Simons Seduction

By Jim Daniels

Published on Oct 11, 1999



The story so far concerns the first love of a sexually experienced 14 y.o. boy, Huw, for a beautiful and talented 13 y.o. new boy, Simon who, unknown to Huw, is also experienced, having had regular sex with his friend Jamie since they were in the junior school, and with Rabbit, a sexual predator, with whom he has a love-hate relationship, as well as being interfered with by a junior school master.

The young and talented Assistant Housemaster, Donald Swan (The Duck) haunted by his infatuation with teenage boys, who has already seduced one boy, Johno, has also noticed Simon. Huw has had his first tantalising physical encounter with Simon on the bus coming home from a cricket match. This has aroused the jealousy of others, and Donald Swan has asked a prefect, Lindsay, who also violated Johno as a youngster, to give Huw a friendly warning. Swan himself has become increasingly infatuated with Simon, but is trying to resist temptation.

Huw is confused and worried but suggests to Simon that they cool their relationship. Simon continues his activities in the junior dormitory; Huw and Johno get together. Simon then gets entangled with Swan, or vice versa, first innocently, the for real in Swan's study. Johno barges in on them. He tells Huw, with whom his sexual relationship is burgeoning, what he has seen, but Lindsay has also noticed something. He confronts Simon, who confesses and falls into his embrace.

Huw invites Simon to spend the Easter break with him, takes him to their holiday resort and, tentatively, finally seduces him. They spend two days together in Huw's family's hut beside a lake where their sexual relationship blossoms into a frank and loving relationship, confessing their past "sins" to each other. They explore fully each other's body, Huw fucking Simon for the first time, on the beach, and their relationship takes on a new dimension. ______________________________________________________________________

Now read on - unless you are under age, or prohibited by the law of your country from reading such material. And don't try to emulate the action, especially the unsafe sex. The story is fiction, is set some years back, and hopefully bears no relationship to actual persons or institutions.

Simon's Seduction Part 10

What about a barbecue on the beach tonight," Huw asked.

"Great," replied Simon, as they rowed their way back across the lake, a pink glow reflected from its surface as the sun sank.

"Look at all that pink," Simon added, "is there a message for us in that?

"Do you think we're queer? Huw asked

"I don't know," Simon replied, "but if we love each other, does it matter?

"No, Si. I remember Dad reading a book once, called: 'If it's love, the Lord won't mind.' He wouldn't tell me what it was about; said I was too young, but I remembered the title. I think that applies to us."

"Maybe, Lucas wouldn't think so," Simon laughed, referring to the school Chaplain.

"I think he would understand," Huw said quietly, as the dinghy slipped onto the beach beside the cabin.

He helped Simon out and could not resist once more taking him in his arms and planting kisses all over his cheek. Simon returned his love in full measure. It was a good five minutes before the boys tore themselves apart and addressed the question of dinner.

Huw lit a fire in the barbecue at the top of the beach. Together the boys grilled sausages, roasted some potatoes and tomatoes and sat at on the beach as the moon rose over the lake. They ate in silence then relaxed on the sand, still warm from the sun which had shone that day, and watched the moonlight shimmer on the lake's surface.

"I'll never forget this day," Huw thought out loud.

"Nor me," Simon replied

"Tell me, Huwy, have you ever had a girlfriend. I know we talked about it last night, but things have changed since then, when I was pretending that I had kissed a girl. Actually I have only kissed Jamie like that."

"I've only ever done anything with a boy. You're the only person I've been in love with."

"I love you too, Huwy. I don't care if anyone thinks we're queer. Why don’t we go to bed? I've never actually slept with anyone else. Have you?

"No, but I guess we may both be a bit whacked."

The boys gathered their things, washed up and prepared for bed. Huw watched as Simon peeled off his clothes. He was soon standing there in his jockeys, his youthful bulge in evidence. Huw moved forward and felt it. Simon's penis was straining against the inside of his underwear. His own cock also stirred as Simon reached out and felt it through his trousers. The boys were once more in an embrace, feeling each other's hard-ons. Huw slipped his fingers inside the band of Simon's underpants and slid them down to expose his hard cock, foreskin pulled back to expose the purple head.

"I wish I still had my foreskin, like you Si.

"Yes, it's good, but I like circumcised cocks too. Yours is a beauty," Simon said as he massaged the full seven inches of Huw's penis that he had drawn out of his fly, the head flared and already glistening with precum.

Simon pulled Huw's trousers down, then his boxers to display his full magnificence. Huw tore off his shirt and singlet, and both boys stood naked in the bright glare of the kerosene lamp, which cast a hugely enlarged shadow of their cocks on the wall.

They fell on the bed in a close embrace, cocks pressed against each other. Huw took them both in his hand and massaged them together. A small pearl of liquid oozed from his tip and he rubbed it over the exposed head of Simon's cock. Simon reached down and felt Huw's balls, which were hanging freely. They were soft, yet firm to his touch as his fingers caressed them. He thought of the millions of sperm cells being generated down there as he drew the two oval shapes together in his small hand. He wanted to feel once again the warm liquid love generated by these wondrous little machines covering his hand and sliding over his own rigid penis.

"Let's come together like this," Simon breathed, "so that we're like, sort of, spunk-brothers, when it mixes together, like the Red Indians becoming blood-brothers when they mix their blood."

Huw was intrigued by the idea. He wanted to see the spunk jet out of Simon's cock one more time that day, feel its slippery warmth lubricate his own straining erection until it too gushed its load over his hand and mingled with Simon's. He held both cocks in an even tighter grip, keeping the heads against each other and rubbing the most sensitive parts together. He felt Simon's cock begin to strain against his own as a tingling sensation in his balls rose up through the underside of his penis and become a spasm as his boy-juice spurted out at the exact moment that Simon's cock erupted over him.

Their mouths met instinctively as both boys sagged at the knees with the force of their orgasm, and had to support each other. Simon put his hand down to join Huw's still holding fast to both their organs. Simon clasped his hand to Huw's, warm and slippery with their spunk.

"We are now spunk-brothers," he whispered in Huw's ears, as they held each other's hand, "nothing can separate us, ever."

Huw gazed into Simon's eyes. The bright yellow light of the kerosene lamp made them an even deeper shade of green than normal. He ran his fingers through the dark locks of Simon's hair, and felt his heart miss a beat as he took in the breath-taking beauty of the younger boy. He wanted to shout out so that the whole world could hear how much he loved this person, whose warm essence was congealed on his fingers.

"No, nothing, Si, nothing," Huw murmured. "Oh God, I love you Si, I love you so much," he said, as he leant over and engulfed Simon's mouth in his own in a long, emotionally charged kiss.

The boys fell exhausted on to the bed, and were soon asleep in each other's arms, their naked bodies lightly pressed against each other, their exhausted genitals laying limply between their legs. Huw woke to find the late autumn sun shining brightly outside. He gazed at Simon's sleeping form and felt a new surge of love at the gentle beauty of his lover in sleep. He reached across to feel Simon's naked body. He ran his hand very gently down Simon's side and up to his groin. He felt his penis nestled in the soft strands of his pubic hair, and the small olives in his scrotum falling against the smooth inside of his thigh.

Simon stirred slightly in his sleep and turned onto his back as Huw ran his fingers slowly along the length of his soft penis. Huw felt it stir and thicken. He felt the head emerge from the foreskin and the slight stickiness of the head where spunk from last night's ejaculation had been trapped. He softly moved the foreskin back and forth over the head, and saw a smile cross Simon's face. Huw wondered if he could masturbate him to a climax without waking him, but Simon's eyes flicked open and he grinned up at Huw.

"You sneaky little bugger, you've been awake all the time," Huw laughed

"I don't know about me being the bugger; remember, what you did to me yesterday," Simon joked back.

There was a new confidence and earthiness in their dialogue now that they were lovers.

"We can soon fix that." Huw grinned.

Simon reached across to feel Huw's morning erection.

"Do you always wake up with a hard-on, Huwy,"

"Mostly, and I pull-off too."

The boys drew closer together, each drawing in the warmth of the other's naked body. They kissed, deeply. Huw ran his tongue around the inside of Simon's mouth, as his hand continued to massage his cock. Huw reached down, pushed his rigid cock between Simon's legs, and began to fuck his thighs. Simon enjoyed what to him was the exquisite pleasure of a manly cock forcing his legs apart.

I want a man,' he thought to himself, 'I need a man to fuck me'.

Huw's cock was already at bursting point, but he wanted more. He withdrew and pressed his cock once more against Simon's.

"Si, now that we are spunk-brothers, we both have to go all the way."

"What do you mean, Huwy?"

"You have to do to me what I did to you yesterday."

"I've never done that, Huwy," Simon responded slightly awkwardly.

"I want you to, Si. Turn around so that you can put it between my legs, like I was just doing."

Simon felt a surge of excitement at what Huw had invited him to do. As Huw turned his back to him he carefully placed his penis between his thighs and pushed until the tip brushed against Huw's balls. He pulled back and thrust in again. It felt wonderful.

"Get some Vaseline," Huw whispered conspiratorially. "There's some in the medicine chest.

Huw lay on his back, massaging his cock with a backhand grip. He watched Simon's lithe figure dart across the room, erect penis waving in front of him, flick open the white box on the wall and extract the jar of Vaseline. Simon opened it and rubbed some on his cock as he walked back to the bed.

"Put some on my bum," Huw begged, turning over to lie on his belly Simon ran his greased fingers between Huw's thighs and up into the crack of his arse. He applied more to his fingers, found Huw's pink hole and slipped his forefinger in. Huw sighed with pleasure.

"Further in, Si"

Simon watched as his finger disappeared inside the body of his lover. He massaged it in and out, kneeling between Huw's legs, spread wide. With his right hand he masturbated his own erection.

"OK, Si, go in," Huw invited.

Simon lowered himself gently onto Huw's back. Huw reached behind him, and, taking Simon's penis in his hand guided it between his thighs. Simon felt the soft wetness of the Vaseline easing his way. He found it hard to control the tingling in his penis presaging orgasm. He withdrew.

"I'm so close," he moaned.

"Don't come yet, Si. I want you inside me."

Simon moved down again, thrusting once more between Huw's legs, then pulling back to slip his cock along the crack of Huw's arse. The tip poised at the opening to Huw's body.

"That's it, Si, keep going," Huw panted, overwhelmed by the thought of being fucked by this boy who 48 hours earlier he had thought of as so innocent.

Simon moved the tip of his cock, now fully emerged from the foreskin and glowing red in the light filtering through the window. He placed it against Huw's opening and gently pushed forward.

"Tell me if it's hurting, Huwy."

"No, keep going."

Simon pushed harder, and watched as the head disappeared inside his lover and only a few inches of the thin shaft was showing. Huw groaned with pleasure.

Simon edged further in until the whole shaft was now buried deep inside Huw and his balls pressed against the cheeks of his bum. His head swirled with the thought of what he was doing, as his body responded to the intimacy with which his penis, no longer a boy's but not yet a man's, was enveloped by his lover.

Huw looked over his shoulder at Simon and smiled.

"That feels wonderful Si. I want you to stay there forever. "

"I love you Huwy, I love you," Simon moaned softly, overcome with emotion. "I'm going to come, ooooh, I'm coming, I'm coming."

With that Simon's adolescent cock exploded deep within Huw's body. Simon shook as he cried out with the pleasure, bordering on agony, that he was experiencing. He found himself thrusting relentlessly, as he forced every last drop of spunk out of his straining balls into Huw. He did not want this moment to pass, but knew that if it went on much longer he may not survive the experience.

Huw felt the convulsions in the body of his young lover and the warmth suffusing through his bowels as Simon ejaculated his warm liquid love within him. It was a moment of extreme exhilaration for him. Never had he felt so fulfilled as he sensed the climactic pleasure that he was giving the boy he loved. His heart was pounding at the same time as it overflowed with love for this beautiful, sensual person whose animal lust he had unleashed.

As these emotions surged through him, Huw felt the sensual response of his own youthful body climbing to a crescendo. Sensations raced through the length of his straining penis as it lay pressed against the sheet, with the weight of hi sown and Simon's body. Time seemed to stand still as he lay poised, as it were, at the summit of some great mountain down which his body was about to plunge. The spunk began to surge through his penis as unbearable tension possessed it. For a moment he felt that it was impossible for it to emerge through such a tiny opening in the head, that his penis would surely burst asunder. Then it poured forth in spurt after spurt, enveloping first the head then the shaft in its warm, wet embrace. His body lurched, nearly tumbling Simon off, as spasm after spasm consumed his being. At last, exhausted, his body glued to the sheet in a huge pool of his spunk, Huw collapsed and lay prone, savoring the weight of his lover on top of him.

Simon lay there, equally exhausted by the expenditure of emotional and physical energy of their lovemaking.

"Oh, Huwy, what have I done?'" Simon whispered in the ear of his lover.

"You've fucked me, Simon, fucked me as I have never been fucked before," Huw said breathlessly. He thought again about what he had just said.

"No, no, Si," Huw corrected himself, "you've made love to me; once before I was fucked, but you made love to me. It's so different. I wanted you, Si; I wanted you to fill me with your beautiful cock. I wanted your spunk inside me, filling me. It feels wonderful."

" It's your first time, isn't it? Huw added


"So you will never forget this moment, nor will I."

And the boys lay there, content in their knowledge of their love for each other. They were bound by an act of intimacy which the outside world regarded as unspeakable, but which to them was the final expression of their love for each other: one which they knew they would repeat many times.

"Hell, I've made a mess of the sheet," Huw said when they had recovered. "We'll have to wash it somehow."

"Cold water," said Simon knowingly.

And the boys turned back to the mundane routine of their lives, thinking about the day ahead, and even the night, as Huw felt the manifestation of Simon's love seeping slowly from him. It was time to shower. They both crowded into the small recess and let the warm water dance around their bodies. They soaped each other down, dwelling lovingly on each other's genitals and backsides. Simon eased his finger inside Huw to feel the liquid warmth of his own leavings, and carefully washed away what had seeped out between Huw's cheeks. Their soapy bodies slithered over each other as they embraced once more and reveled in the intimacy of skin touching skin.

"Does it feel OK, Huwy. I remember I was sore after the first time."

"All I can feel is a warm glow inside me," Huw replied, as they stepped out of the shower and dressed.

"What shall we do today," Simon asked as the boys finished their breakfast

"Would you like to take a walk up the mountain. There's a great view from the top."

"Sounds great," Simon enthused.

The boys set off, their lunch packed in a knapsack, as the sun climbed into the sky. They followed a rough bush track through tall gums and dense undergrowth of ferns and bracken. Despite the cooler air as they climbed both boys began to perspire lightly. They stopped in a clearing to rest, sitting on and old log, hand in hand.

"You know, Simon, when you came inside me this morning, I felt as if I was on top of a great mountain about to plunge down to the bottom. As I came it I felt as if I was flying through the air in a series of graceful loops as I shot my load. It was fantastic. I could feel you coming and felt so happy that I was giving you such pleasure."

"I can't begin to describe how it was for me Huwy. I've never experienced anything like it. I just felt an overwhelming love for you, and hoped I wasn't hurting you."

"What would our parents think if they knew what we had done," Huw asked in a slightly worried tone.

"I don't know," Simon replied. "Maybe my Dad would understand us having sex, but I don't know about the bum-fucking."

"Well I guess they know it happens, but wouldn't suspect their boys."

"Huwy, this is our secret. Remember we are spunk-brothers. We promise not to tell anyone else about how we feel, or what we do."

"I know, Si, although I would like to shout from the top of this mountain that I love you. Promise I will never tell another."

"Will you do it with Johno and Ross and the others when we get back to school?"

"Will you?" Huw countered.

Simon evaded the question.

"It's going to be hard to get together at school, being in different dorms," he noted.

"I know a few places we can go safely," Huw replied. "I guess I don't mind if you do, but don't let Rabbit fuck you. He is such a shit."

"No, I won't: promise, Huwy. Just you can do that."

Huw leant over and took Simon in his arms. They kissed.

"Let's get to the top," Huw said, ending the exchange.

After an hour's strenuous climb the boys reached the summit. They spread their picnic on the ground and ate in silence awed by the spectacular view. They stripped and sun-baked naked in the cool air. Huw reached over and felt the warm skin on Simon's back. Huw glided his hand down over his round bum, and down the inside of his legs. Simon turned his head and gave Huw a big smile.

"That's nice, spunk-brother," he said.

Huw moved closer and the boys embraced, kissed and lay content in each other's arms as if they had just made love once more.

As they made their way back down the track the thoughts of both boys drifted to the last night they would spend alone in the cabin. They felt the sexual tension rising in their loins as they separately contemplated the joy that pleasure that they would give each other in a relationship which now went beyond the physical to a deep emotional attachment, fulfilling deep needs in both.

They lingered over dinner on the balcony of the cabin, watching the sun go down in a blaze of colour, which somehow reflected the feelings they had for each other. Huw's hand found Simon's and they sat like the star-crossed lovers that they had become as the brilliant southern sky lit with a thousand points above them and the moon worked its aphrodisiacal magic on them.

"Time for bed," Huw said. "I've got a boner already."

"Me to," Simon replied, as they fell into each other's arms once more, erections pressed down inside their shorts, hard against each other's thighs.

They sank onto the bed, fully clothed, still locked in their embrace. Each ran his hands ran hungrily over the other as Huw sucked Simon's tongue into his mouth. They lay like that for several minutes, their cocks pressed against each other through their clothes. Huw moved his hand down and began to undo the fly of Simon's trousers. He felt his erection through his underpants and the damp spot at the tip. Simon reciprocated and soon had Huw's straining cock peeping through his fly, engulfed by his small, warm hand.

Huw struggled out of his shirt and singlet, and Simon lay his head on Huw's bare chest. He rubbed his cheek across it feeling the slight fuzz of hair that was beginning to form on Huw's adolescent body. His tongue darted out and brushed Huw's right nipple. Simon took it in his mouth and ran his tongue around the rim. Huw felt a charge of electricity in his groin and tightened his grip on Simon's erection

"Oh, Si, that's fantastic."

Simon moved to the other side and his tongue found Huw's left nipple. He drew it into his mouth and created a vacuum by drawing in his cheeks. Huw felt his excitement rise another notch. Simon slid his tongue off the nipple. He let it glide across Huw's chest and, with a series of licks, drew down to his navel where a few short hairs straggled above his belt. Simon undid the buckle, opened the top button and slid Huw's trousers down to his knees, leaving his cock, now leaking heavily sticking almost vertically our of the fly of his boxers. Simon slid his fingers under the waistband and slid them too down to Huw's knees, leaving his seven inches standing in their naked magnificence.

Simon followed the slight trail of fuzz from Huw's navel down to the pubic hair from which his seven inches emerged proudly, and felt the tickle of it against his tongue. He made a circuit of the five-inch circumference of Huw's cock and then slid his tongue along the underside to the tip where it tasted the sweetness of his precum dribbling down. He opened his mouth and enclosed the crown in his mouth. More sweetness engulfed his senses, and his cock twitched in Huw's hand as he savoured Huw's precum. Slowly he lowered his head until half the length of that marvelous machine was engulfed. He felt the tip against the back of his palate

"Oh, Si, what are you doing to me," Huw gasped, overwhelmed by the sensations, starting at the base of his penis and running up through his spine and seizing his whole body.

He watched the beautiful face of his lover engulf his emerging manhood, gazed down on the dark curls of Simon's head in wonder, and felt a deep sense of fulfillment that the love which permeated his whole being was returned in such measure.

Simon took Huw's balls in his hand and squeezed gently. He felt their firm oval softness give slightly. His thoughts flashed back to the moment in Mr Swan's study when he had taken a man's cock in his mouth for the first time, and a man's spunk had filled his mouth. Huw's spunk had tasted different when he had taken his first mouthful the previous day: sweeter and softer. He knew that he would take all that Huw's balls could deliver. Not a drop would escape his lips. He must swallow the essence of his lover.

As Simon lifted his head, ran the tip of his tongue down the underside of Huw's cock, and took his balls one by one into his mouth, Huw twisted his body so that he could smell the boyish aroma of Simon's penis just under his nose. He took it gently in one hand and guided it into his eager mouth, odor giving way to taste as he tasted the drop of precum moistening the tip. Huw felt Simon teasing his testicles with his tongue, as he swallowed the entire length of Simon's erection. He felt Simon's pubic hairs brush lightly against his nose and his lips and smelt the salty aroma of his boy-flesh.

Both boys were not intent on pleasuring the other, conscious at the same time of the tingling in their own bodies. Huw glanced up to see the reflection of a two-backed creature staring at him from the mirror hanging by the bed. My God, he thought what if my Dad walked in and saw us like this, as the sight of the two entwined adolescent bodies sent another surge of adrenaline through his body.

He scarcely had time to reflect on this awful possibility when he felt his genitals begin to explode as Simon once more engulfed the shaft of his penis in his warm mouth. As the vein at the base of his penis became taut with the sperm racing through it he felt his balls tighten against his body. With Simon's penis firmly planted in his own mouth he could not even utter a warning that he was about to fill his young lovers mouth with his spunk.

It did not matter for at precisely that moment he felt Simon's body quiver, his already straining penis swell against his lips and spurts of warm liquid fill his mouth. He groped instinctively at the cheeks of Simon's arse as his own body rocked with a simultaneous orgasm, and Simon's waiting mouth too was filled with adolescent sperm.

As their orgasm subsided both boys held tightly to the object of their respective loves held in their mouths. Huw savoured the sweetness of Simon's spunk as he felt his penis melt in his mouth and his nose inhaled the scent of Simon's crotch. He felt his own cock dissolving in the warmth of Simon's mouth and the pool of spunk he had just deposited there. He felt Simon swallow, and he too swirled Simon's young essence around his mouth and swallowed hard, The aroma rose through his nostrils as Simon's now flaccid penis slipped between his lips and lay against his chin, a thin trail of saliva and cum dribbling from the end. Huw felt his own dwindle to its usual embarrassing insignificance as he moved around to embrace Simon in the finale to their act of love.

Quietly the two exhausted boys drifted off into a deep sleep, content in their love for each other, to dream of a life together, in each others' arms, living forever the happiness of days, and nights, they had shared since becoming lovers.

The sun was high in the sky by the time they woke. Simon stirred first, looked across at Huw's naked body and instinctively reached out to stroke the arm, which was flung across his side of the bed. Huw stirred and rolled towards Simon, opened his eyes, and once more drank in the beauty of the boy he had seduced for the first time only two days ago.

"What's the time," he yawned.

Simon glanced at his watch beside the bed.

"Half past eight."

"Jeez, Dad will be here in an hour and a half. We'd better get a move on. You really knocked me out last night, Si."

"Me, too," Simon rejoined.

"Quick, shower, breakfast, clean up before Dad gets here. Gosh, we'd better rinse the sheets too: look at the mess," he said pointing to several large stains in the middle of the bed.

"Just do the stains on the bottom one," Simon suggested, "so that it can dry out before your Dad comes."

Simon went to work with a cold wet towel while Huw prepared breakfast and hung the sheet out to dry in the sun.

The boys sat on the balcony overlooking the lake. It was another glorious autumn morning, the sun shining through the leaves of the eucalyptus surrounding the cabin and shimmering on the lake's surface.

"I can never forget these days," Simon said. "Huwy, I owe you so much."

"Balls, Simon, I owe you. I can't tell you how much you mean to me, or the joy you have given me."

"Can we do this again," Simon asked.

"Hope so. Maybe in the September hols."

"I'd like you to come to my place," Simon replied, "but it's nothing like this. And I don’t want to inflict my Mum on you."

"You'll come here, that's settled," Huw said. "Besides your folk are in Perth now and that's a hell of a long way to go."

The boys washed up the breakfast things and made a brave attempt to tidy the cabin.

"One last swim?" Huw asked looking at his watch. We've just got time."

"Togs?" Simon asked.

"Course not."

What if your Dad comes?

"Doesn't matter. Anyway he will stop at the top of the track and sounds the horn."

The boys ran to the beach, quickly dropped their clothes and dashed into the cool waters of the lake. As they splashed each other an irresistible magnetism drew them closer until they were once more in each other's arms. Huw felt Simon's penis, shriveled by the cold, as was his own. They were practically the same size, until both began to respond to the touch of the other.

They stood there waist deep in the water, one arm around each other, one hand embracing the genitals of the other, their mouths meeting in a prolonged kiss, their bodies glowing in the morning light. Simon was the first to draw away, to take a deep breath. He dived under the water, his natural athleticism displaying itself in the grace with which he swam. Huw followed, almost as fast but not so elegant as his young lover.

"Race you to the beach, Si>"

"You're on," Simon yelled and plunged forward.

They reached the shore together, their bodies glistening with the sparkling water of the lake. Huw stood there, exalting in his nakedness, taking in the perfection of Simon's body. He took a pace back to admire the perfection of the young body of his lover. Lithe and slim, with the first hint of manly development evident in the hardening of the muscles in his athletic arms and legs, Simon stood just 5' 6". His legs and torso were perfectly smooth, the only hint of body hair the small pubic mound over his genitals, shrunk to insignificance by the cool waters of the lake. Without the hair, Huw thought, he might have been taken for a pre-pubescent boy, the thin uncut penis sticking out in front a bare two inches, supported by balls drawn tight against his body. Huw's gaze drifted to the perfectly rounded bum, as smooth as the rest of Simon's body.

Simon gazed in admiration at Huw's taut body, the clear signs of emerging manhood, the deep blue of his eyes and the tousled fair hair falling over his the firm features of his handsome youthful face. As he looked at his penis, shriveled by the cold of the water, hardly bigger than his own. He wondered a the might machine that emerged from this insignificant mound of flesh, that yesterday had penetrated his existence, deposited sperm deep inside him from those now tiny nuts encased in their wrinkled shell, tight against his body. He felt a tingling sensation in his anus as he recalled the feeling of deep satisfaction that had overtaken him as Huw's cock slid inside him.

Huw began to respond as his thoughts moved back to that moment when his body had penetrated Simon's for the first time. His cock had been between the cheeks of that perfect arse, he thought to himself, and he wanted it there again. He also felt a tingling in his own anus at the thought of Simon's body atop is own, the little bud he now saw extended to its full five inches and buried deep within him. He stretched out both hands and took Simon's in his grasp. The two boys stood there, like statues, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. His hair tousled by the swim, Simon's face seemed more angelic than ever to Huw, with the sunlight forming a halo around the dark curls. To Simon the strong hints of the emerging man in Huw's body engaged his loving glances: the strong muscles, the hint of down on his face, more than a hint of bodily hair and the forceful lines of his torso.

The boys were too rapt in their attention for each other to hear the faint sound of a car horn in the distance. As they wandered up the beach to find their towels, Jack Davies emerged from the Land Rover and decided to take the short walk to the cabin. As he emerged from the bush behind the cabin he caught sight of two young bodies on the beach. He suddenly realised that both were naked. Something stirred deep within him. He knew that he should call out to let them know he was there, but held back. He was driven by an urge to see young Simon's body in its natural state. He began to move forward carefully, making no sound on the soft undergrowth of the bush, which masked his presence. He stopped behind a large tree where the bush ended by the lakeside and peered around. Huw and Simon were standing in a patch of sunlight, their bodies turned away from him. Huw had his arm around Simon's shoulders.

Jack Davies admired the youthful forms of the two boys. His son was the bigger and more developed, but his eyes were drawn to the perfection of Simon's body. The boys moved so that they stood side on, their figures silhouetted against the dark waters of the lake with the sunlight sparkling on their surface. He caught his breath as he took in the outline of their genitals. The boys moved closer together. He realised that they were about to embrace, and watched fascinated as his son took the younger boy in his arms, brought their bodies together and held Simon in a long kiss, the passion of which was evident from 100 metres away.

Jack Davies' body responded involuntarily. He felt a surge of blood through his penis, which sprang up inside his boxers. He put his hand down to adjust his clothes to this intrusion, still watching the boys as they moved apart, each now clearly aroused. As his hand found his own engorged penis, he saw his son's for the first time in that state. He gave a small gasp in wonder at its size, matching his own. His gaze moved to Simon. He saw the youthful perfection of his erection, the sunlight just catching the head, emerged from the foreskin, glowing purple. At that moment he lost control, his body engulfed by waves of emotion and pleasure as he sank to his knees in the soft undergrowth of the bush, semen jetting from his penis. It took all his self-control to stop from crying out as he felt the warm stickiness of his ejaculation spread across his groin.

The father felt deeply ashamed. Ashamed at his own response to what he had seen; ashamed that he had spied on the privacy of his son; ashamed that he had not prepared his son for the challenges of adolescent sexuality. Instead he had let him fumble forward, as his father had let him. Suddenly he saw his son in a different light. No longer was he a boy, with boyish thoughts and preoccupations, but a man, if only a young man, with all the feelings and emotions that went with a man's sexuality. Too late now for that father-son talk: he understood that Huw had experienced things that he had only dimly perceived at his age. Already he knew love.

Jack Davies told himself that he was ashamed of what he had seen his son doing, but another voice deep down told him that he understood what his son felt for the younger boy. It was what he had felt for Brian when he had seen him, dressed as a woman, and for the first time known the beauty of an adolescent boy, and fumbled his way to a climax with him.

For the past fifteen years his sexual needs, which were great, had been fulfilled by the pleasures of the marital bed. Betty's voracious sexual appetite had matched his own and satisfied him physically. But deep down he knew that what had happened between him and Brian had fulfilled him emotionally and psychologically in a way which the physical pleasure he had in fucking Betty never quite matched.

Jack Davies knelt on the grass, emotionally exhausted, wondering what to do next. He glanced up to see that the boys had disengaged and were getting dressed. Perhaps, he thought, what he had witnessed was just some fleeting moment of teenage passion aroused by swimming naked. But he knew better: his son and Simon were lovers. He could scarcely bring himself to think about what they might have been doing together these last two days.

He slowly and silently rose to his feet. Thoughts whirled endlessly in his head. Some he feared, but he knew that he had to respect his son's burgeoning sexuality, no matter how it was oriented. He tiptoed past the bungalow, and made his way back to the Land Rover. He climbed behind the wheel and sat there in a daze. Slowly he collected his thoughts and decided that he would have to act completely naturally with the boys, as if he had seen nothing.

But as his thoughts went back to what he had seen, he could not rid his brain of the delicious sight of Simon's boyish body, the angelic face, the dark, wet curls, the erect penis. He felt his own stir in the warm wetness of his own spunk, slowly drying on his boxers. In a moment he was fully aroused and released the pressure by opening his fly. He looked down at his engorged member, spunk still caught under the foreskin which he slipped back over the head. He wondered idly why he had had his son circumcised, when his own foreskin gave him so much pleasure. Visions of what he had seen on the beach floated before his eyes and he began to stroke the full length of his erection. His climax was on him before he realised what was happening, and a huge jet of spunk arced over the steering wheel and landed on the windscreen. Another landed on the dashboard, and more dribbled down his hand.

"Fuck," he thought, "what is happening to me. Coming twice in half an hour after seeing naked two boys kissing."

Jack Davies was disturbed as feelings long suppressed rose to the surface of his psyche. He had to stop dreaming and do something to take his mind off the events of the morning. He cleaned up with his handkerchief, stepped from the Land Rover, gave several long blasts on the horn to signal his presence and set off once more for the cabin.

He found the two boys, ready and waiting, their things packed and the cabin amazingly clean and tidy.

"Had a good time, boys," he asked as innocently as he could.

"Great," they chorused and proceed to tell him of their visit to the island, their climb up the mountain, the beach barbecues, swimming and sunbaking, but omitting what had most occupied them.

Jack Davies looked at Simon, and saw the perfection in his features that he had noticed on the first morning. But he saw more now in those deep green eyes, a smouldering sexuality that had captured the love of his son, and was now invading his psyche.

"Sit in the front with me, Simon," he said. "Huw, you keep an eye on Jessie."

Jessie was the family dog who rode in the back.

Simon looked across at Mr Davies in the driving seat. He was a handsome man, Simon thought. His sensitive nose conveyed a whiff of semen. My God, he thought, the handkerchief in Huw's pocket will give us away. But it was different, and he wondered whether his nose was tricking him. He let it pass.

"Thought about what you would like to do for the rest of the day," he asked.

"Oh, just muck about," Huw replied.

"I've got a few things to do," his father said, "but what about a game of billiards after dinner.

"I've never played billiards," Simon pied up, "but I'd like to learn."

"With your ball sense you'll be a winner," Huw responded, with unintended ambiguity, referring to Simon's sporting prowess.

So the boys passed a relaxed day together, bound now by the invisible ties of love basking in the pleasure of each other's company.

After dinner Huw's father led them to the billiard room, where there was a full-sized table.

"Come on young Simon, I'll teach you a thing or two," he said, and demonstrated how one addressed the ball.

Simon took the cue in his hand, lent over the table and carefully lined it up with the ball. Jack Davies lent over him to adjust his grip on the cue. As he did so his groin pressed against Simon's firm round bum.

"Let me help you line it up," he said, and pressed his body more firmly against Simon's back.

He could sense the warm softness of Simon's hair and his cock, now pressed firmly against Simon, began to stir. He felt his heart begin to race as the warmth of Simon's body, the smell of his hair and the firmness of his arse cheeks pressed against his swelling penis invaded his senses. His hands shook as he tried to guide the cue in Simon's hand. He pulled away sharply.

"Let's see how you go," he said, breathlessly, feeling his swollen penis straining against his trousers. He turned away to conceal the evidence of his feelings.

Simon aimed carefully, his sharp mind effortlessly calculating the angles, and thrust the cue forward. The white ball skittered across the green baize, hit the red at precisely the right angle and shot it into the pocket.

"Great shot, Si, you're a natural. Thought you would be. Come on Dad, your turn."

Jack Davies turned towards the boys, bending over to conceal the evidence of the erection in his trousers. He was still shaking with excitement at the physical contact with Simon. He could not hold the cue steady and comprehensively muffed the shot.

"Dad, what's the matter with you."

"Guess I was just put off by seeing how good Simon was at his first attempt."

Simon looked over to Huw's father. He knew exactly why he was so nervous. He knew the effect he had on men, had felt the eroticism of Mr Davies body pressed against him, his penis hardening in his trousers as it pressed against the cheeks of his bum. He knew then that he wanted to seduce this man. He wanted to be fucked by the father as well as the son. Huw stood there, oblivious to the chemistry that was working in the minds of his father and his lover.

That night Jack Davies fucked his wife with an intensity that he had not known since their first days together. As he slipped the foreskin over the head, exposing the glans, glistening with precum, at the entrance to her well-lubricated cunt from which he had just lifted his head, and slid his rock-hard penis into her, a picture of Simon floated in his mind. As the warm depths of her cunt worked its magic on his cock, Jack saw the perfection of the boy's naked body on the beach, the beautiful adolescent penis, the round cheeks of the perfectly formed arse whose cheeks his hardness had found as he leant over him in the billiard room.

As he thrust his cock as far into his wife as it would go he fantasised that it was Simon that he was fucking. His imagination conveyed the scent of Simon's hair, increasing the passion he felt in his thrusting loins. He plunged it as far as he could and held still, tantalizing his partner who was on the point of her own orgasm, then slowly withdrew his straining cock and breathed into her ear:

"Betty darling, let's do something different."

As he did so Jack pulled her onto her side and positioned her with her back towards him. He knew he had to be gentle, to match her passion with his own. He positioned his penis against her anus and with a gentle thrust pushed the tip just inside her.

"Oh, Jack, yes, do it this way again," she sighed as his arms enfolded her and his finger found her clitoris.

She remembered the times when, after their second child in 18 months, and before the Pill, Jack had fucked her this way during her fertile periods. After a painful initiation she had come to enjoy the different stimulation.

His taught belly now pressed against the soft, boyish flesh of her bum as he pushed forward. In his imagination he was fucking Simon. The smell of her hair merged with that of Simon's conjured up by his imagination, her soft flesh Simon's. He thrust further into her until his penis was fully engulfed in her bowels, no Simon's bowels.

"I'm fucking you, Simon, I'm fucking your tight arse," he said to himself as visions of the naked adolescent boy on the beach took over his mind. He worked his way in and out of his wife and felt the tension in his loins reach explosion point.

"I'm coming," she cried, "I'm coming. Oh Jack."

As sperm poured from his tortured balls, for the third time that day, into her quivering body, he experienced the most extraordinary climax that he had ever had. He had not one but three distinct orgasms, the convulsions of his body increasing with each one until he felt he was going to pass out. As he sank, exhausted, against his wife's limp body, his spunk dribbling out of her over the base of his softening cock, his lips met Betty's in a kiss, which reflected the passion of their sex. But it was Simon's name that was on his.

"Oh, my God," he thought as post-coital torpor brought a startling clarity to his thoughts, "I've fallen in love with the boy." And he wondered about his son who, at that moment, at the other end of the house, was realising his father's fantasy, buggering the boy whose love he now, unknowingly, shared with his father.

End of Part 10. Feedback welcome:

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