Sister from the Same Mister

By william michael

Published on Aug 6, 2024



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Tim was in a hurry to get home from school. He was supposed to meet his friend there for some fun. It was the one day of the week that both his parents had to work later and there would be ample time for the two boys to get each other off, hopefully more than once. His friend George was home schooled so they had arranged this a few weeks ago when they had discovered they were both interested in playing with cocks. George must have thought he had died and gone to heaven when he found out what Tim had to offer.

They were both fifteen years old with George a little older. However, Tim had hit puberty before he was eleven and his cock hadn't stopped growing since. At full erection the head was much closer to his knee then it was his hip. George had immediately fallen in lust with it, able to get both hands wrapped around the base yet still fill his mouth back to the throat. Today was the first time since this discovery that George was free at the same time Tim's parents were going to be gone.

As soon as he got off the bus he was quick timing it to his house and the she-shed his mother maintained in the back yard. Just as he was opening the door he heard George coming through the gate. He stepped inside and held the door until George slipped inside. The boys hadn't gotten to the point where they were doing any hugging and kissing, but oddly they had no trouble taking hold of each other's swelling bulges and then peeling off their clothes. Once naked their hands took hold of their friend's cock and began to stroke.

"Jesus, Tim, I can't believe how big your dick is. Do they follow you around at school?"

"No, I don't know if anyone really knows yet. I've been careful, but it was tricky today thinking about this."

"Hmmm, well, I guess I'm just the lucky one. Now, sit down."

George gave him a little push and Tim came to rest on his mom's favorite chair with his legs spread and his cock arched out over his low hanging balls. George began to stroke the thick shaft while licking the bulbous head that was already drooling precum. Tim was happy to let his buddy do what he loved best and would work on returning the favor later. Opening wide George got the head and some shaft inside and he began to apply suction and tongue to capture as much precum as he could. It was at least half an hour before Tim began to feel those big balls pull up and he muttered,

"Fuck, gonna cum."

George took the hint and got just the head locked in his mouth and after the first heavy stream shot to the back of his throat, he pulled off and let the rest spray on his face, throat and chest. When he was finally done cumming, Tim told George to stand up and he swallowed the older boy's smaller cock and after a few moments of sucking and tonguing, he received a healthy load of tangy tasting cum. When George was finished he slid his cock from his friend's mouth and slipped down to sit on the floor. He wasn't so sated that it damped his fascination with that oversized cock so he took it in hand and began a slow stroking. If Tim had not been so wound up in anticipation for this adventure he might have recalled that someone else might have been at home so without the boys being aware they were being watched.

But since they didn't know, they continued on without a concern, George playing with that massive cock and Tim using his bare feet to play with his friends smaller but still healthy cock. George then tugged on Tim until both boys were laying on the carpeted floor, face to crotch for a slow, almost leisurely session of mutual oral. Both boys were novices but they were still able to thoroughly stimulate each other so that they finished up by shooting another significant load.

After they had the chance to catch their collective breaths, they got themselves cleaned up and dressed. Then it was outside, once they made sure they didn't leave any evidence of their playtime and George was on his way home and Tim was headed into the house. What surprised him was that he was met with a warm `hello' in a soft, feminine voice.

"Oh, Krissy, you're home," he said in response.

"That I am, kiddo, just now. How was your day?"

"Fine, thanks, just a school day," he replied. "How about yours?"

"Pretty good, still getting used to the new job. There's been a change in plans. Dad called me and said he and your mom had a last minute opportunity and they are going to be spending the night at that golf resort they like and won't be home until tomorrow night. We can order dinner tonight if we want but I thought I'd make something for us. That okay?"

"I guess so, but it's just you and me until tomorrow?" he asked.

"Looks that way, that's okay, isn't it?" Krissy asked.

A word here. Krissy was Tim's older half-sister. A sister he didn't know about until six months ago. She was more than ten years his senior and had come to live with them about four months ago. Tim tended to be a little uneasy around her if no one else was around because the sight of her made him a little antsy. She was about his height, with a very attractive face highlighted by turquoise blue eyes, white blonde hair cut short, nicely rounded hips and ass in the thirty six inch range, a narrow waist around twenty two inches but the tits had to be well into the high forties. She didn't go out of the way to display them but it was hard not to notice. He may have been having fun with George these days but he was by no means immune to such ample feminine charms. So the thought of being home all night with her made him feel edgy although he had nothing he could point to that suggested he was right to feel so.

"Yeah, sure, it's just a surprise."

"Well, kiddo, I guess with me being here they feel like they can take advantage of something they wouldn't normally be able to. I can't fault them there. Plus tomorrow is Saturday so you and I are both home all day," she said with a shrug which made interesting things go on under her blouse.

"Okay, do you need any help with dinner?"

"Sure, that would be very nice. Let me get out of these work clothes and then we'll get started," she said but before she went to her room to change she gave him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

She was a big hugger, he found that out almost immediately, which just added to the physical confusion he was feeling. He kept having to remind himself she was his sister. When she strolled back into the kitchen a while later he nearly swallowed his tongue. She had exchanged the blouse and dress slacks for an oversized tee shirt and some skin tight shorts in a stretchy material with legs that only went a quarter of the way to her knees. The tee shirt has cinched up at the waist with some sort of buckle thing that had it tight across her tits and showing a couple of inches of flat stomach.

"Alright, kiddo, you're my sous chef so get those hands clean and then we'll get started."

Tim had to blink a couple of times and then he went to wash his hands at the kitchen sink. The rest of the time passed in a blur as he was assaulted by the combination of the sight of those big braless boobs shifting around under her shirt, the fragrance that was coming from her hair and the tactile sensation of her bumping him with hip or ass in ways sisters weren't supposed to do.

By the time they sat down for their dinner his cock was at least three quarters of the way to full hardness. When she asked him to get the salad dressing from the fridge he took the long way around the table so he wouldn't pass directly by her. What he missed was the small smile that curved her full lips. Once they were done eating, the cleanup went more quickly than the prep but there were still a few opportunities for her to make contact, adding to her younger brother's concerns and excitement.

"Okay, sweetie, all clean and tidy. What do you say we go see if there's a movie we can watch together? If you'd like to, that is."

"Oh, sure, that would be fine," he replied.

He was thinking that might give him the chance to ask her something that had been on his mind for a while now. To his dismay though, she chose to lead the way into the TV room giving him a birds eye view of her tight ass in those equally tight shorts. At least he couldn't see what was going on in front. The seating in the TV room included a sectional couch, a fabric covered recliner and one of those bean bag things that were popular in the stone age, as far as he was concerned. She had her own ideas and with a hand on his arm pulled him down after her as she plopped down in the middle of the sectional.

As the elder in the room, Krissy took control of the remote and began searching through the streaming services to look for a movie that would suit the two of them. They finally settled on an action thriller that surprised Tim until she commented on how hot she thought the muscular hero was. She settled in to watch by pulling her near bare legs up onto the couch and cuddling into her brother's side, much to his concern, verging on outright fear. To try and break the mood, he cleared his throat and said,

"Um, Krissy, if you don't mind me asking, how come you're here?"

"Well, I don't have any other plans and your folks need me here to keep an eye on you, you big trouble maker," the last being said as a joke as Tim considered himself to be a most boring fellow when it came to the troublesome teen category.

"No, I meant here at the house with us. Not back in California."

She looked over at him with a pouty lip and said,

"Why, don't you like having me here?"

He snorted once and said,

"That's not what I mean and you know it. You're certainly old enough to be on your own, and you seem to be able to take care of yourself. Why did you have to come here with us?"

"Well, my curious young brother, I didn't have to come here," she said, emphasizing the word `have', "I wanted to. Remember, I knew as much about you guys as you did about me. Our dad didn't know about me when he and my mom broke up. He told me that he heard a few rumors but the break up was so bad he didn't follow up on them. So, I wanted to get to know him and you. You are the only other living relative I have and as a brother, you don't get much closer than that," she said, taking this moment to drape her arm over his shoulder and kissing the side of his head.

She couldn't help but smile as she saw his face go red and his hands moved into his lap.

"Does it bother you to have me here?" she asked, sounding very serious.

"No, in fact it's kinda cool having a big sister all of a sudden. I just didn't understand why you'd want to come here and leave there."

"It gets a little complicated, kiddo. My mom's health hasn't been good for years now. That's why I've been working in her store all these years. I don't like it, but I did it. When she got too sick to work, she knew that I didn't want to take over so she sold it and that's helping her pay for her treatment. And since there's nothing I can do to help that, she agreed it was okay for me to come out to get to know you guys, the rest of my family."

She pulled him in tighter and gave him another kiss and then said,

"So, does all that make sense?"

"Put that way, yes, it does."

"I'm glad, sweetie. And I'm really glad I found you here. Having a little brother is great, especially one as cute as you."

The last was said, then followed by a big sloppy kiss on the cheeks.

"Oh, geez, Krissy, really?"

Her laugh was very musical and when she used both arms to hug him he wound up with his face firmly planted into her barely covered cleavage. Instinctively he put out a hand and wound up filling it with one of her tits, the nipple of which pressed firmly into his palm. His hand immediately recoiled with muffled yelp and she mercifully released her hold on his shoulders, letting him pull all the way back. His face was now completely red and he looked like he was ready to bolt. She put a restraining hand on his leg and said,

"Sweetheart, there is something you need to know about older sisters. It's a requirement that we do things that completely embarrass our younger brothers. It's a union rule."

"What, really, there's a big sister union?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes, it's a secret but since all this is so new to you, I felt you needed to know. On the other hand, we are also required to do whatever we can to help our little brothers grow up. Especially the ones that are around your age. So if there's anything you want to talk about, and maybe it's not something you want to discuss with Dad or your mom, you can talk to me. And I'm very serious about that, okay?"

"Okay, but go easy on the embarrassing stuff for a while, please. I'm still new to this brother business."

She couldn't help but laugh, both at his expression and his tone of voice. She sat up straighter and held her arms out in invitation and after a moment, he leaned in and let her wrap him up and then to her delight, he let his arms come up behind her and pulled her in tighter. The thought that came to him was, `damn, she felt so good'.

They settled back into the couch back and she was still pressed up to his side but her arms were down in front of her. She did reach over and take one hand to place on her curled up legs, giving her something to hold onto herself. They watched movies until it was time to go to bed and before they parted company she gave him another hug and said,

"Thanks for tonight, kiddo. It was really special."

With a parting hug and kiss, she went into her room and he made his way down the hall and into his room, closing the door behind him. He heard that the wind had picked up outside, but there was nothing about rain or worse, a thunderstorm, so he got into his sleep clothes and crawled into bed. It was sometime around midnight when he heard his door slowly open and the light from the hall nightlight barely silhouetted the figure that slipped inside.


"Yes, I'm sorry if I woke you. This wind has me spooked," she replied and without any further comment she came up to the side of the bed and slipped under the covers.

"Um, what's going on?"

"Please don't mind, sweetheart. I have a problem with the wind. We had some bad things happen when I was younger and we lived closer to the ocean. Plus this house is still so new to me and I don't recognize all the noises. Would you please be my hero tonight?"

"Union rules?" he asked.

"No, this is scared sister rules."

"Okay," he replied, slipping up beside her and she rolled over to face him and let him get his arms around her and pulled her in, those big unrestrained tits pressing against his chest with just two layers of thin cotton between them.

"Mmm, thank you, sweetie, you make a girl feel very safe."

"Hmm, I don't know if that's how a teen age boy wants be thought of by a beautiful girl."

Hearing what he just said, he froze. He felt Krissy snuggle in a little tighter and then she said,

"You think I'm beautiful?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Yes, and I know you know you are," he replied, trying to defuse the situation.

"I know I am, sweetheart, but it's still nice to know you think so, too. You do realize we do resemble one another, thanks to Dad, don't you?"

"I guess so, although there are some big differences," he replied.

"Yup, I've got these," she said, pushing her tits against his chest a little more, "and you have this."

The last was said while her free hand took hold of his cock, which was semi erect down one of his pants legs.

"Geez," was all he managed to say.

"It's okay, sweetheart, you should be very proud of what you have there. I know your friend really seems to like it."

"What friend, what are you talking about?"

"I said it's okay, baby. I saw you and your friend in your mom's shed. I said you can talk to me about anything. Is that your preference, other guys?"

"Um, I don't know. We've just started doing this, for the fun, and it's nice to have someone else get me off instead of me always doing it."

"I know what you mean. When these big tits started to grow, I found they were a lot of fun to play with. But when someone else did it for me, if they knew what to do, it was SO much more fun. But remember, sweetie, always make sure you both want to be doing it. Never force it or take advantage of someone. Especially with that huge cock of yours. You could really hurt someone."

While she was saying this she was stroking the massive shaft and nuzzling his head with hers.

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Krissy?"

"I'd like to, sweetie, but it's up to you. I'd be happy to show you anything you want."

He was silent for a moment and then said,

"Could you show me, you know, your boobs?"

"Of course, baby."

She sat up and leaned over, turning on the lamp on the bedstand and with practiced ease pulled the sleeveless tee shirt up and off. What he saw amazed him. With her shoulders back he had a clear view and whatever softness was left in his cock was gone. They started up high and sloped down and out. They weren't big saggy bags, but full and solid, tipped with hard thick nipples and large pink aureoles. Quite possibly, they were the most beautiful things he had ever seen but then he let his eyes move up and seeing the face, eyes and smile of his sister he wasn't so sure.

"Oh my god," he said softly.

She reached out and cupped the back of his head with both hands and pulled his face in so that it was in between her big tits. She used her upper arms to push in on her tits and pressed them up against the sides of his face. He was in heaven, the feeling was warm and soft and he loved this girl, well, woman actually for sharing it with him. After a bit she eased off a little and instructed him.

"Open your mouth, sweetheart, and get you lips around my nipple."

As she said this she directed his head with her hands and he was able to get his eager mouth onto her hard nipple. He hadn't even kissed a girl yet and here he was sucking on the tip of the biggest tit he had ever seen, live or in pictures. Without prompting, he began sucking and letting his tongue flick over the hard nub while she held him in tightly.

"Oh, baby, that feels so good. I can't believe you've never done this before."

With his other hand he began to knead and squeeze all that tit flesh. She was cooing and kissing his hair and pushing forward with her chest and ever so gently she stroked his cock through his pants. She switched him over to work the other nipple and then as she was about to move him back to the first, he darted forward and got his lips on hers. They were warm and soft and wet and they burned his lips like a cheap chilly dog. She in turn pressed back and then let her lips part, giving him his first taste of a tongue kiss, setting them both to moaning and squirming against each other.

Krissy was grinding her lips against his, sucking on his tongue and grabbing at his back so she could pull him down and over so he was laying atop her, his bare chest pressing down on those full, firm tits. She could also feel a long, thick bulge that was pressing down on her cloth covered pussy and bare thigh. She did what she could to start pushing his sleep pants down but soon enough he got the message and used a hand to help. Once they were down below his knees he managed to kick them off. Krissy then rolled them both over and she was finally able to get a hand on that massive dick she had seen earlier in the day. She broke off the kiss and looked down to see just how much cock she was holding.

"Oh, my, sweetheart. You're magnificent. I've never seen, let alone held, a cock like yours. This is just amazing."

"It must be something genetic. You with yours," he said, reaching out to squeeze her tits and push them together. "And me with mine."

At this, she smiled and gave his thick shaft a squeeze and then began a slow, firm stroking. He in turn matched her pace with his thumbs rubbing across her hard nipples. She leaned in and resumed kissing her younger brother, sucking his offered tongue and grinding her lips against his. After a time she backed off and looked at him from close quarters.

"Sweetie, I know how much you enjoy this, so let's see how well I can do it."

With that said, she lowered her head and let her pursed lips lightly touch the tip of his now fully erect cock, taking up some of the precum that was now running freely.

"Hmm, sweetheart, you taste so good. This could get to be habit forming."

"Won't you get into trouble if they find out?"

"Very much so, sweetie, so please don't let anyone find out. No bragging, no storytelling. This is just between you and me, brother and sister. Okay?"

"Whatever you say, big sis."

She smiled at him and then swooped down with her mouth open and got the head and several inches of shaft inside. She clamped down with her lips and let her tongue flick over the head. He let out a low groan. Despite how much fun it had been with George this was now on a whole new level. A grown woman, his own sister and a true beauty had expressed her amazement at what he had to offer and had now begun to treat him to a marvelous blow job. The first touch of her lips had sent a bolt of lightning straight to his balls. He wondered if there was something else to it but that would have to wait until some other time.

"Lay back, kiddo, let me take care of this and then we can have some real fun."

"Real fun? This isn't real fun? Oh, god..." the last being prompted when she pushed more of his cock into her mouth until she couldn't take anymore.

He flopped onto his back and just let his sister do as she pleased. Fortunately for him, her desire at the moment was to make his first time with a girl one to truly remember. As she sucked his cock her big tits were pressed against his thigh and side. Her pussy and ass still had the thin cover of her panties and he was using one hand to try and pull them off. She lifted her hips and he made some progress and after a bit of wiggling, they were both naked on his bed. It was a situation he had fantasized about many times but never thought it would actually happen.

Krissy spent some time getting his cock covered in saliva which was running down onto his large, smooth ball sack. He was so turned on he was clutching the blanket with each hand and his hips were fucking his cock into her mouth of their own accord. She in turn was ecstatic at the feel of all this hard cock filling her mouth and hands. Her pussy was soaked and she was sure she was going to cum just from the thrill of it. This train of thought was interrupted when Tim's hips bucked and he began pumping streams of cum into her mouth. She managed to capture three spurts and then the rest splattered on her face, neck and chest, much of which dripped down on her massive tits.

"Oh, fuck, Krissy. That was amazing. I don't think I've ever cum so hard or so much."

"Mmmm, little brother, you have so much to give a girl. Don't think for a minute we are finished. It's time for your next lesson, baby. Come here."

Tim did as he was directed and as he moved around on the bed, Krissy lay back, her head propped on a pillow, her legs spread.

"Okay, baby, put your face right here."

Her finger was pointing at her pussy with wet lips and dripping hole. Tim was wide eyed but eager.

"Use your tongue right her on my clit. Lick it anyway you want."

She said the last part because she was thinking her little brother was showing some very promising signs and she wanted to see what he came up with. She could always coach him if needs be. His first few swipes were tentative but after hearing his sister coo he became more confident and he began to alternate between flicks with the tip and swipes with the full width, all done with his mouth pressed down covering her clit and some of her lips.

"Oh, damn, sweetie, you are so good, what a wonderful lover you are going to be. I am such a lucky girl. Oh, yesssss."

He had taken the opportunity to explore and he had just plunged his tongue into her dripping hole and was proceeding to give her the licking of a lifetime. Krissy had experience with both women and men and usually she seemed to be disappointed when it came to having her pussy licked, mainly because whomever it was wanted to concentrate on her big tits. She had started having sex when she was just fourteen and in all those years she had never found anyone who was showing the promise of this young man, her brother. Life had taken an abrupt, and welcome, turn.

While he plumbed the depths of her pussy, she was taking hold of both big tits and squeezing and kneading them until she yelled out as her first orgasm ripped through her body, causing her to buck and thrash. Tim wasn't really sure what to expect but something told him to keep going so while she shuddered and flailed he kept tongue fucking her and even using his nose to rub against her clit. She gave a final thrust with her hips and then collapsed back onto the bed.

Tim rose up from between her trim, firm thighs and looked at her as she just lay there, her eyes closed, her mouth open, her breathing hoarse and rapid. This was causing her big tits to rise and fall, proving to him she was at least still alive. He ran his hands up and down her thighs and said quietly,

"Krissy, are you okay?"

With that prompt her eyes slowly opened and after a bit of blinking she raised her head up enough to looked down along her body to see her brother, sitting back on his knees, between her own knees, looking at her a bit concerned. She smiled a lazy, sexy smile and said,

"Oh, baby, I am so much more than okay. What an incredible feeling you gave me. No one has ever made me cum so hard."

"I guess we make a pretty good couple, huh?"

"I guess so. Come here, you lovely boy," she said, holding out her hands to him in a coaxing, welcoming gesture.

He leaned forward and found himself pulled down into a bearhug that had her big boobs pressed up against his chest and her mouth on his. Her hands were running up and down his bare back with some excursions to his bare ass. There wasn't much there but she liked the way it felt anyway. But what she wanted to feel was that massive cock sliding in and out of her thoroughly soaked pussy. She shifted her hips about and gave him a few strategic nudges and wound up with the fat head pressed against the base of her pussy and she began to pull.

"Come on, sweetie, use your hips and push a little."

This was it he thought. I'm going to actually fuck a girl and she's my big sister. With that in mind he did as she said and began to push, pressing the head hard against her swollen lips and then the resistance faded and he felt the head slowly slide in. Krissy's legs came up and she hooked her ankles behind his thighs and began pulling him in as his hips began to respond to genetics.

"Oh, baby, I love you so much. Oooh."

The feel of half his cock sliding up inside her prompted the second and louder `ooh' and the tighter grip around his shoulders and ass.

"Oh, fuck, Krissy, your pussy feels so hot and wet. It's okay I say pussy to you, isn't it?"

"Hmm, oh yes, say it all you want and anything else you think of. Your cock feels so good inside my tight pussy, baby. I want more of it, push some more in me."

So he did, adding another few inches to what was already inside her, making her feel more filled than she ever had before. This cute, sweet boy was giving her the fuck of her life and it was only going to get better.

"Okay, sweetheart, that's enough, now pull back and then push it back in. Mmmm, yesss, that's the way, nice and steady, back and forth. Oh, baby, you're so good. Yes, just like that, a little faster now. Oh god, this feels so amazing. Yes, fuck me, just keep fucking me."

And he did, with all the energy and stamina a healthy teen ager could muster. It didn't take long before she was muttering incoherently and her head was whipping back and forth. He was resting his body on his elbows and his chest was brushing across her hard nipples. Their hips were thrusting in rhythm, his long fat cock stimulating every bit of her pussy and it wasn't long before her back arched and she went rigid as she came hard. Her grip was crushing and he was glad he had come so hard just a short time ago. When she was done her body relaxed and her grip loosened but he kept up with the deep, rapid thrusts and soon she was grunting again, her hips hammering up into his.

She pulled his head down and buried her face in his neck, kissing and licking while her next orgasm built until it finally exploded, causing her to throw her head back and scream. It went on for some time until she went limp, giving him the opportunity to pull out and with a few practiced strokes he began shooting another heavy load over her stomach and tits. When he was finished he slid forward and to the side so that he could snuggle up against her while they both tried to catch their breath. She was the first to speak, saying,

"So, my handsome, horny young stud. How was your first time?"

"I'll go look in the dictionary, but I don't think they have words to say how good that was," he said softly.

"You sweet talker, you. My god that was fantastic. Now, what do you say we take a little nap and when we wake up we'll find something else fun to do."

"Okay, and the first one to wake up has to do something special to wake the other, okay?"

"Hmm, I think I like the way you think," Krissy purred, drawing in her brother to wrap him in her arms and a leg in preparation for a nap.

Before he drifted off to sleep he wondered if there was a way that they could do this every night, but that would probably be unrealistic, but he would sure like to give it a go. Krissy was giving some thoughts to staying put now that she had found this place and this boy, but that too, might prove unrealistic, but worth considering. With a little bit more shifting, she got settled just right and with the side of her head resting on his, she went to sleep.

As luck would have it, she was the one who was drawn from her sleep by the feeling of something quite tantalizing. It seemed that she was tingling from all over her body and when she opened her eyes she found her brother sitting beside her right hip with his hands moving from here to there, searching out various zones of her body, using a small feather duster in one hand and, of all things, an electric toothbrush in the other. When he ran the toothbrush over her clit, she jumped and then the duster over her nipples got a groan and huge sigh from her.

"You're awake?" he asked.

"Yes, I am, lover, and if you even think to stop what you're doing, I will kill you."

He laughed a bit but he pressed the toothbrush in harder and kept up with the duster. She was loving this and loving him for thinking of it. Now that she was fully awake she was prepared to get in on the act and so she reached over and took hold of the thick shaft of his semi rigid cock and began to stroke and squeeze it. He and George had tried a few sessions of mutual masturbation but he was finding this particular session incredibly hot. His sister was a girl who should have been in magazines or making a fortune doing Only Fans. Instead she was laying in his bed letting him play with her amazing body while she stroked his oversized cock.

While he was having these thoughts he had fixed his gaze on her flawless face but his eyes were a little unfocused. She looked back at him and finally broke the silence.

"What are you thinking about, sweetheart? You look so far away."

"Oh, I was just thinking about all the things you could be doing but instead you're here with me making me the happiest boy ever," he said with a grin.

She let her hand slide off his cock and begin a slow trip up his torso until she could take hold of the back of his head and pull him down to begin a long, slow kiss while he held the toothbrush on her clit and pussy lips and a small ball of tension was starting to build inside her. She pulled her lips off and said,

"Get rid of the toys, big boy, and give me that cock. I'm ready for you to fuck me to another screaming orgasm. Please baby."

That voice, that face, he couldn't possibly say no, so he tossed aside the toothbrush and the feather duster. He pushed her legs aside and crawled up between them. With the now rigid cock in hand, he began to rub the head up and down the wet swollen lips of her pussy.

"Now, baby, now. Get your beautiful cock inside me."

He began to push as she got her hands on his ass and pulled him forward, moaning as she felt the head began to penetrate her.

"Oh, fuck, yessss..."

Having done it once, he knew to let his hips find their own pace and in just a matter of minutes he was stroking a major portion of his long, thick cock in and out that tight, wet pussy as she whispered all manner of senseless words into his ear. Her arms were now holding tight to his shoulders and her legs were wrapped around his ass, locked at the ankles. Their hips had settled into a matching rhythm and it wasn't long before she seized up and began yelling into his shoulder as her body bucked and shuddered. When she settled down his hips picked up the pace again and he was fucking her towards another massive cum.

"Oh, baby, you're so wonderful. Please, keep going. Don't stop."

He wasn't sure why she thought she needed to plead with him, he wasn't going to stop until they both passed out. She urged him on to fuck her faster and harder and not to stop until he hosed her down with a final load of thick cum. This time he managed to pull his cock out before she came again, only to have her pull him back down with her legs, trapping his massive cock between his stomach and her pussy so that with a few more hip flexes he began to shoot his load up between them while she spasmed through another gut wrenching orgasm.

When she was done she pulled him down so that he was cuddled up against those big tits and that's how they went to sleep. He dreamed a rather unusual dream, not a nightmare by any stretch of the imagination, but it involved a strange combination of woman, boy and an as yet unidentified teenage girl. He was pulled from his sleep by some soft kissing on his forehead and face and when his eyes fluttered open he was looking into those of his sister. They hadn't moved much at all and he couldn't believe he had spent the night sleeping and having sex with her. He also couldn't believe that he hadn't woken up with a raging hard on like he had pretty much every morning for the last three and a half years or so.

"Come on, handsome, time to get up and in the shower. You sure made of mess of us last night."

"Hmmm, yes, I'm sure it was all my doing."

She laughed her musical laugh and then sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, her tight, rounded ass on full display. Then she turned and gave him a full view of those big sloping tits and when she took hold of his hand and yanked him out of bed, he got to watch them sway on her chest. His cock only twitched a bit at the sight, a testament to just how well fucked he had gotten the night before.

"Come along, sweetheart," she said, giving him a big smile.

She towed him out of his room and into the bathroom they shared with the walk-in shower. Whoever remodeled the old house way back when did them a huge favor by going with the shower stall that could easily accommodate three adults. She turned on the water and once it was warmed up she took the spray nozzle and began to get them both wet. Seeing those big tits shining with water was the most amazing things he had ever seen, until he saw them covered in soap suds. Then she was soaping him up and it was too much and his well-used cock began to respond. When Krissy felt it bumping into her leg she said,

"Oh dear, you teen age boys are just amazing. After all that last night and just the sight of little old me has you hard again."

"You are neither little nor old. You are the hottest thing I've ever seen and having you wet and sudsy right in front of me is more than anyone could resist."

"Who said you had to resist, lover? Come here."

He took a step forward into her open arms and felt the wonder of a huge pair of tits, covered in soap suds, pressed against his own wet, sudsy chest. That his hard cock, which was arced out in front of him, was pressed against her pussy just added to the magic. He slipped his arms around her back and just nuzzled up against the side of face, her short hair, wet against face and neck. A troubling thought crossed his mind and he felt so content he didn't censor himself.

"Sis, are you in trouble now?"

That he called her sis meant the world to her. Not just Krissy, but sis. She truly had a little brother now and she loved him more than anyone in her life. That he had a worry now bothered her.

"I suppose that depends on whether someone finds out about what we've done, and as far as I'm concerned, we will continue to do. I love you, little brother, and this is part of how I will show you that. But you know this can't be all of it, right?" she said, pulling her head back to look into his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Our lives need to include others than just us. You in particular. We will always have each other, that was set the day you were born. But we need to make room for each of us to have more, especially you."

"I guess, we'll need to talk about it."


"Because I really like having someone that I can talk to about this stuff. Please do me a favor and don't make any plans to leave any time soon."

Her smile got a little brittle and then her lips were on his and the kiss was long and lingering and lasted until the water started to get cool. They rinsed off and then used a couple of soft fluffy towels to dry off and continue to play with one another. When he ran the towel between her legs and let it caress her pussy she groaned and almost buckled at the knees. When he continued to rub the towel on her pussy lips and clit, she grabbed his shoulders and shuddered through an orgasm that caught her by surprise.

"Oh, sweetheart, there is no way I can keep you all to myself. You are just too wonderful and your still only fifteen years old."

"And a half," he added.

She laughed and hugged and cuddled him and took his cock in hand, stroking it lovingly while she covered his mouth with hers, tongues softly caressing each other. Tim was lost in a haze of lust but something she had said was floating in that haze and he knew what he needed to ask next. But for now he was just along for the ride as he waited for the inevitable. Krissy had marvelous hands, he thought, and it wasn't all that long before his hips began to shudder as long, thick streams of cum fired out to splash on the glass of the enclosure. For the first few moments after the last of his cum oozed from his cock head, he leaned against his sister for support. She in turn ran her hands over his chest and back while she kissed his face.

"I think you need some breakfast, sweetheart. You've had quite the night," she said.

"And you haven't?"

"A lady often needs to burn a few extra calories, lover, don't you worry about that. You young fellas might waste away if you're not careful."

"I'm sure you'll take care of me," he replied, giving her a tight hug before they went to their separate rooms to get dressed.

He made it to the kitchen first and was pulling a few things out of cabinets when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his chest and something large and firm, yet soft press against his back.

"Hello, there, handsome," was said in a soft, throaty voice by his ear.

"Hello, beautiful," he replied.

She let go so that he could turn around and she was indeed beautiful. A modest amount of carefully applied makeup highlighted the natural features of her face. The result nearly took his breath away. She went easy on the outfit, with knee length shorts, some sort of sports bra and an oversized blouse that she had tied up at the bottom and only a few buttons open on the top. He gave her a smile and then pulled her back into a hug that he didn't seem to want to ever end.

"You okay?"

"I think I can honestly say that I've never been better. And I don't mean because of all the sex. Mom and Dad are so great, but I always missed not having a brother or sister. Now I have you and it's perfect."

Now the tears were flowing and the hug got even more intense and they just stood there in the middle of the kitchen for long moments. She brought her head up and kissed the side of his face and then pulled back a bit.

"I told you I couldn't keep you to myself. Don't think for a minute I haven't thought about it."

"I was planning on moving us into mom's she shed and locking the door."

"You are such a love. Come on, let's eat."

They were nearly done with breakfast when Tim sat back and said,

"Sis, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

"Um, I need some advice, you know, about a girl."

"Oh, okay, this should be interesting," she said, sitting back and inviting him to start.

"Her name is Jules, well Julia, but she prefers Jules. We've known each other since we were like three, we met at preschool. She's a couple of blocks from here. We've been best friends since almost the first day. We were in school together and it was all great. Then the summer we were twelve something happened. It was around the middle of August and it was sundown and we were all playing some kind of made up game, a cross of hide-and-seek, tag and some other stuff. I was hiding in some shrubs and all of a sudden she was right there next to me. She had this funny look on her face and all of a sudden she grabbed my shirt and pulled me and her face was coming at me and I guess she was trying to kiss me but it came too fast and our mouths hit way too hard."

Krissy flinched at the description.

"Yeah, it hurt and I thought she broke my teeth."

"What did you say?"

"I said, `ow, I think you broke my teeth'."

"Oops, then what happened?"

"She looked really upset and she ran away. I didn't see her for almost two weeks. I think she was avoiding me. When we did see each other at school, she just said hello and hurried off. It's been like three years now and all we do is sort of acknowledge each other but we haven't talked or hung out since. I really miss her."

Krissy smiled and then sat forward, resting her arms and big boobs on the table.

"I think what happened is she was really embarrassed about what happened and since you haven't had the chance to talk about it with her, it's still there and she doesn't know how to deal with it. Let me ask you a question. If it hadn't happened that way, if the kiss had been a good one, what would have happened?"

"I don't know. We were only twelve, maybe nothing or maybe we would have still been embarrassed, or maybe it could have been great and we'd have started something that was still going."

"And if it happened now?"

"After all you've taught me, I think it would be fantastic. She's really something. Like I said, I really miss her."

"And what about this? After last night and this morning, how are you feeling about yourself?" she asked.

"Kinda surprised. I mean I know George and I did some things, but all that stuff you and I did and how you reacted and the things you said, I guess I feel pretty good that I could do that for you."

"Hmm, I like that you said for me' and not to me'. How might you take that and talk to your Jules?"

He sat back and thought for a bit. Then he looked at those blue eyes and said,

"I think you might be the smartest person I've ever met. I gotta go," he said, but he paused long enough in his dash from the table to plant a big kiss on her forehead.

Outside the house, Tim hopped on his bicycle and headed for the park a few blocks away. He wasn't sure but it was one of her favorite spots, especially on a nice weekend day. Sure enough, there she was, sitting on a picnic table, her bike leaning against it. When he pulled up she looked a little startled but quickly gathered her composure.

"Hi, Timmy."

"Hiya, Jules, how are you?"

"Okay. You?"

"I've been okay, but better now," he said as he put down his bike and took a seat next to her on the table top, but with space between them.

"Oh, really?" she asked, the whole time her eyes hadn't met his.

"Yeah, I suppose I was getting used to the idea that you and I weren't that close anymore, but then I talked to someone who helped me see why that wasn't really true."

"Who was that?"

"My sister, Krissy."

"That blonde I've seen you with in the car?"

"That's her," he replied.

"Um, Timmy, we've known each other nearly all our lives. I'd know if you had a sister, and you don't."

"Up to six months ago I would have agreed with you but, she is my sister, my half-sister," he told her and then explained the whole story. "And she's great. I can talk to her about anything. So I talked to her about you, and me, and what happened that night."

She looked away from him and said nothing. He leaned forward and over, trying to catch her eye.

"Jules, things didn't go right that night. You got embarrassed and I didn't handle it right and we were too young to know how to deal with it. If that happened today, we'd probably laugh about it and then try it again. But one way or the other, I don't want it to be something that comes between us. I miss you, Jules. I miss talking to you and hanging out together. Would you please look at me, I miss seeing those pretty green eyes of yours, too."

Slowly she began to turn around, those large, luminous green eyes full of tears. Her lips were quivering and it looked like she wanted to do something, but couldn't bring herself to do it. He gave her a brief smile and said,

"And I really miss those hugs."

To demonstrate he leaned toward her and but his arms around her. There was a moment's hesitation and then he was pulled into a crushing embrace.

"I've missed you, too, Timmy. I was just so stupid and messed it up and couldn't think of how to fix it."

"How could trying to show me how you felt about me be stupid?" he asked.

"Because I was doing it on a dare, that's why."

She pulled back and looked at Tim, trying to wipe tears off her face. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a nice, clean handkerchief. When he handed it to her, she laughed a little and used it.

"Who dared you?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"One of the girls I met when we moved up to sixth grade. I guess I was talking about you too much and she said I should just kiss you and get it over with. We traded a few catty comments and then she dared me."

"She didn't double dog dare you, did she?"

Jules snorted and brought her head up off his shoulder and said,

"No, but you see, if I had just told you about it you would have said something like that and we wouldn't have had a problem. I am really sorry about that."

"It's okay, Jules, it really is. I should have asked about it sooner but I was just so confused about it all."

"Are you still?"

"I don't think so. In fact, I think we should do what we should have done that night. We've already had the laugh, so..." he said, and then leaned in toward Jules lips, but at a sedate pace.

This gave her the chance to respond which she did by closing her eyes, pursing her lips and scooting her hips until they were pressed against his and then their lips made contact. It was soft and he began to apply a little rotation and then he let his lips part, his tongue making contact with hers. He felt her arms tighten around him and her lips began to move against his with more vigor. He took this as a positive indicator so he let his hands roam over her back while his mouth opened and the tongue sucking and wrestling began in earnest. When she began to moan into his mouth he was sure he had made the right move.

The kiss continued for about five minutes and then he pulled back. Her eyes opened and there was a smile but then she blinked a bit and said,

"Hey, why did you stop? That was amazing."

"I'm glad you think so. I do, too, but first I needed to catch my breath and second, I think I have a splinter digging into my ass."

Those big green eyes popped even wider and she started to laugh but stopped when he shifted a bit and yes, there was a small spear of wood from one of the table top boards sticking up at a shallow angle and it must have started to stab at him when he moved to get closer to her. She made a little sound of dismay and then moved herself down the table and gave a little tug to have him move having made sure there were no more splinters. Then she did a little pivot so she could drape her bare legs over his lap and with arms around his shoulders, she began the process all over again.

It should be noted that Jules was, in two words, very attractive. As a teen of middle years her face would be described as pretty, the kind of pretty that promised real beauty when she matured in her twenties. Along with the large green eyes, was hair the color of burnished copper that was done up in a pony tail that trailed down her back almost to the top of her ass. She was perhaps an inch or two shorter than Tim, with a nice curved figure that spoke of fitness but still boasted a nicely full pair of tits and tight, pert ass. Later that day, Tim would have a serious talk with himself about just why this marvel of a girl didn't have a boyfriend. As fortune would have it, Krissy was able to explain. But more on that later. For now, what was important was the girl was every bit as enthusiastic about the turn of events as the boy and every time they came up for air, she was the one to start things up again.

Any time he had thought about Jules over the past three years what always stood out was her vivacious personality, her tendency to touch and be close, and always having a hug with which to say hello or good bye. As the morning progressed and the kissing continued, he got the feeling that she had had a lot of all that stored up since the failed kiss episode and she was determined to use it all up before she let go of him. But it finally did have to end, partly because they were both getting sore lips and because she had somewhere to be.

"Oh, my dear, sweet Timmy, this has been just wonderful, but I'm afraid we have to stop, for a while at least. I can't thank you enough for coming to find me. I don't intend for you to ever have to do it again," she said, her hand coming down on his thigh, the other one, Tim was glad to note.

"Um before I have to go, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure you can," he replied.

"I've heard a rumor, about you."

"About me?" he prompted.

"Well, it's about the size of..." she didn't finish the thought but she did give his thigh another squeeze and bit of a rub.

"Oh, that. I guess it's true, unless they said," and he held up one hand and with finger and thumb indicated something quite small.

"No, it wasn't that at all," she replied with a smile. "Hmm. Well, I gotta go practice."

"Oh, cheering, how is that going?"

"Alright, but I don't think I'm going to continue. I wanted to do the cheering for the teams but they also insist on the competitions and stuff. That's more than I want to do. Looks like I'll have more free time on my hands. And just in time, too. Got your phone with you?"

She made sure they had each other's number and then with a final, slow, lingering kiss she left him sitting on the table, watching her pedal away, her ass muscles showing through her tight shorts. He waited until his breathing slowed and the considerable lump encased by his other pants leg had receded. It was a leisurely ride home. He was alone, Krissy having said she needed to be out for the morning.

He was sitting on the couch not really watching what was on the TV, thinking about what had transpired. It seemed that he now had a girlfriend his own age, a half-sister nearly eleven years his senior and his ardent lover, as well as a friend who was a boy and a partner in same sex exploration. He wondered if the circus was going to have an opening for a juggler. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a pair of strong arms grip around his chest and some full lips pressed against his cheek. Then the owner of those arms and lips was sitting closely next to him and hugging him against her big tits while kissing him full on the lips. His were still a little sore and he flinched a bit.

"Oh, baby, what happened, did I bite you?"

"Um, no, sis, my lips are just a little sore. Jules was happy to see me."

This got a very enthusiastic response of tight hugs and face kisses.

"Oh, sweetheart, I am so happy for you."

"I owe it all to you. One of your questions gave me an idea and it turned out right. Someone dared her to kiss me and I don't think she was ready to do it, so it didn't work out right. Times are different now. Went spent a good part of the morning making out."

"Hmm, I bet I know what that means," she said, taking hold of his thigh in a tight grip, feeling the bulge that was only just starting to swell.

She squeezed and stroked while she kissed the side of his face, staying away from his still sensitive lips. Then she got her lips to his ear and said,

"I think someone needs some attention. Stand up."

He didn't even think to hesitate. He stood up and she took hold of his hips and pulled him around to face her. Nimble fingers had the button undone and the zipper down in a moment. Then she was tugging to get his shorts down over the much more significant bulge. He found it exciting to see just how wound up she had become. Her fingers were shaking and he could just make out the hard nipples poking through her blouse. When his cock finally popped out from his boxers she let out a little coo and let her fingers glide up and down the sides of the long, thick shaft.

"Hmm, sweetheart, I could spend hours giving this amazing cock attention," she said, placing light kisses on the tip.

"That's how I feel about your tits, your ass, your pussy, your lips..." the last broke off in a gurgle as those full, wet lips slid over the head and began a slow trip down the upper half of his dick.

He let his fingers touch lightly on her corn silk hair and as she applied suction his hips began a slow undulation. He knew there was too much to try and get it all into her mouth so he went for a more controlled, face fucking as he had heard it called. For her part, Krissy was becoming more impressed with how skilled her little brother was becoming. He was a natural in more ways than just the oversized cock. While she continued her sucking, her two hands were running up and down the shaft and playing with his big smooth balls.

"Oh, god, Krissy, this feels so good. Remind me to do the same for you before my folks get home."

"Hmmm, why wait?" she asked.

With her hands on his hips she pulled him down and over to land on his back on the couch. In rapid succession she undid the blouse, peeled off her shorts and panties and then straddled his head. She got her mouth back on his cock and his hands took hold of her ass cheeks and pulled down so that her already wet pussy settled down onto his eagerly awaiting mouth. He wasn't sure what felt better, his mouth on her pussy or her ass in his hands, but since he had both it didn't really matter and he was able to lose himself in the total feeling. Even with her tits still encased in the spandex sports bra, he could feel them pressing against his torso. He was quickly sliding into sensory overload.

She must have been feeling something similar because even with a mouth full of cock her moans and groans were clearly audible. She pressed her hips down to grind her pussy on his mouth and when he had inadvertently rubbed a finger across her asshole she yelped and ground harder, prompting him to do it again and again. After a while it became too much and she seized up and spasmed her way through a major orgasm, her fluids running down his face. He repaid the favor when his hips bucked and his cock began spewing thick streams of cum into her mouth and then across her face and neck.

They settled down after a few moments and Krissy pulled herself around so that she was now face to face with her brother and she began using her tongue to clean his face. She was a little surprised when he placed a few kisses on her lips and when she looked down at him he said,

"Apparently, warm pussy juices are good for sore lips."

"Damn, I love to hear you talk dirty," she said with a laugh.

"I'll remember that when I start to use my big, thick cock to fuck your tight wet pussy."

The subsequent kissing and body grinding went on for close to an hour. It wasn't until a text message from the parents letting them know they were on their way home chased the two lovers into the upstairs bathroom for showers and dressing. When their father and Tim's mother came into the house they found the siblings in the kitchen busy making dinner.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise," Tim's mother said.

"Hi, mom," Tim replied. "We found out we're pretty good in the kitchen together so we thought we'd surprise you."

"You're off to a good start."

The rest of the evening went well. Dinner was a success and with the two `kids' and mom watching TV and dad in the garage cleaning the golf equipment the evening was calm. When it came time for bed, Tim and Krissy retired to their respective rooms, already sated from the morning and afternoon sessions. When Tim's phone woke him in the early morning hours, he was thinking it would be Jules trying out his number, so he was surprised to see a text message from Krissy.

`Please come to my room. Don't knock, just come in.'

He slipped out into the corridor and moving silently came to Krissy's door and opened it slowly. He moved quietly up to the foot of her bed and saw she was looking at him. She held up a hand to beckon him closer and he came to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What's wrong?" he whispered.

"Come closer," she said and tugged him down to lay at her side. "I've had a very disturbing dream and I thought you could help me get back to sleep."

"Really? I would have thought we had done enough today to put you in a coma."

"I meant I need you to be here with me so I feel safe enough to go back to sleep. Get under the blanket with me so I can snuggle with you."

Of course he did so and quickly enough he had her wrapped in his arms, her head tucked up against his shoulder.

"Was the dream that scary?" he whispered.

"It wasn't so much that it was scary, as disturbing. I felt lost and alone. I couldn't find you or Dad, no one. I don't know what brought it on."

He responded by tightening his grip on her and rubbing the side of his face against the top of her head.

"Do you miss your mom?" he asked.

"Of course I do."

"Do you think you are going to be able to see her again?" he asked.

She hesitated before answering and then said in a small voice,

"I don't know."

He hugged her closer and didn't ask any more questions. He felt her shift around, then she lay still and soon her breathing told him that she had fallen back to sleep. He thought about trying to untangle himself without waking her, but decided that wouldn't be possible so he just lay there and let sleep take him. He didn't wake up until he felt some light kisses on his cheek. When his eyes were fully focused he saw those beautiful turquoise orbs looking back at him.

"You slept here all night?"

"Sure, I couldn't wake you up after all the trouble you had to get back to sleep, could I?"

"My gallant hero," she said. "I'm afraid your Jules is going to have to make a few concessions."

"Am I really that gallant if that has to be the way it is?" he asked, seriously.

"Sweetheart, the fact that you asked that question speaks volumes. Despite what I said, you really are rather young and have a lot to learn. I plan on teaching you so that whether you go on with Jules or some other girl, you'll treat her well and be happy together. I will always be your sister, and hopefully your lover, but we'll just have to see how it works out. But don't ever think badly of yourself. You've only just begun your journey and so far you're handling it well, making a pair of girls happy in the process. Please, just trust me, okay?"

"Of course I do."

"Good, now, let's get going. Your folks have left for most of the day, but I think you need to spend some time with Jules. You need to solidify what you started yesterday."

With that she kissed him gently on the lips and then pushed him out of bed. She was his big sister after all. Tim was the first in and then out of the shower, leaving his sister with the majority of the hot water while he put something together for breakfast. Krissy walked into the kitchen while he was still eating and he couldn't help but pause to watch her go by. Her outfit was fairly conservative but even then her ass flexed and her big tits swayed a bit beneath the tee shirt.

"You're staring again, sweetheart."

"Can't help it, you know that. You'd have to be dressed in a great big bag for me not to be staring. Sorry."

"Oh, I'm just teasing you. Brother sister stuff, remember."

When she was done she bent down from behind and gave him a big hug and kissed his face and hair several times.

"Now, done with your breakfast?" she asked.


"Good, now get going and go see that girl. I'll expect all the details when you get home."

Before he started eating he had sent a text to Jules and her response was almost immediate and very positive. It was also rather direct in telling him to get to the park as soon as possible after he ate. With a smile and a return kiss for his big sis, he hurried out of the house. He hopped on his bike and pedaled as fast as he could and in a few minutes he was closing on the park, seeing the shape of a girl sitting on the same table as last time. He came to a sliding stop but took his time dismounting, trying to play it cool.

"Nice recovery, handsome. Bit of a hurry, were you?"

"Bad brakes," he replied, taking a seat next to Jules. "Nice to see you again."

She just shook her head and leaned in and got her lips on his and began a much better kiss than the first time, three years ago. Any thought of Joe Cool went out the window and he just responded by letting his lips part and his tongue go in search of hers. As before she scooted closer and got her legs over his lap and really got into it. Her hands were both cupped at the back of his head, the fingers rubbing in the hair while his were at the small of her back practically pulling her into his lap.

He hadn't been able to pay much attention at first but her outfit was starting to get his attention now, if only from a tactile point of view. Her top was a tight sleeveless tee shirt that was supposed to reach to the top of her skirt but was now leaving a gap of several inches for his hands to explore to feel some warm, smooth, bare skin. The skirt went only about half way to her knees and after a time, he placed a hand on her thigh and began to rub it back and forth, moving up under the skirt after a few passes. When he pulled a little harder, she lent a hand and she wound up sitting on his lap with his hands strategically placed to get a double handful of firm ass cheeks. He was pretty sure she was wearing a thong.

After a time the kiss wound down and she placed her head to rest on his shoulder but her arms remained around his neck. She was breathing hard and he was enjoying how it was causing her to press her tits against the side of his chest. It seems they both did some growing over the past couple of years.

"I had some wonderful dreams last night. You and I had lots of fun trying to make up for lost time," she told him, while her hand ran over his chest and stomach. "It gave me some very interesting ideas. Do you have to be anywhere special today?"

"I'm already in the most special place I could be, today or any day."

Her lips landed all over his face and then they were back on his and the grinding and tongue wrestling began.

"You always were the sweetest boy there was, and now it seems like some hot sauce has been added."

"Of course, you always were the saucy one," Tim replied, emphasizing the comment with a firm tug on her bare ass cheek, causing her to moan into his mouth.

After they came back up for air, Jules whispered in his ear and he pulled his head back.


"Yes, all day until after dinner. Come on."

When he nodded she kissed him quickly again and then slid off his lap. Quick as a wink they were on their bikes and pedaling for Jules house. Tim hung back and enjoyed the view as Jules' ass flexed on her seat. His cock had started to swell when she perched on his lap but it was slowly moving down his pants leg as he enjoyed the view.

He followed her as she led him up her driveway and into the back yard. Tim smiled when he saw that Jules mom must have decided to build a she shed of her own. She practically pulled him off his bike and towed him to the shed. Once inside and the door was bolted she was back in his arms and the assault on his lips began anew. They had learned a lesson from the previous day and the breaks were more frequent and hugs and caresses were liberally applied. And then it happened.

"Sweetheart, you said yesterday that the rumors were true about you. Can I see it?" she asked, her eyes big and her hands pressed against his chest.

He stepped back and looked down, the bulge in his pants evident. Her eyes stayed big and one hand drifted down to let the finger tips gently trace the length of it. The head pushed a bit closer to his knee.

"Oh, my. They didn't know the half of it. Really."

"Your hand feels really nice, Jules. Your hands always did."

"Thank you, sweetheart," she said, her voice shaking a bit.

"Jules, you don't have to be scared. You won't ever have to do anything you don't want to."

"I know that, baby. I know I can trust you more than anyone. Would you...would you take it out and show me?" she asked, the last coming out more like a whisper.

"How about you do the honors," he replied.

She gave him a shy smile and with shaky fingers she reached out and slowly unbuckled his belt, then popped the button at the waist. Slowly the zipper followed and then she was looking into his face, those green eyes smoldering. Without looking down she hooked her thumbs into his waistband and began pushing down. When they fell the rest of the way under their own weight she directed her gaze downward and gasped and then let out a soft coo and he felt her hands take hold of the long thick shaft and start stroking it slowly. Then her lips found his and they shared a long soft kiss while his hands searched out and found her tight ass.

"Oh, my god, I've waited so long for this. I can believe how huge your cock is. I've wanted you so badly."

With that said she sank into a crouch and began to rub the head over her cheeks and lips. Precum was already oozing and her tongue snaked out to wipe the head clean. How in the world can one boy have the attention of two amazing girls and not have it all blow up in his face. Oh well, he'll just have to hope it all doesn't end in fire and flames. Speaking of flames, the feel of her lips on his cock as she kissed her way up and down the shaft burned. She pushed the shaft flat against his stomach and began to lick and mouth his smooth balls and then run her tongue along the bottom of the shaft. Her arms snaked around his hips so that she could pull him tightly against her face while her hands took hold of his ass cheeks. He was sure she was purring while she rubbed her face all over his cock. When her full, wet lips opened and slipped over the top of his bulbous head he started to moan. Then the lips began a slow transit along his cock until she couldn't swallow any more of it.

"Wow, Jules, your mouth feels so fucking good."

When she took a tighter grip on his ass and began to fuck her own mouth, he had to put his hands on her shoulders to balance himself. Either she was a real natural or had some real training, and he didn't want to think about that. To him it looked like she was able to get half his cock into her mouth. It was more than enough. She let it slide out until the head was locked in by her lips and then back in until she couldn't take any more. Out and then in, a slow steady blow job that he hoped would go on forever.

But of course, it couldn't but for two horny teenagers, they did a very respectable job of prolonging the action. Apparently, someone had told the girl about the concept of edging and she had brought Tim to the edge several times, only to back him off and start the process over again. But eventually biology finally won out and Tim went up on his toes and began to shoot his load. What Jules wasn't prepared for was volume. Those big balls generated a massive load that filled her mouth about half way through the third stream and she had to back off and with cum dripping from her lips the remainder of his load smeared her face and neck.

"Oh, my god, Timmy, that was incredible," she exclaimed after her squealing and laughter subsided.

"I'm sorry, I believe that was supposed to be what I said," he replied from the safety of the little love seat after his knees had given out. "Damn, Jules, you really know how to suck a cock."

She giggled a bit but her eyes and face were shining despite the coating she had just started to clean off.

"Thank you, baby. Your big, beautiful cock is very inspirational. And just so you know, yours is the first real one I've ever sucked."

"Is that right? We'll then I guess I'd have to say you're a natural and I'm extremely lucky. Of course now you realize that you need to be taken care of, right?"

Jules adopted a rather coy expression and said,

"And just what do you have in mind, sweetie?"

"Just this," he replied while leaning forward to take hold of her shoulders, urging her to move up onto the love seat and giving her a nudge to slouch a bit while he slid to his knees in between her bare legs.

She didn't do anything to help, apparently enjoying her boyfriend's initiative but she did wiggle her ass when he pushed up her skirt and pulled down her thong panties. Her pussy was cleanly and recently shaved and the lips looked puffy and wet. With a smile he dipped his head down and his tongue began to flick lightly over her clit and upper lips.

"Oooo, that feels soooo nice."

When his tongue pushed the lips aside and began moving up and down in long swipes, she merely grunted and groaned, shimmying her ass towards the very edge of the cushion. With a hand on the back of each thigh he pushed her legs back and exposed the whole of her pussy and her asshole to his probing, loving tongue. Her grunting became more pronounced and her hips began lifting her ass off the cushion. Krissy had taught him well and it wasn't long before her hands had clamped down on his head and she lifted her ass up and came, hard.

"Oh, fuckkkkk..."

Tim was really hoping now one was around next door on either side. Despite the intensity of Jules' orgasm Tim kept up the pressure and orgasm two wasn't far behind number one. This time her ass was bouncing and she had a double handful of his hair as she gurgled incoherently. When she was done her body was just a limp sack of muscle and bone sprawled across half the love seat. One hand did work and she used it to pull his head up so that she could focus on his face and say,

"Jesus, that was fantastic and if you don't do it to me again, I will never talk to you again."

With that said she pushed his head back down so that he could begin assault number three, again with her legs pushed up and back. This time her tight pink sphincter took the brunt of the attention and her response after the first yelp was to wiggle and grind her ass while at the same time using her hips to work her asshole against his tongue. The inevitable result was the same however when she finally went rigid, let out a brief scream and shuddered and vibrated her way through her third orgasm of the day.

Before she was a lump, now she was a wet dishrag draped over the cushions of the love seat. Her still concealed chest was heaving as she tried to recover but her eyes remained closed and lips were slack. It was interesting therefore when he tried to move out from between her legs that a hand shot out to lock on his right forearm and he was pulled up so that he was half covering her body with his.

`Damn, cheerleaders be strong,' he thought.

Her other arm came into play and he was inexorably pulled down into a tight embrace so that he was feeling her firm, clad tits against his chest and their mouths were next to the other's ear.

"Mmm, I've never felt like this before, sweetheart. Where did you learn that?" she muttered.

"My sister told me some things about how to treat a girl," was all he would share.

"Remind me to tell your sister how much I love her when we meet."

"She'll know, but speaking of that, if I'm your first, where'd you learn all this," he asked.

She coughed a bit and then said,

"Let's just say I came into possession of some written material and a few teaching aids."

`Found someone's porn stash and some toys,' he thought to himself.

Who cares if it gave results like this. They remained like this for a while longer and then he felt her hand moving around down by his waist. Then she found what she was searching for and had his still hard cock in her hand.


"Yes, baby."

"I'm not ready for this in me yet, but I want to feel your warm cum on my body again, please. Can you do that for me?"

"I think we can work something out."

Tim got himself from on top of her and sat back against the arm of the loveseat. Jules pushed herself up, with some effort, so that she was likewise resting against the opposite armrest. Tim took hold of his cock and began to stroke the thick shaft. Jules locked her eyes on what was happening and she began to slowly rub her hands over her stomach and thighs. Tim had a feeling he wouldn't be the only one cumming before they were done. This put the last bit of starch in his cock and the precum was really starting to flow. This was one area of sex that he had a lot of experience with. He had stroked out his first cum load well before he turned twelve.

He watched as the hand on her stomach slowly made its way down so that her fingers began to caress her clit and pussy lips. Her eyes were half closed but they remained fixed on the head of her boyfriend's cock as the precum oozed from the tip and ran down the shaft. Thanks to the cumming that took place earlier, it took a fair amount of time before Tim's balls pulled up and signaled he was about to shoot his load.

"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna shoot."

"On me, let me feel your hot cum, sweetheart."

Tim rolled up onto his knees and with the both hands stroking he began to fire off stream after stream of thick white cum onto Jules stomach and tee shirt. She in turn let out a squeal and went stiff as her own hands got her to cum hard one last time. When they had finished he was once more pulled down into a tight embrace, one that had his cum rubbing between them. Then her lips were on his and a long grinding kiss began to bring their adventure to an end.

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