Secret Admirer

By Zk Sma

Published on Dec 16, 2010


Before I get into the story, let's get the legal stuff out of the way. I am above the age of 18 at the time of writing this story. I own all rights to this story. Any likeness in name or actions to any of the characters in this story with someone in real life are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to read/view something like this in your area, you should leave now. This story includes scenes of male/male sex with high school aged men. If this is considered offensive, you should, once again, leave. If nothing else, then read my excerpt, and enjoy.

Now, Chapter 7 is finally done. This one is going to clear up some things, but if I achieve the desired affect, it will also create a few questions. At least, I hope it does. You guys definitely know how to make a guy feel important. Always wanting me to update it because you love it so much. Thank you for all of your support. You are going to see a side of Nathan in this chapter that you have seen yet. It might be a surprise. Also, Nathan and Talan might not survive the truth. That is, if Averie has anything to do with it... Enjoy.

Secret Admirer-7 Explanations

Text Message

Mike Collins

Mike: Talan...

Talan: Mike... Haha what's up?

Mike: Dude, why did you lie to him?

Talan: What are you talking about?

Mike: Talan, man, you know what I'm talking about.

Talan: No, I really don't...

Mike: Averie, bro. He's heartbroken...

I hadn't stopped crying ever since she sent me that picture. Brad had came over when Tristan called him, and he has been holding me all day. I honestly didn't know that any one person had that many tears. I cried so much that I made myself sick multiple times. Each time, Brad kept my hair out of my face and kept rubbing my back.

At about 6 that evening, Brad started talking to me.

"Nate, please stop crying. It's going to be okay."

"No, Brad! It won't!"

"Yes it will. There has to be a reasonable explanation for this. You know that just as well as I do."

I looked up at Brad, and I realized I was finally stopping my water works. "Maybe, but why did he lie about it?"

"I don't really know, bud, but maybe he didn't think he was lying?"

"Now come on, surely you don't believe that!"

"I don't know what to believe. I just want you to stop crying. I hate seeing you like this."

A question popped in my head suddenly. "Brad, why have you been here all day?"

He looked at me like I lost my mind. "Nate, you are my best friend. You are hurting. Of course I'm gonna be here. Where else would I be?"

"With your boyfriend?"

"That's a one year relationship. Me and you are about 10 years. I think he can go a day without seeing me."

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate everything."

"Don't thank me. I have to be here. At least until I see a smile on your face again." At that he smiled.

"Yeah, don't expect that one until I get some damn answers."

"Well, you have to smile sometime between now and then. He isn't coming home until 3 days after Christmas. I have to see you smile."

Brad had finally convinced me to go with him to the movies. He called it a "bro-date" and told me if I played my cards right I might get lucky. I couldn't help but be grateful. This guy knew how to cheer me up, even though I was still feeling extremely down. I got dressed and washed my face, and then we bolted from my room. I walked right by Tristan's room.

"Good to see you aren't crying anymore. I can stop ark construction." Tristan yelled.

I just laughed and carried on. I guess I was too cried out. Well, I was, until I passed my parent's room.

"Okay, you got what you wanted. I lied for you. Now leave!" I heard my dad say through the closed bedroom door.

`Lied?' I thought to myself. I had no idea what he was talking about, until my mother started speaking.

"You would think you would choose me over him! I was here first!"

"I would never choose anyone over my children! Not even my own mother, rest her soul!"

"Even when you have a faggot for a son?" I heard my mother say.

My world just got a lot darker. Nothing made sense. My mother was so supportive. Always smiling at Talan and telling me how much she loved me. I didn't get it.

"If I ever hear you say that again, your ass is mine." My father responded.

"I can't believe this! Choosing a damn queer over your wife!"

"He is your son! Damnit! You shouldn't have acted like it didn't bother you. You should have told me! We could have got you some help!"

"Me? He is the one that needs help! I tried, but its fucking disgusting! I don't know why you wouldn't let that church take him!"

"Let someone brainwash my son into believing he is something that he isn't? I think not. You disgust me. Get out of my house this instant!"

Just then, their bedroom door flew open, and my mother was standing there looking at me.

" much did you hear?" she asked me.

Brad quickly embraced me with his back to my mother. He whispered in my ear. "Let's go."

"No." I whispered back. I locked eyes with my mother. "I heard it all. I always thought you loved me. I guess I was wrong." The tears were forming in my eyes.

"Nathan, I do love you."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

"What you are doing is wrong! You made the wrong choice!"

The tears turned from sad to angry in a matter of seconds. "Choice? You think this is a choice? Why would I want my mother to be disgusted by me? Why would I want half the world to hate me? Stop and think about the stuff you say! I hate you, mother! I never want to see you again!"

Just then, Tristan appeared by my side, and he and Brad led me downstairs and outside. Tristan put me in the back seat of his truck and Brad climbed in next to me. I leaned against Brad and started crying. Tristan started the truck and took off somewhere.

About ten minutes into the ride, I had stopped crying and was trying to regain myself. "Where are we going Tris?"

"I know someone who needs to be surrounded by people that love him."

"I don't want anyone to see me like this."

Brad started rubbing my head. "Everyone is worried about you. They want to see you."

"Okay, I guess, but where are we going?"

"Mike's house. Everyone's there."

"Talan, son, you aren't going anywhere. The roads are closed." Talan's dad said to him.

"Dad! I have to go! Nate deserves to know the truth! What if Averie lied?"

"Well, you probably should have told him by now. I know he loves you, son. He will be able to deal."

Talan started crying. "He's gonna leave me. I just know he's gonna leave me. I'm such a fuck up!"

Talan's dad started to say something when he heard his son's cell phone start ringing. He picked it up and saw that it was Mike, so he answered it.

"Hello, Mike. Talan is a little inconsolable at the moment."

"Mr. Ivory, can I talk to him, please? It's about Nate."

"Okay. Here he is."

"Hello?" Talan said while still crying.

"Talan, he's coming over. I'm telling him the truth. Y'all are gonna make it, bud. I promise."

"I want to tell him. He should hear it from me!"

"Well, considering the fact that you aren't here, I am going to tell him. You can't do this over the phone."

"Please, at least tell him to call me. He won't answer any of my calls or texts."

"Well, he is going through some other shit right now too. Brad didn't say what, just that it is bad. I'll keep you posted."

"Thanks, Mike. I owe you man."

"You don't owe me a thing. Bye, bud. I love your dumb ass."

"You too, Mike. I love you, too."

"Tristan go to Mike's house. That's where everyone is."

"Okay. So you wanna tell me what this is all about Brad?"

Brad ran his fingers through a sleeping Nate's hair. "Well, a lot of it has to do with your parents, but its mostly Talan."

Tristan looked at Brad through the rearview mirror. "What did he do to my baby brother?" he asked through clenched teeth.

"Calm down, Tris. You know as well as I do that Talan loves him. It's just, he wasn't completely honest with him about everything."

"Everything, what?"

"Averie Bonabre mostly."

"What does that slut have to do with anything?"

"Well, all I know is she sent Nate a text this morning that showed him that Talan was lying about something. It must be big because Nate can't even talk about it."

"Well he better hope its nothing too big. I will kick his ass."

"I don't know, Tristan. This seems like one of those things that they need to work out for themselves."

"Well, you might be right, but I'm just making it known that I will kick his ass. Now wake up sleeping beauty. We're here."

"Why are we at Mike's?" I asked as I looked out the truck windows. My eyes still heavy from the short but needed nap I took.

"Everyone is here, I told you this already, and Mike said he needed to talk to you." Brad replied as he hopped out of the truck.

"Well, let's just hope he doesn't want another kiss. I'm not really in the mood." I said.

"To kiss me, well get in the mood boy cause here it comes." Out of nowhere Mike appeared and grabbed my face. He planted one right on my lips. Just when I thought it was done, he slipped in some tongue. When he pulled away, he had a mischievous grin on his face.


"I know, I know. I'm an awesome kisser. You ain't to shabby yourself." Mike said as he walked me to the house.

"I was gonna tell you to use more tongue next time." I said while elbowing him in the ribs. That elicited laughter from Tristan and Brad.

"Nathan! Getcher ass over here and show me some love." Mitchell, Mike's older brother, said as soon as I walked through the door.

I walked over and gave him a hug. "Mitch, it's been a long time."

He popped my butt. "Too long hot stuff. Where's ol' stud-muffin Baby T at?" He asked referring to Talan.

My eyes got a little misty when he asked. I had resigned myself not to cry, but I could see that I was quickly losing that battle. "Not here," I managed in response before I broke down again.

All at once, everyone was at my side. I really was an emotional wreck, but at least I had people there who cared.

"Nate, come to my room for a little bit. We need to talk." Mike said as he pulled me from the rest of the group.

"No funny stuff, Mike!" Brad called from the hall.

"No promises!" Mike called back.

Mike pulled me into his room and quickly embraced me once the door was closed. "I know what you're probably thinking buddy, but I actually know the truth. Can I see the text she sent you?"

I simply nodded and handed him my phone. "What's the passcode?" he asked.

"Talan's birthday."

He smiled. "You got it bad, bud."

He quickly punched in the numbers and unlocked my phone. He clicked my text message application and quickly scrolled for Averie's name. I guess he found her in there because he got really pissed.

"That bitch! I should have known she'd do this! What a cunt!"

"Is it true Mike?" I asked as I took the phone back from him to look at the picture she sent me.

"Yeah, bud, it is."

"How could he do this to me? How could he lie to me?"

"He didn't lie, per se. He just didn't tell the full truth." I gave him a weird look. "Don't look at me like that. There is a difference. I promise."

"Well, can you please explain this to me. That's all I want is a damn explanation."

"Okay. Sit down. I'll tell you everything you need to know."

I sat on his bed and waited for him to start. He was gathering his thoughts, but it was taking him longer than I wanted. "Spill."

"Okay, so I know he told you about the time he had sex with Averie, but he manipulated the timeline a bit. He actually didn't have sex with her until about a week or so before you came out to him."

"And how do you know that? I'm leaning more towards him cheating on me."

"Well, I know because he came to me right after it happened. He cried his eyes out all night."

"Okay, well how do you know about me coming out then? Time wise I mean."

"Well, I saw him putting the first note in your locker. I asked him what it was, and he told me. I thought it was really sweet."

I smiled at that. "Yeah, me too, but back to the point. Are you sure he didn't cheat on me? We weren't together when this happened?"

"100 percent bud, and he would never cheat on you. He has way too much respect for you. And even if he didn't, the boy loves you so damn much, it would probably hurt him more to cheat on you than it would hurt you."

"I doubt that. I'm not so great."

"Before we get back into this Talan thing, let me stop you. Nate, you had me, a very straight guy, willing to throw it out the window for you. If the sparks had been there when we kissed, I was gonna dump Stacy and try for you. That should say something about you."


"Yeah, but now back to Talan. I promise he didn't cheat on you. I wouldn't be here defending him if he did. After all, you are my savior."

"Mike, you hurt your knee. I didn't take a bullet for you."

"Well, I don't forget stuff like that, so I always gotcha back, son."

"Well, that's good to know. I'm glad he didn't cheat. It will make it easier to look him in the eyes."

"So, you weren't going to dump him?"

"I love him too much. I would have never trusted him again, but I would have stayed with him." I saw a look of disgust cross his face. "I know what you're thinking, but the heart wants what the heart wants. I can't just turn it off."

He placed his hand on my arm. "I know. So, what are you gonna do?"

"Well, for starters, I'm gonna go out there and be with my friends. Then, I'm gonna go home and think about all this. One thing I'm definitely gonna do, I'm gonna confront Averie. She may think she is queen bitch, but I'm gonna dethrone her ass."

"There's the Nate I was looking for! Come on, stud, let's go have a fiesta."

"Whoa! He smiles!" Brad said as I entered the living room.

I couldn't help but smile. All of my friends where there for me. Not just to see me, but to make sure I was okay.

"Of course I'm smiling. Y'all are fuckin' awesome."

Stacy came over and grabbed me in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry about your mom. She's losing out big time."

"Ehh, fuck her."

"Aggressive much?" Matt said as he hugged me, perhaps for a minute too long.

"A little...muffin." I said as I broke into a fit of laughter.

"Hey!" Matt replied as he smacked me in the back of the head.

"So, guys, let's do something. I need to have some fun!"

"Bowling?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah! Let's go to glow in the dark bowling!"

"Nate, that's in Atlanta." Mike said.

"And? Y'all don't love me enough to drive to Atlanta?"

There was a group groan before everyone replied, "Yeah."

I got a big smile on my face. "Perfect. I call shot gun!"

New Text Message

Averie Bonabre

Averie: Mike said you wanted to talk to me.

Me: Yeah. Can you meet me at the diner across the street from school?

Averie: I mean, yeah. Why?

Me: I think you know why Averie. I'm heading there now. See you in a bit.

I put my phone down and refocused on driving. It sounded again, and I assumed it was another text message from Averie. I picked it up, but quickly put it back down. It wasn't from Averie, it was from Talan. I wasn't ready to talk to him just yet. I wanted to confront Averie before I had my throw down with Talan. Neither one was going to be pretty, but I wanted to deal with Averie first.

I pulled up to the diner and walked in. The first person I see is Brian.

"Brian! Your face! It's clear!" I said. I was stunned. His face was acne free, and honestly, he was kinda gorgeous.

"Yeah. Turns out Proactive really works. What do you think? Am I stud now or what?"

I didn't think before I started talking. "Dude, you are totally hot!" I instantly blushed.

His smile increased ten fold when he heard that. "Thanks! How many?"

"Two." I said while not making eye contact.

He lead me to my table and made idle chit chat. "Who's joining you? Talan?"

"Nope. Averie."

"Bonabre? I thought y'all hated each other...?" It was clearly a statement, but he formed it into a question.

"Nah. I don't feel anything for her. The bitch barely exists to me."

"Oh, feisty. I like that." Brian said with a wink, which made me blush more.

"Um, yeah..."

"So what do you want to drink?"

"I'll take coffee please."



Brian finally left me alone. I don't quite know why he made me feel so bashful. I guess I was just used to him blending into the background. This new Brian, however, was definitely gonna be a head turner. It's amazing how different someone looks when they get rid of their acne. He was a new man. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Averie sat down in front of me.

"Hey, Nate. How are you?" She asked with a fake smile.

"Cut the shit Averie. Let Brian get our order, and then we can talk."

She quickly started looking through the menu. Brian came over and gave me my coffee.

"Here ya go." he turned his attention to Averie. "What do you want?" He said with just a hint of attitude. Someone was getting a big tip.

"Water, please."

Brian left and quickly returned with her water. We said we weren't ordering food, and asked Brian if he could give us alone time until I waved for the bill.

"So, we need to talk?" Averie asked once Brian agreed to come back later.

"Do you really need to ask that, Averie? Of course we need to talk."

"Look, I might have went about things the wrong way, but still, the truth is the truth."

"Might have went about things the wrong way? Damn, Averie, that message about broke my heart."

A smirk crossed her face. "Good. Now what do you wanna talk about?"

A smirk crossed my face at that point. "You aren't getting him back."

She quickly frowned. "You're staying with him?"

"Of course I am. This happened before we got together."

"And how can you be so sure?"

"Y'all only had sex once, you slut. I know that."

"Who says?"

"Mike does. Talan came over to his house right after and cried for hours. You were that bad." I said with a smile.

She snorted. "Proves how much you know. He loved every minute of it. You should have seen the smile on his face."

"Were his eyes closed?"


"Did he ever say your name? Even once?"


"Then he was thinking about fucking me. That's the only way he could ever perform with you." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Real confident about that aren't ya?"

"Well, have you looked in the mirror lately? You ain't nothin' special darlin'."

"When's the last time you checked yourself out Nathan? You aren't all that."

"Says the girl who wanted me after Talan dumped her sorry ass."

"What the fuck do you want, Nathan?"

"I am just here to tell you that this isn't going to break us. We are going to get through this together. We will even take full responsibility, so you can go back to living your dreadful life."

"Take full responsibility nothing. I will get rid of it."

That pissed me off. I got up and leaned across the table. Our noses were practically touching. "If you abort that baby, there will be two dead people. The baby and you. That's not a threat, Averie. It's a fucking promise. We clear?"

"I'm not scared of you Nathan." Averie said as she stood up.

"Oh no? Well what about daddy? How do you think Pastor Bonabre is gonna react when he finds out that A, his `virginal' daughter is pregnant by a gay guy, and B, she is planning to abort the baby?"

She slumped back down into her chair. "You wouldn't?"

"Oh, bitch, I would. Like I said, you aren't going to break us. This may be his only chance to have a child. I don't know what the future holds, and I know we're still young, but I'll be damned if you take that away from him."

"I gotta go." Averie said as she stood up to leave.

I grabbed her arm. "Don't so anything stupid. As soon as you leave I'm sending daddy dearest a text message. I'm sure you'll recognize the picture. It's the one you sent me yesterday."

"I won't, Nathan. Let me go."

"Bye Mommy." I said with a smirk.

At this point I was really heated. She threatened to abort the baby simply because I told her it wasn't going to break Talan and me up. What a selfish bitch. Willing to end a perfectly innocent life for her own selfish reasons. She should have been shot.

"That looked pretty intense." Brian said as he came over to refill my coffee cup.

"It was. She is a hateful bitch."

"Yeah, I know. I don't like her at all."

"I used to. When she was dating Talan, she was sweet. Now she is practically the fucking devil."

"Speaking of Talan, where is he?"

"Away." I said, with a strong hint of emotion in my voice.

"Oh. Is everything okay?" Brian asked as he sat down opposite me, claiming the spot vacated by Averie.

"Well, yes and no, but we are going to come through this."

Brian smiled at me. "Yeah, you will, but if anything happens, you know where I am."

With that said, Brian laid my bill down on the table and left. My coffee was around a dollar thirty-nine. I laid down a twenty and left. Brian had been more than nice to me, and even if he was coming on to me, it boosted my self esteem a little, and honestly, that's what I needed just then.

I woke up on Christmas morning feeling miserable. The two things that weighed heaviest on my heart were the two things I had no control over. Number one was my mother. I could not believe how much her words hurt me. It seemed like just yesterday she was crying over almost losing me to suicide. Now, me being out of her life was her own doing. That didn't make any sense to me. Even though she was so cruel, I still felt nothing but love for her. However, my contempt at how she acted drove me to do some things that I knew I would regret sooner or later.

The second thing that weighed on me was Talan. He was, in summary, the love of my life. I knew without him, nothing or no one would matter. That was what made the Averie situation so unbearable. He lied to me. He didn't tell me when they had sex. He never told me she was pregnant. I couldn't help but feel betrayed. Was he planning on leaving me? I quickly resigned myself to believing that was the case. He got what he wanted, my mouth, and now he was headed for splits ville. Well, I was never one to sit back and take stuff. When I saw something I wanted, I got it. Talan was something I wanted, no needed, and I was not going to let him leave me. Not now, not ever.

I was staring into space when there was a sudden, abrupt presence in my bed.

"Santa came! Santa came!" Tristan said in a mock child's voice.

"Ugh! Shut up and leave."

"No can do bro. Since mommy dearest isn't here, I am in charge of body searches. Stand up and drop trou. It's inspection time."

"Mom never made me get naked."

"Mom also didn't know that the number one place for depressed people to cut other than their arms is the inner thigh. Now stand up."

"Ugh. Whatever." I stood up and dropped my boxers. My brother did the body scan, and once he was complete, smacked my ass.

"All clear, champ."

"I know already. So, are we gonna go open presents or what?"

"Yeah. Come on, Audi."

Tristan and I raced downstairs like 4-year-olds. Christmas morning never lost its spark with us. We were always surprised by what we got, and we were always genuinely pleased with everything. I had just finished opening the last of my rather large stack of presents, when I noticed there were still quite a few gifts under the tree.

"Daddy, who are those for?"

He looked at me with sad eyes. "Your mother."

The look on his face sent anger through me. I got up, marched over to where her presents were, and one by one threw them into the fire place. My father had a look that was a mix between horror and euphoria on his face. My brother was looking at me like I was the greatest thing that ever lived.

"Son, you didn't have to do that," my dad said as he crossed the room to where I was standing. He wiped a tear from my eye that I didn't even know was there.

"I know daddy. It's just I can't help but feel so angry towards her. I still love her so much, and she is just giving up on me. I can live with that, but why is she giving up on y'all too? I can't live with that."

"We don't need her, Audi. All we need is each other."

"Son, listen to me. Your mother is in the wrong here. I know it, you know it, your brother knows it, and I'm sure your mother does as well. However, her leaving is entirely my doing. She told me that she was sending you to a straight camp in Wyoming. I humored her long enough to find out the name. I looked it up, and what I found horrified me. They use methods like electroshock therapy and good old fashion beatings. I cried while reading some of the testimonials from parents glad that their children died at those camps. The fact that your mother was willing to send you to one, it broke my heart. Almost every ounce of love I ever felt for her drained from me completely. I said it to her then, and I will say it to you now. No one is going to harm my children if I can help it. Not even their mother."

My eyes watered upon hearing this. All the time I thought my mother was accepting me, she was planning to send me to one of those straight camps. I couldn't believe how much it hurt to hear that. My dad quickly embraced me. "Don't cry, baby. It's Christmas. Let's get to our typical Christmas activities." He released me from the hug. "What do ya say boys? Waffle House and a movie with your old man?"

"Not so old, daddy!" Tristan said, gaining him a huge smile from our father.

"Do you think I could invite someone? I know this year Christmas is rough on him, and I feel kinda responsible."

"You know you can, son. The more the merrier."

I quickly ran to my room, and threw on some clothes. After I was dressed I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I reached the desired one. I wasn't sure if I had it in me to actually follow through with the plan, but, like I told my dad, I felt responsible that, that particular person was having to spend Christmas the way they were. I clicked the contact, and then clicked call. I took a deep breath and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Merry Christmas," he said as he answered the phone.

"Hey. Merry Christmas Patrick."

"Merry Christmas boy! Get over here and give your PopPop a hug."

Talan gave him a small smile as he crossed the room. "Merry Christmas, PopPop."

Being as intuitive as he was, Brandon, Talan's PopPop, looked at his Grandson's face. "You aren't any better than your father was. What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Talan lied.

"Boy, lying on Christ's birthday? You trying to go to hell, son?"

"I'm going anyway..." Talan said as a tear escaped his eyes.

Brandon hooked his finger under Talan's chin, and raised his face to meet his own. "Now why would you say something like that? I sure don't believe it."

"I lied, PopPop. I told a terrible lie. One that I don't think will be forgiven."

"And who did you lie to, son?"


Brandon smiled. "Well, my dear boy, at least now I know you're wrong."


Brandon pulled a card out of his coat pocket and sat it down in front of Talan. "PopPop, what is this?"

"Someone sent me an email this morning, and I printed it for you like he asked. You know how hard it is to find an open store that sells card stock on Christmas Day?"

Talan looked at the card, and started to open it. Brandon came up to him, kissed him on the forehead, and said, "Whenever you're ready, come down stairs. Your father will wait for you, but I don't know about your cousins."

Brandon left the room, and Talan put his focus back on the card he was holding in his hands. He hesitated for a moment and then opened it. He felt fresh tears in his eyes as he read it.


I know everything. Averie wasted no time telling me everything that you either couldn't or wouldn't. I want you to know a few things. First, I am very hurt by the fact that you couldn't tell me yourself. Surely you have to know how much I love you. I would not have cared. Second, I am thrilled that you are going to be a father. I am willing to help you in anyway I can. I want us to do this together. That being said, you aren't out of the woods with me just yet. I expect a full explanation of everything, starting with why you couldn't tell me yourself. I don't know how much your dad has told you, but I am going through some really tough stuff right now, and I honestly need you with me. This is not going to break us Talan. I won't let. I will fight for you tooth and nail. I love you, Tally. Merry Christmas.


A sense of calm overcame Talan. He knew that he would be forgiven. He emerged from his bed and bounded down the stairs. His PopPop gave him a knowing look, while his father jumped from his chair, overjoyed that his son was smiling for the first time in days.

"Commere boy!" Talan's father said.

Talan walked over to his dad and gave him a hug. He then turned to his PopPop and gave him a hug as well. After the affections were over, he turned to the Christmas tree. "Okay guys, let's open some presents!"

"Thanks for inviting me, Nate. I needed this. It's been hard on dad and me, and well, I needed to get away. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, man. I had a good time with you today. We need to do this more often."

"You mean, you don't hold an hard feelings?"

"For the guy that practically saved my life? I only hold you in the highest regard, bro."

"Eh, I'm not so great, but I would like us to be friends. Or at least try."

"Me too, dude. I will ease you in with my friends, and then we can all hang and stuff. It's gonna be cool."

"Yeah it will! I gotta go. Dad wants me home so we can spend a little time together."

"Wait!" I said as I grabbed his arm. "How's K-Kel-Kellen doing?"

"He's adjusting. He is finally realizing that he has a very serious problem. He is going to the prison psychiatrist 4 times a week. He is actually working through a lot of his issues. Also, much to my disapproval, he is sorta starting a relationship with one of the guards."

"No shit?"

"Yeah, really. He is a pretty decent guy, and dad even had him over for dinner the other day, but I still don't think prison is the best way to forge a relationship."

"Well, if he's there, he should at least have a chance at happiness."

"Wow. You really don't hold a grudge against him, do you?"

"No. I don't. It takes to much out of me. We will never be friends, he and I, but I can see how he needs a little happiness. I met your mother that day in court. I certainly understand where he gets his hateful side from."

"Nate, has anyone ever told you how mature you are?"

"Only with certain things, and that's only after talking with my dad about them. I would be nowhere without his guidance."

"Yeah, he seems real cool."

"He is."

"Okay, well I do have to go. I'll see you later, though?"

"You bet. Bye, Pat. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Nate."

I watched Patrick walk towards his car, and I felt good. I admitted to myself that I really didn't feel any anger towards Kellen anymore. In fact, the fact that he might have a chance at love actually made me feel really good. Everyone needs love in their life, and my guess was that was what made Kellen act the way he did. He didn't have love like he needed, and he was trying desperately to get it.

"Audi, come inside. It's freezing out here!" Tristan called, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Coming, Tris!" I said. I turned and headed for the front door. Tristan was waiting outside for me, with a big smile on his face. "What's with the smile, Tris?"

"Oh, no reason. Come on baby bro, go on inside."

I opened the door and walked in. My dad was standing in the hallway with a smile on his face as well. "Y'all are creeping me out. What's with the smiles?"

My dad nodded his head towards the living room. I proceeded with caution. I walked slowly to where my dad was standing and then turned. I tried to move, but couldn't. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I quickly composed myself, and launched myself at him. I threw myself in his arms and cried on his shoulder. He was rubbing my back and kissing the side of my head.

"I love you, Natty. Merry Christmas." He said when I pulled my head back. I looked into his eyes and smiled. I kissed him on the lips. It was passionate and full of love.

"I love you, Tally. Merry Christmas." And indeed it was a very Merry Christmas.


Author's Note

Hey guys and gals. Sorry this one took so long to write. I hit a wall, and was having trouble organizing my thoughts into words. I know what you all are thinking about Nate's mom, but all I can say is that things like that happen in real life. I would know. Also, I want to thank you all for your continued support of my story. As I'm sure you noticed, this chapter doesn't end with the cliffhangers that you all hate so much. Haha. I wanted to end this one on a happy note. Not everything is doom and gloom in my story, but there is a lot of drama that has to be dealt with first.

Now, I know it's probably not that big of a shocker that Averie is pregnant with Talan's baby, but, like with the mother situation, that's sometimes how life goes. Once again, I would know. Anyway, I like the way this chapter develops. You got a glimpse into Mike's head, and you can see just what type of friend he is to the ones he cares about. In terms of Patrick, well he is definitely going to surprise you all. Good or bad, I can't tell you. I guess my main question is, how did you enjoy this one? Let me know what you think.

Also, I am in the midst of writing two other stories. One of them is a horror story, and it will be featured on Nifty as soon as the editing is done, and the other is somewhat similar to Secret Admirer. Let me know what you think if you read those. Like always, thank you for reading. It means the world to me. Merry Christmas to all of you.

Lots of Love ZK

P.S. Shout out to a few of my readers. One of you, although I can't remember your name and I am sorry, asked for a shout out, so you are getting it. The Spanish you translated for me may or may not end up in my next story. J Also, I wish happiness to everyone who needs it. For those of us who are moving into a new relationship, I am wishing you the best of luck. Break in that king sized bed right. ;) For others, I just wanna let you know that you are definitely gonna get a Haircut. ;) Haha (inside joke)

And to anyone in the armed forces who reads my story, thank you for your service. You could be Gay, Straight, Bi, or whatever else you could think of, but I do not care. The only thing I care about is the fact that you are reading my story. I'm forever grateful to all of you for risking your life in order to protect our liberties. Thank you and God Bless. I hope that you all can return home soon, and I hope that you have a Merry Christmas wherever you are.

P.P.S. The Summer Set is a real band, and I think the lead singer is a hottie. Just letting' ya know. Haha. And for all of you that ask, yes, I am still a teenager. Bye Bye. J

Next: Chapter 8

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