Shafted by the Arrow

By moc.oohay@20yobxtynrh

Published on Jan 15, 2014


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction and in no way reflect actual events, or implies the sexuality of those involved. But a boy can dream!

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Shafted by the Arrow, Part 1

"Man, today was brutal" Colton said.

"I know what you mean, how many takes did we do for that fight scene?" Stephen replied.

"Too many. I could really use a beer about now to relax" Colton laughed.

"Why don't you come by my trailer, I have some new craft brews we can try."

"Sounds good to me."

As they walked back to his trailer, Colton reflected on how lucky he had been to land the part of Roy on Arrow. His character was finally gaining more airtime, and he had actually developed a great friendship with Stephen. They had fallen into a easy relationship from the outset, running lines, working out together and even hanging out some nights.

"Help yourself to anything in the fridge, I'm gonna grab a quick shower" Stephen said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

"Thanks." Must be nice to be the star, Roy thought. Now that they were well into the second season, Stephen's trailer had been upgraded. It had a couch, a couple chairs, nice TV, even a small bathroom with a shower.

A few minutes later Stephen came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of mesh workout shorts, his towel hanging around his neck.

"Feels so good to get all the crap off of me," he said as he pulled a beer from the fridge.

"I bet, but Maggie in makeup loves these days when you have a shirtless scene," Colton replied.

"What do you mean?"

"You may close your eyes when you're in there, but I've seen the look on her face as she's putting on those scars and that tattoo." He'd snuck a few looks himself, enjoying the site of Stephen's half naked body while Maggie did her job.

"Shut up" Stephen said, throwing the towel at him as he settled into one of the chairs.

"I know you kicked my ass in that training scene, but I bet I could take you if it wasn't scripted," Colton said.

"What the fuck ever," Stephen replied, "You have no idea how much training I've had to take on a role like this. I haven't seen you complete the Salmon Ladder yet."

This continued on for the next several minutes, poking friendly jabs at each other, until conversation headed off in another direction. As Stephen got up out of his chair to grab another beer he rolled his right shoulder several times.

"Man, I must have landed wrong on one of those rolls. I hate it every time I have to bust through a window," Stephen grimaced.

"Want some help with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was in high school my mom was a professional masseuse and taught me how to do it. Said it would help with the girls," Colton explained.

"Did it?"

"You have no idea. Lay down and I'll work on it for you," Colton smirked, "It worked even better with the guys," he added silently to himself.

After Stephen laid down on the floor, Colton straddled him and began a deep tissue massage on his shoulder, his fingers kneading deep into the firm muscle.

"I guess you weren't kidding, that feels great," Stephen murmured. Colton didn't respond, slowly working his hands from Stephen's sore shoulder to his neck and other shoulder. He could feel the strong body beneath him slowly relax. Without saying anything, he slowly eased backwards working lower on Stephen's back, Stephen's limp fingers brushing against his calves. He slid himself backward until he was practically sitting on Stephen's butt. The feel of those cheeks beneath him and enjoying the feel of Stephen's muscular back under his hands had definitely gotten him worked up, his cock was well on the way to being hard in his CK trunks. It was then that he realized Stephen had actually fallen asleep at some point.

"Hmm," he grunted to himself as a wicked little smirk lit up his face. He scooted back a little further, giving himself some room. Gently, so as not to awaken him, he pulled Stephen's hands to the middle of his back, where Colton could grab his wrists in his left hand. With his right he savagely smacked Stephen's ass then quickly dove forward snaking his right arm around Stephen's neck. Stephen arms jerked when his ass was smacked, but because of Colton's grip they didn't move far before being pinned under Colton's weight.

"Told you I could take you," Colton whispered in Stephen's ear.

Stephen struggled for a second before a felt the lump of heat sitting in his left hand. He tightened his grip just enough to be obvious as he replied "You forget, the Arrow doesn't always fight fair."

At this Colton rolled himself to the side to protect his manhood while trying to keep Stephen pinned. Stephen of course wasn't going down that easy. The next several minutes were a free for all as they wrestled, both trying to gain an advantage but unable to. They rolled back and forth, twisting and flipping in each other's grasp, one on top and then the other. Colton was slowly losing ground as Stephen's bare torso became coated in a sheen of sweat. As hands grabbed and slid across backs, chests, stomachs and legs Colton could feel his cock lengthen and stretch to its full 7.5 inches, barely hidden from Stephen by his now tight trunks and basketball shorts. He knew he had to end this quick before Stephen noticed, but wasn't about to just give up and let himself be pinned.

He wasn't hard yet, but Stephen was definitely getting aroused from wrestling with his hot costar. Stephen was on his back with Colton straddling him. He pushed against Colton's thigh and felt it slip away from him. He could feel the heat coming off of Colton's crotch as a decided firmness landed on his stomach. Then Colton's hands slipped. Stephen dropped his hands down grab hold of the hem of Colton's shirt, quickly jerking it upwards as he rolled them over, trapping Colton's arms above his head.

"Give up yet?" Stephen asked as he pinched Colton's nipple, causing it to become hard.

"OW! Easy on the nipples!" Colton yelled as he struggled to free himself, his voice muffled slightly by his t-shirt.

"Is this better?" Stephen asked as he leaned in and grazed Colton's perky nipple with his teeth.

End of Part One. Do you want more? Part 2 is coming soon.

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Next: Chapter 2

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