Seducing a Cowboy

By Odd Balls

Published on Aug 2, 2021



"Hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh, UH, UH, UH!" A very largely built, muscular, naked hairy man sweats all over his body as he hovers himself over a red-haired woman in a wood-log room, humping her a mile an hour with hard and intense sex.

"Ohh~! Ohhh~! Nnyyaah!" The lady squirms and coos as the man pummels his cock into her vagina.

"Yeah, take it, take it, take it, take it!" The strong man says as he fucks her raw and hard, getting off to the sight of her boobs bouncing up and down until he pulls out and blows his wad all over her! "GHH! HUHHH! EEEENNHH!"

"Haahh... Ohh... Haaahhh..." The woman in make-up pants as Zachery sits on the bed and huffs down from his high "Pent up, Mr Stone?"

"Heh... Ya could say that." The manly cowboy growls as he goes to pull on his union suit "Don't know what it is. But the women and whores don't show up round these parts much anymore."

"It has been a while since I seen you, Mr Stone~" The lady purrs "Can't you stay a while?"

"Tch. We're done here, woman." Zachery grumbles as he pulls out a roll of dollars and tosses it on the bed "Good doin business with ya."

"Agh..." The madam glares at him as she pulls on an elegant robe. "Ya know, some of the other girls here actually have a shine to you. They'd consider themselves lucky to get you done."

"I know." Zachery says as he puts on his hat "That's why I went for you. Makes them want me more." He frowns before he goes off, leaving a displeased prostitute to shake her head.

Having gotten off, Zachery grumbles off as he goes down the stairs. The other saloon girls are flirting with the patrons and enticing them with their colorful dresses and dainty make-up. He passes by a younger man leaning against the wall -- this one with weird shiny clothing with elaborate designs along his poncho and hat, but Zachery just ignores him.

Zachery walks out the swinging doors of the saloon, only to be closely followed by the much shorter man.

"Konichiwa, Monsieur Hombre." The young man greets as he walks next to the huge cowboy.

"Boy, what?" Zachery gives him a very weird look.

"... Yeah, no one ever gets that one." The young man shook his head "Just saw you come out from plowing that sweet-looking redhead. Name's Milo, by the way."

"'Scuse me, boy?"

"Milo. And I thought you would've taken at least half an hour when you picked up Strawberry Sally in there, but you were in and out in 5 minutes." He chuckles. "Makes MY job easier, hahaha."

"S'cuse me, boy?" Zachery snarls threateningly.

"... Oh that's right. You probably fuck so many women, you never bother to know their names, do you? Sally's real nice. She makes phenominal strawberry pastries, hence the nickname rather than her hair. But noooooo, you were too busy slamming her cherry pie to really see her as a person."

"You want to run that by me again, little kid?" Zachery frowns down at Milo, about ready to slam him into the mud.

"I mean you're a rock-headed idiot that treats women like objects. Maybe if you weren't such careless one-shot wonder, they might like you better."

"Boy" Zachery stops and grips the shorter male's shoulder, rather tightly. His fingers put a harsh dig into his shoulder.

Milo merely looks at the death-grip attempting to cripple his shoulder and looks back up at the giant before him "Is that supposed to shut me up?"

"Who the fuckin hell do you think you are?" Zachery asks, trying to put more hurt into his grip "How old are you? You even got any balls down there yet?"

"21." Milo answers, his posture not even twitching.

"You ain't even old enough to off your mother's tits, for God's sake."

"Hey, I'm probably older than half the girls you fuck. And I'll thank you to keep my mother out of your vulgarity."

"Goddammit, how about you go running back to daddy before I crush you for spyin on me?" His grip tightens to break the kid's bone... But the young man doesn't even blink.

"But I can't go back to daddy; MY father's currently tinkering with the Anti-Polar Mercury Caps about 5400 years from now."

"Just get out of my face before I crush yours." He says as he shoves the `kid' away and away from him

"Hot damn, you're a jack-off." The young man caught up "For a man who just got laid, you're acting like a bitch."

"That's it. I warned ya!" Zachery solidified his fist into a rock and took a swing at the lad. Milo easily leans back and misses the punch. Zachery seethes and fumes as he throws several punches. Just when a couple of shop keepers leave their doors to step in, Milo whips his body around and crash his ankle down against Zachery's boot.

"GAAHH!" Zachery topples over and lands right on his backside from the trip. The spectators cap as they witness a very young kid bring down Zachery of all people! In just one hit! And with his HANDS in his POCKETS.

Just before Zachery can get up, Milo's boot pins him down by the chest.

"Look at that. You got your ass kicked by a `boy'." Milo tells him. A few people gasp as they see the spectacle.

"Get off!" The rough cowboy strikes his leg off and scrambles up. He seethes with fury as he points a threatening finger at Milo "You cross me again, boy. And I will fuckin BURY you."

"Funny you say that." Milo says with unphased eyes "Because you were literally just rolling in the dirt."

"Ohhhh you are asking for it!" Zachery rages as he throws another punch. Milo easily dips and dodges, stepping back a couple of times and giving the people a bit of a show, a couple of them even rooting for Milo.

"God, you have miserable aim." Milo says "I feel so sorry for all those ladies you bang" His eyes stare at Zachery's crotch and his hand forms a fist, making his telekinesis connect the massive man's bulge and forced it to suddenly shrink into itself!

"GGHH!" Zachery's hands immediately dive down to his crotch -- his balls feel like a horse just stomped on them! "BBFFFFFGGH!"

In a quick move, Milo jumps, and lands his boot and kicks Zachery down! "UGGaaAGgghH!" The beefy cowboy is setn crashing back down to the earth. Looking up, Milo once again places his boot on the middle of his chest.

"Strike two. Still think it's a good idea to try to beat up someone smaller than you?" Zachery suddenly shoves the young man right off of him and goes into a furious melee upon him!

"BOOOY!" Zachery launches his fist right for Milo! Milo swerves and grabs his hairy forearm, and flips around the cowboy and slams a hand onto the small of Zachery's back and pours a strangely chilled sensation into him.

"Enough games."

"HoHH!" The big man gasps before he buckles to his knees in front Milo. He feels paralyzed. What did he just do to him?! Milo grips Zack's very thick neck with his other hand and places a tattoo-like symbol upon his flesh "O-Oooh... Hohhh..." The beefy cowboy gives a soft coo as he submits to the glimmering sheen of the violet rune now imprinted on him.

Milo lets him go and the high and mighty muscular cowboy and rolls him over with a casual stomp to his hip. "Get up, you rowdy pussy."

Whining in defeat, Zachery gets up and onto his boots. He turns around and gulps at the much shorter male -- the very big and tall stud looks at Milo with a look that can only be described as a man terrified of being fired by his boss.

"I. Am so sorry. For my behavior, sir." Zachery says "I really don't know what came over me when I-"

"Tried to bash me and bury me alive?" Milo answered. Zachery flinches and nods.

"Y-Y-Yes, that. I am sorry, I am so sorry, sir."

"Right. Then pull your pants down." Milo instructs him.


"Do it. Now."

Zachery hesitates, but obeys. His hands reluctantly unbuckle his jeans and slowly pulls them down, showing his longjohns as old and very warn out, clinging to his buff thighs and his butt-flap long since torn away.

"Now bend over and hold onto your knees." Milo tells him as he pulls out his handy ornate holed paddle -- the same elegantly designed weapon he used on Cody when he deflowered him. Zachery looks over his broad shoulder and meeps with fear.

"W-W-What're you gonna do???"

"Making sure you're as timid as you were aggressive. I'm going to spank you 10 times." He tells him as he taps one of those naked man-cheeks with the paddle "And every time I do, I want you to thank me."

"Stranger, we're... Eh heh" He winces as a bunch of nearby folk smirk at him; a towering monster of a man bending over for a much shorter man, looking drastically weak while Milo beings the paddle way up. "We're in broad daylight! Can't you..."


"YOW!!" Zachery jumps several feet in the air just from one fire-hot slam! His hands go to his ass and trips over his bundled pants and falls onto the dirt. The nearby people laugh as he struggles to get up and glares down at the fancy0looking youngster. "What in fuckin blue blazes?! That HURT!!"

"You didn't say `thank you'." Milo notes with a dulled leer.

"Alright, look, sir..." Zachery glares as he waddles sloppily at Milo, his bull-like rage searing at him "Ya're not gunnNNUuuhh" He grunts and strains as his fury is forced down as the mystic runes on his neck suppresses his intense brutality. His seething quickly turns to panting before he stops, his newly timid nature calming him down. "I am so sorry, sir... I-I won't do it again."

"Good. Now bend over." I snap my fingers and point. He huffs and does as he's told and I rub the paddle on his exposed buttocks "This time, you better remember to thank me every time I spank you."


Noticing that a few other people are watching -- many of them looking smug and satisfied at the sight of Zachery here -- Milo beings the paddle up and dives it down upon his ASS! His mighty cheeks ripple and explode with pain as he visibly jumps from impact! "One."

"GAAHH! T-Thank you, sir..." Zachery says, his buns burning with rage before another outrageous SLAP cracks across his rump!


"AHAHHH! Thank you, sir!"

SPANK! "Three." BAAAM "Four." SMACK "Five."

"Thank you, sir! GYEEEAAH! Thank yyyOOOOuu sirrr! BAHH! Agh-hagh! Thaaag-kyuooo suuuurr" Zachery quakes where he stands, looking arounf and everyone smirking at him -- bending over in broad daylight for some little punk and letting him make his ass baboon-red! His cheeks wobble with each spank he's dealt.

CRACK! "Six. Don't you dare beg me to stop." Milo tells him when he sees Zachery start to break. SPANK! "Seven." BAM! "Eight." SMACK! "Nine."

"Thhhaaank you, seeerrrrr... UHHH! Thankyousir! THANKYOUSIR! GGHHHHHRRRRthankyousiiiiiiir!"

"Last one." Milo says as he braces the paddle like it's a katana. Zachery looks over his shoulder, shaking at the paddle as he fears the worst. Seeing the shorter young man wind the paddle up, Zachery whips his head back and clenches his eyes and flexes his asscheeks just as the biggest SPANK blasts his entire ass harder than the rest of the strikes!

"AAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHH!" He yowls out as he topples forward, his jeans binding his ankles together and his huge pecs landing on the dirt and his chin digging upon it too. His hat slants over his eyes as his back arches and his apple-red butt steams as it's elevated by his knees.

Milo walks around and puts the paddle under Zachery's chin and tilts his face up "Now what do we say?"

"Thuh... Thaaangg yuuuu suurrrb"

"Good enough." Milo says as he easily pulls the towering musclehead up to his feet and pulls those pants back up with just a gesture of his hand. "That's better. Now." Milo comes to him, puts a hand onto that big muscular denim butt -- making the beefy mountain man wince and whine -- and guides the massive specimen into the nearest bar "Lets get you a drink and discuss words. Fair warning" Milo points a finger to him "If you interrupt me or argue with me about anything, I WILL take a few inches off of you."

"Uh yessir..."

In another saloon, Zachery sits his throbbing rump down onto a stool. I immediately notice he has a natural arch in the small of his back, meaning he presents himself without even knowing it.

I smile as I pet along that big broad back, seeing Zachery crack a giddy smile as I rub him, showing he responds well now that I've taken him down by a lot of pegs "Goooood boy."

"Heh..." The huge man chuckles dumbly as his left leg starts jiggling. The violet symbol around Zachery's neck giving a faint gleam as its subliminal magic works its way into his core. It won't last for long though.

The little enchantment I put on Zachery makes him submissive -- and the bigger and meaner the person who bears it, the meeker and tinier they feel towards folks they might have mistreated. Of course, I can just as easily rewrite a total meathead like him with just one swing of a pocket watch. But José has a crush on this guy for a reason, and so I don't want to go too overboard with the creative liberty here.

"Barkeep?" I call for the handsome bartender.

"Hello sir, and- O-oh!" The bartender gulps as he sees the 7-foot-tall giant of a man next to me. "M-M-Mr Stone! And uh... Ah heh... W-W-W-What will YOU be having today?" He asked.

Zachery leans and looks at me first. I just nod to allow him and he addresses the bartender "Can I have my usual, please? S-Sir?" He asked politely.

"Oh, uh... Sure. Coming right up." The bartender says, clearly not expecting such a civil order from Zachery "And for you, sir?"

"Let's see, I don't really like alcohol... Any chance you have any soda or cyber punch or water?"

"Would ginger ale do?"

"I suppose." I shrug. The barkeep nods and gets to work. Me and Zachery turn around in our seats and lean against the bar. "So. How does a massive chunk of muscle like you get to be such a blueballed bully?"

"Oh ah heh... I just like getting frisky, ya know?" Zachery blushed as he chuckled "I just like humping and... Heheheheheh-oomp!" He covers his mouth from the girlish giggle he just did "Where did THAT come from...?"

"Your new `brand' is making you unnaturally shy and bashful. I don't know what kind of cock-swinging jock you are, but I know what kind of pussy-boy that tattoo's making you." I smirk as I watch the saloon girls dance on stage and the gentlemen playing cards to the music of the bar. "Unfortunately, that curse mark has got about 10 minutes of shelf life, and I hate wasting time. So please, continue."

"But uh... I just notice folks don't waste my time when they're scared I'll punch the livin' day lights outta them. And also I get to fuck whatever girl catched my eye" He says with a stupid smile "I've gotten my parents in so much trouble because I had my way with so many rancher's daughters, huh huh huh" He chuckles like a goon.

"Ugh, I was right. You ARE one of those dumbass vagina-crushers." I say with a roll of my eyes. "José sure knows how to pick'em."

"Huh huh huh yup! But uh..." Zachery takes a look around and then gestures to the window "For about a week now, I notice that there's more men and fellas wondering around town gettin' a little weird. And there's no saloon girls anymore either..."

"No no, there are." I say. "It's just that when I first came to town, I see that a lot of men are a bit rough with most people -- huge jerks such as yourself that shove and push their way to GET their way. I don't know how it is with other towns and villages around this era, but I take it this town is particularly harsh with the women. Almost every madam I've come across appears to be exhausted and exasperated from the men around here overworking them."


"So I visited the other saloons, convinced the owners give the saloon girls a little bit more time-off to give them a rest, while other men go down on each other if and when one of the performers says she doesn't feel up to it..." I look at him up and down and see he is very confused "Buuuuut I see your brain can only handle one bit of information at a time, so forget what I said."

"Okay, yeah, uh-huh... So... What WAS it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh right. A friend of mine on the ranch I work for has a big crush on you."

"Ooh~" Zachery wiggles in his seat as he gets giddy again "Is she cute?"

"HE. Is adorable."

"... What?" Zachery's smile faded.

"Here ya go, gentlemen." The bartender says as he brings us our drinks. We spin right back around on our stools -- me a chilled uncapped bottle, and Zachery's a big mug of foaming beverage.

"Thank you so much, Jerry." Zachery says humbly. The bartender smiles at him and walks off. Zachery reaches for his mug, but I slide it away from him and towards me. Wanting to protest but silences himself, Zachery watches like a needy dog as I open up a small envelope and pour a powder into his drink, right in front of his eyes.

"His name's José Hernandez. Hispanic. Shyer than you. Very sweet. A gay man in a rigid straight world. Struggles a lot with his sexuality in a religious and suppressed environment." I tell him as I take a few dried leaves of a red shiny herb and put them into the liquid and stir. "He sees you a lot in town and sometimes out on the plains escorting your cattle. He's been pining for you for a long time, as I take it."

"A-A-Ahmm, urrhh... Look, I uh... I'm sure y'all are nice folk, but..." Zachery watches with fearful anticipation as I add in a spoonful of aqua-colored fluid into the foam, making his hard-drink bite with white static "I only go for the uh... The uh, the, the ladies, you know?"

"Oh I know. A lot of men here do." I tell him as I continue to tamper with the concoction. "And sometimes, some of them end up like you; more balls than brain and willing to beat someone to a bloody pulp to prove it." I chuck in a half-sliced foreign vegetable into the drink to let it sap its juices before turning in my seat to him "And in case you haven't noticed, since I made you nicer, the bartender was so much less threatened by you showing up."

"But... I like that though." Zachery tells me "I like that folks are afraid of me when I come into town. It's how I get all my jobs done. And I like that saloon girls don't argue when I want to fuck them." He smiles hopefully at me "I-I-It makes me feel strong. It makes me a BIG man! And it's why my parents don't get on to me for whoring out every time I come into town like they used to."

"Well now you can tell them you've got a steady boyfriend." I reply as I removed a shriveled veggie from the brew I've done and I hold up a vial of pearly white fluid. "See this? A little sample I got from my boy José. And once you drink this, you are going to be all sorts of into him. You'll speak his lingo, you'll be a selfless bottom boy for him, you will be his huge beefy chair for him to sit on, you're going to be his big Herculean teddy bear. And you will NEVER grow tired of him like you get sick and tired of fucking the same saloon girls every week like you are now."

"Now wait just a minute. I wouldn't say I get-"

"Right, I warned you. Open your legs."

"Uhhhh..." Zachery gives a very awkward pause before he cautiously spreads his knees open. "... What now?"

"I said if you argued with me, I'll take some inches off of you." I then open mind hand, and an orange-pink glow radiates from my palm. I then hold it over his crotch and hear a distinct humming sound.

"H-Hooo... Hehehehe... Woooo boy...~" Zachery giggles and squirms in his seat. He looks down and sees his groin stir. His cock stiffens and slowly snakes down his right thigh. "Whoa... is my..." His eyes beamed as we even hear wooden-creaking sounds coming from his dong as it inflates to its fullest extent. "How yall do that...?" He asked in a hushed tone. His fat monster burrows along his leg and stops until it reached its full erection, throbbing and trapped in its denim prison.

"Now..." I then press my fingertips onto his rod-shaped bulge and my fingers spark with blue-white static. In response, Zachery's solid dong starts to recede and retreat. The meaty snake shrinks away from my fingers as I stroke along the hardened sausage in his pants.

"Wait... Wait wait wait, what're you doing?!" Zachery panics as he looks at my hand.

"I'm shrinking your dick. A guy like you probably doesn't deserve a huge endowment anyway." I say as I continued to reduce his manhood.

"B-B-B-But no! You can't do that! Ya can't!" He panics in a hushed volume.

"Evidence to the contrary, Zachery." I say as his snake disappears from his thigh after a few seconds of guiding it down. "Still hard?"

"Ye-Yea, I mean yeah... But where the hell IS it??!" He yelps at me

"Right where you left it." I snap my fingers in front of his button-fly, and his pants opens by itself, showing a hilariously little tent. I hear him gasp and whine as I push the fabric of of longjohns apart and let his baby mushroom of a cock bloomsforth from between two buttons of his union suit, throbbing cutely with just the thick knob of a head poking out. "Awwww, isn't that adorable?" I say as I tub my fingertip onto the smooth gland, making his pigmy pride jump with joy from the touch.

"EEEEP!" Zachery squeals as he actually doubles forward and sees his tiny dicklette. His head whips from me, to his groin, to his surroundings and covers himself "Please, don't fuckin do this! I NEED my COCK! I'm beggin ya, sir! Please!"

"That will be up to José." I say as I snap my fingers again. Zachery's little penis tucks itself away and his zipper and button magically reseals itself. "And IF I'm feeling generous when he brings it up."

"Good lord, dang it sir" Zachery squeals like a whiny horse as his thighs press together and hunches over, as if that's supposed to hide his tiny little shame now jutting happily in his pubic bush within his pants.

"Now, as I was saying before you cut me off: I can already tell that dumping your load into girl after girl is wearing thin on you." I explain "I know your type. It's why you're so easily agitated even AFTER you've had sex. It's why a man of your age hasn't courted with a steady girl yet. How even a man who was born with a MASSIVE penis such as you were still had the gall to rage and bitch about everything he gets to do. And it's why you would make a very bad drunken husband for any beautiful woman around here. You are an abusive person with a semi-violent future, and my friend is going to make you better away from being a reject of a man like that."

"But... No, no, I don't want to go all freaking sissy like that." He shakes his head in protest "I don't wanna lose my edge, s-sir. Please, just please gimme my cock back...!"

"I'm not saying you'll be a sissy. I'm saying you're going to be a cute and cuddly el grande homo puto." I uncork the vial and pour the tablespoon of José's semen into the glittering foam of the draft and stir. Zachery gulps with intimidation as I finish his brew and and push the drink back to him. He looks at it nervously as the bubbles emit a foreign aroma.

"Look... Mister, ah... Hah-ahh... I don't uh..."

"Argue with me again, and I'll turn what's left of your manhood into a clit." I tell him and I see a visible flinch "You are going to drink every drop of that whiskey in one go. We're not leaving until you do." Zachery gulps and looks down at his drink and at me. Hesitantly, his hand goes for the handle and slowly brings it to his mouth. "Cheers."

He nods nervously before he slowly brings the thick foam to his lips and takes a large swig. His Adam's Apple pushes up and dives down as his neck audibly swallows loudly. He gulps and gulps and gulps, whimpering silently as his eyes clench shut as he chugs it, not even daring take a breath and chugs it. His other hand grasps his knee while he downs the whole drink. The mug gradually tilts up as he washes down the entire potion until finally the last bubble of foam slides onto his tongue and he carefully slams the mug onto the table.

"HAAH... Hah... Hah... Hahh..." He pants, still looking into my eyes with a gapping mouth and drooling the alcoholic suds from his lips and facial hair. He gulps as he huffs at me with a look of silent, utter defeat "So what now..."

"Well." I drain my soft drink and stand up "You're going to forget a lot of vital bits and pieces of our little conversation and come to your own safe conclusion. You're not even going to think any of what's happening to you is weird. And if my alchemical calculations are correct -- and they always are -- you're going to have a huge thing for your admirer."

"Ugh... Look." He gulps and tries to regain some level of ground "You can't just expect to change my mind just like that... S-Sir" He flinches.

"Oh I change minds all the time, meathead. You could say it's my specialty." I tell him with a cold heated sneer "And you, sir, are a lot easier than you think. Now." I get him to stand up and pat his rump "Let's see what I want to do with your wardrobe. I need to make a couple more adjustments to you before that sigil on your neck fades away." I tell him as he reluctantly comes with me to the saloon's doors.

Next: Chapter 11

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