feet. They were warm in his hands. And after a few minutes of massaging them, testing his touch to ensure Jeff wouldn't wake up, Chase brought the big toe of Jeff's left foot into his mouth.

His own toes curled in response and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Chase couldn't believe how good it felt to have Jeff's toe in his mouth. And his pleasure skyrocketed when he began sucking in earnest, rolling his tongue around each toe and in the gaps between them. Chase especially liked it when Jeff's toes curled inside his mouth, pushing just a little deeper inside.

Chase explored Jeff's soles with his tongue, smiling when the ticklish sensation made his brother giggle. But he always returned to sucking on his brother's toes, which he enjoyed more than anything else. It gave him a weird feeling between his legs, a persisting stirring sensation that was a little painful. But the more pressure Chase felt down there, the more excited he got.

Sneaking into Jeff's room and sucking on Jeff's toes became a pattern for Chase. He always went back to his own bed feeling guilty, like he was doing something so wrong that it had to be kept secret, but this new sensation between his legs made his head spin. It wasn't until one night that he actively reacted to this growing regret.

"Little bro?"

With Jeff's big toe in his mouth, Chase knew that he was busted. He fought the urge to cry though. The whole scene was embarrassing enough – he didn't want Jeff thinking that he was a baby.

The silence that filled the room only made Chase more anxious. "Are you mad?"

Jeff stared at Chase, looked down at his feet, then back at his brother. "Nah. If you like feet so much, that's cool, I guess. But you shouldn't do that kind of stuff when someone's asleep. They might get pissed."

Chase heeded the warning and looked down, face flushed with heat. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it, little bro." Jeff messed up Chase's hair, the younger boy quickly reaching up to press it back into place. "Come on, you can sleep with me tonight."

After deciding it wasn't some elaborate trick to humiliate him, Chase crawled into bed beside his brother. Facing away from Jeff, Chase was surprised when he felt arms wrap around his body. Jeff was warm and his breath was hot against the back of Chase's neck. They fell asleep like that, Chase dreaming about sucking Jeff's toes.

Jeff put an end to the foot massages and despite the overwhelming impulse, Chase didn't sneak into Jeff's room at night anymore. Seeing his brother barefoot around the house was hard at first, and Jeff caught him staring a number of times.

"If you like feet so much, why don't you suck on your own?"

Jeff had been joking when he said it, but Chase followed the suggestion. But he didn't get excited in the same way he did when he licked and sucked on his brother's feet. Little by little, Chase's interest in feet began to dwindle, until sitting next on the couch next to barefoot Jeff didn't phase him. Jeff was proud of him. Chase was proud of himself.

Chase joined the Boy Scouts in the sixth grade. His mom didn't want him sitting around the house getting lazy all summer and with Jeff fully absorbed in his high school life, Chase decided he would go along with it. It wasn't like he had much of a choice anyway. In his household, what his mom said, went.

It wasn't at all what he had expected – there was a lot more learning about tradition, preparation, survival and a bunch of other things he didn't really understand because he wasn't paying attention. And his lack of athleticism quickly annoyed his cabinmates, who often had to slow down or wait for him. It was humiliating to be completely out of breath, holding up the group, who was dying to continue on the hiking trail. Chase wasn't surprised when he ended up alone during the designated free time.

Two weeks after arriving at the campsite, Chase was swimming alone while the rest of his cabinmates were spending their free time on a nature hike. They hadn't invited Chase, which was fine because Chase wouldn't have gone with them anyway.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Campers weren't supposed to go off alone – the buddy system insured safety, especially for the more inexperienced scouts like Chase. He was sure that he was busted, and would be put on bathroom cleaning duty, or some equally annoying job meant to instill a sense of "responsibility for one's actions." But when he turned around, he didn't see a camp counselor, but Nick, one of the older campers.

It was sort of an unspoken rule that the younger kids didn't approach the high school scouts, who tended to hang out together. Chase had seen Nick around the campsite every day, and found himself staring at the older boy.

Nick was an avid swimmer, undoubtedly one of the best in the whole camp. He spent the majority of his free time in the water, and Chase ended up hiding behind a nearby tree or in a patch of bushes just to watch Nick. He made swimming look so easy and graceful, but still exuded masculinity. He walked around the campgrounds shirtless, which was against the rules, and he was punished regularly for it. But Nick didn't care. He was too cool for that. And Chase was in awe of the sheer confidence that came so naturally to Nick.

"You swimming alone?" Nick asked.

Chase nodded. His mouth felt dry, especially when Nick undid the buttons of his scout shirt and tossed it aside. He expected Nick to jump in, but the older boy pulled down his shorts and underwear too, leaving him completely naked before hopping into the water with a big splash.

Other than in the camp showers, and the baths that he and Jeff used to share when they were younger, Chase had never seen anyone else naked. Nick's body was amazing, so much more muscular than his own, and he was completely hairless. Chase felt the familiar stirring between his legs as Nick swam closer to him.

"Chase, right? I'm Nick." Nick extended his hand, and Chase offered his, marveling at how strong the older boy's grip was. "You do know how to talk, right?"

Chase felt his cheeks grow hot. "Of course I do!"

"Just checking," Nick said with a grin. "Now that we've got that out of the way, let's swim."

Glad for the chance to recover from the overwhelming embarrassment, Chase let his worries wash away as he swam through the water. He tried not to stare too much at Nick, but when the high schooler dove underwater and came back up, the sun reflecting the glistening water drops on his body, it was near impossible not to look a little.

He was caught off guard when he felt a pair of hands around his waist, and before he could protest, his scout shorts and underwear were pulled off his body, leaving him completely naked.

"Hey!" he shouted.

Nick surfaced, holding the younger boy's clothes with what Chase assumed to be his signature grin. "You're way too shy. You gotta loosen up, and the best way to do that is to be naked."

"What if someone sees us?"


As insane as it sounded to Chase, he gradually began to forget about his embarrassment. Being naked in a public place was surprisingly freeing. Chase certainly wasn't an avid swimmer, but he wanted to keep up with Nick. He attempted to imitate the swift underwater movements. As usual, he couldn't hold his own, and became tired fairly quickly, but he was enjoying himself, a definite first since joining the Boy Scouts.

After thirty minutes, Chase and Nick swam back to the shore. Lying naked out in the open, Chase didn't reach for his clothes. Nick's penchant for being naked was contagious.

"We have that stupid merit badge information session in an hour. You wanna skip?"

Chase didn't think it was a good idea. They would definitely get punished if they were caught. But the idea of spending time alone with Nick spurred him on. "Okay."


Nick lay back and closed his eyes. Chase couldn't help but let his eyes wander across the older boy's naked body, his gaze centering down those long legs and locking on Nick's feet. When Nick curled his toes, Chase's dick started to harden. The sight was almost entrancing.

This sensation hadn't racked his body since Jeff, but now Chase was familiar with what was happening, thanks to a rushed sex-ed class at school that sent most students to the internet for more information. After hours of research, Chase discovered the term: foot fetish. Seeing a name for his unexplained fascination and reports on how it was one of the most common fetishes, Chase felt less like a freak. And once he knew what "getting turned on" was, Chase made every effort to keep his arousal hidden.

But with Nick lying next to him, completely exposed, Chase felt powerless to his own urges. Nick's feet aroused Chase even more than the older boy's naked body.

Nick opened one eye and smiled, making Chase turn red. Nick didn't say anything, and closed his eyes again. Chase wasn't sure whether or not the high schooler had caught on to his staring, but when the chance presented itself again, Chase stared at Nick's feet, feeing his dick throb at the sight.

They stayed naked the entire time – for the rest of their designated free time, and then afterward, when Chase ditched the mandatory meeting to hang out with Nick. They walked along a hiking trail, feeling the warm air against their bare skin. Without anyone else pressuring him to walk faster, or make him "hurry up," Chase enjoyed taking in the sights. Naturally, his eyes drifted to his naked partner more than the actual natural scenery, but he enjoyed himself all the same.

Even when he and Chase were punished for missing what the Scout Masters called "a very important educational meeting," Chase was surprised at how light the consequence was. So that they could fully enjoy their choice to be "nudists," the two of them were ordered to remain naked for the rest of the day. The day before, Chase would have been too humiliating to take, but watching Nick so confident in his skin inspired Chase to do the same. And it relatively easy. The other guys thought it was cool that he was so nonchalant about being naked in front of everyone.

Then he noticed other boys beginning to strip too. It was a measure of solidarity, all of his cabin-mates shedding their clothes so that when Chase looked around the campfire, all he saw were naked bodies. None of them excited him more than Nick's, but a few of the guys came pretty close. And they all had nice feet. More importantly, he was happy that this seemed to be a new start with the rest of the guys. He was part of the group now, and it was all because of Nick.

That night, Nick invited him to hang out, and Chase accepted without a second thought. The Scout Masters had ordered everyone to put their clothes on after witnessing an "inappropriate, yet honorable display of brotherhood." Chase was pretty sure that they didn't know what they were doing, and were only attempting to give the impression that they were still in full control of their camp. Of course, they didn't know that everyone shucked their clothes off and got naked again after dismissal for bed.

Chase met Nick by the water again at one in the morning, a little embarrassed that Nick was wearing a tank top and boxers, when he was completely naked. He debated going back to at least get his underwear, but when Nick waved him over, he knew that it was too late.

"You're really getting into this whole naked thing, huh?" Nick said with that characteristic grin. Chase nodded, his cheeks already hot. "Cool. Anyway, about before..."

It took Chase a moment to realize what Nick was talking about, and once he did, he wanted to dive into the water and never come out. Was this why Nick had invited him out so late at night? So there would be no one around when Nick beat him up? Chase was dizzy with fear.

"I saw you looking before, and since no one else is around, if you wanted to, you could suck on my toes."

Nick looked a little embarrassed, which somehow put Chase at ease. Knowing that Nick's confidence wasn't infinite helped him push aside his own nervousness. He had just been given the green-light to indulge in a desire he had worked so hard to keep hidden for the past couple years. He wasn't sure that he would be able to contain it again after this, but Chase didn't care.

He sat in front of Nick, taking the older boy's feet in his hand to gently massage them. Instantly, he was reminded of his older brother, but he didn't feel guilty or ashamed as he pressed his fingers against spots that had the high schooler sighing and moaning. He wanted to hear even more of those sounds. And he got his wish when he brought his mouth to Nick's left foot.

"Oh God, that feels nice," Nick groaned. "Keep going."

Nick's encouragement had Chase's confidence soaring. He took Nick's big toe into his mouth and sucked harshly, before giving each individual toe the same attention. Contrasting Jeff's reaction, Nick enjoyed having his little toe sucked the most, so that was where Chase spent the majority of his time sucking.

He licked up and down Nick's feet, then brought them together so he could suck on both big toes at the same time, heart beating a little faster when he felt them curl in his mouth. The whole time, Chase was rock-hard and he could tell Nick was too – the hard dick pressing against the thin fabric of his boxers was hard to miss.

That only spurred Chase on even further. He had never seen another guy cum before, but the possibility of watching Nick shoot his spunk in his underwear excited him to no end.

But after a couple minutes, Nick gently pushed him away with his foot, an action so reminiscent of what Jeff used to do that his balls churned in response.

Chase developed a new routine over the summer, meeting Nick in the middle of the night and sucking on his toes. Every so often a couple other high school boys joined in. One night, Chase found himself sucking on four pairs of feet. And their praise was overwhelming: "Yeah dude, suck on my toes a little harder," "Chase, your mouth is amazing," "You're making my toes so wet, dude." It was too much. As he sucked on Nick's toes, he shut his eyes and came all over the ground.

It wasn't the first time he had cum, but it had definitely been the most intense. And even though he didn't jack off all that much, he was getting desperate to see Nick shoot, to feel that pulsing dick in his hand and milk every last drop of cum out of it. But he didn't want an audience, so he waited until Nick and he were alone, two months after the start of camp.

"Sorry dude, but you're just in sixth grade." Chase didn't understand Nick's logic. Why should touching on his dick have an age restriction when sucking on his toes didn't? But he didn't dare push the subject, because he was lucky enough as it was to have Nick letting him suck on his toes and lick his feet without complaint. "But since you always do something for me, I'll return the favor."

He knew that he didn't experience the same stimulation as when he pleasured his own feet, but he had never really thought about how it would feel to have another mouth on his toes. There was no way Jeff would have ever gone for it. But when Nick reached towards him, the older boy didn't go down to his feet. Before Chase knew it, their lips were pressed together.

It was wet and weird, and he had no idea what Nick was trying to do with his tongue, but he liked it. Nick must not have had much experience, because it didn't look anything like the kisses Chase had seen on TV. And at moments, it felt like Nick was attempting to swallow him whole, but the feeling of having his tongue sucked had Chase's dick standing straight up between his legs.

They kissed a couple times after that, but their sessions mostly consisted of Chase sucking on Nick's toes, which the younger boy had no objection to. This continued until Nick was kicked out of the Boy Scouts. The Scout Masters' official reason was that "Nick was beginning to demonstrate tendencies far beyond their control." Rumor had it that they caught Nick sucking off one of the high school boys in their bunk.

The rest of the summer was largely uneventful. Nick was the orchestrator of these nightly visits, and with the threat of being sent back home fresh in everyone's minds, the older boys stopped coming around to get their toes sucked. Even though nothing else transpired for the last couple weeks of camp, the memories of the past months remained in Chase's mind, and inspired him to continue on in the Boy Scouts.

Now seventeen and a freshman in college, Chase was working for the Boy Scouts. It certainly wasn't a career path he intended to follow, but scouting had become part of his summer life, and it felt weird to suddenly give it up. And the kids seemed to like having him around, so Chase was happy giving up his summers to work in the outdoors.

The numbers were particularly small this year, so Chase was in charge of four campers: Randy, Cole, Mike and Jason. All four of them were high school freshmen, though only Mike and Jason went to the same school.

Randy was the smallest, and had a baby face that made it hard to believe that he still wasn't in junior high. With his blond hair, blue eyes and a smile that made his whole face light up, Randy was a good presence to be around. He was a little quiet, but very well-behaved, and in a camp with a bunch of rowdy boys whose idea of fun including whacking each other with sticks, Chase was thankful for Randy's sweet demeanor.

Cole was easily distinguishable from the rest of the scouts by his glasses, which were almost too big for his face, and his booming voice that echoed whenever he got excited about something, which was often. Very intelligent and knowledgeable about the wilderness, Cole took every opportunity to show off all the facts he knew. And once he got going, it was sometimes hard to get him to stop. Chase thought Cole was a handful sometimes, but he couldn't fault the boy for loving Boy Scouts as much as he did. Short light-brown hair, fair skin and long legs that always seemed to be in motion, Cole exemplified an excitement for the program that was contagious.

Mike and Hunter weren't related, but Chase commonly thought of them as the "Trouble Twins." It was clear that they had no actual interest in scouting. Their parents had forced them into the organization, and they were constantly proclaiming their annoyance about all the stupid rules, hiking for hours without purpose, and sleeping in tents with a bunch of other dudes. They disobeyed Chase daily, and even after meetings with the Scout Masters, Mike and Jason didn't let up in the slightest. Chase knew not to take it personally, but dealing with these two was undoubtedly the most frustrating part of his job.

Between the two of them, Mike was more commonly the instigator. The silent treatment was a common weapon for him, especially when Chase forced him to put his hat away. It was just a black beanie, one that covered his mop of unruly brown hair. Chase didn't know why Mike was so insistent on wearing that hat, but it wasn't against regulation, so Chase put his foot down and weathered the temper tantrum that always followed when he forbid Mike to wear the beanie.

Hunter was a little easier to work with, and occasionally couldn't conceal his excitement about something scout related. He liked astronomy in particular, so on the nights when they studied star patterns, Hunter was fully focused on learning. But when he and Mike together, it was like a wall went up and he became impossible. The grating personality was such a leap from his boyish appearance: beach blond hair, a barely visible smattering of freckles across his cheeks and nose and tanned skin. He was the poster child for Hawaii.

As hard as it was trying to keep the boys in line, Chase hadn't been prepared for the loneliness.

After his first summer in the Boy Scouts, Chase constantly found himself in a string of unrequited crushes. Guys at school, other campers, and even some of his brother's friends that spent a lot of time at the house. Every boy that made Chase's heart race a little faster never returned his feelings. He usually found that out after they caught him looking at their feet, and let him suck their toes. Three boys from school, seven friends from camp, and two of his brother's friends, but no one interested in anything but having their toes sucked.

In the wild, Chase didn't have any outlet. The scouts were too young to talk to about personal problems, and his foot fetish remained unfulfilled. He tried to accept it, remind himself that he had self-control and that he needed to use it. But one night in August, he was unable to fight back his urges.

It was past midnight, but Chase lay awake in his tent. In the sweltering heat, he was wearing nothing but a white tank top and black boxer briefs. He had done everything he could think of to fall asleep, but it was impossible with the heat, with Randy's socked feet just inches away from his face.

Chase had gotten used to the small space all five of them had to share. There wasn't really enough room to stretch out their arms and legs, but once the boys had fallen asleep, they couldn't control where their limbs went. Chase often found himself in moments like this, which tested his limits. And until now, he had always been able to resist. But constantly abstaining had left his control withered. His heart pounding against his chest, Chase reached forward and gently took hold of Randy's foot.

The instant he inhaled, Chase felt his entire body tense in excitement. The second time was longer, deeper, so that the once again familiar scent filled his nostrils. His dick pressing uncomfortably against the tight fabric of his briefs, Chase closed his eyes and began sucking on the scout's toes.

Randy's toes were a little on the small side, suiting his stature perfectly. Even through the fabric of the sock, Chase could feel how warm they were, and when they curled against his tongue, Chase couldn't stop the muffled moans that poured from his mouth. He was nearly hypnotized when he gently slid the sock off, and began kissing Randy's bare foot.

Chase reveled in the way Randy sighed in his sleep, the occasional moan making Chase stop for a moment to make sure the younger boy hadn't woken up before continuing again with just as much eagerness. When he slid his tongue down Randy's sole, the younger boy giggled with a voice that once again made him sound younger than he was.

His dick was straining against his briefs, pre-cum gushing from the sensitive tip. Not allowing himself too much time to question whether or not it was a good idea, Chase pulled down his underwear and tossed it aside. He crawled onto his knees behind Randy and pressed his dick against the backs of the high schooler's feet.

He wished he could have lasted longer, to enjoy the sensation more thoroughly, but all it took was a few thrusts for him to pump out a huge load of cum over Randy's feet. His balls ached and his dick throbbed so much that Chase momentarily felt like he would never stop cumming. Trying to keep his heavy breathing down, he lapped up his thick seed from Randy's feet, the younger boy's moaning getting progressively louder. After slipping Randy's socks back on, Chase crawled back to his side of the tent and shut his eyes, unsure of when the post-orgasmic haze would break and the pangs of guilt would start eating him alive.

The next morning, Chase woke up sorely sleep deprived, his head pounding as if he was enduring the world's worst hangover.

For the past few hours, his dreams and twisted and turned to images of Randy being gagged and bound, struggling to break while Chase exhausted his desire over the younger boy's feet.

He felt grosser than ever before, and now his disgust had crept into reality. No temporary distraction could erase the memory of what he had done.

And what made things worse was Randy was blissfully unaware, looking so happy when he walked into the dining hall to see the chefs serving pancakes. Good meals like this only came once or twice a month, so the campers learned to savor these sweet moments. As a silent apology, Chase gave Randy his pancakes. Chase didn't mind giving up a well-prepared meal. He wasn't sure if he could stomach that much anyway.

When he led his troops in practicing first-aid, Chase found himself stuck with the usual problem of Mike refusing to participate because he wouldn't let his camper wear his favorite beanie. Luckily, Hunter wasn't playing the role of the faithful sidekick, and was paired with Cole, who was the most advanced when it came to bandaging. He could trust Cole to take care of all the necessary precautions without any guidance. That left him with Randy, who shucked his shoe and peeled off his sock, raising his foot in the air to be the bandaged area.

As he held the bare foot in his hand, memories of last night came rushing back to him. It was as if he could taste Randy's toes again, and here they were right in front of his face, looking even cuter than he had remembered. That familiar ache in his stomach was joined by the pounding in his temples—he was starting to get aroused.

Mike was looking out the window, and Cole was preoccupied in applying the bandages with perfect preciseness, Hunter complaining that the wrapping was too tight around his arm. Everyone else was distracted, and Randy was looking up at Chase with that nearly cherubic expression that was making Chase extremely uncomfortable. How did a high schooler maintain such an innocent look?

"On second thought, Randy, why don't you partner up with Cole and Hunter? I forgot that I have to plan some things for this weekend's trip."

Chase didn't leave Randy a chance to respond. He ran outside and leaned against the door, one hand instinctively cupping his crotch as he tried to fill his mind with every overwhelmingly un-sexy image he could muster. But the taste of those toes, the urge to explore them more thoroughly had his skin so hot that Chase was sweating. He pulled himself together when he realized Mike was looking at him from inside the cabin.

For the rest of the day, Chase tried to throw himself into the activities, leaving his mind no time to wander into the recesses of its desires, but it felt like Randy was barefoot whenever possible, even when he didn't have to be. The younger boy definitely do that before. And with Chase's hyper-awareness to his scout's feet, he repeatedly had to tend to the bulge in his shorts. Having to deny his body the pleasure of release for so long was like torture, and by the time he slid into the tent that night, he had decided to jerk off after all his scouts fell asleep.

Without a clock, Chase wasn't sure how much time had passed, but every minute seemed to extend just a little longer than the last. But whenever he went soft, the idea of jerking off outside in the open sent his hormones back into a reinvigorated frenzy.

After slipping out of the tent, Chase pressed his back against a tree and roughly pulled down his sweatpants and underwear just enough to expose his cock and balls. The instant his warm hand was wrapped around the shaft, Chase instinctively arched his back and moaned. He closed his eyes and brought the fingers of his free hand to his mouth, shutting his eyes so that he could pretend he was sucking on toes.

Even when his mind registered some rustling sounds, Chase reasoned them to be too far in the distance to care about, not when he was this close to a mind-blowing orgasm. When he opened his eyes, and saw Randy standing in front of him, he thought he had officially gone crazy, that his delirium was manifesting these images. And although he tried to push aside the picture of Randy his mind had formed, the blond boy remained. It wasn't until he saw Randy absent-mindedly rubbing his crotch that Chase's mind switched back on from its fantasy-soaked haze. Randy was really in front of him.

He quickly jerked his hand away from his crotch. "Randy, what are you doing? You're supposed to be sleeping."

How dumb did that sound? He was talking to a high schooler, not a little kid. That was more than obvious from how Randy looked right now: his usually well-kept blond hair completely in disarray, a white tank-top and white briefs leaving most of his skin completely exposed. Chase had never noticed before, but Randy was a lot more muscular than he had realized.

"Sorry, I thought I heard something outside, and then I saw you...will you do it again?"

"Do what again?"

"You know...suck on my toes."

Chase wasn't sure if he was going to faint from embarrassment or arousal overload. Randy had just confirmed his deepest fear: that the younger boy had been awake, and knew what he had done. But he wasn't angry, or disgusted in the least. Conversely, he wanted Chase to do it again.

This was Chase's chance to reign in his self-control, to put an end to the mistake he had made last night. But there was something in Randy's expression, something beyond the usual sweetness in his voice that Chase recognized. Something like want, but probably closer to need.

They traded places, Randy leaning against the tree with Chase sitting between his legs. He gave Randy's right foot a tongue bath, unabashedly letting his tongue explore every inch of the younger boy's bare sole and toes. Knowing that Randy was awake, and was desperate for this as he was tore down the worry and guilt that had been building in his stomach. It was his opportunity to bask in his deepest desire, and Chase was going to take advantage of that chance.

Randy made no attempt to hide his own feelings, moaning and whining "that feels good," until Chase reminded him that he needed to be quiet. Things were already out of hand, but he couldn't allow them to snowball any further by anyone else finding out. The high schooler nodded, his face flushed with heat, and his right hand obscenely groping his crotch.

As Chase ran his tongue along the gap between Randy's two biggest toes, the younger boy gasped and squeezed his dick through his briefs. The glassy look on Randy's face and the way his toes curled alerted Chase to the inevitable. Randy was cumming.

Randy slumped against the tree, and Chase eased him down so they were both sitting on the ground. Still panting for breath, and his hand at his crotch, Randy tried to come down from the high. Chase couldn't help but smile. Randy was cute. It wasn't the first time he had thought that, and he always tried to push that thought aside for fear of what it might mean, but with Randy sitting in front of him like this, it was hard to deny.

"Like last time," Randy whispered. "On my feet...cum on my feet."

Chase didn't need any more encouragement. And he was already so on the edge that after a couple of tugs on his aching dick, he released thick spurts of hot cum all over Randy's bare feet. And without missing a beat, Chase lapped up all of his seed, smiling when Randy giggled at the ticklish sensation.

"Can we do it again?" Randy asked. He pulled his briefs down to his knees, exposing his hard cock, cum coating the helmet-shaped head. "Or I could lick your feet this time."

Chase was flattered. Nobody ever offered to return the treatment. But now that his mind wasn't bombarded by desperation and need, Chase knew it was a line he shouldn't cross. After what had just happened, did his refusal to cross one more line mean anything? Maybe not, but he still felt that it was the right thing to do.

"I'm pretty tired. We should probably get back to the tent before someone else notices we're gone."

Randy was visibly disappointed, but followed Chase back to the tent. They didn't say anything to each other after that, and Chase fell asleep wondering what would happen after he woke up."

But in the middle of the night, Chase felt something pressing against his face, tentatively. He tried to ignore it, but that something didn't stop nudging his cheek, lightly tapping his forehead, but most often, sliding against his mouth. As his senses slowly sharpened, Chase became aware of that it was a foot against his face.

Instinctively, he opened his mouth and the toes slid inside. He figured it was Randy again, but as his tongue trailed around the toes, Chase tasted a distinct difference. And when he opened his eyes, he saw Cole sitting in front of him.

Chase's heart was pounding so hard against his chest that it was beginning to hurt. Cole didn't look sleepy in the least, and without those big glasses framing his eyes, he looked completely different. The usual loud-mouthed excitement that filled any space that Cole stepped into was replaced with a quiet burning curiosity. Their eyes stayed on another as Chase slowly began sucking on Chase's toes again.

They were a little bigger than Randy's, a little fuller, and had a taste all their own. Chase couldn't pinpoint it, but somehow the smell seemed to suit Cole perfectly, like no other person in the world could develop this natural scent. Was it like that for everyone? As Chase thought back, no boy's feet had the same scent or taste as another's. Of course there were similarities, and the familiar smell of sweat pervaded his tongue on most occasions, but each bare sole was unique. And Cole's had a smell and taste that Chase liked.

And Cole seemed to like what he was doing to him. A couple of giggles, low sighs, but Cole had more control than Randy. Chase's cock was getting hard again, which sent him into a more heated state. He wanted to memorize every inch of Cole's foot with his tongue.

He wasn't sure how much time had gone by, but when Cole withdrew his feet, Chase was confident that his tongue had glided along the entire surface of those perfectly smooth feet.

After Cole crawled back under the covers, Chase stuffed his hand down his briefs and jacked off, his taste-buds still ignited from the taste of Cole's feet. He heard snickering. And though he tried to ignore it, the realization of who was laughing brought his hand to an immediate halt. He could hear their voices through the laughter, and the whispered "dude, no way," could only belong to Hunter. Although he couldn't see his own face, Chase knew he was as pale as his sheets. Now, he was in trouble.

His fears were confirmed the next morning when Mike and Hunter walked out of the shower, towels around their waists and the most devious smiles Chase had ever seen.

"Don't worry Chase, we washed our feet real good," Mike said. They snickered like Mike had just said the funniest thing in the world. Knowing they had this huge secret on Chase it probably was as amusing as they made it seem.

"Look, you guys, you can't tell anyone about this. Please." Chase knew begging was most likely his strongest weapon to appease their egos, but he couldn't do it here, not where anyone could walk in, and spread this nightmare even further.

They snickered in that same tone that made Chase's skin teem with goosebumps.

And they continued on that way for the rest of the day. They took their new information as a seat of power, wiggling their toes and holding back laughter whenever they didn't want to participate in an activity. And Chase had no choice but to let them take complete reign. This didn't ease his paranoia, which was spreading faster through him than fungus. All day, he was worried one of them would say something, that hushed whispers were brewing behind his back, and maybe even before his eyes.

The minutes seemed to stretch on infinitely, so by the time Chase lay down in the tent with his scouts, fatigue wiped over him almost immediately.

It was like his face was being swallowed by an unseen force, one that took its time to enjoy every bit of his flesh to its fullest. Chase couldn't shake the sensation, and he was feeling more claustrophobic with every passing second.

He couldn't place it at first, but once his mind registered the faint smell, Chase was drawn to this pressure. His body was ached for the scent of feet.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move his hands, to grasp the foot and experience the dual sensations of smell and touch that triggered pulsing waves of pleasure through his dick.

Chase's eyes slowly opened and was caught between terror and arousal, when he saw Mike and Hunter standing in front of him, the younger boys rubbing their feet across his body.

Why was he naked? More importantly, why were his hands tied behind his back It was hard to believe that either Mike or Hunter had been capable enough to tie such a perfect knot. Maybe Mike had been paying attention more than Chase had realized. But the momentary relief that his lessons were sinking in was short-lived, because Mike was grinning and his bare foot was slowly sliding down Chase's chest, down to his dick, which was at its hardest.

Chase arched his back and gasped when Mike's foot made contact, the warm sole pressing firmly against his dick, causing pre-cum to surge from the slit. His muscles tensed when Mike continued to apply pressure, so much that it was starting to hurt. But when he opened his mouth to beg Mike to stop, Hunter's toes slipped into his mouth.

It was pure torture. Mike was methodical with his movements, grinding his foot against Chase's dick, and backing off every so often to press his toes against the older boy's nipples and chest. Chase wasn't sure what to think, especially with his tongue exploring Hunter's feet in the meantime. He knew they were trying to humiliate him, and they were clearly proud of themselves for taking full advantage of their hold on his secret, but it was more than that.

Hunter was gasping, and his eyes were focused on Chase's face. Mouth agape, and toes curling deeper into Chase's mouth, it looked like the blond boy liked having his toes sucked. And Chase recognized that same look of curiosity on Mike's face while his feet traced up and down Chase's chest. Whenever his muscles tensed, Mike seemed more captivated, especially with the older boy's abs.

He noticed Mike adjust himself through his boxers.

Chase closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the sensation, his body writhing on the floor as his body succumbed to orgasm. His seed gushed all over Mike's foot, and the younger boy was practically stepping on his dick the whole time, which only seemed to stimulate Chase even further. When Hunter pressed his wet toes against Chase's nose, he thought he would never stop cumming. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been so turned on.

He slumped back on the floor, his body relaxing after the intensity of release, but before he could fully come down from his high, Hunter guided him into a sitting position in front of Mike, who shucked his boxers and pulled off his tank top. The brown-haired boy was completely naked, and hard.

"Suck me," he whispered in a husky voice.

Chase was still in shock. He had thought about sucking dick endless times since he had been a boy scout and longed to suck Nick off, but he had never actually done it. What if he wasn't good? Why was he worried about his skill level when a high schooler was ordering him to do this? Why didn't he put up a fight instead of crawling the short distance to take Mike into his mouth?

Even with his lack of experience, he seemed to be doing a fine job, if Mike's moans had anything to do with it. Mike seemed to be trying to keep his voice down, and Chase couldn't help but suck a little more harshly to elicit deeper moans. He had his hands tied behind his back, and Mike was guiding his head back and forth with a firm grip of his hair, but Chase still felt like he was in control. It was his mouth that was making Mike shudder like this.

Soon, he was pulled off Mike's dick with a wet pop, and he was sucking Hunter. The Hawaiian boy's dick was a little longer, but Mike's was thicker. They were both circumcised, and whenever Chase felt pre-cum tickle his tastebuds, the urge to swallow their loads became even more immediate. He had tasted his own cum a couple times, but didn't find anything special about the taste. What would be like to have gum gushing down his throat? Chase found his cock re-rising to attention at the thought.

They took turns, Chase alternating between sucking Mike, then Hunter, until one was too close. At one point, Hunter untied Chase's arms, but the older boy maintained the subservient role as to not break the spell that seemed to fill the room. He took the liberty to run his hands up and down the two boys' legs, and feet, but that only encouraged them to sigh and thrust harder into his mouth.

He didn't get to feel cum down his throat, but having Mike and Hunter blow their loads over his face was just as intense for Chase. He watched both of their faces contort with pleasure, Mike's facial features squeezing tight towards the center of his face, then Hunter's face undergoing the same shift seconds later. They were so in sync. Their balls must have been aching for release, because thick spurt after spurt shot across Chase's face, streaking through his hair and globs of it pooling down his cheeks and chin.

Hunter collapsed to the floor, and after a few seconds to catch his breath, leaned forward and began lapping up the cum from Chase's face. Mike looked significantly more hesitant, but crawled on his knees and did the same. Chase's body trembled as the two tongues slowly took detours around his face. It tickled a little bit, but it mostly got Chase hot. By the time they pulled away, Chase couldn't help but slowly jack off.

A figure rose from the covers, and another did right after. Chase saw Cole and Randy emerge from their blankets, completely naked. Randy looked at Chase for a moment, and it was obvious exactly where the blond boy's attention was fixated. After giving Randy a slight nod, the younger boy crawled between Chase's legs and began sucking him.

Chase groaned, not attempting to hold back in the slightest. Now that his secret was out in the open, he didn't need to hide anything, and that freedom felt good. And knowing that he could make someone else feel good made his heart race. So when Cole stood beside him, and pointed his dick down with a flushed face, it only seemed natural for Chase to suck him off.

Maybe their tent had suddenly become a breeding ground for pheromones. Maybe having an unoccupied mouth just didn't feel right in the moment. Whatever the reason, Hunter began licking Mike's balls and sucking his cock. And Chase could have been imagining it, but they both seemed to fall into a rhythm too quickly for it to be their first time doing that.

He was even more positive when Mike bent Chase over, and began licking his butt. Hunter gasped and clutched the sheets below him, arching his back in reflex. Randy and Cole stopped to watch their tentmates, and Mike seemed to be invigorated even more by his audience. He worked his best friend's hole open with loud slurps that made Chase's own entrance twitch.

He had tried fingering himself a couple times, usually in the bathtub, but the fear of pain prevented him from pushing his finger deep enough inside his body to really feel anything. Here Hunter was, Mike's tongue buried in his butt, and moaning like he was being unraveled from the inside. Chase wanted to feel that good. Cole seemed to be riding at his wavelength, because after Chase felt his legs being pulled up, he felt the wetness of Cole's tongue underneath his balls.

It was one of the weirdest and most pleasurable experiences in his life. And even though it was embarrassing to have Randy watching with such fascination, Chase was far too lost in this new feeling to be too self-conscious.

He could feel every microscopic move of Cole's tongue, circling his pucker and occasionally up to his balls, which were beginning to hurt. Chase especially felt it when Cole's tongue pushed inside. His hole was being stretched by a high schooler's tongue. Just thinking about something so wild made his dick throb. Feeling it had pre-cum liberally flowing from his dick, which was lying, heavy and hard, against his tense abs.

Randy crawled and bent over so that his butt was right above Chase's face. He knew Randy was meticulous when it came to cleaning his body, so he held those soft, firm cheeks apart and began licking without abandon. And of course, even in the midst of something so highly erotic, Randy managed to make the cutest sounds that stimulated Chase even further. When Randy began rolling his hips backward in the effort to feel more, Chase began doing the same, trying to spread his legs as far apart as he could.

Completely in line with Cole's way of doing things, he focused all his attention to achieve perfection, doing things with his tongue that Chase would have never believed a high schooler could be capable of—or a college student for that matter.

Randy slid off and Cole pulled his tongue away just in time for Chase to see Mike withdrawing two fingers from Hunter's hole. He guided the blond boy onto his back, and slowly pushed in. There was no hesitation on either one of their parts. Hunter seemed to take all of Mike without much trouble, and soon their naked bodies were in rhythm again, the light sound of Mike's balls slapping against Hunter's cheeks echoing through the tent.

It was like they were in their own little world. Now Chase was positive that this wasn't their first time.

But his attention was immediately redirected when he felt Cole's dick poking against his hole. The younger boy was looking at him. Wide-eyed and without his glasses, Cole looked completely different, cheeks flushed and body glistening with sweat. Chase nodded and braced himself, doing his best to allow Cole to slide his dick all the way inside his body.

"Ah, so tight," Cole whispered.

They were the first words Chase had heard in a while, and cemented what was actually happening. Cole was holding onto his hips and trembling. Chase wondered if Cole was trying to stop himself from cumming.

Then, Randy took hold of Chase's length and stroked it a couple times, before slowly lowering himself. Chase's eyes widened and his toes curled. Now he knew how difficult it must have been for Cole to hold back his orgasm. Randy's inner walls were so wet, and were squeezing him tight like a vice-grip. He wanted nothing more to have his cum shoot into that supple butt. And with Mike thrusting away into Hunter like it was nothing, Chase was desperate for movement.

He didn't even have to do anything. Once Cole started moving, Randy started moving, and he was perfectly content with being caught between them. Their moves lacked finesse, and once they got going, their prime concern was speed. Cole was humping him like a madman, his usual self-control completely absent from his movement. Occasionally, it hurt, but when the high schooler struck something inside him, Chase couldn't think of anything else.

"Harder, more," he moaned, entranced by Cole's thrusting and Randy's tightness.

Randy was bouncing on his cock like his life depended on it. The friction was delicious, but even more arousing was watching Randy's face. It was obvious that Randy was more than just horny, that the younger boy wanted something. When he leaned down, Chase didn't hesitate in bringing their lips together. He was so far gone that making out with a high school boy didn't phase him in the least.

"Cu-cumming," Randy muttered into the kiss.

Without touching his dick, Randy tensed as his cock erupted, his cum shooting across Chase's chest. Cole came seconds later, ramming his dick into Chase's hole as he rode out his gut-wrenching orgasm.

When Cole pulled out, Chase sighed as he felt cum trickling from his sore hole, down between his butt cheeks. Randy took the opportunity to suck on Chase's tongue, while he lightly humped the older boy's chest.

Once again, Mike and Hunter seemed to be synchronized in their pleasure, reaching their peaks at nearly identical times. Chase watched them reach their peaks, Hunter's cum spraying across his chest, while Mike grabbed Hunter's butt hard enough to leave marks. Chase really wanted to lick Hunter's hole dry. His inhibitions had been torn down, and it felt like an eternity since the last time he had cum. Now he was desperate.

He didn't last long, not when all four boys began sucking on his toes, effectively making out on and around his feet. They were all moaning so wantonly, and feeling four tongues work their way through his toes was the best thing Chase had ever felt. The reciprocated action was what drove him to his most intense orgasm yet, his toes curling into the boys' mouths as his dick throbbed and pulsed, thick shots of cum hitting him right in the face.

Was this what it felt like to be high? So completely submersed in ecstasy that he could barely remember his own name, let alone his previous paranoia?

His scouts all fell asleep, Mike's arms wrapped around Hunter. Chase fell asleep at their feet, the scent and feel of those forty toes invading his dreams, sowing the seeds for what would be the first of a lifetime of wet dreams.

Once the idea to this story came to me, I couldn't help but materialize it. It took a while, but I finally finished, so I'm more than eager to know what anyone thinks of it. Hopefully all the foot fetishists enjoyed it at least a little bit!

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