Seal It with a Kiss

By Orlando Roach

Published on Jul 12, 2011


If you have any comments please hit me up at

This is my first time writing so bear with me. All rights for this story remain with me, so if you wish to post this story somewhere else, please ask first.

And I will like to send a shout out to my editor Lisa.

Read at your own risk. This story is complete fiction so enjoy.

Seal It with A Kiss 6

(Continuation of my Downfall)

Nicole Scherzinger -- Funky Town

I need a love trip, Get on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Right down to Funky Town!

Hey, yeah-yeah! Oh!

Get up on it, climb on top, (Sugar it's the Promised Place) Rid it, crash it, pack it up, (I'ma take you out of space) No, no, no, no! Body, screaming for the chase, (aha!) Get up on it, and let's go crazy-crazy!

I can feel it, see it all around When the music hits my soul is falling down Keep it rock and just give me that sexy sound Wow, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Do you ever feel like just dancing and forgetting about the world and all your problems and just act like a child? Well today is my day. I continue to dance around the room as I start to feel the music. I'm shaking my head from side to side with my hair all over the place, jumping from couch to bed and back to the floor.

I need a love trip, Get on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Right down to Funky Town! I need a love trip, I'm on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Straight down to Funky Town!

Feelin' good, lettin' lose (Keep slapping it on that base) Gettin' down, ___ brown (Rent it if you want to race) No, no, no, no! I'm gonna catch a love case (aha!) Turn it up, and let's get crazy-crazy!

I can feel it, see it all around When the music hits my soul is falling down Keep it rock and just give me that sexy sound Wow, yeah, yeah, yeah!

I need a love trip, Get on the dream ship,

Everyone was out for today so I have the hotel to myself. God, how I miss sometimes just letting go and enjoying life. My hips start to move in circular motions as I twirl around and around while I throw my head from side to side.

DJ let's take it, take it! Right down to Funky Town! I need a love trip, I'm on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Straight down to Funky Town!

You're my favourite DJ, DJ, DJ, You know just how to please me, please me, please me, Baby just watch me movin', movin', movin', Yeah, I'm about to lose it, lose it, lose it (Oh! Yeah)

Ooh! When the music hits my soul is falling down Keep it rock and you're give me that sexy sound Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I am busy letting go, but I can still hear the phone ring. I wonder who it could be, because I am not going to let them ruin my peace time. The call ends, and the phone starts to ring again. It is starting to get on my nerves, so I decide to answer, but I couldn't find the phone. I look under the bed, in the bed etc.

I need a love trip, Get on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Right down to Funky Town! I need a love trip, I'm on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Straight down to Funky Town! I need a love trip, Get on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Right down to Funky Town! I need a love trip, I'm on the dream ship, DJ let's take it, take it! Straight down to Funky Town! Na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Right down to Funky Town! Na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Straight down to Funky Town!

Nicole Scherzinger -- Funky Town

I finally find it and pick it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." I say out of breathe.

"Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?" He asked worried.

"No, so what's up?" I answered taking a seat on the couch, butterflies already doing laps in my stomach.

"I was wondering if you could meet me at our spot?" he asks.

"Sure, Aiden, what time you want to meet up?" I ask.

"Around five p.m., if that's cool." I check the clock; it was just four-fifteen p.m..

"Great, see you soon."I say.

"Wonderful, so see you soon, bye."

"Bye." I hang up the phone.

I look around the room and I see all the mess I made. I quickly straighten up the place and head to my room to get ready. I jump in and out of the shower, brush my hair and teeth. I put on baggy jeans and a tee shirt with white sneakers and grab my phone, wallet and keys and I'm out the door.

Twenty-Five Minutes Later>>>>>>>>>>>

I meet Aiden at the local Starbucks close to the hotel. As we sit down, we talk about our day.

"So what were you were doing when I called you earlier; you sounded out of breath?" he asked, all smiles.

"I was busy letting my freaky fun side come alive in the dark corners of my room." I reply laughing, as Aiden chokes on his cookie.

"What were you really doing?"

"I was dancing randomly and feeling free, is that better now?"

"Yeah it is."

"So how was your first day at work for my mother?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee.

"I saw people I already knew, and I also met a few new people as well."

"Really, do tell?"

"Nah, this is, umm, our time." It kind of sounded like he was hiding something, but I blew it off.

"So you want to--" his phone rings, interrupting me. He opens it and starts texting.

I don't continue my sentence; I just look at him while he completely ignores me. I seriously didn't think meeting him would turn out like this.

"Umm, I have to go, er, homework." I say standing up. Aiden doesn't even pay me any attention. I shake my head in anger and leave.

I feel angry because Krys was right, and I'm upset with myself because I actually believe that Aiden cares about me. I bet he doesn't even realize I'm gone.

A Few Minutes Later>>>>>>>

I am entering my hotel suite when I get a call from Krys.

"Hey Krys, what's up?"

"Nothing; just wondering if you want to come with me to a party tonight?"

"I don't know." I reply, not really wanting to go out, but not really wanting to stay here alone.

"Come Jay, you need to get out of your shell."


"I am not taking no for an answer."Krys states.

"Okay." I reply, finally giving in.

"I thought it would have been harder with me coming over there and dragging you out of the hotel room."

"You don't need to do that. So where's the party at?" I ask.

"At this frat house at NYU, so I will pick you up."

"Cool, I will text you my address."

"Ok, see you soon."


I hang up the phone and run straight to my closet to get ready.

A Few Minutes Later>>>>>>>>>

I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Krys to come get me, when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up and answer the door, seeing Krys standing there looking delicious. He's dressed in a white silk dress shirt, showing all his pecs. He has a black vest and black skinny jeans on and all black vans. He has his hair gelled up and brushed back. He also has on these geeky glasses.

"You can stop drooling now," Krys says chuckling, as he walks past a blushing me.

"I was going to ask you how I look, but by your actions I have proof that I look good." He says as I blush harder.

"So you ready?" I ask, wanting to get this show on the road.

"I am, but you're not. Is that what you're wearing?' Krys asks, taking a good, hard look at me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I ask starting to feel self-conscious. I'm wearing a formal suit jacket with a grey tee shirt and loose fitting jeans with dress shoes.

"Nothing if you are planning to go shopping in your neighbor's garbage, because that's where that outfit belongs."

"So what do you recommend?"

"Show me your closet and show me what I have to work with." Krys replies.

I turn and walk to my bedroom with Krys following behind me.

A Few Minutes Later>>>>

I'm sitting on my bed as Krys continues to raid my closet.

"Don't you have anything more belonging to this century?" He asks making fun of me, as I roll my eyes.

"There should be a box in the back of the closet that should have some clothes mom got for me in Paris." I reply just remembering about that box of clothes.

"Cool, if it is your mom who bought the clothes, then we have something to work with." He states as I continue to roll my eyes.

"Finally! I have something for you to wear." He says excitedly as he finally stops going through the box. He hands me the clothes he picked. He pushes me to the bathroom, not giving me time to see what he picked out or to protest.

Five minutes later I exit the bathroom in my second outfit for the evening. I couldn't help but feel sexy as I look at myself in the mirror.

"You look HOT." Krys exclaims I as turn around so he could get a full view of me. I'm smiling on the inside and outside, because almost no one has ever praised me for what I wear. I am starting to like it.

"Now, we have to do something with your hair, grasshopper." He says playfully.

"Yes Sensei, what shall we do?" I ask playing along.

"Do you have a curling iron, gel and hair spray?" He asks.

"Yeah, my sis should have those things." I reply.

"So go get them." He says as he pushes me out the room.

"Yes master." I bow to him smiling.

"Whatever." He replies rolling his eyes and smiling.

I run to my sister's room and find the stuff.

"Here are the things you wanted." I say, giving him all the items.

"Okay, sit down and let me show you grasshopper, the wonderful world of beauty." A few minutes later I was completely ready.

"So what do you think?" Krys asks, standing behind me as I look at myself in the mirror.

"I love it." I have on a purple V-neck shirt with a royal blue, slim rider zip up hoodie, grey skinny jeans, and purple and black high top sneakers. The ends of my hair are curly and gelled up to give them a wet look, and they're sprayed so that the curls will last longer.

"So are we ready now?" I ask carefully, slowly holding on to his shoulders and looking into his face.

"Yeah, let's go." He replies repeating my same actions.

We quickly leave the hotel and catch a cab.

Evan's P.O.V.

I am walking down the streets of Manhattan when I get a call from one of my friends, Collie. I'm staying in New York City for a couple of days because my parents are here for a big promotion of their new movie. I kinda came here thinking I would bump into Jay.

"Hey man what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing, just wondering if you want to come to this party we are having at the frat house?"

"Yeah man, so see you soon,"


I hang up and jump in a cab and tell the cabbie the name of the hotel I was staying. We arrive at the hotel and I hop out and pay the fare.

I enter the suite and head to my room. I jump in the shower thinking about Jay as my cock starts to rise, but I don't feel like jacking off, so I finish my shower, brush my teeth, and walk naked to my closet. I put on a grey V-neck shirt, white skinny jeans and blue vans. I grab my keys, wallet and phone and make my way to the party after Collie text me the address.

Forty-Five Minutes Later>>>>>

I arrive at the party. People are all over the place. It's only eleven forty-five p.m. and people were already passed out on the porch.The music was blaring and people were smoking, talking, drinking and dancing. I walk to the kitchen to get a drink when I see Collie.

"Hey man, how you doing?" Collie asks slurring his words.

"Pretty good, just going to get a drink."

"Cool, I hope you enjoy the party." He says as he leaves.

I make myself a mixture of apple vodka and Ting, and make my way to the dance floor. I'm standing on the sidelines watching everyone dancing, when this cute girl approaches me.

"Hey, my name's Bella, what's yours?" She asks.

"My name is Evan."

"Would you like to dance?"

"Yeah." She takes my hands and pulls me onto the dance floor. Bella's a cutie; she look to be about five feet, six inches tall, with brown eyes, long, black curly hair and a killer body that would make any boy's wilder fantasies come through. Unfortunately, mine include someone else.

I am busy dancing when I notice everyone else has stopped dancing. I see everyone looking towards the entrance so I turn to look. It was Jay, and he looks so hot. My blood is quickly rushing to my cock as I continue to stare at him. I look around and notice some guys fixing themselves. I have to make Jay mine.

Jay's P.O.V.:

As we enter the party I can't help but notice all heads turn our way and it feels good to be the center of attention for once. I can't help but feel something come alive in me.

"Hey Jay, I am going to get us something to drink." Krys says.


He leaves me standing, and everyone continues dancing. Krys finally returns.

"Here is your drink."Krys hands me some concoction.

"Thank you. God, this tastes nasty." I crinkle my nose in disgust.

"You will get use to the taste." Krys smirks.

I was going to say something, when someone taps on my shoulders. I turn; it's Evan.

"Hey, Jay." He says. He sounds nervous.

"Hey, Evan I want to introduce you to my friend Krys." I reply introducing Krys to Evan.

"Nice to meet you." Krys says shaking Evan's hand.

"You too." Evan says smiling.

"Hey Jay, I am going to hit the dance floor." Krys says, and he leaves me standing next to Evan.

"Cool, see you later."

I turn and look at Evan and he looks like he wants to say something. I feel like flirting, so I start to look into his eyes and lick and bite at my bottom lip. I run my hands down the middle of his chest.

"So Jay, I was wondering if you want to dance?" Evan asks, as he tries to control himself from shaking. He seems to be failing, but I find it cute. I grab his hands and pull him to the dance floor just as

Nelly Furtado -- Maneater

Everybody look at me, me I walk in the door you start screaming Come on everybody what you here for? Move your body around like a nympho Everybody get your necks to crack around All you crazy people come on jump around I want to see you all on your knees, knees You either want to be with me, or be me!

I start to grind my butt in to Evan's crotch in a circular motion. I put one hand on his hips to pull him closer.

Maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard Make you want all, of her love She's a maneater make you buy cars make you cut cards make you fall, real hard in love She's a Maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard Make you want all, of her love She's a maneater make you buy cars make you cut cards Wish you never ever met her at all!

I spin around, putting my hands around Evan's necks as his find my hips. I'm throwing my head from side to side, really getting into the song. I can feel his hard on throughout the song, and I know he can feel mine.

And when she walks she walks with passion when she talks, she talks like she can handle it when she asks for something boy she means it even if you never ever seen it everybody get your necks to crack around all you crazy people come on jump around you doing anything to keep her by your side because, she said she love you, love you long time!

I slide down his body with my hands going all over him, and I turn around and come up bending over and shaking my butt into him, looking over my shoulders and biting my finger.

Maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard Make you want all, of her love She's a maneater make you buy cars make you cut cards make you fall, real hard in love She's a Maneater, make you work hard Make you spend hard Make you want all, of her love She's a maneater make you buy cars make you cut cards Wish you never ever met her at all!

I turn around and pull him into me and place my lips on his as we continue to dance. He reacts immediately by pushing his tongue into my mouth. I place my hands on the back of his neck and his land on my ass. Our mouths are working overtime as or tongues continue to wrestle. His hands are feeling up my ass as I grind my cock into his. I am so turned on; I would fuck him right there on the dance floor if I could get away with it.

Evan's P.O.V.:

I ask Jay to dance and God, he knows how to dance. He's grinding his ass into my cock it's so hard and I can feel his cock is hard too. I feel how long and thick it is. I'm in shock, but that makes me want it more. When he kisses me I don't care who is watching; all that matters is him.

Jay's P.O.V.:

A couple more songs and drinks later, and I find myself totally wasted. I can't believe I'm spending the whole night dancing with Evan. I am ready to go back to the hotel. I take out my phone and look at the time; it is four a.m.

I look around for Krys but I can't find him, so I call his phone and it goes straight to voice mail.

"Hey Evan, I'm wondering if you can take me back to my hotel?"

"Sure, let's go."

So we leave the party. The walk back to the hotel is relaxing and I'm coming down from my high, but not completely.

"So Evan, tell me who is the real you?" I ask not really understanding him.

"What do you mean?" He asks not really understanding me.

"Well, at school you are the big quarterback that makes my life hell, and now you are the guy I dance with all night and the gentleman who makes sure I get home safe. Why is that?"

"I don't know." He replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I think you do, come on tell me." I say not giving up that easily.

"Just forget it."

"No, tell me now."

"It's because I ..."

"It's because what, tell me." I say. I stop walking and face him.

"It's because I LIKE YOU! I REALLY LIKE YOU!" He shouts at me and then looks down at the ground. I can't believe what I'm hearing, well maybe I can.


"Yeah, really," he whispers.

"So why have you never told me before?"I whisper back.

"Because I don't know, I was scared."

That explains a lot as to why he would just stare at me in class, and when I would catch him, he would just smile and turn away, and then in the halls he would make fun of me.

I walk up to him and pull his face to mine and kiss him softly.

"Well, are you scared now?" I say licking my lips.

"No, I want you."

"Well, you need to give me time."

"Take all the time you need, but I will be waiting for you."

"I guess we are here." I say as we approach the hotel. I stop at the hotel entrance and turn to Evan.

"Well thank you for the great night; it was a lot of fun." I say as I turn to leave. I feel Evan pull me into him and kiss me on my lips. All the times in the past when Evan and I kiss, I am the one that starts it. This kiss now is not filled with just lust, it is filled with care and it is so soft and unrushed.

Breaking away from the kiss, Evan smiles at me and says, "Yeah. Goodnight Jay."

"Well goodnight." I smile back at him and I turn and run into the hotel. Then I turn around and see Evan still standing there with a smile on his face. I touch my lips where he just kissed me.

Evan's P.O.V.:

"Yes!" I shout as I fist pump the air as people turn to look at me.

Tonight is the greatest night of my life and I have Jay to thank for that. I have never felt so alive. I am on cloud nine!

Jay's P.O.V.:

I climb into my bed as the drinking starts to take a toll on me. I can't help but think about Evan and if I have feelings for him. I think he is cute and I definitely like the new Evan. I can see myself with him. Right as I'm finally falling asleep, a question pops into my head, "What about Aiden?"

I hope you guys like the story so far please email me. If you have any ideas, comments or advice, please email me at I hope you all are having a great summer.

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