Show Me the Meaning

By moc.emani@amrakbsb

Published on Jul 19, 1999


Warning: The following story is fictional. All use of celebrities, characters, and situations are all fictional. This story does not represent and/or meant to imply to the sexuality of any real persons. This story contains homoerotic relations between consenting adult males. You must be of legal age in your state to read this. Thank you and enjoy. (** the start of an emphasis, * the end)

"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely"

by Karma

================================================ ~ Part 1 ~ "Nights Of Light" ================================================

~ Chapter 3 ~

Saturday, 6:00 am. The sound of an alarm clock pounds throughout the bedroom.

He lies in bed with the covers tightly wrapped around himself, hoping that the pulsating beeps would drown out his thoughts. Had it been any other morning, he would have been dressed by now. But not this morning, not after the night he had. No matter how hard Kevin tried, the image of Ricky wouldn't fade. The Latin pop star consumed his every emotion.

He stares at the ceiling trying to grasp some sort of explanation for his actions last night. 'I was lonely. And I guess he just got to me. The way he could just see right into me, was so unreal. Why did I let it happen...Why didn't he tell me about his girlfriend? Not that care that he has one or anything...But, still he could have told me.' He shuts his eyes tightly, and yanks at his hair, 'I've gotta stop thinking about Ricky! I mean I know in the pass I' No, this can't be happening. I thought I had this all figured out years ago. God, this isn't the right time! I have a career and four other people to be concern about now. Speaking of my career, I'm gonna be late for the photo shoot if I don't get my ass out of bed.'

There was an overcast that morning, giving the normally sunny beach an eerie mood. The Backstreet Boys were on location of their photo shoot/interview for Details magazine. The photographer Herb Ritts, takes some test shots of Howie, Kevin and AJ; while Nick and Brian were in the hair and makeup trailer.

A stylist precisely sculpts Nick's hair while he looks on at a makeup artist powdering lightly at Brian's nose.

"You got this James Dean vibe going on," says Nick.

"You should see Kevin and them, they look like characters from that book the Outsiders." All of the guys were dressed in 1960's style rolled hem dungarees jeans, black or white T-shirts and motorcycle boots.

"And what about you,?" Brian asked.

"Me? I just look like a dork."

"Nick, you could never look like a dork." Brian lightly blushes at his own comment. Nick notices this but, passes it off as his imagination. "I mean, you look very Jonny Bravo-ish. Only without the giant hair...or the muscles." Brian teases.

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be now? I'm a weak little rut huh?" Nick kicks Brian's leg. "Just remember who's taller and bigger okay."

"Well, taller anyway..." Brian grins.

"Ha, ha, you're so funny, Rok." Nick sarcastically replied.

"I know, it's a gift," he beamed, Nick gives him another kick.

The stylist removes the smock from around Nick's neck, "Okay boys you can go out and play now." The two chase each other out onto the beach. They run by AJ kicking sand into his eyes.

"Hey watch it assholes!" he yells. Through stringing eyes AJ searches his way over the table were some food and bottle water sat. He opens a bottle and flushes the sand out of his eyes.

"Well I guess we can squeeze in another one.... When can you guys get here?..." AJ hears someone behind him, talking on a cell phone.

They sighed, "Yeah, we have the uhmm Backstreet Boys here right now--that won't be a problem will it? Because resecluding a shoot with Herb Ritts is difficult, he's a very busy man....Okay... Alright, see you in 10... Later." they walked off and whispered something to Herb.

'What the hell was that all about?' AJ wondered.

They giggle nervously handing Kevin two pictures, they were stills from some teen magazine. The two fans had made their way pass security onto the shoot. Because they didn't cause any real trouble, Kevin offered them an autograph.

"That's Cindi with an I," the older one said. Kevin scribbles some small message on her picture, and he hands it back.

"And your name?" he asks the younger one.

"Amy!" She shrieks. "I'm sorry, I'm so nervous!"

Kevin smiles, and softly touches her arm, "Don't be, it's just me." He writes another small message, but, before handing the picture back, he feels the urge to see what was on the other side. He flips it over. There stared the most beautiful pair of brown eyes he had ever seen. Kevin knew those eyes well, they were all he thought about since last night. He sadly gives the picture back, the two fans run on recalling their encounter with a Backstreet Boy. 'Why does he get to me so much? What is it about him? Do I have feelings for him? How could I, after all I just met him...'

"I think someone trying to a keeping secret from us." AJ's voice cuts through Kevin's thoughts.

"How...What, are you talking about?" 'He couldn't possibly know?'

"I over heard someone talking about another group sharing our shoot time and it seems they might have a problem with us." said AJ.

"Great, that's all we need." Kevin sighs. `I had a feeling that this was going to be a long day.'

"They should be here soon."

"Have any clue who it could be?" he asks.

"I don't know but, I'm guessing it's a rival of ours."

'That could be a few people' "I'll handle it." 'Don't I always?'

"Thanks dawg." AJ taps him on the arm.

Kevin goes off trying to find out what's going on. He asks around but, couldn't get a straight answer from anyone. `Maybe AJ misunderstood what was said,' he guessed.

Herb dictates the guys poses as his camera rapidly flashes.

"Loosen up Howie, look more serious Nick, Kevin that's perfect."

`Kevin that's perfect' Nick laughs tauntingly under his breath.

"Stop snickering Nick." Kevin said, noticing him out of the corner of his eye.

"I wasn't!" He whines.

"Yes, you were. You always do, when you think no one looking." Brian points out.

"I do not!" Nick pouts folding his arms.

"Alright, let's take five guys. Jeff call the rentals again, those cyles are surpose to be here now. Dana, can we do something different with Nick and AJ's hair, give it more of an edge.

"Ooh! I can I have cornrows?" AJ shouts.

"Okay cornrows for AJ. Nick just run your fingers though yours a little." Brian and Howie reach up and tosses Nick hair roughly.

"Hey, he said me, idiots!" The annoyed Nick pushes them away.

"Actually that looks great guys." Herb laughs. "Kevin the white shirt not working. I think you need something darker, like AJ's and Howie to bring out your hair color. Brian, Howie, don't change a thing. I have to reload the camera." Herb rambles through a case pulling out other cameras and film.

Howie goes off and helps himself to a bottle of water, as he's drinking, he senses someone coming up behind him. He turns and nearly chokes when he sees who it is.

"Well, don't act surprised or anything," they laughed.

"What are you doing here?" he asks amazed.

Kevin stands in the packed the wardrobe tent. After a little looking, he finds a black T-shirt that would fit him. He sits down in a front of mirrored dresser table, and takes the white one off. As soon as he pulls the black one down over his head, someone throws a copy of the "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" single in front of him.

`That's it. I've got to have a serious talk with security. Fans or not people can't just intrude in on us while working.'

"I'll sign this but you and your friends have to understand, that ya'll can't keep sneaking into the photo shoot, okay?" Kevin says reaching for a pen.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. I just wanted to get closer." They apologized serenely. Kevin's heart stops at the very sound of the voice. He looks up into the mirror to see *the face.

"Ricky?...I thought you were another fan asking for an autograph."

"Well I am a fan, especially of you." Ricky huskily whispers.

He takes a seat beside Kevin. They glance at each other for a second, Kevin looks away.

"But how did you know that...I mean, why are you... " Kevin starts to say, Ricky interrupts by giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. The firmness of Ricky's lips sends a tingle run down Kevin's spine .He treasures the feeling yet, at the same time he loathes it. `I can't believe he just did that. What if someone had walked in and saw us, how could I explain this?'

Ricky takes notice of Kevin's startle expression. "Kevin...I didn't mean that...well, I did--but, not to come on so strong." He bites his lip, hoping he hasn't pushed Kevin away.

"No, it's okay," He nervously runs his fingers though his short black hair. "It's just that I--I think we really need to... know?" He manages to say.

"Yes, sure." He says to the red faced Kevin. "We can talk."

`And then we can kiss again--No! Wait--Damn it, Kevin! Will you listen to yourself, man! This can't happen, what would the guys think?

"Yo, Kev Herb's... ," AJ peeks his head into the tent, "Ready...Oh, my God it you." AJ was shocked to find who was sitting there close beside Kevin like it was a everyday thing.

"You're AJ right? Hi, I'm Ricky Martin" He stands to shake hands.

"Yeah, I know who you are, though I never thought I'll see you here."

"Well, I was to have my photo shoot at 3:00 but, something else came along, so I'm here now," he explains.

AJ senses by the look on their faces that he was interrupting something. "Look, if you two were talking, I'll just go..."

"No, Ricky was just telling me what a big Backstreet Boys fan he is," says a wary Kevin.

"Yeah, I asked him to sign my, CD--well, your CD." Rick promptly adds, holding up the single.

"Oh, really," said AJ. He looks at the two, `They seem a little on edge. I wonder if they are hiding something?...Nah, Kevin wouldn't keep secrets from us.'

Terry the wardrobe stylist steps into the tent. "AJ, Kevin, Mr.Ritts is waiting. Mr. Martin you have to change now." She flips through the countless hangers. He starts to unbutton his shirt, revealing his well defined chest. Kevin could feel his breathe growing thin, while something else of his grew fuller.

"Come on, Kev. See ya, Rick." The oblivious AJ, grabs a hold of Kevin's shirt as he walks out.

"*Later, Ricky..." Kevin says, catching one last glimpse at the gorgeous tan figure.

Ricky nods, "Later."

"Dude, you have to see them they're so cool and..." AJ talks on and on about the motorcycles that just arrived on the shoot. Kevin half listens, while the they walk down the beach. The other guys were goofing around on the parked bikes. As Kevin and AJ approaches them, Kevin notices a very familiar-looking woman sitting behind Howie.

Is that her? No way!' he thought. It was the woman that had openned the door to roof top. And the same woman that Kevin believes to be Ricky's girlfriend.How could he bring her here after last night? And what about today? I can't fuckin' believe this!'

"Hey, Kevvy join us!" Brian motions for him excitedly, but he just storms by.

"Well, who rained on his parade?" The female asks, wrapping her arms around Howie's waist.

"I don't know, my cousin usually keeps his feels to himself," Brian replies simply.

"Well, what ever it is he'll get over it--Now let's get these things crank!" Nick puts on his helmet, turns the key on the black cycle, and ravels the engine. AJ follows his lead.

"Have you ever ridden one these things?" AJ hollers over the growling engines.

"Not really," Nick hollers back. "You?"

"A little."

"So in other words we're either gonna have a good time, or die trying."

"Just think of it this way, if we die, at least we'll look cool doing it." AJ really let's the engine roar, "LET'S ROLL!" They take off senting sand flying high into the air behind them. Brian jumps up to cheer them on. The two make a figure eight on the open beach. Everytime they met at the crossing center, they would pretend to run into one other. Brian and Howie join in on the fun. They chase each other up and down the coastline. Herb, who had been taking photos the whole time, smiles at them from behind the len of his camera.

Kevin stands on the side watching the whole scene. Ricky walks up behind him, and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Kev--" Kevin coldly brushes him off, leaving Ricky baffled.

Ricky faces him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Kevin says flatly as he walks pass.

Ricky catches a hold of his hand, pulling him closer.

"What's wrong? Really and don't say nothing." Ricky asks, not letting go of Kevin's hand, "Is it me? Was it something I said or did, what?" There was genuine concern in his eyes but, Kevin wouldn't know for he refused to look at him.

"Why? That's all I ask."

"Why what?"

"Why did you kiss me? Why do you pretend to care about me, you don't even know me." He breaks from Ricky's grasp. He tries to walk away, but Ricky manages to hooks a finger in one of his belt hoops.

"But, I would like to get to know you if you let me. And I do--please look at me--I do care about you Kevin, especially if you're upset.

Kevin stares at him bewildered, "Well, I guess you should have thought of that before bringing your girlfriend here."

"My what!"

"Is that not the same woman you were so eager to leave with last night?" He points at the female wearing the black capri pants. She was standing in-between the guys waving a scarf in the air signaling the start of a race. The whole scene looked like it could have been puck out of an old 60's teen movie.

Ricky stands back, "Are you talking about Diva?"

"So that's her name."

"Kevin, Diva is not my girlfriend."

"If she's not your girlfriend then why did you leave me, like you did?"

"She my PR assist! Diva's like a sister to me. I wasn't sure if you were you know...out. Diva knows about me but, I didn't know if you would be comfortable with her or anyone else, knowing about you. So I got her out of there before she could ask five-hundred questions, which she would've done if she had sensed that I'm interested in you." Ricky says in one breath.

Kevin looks him in the eye, he could Ricky that was speaking the truth. He feels guilty for his assumptions.

"Damn, it...Ricky I'm sorry--" Right at that moment, they hear a scream. They look back behind them to see Howie swerve out of control and into the ocean. He gets shallowed by a huge incoming tidal wave. AJ instinctually dives in atfer him, with Brian close behind. Kevin and Ricky follow.

"HOWIE!!!" Diva continued to scream. He didn't answer. In fact he wasn't anywhere to be seen. She started to run, but Nick held her back.

"Diva no! Let AJ and them handle it. He'll be okay, I promise." At least that what Nick hopes as he see the bike wash ashore.

Howie holds his breath deeply within. He tries to reach the surface but, it was hard to tell which way was up or down. He could hear muted voices, beyond the sounds of the drowing waters. He felt what seemed like hands tring to grab a hold of him. They held him for a spilt second only to lose him again. He can hardly hold his breath any longer Howie sinks farther.

Nick and Diva watch the as guys continually come up empty handed. AJ dives once again, and finally surfaces with the gagging Howie in his in his arms. A big wave comes crashing threating them both. "Someone help me here!" AJ screams. Ricky reaches them and helps AJ pull Howie back to land. They lay him down, Kevin runs over to him.

"Howie are you okay? Howie speak to me!" He yells shaking him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay, Kevin stop shaking me." He says in between coughs, tring to stand up. Diva comes to his aid.

"Are you sure?" AJ asks.

"Yeah, thanks AJ. Really I'm fine, I'm just winded." he brushes his long curls out of his face.

"Good, you better be fine." Diva gives him a tight hug.

"Because if you wasn't I would've kill you. I was sacred to death !"

"How do you think I feel! I will never ever ride a motorcycle again in my life!"

"And I'll make sure of it." Kevin hugs him. The other guys take turns hugging Howie.

"Uhh, thank you too Ricky."Howie said sheepishly.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're all right. It's nice to met you by the way." Ricky shakes his hand, lightening the mood.

"Gosh, this has to be the weirdest way to meet someone."

"I think me and Nick might have one that's weirder." AJ said thinking back to the other night.

"AJ!" Nick sends him a look that could kill. Luckily for him no one asks any questions.

Jeff the coordinator over the whole shoot and interview runs up to them apologizing frantically. "I'm so sorry, I can't believe this happen! We'll sue the rental company! Hell, we'll sue the manufactures of the motorcycles! Are you okay? Do you need to go the hospital? I can call an ambulance, they can be here in eight minutes."

"No, really I'm fine. Let's just get the interview over with." Howie stated.

To be continue.....

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3. Chapter 4 was to be included but, I've been busy blah,blah you know, living life. Chapter 4 will be ready in two days. All questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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