Secrets Uncovered

By moc.oohay@0002yobirotas

Published on Jan 23, 2002


Subjects: Secrets Uncovered - Chapter 19

Warning: The following story has homosexual content. If you are offended or made uncomfortable by material concerning sexual relations between consenting young men, then don't read. If it is in any way illegal for you to be reading this, then don't. Otherwise please continue reading.


Happy New Year everyone! My sincerest apologies about the extreme lapse of time between chapters, but between studying and going on vacation, it hasn't left me with much time to write - but it has left me with plenty of ideas :) I'm going back to roots with this chapter and the next one, so I hope you haven't forgotten anything that's happened in the previous 18! Anyway, on with chapter 19 - this is the second last chapter of this series, after which I will be beginning a brand new series because of the fantastic response I've had for this one.

"Rick," I said, softly. His eyes moved under closed eyelids. He was still lying with his head on my chest.

"Rick," I said again, a little louder. His eyes opened halfway, then he blinked a few times to adjust to the light. He lifted his head and stared at me in a daze of disorienation. I smiled.

"Oh shit, what time is it?" he asked.

"6:30. We gotta be there in half an hour." I slapped his butt with my free hand and he jumped off the bed. He stood there with his dick dangling under his bush of pubic hair. I stood up and walked over to him.

"When you gonna get rid of this?" I asked, smiling, nibbling his ear and tugging at his pubic hair all at the same time.

"I like it!" he said.

"Better than this?"

I took his hand and rubbed it under my belly-button. I had last shaved about three days ago, so a small amount of stubble had grown back. Almost instantly I felt his cock hardening against my upper leg. I laughed.

"Not now, we gotta get to the station! C'mon, let's just shower quick and we'll go."

"Right!" he said.

The two of us walked into the bathroom just a few steps from the bed and jumped into the shower. We quickly washed eachother, and even though we were both rock hard from it, we knew there was no time for any naughty stuff.

We packed all our things into the car and finally arrived at the train station sometime after 7am. We greeted our friends and said goodbye to family, and found our compartment.

"Brings back memories hey?" Ricky asked me. I looked at him and smiled. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

"I wonder who else is in our compartment," I said. Ricky was putting his overnight bag in the storage compartment. He turned and looked at me.

"You don't think..."

At that moment the door to our compartment slid open. Ricky and I looked at the person standing on the other side. Our jaws both went slack.

"Jase! Ricky! What a fucking coincidence!"

"What are you doing here?" Ricky asked.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? This is my compartment!"

"No - there must be some mistake..." Ricky said.

"Nope - I specifically asked to be put into this compartment with you guys. Thought maybe we could have a little, y'know, reunion of this time last year!" he said, making elaborate stroking movements around his crotch.

"Yeah - or maybe not," I said.

"Why not?" he asked, dropping his bags and folding his hands under the corners of his shirt to take it off. I took a step forward and stopped him.

"Scott," I said, "What happened last year is never going to happen again. How many other ways can I say it so that you will understand?"

He glared at me, making his eyes into slits.

"You seem to be forgetting something," he said slowly.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" I asked.

"A little phone conversation a few weeks ago."

I took a second to think back to his call. I remember him being very aggressive, almost threatening me. He said that I should reconsider my decision not to have him in Ricky and my tent.

"I haven't forgotten anything, Scott. You can stay in this compartment if you want - but the only action you'll get is right here," I said, picking up his right hand by his wrist and shaking it. "Enjoy," I said, and walked out. Ricky followed.

I was beaming. It was like my first adult-confrontation and I was really impressed with how I handled it. Ricky ran up behind me and jumped on my back, wrapping his hands around my shoulders.

"You go boy!" he shouted. My knees bent under his weight, but I regained my footing and supported his legs with my arms. I just turned around and smiled at him.

The rest of the train ride went on as it did every year. We were now the oldest group, so we didn't have any qualms about walking about the train at the middle of the night. Ricky and I spent a surprisingly little amount of time together on the train ride there, but it didn't upset me.

David had been on my mind since we woke up earlier that morning. I had the feeling that I was pushing back thoughts of him so I wouldn't have to go back to the pain of dealing with it. But something told me that camp would be too full of memories to continue running away from him.

It was about 3:30am the following morning. We had already been travelling on the train for a good 18 or so hours, and I was by now almost completely used to the swaying of the train. It was like a ghost town - everyone was either sleeping or sitting in their compartments. Now and then someone would walk past me in the passage of the train. I walked down past my compartment and rested my elbows on a window. I looked out and saw trees and endless open fields whizzing past, while the moon remained stationary in the clear night sky. I took a deep breath. I couldn't hear anything except the rythmic, almost mesmerising clanking of the train's wheels on the tracks. I looked up at the moon. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Penny for your thoughts," he said.

"You'd need much more than a penny," I replied. I turned around to face him, and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked.

"Not really. Think I'll just settle for the whole bottle-it-up-inside thing."

"I hear that's unhealthy," he said.

"Yeah well..." I trailed off. We stood there in silence for a while. Ricky also seemed to be quite interested in the moon.

"I think it's bedtime, boy," I said. I slid my hand around the back of his neck and felt the short, soft hair that grew there. "Who's in our compartment?"

"Scott never came back," he said. "I passed him once or twice in the passage but we never said anything to eachother. Jake's in there but I think he might be sleeping - and there's also someone there who you'd be excited to see."

"Who?" I asked.

"Come," he said. He took my hand and we walked the few meters to our compartment. He slid open the door, and in the dim light I could make out two figures in the room besides me and Ricky. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked to my left and saw Jake asleep, as Ricky said he'd be. I glanced up and to the left, and my eyes focused on a good-looking boy sitting with his back to the wall, listening to a DiscMan.

"Martin!" I said. He opened his eyes.

"Jase!" he shouted, far too loudly because the music must've been blaring in his ears. He slipped the two cords out and pressed a button on his player.

"Jase!" he said again, softer this time. "How are you!?" He jumped down off the bunk and gave me a huge hug.

"How've you been man?" he said again.

"I'm great Mart! Long time," I said.

"You look great," he said.

"Uhh, yeah - you too," I said, a little hesitantly.

"I can't believe it's already been a year since we were here," he said.

"Yeah, time flies," I said. I rebuked myself in my head for using so many cliches.

"We've got a lot of catching up to do," he said.

"Yeah well - we got the whole of camp to do it," I said. "But for now - I think it's time for bed."

Ricky slid the door to our compartment closed, locked it (and double checked it), and shut the covers on the windows.

We all got ready to go to sleep, slipping off our shorts and crawling into bed in our boxers. It was mid-summer so it wasn't long before our shirts were removed too. I got into my bed and Ricky got into the one just below mine.

"What you got in that thing, Mart?" I asked, pointing to his DiscMan.

"Some old stuff," he said. "Got Creed in it at the moment." I smiled.

"Mind if I listen to it while I fall asleep?"

"Not at all," he said, and handed it to me. I stretched over and took it, then curled back into my bed, and into my sleeping bag. I unravelled the cords, slipped them in my ears, closed my eyes and pressed play. I mouthed the words to most of their songs while I was drifting off to sleep. I opened my eyes and looked at the track number being displayed on the DiscMan. It was the track number of 'Higher'. A flurry of memories from last year's camp came back to me in a waterfall of remembrance. I shut my eyes tight, but couldn't help letting a tear roll down my cheek.

"....To a place where blind men see..." I whispered. "...To a place with golden streets..."

I was just drifting off to sleep when I felt Ricky crawl into bed next to me and comfortably slip his arms around me.

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