
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Dec 20, 2000


Disclaimer: It's not real. If you aren't allowed here, I won't tell if you won't. I do not know the BSB, Aaron Carter, or any celebrities mentioned that I forgot to name.

Author's Post-it: I'm running low on post its. Happy holi--aw screw it, have a good one wink!

Onto Chapter 4:

~18 months later~

"What do you feel like doing tonight, sweetie?" asked Nick. Brandon sat in his lap, as they were relaxing in Leighanne and Brian's home.

"I'll tell y'allz what you're doing." A voice popped up. "You're gonna go to the movies tonight and see a double feature. In words, you're leaving us kiddos alone."

"Oh? And why are we doing that?"

"Because Marie's helping me study for my test tomorrow." Aaron replied.

"Marie, a word?" asked Brandon. Marie grinned as she followed him towards Brian's office. "What's going on?"


"Tell me."

"Nothing. Now y'allz get your booties out of this house and come back as horny as hell." Marie smiled.

"Ha, ha, Marie. You know that we're slowly redoing the whole thing." Brandon replied. "I am willing to wait forever for him to comfortable with sex again."


~Movie Theatre after a movie~

Nick and Brandon tumbled out of the movie theatre laughing. "Dude, where's my car?" Nick wheezed.

"That's the funniest movie I've ever seen!" Brandon laughed. It began to rain and the two lovers ran for cover.

Each were soaked to the bone. Nick looked around. He saw a couple and the guy scoop up his girlfriend onto his back. "SEIYA!" she screeched playfully.

"C'mon, Allie!" he laughed as they raced to their car.

He looked at Brandon and unexpectedly picked him up also. "Hey! What's going on?!"

"C'mon, it's faster this way!" Nick laughed as they ran through the park. They laughed their way towards the car and tumbled inside.

They looked at each other. Both were soaking wet. Brandon laughed and reached out to push away some of Nick's hair that fell in his eyes. Nick held Brandon's hand against his cheek and kissed the inside of his palm. Brandon gulped; along with Nick soaking wet, him kissing his palm was a real turn on.

"There are many kinds of kisses. Kissing the hand means respect," Nick kissed Brandon's hand, "the forehead means friendship," he kissed his forehead, "and the palm means you wish something." He kissed his lovers' palm again. "And I wish to spend forever with you." He met Brandon's fiery, blue gaze.

"I would like nothing else." He kissed Nick's lips and an electric shock went through the both of them. Brandon's tongue darted out and tasted Nick's lips asking for access to his mouth. Nick let Brandon's tongue invade his mouth. His eyes were closed and he was reveling in the sweet taste of his love. Nick's tongue became adventurous and began exploring the smaller man's mouth.

It continued for a few more minutes before Nick pulled away. "I have--we could--"

"Shhh." Brandon shushed Nick. "Not here. Let's go home." Nick drove them home and carried Brandon out of the car. When they reached inside the house, it was dark except for Marie's room.

They heard Aaron and Marie's voices playing 'Go Fish.'

"Let's go to my room." Brandon suggested as they headed towards his room. As soon as Nick closed the door, he attacked Brandon's mouth with his.

"Brandon," he sighed, "I want you. I want to feel that mysterious man back." He looked into the older man's eyes. "I want the mysterious man whom I fell in love with three months ago to come back." Brandon smiled and shut off the light. Nick felt Brandon's hands slide off his wet shirt and heard it fall onto the floor. He felt Brandon's lips on his. Nick took his hands and ran them down his chest. "Oh god..."

"Are you sure, Nicky?" whispered Brandon. "I don't want to do anything you'd regret." Nick pulled him up for a kiss.

"Never could I regret being with you." Nick slid Brandon's shirt off and began kissing down his chest, stopping to gently bite his nipples. Brandon gasped as he felt his little "friend" swell. Nick slowly and seductively peeled off Brandon's jeans and boxers. Nick took his first good look at Brandon's 9" man meat. "Oh Brandon..." he sighed. Brandon took a deep breath as Nick blew air on his stiff dick.

Nick lightly licked the slit of the purple head. Bandon's eyes crunched together. Then, slowly, Nick took in the entire head. He gently sucked on it like a baby. Brandon's breathing began to become uneven.

~In the other room~

Marie pressed her ear against the wall. "Hear anything?" asked Aaron.

"No." she strained. "Stupid me." She turned herself invisible. "I wanna see this show."

"Wait for me!" as he too became invisible. They snuck through the wall to Brandon's room to watch.

~The Love Birds~

Brandon's hands found some way to pull at Nick's blonde hair. Nick's mouth left the head as he began to lick the underside. "N-Nick..." Brandon moaned. "D-don't do that." He pulled Nick up and kissed him. "I need my turn." He grinned as he kissed his way down to Nick's hard on. He placed tiny kisses up and down long member. Nick's legs gave out as he fell onto the bed but Brandon never lost rhythm.

"Oh Brandon..." he moaned. "OH GOD, BRANDON!" he screamed as Brandon suddenly deep-throated Nick. Brandon just chuckled which caused vibrations to flow up through Nick. Nick couldn't control his urge; he HAD to get his release. He timidly bucked his hips against Brandon's mouth. "Please..." he begged. Brandon only sucked harder as if he was dragging Nick's orgasm out of him. Nick gasped as he felt himself tense. Without warning, Nick's cum flowed out of him and into Brandon's throat as he screamed his lover's name. Brandon made sure that not one drop was visible after that.

Nick flopped on the bed; all of his energy gone...and he LIKED it. Brandon kissed his lover's panting lips. "How'd you like it?" he asked.

"Can't...answer. Too...overwhelmed." he gasped. It wasn't long before he got his energy back. "But I'd like to see what would make you scream my name."

Nick kissed him deeply and tasted light traces of himself on Brandon's lips. He began feather-like kisses from his face down to his belly button. His tongue traced lazy circles around Brandon's belly button. He stopped and kissed up his lover's left leg; skipping his crotch; then continued down his right leg. He gently massaged Brandon's balls, earning a moan from him. Then he gently kissed up Brandon's length. "Oh Nick..." Nick watched as Brandon get harder and harder with each kiss. Then he began to suck hard at the tip; his tongue playing with the slit that oozed pre-cum.

"Nick...I'm close." Brandon warned. He felt the familiar tingling sensations as all the liquid rushed towards his groin. "NIIIIIIIIIICKYYYYY!" he screamed as the white cream hit the back of Nick's throat. He, too, was spent from the powerful high that overtook his body.

Nick licked it all up like a little kitten. "How was it, lover-boy?" he asked playfully.

"Can't...move." he gasped. Sweat dripped off of both of their bodies even though it's freezing cold outside.

"Now, do you want to move on? Or would you like to wait?" he asked innocently.

Brandon got his strength back and kissed Nick hungrily. "Does that answer you?" Nick giggled as they switched positions. Brandon knelt in front of his blonde boyfriend and looked him in the eyes. "Are you sure?"

Nick leaned up and kissed him passionately. "As sure as my love for you is strong." he mumbled into Brandon's lips.

Brandon had gotten himself hard again from the kiss. He smeared pre-cum onto his dick and some over Nick's asshole. He leaned in and kissed Nick as he thrust into him. Nick gasped as he felt the familiar man meat inside him.

Has it been that long, Brandon thought to himself. He moaned at the intense heat and tightness of Nick. Moonlight shone through the windows and made Nick look like an angel. Both of their breathing were irregular and quick as the heat in the room rose.

Nick moaned and bucked his hips to match Brandon's pace. "Oh Brandon...It's been too long." He arched his back. "Please...faster." Nick begged. Brandon only increased his slow speed a little. "" he hissed.

"And you love me for it." Brandon said in his dark voice. He reached down to help Nick release himself. He increased his pace more and more; which meant that his climax was near. "Oh god..."

Nick's eyes widened as he came. "BRAAAAAAAAAAANDOOOOOOOOOOOOON!" he screamed as he came. As he did, his ass clamped down on Brandon's dick.

"OH GOD, NIIIIIIIIICKYYYYYYYY!" he screamed as he came and fell on his lover as he fired his semen into the blonde man.

"I love you, Brandon." Nick whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

"I love you too, Nicky." Brandon replied before he, too, fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 5

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