Simons Seduction

By Jim Daniels

Published on Feb 17, 1999


This is Part 3 a story about consensual sex between teenage boys. You should not read it if it is against the law in your country, or if explicit descriptions of such sexual acts offend. It should not be read by those under 18 years of age, or older if that is the law. It is a work of fiction, and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental. It should be read for enjoyment and not taken literally. In particular it describes certain unprotected sexual acts, which are potentially dangerous to health and should not be emulated. This is the author's first posting and comments are invited . Simon's Seduction - Part 3

Simon had hardly stopped thinking of Huw since he had caught a glimpse of his burgeoning erection under the shower. He had had to exercise all his self-control to stop his own penis from responding as he soaped himself. Huw had saved him by turning around, wrapping his towel around himself and retreating to the locker room to dry-off. He seemed very nice to Simon, who had been nervous about entering the senior school. It was good to have a mentor.

Simon was late to bed that night. Mr. Swan had wanted to talk to him after study time. The Duck, as he was known to the boys, was coach of the House cricket team and wanted to mention that he had Simon in mind for the House senior XI, even though he was only in his first year. He kept Simon talking for about half an hour, prising a whole lot of personal details from him, and ended up putting his arm around Simon's shoulder and telling him what a promising boy he was, and to build on the reputation he had brought with him from the Junior School. Simon momentarily wondered to what reputation The Duck was referring. He assumed it was to his sporting prowess and the qualities of leadership that he was always being told he possessed, not rumours about his friendship with Jamie that had gone the rounds in his last year in the Junior School.

The dormitory was in darkness as he made his way to his bed at the far end of the rectangular room. Jamie appeared to be asleep in the bed next to his, in the corner. On the other side was Robert, known to all as Rabbit, for his unabashed sexuality and promiscuity, as well as his sensitive nose.

As Simon started to undress Rabbit asked, "What have you been up to?"

"Seeing The Duck," Simon replied

"Did he stick his arse in the air for you?" asked Rabbit in his usual blunt way.

"Get lost Rabbit, we talked about cricket.

"You know that's how he got his name?"

I thought he got it from his name, Swan," Simon added

"Don't you believe it," said Rabbit with a leer. "I reckon he's probably got the hots for you already. He's pretty handy with balls. He and Johno got pretty friendly last year," he added with assurance

Rabbit made it his business to dig up every available scrap of information on the sexual proclivities of the masters and his peers, and took a particular interest in gossip about relations between the two. You did not want to be on the wrong side of Rabbit if you had any dirty linen in your drawers, as Simon knew to his cost.

"Well, he didn't try anything, Rabbit. We just talked about cricket. Go to sleep"

Simon undressed quickly, got into his pyjamas and slipped under the sheet. He had been aroused by what Rabbit had said. One of the masters in the Junior School had put his hand down his trousers and felt his penis on one memorable occasion. The master had also pulled out what looked to Simon like a huge erection, and invited him to feel it. Suddenly, as Simon's small hand encircled its large girth, he had whisked it away, patted Simon on the head and told him to forget that anything had happened. Nothing more had come of it, but the encounter had stirred Simon more than he cared to admit. It had aroused a fascination with large cocks and it was with a sense of anticipation that he had contemplated what he would see in the senior school.

Simon reflected on the day's events. Looked like he would get into the House XI, with help from The Duck - and Huw, he remembered. He rather liked Huw, and had been flattered when he seemed to take Simon under his wing. Showering together had been exciting. Simon had been anxious to get a glimpse of Huw's cock, his interest stirred initially by surreptitious glimpses at the prefects undressing. He had not been disappointed by what he saw in the shower.

He had watched Huw carefully, and knew, despite his efforts at concealment, that he was getting a hard-on as he soaped himself. As he thought about Huw's swelling cock his hand wandered down to his own, nightly erection, and he began to stroke it idly, his thumb brushing lightly over the exposed head as he pulled back his foreskin. Simon was only one of two boys in the whole dorm who was not circumcised. At first he had been embarrassed at being different, but had grown to enjoy his status, which was a source of fascination to his friend Jamie.

"Beating your meat, Simp?": his thoughts were rudely interrupted by Rabbit's whispered question.

"Fuck off, Rabbit, and mind your own business", Simon whispered back, annoyed at the interruption to his thoughts and his quiet wank.

"Want a hand," persisted Rabbit.

"Not yours, Rabbit"

"Well your friend Jamie won't be any use"

Simon felt the steel against his ribs. Rabbit had caught him and Jamie at it one day after the Junior School play rehearsal, and had held it over Simon ever since.

Simon had been Senior Monitor in the Junior School at the time, and anxious about his reputation. He had been told so many times about his leadership qualities and his remarkable intellectual as well as sporting talents, that he had adopted a persona of the upright, moral lad, destined to lead. In a school which prided itself on producing leaders, and singled out those it judged, by its own somewhat old-fashioned standards, to be leadership material, to be so anointed was the ultimate accolade. That these pretensions were in constant conflict with his strong sexual appetite was a constant source of tension in Simon's soul.

He and Jamie had become partners in sin almost by chance. They had been good friends in their first year at school together. One day Simon noticed that Jamie was not in class, and was told that he was sick. Wandering into the dorm after school to comfort his friend, Simon found Jamie with the bedclothes thrown back wanking his immature cock. In his haste to cover up his embarrassment he had got tangled in the sheets and lay exposed.

Simon sought to comfort his friend: "it's OK Jamie, I do it too" and almost instinctively his hand had reached down, grasped Jamie's withering erection and began to stroke it.

Not a word passed between them as Simon gently brought his friend to a climax, accompanied by a few small spurts onto his shaking 12-year-old body. With the ice broken, Simon and Jamie became more than good friends, and it had not taken Rabbit long to sniff them out.

Simon parried Rabbit's invitation.

"Have you been up to your old tricks already, Rabbit," Simon asked, referring to the notoriety Rabbit had scored as a result of doing the rounds of their junior school dormitory each night, pulling off all those willing and able.

Rabbit had hit them like a whirlwind the year before, having arrived a couple of weeks late. In his first few weeks he had transformed the discrete hypocrisy of the nightly sexual activity into a public feast, by visiting every bed ready to service any hard meat. Most nights he got 5 or 6, his record being 13 of the 15 in the dormitory in one night. Once he found a stiff cock beneath the bedclothes he would not give up till the spunk flowed, which was usually pretty quickly. At the end of his rounds he would stand proudly on his bed, pyjamas around his ankles, head thrown back wanking away until he shot his load skywards to fall back and resolve itself into a dew on his bedspread as his knees crumpled beneath him.

"Only scored four tonight, and haven't pulled off yet" he replied.

"Including Jamie?" Simon inquired.

"Yep, your special friend came a nice big load, just like when I saw you get him off under the stage, only now he gets a bit more"

"You're a dirty little bugger, Rabbit," Simon replied

Simon felt trapped, but, like his peers, he was also susceptible to Rabbit's pressure. If anything his sexuality matched Rabbits, albeit with considerably more discretion. And tonight he had a more than usually heightened sense of his need for relief.

He had succumbed to Rabbit's importunities before, why not again?

"OK, come over, but be quiet," Simons said.

Rabbit stole across the short gap between the beds. Simon felt his hard little body pressing against him, and his even harder cock pushed against his thigh.

"What do you want to do?" Rabbit asked, grabbing Simon's dick. "I've got some oil."

Simon knew what that meant. He had tried hard to resist Rabbit's assault on this last bastion of his self-respect. Finally one night, at the end of the previous year, Simon had succumbed to his pressure after Rabbit had caught him and Jamie under the stage, and threatened to expose them.

Simon knew that many of the other kids did it, and he secretly wanted to try. It was never mentioned between he and Jamie, who contented themselves with wanking each other. So he had given in that night to Rabbit's barely concealed blackmail. Rabbit had brought across his hair oil, turned Simon on his side and pressed his well-lubricated cock against Simon's crack. He had worked it up and down for several minutes, with his hand around Simon's slender four inches, moving the foreskin over the head. As the tension mounted in Simon's young cock, he had felt Rabbit press the tip of his against his bum hole. Rabbit was almost a year older than Simon, and had a well developed cock, about five inches long, but thin and tapering at the head.

"Gently, Rabbit," Simon had said, as he felt the tip of Rabbit's circumcised prick slowly penetrate him.

"Stop." He had had to stifle a shout as the pressure mounted on his virgin arse.

Rabbit had withdrawn slightly: he knew how to manage these things, from experience with a dozen other boys before he had got to this school and at least six since. Rabbit felt nothing for his partners - or victims. He was simply a sexual predator, but a fucking good one.

He had eased forward again, this time getting half of his cock into Simon, until having to withdraw again at Simon's pained urging.

"Relax, Simp," he had said, and then pushed forward again until he saw the full length disappear inside Simon's body. The pain had eased, and Simon, deaf to Rabbit's patronising sobriquet which he detested, felt a warm sense of satisfaction suffuse through his body as it accommodated to this new intrusion. Rabbit had begun to move back and forth, plunging his cock full length into Simon's tight arse, masturbating his hard cock as he did.

Simon had felt his whole body tense as an electric current, starting in his balls, ran up the length of his penis and spread though his groin, into his arse and up his spine. His cock had convulsed as he felt Rabbit lunge into him and the warm liquid of Rabbit's ejaculation fill his bowels, all sense of pain disappearing in the overwhelming spasms of an orgasm the like of which he had never experienced.

Deep spasms of pleasure also rocketed through Rabbit's cock as he fucked Simon with all the strength his weedy body could muster. He was going to plunder the virgin arse of this stuck-up kid for all it was worth.

"Jeez, what have you done to me?" Simon had asked, as he felt Rabbit's cock go limp inside him and the pain of being penetrated for the first time had reasserted itself.

As his senses returned he felt Rabbits spunk dribbling out of his arse, going cold on his leg. Its balm was not enough to soothe the feeling of a ravaged arse.

"You've just been fucked, Simp" Rabbit had whispered matter-of-factly, "and we'd better clean up before the duty master comes around. He's sure to smell it" applying the experience of his own sensitive nose.

Simon had felt trapped, used, confused, grubby, ashamed, humiliated - and sore. Despite the fantastic orgasm he had experienced he knew that he had crossed a boundary of guilt that would never be assuaged. Why had he let Rabbit do this to him?

Rabbit, he thought, was a nasty little shit. Yet deep down Simon recognised in him another soul tormented by the demon of his exploding sexuality. Where Simon sought to control and direct this swirling sexual energy to serve his ambition, Rabbit accepted it for what it was, gave it free rein and openly celebrated it. Moreover he knew instinctively how to exploit the changing rhythms of an adolescent boy's biological clock as it swung from the easy beats of boyhood to the pulsating urgency of emerging manhood.

Rabbit had set out deliberately to get Simon. It was not his looks: Rabbit despised the pretty-boy face. For him sex was sensuality, about the tight feeling in your balls, the charge running through your cock as you drew the cheeks of your arse together to enhance the sensations that were taking control of your body, watching the convulsions of your partner, watching your own spunk splatter all over your conquest.

Trapping Simon had proven elusive, and, for Rabbit, conquest was the name of the game. In fact he despised Simon: not only for his looks, but his sporting prowess, his bubbly personality and lively mind. To Rabbit he was just a conformer, who crawled his was into the affection of the school establishment. Simon was successful, a leader, athlete, scholar, sublimating his sexual energy into achievement. He and Jamie had been the only ones to resist Rabbit's predatory activities in the dormitory after lights-out. He could not let them get away with this. So he made it his business to find the fatal flaw to give him the leverage he needed to prise open Simon's armour.

Rabbit, in contrast to Simon, was a loner: shrewd, cunning as a shit-house rat, ruthless, and, above all, a realist, qualities that would ensure his success in business later in life. He knew all adolescent boys were primed for sex and it was just a matter of finding the key in each individual to satisfy his urge for conquest.

Like an experienced wrestler, he had turned Simon's strengths back on him, and in them had found the key to trapping Simon: his achievements and the reputation that he was so concerned to retain. Not only had he seduced Simon, he had uncovered the demon buried deep in his soul and turned it loose with this final act of submission to Rabbit's lust.

For Simon the second time had been easier. Then the third. Always Rabbit. He didn't dare even mention it to Jamie, although he often wondered after that what it would be like to fuck him and whether he too would like it. No one else. It was his and Rabbit's dirty little secret. Not only was he trapped by his own demons, but by the need to appease Rabbit's lust so that he kept their secret. Not that this was really a problem: Rabbit understood that it was the threat that gave him his power over Simon. Once deployed it was no further use. He also understood the deep-seated sexual appetite that he had unleashed and which matched his own. He had been more than ready to exploit this to the hilt.

So now Simon was once more giving in to Rabbit. He had hoped it would be different in the Senior School, but not only had Rabbit followed him into the same House but had contrived to get the bed next to his. He was trapped again. It was not a tender trap, but a troubled one for Simon. But all that was subordinated to satisfying the urgent need stirred in him when he had watched Huw getting aroused as he gazed at Simon's body under the shower.

Simon felt Rabbit's hard cock pressed against him, as his hand found Simon's straining member. It had grown somewhat over the long vacation, and he now measured it at nearly five inches. In a moment he felt it embraced by the warmth of Rabbit's mouth, his tongue sliding around the head as he pulled Simon's foreskin back with his free hand. In the ecstasy of the moment, Simon forgot what a bastard he really was and succumbed to the pleasures of Rabbit's expert handling.

God, he knew how to arouse one, Simon thought as Rabbit's tongue slid the length of his slender dick and lightly brushed his smooth balls. One by one they disappeared into Rabbit's mouth as his forefinger explored Simon's crack and found his anal passage. He moaned softly as Rabbit worked his lubricated finger inside him, rolled his balls around in his mouth and masturbated him with the other hand, all the while pressing his rigid cock against Simon's thigh.

As his balls began to respond to the ministrations of Rabbit's tongue Simon felt the familiar surge through his straining cock and the tingling in his arse where Rabbit's finger was working its magic. His ego crumbled, the carefully constructed defences of his image as the bright, upright young man with leadership qualities shattered as Simon succumbed to the lust of his own body.

"Fuck me, Rabbit, fuck me" he urged.

Rabbit felt a deep sense of satisfaction at the power he exercised over this pretty boy, so talented and honourable in the eyes of the school. He pulled back slightly, rubbed more oil on his cock and eased it between Simon's legs. He felt the tip brush lightly against Simon's balls, still wet with his saliva, as his hand slid up and down Simon's slender shaft. He knew what he would do at the climax: pull out, slide his cock between Simon's legs and come over his balls.

"Take it Simp, take it" Rabbit whispered.

The feel of Rabbit's cock between his legs and then gliding up his crack was sending Simon into a frenzy of lust. He pressed back on Rabbit's stiff cock, trying to position his hole so that Rabbit slipped in. Rabbit teased him for a few more minutes before finally pushing the tip up against Simon's anal passage and forcing it none-to-gently inside. It slid in up to the hilt. No complaint from Simon this time, as he savoured the fulfilling pleasure of another boy's cock inside him. His young body had accommodated to such invasions, although it had been over two months since Rabbit had last fucked him, just before they left the Junior School. Daily use of a finger or two when he showered had ensured that he would not suffer again as he had the first time.

Simon felt the pace of Rabbit's thrusts increase as his own excitement rose. As they both neared their climaxes Rabbit pushed his cock up to the hilt and stopped. He felt the round softness of Simon's bum against his belly and his balls. It was the moment of stillness that defines action: the elastic band stretched to its limit before springing wildly back, the eagle hovering at the apogee of its flight before it strikes, the stillness that descends upon the earth as the volcano is about to unleash its power.

Rabbit knew instinctively how to exploit these moments of tension to bring his own climax, and that of his partners, to a point of almost unbearable ecstasy as it swept through their bodies. It was a talent that later made him irresistible to women, to whom he turned his attention exclusively after leaving school

Rabbit felt Simon's body begin to tremble as the pent up force of a volcano overtook his own body, its point of eruption located deep within Simon. With one rapid movement he withdrew and slid its erupting length between Simon's legs. He held Simon's cock at the base in a tight grip to ensure that he did not come first and as Rabbit gave a final thrust his spunk surged out of his balls and engulfed Simon's. Rabbit relaxed his grip on Simon's cock, slipped it under his balls and lathered his hand with his own spunk.

The volcano erupting from within Rabbit's body was matched by the earthquake in Simon's, as Rabbit stroked his straining penis with a dripping hand. The tremor gathered force, sending geysers of hot spunk shooting from the four inches of Simon's unbearably hard prick. It filled Rabbit's hand and mingled with his own.

As they lay there exhausted in the glow of their unbelievable orgasms, the door to the dormitory opened. Lindsay, the duty prefect made his way to his bed. As he looked around, in the pale light glowing through the large windows, he noticed one bed at the end appeared empty, and the one beside it looked very lumpy. Far be it from him to interrupt their enjoyment, but he made a mental note to check next morning whose beds they were. Could be useful intelligence, especially if one of them was that good looking young cricketer he had seen at the nets that afternoon, and to whom he had been instantly attracted.

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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