Six Guys No Chaperone


Published on Nov 19, 2013


The Remington High School yearbook club is on a field trip. Fourteen girls and six guys came along, so the group divided into four rooms. Three rooms of girls (each with a chaperone), and one room of six guys.

The guys didn't mind being crammed into one room. Especially if it meant being un-chaperoned. But when they get to the hotel, they see how small the beds are. None of them want to share such small beds with another dude.

"I need this whole mattress," Walker Davidson said, trying to claim the full sized bed by the window, laying on it with his arms and legs spread out, his luggage at his feet.

"Yeah right," his buddy Tommy said. "Then I get this one." He did the same, calling the bed next to it.

By the time Jeremy and Luke were in the room, all three beds were "called" by the assholes of the group.

"So where are we supposed to sleep, you idiots?" Benjamin asked. He wasn't about to sleep on the floor. "We all know we're sharing beds. So get over yourselves." Benjamin wasn't afraid of Walker and his boys. He was dating a college girl--a woman. He was over high school, especially guys like Walker.

"I fart in my sleep," Tommy said. "So whoever's into that can crash with me." Walker laughed.

"Yeah, he does," Walker blurted out. "Me too."

"You guys should sleep together then," Luke said, the only freshman.

"What did you say, twerp?" Tommy said, getting up from the bed and stepping up to Luke, like he was going to fight him.

"Give it a rest," Benjamin said. "He's just a kid."

Luke didn't like being treated like he couldn't defend himself. He might be a freshman, but he had four older brothers. He knew how to throw a bunch as hard as any of them.

"I can take care of myself," he said to Benjamin.

"Big dog!" BJ said, the third of the meat heads. "This little puppy's got bite! Snap."

"Shut up," Walker said, and BJ got quiet.

"Why don't we draw numbers to see who sleeps where," Jeremy said, always the pragmatist. "Six pieces of paper, three beds, all random."

"That's a good idea," Benjamin said.

"No it's not. Sounds like faggot lottery," Walker said.

"Fuck this," Ben said, over the drama. "I'm gonna ask Mrs. P we can get another room. Cool?" Ben started for the door.

"No man," Tommy said, blocking him. "You heard what Mrs. P said. I don't want her husband driving out and babysitting us. It's bad enough we have to bunk with you dorks."

"Mr. P can room with us. You three can have this room all to yourself, how's that?" Ben looked at Jeremy and Luke. They were fine rooming with Mr. P if it meant not having to be called faggots, and not having to sleep on the floor.

"Awesome," BJ said, but Walker didn't like the plan.

"We all know that if the guys are getting a chaperone they're going to put him with us," he said, and he was right. Walker and his boys were always in trouble. Mrs. P would insist. Otherwise, who know what would happen.

"Look," Tommy said, "There's a bar two miles down the road. Walker and us are planning to hot foot it down there after bed check. According to Yelp, they're cool. And it's Ladies Night! All the juicy bitches we want." Tommy grabbed his crotch and nodded. "We can't have no chaperone tonight."

"I don't know," Jeremy said. "I'm not going to a bar. I'm not 21, and neither are any of you."

Walker pulled out his fake ID and flashed it for the other guys. "Read it and weep, loser."

"Yeah," Tommy said. "I've got one too. It's called 'preparation,' bitch." BJ laughed, nodding.

"You all brought fake IDs?" Luke said. "I don't have one." He wanted to go to the bar too. Less for Ladies Night, and more to drink. But still.

"You guys can do whatever you want, but leave us out of it," Benjamin said. He actually had a fake ID too. It was a necessity, dating his college girl. She was always inviting him to concerts and bars he couldn't get into without one. He never drank when he went out, though, not wanting to push his luck. "And while you're out getting juicy," Ben said, "We'll each take a bed. Then you can come in all tipsy and sleep wherever."

"No, man," Walker said. "This one's mine." He fell back again onto the bed by the window.

Jeremy was thinking about calling his dad, and seeing if he would spring for another room. Mrs. P didn't have to know. But his dad was always lecturing him on standing up for himself. He had the money, but it would turn into an argument about "conflict resolution."

"BJ, Luke, and I are the smallest. So each of us will bunk with one of you," he said. "Makes sense. Now you want to call it, or should we draw a number?"

"I call BJ," Walker said, and BJ stepped over and sat on Walker's bed. But as soon as he was sitting, Walker pushed him off. "You're sleeping on the floor though."

All of the guys laughed, even Jeremy. "This is ridiculous," he said.

"I call Luke," Tommy said. "Hope you like dark meat." Walker high-fived his best friend. Luke rolled his eyes, but sat on the bed across from the loud mouth.

"You weren't serious about the farting," he said to Tommy.

Ben nodded to Jeremy. They would share the third bed, which was fine by them. At least it was settled.

It was after 10 PM when Mrs. P came by to check on the guys' room. "We have to get up early tomorrow to meet with the printer. I want you all to get a good night's sleep, okay?"

"Yes Mrs. P," they all said, all of them in their pajamas. Walker was brushing his teeth, pretending to be ready for bed.

As soon as she said goodnight, Walker and the boys started changing back into their clothes. Luke watched as Walker pulled off his shirt. He had thick, dark chest and pit hair. His pecks and upper arms were tan and strong. Luke looked away before Walker saw him looking, but Jeremy noticed.

Walker turned around and pulled down his flannel pajama bottoms, revealing bright yellow underwear, tight over his muscular ass as he bent to dig fresh clothes out of his bag. Jeremy watched as Luke kept steeling peeks at the jock's hairy crack.

"Hey Benji," Walker said to Ben as he turned around, clearly comfortable being mostly naked in a room of men. "You sure you don't want to come?" He sounded nice for once. Walker had seen the guy out. He knew he had a fake ID. And of the group, Ben definitely looked the oldest. "I know you have a girl, man," Walker said, "but we could use another wingman." He pulled on a pair of jeans that made his crotch look huge.

"I don't think so," Ben said. "Thanks though." Walker shrugged, then pulled on his undershirt.

"Well, we should exchange numbers," he said. "In case something goes down."

"Goes down? Like a fight?" Jeremy asked.

"Or, like, if Mrs. P comes looking for us. You can text us. I don't know."

"That's a good idea," Ben said, and traded numbers with the guys. Soon Walker and his boys were quietly out the door.

"Finally, I can breathe," Luke said. "Those dudes are intense." Jeremy and Ben nodded. Jeremy moved to Walker's bed as the guys watched TV. No point in wasting the bed until they went to sleep.

Jeremy took out his sketchbook. He always drew at night. It was how he unwound at the end of the day. He sketched the chair, piled with Walker's dirty clothes. The side of the TV, with a bottle of Gatorade next to it. He looked over and Luke was watching him.

"You're pretty good," Luke said, and Jeremy thanked him for the compliment.

"Yeah, that's solid," Ben chimed in. "Where'd you learn to draw like that?" He asked, but Jeremy just shrugged. He hadn't learned it anywhere. He had just always drawn. For as long as he could remember.

"I wish I had a talent like that," Ben said. "My girlfriend is always saying I need a hobby. What's that all about? It's like she's bored by me." Luke asked Ben how he met his girlfriend, and the two of them talked while Jeremy drew. He included the other guys in the picture of the room, then showed them.

"You should draw for the yearbook!" Luke said. "Seriously. It's way cooler than any photo."

"You think so?" Jeremy asked. He'd never bring up the idea on his own, but the thought had occurred to him. Ben agreed.

"I'll bring it up to Mrs. P tomorrow, definitely," Ben said. He was the editor, after all. She would listen to him.

Suddenly Ben got a text. It was from the boys. Walker let the guys know they'd gotten to the bar. "There's no one carding. You guys should come."

When Ben showed Luke and Jeremy the text, Luke got excited. "We should!" he said. "Let's do it."

"I don't know," Jeremy said. "I don't look 21. Not even close." Neither did Luke, honestly.

"Yeah," Ben said. "It's not worth it."

"You guys are lame," Luke said, getting up to change. "I'm going." But Ben tried to talk him out of it.

"Don't walk along the highway by yourself, man," Ben said. It sounded crazy to him. But when Luke insisted on going, Ben gave in. He texted Walker to give him the heads up that Luke was on his way. Soon, it was just Ben and Jeremy in the room.

"Those guys are totally going to get busted," Ben said. "And Mrs. P is going to be pissed."

"Well, you warned him," Jeremy said, still sketching.

"What you drawing now?" Ben asked, bored with the show they were watching, and Jeremy tilted the sketchbook to show him. He'd sketched the light fixture on the ceiling, the alarm clock, the pattern in the carpet.

"Don't you get bored sketching random shit?" Ben said. "I mean, it looks awesome, don't get me wrong."

"It's a little boring, yeah. But it's good practice."

"Want to draw me?" Ben asked. He had his arms up under his pillow, laying on top of the covers. "I don't mind. It might be better than an alarm clock."

"Yeah, thanks," Jeremy said. His favorite thing to draw was people. He'd sketched his family members a thousand times, especially his little brother, who loved to pose for him.

"I'll try to stay still," Ben said, picking at his crotch. Keeping his eyes fixed on the TV, even though he was no longer interested.

"Just relax," Jeremy said. "It's part of the challenge, if you move I mean."

Ben smiled, then relaxed again. Jeremy sketched the folds in the blanket, then up Ben's legs and waist. He drew a quick outline of Ben's flat stomach, chest, and arms. And finally the position of Ben's face. He was fast, his eyes darting all along Ben's body. Catching every detail, from where Ben's pajamas fell, to how his armpit hair curled with his arms raised. Jeremy sketched his lips and nose and open eyes. Shading in Ben's light scruff and the shadows under his pecks.

"How we doing?" Ben asked after a few minutes.

"Almost done," Jeremy said. He wanted to fill in a little of the room. He added quick lines for the wallpaper, and the very edge of the picture frame above the headboard.

"Here you go." Jeremy handed the sketchbook to Ben, who sat up, happy to move finally. Jeremy watched his face as Ben's eyes traced over his work. He smiled and nodded, taking his time.

"That's me," he said. Ben examined every detail. Jeremy had included the mole on his forearm, the ribbing of his undershirt. The slightly awkward expression on his face. He had captured it all. "You could do this for a living, you know that?"

"I want to," Jeremy confessed.

"You ever get paid?" Ben asked him, handing Jeremy back his sketchbook.

"Sometimes," he said, but in truth it had only been once. And it was his aunt, and it wasn't much money.

"It's actually my girlfriend's birthday next week. Want to make some bucks right now? She'd really get a kick out of it, I think. She loves that art stuff."

"Sure," Jeremy said. He was flattered. And who doesn't like money? He reached in his backpack for his other sketchpad. It had pages that were more easily removed.

"Wow, you're ready to go. So profesh," Ben said. "Let me pee first." Ben got up and went to the bathroom.

Jeremy reviewed what he'd drawn so far that night, smiling at his own sketches. He wondered if Mrs. P would really go for it, letting him draw for yearbook. He'd been secretly wanting to for a while. In fact, that's why he joined the yearbook club. He dreamed about doing the cover, drawing the school entrance with all of the school's most colorful characters positioned throughout the scene. He wondered if the gang would go for it. He knows he would do a good job.

Ben came out of the bathroom. He'd put something in his hair.

"I'm nervous now," he confessed to Jeremy. "I want her to like it." He let Jeremy pose him, like he does his brother. His back to the headboard, his knees to his chest. "I don't know," Ben said. "I was thinking something cooler. Or, you know, sexier." Saying it, Ben felt even more uncomfortable. "You know, like something to remember me by," he explains.

"I'll draw whatever you want," Jeremy said. He wasn't easily embarrassed. "You could strip for all I care. I'm just doing my job."

Ben laughed, considering it. He thought about what his girlfriend would want, the kinds of pictures of him she likes. She was always making fun of him for the funny faces he makes in photos. She was always begging him to look more sexy. "Fuck the camera with your eyes," she'd beg him. But Ben didn't think of himself like that. It made him feel silly for some reason.

"I know," he said. He moved Walker's clothes from the chair and sat in it. He got comfortable, but it still didn't feel right.

"We could turn off the lights," Jeremy said. "So only the one lamp is on you. Would look cool."

"Yeah?" Ben said, trusting Jeremy. The guys moved the lamp and chair, turned the lights out. "Oh, what the hell," Ben said. He pulled off his shirt, revealing his naked chest. He looked up at Jeremy, who wasn't phased in the least. Not on outside, anyway. Inside, he was admiring Ben's body. For one of the nerds, he looked surprisingly fit. He wasn't big and muscly like Walker or his crew, but he was toned, had definition. Even abs. Ben pulled his pajama bottoms down too. "This too much?" He asked Jeremy, but the artist shook his head.

"Whatever you want me to draw is cool," Jeremy said. "I'm actually excited. I've never drawn your body type before," he confessed. "This will be a learning experience for me. Something new."

"Oh, good," Ben said. It made him more comfortable, hearing Jeremy talk about it in such a detached way. He considered pulling down his underwear. When else would he have the chance to get a nude drawing done? But he knew he'd be giving it to his girlfriend and he didn't want to have to explain where it came from, that he stripped for one of the underclass yearbook kids on their field trip.

Ben got comfortable in the chair, but still wasn't sure of his pose. "If you have any advice," he said to Jeremy, "feel free."

"Sure," Jeremy said. "Toward the light a little," he said. "Put your elbow higher." He kept giving Ben instructions, but finally he stood and positioned him. He pulled his right wrist lower, moved the hair over his eyebrow to the right. Finally, he put his hands on the guy's knees and spread them a little apart. And then more apart. "Too much?"

"You're the expert," Ben said, blushing. His dick was plumping up in his underwear, and he kept looking down to see if he was getting too hard. "Sorry, bro," he said, once he saw he had a full boner.

"Pretend I'm not here," Jeremy said, and Ben reached into his underwear, pulling his cock to the side so it looked as big as possible. The way he had for pics he'd text to his girl.

"I think I'm ready," Ben said, embarrassed but excited. He put his arms and legs back where Jeremy had wanted them. He raised his chin and looked Jeremy in the eyes, raising an eyebrow to ask if he looked okay.

Suddenly Ben's phone buzzed. Someone had texted him. Shit, Ben thought. Of course, now that I'm posed and ready.

"I can get it, if you want," Jeremy offered, and Ben told him where the phone was.

"It's from Luke," Jeremy said. "He's just now getting there. And the guys are wasted."

"Perfect," Ben said, wanting to get the portrait over with. He was suddenly worried the gang might come back before the two of them were finished. He didn't want to think about what Walker and his boys would say if they walked in on a mostly naked portrait. Especially if they were drunk.

Jeremy sat back down. Ben looked more casual than he had when posed. It was perfect, except for his expression. He looked... worried.

"She's going to like it, I think," Jeremy told him, wanting him to look more confident. "You look good, don't worry." Ben rolled his eyes, blushing again, then relaxing the best he could.

Jeremy hurried to capture it. The shape of his torso and head, waist and legs and chair. He made marks where Ben's arms bent, where his chin and adam's apple fell. Ben watched Jeremy work, amazed at how quickly the sketch came together. He could almost make out what Jeremy was drawing, enough to know it looked good. He looked sexy, like he wanted.

Ben's dick was still hard. And sitting there, with Jeremy's eyes on every inch of him, he was getting harder. He focused his attention on not moving too much, but soon there was a spot of precum forming at the tip of his boner. He hoped Jeremy wouldn't see, wouldn't draw it. And then, his dick started to twitch. He let out a soft sound, a breath that would have been a moan if he hadn't caught himself. He was totally turned on by this. And Jeremy knew it.

"Should I pull off my underwear?" He asked Jeremy, noticing that the guy had moved the sketchbook deeper into his lap. Jeremy was hard too. He had wanted to be professional, but he couldn't control it.

"Don't move," Jeremy said, afraid to mess up the portrait. But Ben's dick kept moving in place. And the expression on his face.

"I'm going to draw your face now," he warned Ben. "So stay still, okay?"

Ben wanted to smile conspiratorially, but he instead froze. "You look scared," Jeremy confessed, not wanting to capture him like that. "Think of your girlfriend. What's her name?"

"Lanie," Ben said.

"Pretend I'm her," Jeremy said, but that made Ben's face worse. He was embarrassed now. "Look at me," he said to Ben, and the boys locked eyes. "I need you to look at me sexy, just for a bit. A minute or two at most."

Ben saw the glimmer of lust in Jeremy's eyes. He felt sexy. He felt too sexy, that's what the problem was. But Jeremy had given him permission. He trusted the guy. And so he stopped hiding behind his embarrassment and let Jeremy see the real him.

"Fuck me with your eyes," Lanie had told Ben so many times, but it never worked. Now, looking Jeremy in the eyes, he knew what she meant. He let Jeremy see how aroused he was. He wanted Jeremy to see in his eyes that he was into it. He licked his lips and moaned, feeling his cock throb in his lap, untouched. It strained against the fabric of his briefs, and it felt good.

"So good," Jeremy said, and Ben heard everything in Jeremy's voice.

"Thanks, bro," Ben said, his voice different. His attitude different. He pictured Jeremy moving his sketchpad and showing off his own twitching cock. But he didn't look down. He stared forward into Jeremy's eyes, as the guy looked up from the pad and back down. Up and down, up and down. Each time their eyes locked, like a little spark of sex catching between them.

Jeremy smiled at Ben, nodding. He kept sketching, but he had finished the face. He was happy with it. Ben smiled back, unable to see the drawing, other than to see that it was there. Jeremy finished the details on Ben's chest and abs, working his way down.

"Drawing my dick now?" He asked, knowing he was right.

"Unless you don't want me to," Jeremy said, ignoring the tone Ben was using. He was flirting with him! Jeremy couldn't believe it.

"I wish I had taken my briefs off," Ben said, and his cock twitched again.

"Stay still!" Jeremy flirted back. And Ben made it twitch again, that time on purpose.

"So bad," Jeremy muttered, totally turned on by the senior. He started to wish the sketch were for him instead of Lanie. He wanted to remember the moment forever.

"Almost done? Cause I'm going to need a shower," Ben laughed. They both knew what he meant.

"Me too," Jeremy said, afraid he was saying too much. "Separately. Obviously," he said. He looked up at Ben, wishing he hadn't said anything at all. But Ben had the sex look on his face. The one Jeremy had asked for before.

"Not as obvious as you'd think," Ben said, quietly. Almost to himself.

"I'm finished with your face," he said, "You can stop now!"

"Stop what?" Ben flirted.

"Fucking me with your eyes," Jeremy blushed.

"You don't like it?"

Jeremy didn't want to admit that he did, that he liked it too much. That he never wanted it to stop. Ben winked at him, and the two sat there in silence as Jeremy finished the portrait. He felt proud of it. So proud that he forgot about his own hard on, and handed Ben the pad.

The senior wanted to see the portrait, obviously, but he wanted to see what was in Jeremy's lap even more. To confirm that Jeremy was as aroused as he was. And there in the boy's lap was the proof.

Ben looked at the drawing. It was unbelievably hot. He'd never seen himself in that way.

"You really bring out the best in people," Ben said. Finally, he could touch his erection. He did, and electricity coursed through his body. "Showertime," he said, needing suddenly to jerk off. Wanting, needing release.

He looked at Jeremy, searching his face. "Unless..." Ben said, stroking himself through his underwear.

"Unless what?" Jeremy asked. He wasn't sure what Ben was inviting, only that it was an invitation.

"Unless you want to keep sketching," Ben said. He pulled down his underwear slowly, and his cock sprang up.

Next: Chapter 2

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