Seducing a Cowboy

By Odd Balls

Published on Sep 21, 2021



Arthur and Cody sit at the dinner table in anticipation as they watch Milo in their kitchen. Milo has one of his fancy contraptions out again, this one holding a large iron bowl full of hot oil above a glowing orange spiral. Meanwhile Milo is rolling several fillets of raw chicken into seasoned flour.

"Once again, we really appreciate you goin all this trouble for us, Milo." Arthur says as he comes to check out Milo's handiwork "Never seen a young man like yourself know how to cook."

"No trouble." Milo says "When I heard you guys just about live on biscuits and beans, I figured you'd want a change of pace. You sure you've never had fried chicken before?" Milo asks as he takes a couple of meaty chunks carefully eases the flour-covered bird.

"Not at all. Didn't know ya could even eat oil like this." Arthur says "I thought oil was for-"


"WHOA! HOO hoo, wow boy!" Arthur laughs and scoffs as the chicken rages with furious noise as it fries in the hot oil "Hot dang, look at it go!"

"Back up, this stuff will burn you." Milo warns him.

"Wow dang" Cody observes the rushing bubbles of the chicken while Milo pulls out the freshly baked biscuits from the oven. "Everything smells amazing, partner!"

"Well to be honest, I sort of got my ingredients imported." Milo says as he continues to prepare the food "Plus I'm using utensils and electronics that don't even belong anywhere near this era."

"... Huh?" Arthur scratches his head.

"He says stuff like that all'a time." Cody dismisses him. "Just ignore the fancy words. That's what I do." SPANK! "Ahhh!"

"Both of you, out." Milo says as he also gives Arthur a hard spank after he catches him stealing a biscuit. "It's almost ready."

Shortly after, Milo sets the table with the chicken and biscuits and butter along with a could of other sides. "We never have cooking like this round here."

"Why not? Doesn't everybody know how to cook?"

"Uuhhh... No" Both Arthur and Cody answer simultaneously.

"Seriously?" Milo tilts his head very curious "Like... Nothing? Where I'm, everyone knows how to cook since age 5. For me, it's as routine as writing a letter."

"Ahahaha, then Pa would be illiterate as heck!" Cody laughs "Pa, you wanna tell Milo how you nearly burned the ranch when you tried to make hot cakes?"

"Shut your mouth, boy." Arthur growls defensively.

"And what about you, Cody?" Milo smirks as the three of them get their servings "Are you the one dunce on the block that's ever burned water?"

"Like... I make sandwiches and such. Sometimes stew. I know how to make eggs too. I tried using my Mama's recipe book, but heck if I can understand half of it."

"We git by." Arthur says "But if your chicken is half as good as it looks, you need to move on in here and cook for us."

"Easy there, daddy." Milo chuckles "I'm nobody's chef."

Minutes later, Cody and Arthur just about devour most of the prepared food. "My gooossshhh" Cody huffs as he serves himself the remainder of the mashed potatoes "I can't stop eating this grub!"

"Boy. Milo." Arthur leans in and points to his half-mutilated chicken "Is there ANY way... You can do the same thing here to a piece of steak?"

"There's actually a dish that's called exactly that: chicken-fried steak."

"Ohhh hoh hoh hoh. Boy, you are tryin ta git me." Arthur mumbles deeply.


"Hm?" Cody looks

"... Expectin somebody?" Arthur asked.

"No. Lemme go see who that is." Cody wipes his hands and takes the last biscuit into his mouth before he gets up from the dinner table, letting Arthur and Milo to see his blonde fuzzbutt from his longjohn pants jiggle and flex with every step.

"Mm, mm, MM" Arthur shakes his head while biting his lip "Ya know I didn't used to look at my son that way. But... Agh never mind."

"Really." Milo grins as he sees Arthur lust after his son while finishing off his meal. "What does the OTHER cowboys think about how your son's been acting?"

"Think?" Arthur scoffs "They don't got much time to think about nuthin when they get in line for Cody to polish'em off."


"Hahah yeeep. I'll tell ya, just yesterday I walked in on mah boy Jose with their haunches in the air and takin it like hosses by a line of men.


"No kiddin! Our new boy, Zachery, was oilin' up both their rumps and they were takin' bets on who can keep goin or whatever. Course then I had to be the bad guy and tell everyone to get back to work before either of them could win the pot."

"Milo?" Cody comes in, leaning on the doorframe and gesturing towards the front door "Some guy has a delivery for you? Bunch'a lumber'n all that?"

"Oh, right! The supplies for the shower." Milo wipes his mouth and gets up "I can work on that now if you want."

"Oh that'd be great!" Cody smiles eagerly as he follows him.

"Wait wait, what now?" Arthur gets up "What's all this?"

"Milo's gonna build us a shower! It's like takin' a bath in the rain!"

"Wait wait, hold on."

"Ey Cody!" Jose calls out from a distance "We need to run an errand into town! Could you come with us?"

"Aggghh," Cody groans from that.

"Go ahead, Cody. I got this." Milo tells him as he gets a hold of a stack of fine planks.

"Ya sure? You don't need help?"

"I prefer building on my own. Besides your Dad can keep me company"

"Yeeaah I BET he will" Cody snickers as he punches Milo's arm playfully before jogging off "Hey boys! I'm coming!"

"Coming along... Fiiiine..." Milo says as he nails up another fine plank along the backside of Arthur's house. Wearing his cowboy hat and his cozy longjohns over his huge comfy belly and his boots, Arthur scrutinizes as Milo builds the new installment of his properly -- somehow, Milo had established bare stone on the back area of the place, has built in some sort of metal spout at the top, and his now hammering in a fence of wooden panels around.

"Now... What in Sam-Hill are you making here again?"

"Building you an outdoor shower."

"Uh-huh." Arthur raises a brow skeptically "And what is a `show-wer', and why do you think we need one?"

"I have one in my shack, Cody seems to love it, and he asked me to build one for you guys." Milo tells him.

"He did, did he? Didn't say a word bout it to me."

"We were busy. Fate got in the way."

"Ya still haven't answered mah question." Arthur says "What is it and what does it do?"

"It's basically a bath you can stand in."

"Gheh. Heh heh heh... A flippin bathtub ya can stand `round in."

"It's true." Milo states as he continues to work "To put it simply, that spout up there?" Milo points to the showerhead. "It creates hot rain. You cover yourself in soap, and you stand in the hot rain to let the water rush off of you."

"M-hmm." Arthur just leers at him as the young man finishes building in the fence. Milo walks up to the metal knobs and starts turning it "And how exactly does the water even get in the spout without even so much as pumpin the well-"


"AAHH! Holy Mercy, what??!" He jumps as the sudden downpour of clear water. "Well I'll be danged..." He stares dumbfounded as he witnesses the rushing cascade and holds out his hand to feel the chilled drops hit his flesh. In seconds, the water goes warm, very warm, to as hot as the baths he usually has to pay for when he goes to an inn "What in God's dang name??"

"Yep." Milo ogles at the big fuzzy ass breathing the open air with his butt-flap hanging open.

"Wow... I'll be..." Arthur cups his hands and slurps some of the hot water. "I stand corrected, boy. Hah hah" Arthur laughs as he whips his wet hands on the front of his union suit "That's a real nice- humph?" He looks down to see Milo's hands roaming his jutting belly. Looking down, he sees the buttons slipping by themselves off of his girth, almost as if his stomach is expanding. "U-Urrffhh..." Arthur blushes as his huge hairy belly wobbles forth and dangling free. It's only at this time does he feel Milo dry humping him from behind. "Uhhhh... Heh heh... You gettin comfortable there, boy?"

"Just love me a fat daddy like yourself." Milo purrs as he reaches up and firmly GRABS Arthur's moobs!

"UMF!" Arthur flinches and takes Milo's hands and elevates them down. "Okay, little man. I think ya need to cool yerself down a bit."

"You tell that to your son whenever you're about to plow him?" Milo chuckles as he presses all five fingertips around Arthur's bellybutton.

"H-Hey!" Arthur frowns as he looks over his shoulder "Easy now, show some respect, alright?"

"Like how you respect HIS ass everything morning? Sometimes in the evening? You just wreck Cody's butt, don't you?" Milo traces his finger in a circle around Arthur's navel, drawing a glowing pink sigil around the hairy dip and letting the glamour sink in. "He loves it, you know. Cody talks all the time what a fat hairy beast you are in the sack."

"Alright, Milo." Arthur growls as he gets angry "You need to mind your business. I am still your boss on this here ranch. And while I appreciate the things you done did for all'us, ya need to respect your elders."

"Oh, you'd know if I was disrespecting you." Milo says as he tickles the last rune onto a Dom/Sub Polar circle on Arthur's belly, the huge ranch owner not even noticing the bright and brilliant shine coming off of his own body. "Ever wonder what it might be like to get your fuck-hole stuffed like you do to your own son?"

"That does it, that's enough!" Arthur says as his temper gets heated. Milo's hand then presses his palm deep against the massive plush belly "You're gonna-huuhhhh!" He huffs suddenly and breathes out a shimmering fog as his back arches and his fat cheeks push into Milo's pelvis "Hoooohhhhhhhhh!" He gives an unfamiliarly slutty moan as he doubles over.

His dominant mentality is switched to that of submission, his formal attitude turns upside down to a flirty demeanor, his rough exterior subtly melts into a relaxed tone "Oooooohhh..."

"Dang it, you are just so big and fluffy" Milo giggles as he roams his hands up and down Arthur's big gut.

Instead of his precious aggressive response, Arthur chuckles as he puts his large hands over Milo's and makes them push deeper upon his stomach "The ladies always did say I could make mahself a huge nice puss"

"Hahahah, a huge nice puss, huh?" Milo chuckles as the much taller and larger cowboy turns around. Milo unbuttons the top buttons of his longjohns and lets those manly tits out of their soft confinement. "I can see that. You're like a huge fat teddy bear..."

"Goooossshh dang" Arthur huffs as his bulge pushes forward in his crotch. His thick manhood thickens as Milo gropes and feels him up more. "Hooohhh, hooohh, hhhoooohhh"

"How about we go to the bedroom and cuddle up?" Milo suggest with his hands still rolling Arthur's moobs.

"Yes please, sir." Arthur nods as he takes Milo's hand and leads him to his bedroom.

Once looking at the big bed, Arthur naturally crawls on it and raises his rear right up. He looks over his shoulder and pants as Milo takes out some sort of glass bottle "Cody ever do this to you?" Milo asks as he puts a generous blob of lube onto his hand. "You ever raise your ass for him to hump?"

"No, sir." Arthur shakes his head "Boy's not hung like his old man. Darned if he didn't try." Arthur laughs "I let him get his ding in there before I -- WOOOO! Ahh!" He yelps as the cold lube met with his sphincter.

"Hahahaha, never gets old." Milo smirks as he rubs the lube into the crack and through the taint.

"What's that you're puttin' on mah ass?"

"It's called `lube'. It makes sex much easier. Your son would love you big time if you put some on this monster down here." Milo reachs down and waggles Arthur's massive tent before applying lube to his cock.

"Just... When you do uh... Mount me. Just... Go easy? I ain't never had anything up there before."

"Don't worry. If I did the sigil right -- and I always do -- you're going to love this." Milo says as he climbs up and lines his own 8 inch long and thick cock into Arthur's big furry crack.

"Egh... What?" Arthur winces "Now what in blue blazes is a sigiIIIIILLL!" His face gaps as his asshole opens wide around the intruding dick. "H-H-Haawww!" Arthur grabs his pillow and immediately sinks his teeth in. "MMMMRRMMM! NNHHHH!"

"Damn, you're tight." Milo remarks as he adjusts "Just relax your whole backside."

"MMHH... HHRRNNNnnn..." Arthur whines loudly as he cringes.

"Here, just lemme..." Milo places himself on top of Arthur's broad unionsuit shielded backside as his cock slides all the way in. His arms wrap around him and start to fondle those daddy breasts. His legs straddle him and start to roll and hump him.

"MNnnn! Nnhh! Nnnh! HnnHH!" Arthur grunts and winces until his anus slowly melts down. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh," He bounces gently back and forth as Milo's tender thrusts pushes the good buttons in his innards "Ooooohhhhhhhhh"

"Better?" Milo smiles as he hilts into that DILF butt and Arthur's head erects.

"Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh" He lets out a long passionate moan.

"Daddy likes his butt used?"

"Ohhhhh yeeesssiiiiirrr" Arthur whines as he hugs the pillow. His butt wobbles and dances beautifully as his hole takes the tender push of Milo's body.

"Yeah, take my meat." Milo says as he humps him doggy-style "I'd like to chain you up in front of all your cowboys with your ass out in the open."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" Arthur moans each time Milo's front slaps on that rump. "Now I know why Cody likes this so much, oohhhhh"

Milo pulls out and makes Arthur flip over. "Mhhh, you are a hot fat chonk of meat, Arthur" Milo grins as he raises those thunder thighs up and mounts him from the front.

"OOOooohhh!" Arthur's toes curl as Milo's dick presses directly on the prostate. Milo climbs up and rests Arthur's hairy calves on his shoulders as he advances on the jelly-belly cowboy "E-Easy, Milo, easy! I don't bend that far!"

"I know what I'm doing, daddy" Milo grins as he humps against Arthur.

"Mmhh! Mmhh! Mmhh! MmHH! MmHH! MmHH!" Arthur huffs and grunts as his very round belly and his beefy chest bounce up and down from the thrusts. Milo leans in and starts kissing Arthur's grizzled mouth. "Haaallmm, mmaalhhmm," Arthur greedily kisses back as his ankles lock, his anus taking Milo's hefty member as his own large cock throbs hard between their bellies.

"U-UHH!" Arthur growls hard as his whole body tenses "Right there, right there, right there, right there!" His asshole trembles.

"Ohhh, want me to dig in?" Milo sneers as he angles his hips and scratches the head of his cock against that hidden spot.

"LORD! Oh lord!" The fat cowboy jumps and squirms on the bed "Don't stop! Don't stop, boy, hit it there, hit it, get it, get it!" His body warps up as he arches his back as Milo's rigid cock punches a sweet spot he's never felt before.

"Fuck, yeah, mnnhh, here it comes... Here it comes..." Milo moans and rolls his hips into Arthur's rump several more times, the wet velvet squeeze of his anus pulling on his sensitive spots before he unloads right up Arthur's hole!

"A-Ahh...!" Arthur gaps as he feels the hot wet flood gushing inside him "Did... Did you just..."

"For God's sake, you do this to Cody all the time." Milo smirks as he pulls out. He starts twisting and grabbing onto Arthur's hung cock while also squeezing Arthur's fat balls!

"Ohhh! MMHHFF! H-Hoohhhh! Milo, what in tarnation you doin to me." Arthur writhes and thrusts in the air. "FFFFF... NNNHHH... O-Ohhhh!" Arthur thrashes on the bed until Milo overworks the most sensitive spots on that boss cock of his "AHHH! HOOOHH! MMMMHH! Aaaahhh!" Several white gooey rockets fly up out of his penis and splotched all over that vast hairy belly of his "Hooooo... Wow..."

"Well, it was great having ya, Milo." Arthur huffed as he pulls on one boot, and then the other, having gotten dressed after cleaning himself up.

"And it was great being inside you." Milo remarked as he buttons up his shirt.

"Oh wait, before you go." Arthur gets up and picks something off the mantle "Is this yours?" He asks as he offers the black leather collar with cyan crystals on it "It just sort of fell off my neck a few days ago."

"Oh, yes, THAT thing." Milo says as he takes the collar with a frown and looks at it, "I seriously need to give this thing to someone else. My colleagues would know what to do with it."

"Ya sure ya won't stay the night?" Arthur asks "Ya could tell me how to use that new `shower' thing you put up."

"Well-" Just then, Milo's pocket flashes. Milo looks down and raises his brows as he picks up his pocket watch. "Oh..."

"What's that lighting up now?" Arthur asked.


"Howdy, folks!" Cody comes right in, bright-eyed and bushy tailed. "M'back from town." He comes over and puts his arms around Milo's and Arthur's shoulders. "So... Anyone up for some... getting frisky~?"

"Hegh..." Arthur chuckled "I'm a bit bushed right now. How about you boys go-"

"Actually, I need to take this." Milo says as he walks off. Cody blinks as Milo takes his poncho from the coat rack and puts it on.

"Milo? Everything alright, partner?"

"Yes. I just need to go to bed early tonight..." Milo replies, sounding oddly distracted.

"Okay... See you tomorrow? Maybe cook for us again?"

"That's..." Milo hesitated and gives a last look to the two cowboys "That's a maybe. Good night." With that, Milo leaves almost abruptly.

"That was... A bit strange." Arthur remarks.

"Did something happen while I was gone?" Cody asks him.

"I mean... We did some ridin, but... He was just fine a minute ago."

"Huh..." Cody looks at the door as he ponders.

"I'm sure he's fine." Arthur pats his son's shoulder. "Come on. We need to clean up the table."

"... Okay, Pa..."

Over by the stables, Milo strides until he finds a discreet place. He opens his pocketwatch and dials into it to check his messages. His eyes scan the code and data that was received in his inbox.

"... Oh. I see..." Milo frowns and clicks the pocket watch closed. He huffs and stares up at the blue and pale yellow sky. "... Alright then. Time's up."

Next: Chapter 15

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