Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Nov 20, 2010


Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Okay, so here is Chapter 4, installment 4, whatever. I will go ahead and tell you that shit goes down in this chapter. Excuse my French. Anyway, to answer the question before you ask, the secret admirer is not revealed in this one. Or are they? Hmmm. Enjoy.

Secret Admirer-4 Masks

I was walking through the halls with a sense of renewed energy. Sure, I was extremely depressed. I mean, 11 years of my life was thrown away because I had to be stubborn. I just didn't understand why Talan thought he had any say in my love life. I didn't tell him not to screw Averie, did I? No. However, I still had a bounce in my step. I had resigned myself to accept my fate with my secret admirer, and simply hope for the best.

"Nate! Nate! Wait up!" a voice called from behind me.

I turned and was greeted by a heavily breathing Averie Bonabre. "Sup, Averie?"

"Did you find out?" She asked when she caught her breath.

Shit! I forgot to get in touch with her! "Yeah, I did. You won't like it."

"Well, I'm a big girl. I can handle it."

"Well, he says he doesn't love you now, and he never really has. Sorry."

"Eh, I guess I should have expected it. Sure, he said it, but I could tell he never really meant it."

"Well, I'm sorry you had to find out through me. Talan is a big boy. He should be able to handle his own problems. Oh well, I will see you around Averie."

"Wait! Would you wanna go out with me sometime?"

Damn, what do I do? "Uh, there are a few reasons why I wouldn't do that."

She looked like I just slapped her in the face. "What are they?"

"I'm no one's rebound. I don't date my friends ex's. I'm not interested. Sorry, Averie."

"Well, at least you are honest. I like that in a man. I don't think I am going to take a no from you Nate! I'll get you eventually."

As I watched Averie walk away, I was dumbfounded. `First off, the girl bounces back quick. Just yesterday, she was a blubbering mess. Now, she has the hots for me. Second, Averie had never been one to back away from a challenge, so she might really try to get with me. Shit! What if she is my secret admirer?'

"Why do you look like you've just seen a ghost?"

"Oh, Mike. I thought you were Team Talan these days."

"Well, if you'll remember correctly, you are the one that kissed my knee when I fell off the slide in first grade. I'll always be Team Nathanial! Just, Talan He is holding up about as well as a house of cards in a wind storm right now."

"Well, this is just as much his fault as it is mine. And yes, I remember kissing your knee. You never let me forget it."

He draped his arm around my shoulder. "And why would I? It was definitely one of your finer moments. Something I will never forget."

"Well, anyway, why is he so upset? I mean, he didn't seem so upset yesterday."

"He Y'all need to work this out. I need my friends back. Plus, what happens if I hurt my knee again. Sure, you kissed it, but Talan was the big kid back then. He carried me to the bench to sit down. I need both of you."

"Well, right now we need space to figure things out. If he is content with us not being friends for the moment, then I am too. It is just the way it is going to be for the time being."

"Well, as long as it is fixed someday, I don't really care."

"What the fuck were you trying to pull with that note you little prick?!" Talan said as he pushed Kellen against the wall and held him there.

"I was simply stating my case, you son of a bitch! You are too protective of Nate. Let him be his own man and make his own decisions."

Talan moved one of his hands from Kellen's shoulder to his neck. "Listen, I am letting him be his own man. But you will not take advantage of him! Are we clear?"

"Take advantage? Please. I'm just playing around with this little `innocent' act he has going on. I can tell when someone wants more than they say. I will be happy to provide him with what he wants. No never means no like that."

Talan punched Kellen in the face. He released his grip on him, and Kellen fell to the floor. "No means no every fucking time. Don't think I won't have eyes on you through the whole date. You are fucking wrong if you do! I will not let someone force Nathanial into anything! Do you understand? You are nothing but fucking scum." With that, Talan spit on Kellen. He straightened his jacket, wiped the blood off his knuckles, and walked to class.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked Kellen as he walked into the gym. I had not seen him in any classes, and I knew why. Someone worked him over.

"What do you think? Your fucking protection happened to me!"

"Don't swear at me. I had nothing to do with this. Which one?"

"Mr. Ringleader, himself."


"The one and only. Now, I need to go change."

All through practice, I was furious. Kellen told me exactly what Talan did. I could not believe that Talan would try to force him to cancel our date. When Kellen told him that he thought he might love me, Talan punched him! I was furious! Someone might love me, and Talan hits them? What the fuck! I had to handle this problem once and for all.

As soon as practice ended, I marched straight to Talan's car. He was not there yet, but I would wait. When he walked from the field, and saw me standing by his car, he smiled.

"So, here to talk this through? I knew you'd come around." He said as he got closer to me.

"No, I am here to tell you to leave Kellen the fuck alone." With that, I turned to walk off.

He grabbed my shoulder. "Let me go, Talan."

"Nathan, why are you defending him?"

"Let me go, Talan!"

"Fine, but fucking look at me!"

I turned to face him. "How could you punch him? Is that what you meant when you said nothing was going to change? You weren't going to let me date guys? He told you he might love me, and you fucking hit him!"

A look of pure disgust washed over Talan's face. "That is not what happened at all Nathan, but go on ahead and believe lover boy. I am tired of fighting for you. You don't believe I have your best interest at heart, oh well. Good luck with Kellen."

With that, he jumped in his car and sped off. I was confused once again. Why was he so disgusted with what I said? I had no idea what to do. I needed to talk to someone. I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I knew would help me with my problems.

"Daddy, I need help."

Sitting in my dad's office, I couldn't help but think of a few days that had passed earlier. I was sitting in this same chair, and I had come out to my dad. Now, here I am again, about to talk about my boy troubles.

"Yes, I want 2 egg rolls, one with no meat, two bowls of sizzling rice soup. Is there meat in that? Okay, well one with no meat. And an order of sticky rice. Thank you." My dad hung up the phone from ordering us take out, and turned his attention to me. "I really don't understand your whole vegetarian thing."

"I just don't like to eat meat. Every now and again, I eat it, but I just prefer other things."

"Well, good luck being gay and not eating meat." Tristan said as he walked into my dad's office.

I blushed a deep crimson, and my father bellowed laughter. "Tristan, don't make fun of your brother."

"Sorry, daddy. Perfect set-up."

"Why are you here anyway? I need to talk to daddy, alone." I said, still blushing.

"Well, I wanted to talk to him too. I'll give you some privacy if you want, though. Martha was already trying to play catch up with me."

"No, you can stay. You might be able to help too."

"Well, speaking of help. What is wrong son?" My dad asked.

"Well, it's kinda a long story."

I explained to my dad everything that happened, and he and Tristan listened intently. Neither party spoke up until I was finished.

"Well, sounds to me like you have to make a decision." My dad said once I was done talking.

"Yeah, I agree. Seems like Talan may be either looking out for your best interest or trying to protect his territory."

"What do you mean, Tris? Protect his territory?" I said, clearly confused.

"I mean, protect his territory. It sounds like he really doesn't want stuff to change. It has always been you and him. If you start dating some other guy, it would be you and Kellen, with Talan simply being your best friend. No longer your fall back."

"Well, I don't know why you even came to me, son. Your brother has it all worked out." My dad said.

I don't to this day know why, but I started crying at that moment. You would have thought I had been shot or something because both my dad and brother were on me in a heart beat.

"What's wrong, baby?" My dad asked.

"I don't know. I'm just so confused."

"Well, listen, Tristan and I are not going to force you to do anything. Do what you think you need to do. I for one think Talan is just protecting his territory as your brother said, but you never know."

"I think y'all are right. I am just going to go with my original plan and go out with Kellen."

"Cool. But I wanna meet him before y'all go out."

"Me too, son."

"Okay, well I'm gonna head out then." I said as I stood to leave.

"No, I want you to hear my news! It's the whole reason I came home!"

"Okay, spill." My dad and I said in unison.

"Well, gramps, your gonna be a granddad!" Tristan beamed.

"What?" My dad yelled. Obviously not as excited as Tristan was.

"You're having a kid? With who?" I asked.

"Val is pregnant. I had to beg her not to have an abortion. She is going to give me full parental rights! Y'all have no idea how excited I am!"

"Tristan, son, you have no idea what it's like to raise a child. You cannot do both that, and go to school. Not full time anyway. I am glad about the abortion, but have you considered adoption?"

"Daddy, I already know all of that. I actually just took the test Monday, but I got it. My real estate license is being shipped to me as we speak."

"Real estate?" My dad smiled. He himself was a real estate developer.

"Yup. Following my old man as I get ready to become someone's old man."

"Wow, that is so cool Tristan! I can't get over how cool all this is. Is it a boy or a girl? I'm gonna be an uncle! That is far out!"

"Well, Val is only about a month pregnant, so we don't know. I am just so excited. I'm gonna be a daddy! I just can't believe it! I always wanted kids, now I'm gonna have one!"

"Well, son, we need to have some legal documents drawn up. If she is giving you full custody, we are going to make it legal. I can't say that I am happy, but I am damn proud of you. This is the most grown-up thing you have ever done. You make your old man proud." My dad said as he pulled my brother into a hug. "You both do." He said as he pulled me into the hug. "Just remember, though, that no matter how old you get, how many kids you have, or where you live, you two will always be my babies."

"Daddy, you are worse than momma." I said.

"Yeah, I guess just being raised by a single mom made me a bit of a softie for my babies."

"Well, being raised by you and mom is going to make me the best damn dad ever. Second only to you." Tristan responded.

"Well, this has certainly been a surprising day. Tristan, I am handling this well. However, let me talk to your mother. She won't be nearly as calm as me. She will support you in due time, but expect a good ass whoopin'."

We all laughed and sat around talking for a little bit until the food arrived. I gave Tristan my food, I decided I wasn't hungry.

"You know, I have been thinking about names ever since I found out." Tristan said.

"And, have you decided on any?" My dad asked.

"Yup. I have actually decided indefinitely."

"And?" I prodded.

"Well, if it's a boy, Adam Audine Quincy. If it's a girl, Ashley Audine Quincy. What do you think?"

I choked up a little bit. I was about to say something and then Tristan started again. "Sorry, both to go by Audi that is."

I let a few tears fall. Tristan simply smiled at me. "Tristan, son, those are great names. I know I hope you have a boy. It would be nice to have my name carried on like that. I know your mother will feel the same about you having a girl."

"Why my name?" I asked.

"Because baby brother, what better a name to go by than yours. I love you, Audi. My kid will, too. He or she will be proud to share your nickname."

I was overjoyed. Someone would share a name with me intentionally. That was going to be awesome. I had temporarily forgotten about my problems. Nothing really seemed as important. I then could not wait for little Audi. Someone that, finally, I would be able to protect.

"I just don't know what to do Brad." Talan said while crying over the phone.

"Well, have you considered telling him, Talan?"

"Yeah. I just can't. He would hate to know what Kellen said. He probably wouldn't believe me."

"You're probably right about that. But, I still can't decided for you. The best I can do is tell you to keep your eye on him."

"Yeah. You're right. Look, I gotta go. I'll holla at ya' later."

"Okay, but Talan. Don't think to much into this. We all love you too much to see you this upset. Don't rush anything. Fix it when it's time."

"Thanks, Brad. You always know what to say. Bye."

Talan hung up the phone and laid down on his bed. He was just closing his eyes when his dad yelled.

"Talan Ivory! Get down here this instant!"

"Coming daddy!" Talan yelled as he bolted from his bed.

"Yes sir?"

"Why did I get a call from a Mr. Fynn Masterson about you?" Talan's dad asked.

"Well, daddy, its probably because I beat his son up."

"Talan, why in God's name did you do that? And not once, but twice?"

"Because he was saying stuff about Nathan, daddy! What was I supposed to do?"

"It was strictly in defense of Nathan?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well then. Your only punishment is to apologize."

"Do I have to, daddy? He said horrible stuff. I mean it infuriated me. He could so easily say stuff about Natty."

"Son, I know how you feel about it. You are so conflicted. I can see it. Just apologize to Kellen, and then treat him as if he doesn't exist. I love you, son. Now do as I say."

"Yes sir. I love you, too, daddy."

Talan gave his dad a hug, and then walked through the door. He hopped in his mustang, a new model Shelby, yellow on the outside, yellow on the inside, and `pimped out' as he liked to call it, and put his keys in the ignition. "Okay, Daisy, let's go."

He drove out of his driveway and towards the direction of Kellen's house. He was not looking forward to this, but he respected his father's decisions, and always followed his punishments. He pulled up in front of Kellen's house, and got out of a the car with a sigh. Before he could make it half way up the drive way, Kellen came to the door.

"What the hell do you want?" Kellen asked.

"Look, I just came by to apologize. I'm sorry for hurting you. This is not me trying to be your friend. Just me saying forgive, and forget. I don't want to talk to you after today, and I will not acknowledge you. So, once again, I am truly sorry. Goodbye, Kellen."

"Well, the other stuff goes double for me, and apology accepted. Now, stop interfering with Nate and me."

Talan could feel himself getting angry. "No promises. Don't take advantage of him, and I won't have to step in." Talan said as he turned to walk down the driveway.

"Well. There wouldn't really be much point in that. Being you two aren't friends anymore."

"For now, anyway. Good day, Kellen."

The week really flew by. I say week, but it was more like the remaining 2 days. By the time Friday came around, I was a bundle of nerves about my date with Kellen. I needed someone to help me decide what to wear, and being that my usual go to for this type of stuff was no longer my friend, I called Brad. He showed up at my door at around 6:30 to help me get ready.

"What, no Mattie?" I said as he walked through the door.

"You know just as well as I do that he is playing tonight." Brad answered as he walked through the door.

"Yeah, anyway, come help me pick out an outfit."


We spent a good 20 minutes making decisions, and when we finally decided, I had to admit that I looked good.

"Nate, don't mind me saying this, but you look really hot!"

I blushed. "Thanks. That's the first time anyone has ever said that to me and actually meant it."

"Oh, we mean it every single time. Even Mike, straight as an arrow Mike, said you were wet dream material."

"When did y'all have this conversation?"

"When you were in the hospital. We were all talking about why we would miss you if you were gone. Then we started talking about your personality, and how everyone you meet falls for you. Then we started talking about your body. Then Mike said that."

I blushed an even deeper red. "Who knew I was so well liked?"

"Loved, Nate. You are so well loved."

"Well, thanks Brad. My spirits are perked."

"Good, cause I think your date just arrived."

I looked out the window and saw Kellen's truck pulling up. I was suddenly extremely nervous. I guess because I was usually the one picking up the date. I could not help but feel a little feminized by that. The door bell rang, and Brad wished me luck.

"Wow, you look incredible!" Kellen said as I opened the door.

"Thanks. You look pretty damn good yourself, Mister."

"Why thank you kind sir. You ready to go?"

"My fam wants to meet you first. Then we can go."

"Alrighty then, point me in the right direction."

I no sooner walked him into the dining room when Tristan started with the interrogation.

"What are your intentions with my baby brother?"

"Just a simple dinner and then some nice conversation." Kellen responded, a little too quickly for my taste. Almost as though it were rehearsed. My brother picked up on it as well.

"Sure, just remember, I am not afraid of jail."

"Tristan McHale Quincy, you apologize this instant!" My mother stated firmly.

"I was just letting the boy know how it is mother." Tristan said back coldly. He was still upset with her over her reaction to him being a father.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Kellen. I am Adam and this is Ashley, my beautiful wife. That is my son Tristan. You guys have a pleasant evening. I do expect Nathanial home by 11:30."

"He will be here sir. It is nice to meet you all."

"Bye guys." I said as I turned to leave. "I love y'all."

Right was we made it through the door, Tristan came to us. "You remember what I said, boy. I am not afraid of jail. Audi, call me if anything happens."

"I will. Bye Tris."

We got in the truck and Kellen started driving towards town.

"That was unsettling. Your brother scares me." Kellen said.

"Ah, don't worry about him. He used to say that to girls too." I replied. It was true to an extent. Just not the jail part. Something made Tristan worry. Maybe it was the fact that this is the first guy I had ever been on a date with.

"Alright, well I hope you like Italian."

"I love it!" We made small talk as we approached the restaurant. It was not anything ground breaking, and he was not saying anything to try and win my affections, at least if he was it wasn't working.

Dinner was pleasant. The same small talk took place, I noticed him playing footsies with me under the table, or every now and then, he would rest his hand on mine. I didn't know why, but I was feeling slightly uncomfortable.

After dinner, Kellen said he wanted to drive. I had no idea where he was taking me, but he said we would have some privacy so we could talk. He pulled to the end of a dead end street that opened into a huge field and turned the truck off.

"So, I had no idea you were a vegetarian."

"No, I just don't like meat that much. I eat it, just not often."

"Ah, so I will admit you look damn fine tonight."


"Yeah. So, can I have a kiss?"

"Sure." I responded. I leaned in and attempted to give him a quick peck on the cheek. He turned his head and my lips landed on his. I pulled away.

"That was nice. How about another?" He said as he grabbed the back of my head.

"Kellen, I don't kiss on the first date."

"Well, you do now. Give me another."

"No." I said flatly.

He pulled my head towards his and kissed me. The impact of our kiss forced me to bite my lip. I could taste blood.

"Let me go." I said as I tried to pull away from him.

"Okay." He said. He let me go, and then got out of the truck. He came around to my side and quickly opened the door.

"Get out!" He said.

"No, just take me home Kellen!" I yelled.

"I said get the fuck out." He grabbed a hold of my arms and pulled me out of the truck. He slammed me hard into the ground. I was starting to feel dizzy.

"I'm tired of this innocent act. It's time that you gave me what you've been wanting to give me."

He jumped on top of me, and pinned my arms above my head with one hand. He used his legs to spread mine, and then I felt his other hand at my crotch. I tried bucking, but the way he was holding me down made it nearly impossible.

"Get off of me Kellen! Now!"

"Hmm, you say that, but little Nathan has other ideas!"

He unzipped my pants and reached inside. He took a firm grip of my penis and began stroking it.

"No Kellen! Stop! Please, Stop!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't really hear you. You look tired, maybe you should go to sleep."

After he said that, he pulled his hand out of my pants and reached for my hair. He grabbed a handful of it, picked my head up, and slammed it hard into the ground. I didn't lose consciousness, so he did it again. The last thing I remember is pleading.

"Please, Kellen, don't do this. Stop!"

"What's that? Please don't stop? Sure thing!"

He banged my head into the ground one more time. Everything went black.

Talan had enough of not being able to talk to Nate. He wanted to end their argument. He needed Nate in his life. He could not believe how much he missed him.

He decided to skip the football game, even though that meant he would get benched, and go talk to Nate. When he got to the door, he knocked instead of just going in.

"Hey Talan. Nate just left." Tristan said when he answered the door.

"Shit! Know where they went?"

"No, but I wouldn't mind giving them a follow. Something about Kellen makes my hair stand on end." Tristan responded.

"Yeah, I share that feeling. Plus, he told me that no doesn't mean no. I'm worried."

"He told you what?!" Tristan screamed. "Mother, I am taking your car! I will be back later!" Tristan pulled Talan through the house and into the garage. They hopped into Ashley's car, a simlpe black Lexus, and set out to follow Kellen.

By the time they caught up with them, Talan had filled Tristan in on everything, and Tristan was fuming mad.

"Is that why you have been ignoring him?"

"He has been ignoring me, Tristan! But, yes, that's why."

"Well, let's go inside and get a table. We need to talk."


Talan and Tristan talked about other things, and Talan was actually just as pleased as Tristan that he was having a child.

"Dude, that is so cool! It's almost like I'm gonna be an uncle!"

"Well, I will expect little Audi to have your support growing up." Tristan said.

"Oh, she will!"

"Who said it's a girl, Talan? It could be a boy."

"No, it's gonna be a girl! I just know it!"

"Okay, what ever you say. Shit, it looks like they are leaving. We haven't even paid yet."

"It's okay. I've got cash." Talan said as they both stood up. Talan threw 60 dollars on the table. He knew he way over paid, but he didn't have time to worry about that. He was more worried about Nate.

They followed Kellen, leaving a good distance between them, and then shut the lights off when they got to the dead end street.

"Oh, great. My brother is in there making out with the creep."

"No, he's not. Nate doesn't kiss on the first date."


"Yup, he says that there is not enough of a bond formed."

"Well, he doesn't get that from me. Val and me weren't even dating. She's just a friend. Well, was. Now she's pregs."

"Well, Nathan is just real old fashioned."

"Talan, tell me the truth. Do you love my brother?"

"What? Of course I do!"

"No, I mean, do you really love him?"


Just then they heard a noise. They looked at each other and remembered why they were there. They saw that the passenger door was open on Kellen's truck, so they both got out of the car. When their eyes focused in on what was going, Tristan quickly turned his head. He did not want to invade his brother's privacy by watching him get a blow job. Talan, on the other hand, could not believe what he was seeing. Old-fashioned Nate, laying outside, getting a blow job...with his eyes closed?

Talan was trying to figure out what was going on. He never once had his eyes closed when he was getting blown. He was always intently focusing on something to keep it up. Closing his eyes always clouded his focus. He knew Nathan was the same way. Why were his eyes closed? He then noticed that his hands were above his head and that his arms were relaxed. Too relaxed. It clicked with him.

"Tristan! He's knocked out! Nathanial is unconscious!"

Tristan quickly turned around and looked at his brother. Talan was right, he was unconscious!

"Oh my God! We have got to stop this before Nathan gets off! He will never get over it!"

"I know! Come on!" Talan said.

They were both running towards Kellen and Nathan. Kellen had no idea what was going on. He was enjoying blowing an unconscious Nathan and oblivious to outside interruptions. That is, until he was being pulled off.

"What the fuck?" Kellen yelled.

"That's what I want to know! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here!" Tristan screamed.

Talan was tending to Nathan. He gently placed Nathan back in his pants, and went about his inspection. "Tristan, he's bleeding!"

"That fucking does it!" Tristan reared back and punched Kellen with everything he had. Kellen fell back, and quickly covered his nose.

"You son of a bitch! How could you do that? He is my innocent baby brother! How could you do that?" Tristan yelled as he continued to punch Kellen. Talan gently placed Nathan down and went over to Tristan. He pulled him off.

"No, let me finish this Talan!"

"Tristan, he doesn't deserve to die here. It is too good for him! He deserve to rot in prison! I have already called 911. They will be here soon enough! Now, tend to Natty while I tend to Kellen!"

By tending, Talan meant getting in the few hits he wanted. When he was done, he sat on top of Kellen and held his arms down. There was no way he was going to let him have a chance to get away.

When the ambulance arrived, Talan broke down. He began crying because he was not there sooner to protect Nate. Tristan told him that he would handle the police and questioning.

"Just go with my brother. He doesn't need to be alone."

I woke up with a killer headache. As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I went to put my hand on it, but someone was holding it. I looked to see who it was. It was Talan. He was asleep in the chair next to my bed holding my hand, but wait. There was no chair next to my bed. I quickly looked around the room.

"Talan, wake up!" I yelled.

"What is it? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Talan asked as he came out of his sleep.

"Why am I in the hospital?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"About what?"

"Your date with Kellen?"

When he said that, it all flooded back to me. I started crying. "Did he...rape me?"

Talan squeezed my hand. "No, he did not. Me and Tristan found you before he got that far."

"What did he do to me?" I asked with somewhat subdued tears due to the fact that I had not been raped.

"When we found you, he had you in his mouth." Talan replied with misty eyes.

"Oh no," I started sobbing again. Once I pulled myself together enough, I was able to ask, "Did I...?"

"No, you didn't! I don't know how close you were, but I know you didn't!"

I smiled through my tears. "Thank God!"

Just then, the door to the room busted open. I was quickly enveloped by my dad. "I'm so sorry, baby. I would have never let you go if I knew! I'm so sorry!"

"Daddy, it's okay. I didn't finish, so it's okay. I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?" My mom asked as she sat beside my dad and joined the hug.

"Yes, momma, I'm sure. Had I finished, I would hate myself. At least I know that even unconsciously I didn't betray my feelings."

"No, baby, you didn't. Don't worry! He is receiving treatment right now, but he will be going to jail as soon as his cast sets and his bandages are on."

"Cast? Bandages? What happened to him?" I asked my dad.

"Well, Talan and your brother fucked, sorry Ashley, him up pretty bad. His nose and his left arm are broken."

I looked at Talan and smiled. "Thank you Talan. I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. That will never happen again."

"I don't care about anything else, as long as you are okay Natty. Are we friends again?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Yes, Tally, we are. Come over here and give me a hug."

As we embraced, I could not help but think about how good it felt. I really missed him, and I made a promise to myself right then. I would never do anything to mess up the relationship again.

"Now, Nathanial, they said you have to take it easy for a few days. Sit in the chair."

"Daddy, I do not wanna sit in the wheelchair. I don't need it."

"Son, do as I say."

"Yes sir." I reluctantly sat in the wheel chair as my dad pushed me down the hall. I had to admit, I was glad to be getting out of there. Everyone was nice and all, but I felt fine. I wasn't sure why I had to be held for so long over a concussion. Two days seemed a little extreme.

"Daddy, do you have my phone? I need to call Tori."

"Oh, she told me to tell you that Miiso was able to come back. Your squad took first."

"Really? And you are just telling me this now?"

"Well boy, cut me some slack. My boy was in the hospital. Priorities are a little different to me than they are to you."

"Sorry, daddy. Do you have my phone though? I wanna call Tori."

He handed me my phone and I called her.

"Hey, bitch. How are you feeling?" Tori said as a form of hello.

"Oh, I'm doing well, slut. Doing well." My father stopped the wheel chair and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and quickly realized he did not like my greeting.

"Nathan, apologize."

"My dad told me to apologize for the slut remark." I told Tori.

"Put him on please." She replied.

I handed the phone to my dad and he looked at me weird. "Yes?" He said as he put the phone to his ear.

He was silent for a few minutes before he responded. "Well, I can't say I like it, but as long as you take no offence to it, I will allow it. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me."

My dad handed me back the phone and gave me one of those `to be young' faces.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Well, I just told him how we are. How you weren't insulting me at all."

"Oh, okay. So how did everything go?"

"Oh, it went great considering I had to fix it last minute. We won by 23 points."

"How do you know that?"

"Billie Peterson called me to find out our score. Her squad got second, so she told me their total. Anyway, the only judge comments were to have both captains present and to work on synchronizing our tumbling."

"Sounds good. So, what's the word on the team about what happened?"

"Well, everyone knows that y'all were hanging out. No one knew that he was so violent. Why did he knock you out?"

"I don't remember. Anyway, the story won't be in the paper, because we are both technically minors. So, I guess no one will ever really know unless he tells."

"No one told you anything?"

"Nope. That's the way I prefer it. It makes it easier for me to hate him. Giving me a concussion."

"Oh, okay. Well I will see you tomorrow. Stay beautiful."

"Stay gorgeous." With that we hung up.

"So, greetings are rude, and salutations are friendly? I don't get it." My dad said.

"Well, that's just my relationship with Tori, daddy."

"Ah, youth these days."

"Gotta love it."

"Only for three more years. Then you are 20 and I don't have to love it anymore."

"Wrong, don't forget about Audi!"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm an old man before my time."

"Daddy, you are only 39. I would hardly call you an old man."

"Nathan, I have a 19 and a 17 year old. I am going to be a grandfather in a little over 7 months. I am an old man, regardless of age."

"Yeah, true. Well, look at it this way, at least you will be 40 when Audi is born. That way you can really call yourself old!"

"Boy, if the back of your head wasn't hurt I would smack you one. I love you, kid."

"I love you, gramps."

"So, how excited are you about tonight, babes? I mean, you are finally going to figure out who your secret admirer is."

"I am pretty excited Stacy. By the way, have I told you how beautiful you look?"

"Yes you have. Thank you once again."

"No need for thanks when its true." And it was true. Stacy did look beautiful. Her hair was the way it always was. Long, black, wavy locks that flowed to mid back length. It was hair that any woman would be jealous of, and any man, gay or straight, would want to run their fingers through. She was wearing a black, floor-length dress which hugged her body in all the right areas. Very little make up, just enough to accent her beautiful green eyes. If I were straight, I would ravage her.

"Well, you are looking pretty damn good yourself. I love the way that tux looks on you. That whole waiter style looks great on you."

"Thanks, love. Now let's go eat."

It was our groups tradition to never see each other before the Masquerade Ball. We had been doing it since freshmen year, just to see if we would make it back to each other. We usually did. The only two that ever broke the rule were Stacy and myself. The girl was my female confidant. She was the closest I had ever came to having sex, when we dated as freshmen, and I loved her as more than a friend. She was my sister. Unfortunately for me, she was Talan's cousin, so anytime me and him had a squabble, she would usually take his side.

When we arrived at the restaurant, all eyes were on us. I mean, how often does a couple show up dressed like this at a mom and pop diner. My guess is, hardly ever. We were seated, and looked over the menus when our waiter came over.

"Hey Stacy. Hey Naaathaaaan."

"Hey Brian. You working tonight?" I responded for both of us.

He was only looking at me. "Unfortunately. I couldn't get off. Anyway, you look really good tonight. Really good." Stacy cleared her throat. "You too, Stacy."

I blushed at the awkward moment. "Thanks." We responded in unison.

"So, what can I get y'all to drink?"

"I'll have a coke."

"Water for me, Brian." Stacy said.

"Okay, any appetizers?" Once again, he was looking just at me.

"I'll have an order of cheese sticks. We'll share them please." Stacy responded.

"Oh, are y'all, together?" Brian asked, obviously embarrassed with his actions.

"Yes we are. I would appreciate it if you would stop flirting with my boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Brian said as he walked off.

"Now, Stace, you didn't have to do all that."

"He was making you uncomfortable, babes. I had to do something."

"It was awkward."

"What if he is your secret admirer?"

"Hmm, well he does have a nice ass." I said, following it with a nice amount of laughter.

"True, but I bet, like his face, it is covered in pimples."

"Gross, but probably true. He is a great guy though. Wonderful personality. Hella funny too. If he were my secret admirer, I would have no problem humoring him."

"Babes, sometimes you are too nice for your own good. Anyway, I wonder who she is."


"Your secret admirer. I wanna know who she is."

Shit! I forgot I still hadn't told Stacy I was gay. Her, Mike, and Kelly were the only ones hat didn't know. "Eh, we'll find out tonight."

Stacy and I ate and before we left for the car, Brian asked to speak with me.

"What is it Brian?"

"Look, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable."

"Ah, don't worry about it bud."

"Well, I'm still sorry. Also, I want to apologize for Kellen. Had I known he was such a creep, I would not have told him everything I knew about you. I can't believe he beat you the way he did. It's my fault." Brian said while starting to cry.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't cry bud. The only person's fault it is is Kellen. Don't blame yourself. I don't."

With that. I gave him a pat, and turned to leave. I passed our table and picked up the bill. Our meal was only 20 dollars, but I put a hundred on the table in hopes of telling Brian I had no hard feelings.

When I got to the car, Stacy was in it with her mask already on.

"Wow, Stacy, that mask is almost as gorgeous as you are."

"Yeah, yeah. Does it look okay with my dress."

I took some time to stare at her mask. It was simple. It was a white mask that only covered as much as a sleeping mask would. It had black sequins outlining the eyes and the rim of the mask. On the left side, there were three diamonds that held three black feathers. All in all, it screamed Stacy. Beautiful, bold, and elegant.

"Perfectly. What about mine? Does it go well?"

I pulled out my mask. It was jester style. It covered my face from the nose up. Where the white part of the mask stopped, the jester hat started. It was black and yellow, and went in all directions.

"Both your outfit and your personality. I love it." Stacy replied.

We got to the ball about thirty minutes after it started. I secured my mask on my face and got out of the car. `This is it.' I thought to myself.

I had no idea what was in store for me. I did not know who my secret admirer was, or how I would react to them. As soon as Stacy and I walked through the door, it started raining. Good,' I thought, washing away the past. Time for the future.'


Author's Note

Thank y'all for reading it. What did you think? I want honest opinions about my new style with writing. I wanted to switch point of view, but I did not want to take any mystery away from the story. Did I do a good job? I know that some of you probably have issues with the rape aspect of the chapter, but Kellen will get his. All in due time. Just know, that a real writer writes what they know. Some of these things are my true experiences. The heart of them anyway. I have embellished them, and changed the layout, but the meat and potatoes stayed the same. I would like your honest opinion on this chapter. Was it good?

By the way, I love the emails. You guys are awesome! So supportive, I would have never guessed. Keep 'em coming guys.

Respectfully, ZK

Next: Chapter 5

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