See You In My Dreams

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 8, 2011




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


John Walters undressed for bed slowly. Another rough day, trying to drum knowledge into young heads at the university was a thankless task. It'd have been different if he were teaching graduate students, those truly interested in the field of history (his own specialty was the Roman Empire, but he of course had to dabble in other time periods including--shudder--that of the Egyptian Pharaoh and their unpronounceable names), but he'd been forced, thanks to a dissolution of his former university, to face the greater tenure of the other professors for too many years now, they got all the plum assignments, and he was stuck teaching those students who were out to get through the curriculum's basic history requirement for their first year and could basically care less. And he, too, could care less, droning on about the American Revolution and the Industrial Revolution and the Civil Revolution...revolting, that's what it was all right.

In bed, he made a cursory pass at Mindy's lips, which she sleepily accepted and turned her back to him. That had been happening too much to bother him any longer...he hadn't wanted to make love to her tonight, anyhow. Hadn't for a while. Those last three times had been...unsatisfying somehow. He shifted onto his side so he wasn't facing that back with the three blemishes that had become too familiar to ignore and too ugly to face. You don't notice such things when you're dating but learn every one of them.

He closed his eyes. He had to sleep, had to get enough rest to face another dull day of droning on those dullards in his classes, had to sleep, to sleep, to slee...

He blinked, looked around. Odd, things seemed sharp when he looked right at them, but when he looked away, even a little, they blurred to indistinctness, and when he looked back, they were...different. That bush was a shrub, then was a small tree, then a medium sized tree, then a majestic, old oak.

"Dreaming, of course." he told himself. Sometimes you could do that when asleep, realize you were asleep. What happened after that was an odd mixture of being in control and not being in control. Kind of like a psychedelic drug was supposed to do and rarely, so rarely (he knew!) ever did.

Like when the guy came walking to him, he said, "Howdy, Earl. My name's John." He was going to name that guy "Earl." Just to start things off. Good-looking guy, large, muscled frame, tight thin waist and hips, strong legs, no hair on his body except that beautiful thatch of black hair on top of his head, so carefully groomed and luscious.

But the guy shook his head. "My name's Hector."

John pouted. "But I want to call you Earl."

"But my name is Hector." The guy was standing there wearing only a pair of boxers, and his next question was, "Why are you only wearing briefs?"

"Huh?" John looked down, he was dressed in his regular red silk pajamas. "But I wasn't. I mean, I wear pajamas to bed and still am. But it doesn't matter, this is just a dream anyhow."

"A dream?" Hector looked puzzled. "This is a dream?"

"Yeah, and I dreamed you up." John said. "That's why I get to name you Earl."

"My name's not Earl!" the guy snarled. "Now cut that out!"

"Anyhow, you're only wearing boxers." John went on. "So I wouldn't point fingers here if I was you."

"Boxers?" Hector/Earl looked down. "I'm wearing the bottom half of a sweatsuit. Same as I wore to bed."

"Those are boxers." John said. "Old, yellow, rather ratty boxers."

"And you're wearing briefs." Hector said. "The kind with Spiderman on the front."

"Huh?" John looked at himself. "Well, they were pajamas, but now they're briefs like you said. Only no Spiderman." They were red, but had white seams on it. He looked back up, smirked. "And now you're naked."

"So are you." Hector said and looked down at himself. "Wow, quite a prong I got on me. Bigger than mine, a lot bigger.

John looked at himself, he was sporting a solid twelve or fifteen inches worth of thick cock. "Shit, so am I. Hell of a dream I'm having."

"It's my dream, damn it." Hector said. "So quit calling it yours, this is my dream!"

"No, it's not." John argued. He wasn't going to waste his precious dream time arguing with one of his own creations. "And to prove it, I bet I can get you to do anything I want."

"No, if this is my dream, I can get you to do anything I want!"

John found himself suddenly right beside Hector (and how had he dropped the name "Earl" on this guy, anyhow, he'd just lost an argument with a figment of his own imagination here!), and he was gripping that long, too long, hard dong on the guy! His own was practically up to his eye level and Hector had wrapped both hands around it.

"Mmm, yeah, love that, love that." Hector was muttering.

"Jesus, man, what are you doing?" John groaned.

And then Hector reached down (he didn't have to bend over far, big as John's dick was...what a dream!), and took John's prong in his mouth. Thick and big as it was, Hector managed to shove a large length of it down his throat on the first try!

"Ah, ah, shit, yeah, ah!" John moaned. "God, yeah, suck me, suck me!"

"Do mine, too." Hector said, somehow without letting go. It should have been a mumble sound only, and it wasn't.

Shit, this was only a dream and he was expecting logic? Hell, John could suck Hector's long dong without having to spin onto his head or anything, just lean a bit to the right and they could suck each other while they both were standing up!

I'm not gay, John thought at he sucked on Hector's fat prod, funny how deep he could take this, he ought to be gagging like hell, but he didn't, he just slid up and down, tasting the heady nectar of male musk. I'm not gay, this is just a dream and nothing that happens in a dream matters. Or it's all symbolic acts. He couldn't get it on with his wife anymore and didn't want to cheat on her with some other woman, his mind substitutes another man instead.

If he wanted to, he could turn this man into a woman. Or even into Mindy.

Instead, he said, for he'd gotten this cock all slicked up with a thick goo of spit, far more than he could have generated with his mouth and he said, "Why don't you fuck me with this, Hector."

"Yeah, man, yeah!" Hector moaned. "God, I hope I don't wake up too soon!"

"Me, either." John grunted. "Come on, drive it in me, hard and fast, this is only a dream, you're not going to hurt me." He turned around and put his hands on his knees and thrust his buttocks out. That was all it took.

Hector entered him easily, and oh, God, that felt good! Shit, yeah, good, yeah, fuck, yeah, good!

"Come on, hump me hard and fast, come on, fuck me."

"Shut up, this is my dream, I'll fuck you slow as I want to." Hector retorted.

"Take too long, you might wake up." John reminded him.

"Shit, yeah, I'd better hurry." Hector hunched at him with a fury that no man could have managed while awake, faster than a buck rabbit's raunchy flickering strokes into the doe.

"Come on, harder, faster, uh, uh, yeah, uh, yuh!" John moaned. "I'm coming, fuck me faster and harder, harder, yeah!"

And he came, John came. In his dream! He never had orgasms in his dreams, just a sort of warm tingling sort of feeling that never quite climbed to the heights. Not this time, this was the fucking best fucking orgasm he'd ever had!

And Hector groaned low and soft and with a lot of panting, he squirted a huge load into John. He came and came and it flooded John completely, he was filled to overflowing and it still jetted into him, no, it was like a fire hose and to John's complete and utter shock, he opened his mouth and hot jizz flowed out of it. He'd been filled to capacity by Hector's cock and he was dripping it out of his mouth. The spunk in his mouth tasted as clean as it could be. And why not?

Hector's cock slid out of his mouth the wrong way (poking the head out between his lips and the knob waggled in front of him, still squirting sperm out in front of John.

"Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah!" Hector moaned. The cock in front of John faded out into mist and was done, and when John turned around, Hector was gone, too. Just the jizz in John's body remained and as John moved, it sloshed inside of him and then John woke up himself.

Panting hard, sweating heavily.

"Shit, John, wake up, wake up!" Mindy was saying sleepily.

"I'm awake."

"Thank God!" Mindy yawned. "You were having a nightmare, or something."

"Yeah, yeah, I was, thanks." John said, still breathing. Or something, yeah, it was something.

Hell of a dream. His pajamas were sticky as hell. Had he come in his sleep? He felt it out, maybe he had! Was that even possible?

He had brushed it back as much he could, funny how you do remember some dreams, clearly and strongly, and this was one of those. But hell, he had classes to teach and students to coach drearily through the elementary things they should have picked up in high school...hell, in grade school!...and that was enough to ruin even a pleasant dream memory. Was this a pleasant dream memory? He'd enjoyed it a hell of a lot.

Mindy wanted to make love, but he just didn't feel like it. He brushed it off with an I'm-tired line and she was miffed. But hell, she'd chased him away for what, three weeks now? Maybe she thought he'd found himself a substitute for that. Hell, if it got her to turn loose of him, that was fine. There was nobody for her to find and if she got paranoid enough, she'd file for divorce.

Sleep came and he was surprised to find himself in another dream like the one before. Only this was a football stadium. Details shifted, but it stayed a football stadium. He was dressed in full football uniform, yellow with black numbers on his chest.

And Hector came toward him, blue with white letters. He knew it was Hector, somehow, though the helmet covered him.

"Hello, Robert." Hector said.

"My name's John."

"I want to call you Robert." But the grin showed through and John broke down laughing.

"Okay, fair enough, Hector." John agreed. "Why are we here?"

"Feel like a little scrimmage?" Hector invited.

"Why not?" John smiled.

Hector tackled him. John wasn't surprised when Hector overbore him, he ended up with Hector on top of him, straddling him, their faces together, knocking the helmets off their heads.

And those pants weren't constraining his manhood in the least. Nor Hector's. A convenient hole let him plunge directly into Hector's hot lithe ass. Ahh, shit, this was better than Mindy's cunt, better, hell, much better!

"Yeah, come on, Lion, fuck my Rhino ass!" Hector moaned.

"Lion? Rhino?" panted John.

"Teams at the last game!" Hector grunted. "We lost eighteen to seven, it's why you get to fuck me! Come on, Lion fuck me harder, fuck my losing ass you winning prick!"

"Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah!" John began to ram Hector's ass. He didn't have to gentle, not here. He could fuck hard as he wanted to, just fuck him hard!

And when his cock head slid out of Hector's mouth like Hector's had his, he wasn't surprised at all, he just leaned over and caught it and sucked on his own head, and he creamed that way!

Let go and let the huge flood spray all over Hector and when he was well soaked, he pulled out slowly, slowly, filling him full in reverse, by withdrawal as he filled up the long, long tube that was Hector's body and when he was done, he pulled out a limp, sticky prick no bigger than...than his own.

"Aw, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Hector groaned. "Oh, man, yeah!"

And Hector and the stadium faded, and John was sitting up in bed now, awake with wide eyes.

This was getting freaky.

Two strong dreams on two consecutive nights. Both with the same guy appearing.

That afternoon, he took a break to go to the department computer (they only had one computer for all six professors in the history department, and at that, it gathered a lot of dust, history professors don't study their history on a computer!

Typed in "Lion Rhino 18-7" and leaned over to read the newspaper article that pulled up.

On a high school website. Lynnfield High School, home of the Lynnfield Lions! And he read the article, browsed the site, and no Hector showed up anywhere on it.

He sat back with a sigh. That explained a lot of Hector's behavior. He'd been dealing with a teenager. The Hector he'd been fucking and sucking was a high school student! Was he even...God, was he even eighteen!

Hector had some explaining to do tonight. Assuming there was a tonight, and this wasn't the verge of madness. Shit, he hadn't thought of that! That explained a bit too damned much here!

He went to sleep and this time was on a motorcycle. Looked down, he was a fucking traffic cop! CHP, with their tan uniforms, that explained the freeway and palm trees. This dream was straight out of an old TV show!

Up ahead, he found himself hitting the lights. The red Corvette pulled over to the side of the road for him. Hector's head (unmistakable by now) was sitting in it, and he turned around and watched as John walked his way.

"I'm sorry, Officer, was I speeding?" Hector asked.

"License and registration, please." John said. He was playing the part and getting the information as well...he hoped.

Hector Ferguson. Date of birth...just turned eighteen two months ago.

"This your right date of birth?" and John read it off.

"Yes, sir."

"Your right address?" Hector lived in Nebraska? Shit, more than halfway across the country from him!

"Yes, sir."

"Good, good." John memorized the address. "I'll need your telephone number, as well."

"402-555-8112." Hector said. "Sir."

"Good enough." John said. "Now, sir if you'll step out of the car...."

A brief frisk. "What's that in your pants, sir?"

"That's just me, Officer."

"Take it out for me."

"Yes, sir." The dong was actually normal sized here. Just nice and fat, maybe nine inches. Looked good, too.

"I'll have to investigate this further." John said and he sucked it down. Long, slow and easy, he sucked it. This dream, it would last him long enough to let him enjoy this. And he wanted it to last.

Traffic flowed by, some occasional raucous calls punctuated the proceedings, but no other interference, and the voices of "Take it to a room!" and "Is that how you get out of a ticket?" was actually inspiring in its way.

He sucked Hector all the way off, and got a decent, normal, human load out of him, as well.

And then he stood and Hector knelt to return the favor, sucking that CHP-uniform-wrapped cock. John placed a leather-gloved hand onto Hector's head, then another and fed him his cock with hunches of his body.

Hector looked up, gentle and shining eyes. He smiled down and loved the feel of the lips on his pud, damn, if Mindy was half as good as this, he'd never have let her push him away.

And when he came, that was normal-volume spunk as well. Hector slurped it down. "I guess we're really both getting into this, aren't we?"

"Yeah." John said. "Hector, stick around now, if you can."


"I'm...I'm going to try to call you tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

"Uh, my mom usually answers the phone."

"I have to be sure you're real and I'm not crazy. I mean, three nights in a row, you and me. It's just all too fucking real."

"Okay, I'll be home about four o'clock."

"That's two my time." John said. "I actually live not far from here."

"Okay." Hector said. "Jeez, what if this is real? If we're both really real, I mean, and you're not a dream of mine."

"You're my dream." John said. "But let's not argue that. Either you're really real or this is all an elaborate bit of imagination."

"I'll be sitting by the phone." Hector said and he vanished.

John sat up and couldn't get back to sleep. He'd know if Hector was real.

Waiting to make that call took forever, it felt like. But when he did, Hector answered the phone.

Hector was real. He was real, just like the dream. John confirmed it, confirmed it again, and was getting really excited. Hell, it was already April. Hector could come see him when he graduated in a few weeks. He could come to Hector's graduation in May, sure, why not? Why not?

He wasn't crazy. He couldn't explain the odd connection that let them get together each night for incredible, magical sex, but it wasn't psychosis on his part. He was sane, because Hector was real.

And every night, he met Hector after he fell asleep. They went through every wet dream and fantasy John had ever had and some he hadn't considered, even. Sergeant and recruit, castaways on a deserted island, cadets at a military academy, construction workers on a break, paperboy and customer paying with something other than cash, he was Hans Solo to Hector's Luke Skywalker (that was Hector's fantasy, John hadn't thought of that one) and he was Batman to Hector's Robin (that one WAS his!), they played them all out, in full, multi-sensual, multi-faceted detail. It was like having a regular lover. In fact, it was even better, a lot better.

His love life with Mindy improved, as did his outlook on life teaching his students. Hector made plans to come to his college next fall, though he wouldn't be able to come out before then.

And then it came the day, finally, when he could get on that plane and fly out to see Hector.

He was nervous about it. Something he hadn't told Hector. Would it matter? When they had such a bond?

He got to the school, met Hector where he said he would. Where was he?

"John?" came the call.

He turned and saw who had called.

Hector. He recognized the face. Even sitting in a wheelchair, his body malformed by the disease or birth defect, whatever it was. Hector had his face untouched, and one hand worked well enough. But for the rest....


"John, is that you?"

"Yes, Hector." John went over and knelt beside the frail form.

"I should have told you." Hector said.

"And I should have told you." John admitted.

"How old are you, John?"

"Fifty-two." And he weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds, but that didn't need to be mentioned. There was silence as John tried this all on. He'd been prepared to break his age and appearance to a teenaged boy, but this one....

"It's good to see you." Hector went on.

"Yes, it's good." John agreed, and to his surprise, he meant it deep down. Coming onto a cute young stud would have been very, very awkward. "Only...."

"What do we do now?" Hector supplied the rest of that sentence.

"This isn't what I expected." John admitted.

"Me, either." Hector agreed. "But it's okay. Really. I have to go get ready now. For my graduation."

"Want me to push you there?"

"My chair is fully charged."

"I'll be in the audience." John said. "We can get together afterwards."

"My family will be around me. It's okay. We can wait. We have lots of time together already."

"Yes. Yes, we do." John got up and turned to go into the auditorium. He had to find a place among the unassigned seats, and wanted to get a good one if he could.

And Hector said to him as he walked away. "See you in my dreams."

"Yeah." John agreed, turning back and smiling broadly. "See you in my dreams, too."

And with a warmth growing in his stomach and a tingle in his balls, John went on into the auditorium.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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