Simons Seduction

By Jim Daniels

Published on Mar 9, 1999


This is the fifth part of a story about adolescent boys' sexual experimentation in a boarding school. To get the most from it the reader should read Parts 1-4 first.

The story so far concerns the first love of a sexually experienced 14 yo boy, Huw, for a beautiful and talented 13 yo new boy, Simon who, unknown to Huw, has had regular sex with his friend Jamie since they were in the junior school, and with Rabbit a sexual predator with whom he has a love-hate relationship, as well as being interfered with by a junior school master. The young and talented Assistant Housemaster, Mr Swan (The Duck), haunted by his infatuation with teenage boys, who has already seduced one boy, Johno, has also noticed Simon. Huw has had his first tantalising physical encounter with Simon on the bus coming home from a cricket match.

Now read on - unless you are under age, or prohibited by the law of your country from reading such material. And don't take it too seriously, especially the unsafe sex, as it is fiction which is set some years back, and hopefully bears no relationship to actual persons.

If you would like to provide feedback, on this, the author's first attempt at fiction it would be welcome.

Simon's Seduction - Part 5

It was well after lights-out in the dormitories by the time the bus carrying the cricketers arrived back. The weary boys unpacked their gear and headed for bed. Simon was soon undressed and in bed, but he was aroused by what had happened in the bus and could not sleep.

What a fantastic day! They had beaten Joey's; he had bowled beautifully, and made friends with Mr Swan. He really liked Mr Swan, and couldn't think of him as The Duck as most of the senior boys called him.

He recalled how they had talked and joked on the way to Joey's. Then he remembered Mr Swan putting his hand on his thigh. It reminded him of old Jacko when he had called Simon into his study in junior school, put his hand down Simon's trousers, felt his small penis, flashed his huge dick and invited Simon to feel it. Simon recalled that he had been scared at the time, but had later fantasised about jerking old Jakco off, and watching the spunk spurting out of that huge cock.

Simon's hand went down to his own soft cock and it sprang to life immediately.

He thought Mr Swan was wonderful. He had watched him under the shower and admired his athletic body. He had beautiful cock and balls, Simon thought. He would love to see it up, and feel it. How big would it be, he wondered? Simon remembered that he had blushed slightly and flashed Mr Swan a smile after he had put his hand on his thigh. He had thought about what he would do if Mr Swan put his hand down his trousers: he knew that he would much rather feel Mr Swan's cock than old Jacko's.

As he stroked his own cock Simon's thoughts turned to Huw, and their journey home together. He thought of Huw's hand touching his slightly stiff cock when Huw had slid his hand up the leg of his shorts. Simon had felt Huw's mighty erection as his hand brushed over his shorts in the dark and he wished he could have his hand around it now. Gosh it had felt big. His hand moved faster as he thought of it and slipped his foreskin back and forth over the head of his adolescent cock.

As he came close to his climax Simon heard a whisper from the next bed.

"How did it go Si?" Jamie was asking

Simon stopped masturbating and turned to his friend Jamie.

"We won easily, and so did the Firsts" replied Simon.

"Have a good time."

"Yes, terrific. The Joey's boys were great, and we had a lot of fun in the bus coming back."

"What happened"

"Oh, just a lot of singing and fooling around. I sat next to Huw. He's great. Scored 56 too."

Simon passed over in silence the more intimate aspects of their fooling around. He was not sure whether he was ready to share his growing feelings for Huw with anyone at this stage, even his best friend Jamie

"I was waiting for you. I missed having you around today." Jamie said. "Want to come over"

"I'm pretty knackered, Jamie, but if you feel like it."

Simon was relieved that it wasn't Rabbit in the bed on the other side who was awake. He didn't feel like being fucked that night. With that Simon slipped quietly out of the right side of his bed and into Jamie's.

Jamie was lying on his back with his pyjama pants around his ankles with stiff cock grasped in his hand. Simon lay alongside him and pressed his own into Jamie's side. They were almost exactly the same age, and build, but Jamie did not have the dazzling looks of Simon, nor his talent. Simon had reached puberty a little earlier than Jamie, but both had been able to come before they left the junior school and had become regular partners in their last year there.

Jamie's cock had grown since his first time with Simon and they now both sported a good five inches. Jamie was fascinated by Simon's foreskin and loved to pull it back and forth over the head. His hand reached down as Simon snuggled against him and felt its hard length, but with the softness that only uncircumcised penises have. Simon moved his face closer to Jamie and kissed him on the lips. Jamie opened his mouth and Simon's tongue darted in as he displaced Jamie's hand from his hard-on.

The two boys slowly masturbated each other in the darkness, as their mouths entwined, surrounded by the silence that only twenty sleeping boys could create. As their excitement rose, their youthful bodies pressed closer, touching from top to toe. Simon drew back from Jamie's mouth. His tongue went down to his smooth chest and tiny nipples, then coursed down over his tight belly, lingering at his navel and then to the tip of his straining cock which Simon's hand had now let go. He ran his tongue around the circumcised head and tasted the small drop of precum that his hand had pressed from Jamie's cock.

Down the length of Jamie's shaft Simon's tongue slipped, around the base of his cock, feeling the slight roughness of his young bush, then to his balls which he took one by one in his mouth. They were still smooth, without a trace of hair and small enough for Simon to fit both into his mouth at once. As he moved his lips back over the head, Simon felt Jamie's body begin to tremble, transmitting its vibrations to his own.

The sensations coursing through his young body grew in force as he felt Jamie's warm spunk filling his mouth with its sweet boyish taste. Simon's penis erupted seconds after Jamie's, into his waiting hand. Simon's body shook as the pent-up excitement of the day, and his play with Huw in the bus, burst forth in six mighty spurts and he stifled his moans by burying his mouth against Jamie's once more.

"Oh, Jamie, that was fantastic," he said.

"For me too, Si," Jamie replied as they lay exhausted in each other's arms.

At that moment Simon heard the door of the dormitory open and Lindsay, the duty prefect, walk in at the other end.

He froze, trying to think what to do. He quickly slid out of Jamie's bed, pulled up his pyjama pants and began to riffle through his jacket hanging on the hook beside his bed.

"Who's up down there," he heard Lindsay ask in a stage whisper.

"It's only me, Lindsay," Simon whispered back. Trying to think quickly of an excuse for still being awake and out of bed.

"I think I pulled a muscle while I was bowling today, and was looking for some aspirin"

"OK, but get back into bed and get some sleep. You've had a big day."

Lindsay only half believed Simon's excuse. He had worked out that it was Simon who had been in bed with another boy in the first week back. "Must be really hot" he had mused thinking of the long and tiring day they had all had. Lindsay found Simon attractive, but a little too pretty for his tastes, which ran to more traditional good looks like Johno's.


Huw too had been exhilarated by what had happened with Simon in the bus. He could not stop thinking of that beautiful face nestled against his shoulder; the hand that had brushed against his hard seven inch cock as they fooled around; and the bolt that had surged through him as his finger brushed against Simon's full cock, the head just out of the foreskin, when he had slid his hands up his shorts.

Huw's balls were aching by the time he had unpacked his gear and slipped into bed wearing only his boxers, which were stained with precum from the doings in the bus. He had to have relief, and quickly. As they had many times over the past month since he had first set eyes on Simon, visions of the angelic face, the slender body, the perfect small penis in a bush of black hair, floated in his mind. But there was a greater urgency to his visions now. He and Simon had crossed a line that night; he knew that Simon would be his. He fantasised that it was Simon's hand even now grasping his raging cock, feeling his full balls, stroking his young manhood to its fulfilment. His back arched and he raised himself involuntarily as he felt the spunk rising from his balls and surging through the impressive length of his cock, to splatter over his belly, Simon's name on his lips.

Huw fell back exhausted by the events of the day and this grand finale and drifted off to sleep, the spunk, which he was too exhausted to clean up, congealing on his body and coagulating on his sheets.

Huw dreamed of Simon, that he was watching as Huw lay on his bed masturbating, inching towards him with his cock in his hand until he was standing right beside Huw, the red tip peeping out of the foreskin hovering over his face as his hand worked away.

Huw woke slowly from his dream. There was a cock brushing against his face. He thought for a moment that his dream was true: it was Simon standing there about to ejaculate over him. As the veil of sleep lifted he realised that it was not Simon: fucking Ross, who was the duty prefect in the dorm, he realised.

"What the hell are you doing," he whispered.

"Heard that you got real friendly with young Simon in the bus and thought you might be interested in a session" Ross said.

"Fuck off Ross, and get your cock out of my face," Huw said sleepily, as he felt Ross's hand slip under the bedclothes and grab his own small soft cock.

"You wouldn't say that if it was Simon, would you? Just give me a feel Huw. Hearing about you two made me randy. You chasing the young ones, I mean. Bit of a change from being chased yourself isn't it"

Ross had been the first senior to come after Huw when he was in the junior dormitory. He had ingratiated himself, gave Huw little treats, and even lent him pocket money. He had then made it clear to Huw that he wanted repayment in kind rather than cash. He had taken Huw into the guest room in the House, pulled down his trousers, dropped his own and they had pulled each other off.

Huw had, somewhat reluctantly, become a regular partner of Ross. He really did not like Ross, but his sexual appetite more often than not got the better of him when Ross came on to him. Ross was short, overweight and unattractive in Huw's eyes, but he had a raging sexual energy and shot the greatest load of cum of any of Huw's partners. He was also the first to introduce Huw to the joy of kissing, and Huw relished that part of their encounters.

Huw had disliked him even more when one day, after they had been having their usual jack-off session, Ross had forced Huw's head down on his cock and shot his usual huge load in his mouth. It tasted fowl to Huw, unlike the sweet taste of some of his younger partners. Moreover he resented the way Ross always forced his way on him. Sex with Ross was sex at its rawest in that school.

Ross had even fucked him without asking. Coming a few drops one day in the Physics storeroom, where they had gone for a j.o. session, Ross had rubbed it all over his dick, which was, mercifully, only five inches long and quite thin, turned Huw around and rammed it into his arse. Huw was not exactly a virgin, his friend Tim had been in there in their pre-adolescent days, but that was several years earlier, and, while he had fantasised about the possibility, he had never been fully fucked by a mature cock.

It was not a pleasant experience, and Huw had headed straight for the shower and stood there for half an hour cleaning himself up and trying to soothe his sore bum.

Now fucking Ross, was forcing himself on Huw again, with a bit of blackmail thrown in. Bugger him, thought Huw. No, on reflection, that is the last thing I want to do! He had never responded to Ross's invitations to return that particular compliment.

He knew that the only way he was going to get rid of Ross was to get him off as quickly as possible. Despite himself he felt his penis responding to the fondling of Ross's hand, so turned and grasped the five inches of hard steel that Ross was rubbing against his cheek.

"Take it" he heard Ross mutter, breathing heavily. "Take it, Huwy," and Huw felt spurt after spurt of warm spunk land on his face, cover his cheeks, run into his eyes and down to his lips. God, Ross always comes a load, he remembered from his many encounters, and tonight he seemed more charged than ever as Huw's face began to look like a bowl of vichychoise. Huw's body responded involuntarily, despite the disgust he felt at being taken like this, and, for the second time that night, he deposited several large drops of semen on his chest and belly and into Ross's hand. Clearly the events of the day had set his balls churning, and he needed the relief, no matter how it had arrived.

"Sorry Huwy," Ross said, "didn't mean to come over your face. Just lost it when you grabbed me," putting the blame back on Huw as he always did when things went wrong between them.

"It's OK Ross," said Huw without feeling. "Better get to bed. I'm buggered."

As he drifted off he felt vaguely uneasy about Ross's sneaky references to him and Simon on the bus. Seemed the prefects had been gossiping about it. Shit, he thought, what had they been they saying, but drifted off before he could answer the question.


Donald Swan was troubled by what had happened on the excursion to the cricket matches with St Joseph's. What troubled him most was his own action in sitting next to young Simon on the way there. He knew from his own time as a boy at the school that these things did not go unnoticed. It must have been obvious to all 25 boys on the bus that he had chosen the youngest, best looking boy. He felt as if he had a foot on the slippery slope that had led to his seduction of young John O'Neal at the weekend scout camp. Where would it all end?

He was a good schoolmaster, he knew that. He had a double first in physics and mathematics, and knew his subject. He could also impart his knowledge, had an innate sympathy for the young and could inspire them. His sporting background made him a hero among impressionable adolescent boys. But that could turn into a fatal attraction. He knew that he loved boys, and found it hard to resist the temptation offered by the attractive ones. If they responded, as they often did to this young man whom they hero-worshipped, Swan had to fight to retain control over his sexual impulses, and he did not always succeed.

In his honest moments with himself he recognised that he had chosen teaching as a career because he was attracted to boys in their early teens. He had returned to the school that had nurtured him and settled his sexual orientation. As a boy there, he had moved seamlessly from solitary masturbation in the cold dormitory, to the warmth of friendship and experimentation with his peers, to being pursued and seduced by his seniors, falling in love himself and stalking the good-looking juniors.

But as he faced the consequences of giving free rein to his predilection for his students he wondered, not for the first time, where it would lead. There was a high threshold of tolerance within the school for masters of his disposition, but there were limits and he had crossed them once already with Johno. What if he were sprung?

Of course there would be no drama. The school would see to that. Neither parents nor police would be brought in. He would be quietly invited to leave at the end of term. He would be given a good reference, but the code words would be there for the more sophisticated to read: "Very involved with the boys he teaches. Always ready to give a helping hand" and so on, so that he would end up in the backwoods, assistant master in some minor grammar school where he would find no fulfilment.

He doubted his own capacity for self-control: should he quit teaching, and take of one of the many offers that had come his way when he had graduated? If he had lacked the self-discipline to keep a distance between himself and young Simon in public, could he trust himself to go no further in private?

There was also the question of what he should do about the burgeoning relationship between Huw and Simon. He well understood Huw's infatuation for Simon - he had been there, done that. But Swan knew that he ran the danger of being betrayed by some of the seniors, jealous of the success he was obviously having in drawing Simon close to him. He liked Huw. He was a good all-rounder, bright but not an outstanding scholar, a trier, rather than gifted, on the sports field. An attractive boy in many ways but not one that Donald Swan had been drawn to sexually. It was clear however that the apparently still waters of his sexuality ran deep. A friendly warning that his public displays of affection for Simon should be curbed would save all concerned undue trouble. He certainly did not want young Simon implictated in any sexual adventures, albeit as a "victim". That would just make it all the more dangerous for Swan himself to show any affection towards the boy.

The master thought it would seem heavy-handed if he did it himself. It should be a prefect. Lindsay was the obvious choice. Swan had heard vaguely that he had had similar problems over his infatuation for a junior boy a couple of years ago, and should be able to deal sympathetically with Huw. What he did not know was that the boy who had gotten Lindsay into trouble was the same one, Johno, that Swan himself had seduced at the scout camp.


At the next cricket practice Mr Swan drew Lindsay aside and said

"Lindsay, I wondered if you noticed that young Huw and Simon were getting rather friendly in the bus."

Lindsay felt uncomfortable with the question. Indeed he had noticed, and wondered if he could not turn what he had observed to his own advantage.

"You know about these things, Lindsay," Swan had said meaningfully. "I think it might be a good idea if you were to have a word in Huw's ear about not being so public about it all. Might avoid some grief all round," he added in his faintly clipped accent.

"Yes, sir," Lindsay had responded, knowing exactly what The Duck meant, but wondering just how he would tackle the delicate task just handed to him.

"I'll talk with him. Huw is a good kid and I wouldn't want to see him get into trouble."

Lindsay actually began to relish the assignment, seeing it as an opportunity to get closer to Huw who he had always liked, but never pursued sexually.

That night Lindsay asked Huw to see him in his study after supper.

Huw knocked politely, wondering what it was about. Cricket, he assumed.

"Come in," Lindsay boomed through the closed door.

"Ah, Huw, nice to see you," he began, "I thought we might have a word about young Simon"

Huw, who was captain of the House Junior XI, assumed that Lindsay wanted to discuss Simon's place in the House XI.

"He's good isn't he," Huw had observed enthusiastically, trying to keep his voice from betraying the emotion he felt hearing Simon's name.

"You two seem very friendly"

"Well, yes, I suppose so," Huw replied, trying to keep his voice steady, "I've tried to help him get into the Firsts, because he is so good."

He wondered what was coming next.

"What exactly were you up to in the bus the other night"

Huw flushed. "Oh, that" he said, "we were just skylarking. Sorry if it disturbed the Firsts."

"It didn't worry me, but there were a few people on the bus who thought you were up to something together"

Huw shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean?" he asked

"I think you know, Huw How far did you get with him," Lindsay asked the question more bluntly than he had planned."

Huw tried to find a way of answering innocently.

"Well nothing really. We just sort of tickled each other"

"Huw," said Lindsay, "I understand what you feel about Simon. He's a beautiful and talented boy. I don't blame you for wanting to get close to him. But you should know that there are plenty of other who want to as well, and they could dob you in if you are not careful."

He felt it was time to show his cards.

"I don't know if you know this," Lindsay went on "but when I was your age I got six of the best from the Headmaster for fucking Johno in the luggage room. One of the prefects who was after him reported me to the Housemaster after I had been stupid enough to boast about it."

Huw was shocked by what Lindsay had said. He felt the blood draining to his feet, and a nervous tingling in his groin. He felt he was looking into a deep, dark chasm into which he was about to be thrown. He had no idea that Lindsay had ever been involved in some scandal, let alone with Johno. He had slept next to Johno in the junior dorm, and, while he had noticed plenty of boys coming to his bed after lights out - that was not unusual - he had never imagined that a senior had fucked him.

He was lost for words.

"Do you see what I'm getting at," Lindsay resumed "if you step over the boundaries, you can get into trouble. The problem is that you have made you interest in Simon too obvious, and there are at least two prefects who would like to come between you and Simon."

Huw was non-plussed by this revelation: he was in competition with two prefects for Simon's affection! He could not believe it. He could not believe this was happening to him. He could not believe what Lindsay had said about himself and Johno.

"Believe me," Lindsay added, "I don't want to see you get into the sort of trouble that I did, so my advice is to cool it with Simon. By the way The Duck noticed what was going on too. But I don't think he will take it any further.

"I hope not," mumbled a thoroughly confused Huw.

"Look if I am going to help you, come clean with me: how far did you get with Simon? If they ask him what will he say? Can they pin anything on you?

Huw swallowed hard. The only course open to him was to trust Lindsay.

"Well," he said, after a long pause, "nothing really, except I got my hand up his shorts at one point and I sort of felt him brush my dick through my shorts. Honestly, there was nothing more than that."

"OK, I'll try to see that no one gets at Simon, but you'd better warn him to be careful. And you had better keep your feelings for him to yourself. Are you in love with him?"

The question hit Huw like a thunderbolt. It was as a flash of lightening had illuminated his deepest thoughts, exposed his soul.

"Yes, I think I do," he said simply.

"I understand. I felt the same way about Johno when I was your age. And I paid the price. It's the first time, isn't it?

"Yes," said Huw overcome with emotion, tears forming in his eyes.

Lindsay rose from his chair, put his arm around Huw, and hugged him to his chest.

"You will always remember your first love" he said, comforting the now distraught Huw

"I find Simon attractive too," Lindsay admitted, "but I am not going to get in your way. I'm a marked man, and could never get away with anything like that. Stick to my own age these days."

That was another revelation for the still naïve Huw: the prefects were up to it too.

"I wish you success," Lindsay said. "From what I have heard and seen, you probably will be." "But, he added the warning, "be careful.

If you ever want to talk about it, remember I am here. We have shared something here tonight, and I want to give you the benefit of my experience, whenever you feel you need it. Huw, you know that you can trust me, because I understand what you are going through."

Huw left the study shattered by the emotions that his admission of his love for Simon had unleashed, the revelations he had heard, and the danger of his own situation. He wondered how to broach the subject with Simon.

Huw also pondered Lindsay's hint that Simon was ready to be seduced by him.

That night Huw tossed and turned in bed, not even raise able to raise his usual erection, and fell asleep exhausted.


Along the corridor, in his bedroom opposite the junior dormitory, Donald Swan lay naked on top of his bed. It was a stiflingly hot night, and he could not sleep. As he gently stroked the length of his cock with his right hand, and fondled his balls with his left, the image of Simon's cherubic face danced in his mind. It would then turn to the recollection of the slim figure he had seen under the shower, with its small, uncut cock peeking out from dark pubic hair, and his hand would start to move more swiftly.

Lying there in the dark Swan went over in his mind the time he had spent in the bus with him. He had been captivated by his lively personality and obvious intelligence as they filled the hour with chat about the school, cricket and the boy's ambitions. As he moved to stand up Swan had almost instinctively allowed his hand to drop onto Simon's thigh. Their eyes had met briefly, and he had noticed a small blush in Simon's cheeks. Swan knew instantly that Simon had had hands laid on him before. He also recognised instinctively that the look in Simon's eye had been one of recognition, not fright or rejection, and the slight reddening of his face a sign, he thought, of knowingness rather than embarrassment.

Swan struggled inwardly with himself as his hand slowly brought him to his nightly climax. He could not help wondering whether Simon was asleep, not thirty feet from where he lay masturbating, or was he perhaps doing the same? At the same time he told himself that he must not take the physical contact any closer then he had already. But did he have the self-discipline to keep his hands off this beautiful boy? That which he had exercised in gaining his sporting and academic successes would see him through, he argued to himself. But deep down he recognised that intellectual and physical discipline were one thing, emotional discipline was another. He knew that his reserves of this were limited when it came to adolescent boys.

As the semen gushed from his pulsating penis to form little white pools on his belly, the confidence that he could restrain the darker impulses that lurked in his soul seemed to drain away too, and Donald Swan fell into a restless sleep, sub-consciously disturbed by the signs that Simon had flashed to him as they had risen to leave the bus. Disturbed because he knew that he would probably have a willing victim if his conscience did not make a coward of him, and that made the next step easier.

End of Part 5

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