Six Guys No Chaperone


Published on Jan 6, 2014


"Mr. P!" Jeremy said, loud enough for the guys in the bathroom to hear.

"You can call me Shane. I'm your new chaperone."

Luke scrambled to get up. The freshman's pale skin was flush with heat from the tub, water trailing down his smooth body and dripping all over on the bathroom floor. He hurried for a towel, pushing Ben practically into the sink.

The senior couldn't believe Mrs. P would volunteer her husband, and that the stranger would intrude on their room like that, without any warning. Ben had met with his teacher earlier in the day, and she hadn't mentioned it. In fact, she had told Ben she trusted him, and that she'd talk to him later about her decision. And yet, here was their new chaperone.

Luke's hard dick tented the towel as he dried his chest, then pits. Ben stared absentmindedly as Luke dried his arms and groin. And then bent over in a rush to dry his legs. Ben couldn't take his eyes off of him, and yet it wasn't the boy's ass he was thinking about. Did the fact that her husband was there mean that Mrs. P no longer trusted Ben? Was he in some kind of trouble?

"Mr. P? I mean, Shane. Sir?" Jeremy asked the man. "Can you come back in, like, five minutes? It's kind of a wreck. We weren't expecting you."

The man looked nothing like Mrs. P. He was big and brawny, with a dark brown beard and severe eyes. Mrs. P was a sweet woman, with a constant smile and bright blue eyes. Jeremy could imagine her in a soap commercial, smiling down into a sink full pots and pans.

Shane pushed his way into the room. He had two bags, exactly the same. Both long and smaller around than a duffle bag. He set them down by the foot of the bed with a clang. Whatever was in there was made of metal.

"There's nothing in here I haven't seen, boy," the man said to Jeremy, and then looked around, as if to survey the damage. Walker's clothes were all over his bed. And there were chip bags and empty soda cans. Nothing incriminating. Jeremy saw his sketch book and hurried to pick it up.

"What's that?" Shane reached for it, but Jeremy held it to his chest.

"It's personal," Jeremy said, but he knew that he'd piqued the man's curiosity. Jeremy turned to a page with an innocent drawing, a sketch of a dandelion puff he'd seen growing out of a sidewalk crack. He'd sketched it a month ago, waiting for the bus. Jeremy held it up to show Shane. Then he turned the page to show him the next drawing. It was of Jeremy's brother standing up on a swing.

Shane reached again for the sketchbook, but Jeremy held it tight.

"Talented kid," the man said. Jeremy hadn't been called a kid in years. He almost laughed, but he managed to keep a straight face.

Suddenly Ben appeared from the bathroom. He was fully dressed, didn't look weird at all except for a slight bulge he believed wasn't noticeable. He stepped forward and extended his hand to Shane. The two shook hands, and introduced themselves. Shane looked down at their handshake. Ben's hands were wet.

"Just washed them," he said, pointing to the bathroom door. "So, should we find Mrs. P and tell her you're here?" Ben started for the door, hoping Shane would follow.

"She knows I'm here," the man said. "Where are the rest of you troublemakers? I don't want to have to give my speech twice."

"Speech?" Ben asked. "Are we in trouble?"

"Like I said," Shane said, sounding very serious. "I don't like to repeat myself. Where are the other guys?"

"I'll get them, Sir," Ben said, and then left the room in a hurry.

Shane shook his head and then looked Jeremy up and down.

"Do I look like a 'Sir' to you?" the man asked the sophomore. Jeremy nodded, though he knew it wasn't what Shane wanted to hear. "Shit," he said. "This is why I'm not a teacher."

"What are you?" Jeremy asked, and Shane explained that he was a foreman for a construction crew.

"I keep fools in line for a living, so don't test me."

"No, Sir," Jeremy said, and Shane rolled his eyes.

Ben opened the door and entered the room, followed by Walker, Tommy, and BJ. Shane waved for them to come in, closer.

"Is this everyone?" Shane asked, counting. The guys shook their heads no, and then Luke appeared from the bathroom, dressed, but in wet clothes. His hair was still damp. Shane looked at him, confused, and then looked at Ben, like he was piecing something together. Then, without skipping a beat, he asked again. "Now is this everyone?"

The boys nodded.

"I'm Shane Penwasczyk, your new chaperone. Call me Shane. Not Mr. P, not Sir. Just Shane. Got that?" He asked and the gang all nodded. "I'm here, because you assholes can't keep your shit together for one night."

BJ snickered at the sound of the adult cursing. Even their coach didn't cuss when he was mad. But Shane gave BJ a look that shut him up real quick. Shane didn't think it was funny, and the boys knew it.

"Whose bright idea was it to charge porn to the room last night?" Shane asked, as if he was embarrassed for the guys, like it was pathetic. "Don't you have phones? Or laptops? And didn't you know you'd be caught?" He said, looking straight at Walker. "Or were you maybe a little more tipsy than you told Kimberly?"

"Who's Kimberly?" Tommy said.

"Mrs. P," Ben told Tommy, and then BJ looked at the man, like he was finally putting it together that Shane and Mrs. P were married.

"Look, I don't give a shit," Shane said, not like he was trying to sound cool, but like he truly didn't care about the guys' wellbeing. "I don't care what you do, so long as I don't get in trouble with my wife. These are vacation days I'm using on your sorry asses, so take it easy on me and stay out of trouble." Shane looked around, making eye contact with each one of them. "Who sleeps where?"

Ben pointed to his bed. "I'm here," he said.

"Me too," Jeremy said.

"I thought we were mixing it up tonight," Walker said, giving the sophomore a knowing look.

"Me too," Luke said without skipping a beat, as if the guys had all discussed it. He didn't look at Ben, but Shane did. Jeremy raised his eyebrow at the freshman. The kid winked at him and smirked, in response.

"Wait, you're going to give up your bed, Walker?" Tommy asked, all suspicious. And suddenly the guys started to talk over one another, debating who should sleep where.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor," Luke said. "I'm just saying that right now."

"No one is sleeping on the floor," Shane said, louder than anyone. He kicked one of his bags with a clang. "I brought two cots," he said. "I'll sleep on one. You turds can fight over the other. Everyone else is sharing."

The guys all looked at each other. "Where will you set them up?" Walker asked. The floor of the room was a mess, clothes everywhere.

"Good question!" Shane said, with mock enthusiasm. "You pigs are going to clean up this shit hole. You're going to put your clothes where it belongs, in these drawers or in your bags. And then once the floors are clear, assemble the cots here and here," Shane explained, pointing to the spaces between the beds. "That way, there will be a nice, clear walkway. How does that sound?"

The guys looked around at each other. Especially Jeremy, Ben, and Luke.

"Don't worry," Shane said. "The cots won't be in your way."

But that's exactly where they'd be. Right in the way, dividing one bed from another. And Ben knew it.

"You have ten minutes to clean this place up," Shane commanded. "Don't let me down, ladies." And then he left the room, closing the door assertively behind him.

"What the fuck was that?" Walker said to Ben. "I thought you convinced her?!"

"So did I!" Ben said with a shrug. Walker could tell that Ben looked worried. "I guess that was before she found the porn, asshole."

"Oh, whatever," the jock said, then. "It's not like it was crazy porn. That was some pretty tame stuff."

Luke started tidying his area, and so did Jeremy. Ben searched around the bed for his things, but everything was mostly in his bag. The mess was mostly Walker's and Tommy's. Even BJ had kept his bag together.

"I guess we won't be partying tonight," BJ said. "This sucks."

"We'll see," Walker said, pushing the last of his mess into his bag with one big fist just as Shane returned to set up the cots.

That night, after a long day of visiting with printers with Mrs. P, the guys headed back to their hotel room. Mrs. P had kissed her husband goodnight, and Shane told her not to worry.

"These guys are in good hands," he said. "See you early in the morning, honey."

BJ claimed the cot between Walker and Tommy. He laid back on it, going on and on about how much more comfortable the cot was than the floor.

Shane sat reading email on his phone while the guys fought over the remote to the TV, no one agreeing on what to watch.

"No porn tonight, boys," Shane reminded them, and the group groaned in agreement. Then Shane started to put his shoes back on. "Can I trust you guys alone here for a few hours?" Shane asked.

"Where are you going?" Walker asked.

"I'm going to go out for a night cap. I'll be back before you know it," he said.

"You can't just leave us here," BJ told the chaperone, but Walker shut the kid up real quick.

"See ya," the jock said, happy to be rid of the adult for an hour or more.

"If my wife calls, tell her I'm in the shower, and give me a call," Shane said. "My number's on the table there," he said.

And then Shane was gone. Just like that. Having barely slept the night before, Jeremy felt ready to crash. Yet suddenly the guys were all wide awake, eager to get into some trouble.

"Let's order room service," BJ said.

"This hell hole doesn't have room service, Dawg," Tommy said. "Plus we just ate."

Walker looked over at Ben and Jeremy. The guys were whispering to each other, with Luke hovering close by.

"What do you pussies want to do?" Walker asked them, but they ignored him. Jeremy was the only one to look up, but he didn't answer. He just looked Walker in the eyes, meeting his gaze.

"They don't want to do shit. Just like last night," Tommy said. He didn't seem to know what Ben and Jeremy did, and Walker liked it that way. At least for a while.

"Let's get out of here," Walker said, standing up. "Let's go back to that bar."

"But Mr. P is there," Luke said.

"You mean 'Shane?'" Ben reminded him, and they all laughed.

"I hate that he makes us call him that. Like he's one of us," BJ said, but everyone ignored him.

"Who cares that he's there? You think he's going to tell on us to Mrs. P? He'd be in as much trouble as we would." Walker was making a lot of sense to Jeremy. He was making a lot of sense to everyone.

"That's true," the sophomore said. Ben agreed.

"Let's do it, then," Tommy said. "What's he going to do?"

The high school boys showed up to the bar. When they walked in, the place was empty. The few customers there looked up at the young guys, including Shane. Their chaperone pretended not to know them, just as Walker predicted.

"Do you have whipped cream?" Walker asked the bartender, and the bartender nodded. "Blow jobs all around," Walker said. "And I'll have a Guiness."

"Six blow jobs and a Guiness?" The bartender repeated the order. Walker nodded.

"What's a blow job?" BJ asked, and all the guys laughed at him, even Shane, from across the bar.

"It's a shot. You'll like it," Walker said, slapping BJ on the back.

Soon, the bartender was pouring six identical shooters, each with a flower of whipped cream on top.

Jeremy reached for the shot in front of him and Walker slapped the boy's hand. "Wait, not so fast," he said. "It's a blow job shot. Just your mouth."

Walker demonstrated for the guys. He leaned forward, putting his lips wide around the shot glass, and shooting it back using only his mouth.

"I give blow jobs with hand," Jeremy said to Walker. The guys laughed, except for Tommy.

"What the fuck did that fag say?" Tommy said to BJ.

"However you give it is fine," Walker said, slapping Jeremy on the back then.

All at once, the boys took their shots. Tommy and BJ tried their best to look like Walker, but somehow they ended up with Bailey's and Kahlua running down their necks. Ben picked his up, like a cheater. And Luke and Jeremy treated the whole thing like a competition, each trying to mime the more realistic blow job for Walker.

At one point, letting the shot glass deep in his mouth, Jeremy looked down at Walker's bulge. The senior jock was enjoying the show. Still leaning over the bar, Jeremy met Walker's eye and winked. Walker raised an eyebrow to the sophomore and widened his stance.

Jeremy looked over at Shane. Mrs. P's husband was watching him too. When Jeremy looked at him, though, he looked away in a hurry.

Jeremy blushed at the thought of Mrs. P finding out about the blow job shots. Or worse.

"Do you want to play pool with me?" Ben asked Jeremy.

"I'm not very good," Jeremy said, looking back at Walker.

"Sure he does," Walker said, pushing Jeremy toward Ben. "Play pool with your boyfriend," he said.

"Cut it out," Ben said.

"Wait, you're not together? Or are you?"

"Seriously, man. Stop it now." Ben said, stepping up to Walker.

"I'm going to take that as a no," Walker said. "Cool. Just checking."

"Come on," Ben said, wanting Jeremy to follow him.

"I really suck at it," Jeremy told him. "I don't want to."

"I'll coach you, bro," Walker said, putting his hands on the sophomore's shoulders. Giving them a squeeze. "Let's kick your not-boyfriend's ass."

Jeremy followed Ben to the pool tables, and Walker followed Jeremy. The seniors explained the rules of the game, but Jeremy was distracted. Ben was giving him eyes, like they should try to escape Walker. But the jock was making his own eyes at Jeremy whenever Ben wasn't looking. He locked eyes with Jeremy hard, softening them with a little smirk.

Walker took a spare pool queue from the rack and demonstrated the proper way to hold it. Ben rolled his eyes, until Walker was leaning over the table as if to take a shot. Then even Ben couldn't help but stare at his classmate's hunky ass.

Walker knew what he was doing. Jeremy was beaming, Ben fuming. And soon Jeremy was playing like a champ. He put away two balls in a row when Walker called the next game.

"I play winner," he said, watching Jeremy take his turn to lean over the table, reaching for his next shot. Ben nursed his beer, continuing to watch Mr. P and the rest of the gang at the bar. The place was getting pretty busy. BJ was getting loud, telling jokes to the bartender's girlfriend. Tommy was onto his third drink already. And by the end of Jeremy's first game of pool the bar was packed enough that Ben couldn't see the group from the table.

"We should hang with the gang," Ben said, after he won.

"I called next game, bro," Walker insisted.

"I'm not up for another," Ben told him, heading to find the guys. Walker looked at Jeremy, and the sophomore agreed to play.

"Take it easy on me, though," Jeremy said. He was finally alone with Walker, the two of them feeling tipsy.

"I'll be gentle," the jock said. It made Jeremy's crotch tingle, and his mind wander. He pictured Walker pinning him down, gently, the weight of a man pressing down on him. He pictured Walker's eyes and mouth as the jock gently pushed a finger into his hole. The idea was enough to make Jeremy plump, right there at the pool table.

But before they could start their game, Shane came over.

"We're out," the man said, stroking his dark beard. "Come on. Before you get in trouble."

"You'd be in as much trouble as me," Walker tested. Shane laughed, putting his hand on the jock's shoulder.

"I don't think so, kid," Shane answered. Walker pushed his hand away.

Shane walked away, having given his warning. He led the group out, and Walker and Jeremy followed.

The bartender called after Walker. "You guys should come tomorrow night! Best night of the week!" Walker raised his chin in response. "I'll be sure to get some more whipped cream," the bartender added. Walker could hear some of the guys at the bar murmuring something. He wanted to step up to each of them, ask what was so funny. But his chaperone was there, and he didn't want to cause any trouble. So he let it go.

The boys started to walk toward the highway, assuming they'd all be walking again.

"Where are you going?" Shane called after them. He had driven, and was standing by his hot red car. "You'll fit," he said.

"Shotgun!" BJ said, running up to the front. But Walker opened the door to the car first, and started to climb in the front seat.

"Sorry, man," Shane said. "Car Rules."

"Seriously?" Walker asked, looking at BJ. He thought BJ would know his place, and hold back. If Walker wanted the front seat, he would get it.

Fuck "Car Rules," he thought.

But BJ took shot gun. After all, he'd called it. And so the other five guys piled into the backseat, Luke on Ben's lap, Jeremy on Walker's, with Tommy oblivious in the middle, singing along to radio.

Walker put his big hands on Jeremy's waist and shifted how the sophomore was sitting. Jeremy looked back to catch Ben's eye, but he was laughing with Luke about something. Suddenly, Jeremy didn't feel so guilty. He was already hard in his pants, and from the feeling below him Walker was getting there too. He felt the jock's hand rest on the small of his upper leg. Suddenly the senior's other hand was sweeping across his lap as Walker put his arm around Jeremy. Walker's thumb grazed the head of Jeremy's dick as he did it. Walker chuckled, wanting the boy to know he'd felt it. Then suddenly something twitched under Jeremy's ass. And Walker chuckled again.

It sent a shiver up Jeremy's spine. He thought of the night before, pictured Walker's hard dick, lit by the television. The look on his handsome face as he stroked it proudly. Walker had known the boy was watching, and he didn't mind. In fact, it had fueled how sexy Walker felt. And now here they were, the jock showing off again, his big cock swollen under the sophomore's ass, and Jeremy hard too.

Walker shifted in his seat again, moving Jeremy too so that the boy's ass crack was resting on his thick shaft.

"You guys need to stop wiggling around," Tommy said impatiently. Shane looked back in the rearview mirror at Ben and Luke. Jeremy turned to look back at Ben again, but all he could see was Luke blushing.

"It's not us, it's the car!" He said, clearly tipsy.

Jeremy could feel Walker's slow grind. He pressed hard into Jeremy, pulling the boy's ass down with his big arm. Suddenly Walker's forearm was rubbing on Jeremy's own dick.

Just as Walker started to pick up pace, the car was pulling into the hotel parking lot.

"You guys better be quite. I mean SILENT," Shane warned.

The gang climbed out of the car. Walker and Jeremy adjusted their hard-ons, hoping they weren't noticeable as they walked quietly to their room. Once everyone was inside and the door was shut, the boys settled into the room. BJ, still riding high from riding shotgun, claimed a bed for himself.

"I slept on the floor last night, dude. I don't want no cot."

"Yeah, who is sleeping where? You're 'mixing it up' tonight, right?" Shane asked, looking at Walker and then Ben.

"I'm fine where I am," Ben said. He waited for Jeremy to say the same.

"I need to be closer to the bathroom tonight," Luke said, reaching for an excuse to be in the first bed with Ben.

Walker was staring at Jeremy. Jeremy was studying Shane's face. The chaperone didn't seem comfortable with Ben and Luke sharing a bed. Though he didn't say it outright.

"BJ should get a bed tonight," the man said.

"I'll take the cot, then," Walker said. But Shane shook his head no.

"You're sharing tonight, big boy. Everyone takes a turn."

"What?" Walker didn't like Shane called the shots, suddenly. The guys could work it out on their own.

"Ben, why don't you take the other cot?" Shane said. It was a suggestion. And Ben knew that he didn't really have a choice. He moved to the cot between Walker and Tommy's beds.

Luke moved to where Ben had been. He was a little drunk. Not as bad as the previous night, but bad enough to kiss Jeremy's cheek. Only Walker saw it.

"Sweet," Tommy said, laying back in the newly empty bed. "All to myself? Thank you."

"Actually," Shane said. "I think BJ should get to sleep alone tonight. Since you all took advantage of him yesterday."

"Took advantage? Bitch passed out on the floor! That's not my fault." Tommy argued.

"Shhh," Shane said. "It's done."

"Fuck this shit," Tommy said, looking over at Walker. "I guess it's us, bro." Tommy shook his head. How were the two biggest guys in the room going to fit on that little hotel mattress?

"No, man," Walker said. "Can't happen. Shane, look at this. I need all of this space man." Walker gestured to the space around him on the bed. "I'm not being greedy, bro. I swear. Tommy here is just to big."

Shane knew Walker was right. They shouldn't be expected to cram onto one small bed while little BJ sleeps alone, and the two only underclassmen share the other.

"Jeremy," Shane said, and the boy jumped at the sound of the man's gruff voice saying his name.


"You're with Walker," he said. "Tommy's with Luke."

"But I've already shared with Tommy," Luke said, like the situation wasn't fair.

"So?" Shane said, having grown impatient with the process. "This isn't a square dance, princess. You don't get to bunk with every boy, one by one."

Luke's face turned bright red. Jeremy moved his stuff over by Walker's while Tommy pushed Luke over to make some room for him. Ben scowled at Walker, and Jeremy saw it. Shane looked around, happy the guys were settling down. He turned the lights out.

As soon as it was dark, Walker slid his arm around Jeremy, and reached his big hand down to the boy's crotch. Jeremy groaned, not knowing what to do. Ben was right there on the ground next to him.

"You heard the man," Walker whispered in Jeremy's ear, then grinding into him with a quiet moan. "Everybody takes a turn."

Next: Chapter 6

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