Seeing Double

By pearl wilkie

Published on Feb 21, 2013


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this is a loving story of a family who are there for each other after alot of bad things happining to them. if your looking for a story thats all about wham bam thank you maam then your out of luck yes this story has alot of sex scenes in it but its mainly story, i hope you enjoy


The week had gone in quick and tyler was fitting in well. it was friday the last day of school before the summer holidays. as it was half day dad was letting us off so we got a nice long lie in was also the first day of dad and steve's four weeks holiday, dad didn't tell us what he had planned. so i woke up looked at the clockit had just gone 10am. nice i thought, i lay there tyler was on his stomachnaked under the sheet. i couldn't help but wince at his scars. i was just about to run my hands over them when i heard a lound bangging noise at the front door. tyler jumped up "what the fuck was that" he asked. i shurgged my shoulders, we both got out of bed and put on our jogging bottoms we had laid out ready for our run this morning. we crept down stairs and saw dad in his boxers and mum hitting him screaming "were are my sons i'm taking them out of this hell hole right now, i will get their minds wiped of all the shit you have put in them" "just wait a god damn minute you are getting no were near those boys" dad yelled back "i have seen the scars on tylers back what you did was sick, now get the hell out of my house before i call back up and get you arrested for child abuse" he laughed and said "who they going to belive a police sargeant with 15 years on the force or a drunk raving lunitic who beats her son for being gay" with that mum walked out the house dad slammed the door shut and calmly said " it's ok boys she will get no were near you that i promise" we ran down the stairs and hugged him.

Good job uncle steve was on shift, i thought as if reading my mind dad said "no need to mention this to steve h will flip, we want this to ba an amazing holiday", "now who's hungry" Tyler pulled me back squeezed me tight "please tell me dad won't let that bitch take us back" he cried. I hugged him back "hell no dude dad loves us he would never let her touch a hair on your head" he smiled seamed to calm him down a bit. When we got into the kitchen dad had the food ready but neither of us were really that hungry. We sat in sileince. then dad got up and said "ok you pair fisih up shower and change were meeting steve for lunch after his shift at the resteraunt we went to the other night" we both nodded our heads and headed upstairs. Dad was in his bedroom lying on his bed on the phone. We knocked and asked if we could use his shower to save time, he nodded and we wnet over and hugged him, he returned to his call "these boys are my life del if that bitch gets them back i doubt they would tay their 16 next motnh dose she have a leg to stand on" we heard this as we got into the bathroom.

Tyler pulled me in for a kiss. i was supried with everything going on thi morning he till manage a woody. I ran my habd over it and moaned he felt o warm and good. Just then he did the same, i hand't even relised i had boned up. Mut have been when i was hugging dad. we got into the shower the hot water dripping over our bodies, it was relaxing. Tyler tarted rubbing my houlder i moand and leaned into him . a i did he kised down my neck endin my dick to jump. i could feel his rubbing up my crack. i pushed back on it i ran my habd down his body finaly finding my taget i wrapped my hands around his cock and started stroking it slowly. i turned around to face him i pushed him against the wall grabbed the shower gel lubed up his cock then bent over "fuck me baby please" he smiled lubed up my hole. he just had head in and i moaning hard. i put my hands on the shower door to steady myself. We were fucking really hard and i was almost cumming when the door suddleny opended and there stood dad luckily tyler had a good grip of my hips, dad grabbed my shoulders "am sorry baby i didnt relise you were against the door its really stemy in here" i stood up tyler still hard inside me he slowed his pace as dad kissed us both " when your sone come find me in the kitchen i got some news"

still in postion tyler started to speed uphe reached around and started jerking my cock. it didnt take long for us to both shoot our loads his in my well fucked ass and mine hitting the door almost were dad was standing the thought off hitting dad with my cum made me moan , tlyer laughed think he knew what i was thinking. we got cleaned up and dressed ad went to find dad. When we got down tot he kitchen dad was sitting at the breakfst bar dressed sipping his coffee. "hey guys i'm sorry i disrupted you i should have known you pair of horny teenagers" he laughed " hey don't worry bout it dad it's cool" we bothed laughed. Tyler went in to the kitch to get us both tin of juice. dad had a sad look on his face "whats up dad" i said rubbing his back " well the lawyer said , oh boys i don't know how to tell you he said that bitch has no chance of getting anywere near you". i could have hit him as we bother grinned. and hugged him.

Once we got over the news we headed out to meet uncle steve. We arrived at the resteraunt, thankfully frecklestud wasnt on shiftwe got seated at a booth and looked over the menu, we waited about half hour when dads phone went it was uncle steve "DAN STUCK AT A MASSIVE HOUSE FIRE EAT WITHOUT ME I'LL SEE YOU AT HOME I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. LUV YOU ALL X X " Dad had a worried look on his face "whats up dad asked tyler "don't no yet son steves stuck at work says eat without him and he'll see us at home. We orderd some pizza and ate pretty much in silence. dad looked worried but wouldnt tell us why. the car ride home was quiet, tyler sat up front with dad he put his hand on his knee " you sure your ok dad " "yeah baby just missing steve that's all". When we got home dad said he was tired and headed to bed me and tyler decided to get comfy and stripped down to our boxers and played a little Cod black ops 2.

We were still worried about dad so we really couldnt enjoy our game. i asked tyler if he wanted to do something to cheer up dad. he looked puzzled (he looked so cute when he was confused lol) "yeah like what" he asked i whispered in his ear he jumped back "i don't james it's a bit of a shock i mean i been like this for 3 years almost" " i know me too but i dont feel this way anymore" i said " but how i have no money" he looked so sad " i have an inheritance from one of dads uncles i'm guessin mum spent yous so i'll half mine" he agreed reluctanly. we got dressed and wrote dad a note and headed into town. dad woke about an hour laterfound the note and decided to have a shower. a couple hours later we headed home we slipped our baseball caps on and rang the door bell dad answered in just his jeans "yeah boys can i help you" ha asked "is your boys home sir" i asked trying not to laugh "no boys they headed into town couple hours ago your welcome to come in and wait" thank your mr dillon" we walked into the house and couldnt belive he didnt recognise us we put our bags down and sat on the sofa. tyler leaned over and whispered "you look totaly hoy in this get up" i giggled and said "you too" just then dad came back into the room with some drinks and said "what you too whispering about" with my head still down i said " my brother thinks your hot and i agree" dad stummbled back "boys i'm flattered but i'm old enough to be your father" we both burst into laughter "whats so funny boys" we stood up and stripped off our caps " you are our dad you numpty" we both said laughing. Dad was in shock a couple hours agohis two sons were all in black lang black hair and had eyeliner on. now stood two gorgeous boys with crew cats tight t-shirts and loose fitting jeans and bright blur converse's "but why how" he was in shock he sat on his chair and we both sat on each knee.

"we decided it was time for a change we wernt deppressed anymore so why dress like it , i know it will take some time to get used to but i hope you like it dad " i said looking right in his eyes. "i love it boys you were sexy then and now as long as your both happy" we nodded and took turns kissing him running our hands over his body. Just then uncle setve turned up "whoa dan what the fuck ma who the hell are the boys on you lap" me tyler and dad all laughed me and tyler stood up "clam down uncle steve its us dont you recgonise your own nephews" like dad he was in shock he slowly walked over to us and run his hands over our heads "god your more like me and your dad more than ever" he said crying we hugged him. 2 do you like it uncle steve" we asked worryingly " i love it boys i really do " he hugged us tight dad joined in the hug. Uncle steve pulled away still with tears in his eyes.

"boys you need to sit down i have something to tell you" ok now we were worriedwe looked up at him dad sat between us holding our hands "the house fire i was at today was your mums it seems she was drinking vodka and she must have spilled some because she fell aslep while smoking a cig and she must have dropped it" tyler stood up "is she dead" he asked i could see his eyes tearing up " we dont know yet baby she was rushed to hospital an officer will be here soon" he hugged him and kissed his forehead. dad was crying " I hated her for what she did to tyler but i wouldnt have wished that on her, i did love her once" we all standing in a group hug when the door opened it was dads partner officer john davis he was hot i always fancied him "hey guys i guess steve told you what happened tyler shot up "is she dead" "am afraid so buddy her injurys were to sdever" tyler was bawling his eyes out i went to go hug him but john beat me to it "i guess your tyler, i'm sorry buddy i wish we were meeeting under better currcumstances" i took over as john said " dan i need to talk to you in private"

they went into the kitchen. uncle steve came over and hugged us tight. john and dad entered the kitchen we couldnt hear what they wer saying. Tyler cried into uncle steves shoulder. " i hated her i really did but i would never wish her dead" he sobbed in the kitchen john hugged dad "i'm sorry dude i know you were having problems but i also remember what you were like in the beging" he reached into his vest and handed dad an envelope " her lawyer came to the hospital and handed this to the chief he said it was to be delivered to you upon her death, apperently she was there this morning" dad looked at th long white envelope with DAN written on it he opened it and read.

Dear Dan,

after our visit i had time to reflect on what i did to tyler and i am truley sorry. I was walking home and i saw a young boy about the kids age trying to turn tricks for food or money. i asked him why he was doing this he told me his parents threw him out because he was gay. i burst into tears thinking that could have been tyler and i was ashamed of my hutful actions i gave him what i had and wrote this letter if your reading it then i was succesful and i wish one day you tyler and james and even steve could forgive me. i love my boys with all my heart please look after them.

your truely sorry ex wife


When dad finished the letter he came in woth tears flowing he handed uncle steve the letter. he sat down between us and we all read the letter together when she spoke of the homeless boy i cried i'd walked past those guys all the time, i felt sorry for them. When we'd finished we were all in tears. John said "again am sorry for your loss, Dan you got my number if you need me " he left we all huddled together on the sofa when the phone went dad got up and answered it " hello.......oh hi i was going to phone you in a bit........ wait a minute they have every right to be there you can't stop us ........ you bitch they are your grandsons we will be there" he hung up and sat back down angry "that was jan your gran she doesnt want us at the funeral but dont worry we will be there to say our last goodbyes" we all sat hugging and cryin dad said " look boys its lat why dont we head up to bed" i was just about to say something when uncle steve suggested we all share their big bed. we all agreed and headed off to bed. we started stripping off dad got in first then tyler and me then uncle steve, tyler cddled into dad and me into uncle steve. sleep came easy to most of us bar dad he just couldnt get over what she did.

thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed it please send me your feedback i love hearing it good or bad. also if any females reading please get in touch id love to talk to more like minded females and get your opinon. next chapter up soon keep your eyes peeled

Next: Chapter 7

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