Six Guys No Chaperone


Published on Mar 27, 2014


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Walker led the group in a countdown, and then all at once they put their mouths around the shot glasses. They tipped their heads back, making a complete mess in the process. Only Luke managed to get his mouth around the whipped cream without half of it ending up on his lips. He smiled proudly as the rest of the guys fumbled, laughing.

Walker raised his thumb to Jeremy's mouth. He took a swipe of cream from the sophomore's lips and then licked it off with wink.

Jeremy smiled, but his mind was elsewhere.

What had the guys walked into? There were colorful lasers lighting the mirrored walls. Three go-go boys danced shirtless on the bar, their chests already wet with sweat. One of them was practically naked, wearing only underwear and sneakers. He was hairless, except for his legs and armpits. As early as it was, the place was already crowded, and as Jeremy looked around he started to notice how many of the men were staring at his group. They were checking out Ben and Walker, sure. But Jeremy too. Even BJ, who looked upset to be there.

The naked go-go boy stomped down the bar toward them.

"What's your name," the dancer said, crouching lower and putting his arms around Walker.

The jock introduced himself, meeting the naked guy's gaze.

"What's your name, beautiful?" Walker asked, putting a dollar into the fly of the guy's underwear. Tommy and BJ laughed. They had expected Walker to flinch at the guy's touch. Jeremy had to remind himself that what he'd done with Walker was a secret. He watched the jock's face through the bar mirror, remembering how Walker had eye fucked him through the bathroom steam, his cock deep in his ass.

"I'm Dane," the go-go boy said to Walker, moving his hips seductively, the half the dollar still poking out of his fly. "Nice to meet you."

Dane licked his lips slowly, and then stood again. Suddenly he was dancing just for the group. Luke swayed in place, smiling up at him. He looked transfixed.

Walker handed Luke a dollar.

"What?" Luke said, confused.

"Give it to him, dummy," Walker said. And then he watched as Luke reached up shyly. Dane crouched again, running his hand down his neck and chest and flat stomach, down to the waistband of his underwear. Luke blushed as Dane took his hand by the wrist and forced him to touch his hipbone and pelvis. He pushed Luke's hand against his pubes and then down under the waistband. Luke laughed, pretending to be scandalized. He rubbed his hand against Dane's sweaty cock--it's what Dane wanted, so why fight him?--and when Luke pulled his hand out the dollar was gone.

The guys laughed. Tommy snorted. Luke raised his hand to BJ's nose, and made him sniff it as the gang cracked up good at BJ's expense.

"Fuck you," BJ said, trying to make his voice sound deeper than it was. But it was obvious to everyone that he liked smelling it. Even Dane, who pulled BJ's face into his crotch and then rode him. When he finally let go, BJ was panting, his face red. Eventually, he smiled too, shaking off the embarrassment.

Walker slipped Dane another dollar.

A voice boomed through the speakers. "The show's about to start, gentlemen."

Hearing it, Dane waved goodbye to the group and then strutted back down the bar, like it was a catwalk.

"What show?" Luke asked. The gang watched as the bar area emptied into another room. Dane and the other go-go boys lead the way.

Shane bought the guys two pitchers of beers, making them all swear not to tell his wife. And then the guys filed into the room where the show was starting.

"Bro!" Walker said to Tommy. "Look who it is!"

"Fuck. That's my girl," he said, slurring every syllable.

"He knows her?" Shane asked Walker. The jock explained how during their first night at the bar Tommy got wasted and made out with her at one of the tables for almost a

"He knows that's a drag queen, right?"

Walker shook his head no, a big smile spreading on his face. "We were all fairly out of it that night," he said. "Do you think I should tell him?"

"Fuck no," Shane said, watching Tommy eye the drag queen with blurred vision. Tommy licked his thick lips, his spine straightening, his chest puffed up even as he swayed. The two of them nodded in agreement, as the drag queen stepped forward with the mic.

"Please welcome Anastaysha to the stage," the voice boomed, and the crowd cheered. And then Anastaysha raised the mic to her lips.

"You animal!" she cried to an old man in the front row. And then, in a deep but sultry voice, she welcomed the crowd. Walker peeked at Tommy. He still had no idea.

BJ gulped his beer fast, and then poured himself another from the pitcher. Jeremy felt someone push up behind him, and when he turned he saw that it was Ben. The senior put his hands on Jeremy's waist.

"Mind if I stand here," the he whispered as Anastaysha made her introductions. Jeremy shook his head no. He leaned back into Ben, letting himself be held. Ben's arms weren't as strong as Walker's, as big or as hairy. But they held on to Jeremy just as tightly.

Jeremy thought of what Ben had said on their walk over. He didn't believe Ben, that he had broken up with his girlfriend.

All of a sudden, Anastaysha tossed her mic to someone standing next to the stage and began to dance, lip-syncing to a high-pitched song. Luke shrieked, as if it were the first track on every playlist he had ever made, and then proceeded to jump up and down to the beat. The guys standing in front of him turned around, and when they saw the joy on his face they smiled.

"He's going to get us kicked out of here," Shane said to Walker.

"Who could kick that cutie out of here?" the jock said, and Shane shrugged. The only adult among them, he was the one who would be in the biggest trouble if something happened. And how would he explain it to his wife, who was ultimately responsible.

"I'll keep an eye on him," Walker said as they watched Luke pumping his fists to the song.

The go-go boys were weaving through the crowd, selling test tube shots.

Dane put his arms around Shane's shoulders.

"You remind me of someone," Dane said to the man. "One of the actors my mom likes."

"Really?" Shane said. Jeremy listened as Dane tried to place Shane's resemblance. It was true that Shane looked like he could have been an actor. He reminded Jeremy of a gladiator or a Viking. And yet beneath the swarthy features was an open face, bright eyes. Shane lit up when he laughed.

"Want one?" Ben asked Jeremy, but the sophomore shook his head no. "Me neither."

Walker waved Dane over, and whispered something to him. Jeremy watched as Walker passed Dane a twenty. He assumed the jock was buying shots for the group, but Dane nodded and then sauntered away, weaving through the packed crowd.

When Walker saw Jeremy staring, he winked. Jeremy gave him a confused look. Why had Walker tipped Dane so much? The jock looked like he might press over to Jeremy to explain, but when he saw Ben right behind him, pressed into Jeremy's back, Walker's smile faded. Walker shrugged, and watched Anastaysha work the crowd.

Ben pulled Jeremy against him. The boy could feel Ben's thick bulge, the fabric of their pants grinding threads. Jeremy closed his eyes and took in the moment. Ben's breath on his neck, Ben's arms holding him there. When he opened his eyes again, Anastaysha was giving amazing face. And Tommy! Jeremy almost laughed at the dumbstruck look in his eyes. Jeremy remembered their first night, when Tommy stroked his big cock under the hotel room blanket, his eyes fixed to the television. That's how he was staring at Anastaysha, too.

Jeremy's eyes trailed down the length of Tommy's body, and saw him caressing the shaft of his hard dick through his pants. The dumb jock suddenly gripped it as he drunkenly watched the drag queen shake her ass. Tommy licked his lips, transfixed.

Jeremy worked his ass against Ben's dick. He was as hard as Tommy seemed to be. Maybe even a little wet. Jeremy wondered if he could make Ben cum, right there, no one the wiser. He looked over at Walker, to see if the jock was watching them. He wasn't.

But Shane was.

The boy blushed at the look in his chaperone's eyes. They were gentle, concerned. And yet the man wasn't telling Jeremy to stop. He was... interested.

Shane reached up and stroked his beard, his wide knuckles flashing pink and green in the laser light. Shane raised an eyebrow when he met Jeremy's eye. That's it. But Jeremy stared hard at Shane in return, as if to challenge him.

Jeremy locked eyes with the man. At first he tried to hide the pleasure he was feeling as Ben grinded into him. Shane didn't look away, and neither did Jeremy. Slowly, Jeremy allowed forehead to scrunch tight and his gaze to blur. Soon the boy was mouthing a slight "oh."

Anastaysha's song was over. When she reached again for the mic it was Dane handing it back to her. He leaned in to whisper something. Anastaysha smiled mischievously, and then nodded.

"Where's Blowjob?" She shrieked into the mic.

Walker raised his hand and everyone in the room turned to look at him.

"Hey gurl," she said. "And where's your sexy friend?"

Walker looked over at Tommy, who smiled through squinty eyes. Suddenly there was a spotlight in Tommy's face. That woke him up! He pointed to Anastaysha with an outstretched finger, nodding.

"My number one fan!" the drag queen purred. "Get up here, and give mama a kiss."

Tommy was into it. His grin broke into big toothy smile, and then he made his way onto the stage, bulge and all.

Anastaysha had him sit in a chair that had been wheeled out by one of the go-go boys. And then she leaned in, face to face a long time. The crowd cheered, leaning to see if they were kissing. But they couldn't see, her wig blocking their view.

Jeremy guessed that Anastaysha was actually whispering something. Because after she pulled her lips away, Tommy crooned. "Okay, mama. I can do that."

But whatever they had planned was ruined. When Anastaysha pulled away, climbing off of Tommy's lap, his erection was noticeable. In fact, it was the star of the show. Leaking pre-cum in a dark puddle halfway down his thigh. Anastaysha gasped. She mimed slapping Tommy, and he laughed. He didn't understand what was so funny, why the men in the room were pointing at him, delighted.

"Nice bottle rocket," BJ said, as if the outline of Tommy's dick were the smallest he'd ever seen. But from where Luke was standing, Tommy's dick looked like a monster.

Right then, Luke decided to come on strong to Tommy. Just to see what might happen.

When Anastaysha noticed that Tommy was still going along with her plan, she lit up.

"Tommy's agreed to dance for us," she explained to the crowd. "How about it? Have dollars for this young beefcake?"

Some men in the room grunted their excitement, others cried out "yes!" Soon, Tommy was on his feet, dancing drunkenly to a ridiculous beat. His dripping dick was tucked down his leg as he thrusted his crotch in place. Men stood by the stage, reaching into their own tight jeans to find dollar bills. One ran a bill up Tommy's leg, brushing the outline of Tommy's shaft.

Tommy unbuttoned his shirt. He smiled at Anastaysha as he fumbled to pull his big arms out of the sleeves. Luke pushed his way to the stage. He waited his turn to tip Tommy, watching the lusty expressions of the club regulars as they eyed the jock's strong body.

"You're next, Blowjob," Anastaysha called to Walker. She stood behind Tommy as he worked the crowd, pulling off his sweaty undershirt. Walker shook his head no, laughing all the same. Anastaysha watched as Luke unfolded a five-dollar bill in front of Tommy's dazed face. The jock lit up.

Luke had shared a bed with Tommy twice already. For all he knew, they would share a bed again that night as well. The freshman waved the bill under Tommy's nose and then slid it between his dark pecs, where sweat had started to form. He then ran his fingertips across Tommy's hard abs. Luke looked into his eyes. Tommy might have been drunk, but he knew what was happening. In fact, Tommy was enjoying himself. He flexed every muscle that Luke touched, until Luke too was running his dollar along Tommy's fly, and then down along Tommy's hard shaft.

Tommy's smile faded. A serious look came over him. Suddenly, the jock was unbuttoning his fly for Luke. Unzipping his pants, revealing his tight white briefs.

"Bro," Tommy groaned to Luke. "Get up here."

"Yeah," Anastaysha said. "How 'bout it?"

Luke smiled. He took Tommy's hand and was pulled on stage. The crowd heckled the boy to strip. The pale freshman blushed as Tommy helped him take his shirt off in front of the screaming crowd. Luke flushed pink on his cheeks, neck, and chest. Even his ears were red as his shirt came off.

Luke danced, embarrassed at first. But slowly he got into it. Tommy and Luke stripped off their pants together, pulling them off over their shoes. Soon they were both as naked as Dane, and as sweaty. The spotlight was bright. Luke couldn't see Jeremy, Ben, or the rest of his group. Only Tommy. And a few men close to the stage.

He made eyes at the men who were reaching up to touch him. They stroked Luke's naked shins and ankles. Multiple hands rubbed up his calf muscles at once, working their way toward his underwear line.

"You're beautiful," one man said to Luke, giving the boy a twenty.

"Thanks," Luke purred, crouching down so the man could reach all he wanted to.

"Nice tip," Luke said, looking the man dead in the eyes. He was handsome with dark curly hair and kind eyes. The man stared at the head of Luke's hardening dick.

"You too, kid," the man said, pushing the twenty up into Luke's underwear. As the boy stood, he could feel the money rubbing against his taint.

"Come on, bro!" Tommy called to Walker, shielding his eyes from the glare of the stage lights. "Get up here!"

"I'm good," Walker laughed. But the crowd wanted to see more of Blowjob. They chanted for him, louder and louder until Walker gave in.

"Of course," Ben said, annoyed by the scene. Walker pulled his shirt off even as he pushed through the crowd. As he climbed onto the stage, he looked like a swimmer pushing himself out of a pool. His defined back muscles flexed in the light.

"Now that's one sexy manwhich," Anastaysha said, as Walker and Tommy pinned young Luke between them and proceeded to grind in a line. The freshman looked ready to cum, living out his every fantasy right there in front of everybody. "Let me in!"

Anastaysha pushed into the action, her ass in Tommy's lap, her crotch riding Luke from behind as he rubbed his bird chest against Walker's hairy muscles.

"Fuck," Tommy moaned into Anastaysha's ear. He reached to feel her waist and chest, oblivious to the fact that she was in costume. At the end of the song, Anastaysha told the crowd that she needed to adjust her tuck. She then pulled Tommy offstage with her. They disappeared backstage.

"They make a cute couple," Ben said to Jeremy, watching Walker and Luke as they continued to dance, the show over. But Jeremy was watching Shane. Their chaperone was drinking straight from a pitcher, the foam from the beer collecting in his dark mustache. Shane caught Jeremy staring at him, and winked. Then he came over to where Ben and Jeremy were standing, both of them still hard.

"Having a good time?" Shane said. He was exhausted. "Should we leave soon?"

Jeremy felt like the guys had just gotten there. But in fact, it was getting late.

"Do we have to?" Jeremy asked. He looked at Shane with pleading eyes. But what was he pleading for?

"I guess not," Shane said, returning the sophomore's gaze. Ben asked if he could have a little more of Shane's beer. The man nodded, and as Ben poured himself some from the pitcher Shane leaned to whisper to Jeremy.

"I was hoping Walker would pull you up there with him," Shane told him. But Jeremy didn't know how to take it. Was Shane telling him he's not a fan of Ben? That Jeremy was standing in the arms of the wrong guy? Or did Shane want Jeremy to strip?

Jeremy looked Shane up and down. He could see a twinkle in his eyes.

"Are you tipsy, Mr. P?" Jeremy asked.

Shane pulled out a dollar bill from his pocket. He pushed it into Jeremy's with two fingers.

"Tipsy enough to tipsy you," Shane said.

Jeremy laughed, flattered and more than a little turned on. Despite the lameness of the man's joke, Shane managed to say it in a way that made Jeremy's spine shiver.

"You can tipsy me any time," Jeremy said.

Luke and Walker continued dancing through the next song. Then Walker hopped off the stage. Someone handed the jock his shirt and he shook the guy's hand, smiling at the dude as he stroked Walker's arm.

"Dude has been sniffing Walker's shirt since he threw it down," Jeremy heard someone say. It was BJ.

"Where have you been?"

"Right here, BJ said. On that wall. Watching Mr. P eye fuck you." BJ said it matter-of-factly. But it was news to Jeremy.

"And watching Ben try to fuck you through your jeans."

"I guess you like to watch," Jeremy said to BJ, not sure how to read his tone exactly.

"I guess so," BJ said. And then he made a sound. Something between a snort and gasp. It sounded like he was snoring. A smile spread across BJ's face as Jeremy realized. All of that time he thought BJ was snoring, was he pretending? What all had BJ seen?

"Whatever," BJ said. "We all got our thing."

Walker interrupted, putting his sweaty arms around BJ and Jeremy's shoulders. BJ winked at Jeremy, who took a long slow draw of Walker's scent.

"You look like you're leaving," Walker said.

"I think Mr. P wants to," Jeremy told him.

"Perfect," BJ said. "Finally, no adults breathing down our necks."

BJ studied Jeremy's face.

"Unless you want him breathing down your neck." After BJ said it, he leaned in toward Jeremy and hissed a warm breath into his collar. Walker pulled the two apart with his strong arms.

Ben gave Jeremy a look. He wanted to leave too. Ben practically had blue balls from dry humping Jeremy's ass. He wanted to get back under the sheets with him as soon as possible.

"Aren't you tired?" Ben said to Jeremy.

Shane saw Ben wink, and started to laugh.

"Tell you what," Shane said, "you guys work out the sleeping arrangements yourselves tonight. I'm not going to be responsible." He said it to Jeremy and Ben, but the other guys heard too.

"Thanks," Ben said, grabbing Jeremy's ass.

"I'm tired too," Walker told Ben. "What do you say, Jer? Want to hit the hay?" Walker's arm was still around Jeremy's shoulders.

But Jeremy wasn't listening. He was thinking about what Shane had said. "I'm not going to be responsible." The sophomore repeated the sentence silently in his mind, watching Shane's mischievous gaze. He felt like the man was undressing him. He couldn't decide if Shane was coming onto him or not. After all, he was straight. Married, too. And yet Jeremy couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen between them.

"Fuck, I'll throw my name in too," BJ said. "Want to hit the hay, Jer?"

Ben and Walker laughed. But Jeremy's mind was on Shane, and how he'd shoved his fat fingers into Jeremy's tight pocket earlier.

"Okay, Jeremy's drunk," Ben said. "Better get him to the room."

"I'm not drunk," Jeremy said. He looked around. He was pretty sure every one of them was drunker than he was. He looked each of the guys in the eyes, to confirm it. They were all good and buzzed. BJ more than any of them.

"Where are Luke and Tommy?" Jeremy asked. Walker pointed to where Luke was still dancing on stage, surrounded by men. A few of them were still tipping him. But Tommy? He had disappeared with Anastaysha. But that was half an hour ago.

"Maybe we should break up into two groups," Shane said, looking at Jeremy. "An early group, and a late group."

"Late group!" BJ said, not ready to leave.

"I could go," Jeremy said to Mr. P.

"Me too," Walker and Ben seemed to say at the same time.

"And you'll keep an eye on Luke and Tommy for me?" Shane said to BJ, who crossed his arms and babbled something about having two eyes, not one. And then he leaned against the wall, watching Luke.

The early group said their goodbyes to Dane, who held on to Walker's sweaty forearm as if he knew he'd never see Walker again.

"Promise me you'll be back! Swear it!" Dane said, pressing his chest to Walker's and acting faint.

"I promise," Walker said hollowly, rolling his eyes.

"You suck," the go-go boy said to the jock, shoving him gently.

"Wait, you do suck, don't you?" Dane said, winking at Walker. The jock looked taken aback by the question. He looked at Jeremy, and then at Ben.

"Sometimes," Walker said.

"Exactly once," Ben corrected him, as if he were the authority on Walker's mouth.

"And how was it?" Dane asked, moving to hang on Ben's arm.

"They don't call him Blowjob for nothing."

Next: Chapter 9

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