Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Dec 2, 2010


Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Okay, so here is the much anticipated Chapter 6. You guys are great! I mean I got so much support from all of you. Now, let me clear up some things. The story does follow a day to day type of storyline, but it is set about 2 years in the past. The story is very, very loosely based on certain real life events that I had permission to use. More things than not are made up, but certain key parts are derived from real life. I know what you all are thinking, and no I will not tell what is real and what isn't. However, I will say that Nate will get to be a normal teenager for a little bit in this chapter. Its not all doom and gloom, and things are definitely going to start looking up for him in the chapters to come. That is, if he survives the kidnapping... Enjoy.

Secret Admirer-6 Heartbreak

Talan was walking towards the field house with a sense of confidence he had never felt before. He was in love with Nathan, that much had been true for years. However, today, things were different. Nathan reciprocated that love. Talan knew he could have died at that very moment and would have been a happy man. However, his warm feelings didn't last long. As soon as he took the first step towards the field house, he stopped dead in his tracks.

He felt a terrible pain in his stomach. Not something that made him think he was sick, but something that made him feel anxious to talk to Nathan. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed his number. One ring, two rings, three rings, and then voicemail, Talan knew something was not right. He was just turning around to go find Nathan when Mike came up to him.

"Hey, where you going bud?" Mike asked as he stopped Talan from walking away.

"I have got to be with Nathan right now. I just know he needs me. He didn't even answer my call. He screened it."

"Talan, you know Nate would never do that. He is in practice and probably didn't hear it. Now come on, we are gonna be late."

Talan let out a loud sigh, but gave in. He decided that he would deal with Nathan after his practice was over. Besides, he still had some aggression towards Averie, and he wanted to tackle anything he could.

As Talan stepped into the locker room, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. He instantly felt self-conscious. He knew he had to put their minds at ease. "Guys, look, I'm not any diff-"

He was cut off. However, it was not by an insult or a degrading stare. It was not even by a hit. Talan was cut short while defending himself with applause. Everyone in the locker room was applauding him. When the applause died down, Taylor Mathis, the senior captain, stood to talk.

"Talan, its about damn time that you and Nate realized you were a couple. Hell, we've all known it since you were a freshmen. We also heard the truth about Kellen. What you did for Nate is unbelievable. He is lucky to have you."

Talan, suddenly overcome with emotion, had to choke back a tear. "No, I'm the lucky one."

"Well, regardless, we are just glad you have finally come to your senses and got together with him. Maybe now, you will step your game up."

Talan paused for a minute. He had another surge of anxious feelings for Nathan. The pause must have lasted for too long because Taylor noticed it. "Look, dude, as long as you promise to be here the rest of the week, you can go now. I can see it in your eyes that you aren't going to be much use to any of us. Go find your boy."

"Why is everyone so accepting of this? We live in Georgia, I expected to at least get the shit beat out of me." Talan said with no effort to hide his confusion.

Taylor quickly made his way from his locker to Talan and put his arm around his shoulder. "Well, dude, we must live in the gayest part of Gerogia. Almost everyone on this team has a gay relative. It's just something we are used to. It literally doesn't affect us, so don't worry about any of that. Now, go find your boy. We will take care of stuff on the field."

Talan gave everyone a sheepish smile and turned to exit the locker room. As he was walking down the stairs from the field house, he got an anxious feeling for Nathan again. `Oh, no, has he hurt himself in practice?' Talan picked up his pace and turned his walk into a nice run. He knew that if Nathan had hurt himself, he wouldn't tell anyone. He would practice through it and possibly hurt himself even more.

Talan stepped into the gymnasium and quickly scanned the crowd. `Good, maybe he went to the nurse or something.' Talan thought to himself as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Talan!" Tori called when she noticed him. She quickly made her towards where Talan was standing. "What you doing here?"

"Oh, just lookin' for my...uh...Nate." Talan quickly blushed and tried to hide it. Tori was Nathan's friend and not Talan's. He had no right to share any of that sort of information without the go ahead from his partner.

"Oh, you two are so stereotypical high school." Tori said as she rolled her eyes.

Talan got a confused look on his face. "Huh?"

"Oh, give me a break, Talan. Even as a gay couple, y'all are high school royalty. Plus, have you not sat back and thought about it yet? You are the star football player and Nate is a captain of the cheerleading squad. Does that ring a bell with any sort of high school stereotypes?"

Talan smiled to himself. "Wow, never thought of it that way. That's actually pretty funny, but don't expect the other part to come true. I'm not getting him pregnant and we are not dropping out."

Tori instantly erupted in a fit of giggles, but she quickly regained her composure. "So, you are looking for Nate?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, when you find him, will you tell him that Tori is going to kick his ass? Thanks, hon."

The anxious feelings came back at Talan ten fold, and he actually doubled over in a fit of gags. Once he regained his composure, he began talking. "You haven't seen him? Where is he? Have you tried calling him?"

"Tried, but he screened it. He obviously doesn't want to talk to me."

Talan had had enough. He knew something was not right, and something in his head told him exactly where he had to go. He turned and ran out of the gym. `Not this fucking time!' He thought to himself.

Talan was ignoring every traffic signal, speeding through every stop sign, and weaving in and out of traffic. He knew he had to get where Nathan was and quick, otherwise stuff may progress too far this time. Nathan would never be able to bounce back. Talan thought of Nathan, the boy he loved with everything in him, becoming an empty shell, and he had to let a single tear fall down his cheek.

His car came to a screeching halt outside of the place where he was sure Nathan was. He saw that all too familiar truck, and he was blasted with a wave of very intense anger. He did not care who was around him or who saw. He reached in his pocket for his pocket knife and quickly rammed it into one of the tires. While it helped to calm him down some, he knew he would not be totally at ease without Nathan in his arms. He walked up to the front door and paused.

Inhaling deep, he twisted the knob and prepared himself to find the worst. Much to his surprise, the door opened and he stepped into the house.

"Dad, you're home early. Food won't be done for a while, but go up stairs and relax. Just don't go into the guest room. That is where we are working on our science project. We haven't cleaned up the mess yet." An all too familiar voice said from somewhere deeper in the house.

`Science project my ass,' Talan thought as he bounded the stairs two at a time. When he reached the top, he smiled to himself. They were making it easy for him to find Nathan. The rooms had their names on the door! Except for one with double doors, which he assumed to be the master, and another which was juts blank. Talan stepped up to the guest room and put his hand on the knob. Once again, he inhaled deeply and prayed that he didn't see what he was thinking he would.

When he opened the door, what he saw surprised him. However, he wouldn't necessarily consider it a good surprise, as he could see that, once again, Nathan was unconscious.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Talan yelled as he ran to the bed side.

"Keep your fucking voice down! You don't want him to know what's going on!"

"Nathan is going to know eventually!" Talan once again screamed.

"Shhh! Not Nathan! I am trying to wake him up and get him out of here."

Talan breathed silently for a minute, contemplating this. "What do you mean?"

"My brother has snapped. I mean, finally snapped. I should have seen this coming when he asked me to kill our mother."

Talan's eyes bulged. "Kill your mother?"

"Yes, he wanted her dead for the way she treated him, and I can't say I blame him. Stupid me, though, I actually almost did it."


"Yeah, but my mother talked me out of it. I explained everything to her, and she told me that she would go into hiding in order to protect me from my brother finding out I couldn't do it."

"What does this have to do with Nate?"

"Well, he wants him Talan. He wants him more than he has ever wanted anything. He cooked up this whole plot of kidnapping and then, subsequently, running away with him in less than thirty minutes. However, I should say there was one more important part of his plan."

"What is that, Patrick?"

"When he left at midnight, he was going to make a pit stop by your house. He was going to kill you, Talan."

"Patrick! What the fuck are you doing?" Kellen yelled as he came into the room.

"Kellen, its time to end this. You need help!"

"My own fucking brother! Well, never mind then, I will have to dispose of you as well."

Kellen launched himself in his brothers direction. The anger in his eyes showed that he intended on killing his twin. Talan knew he had to stop this. Patrick was in here helping Nathan, so Talan took it as his duty to protect Patrick.

He jumped from Nathan's side and quickly clotheslined Kellen. Kellen fell to the ground gasping for air. Talan jumped on top of him and pinned him to the ground. "Call the police, Patrick!"

"I already have." A voice called from outside the room. When Talan looked up, he saw a very visibly upset Fynn Masterson. "Thank you for protecting Patrick. Now, I do believe I can handle Kellen from here."

Fynn quickly took Talan's position restraining Kellen and turned his attention back to Talan. "Get that boy outta here. He does not need to wake up here. I know what Kellen used to drug him, so I know that Patrick has probably already given him the antidote. It will take affect in a few hours."

Talan wasted no time. He picked Nathan up in his arms and carried him out the door. In the hallway, he turned back and looked into the room. Fynn and Patrick were crying, but Kellen was yelling out obscenities. Talan caught Patrick's attention and mouth a silent `thank you' to him. Patrick smiled through his tears, and that gave Talan the closure he needed. He walked down stairs and then outside. He gently placed Nathan in the passenger seat of his mustang.

"You're going to be alright now." Talan said to him. He kissed him on the forehead and then closed the door.

I opened my eyes slowly. I was not even able to take the time to process the room I was in. I went into a panic. There was an arm around me, gripping me loosely but with purpose. I looked at myself, I was stripped to my underwear. I went into a wild panic. I started to scream and I threw the arm off of me. I ran for the door and opened it. I was greeted by the sight of my brother.

"What's wrong?!" He yelled.

I leaned against him and started crying. The sobs were heart wrenching and I could not control their volume. My brother quickly enveloped me in a tight hug and began running his hand up and down my back.

"What happened?" A voice called from behind me, but one that was obviously speaking to my brother.

"I would like to know the same thing." Tristan said in an accusatory tone as his body tensed.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I was asleep with my arm around him and he starts freaking out." I heard the voice say before I felt a hand on my back that didn't belong to my brother.

I took my head off of my brother's shoulder and turned to look at the person behind me. The sight of him was enough to quiet my sobs. "Talan."

"Of course. Who did you think it was?"

"Kellen." I said while looking down.

Talan quickly wrapped his arms around me from the front, and Tristan wrapped his around me from the back. If I thought that I felt safe in their arms alone, it was nothing compared to the feeling of this group hug. I felt as if I was invincible and nothing would ever hurt me again.

"Kellen is gone now. He is never going to hurt you again. I promise." Talan said before leaning in to kiss me.

"We will never let anyone do anything to you ever again, Audi. If I have to lay my life on the line, you will be safe." Tristan said as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"That goes double for me." Talan said as he rested his head on my other shoulder.

I stood in a state of total bliss. Knowing that I was protected by my two favorite people in the world had me on a high of which I had never experienced. Just as I felt I was about to float into the sky, Talan released the embrace.

"Come back to bed, everything is going to be alright. I promise."


"You two keep it down. Mom and dad may not be here, but I will be. I wanna get some more sleep and will not be distracted my head boards banging against walls." Tristan said before slapping me on the butt and bounding back to his room.

Talan called behind him. "No promises!"

As we walked back into my bedroom, I cocked my eyeborw at Talan. "No promises, eh?"

"You know I was just kidding, Natty."

"Who said I wanted you to be kidding?" I said while raising both of my eyebrows in a provocative manner.

A wry smile crossed his face. "Listen here, lover boy, I would love nothing more than to take those underwear of yours off and bend over for you, but I am not doing a damn thing until I know, 100 percent, that you are ready." With that he pulled me into a hug. " I am not going to do anything that you are not ready for."

"Who said you would be the one bending over?"

"Are you kidding? If I got one look at that ass of yours when it was ready and willing to accommodate me, I would blow before contact was made." He said while gripping my ass.

"Well, just know that you do have that ass pass if you want. Just wake me up first. That's all I ask."

"Wake you up first?" Talan asked as he backed out of the hug. "I just got done saying I would never do anything you weren't ready for, and you thought I would fuck you while your asleep? Really, Nathan?"

Nathan? I was in deep shit. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Well, Nathan, how did you mean it?"

"I...err...I don't really know."

Talan walked over to my bed and pulled his pants on. "Well, that's just great. My boyfriend thinks I am going to rape him. I'll probably see you tomorrow." With that, he pushed past me.

I reached out and grabbed him on the arm. "Tally, don't leave me. Please, let's talk about this."

He turned to face me. "Yeah, let's talk about how bad that hurts, Natty. I love you more than life itself, and you think I am going to rape you. I wouldn't so much as touch you if I didn't think you wanted me to."

"It's hard for me, Talan." I said as I looked down.

"Why is it so hard? I promise you that I will wait. What is so hard about it Nate?"

"You try being orally raped and kidnapped, Talan!" I yelled. I collapsed on the ground and started crying.

Talan reached down and picked me up. He placed me on the bed and climbed in next to me. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking about stuff like that. I overreacted. Please, baby, forgive me."

"There is no need for me to forgive you. You were right in what you said. Just...just try and remember that I'm broken, and I probably won't ever be the same. Whether I like it or not, Kellen has damaged me. I'm damaged goods."

"Don't you ever say that! You are not damaged goods and you definitely aren't broken. We will get through this, together. And as soon as I know that you believe you are ready, we will make love all day. Kellen did not ruin you. He made you stronger!"

"You're right, we will get through this together. Just please be patient with me. I don't know how long it will take."

"Natty, I waited for you since the eighth grade. I can hold out as long as possible. Just knowing that one day we are going to make love, well that gets me all hot and bothered."

"Oh really?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." I looked down at his crotch, and his pants were definitely more snug than they were originally.

"Well," I said as I rolled on top of him. "no one said we couldn't make out like no tomorrow."

"Oh, I like the way you think."

"I do too." With that, I launched an assault on his lips. I broke the kiss and moved to his neck.

"I love you, Natty. So fucking much."

It's a day I will never forget. I guess looking back on it, I can tell that it is that day I finally got closure. December 21, 2008 is the day that Kellen was convicted for aggravated kidnapping in the first degree, aggravated battery, and rape in the third degree. I'm not exactly sure how my dad got the trial to take place so fast, but it didn't last very long at all. The only thing that I was surprised by was that Fynn and Patrick were sitting on my side of the court room.

As I got up to leave the court, I turned to look at Kellen. He was nothing like the boy I had first met almost two months ago. He looked a little pudgier, his eyes didn't sparkle, he had no earrings in, and his head was buzzed. I couldn't help but feel responsible for his state, but I knew inside that he brought it all on himself.

Kellen looked up and saw me looking at him. With tears in his eyes, he mouthed "I'm so sorry" to me. I don't know why I did it, but I mouthed back "I forgive you" and I turned to walk out of the courtroom. As soon as I exited the room, I was stopped by a woman.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to you. It's all his father's fault. He didn't raise the boys right," the woman said.

"And you are?"

"I'm Kelly Peters. I'm Kellen's mother."

I looked at the woman and could instantly see a resemblance. With disgust in my voice, I responded to her. "Well, my guess is that it is you who made him like that. Beating your son when he told you who he was. You are more vile than he ever will be. I forgive him for doing what he did to me. However, I can not forgive you for what you did to him. What kind of woman can just give up her child like that?"

"He is no longer my child. I will not have a faggot for a son. If this is how you receive someone who is trying to be nice to you, I will be leaving. Good day."

With that, she walked away from me. It became apparent to me that I was going to finally be able to put Kellen and all that goes with him behind me. Talan came up beside me and grabbed my hand.

"Who was that, babe?" he asked.

I pulled him along as we started walking towards the door. "It was no one. Now come on. Let's get out of here."

"Yeah, we have a date to get ready for." With that, he pulled me back to him and kissed me.

The second reason I will never forget that day is because it was the day of Talan's and my first date. With the football team making it to state and all of my after school activities other than cheerleading, it was hard for us to do little more than spend the night together, which we had done ever since we got together. I will admit that I was a bundle of nerves and nervous energy. I was practically bouncing around all day long. I had to call Brad.

"Nate! How did everything go today?" he asked as he picked up the phone, noticeably out of breath.

"Oh, everything went great! I will tell you about it later. Tell Matt I say hey."

I could hear the embarrassment in his voice when he responded. "How did you know he was here?"

"Oh, Brad, I just know these sorts of things. Your heavy breathing didn't do anything to help either." I replied with a laugh.

"Hardy har har, very funny, bitch. Now is there a reason you are interrupting me and my man?"

"Yes, I need your help."

"With?" I noticed some sort of noise in the background and I heard Brad gasp. He tried, and failed to muffle the phone before he said, "Wait til I get off the phone, muffin."

I laughed. "Muffin? You have got to be kidding me!"

"Oh shut up. Now, what do you need help with?"

"Getting ready for tonight. I'm too nervous to pick anything out for myself."

"Well, if you are looking for some action, wear your uniform. He says it always gets him hot and bothered."

"Yeah, right." I laughed.

"No seriously. He would have to constantly adjust himself at your competitions. Before he told us about you last year, we all assumed it was Tori getting him worked up. It's actually pretty hot seeing how worked up he gets. He gets all sweaty and has a little trouble breathing. Then, of course, the log drifts down his leg."

I was blushing. "Well, yeah, anyway, are you gonna help me?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in like thirty," I heard a noise, "a hour."

I laughed. "Yeah, finish up with Matt. Bring him, too. I want his opinion."

"Sure thing. Bye."

Brad showed up an hour later with a very happy looking Matt at his side. I also noticed that when they walked into the house that Matt was walking a little funny.

"You okay Matt? Twist your ankle or something?"

Both Matt and Brad blushed crimson red. "Yeah, that's it. I twisted my ankle." Matt replied.

"Was that before or after Brad had his way with you?" I asked before I busted out laughing.

"Shut up!" Brad said as he started laughing. The only who wasn't laughing was Matt, who seemed genuinely embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Matt. I didn't mean to embarrass you." I said in form of an apology.

"It's just, I've never done that before, and I don't like people treating it as a joke."

I couldn't get over that. Brad and Matt had been together for so long, and yet this was Matt's first time having sex.

"That was you two's first time?"

Brad smiled. "No, but it was my first time being on top."

Matt smiled before he added, "And it definitely won't be your last."

Brad pulled Matt over to himself and leaned up to kiss him. "I love you, Muffin." He turned his attention to me. "Now, I seriously think you should consider this whole uniform thing."

It was my turn to blush. "Seriously, just help me pick something out. You pick out my clothes, I'm going to get in the shower."

I hurried to my room and quickly jumped in my shower. I had about an hour to get ready, and even though it would be plenty of time, I was worried that Talan would get here before I was completely ready. I quickly washed myself and got out of the shower. I wiped off the mirror and examined my face. "FUCK!"

"What is it?" Brad asked as he peeked into the bathroom.

"A fucking zit! I have a fucking zit!"

"Where?" Brad said as he moved further into the bathroom.

"On my forehead. Look!" I held up my hair and Brad inspected it.

"You are pretty dumb, Nate."


"That's not a zit. You must have scratched yourself or something. Its just a red spot around a very small cut."

I looked in the mirror again, this time more closely. "Oh, I guess you're right. Fuck I'm so nervous."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "No reason to be nervous, pal. That boy loves you."

"I know. I just want everything to be perfect."

"Trust me on this one. When a `first date' isn't perfect, that is what makes it mean something."

"Thanks Brad. Now, have you got me something to wear?"

"Yes sir! Come on."

I walked into my room and looked at the outfit Brad had picked out. I was a little surprised because the clothes that he picked out were not Brad's style in the slightest. He was a polo and khakis man. I fully expected to see that.

"You actually like those? I mean, I do, but do you think Talan will?"

"Well, I don't like it on me, but on you it looks great, and, well, I sorta asked for an experts opinion."


"Well, I asked Talan before I came over here what he liked on you. These, my dear boy, are his favorite articles of your winter clothing."

That was all I needed to hear. I quickly started getting ready. Without thinking about it, I dropped my towel and went to put on my pants. I heard a very quiet gasp, and I looked up at Matt. He was looking at me, but a little lower than my face. I instantly realized what he was looking at, and I reached down quickly to hide myself. Brad noticed as well, but he was not staring the way Matt had been. In fact, the way Matt was staring had made Brad mad.

"Come on, Matt. We need to let Nate change!" With that, Brad grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the hall. I could hear them start arguing, and I instantly felt like it was all my fault. I started to put my clothes on when I heard my front door slam shut. My bedroom door opened back up, and Brad came in with a very pissed off look on his face.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Fuck, I don't know. He just...drives me fucking crazy sometimes."

"What happened?" I asked as I pulled my shirt on.

"Well, I guess I should give you the full story. I found out that Matt was gay, well, when I saw him staring at you. He was staring a little too long for my liking, so, being your best friend, I stepped in and asked him about it. He tried to play it off, but I knew I caught him. I honestly don't know what came over me, but I grabbed him by the back of the head and kissed him. We have been together ever since, but sometimes I still catch him staring at you. Him looking at you like he just did, well, it really pissed me off."

"Brad, Matt loves you. He may look, but he would never touch."

"I know, it's just I'm no where near as good looking as you are. I just know that one day he is going to leave me for someone hotter."

"Brad, can we be honest with each other real quick?"


"Okay, well I think you are fucking sexy. In my book, you are second only to Talan."

He blushed. "Well, right back at ya. Only Matt, not Talan."

I laughed and pulled him into a hug. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love ya, buddy."

"I love you too, dummy."

"Hey!" I said as I lightly slapped the back of his head.

"Oh, you know I'm just playin'."

"Yeah, yeah. Now come on. Let's head down stairs. I gotta get Talan's presents from under the tree."

"You're giving them to him tonight?"

"Yeah, he is going to his grandfather's house for Christmas."

"Oh, and you weren't invited because they don't approve?"

I laughed. "I wish. It would make it easier. Seriously, the first weekend we were officially together, his grandfather came to my competition and held up a sign with name on and was yelling `that's my grandson's boy.' It was really embarrassing, for both me and Talan. He was redder than our school's mascot man."

"Damn, y'all are lucky."

"Your dad still hasn't come around?"

"No. I mean, he comes into my room at night when he thinks I'm asleep and tells me he loves me and he supports and he often cries, but when we are going through the day, he won't speak to me. I think he knows how bad he hurt me when he said what he said."

"Look, just give it time. He will come around."

"Yeah, I know he will."

We walked downstairs and were heading to the living room towards the Christmas Tree. Right as I was leaning under it to pull out Talan's presents, I heard someone behind me whistle.

I turned around, embarrassed that someone was whistling at me, and was surprised when I saw Talan standing there, looking sexy as ever.

"That's a damn good sight to see when walking into a room. Wouldn't mind seeing that for the rest of my life." Talan said.

"Tally," I started as I got up. "When did you sneak in?"

He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me. "No sneaking, Natty. Ol' Braddy boy let me in as he was leaving."

"Gosh, Brad has got to stop leaving without telling me goodbye."

Talan kissed me. "Ah, well at least we have a little private time to ourselves. I want to exchange gifts before we go to eat."

"Okay, you go first."

"No sir! I want your present first!"

"Okay, but it's more than one." I said with a smile.

"I'm glad you broke that rule." Talan said with a wink. "Cause I did too."

I laughed as I handed him his first present. It was just an envelope with a gift certificate in it, but it was something he wanted. Daisy got a few scratches on her, and Talan wanted her repainted. I got him a paint job gift certificate. The next gift I gave him was a picture of us, taken when we were around 12, of me crying and him giving me a hug. I still remembered that day. It was the day my grandfather died. Talan was the only one that was able to calm me down, and his dad snapped that picture.

"Natty, I don't know what to say." Talan said as he looked at the picture.

"Don't say anything. It was special to me, so I thought it might be special to you, too."

"It is. I love it!"

"Okay, well there is one more thing."

I handed him a small box. His eyes got big. I have no idea what he expected the box to contain, but he looked more than pleased when he opened it and realized that I had gotten him a Rolex.

"Natty, you didn't have to get me this!"

"I wanted to. Read the inscription."

He turned the watch over and read what I had inscribed on it.

Our love grows with each tick. I love you.

His eyes watered. He pulled me into him and gave me a kiss filled with so much passion I almost ruined my pants. When we were finally done kissing, he rest his forehead against mine.

"Thank you so much, baby. I'm almost ashamed to give you my presents now."

"Never be ashamed of anything. You could give me a potato, and I would keep it until the day I die."

He smiled and handed me an envelope to start with. I opened it up, and I smiled immensely. "Where are we going?" I said as I motioned to the plane tickets in my hand.

"Arizona. We are going to see my boy's favorite band play live."

"Shut up! The Summer Set? Legit?"

"Yes sir!"

I practically screamed as I jumped on top of him. I know this probably doesn't make sense to any of you, but they are my favorite band. I literally started crying when he told me. It took me a few minutes to compose myself, and when I finally did, he was all smiles.

"I did good?"

"You did amazing!"

"Good, there's more though."


"And don't get freaked out by this, but somehow we were on the same wave length with this whole Christmas present thing."

We that he reached behind him and pulled out a slim, beautifully wrapped box. I opened it, and I felt my eyes start to mist again. It was another picture of Talan and me. This one was almost the reverse of the one I gave him. Talan and me were asleep on his living room couch. His cheeks were still red with tears and I was holding him in his sleep. It was the day he found out about his mother's accident. I didn't even know this picture was in existence.

"How'd you get this?"

"Dad gave it to me a few years back. He said he found us like that in the living room and he had to preserve the memory. He said that my mom would have loved to see me look that content."

I looked back at the picture, and I noticed exactly what he was talking about. There was a look of serenity on his sleeping face. He looked like he was at peace. I smiled.

"I even knew I loved you then." He said.

"So did I, it just scared the shit out of me."

He laughed at me. Then he reached behind his back and pulled out another smaller box. He held it out to me. When I opened it, my face had to have brightened to near sun wattage. He actually remembered that I said I liked it.

"You bought it for me?" I asked as I held it up.

"I would buy you the moon if you asked for it." He replied as he took it from me. "Turn around, I'll put it on."

I did as he said, and he clasped it around my neck. I ran my hand over the chain, and it was perfect. When I got to the peace sign medallion at the end of it, he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I had it modified a little for you. Those aren't rhinestones. I had them replaced with real diamonds. I also had an inscription put on the back."

I turned the peace sign over and read it what he had inscribed.

I love you, now and forever more.

I teared up as I pulled him against my body from behind. I wrapped his arms around my stomach, and I leaned my head back against his shoulder.

"Talan, you are amazing."

He softly kissed my neck. "You have me beat by miles. I love you, Nathanial Quincy."

"And I love you, Talan Ivory."

"Come on. Let's go get some dinner."

"Alright, but I do have one more present for you when we get back home."

"Really?" He asked in an excited voice.

"Yes. Really. And I know you are absolutely going to love this!"

"I can't wait."

"Why can't we just talk about this Nathan?" Talan asked as he tried to grab my hand.

"There is simply nothing to talk about Talan. My father will be here shortly. Maybe you should pay the bill. Make sure and leave the waiter a big tip...and maybe your phone number. Hell, maybe he would take payment in trade. How about a quick blow job?" I was fuming.

"Nathan, you aren't being fair about this! I was not flirting with him!"

"Yeah, and I am not a boy! I wonder if anyone will believe either of those lies?"

"Why don't you believe me, Nathan?"

I had to stop and think about that one. After a few moments of contemplation, I had finally figured it out. "I don't believe you because there is no reason that you should want to be with me. I mean, look at me! I'm fucking hideous! Why would someone like you ever want to be with someone like me? This was a cruel, cruel prank Talan!"

"Nathan, this..."

"Save it. That's my dad. Bye Talan."

As my dad pulled away, I so desperately wanted to believe it wasn't true. I didn't want him to have played such a cruel joke on me, but he had. Why would he act like he loved me? It is the most hurtful thing anyone has ever done to me. My dad didn't ask any questions, and I was thankful for that. I flashed back to what happened in the restaurant. Everything was going so great, and then he let the façade crumble. He was ogling that waiter like there was no tomorrow. I could see it in his eyes. He was undressing him and doing things that would make a porn start blush.

I tried my best to hold it in, but I couldn't. I started crying silently. The tears rolling down my cheeks were silent reminders of the fact that I loved someone so much, and yet they cared so little about me that they could play such a horrible joke. It was like I was leper in biblical days. Shunned by the ones I so craved and yet put on display for people to revile and be repulsed by me.

I didn't realize how emotionally drained I was until my dad pulled up to the house. I tried to move, but I couldn't. He got out of the car and came to my side. He gently reached in and picked me up. He carried me from the car to my room, and gently laid me down on my bed. He kissed my forehead and then left.

I was wallowing in my self pity. Nothing was going to be okay anymore. It was bad enough knowing that he couldn't love me, but him playing me like that took what was left of my heart and stomped on it. I felt myself nearing sleep, and I found myself quietly hoping I wouldn't wake up. I glanced at the clock, and it read 11 pm.

I glanced at the clock again, but now it read 3:34 am. Had I slept for that long? That thought quickly left my head as I realized that I was not alone on my bed. Someone had their arms wrapped around me. I was comforted knowing that Tristan would come in to comfort me without my even having to ask. I was about to roll over and thank him when I heard him speak.

"Natty, you have to listen to me."

I instantly tried to pull myself out of his grip. "Talan let me go!"

"Only if you promise to listen to me."

"Let me fucking go!"

"Promise me!"

I sat there silently thrashing for a moment, but then my curiosity got the best of me. "I promise."

He let me go, and I got off the bed and went to sit in the corner of my room. Once there, I pulled my knees as close to my chest as they could go. "You completely misinterpreted the way things went to tonight. You want to know why I was looking at the waiter the way I was?" I nodded my head. "Because I saw the way he was looking at you when we first walked in and it severely enraged me. He was giving you the look that you thought I was giving him."

I looked at him. "No, he wasn't Talan. I would have noticed that."

"Nate, you wouldn't have noticed because you were too busy watching me like a hawk. You didn't even turn to look at him when he asked you for your order. You were getting eye raped the whole night." I flinched. "Sorry, bad choice of words, but it's the truth. You have to know that I only have eyes for one guy, and he is sitting in the corner looking at me like I'm crazy."

"Talan, please don't toy with my emotions. I'm very fragile right now."

"Nate, I'm not toying with your emotions."

"Talan why do you keep doing this to me? I understand now that you were just tricking me. I get it. I mean...I don't get why you would be so mean, but I get what you did."

He got up and crossed the room to where I was. "Nathan, look at me."

I turned my head away. "No."

He grabbed me on both sides of the face and turned my head to look at him. "Nate, why in God's name are you thinking the way you are? I mean, we shared a beautiful Christmas present exchange and the last two months have all seemed so perfect. Why now are you questioning my feelings?"

"Because I'm hideous Talan. You could have anyone you want. There is no way you could want me." By this time, tears were flowing down my cheeks.

"Hideous? Nathan, I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you."

"Yeah, right."

"I'm serious. Your hair is the right shade to accent your beautifully flawless white skin. You have the most supple lips that I would give my life to kiss right now. You have the cutest nose in the world. Your eyes..." he paused and looked into my eyes. "Your eyes are like my own personal drug. I look into them and I'm temporarily lost in a euphoric state. They are the purest emerald green I have ever seen. If I could look in your eyes everyday all day, I would."

"Talan don't..."

"Nathan, I'm not lying. I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. The thought of losing you makes me want to die. I can't leave for my grandfather's without us being okay."

I looked at him for the longest time without saying anything. I came to the conclusion that I was an idiot. How in the world did I get things so twisted? I had seen that look on his face before. It was there anytime we talked about Kellen before Talan and I got together. However, I misinterpreted it. I let my insecurities, which I didn't even know were there, get the better of me. I almost ruined the relationship I had so desperately wanted to be in for years. I didn't know how much damage I had caused, but it didn't dawn on me to ask. Instead, I did the first thing that came to mind. I leaned in to kiss him. It wasn't a kiss filled with passion or lust, it was a simple angel kiss.

When I ended the kiss, I rested my forehead against his. "I'm sorry, Tally. I was letting my insecurities get to me."

"It's okay, baby. Just, next time, talk to me. We can't work through our problems without communication."

"I promise. Next time I will talk to you."

"Okay. Now come on. Let's get back in bed."

He stood up and extended his hand to help me up. We walked slowly back to the bed. Talan pulled the covers back for me, and he tucked me in once I climbed into bed. He went to the other side of the bed and climbed in. He cuddled in behind me and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"I love you, Natty," he said as he kissed my neck.

"I love you, Tally," I said as I brought his hand to my mouth and kissed it.

Talan kept kissing my neck. His kisses started as soft pecks, but they were quickly turning into something more urgent. He was licking and biting and sucking on my neck, and it was getting me very hot. I turned over and we started kissing. This time, there was nothing light about it. These were animalistic kisses. My tongue was trying to memorize the inside of his mouth, and his tongue was fighting to do the same.

I moved from my position next to him to one I liked better. I was laying on top of him, and we were making out. I began to grind my hips into him, and that is when I felt it. His hardness was poking me in the thigh. It was then that I remembered something from earlier. I stopped kissing him and looked in his eyes.

"I forgot about your surprise Christmas present, Tally. Are you ready for it?" I asked with a devious smile.

"Can't it wait. You got me pretty worked up. Just keep grinding, I'm so close."

I reached down and grabbed his dick through his pants. "No, it definitely can't wait."

By that time, he finally understood what I was talking about. He sat up and lifted off his shirt, and then he took off mine. I pushed him back down and started to attack his neck the way he was mine just moments earlier. Once I was sure he would have a hickey, I began my decent. I reached his pecks, and I licked both of his nipples. When it didn't elicit much of a reaction from him, I continued moving down. I licked the contours of his abs, and he let out a soft moan. I reached his belly button and licked around it, and he rewarded me with another soft moan. As much as I loved the sounds of him moaning, there was something else I wanted.

While I was licking his belly button, I used my hands to unbutton his jeans. Once they were unclasped, I started descending again. When I reached the top of his zipper, I had an idea. I picked the zipper up between my teeth and used them to pull it down slowly. About half way down, Talan grabbed my head.

"Natty, unless you want me to blow now, use your hands. That is too fucking hot."

I smiled at him and used my hands to finish his zipper. Once the zipper was undone, I grabbed the top of both his pants and underwear, and yanked them down in one fluid motion. His dick bounced out of his underwear and slapped his abs with a loud pop.

I was mesmerized. Seeing him in the shower that time was nothing compared to this. To make matters better, he was going to let me do whatever I wanted to do with this beautiful piece in front of me. There was just enough moonlight coming through the window to illuminate things in my bedroom. I saw a small drop of precum on the tip of his dick. I grabbed it by the base and stood it up. I leaned down and licked the tip of his dick.

I was addicted instantly. His precum was so incredibly sweet. He tasted as if he had eaten nothing but pineapple for weeks. I lost any inhibitions that I had and quickly wrapped my lips around the head of his dick. I swirled my tongue around the head, and then dug it into the piss slit. Talan's moans were no longer soft. He was moaning obscenely loud, but I didn't care. I was too entranced with his dick.

I decided to start the bobbing process. I somehow got the idea that I would be able to take all of his dick in my mouth. I quickly found out that I was wrong. I got the head and maybe 3 inches in my mouth before I began to gag. I decided to pull up and try again. When I got the same reaction, I decided that I would just suck what I could.

I was bobbing up and down on what I could fit in my mouth, and I used my hand to pleasure what was left of his dick. I wasn't sucking for very long when I heard Talan's breath become very staggered.

"Natty, I'm gonna cum!"

He tried to pull my mouth off of his cock, but I didn't let him. I kept bobbing as if my life depended on it. After one more up and down motion, I felt his dick swell, and then I felt something fire into the back of my throat. I quickly pulled his dick so that the head was resting on my tongue, and I began tasting his essence. It tasted like his precum, just a lot stronger. It was definitely more masculine tasting than I expected, and it was putting my mind in a fog.

I tried my best to swallow it all, but by the fifth eruption in my mouth, it started running down my chin. I kept sucking until he was done cumming. Almost immediately, he pulled me up from his dick to his mouth. He gave me the most passionate kiss we had shared to date. When we broke the kiss, he looked into my eyes.

"That was fucking amazing!"

"Better than Averie?"

"She can't even hold a candle to you. Besides, I would rather get a blow job from someone I love. That in itself was enough to make it the best experience of my life."

"Well," I said with a smile on my face, "I'm glad you liked it cause I plan on doing it again. Often."

He laughed at me and then kissed me again. "Okay, roll over. It's my turn." He said as he attempted to roll me over.

I got off of him, but I laid my head on his chest. "That was my gift to you. I don't need reciprocation. Let's just go to sleep. You can have your turn later."

He ran his fingers through my hair. "Okay. I love you so much. Sleep well."

"I love you, too."

With that, I looked down at his still hard dick and smiled. He was mine, and I had just confirmed that.

When I woke up the next morning, I had a faint taste of pineapple in my mouth. I was confused at first, until I remembered what I did the night before. I smiled to myself and reached over to wake up Talan, but he was gone. I started to freak out, until I saw a letter on my bedside table.

Sorry. I would have made you get up, but you looked so peaceful.

My dad called me and said we needed to leave.

I'll call you later. I love you, Baby.

Last night was amazing.


I smiled to myself. I had him. I wasn't dreaming. This was real. It was the best feeling in the world. I was quickly jerked from my inner thoughts when my bedroom door flew open.

Tristan walked in with a smile on his face.

"What is that goofy grin for Tris?"

He came over to my bed and ruffled my hair. "Audi got some dick last night!"

I was quickly embarrassed. Partly because of him knowing and partly because of his obscene way of telling me he knew. "How do you know?"

"Well, everyone in the tri-state area knows, Audi. You must have been working Talan over good because he was practically screaming in pleasure."

"I didn't know he was being that loud."

"You were obviously concentrated on other things." Tristan made a gesture that looked like someone sucking someone off.

"Shut up!"

"Ah, I'm just playing with you, Audi. Now come on. Mom and dad wanna have a talk with us."


I walked downstairs and my parents were sitting at the dining room table. When we walked in, they looked at us and started talking.

"Now, boys, first off know that your mother and I love you very much. Now, we do have some things to tell you. I guess I will tell you as your mother is embarrassed."

"What is it daddy?" I asked.

"Well, your mother and I are getting a divorce."

My world went from amazing to shit in a matter of minutes. I instantly started crying. I couldn't control it. Tristan grabbed a hold of me, and through sobs of his own, he asked, "Why?"

"Well, for starters, this isn't either of your fault. Your mother was unfaithful and she is pregnant. Add that to the disagreements we have been having over personal issues, and it is what is best."

I went from sad to infuriated. "Pregnant?!"

My mother looked me in the eyes. "Yes, Nathanial, I am pregnant."

"You fucking whore! How could you do that to daddy?!" Tristan yelled.

My mother started crying, and my father placed his hand on her shoulder. "Tristan McHale Quincy, apologize to her this instant."

"Adam, its okay. He is upset, I understand."

"Okay," he looked from my mother to Tristan and me, "but you two will never disrespect her again. Are we clear?"

Tristan and I both shook our heads in the affirmative. I didn't care what else they had to talk about. I got up and walked away from the table. I walked back to my room and plopped down on my bed. I heard my phone vibrate on my bedside table, so I picked it up.

New Text Message

Averie Bonabre

"What the fuck does she want?" I said as I slid my phone to unlock it.

Averie: Nathan, I have to tell you something.

Me: And why should I care what you have to say?

Averie: Oh, you'll care. ;)

Me: Fine, what is it?

As I looked at my phone, I couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. If I thought my world came crashing down before, I then saw it being lit on fire. My heart couldn't take the strain at the moment. I fell back on my bed and closed my eyes. The last thing I thought was `Please don't let me wake up.'


Author's Note

Okay, so I know I said things are going to look up for Nate, and they are, but certain things have to happen before then. Kellen has been laid to rest in the work, but Patrick may hold an important role in this story. Now, on to more important things. I love getting emails from you guys. I am never annoyed by "fan mail" and I have no problem emailing people back. Also, I do not mind emailing people about stuff other than my story, so don't be afraid to ask whatever you want. I do possess the liberty to not answer your questions.

Another thing, I don't understand sarcasm unless I witness it verbally. Apparently, I apologize to much, so get used to that if I apologize to you for something. Another, I love helping people. It makes me happy. I don't know how much help I am, but I love trying. Before you ask, no I am not single, and I do not plan on having an "online" relationship. I care for people almost instantly, and I love pet names.

That is just a little insight into me. Now, tell me. What did you think? I know you all said it wasn't getting boring, but did I do a good job with this chapter? I am mostly aiming to please my readers, so I will not be shut off to taking suggestions. Just, let me know what you think.

Lots of Love ZK

Next: Chapter 7

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