
By moc.loa@1namhbL

Published on Jun 10, 2002


My Encounter With Slim 3

When I got home, there was a message on my answering machine, from Slim. I called him, and he said, "Get over here, right now, bitch. Where have you been?"

I lied, saying "I had to go to the grocery store and run some errands. I 'll be there shortly, sir."

"Now" was his response, as I heard the phone click.

Uh, oh, I'm in trouble, as my pussy is still full of cum, and he's sure to find out. What to do? Oh, ok, I'll douche, like a good cuntboy, and be nice and clean for my master's invasion. Quickly, I filled the bulb with warm water, inserting the nozzle inside my tender pussy lips, twice, being sure to get all of Stan's remaining jism out of my well-fucked bottom. I wonder if Slim will be able to tell that I had just been fucked? I hope not, but have no choice, but, to go over to his place, now. If necessary, I'll have to pay the consequences.

I was at his place in about 1/2 hour, after my cleaning session, and finding some clothes to put on. He met me at the door with a glare, telling me to follow him into the bedroom. "Strip", he ordered. Taking all my clothes off, he told me to turn around and bend over. I did as told, of course, but was very worried he was going to see my swelling pussy lips.

I felt a whack on my ass, as his hand smacked me, almost knocking me over. Again, he smacked me, and again. I was almost in tears, as he said, "You've been out fucking around, haven't you bitch? I can see you're all swollen from someone else's cock being up in MY pussy. That's right, you cunt, your body is now MY body, and you have let another man have their way with you."

"Slim sir, yes I did let someone else fuck me."

He slapped across the face, saying, "You didn't hear me, did you, you lowlife pussy. I said it's MY body, not yours. So, you let some one fuck MY body, right?"

"Yes, sir", I mumbled.

"I can't hear you, you piece of worthless shit, tell me again...Who's body did you let that man fuck?"

"Your body, sir."

"And, is it right for someone to be fucking ME? Tell me. Am I to be fucked, like a lowlife cocksucking, asswipe that you are?"

"No sir, of course not. That's not what...

"You're Goddammned right, it's not," he interrupted. "I don't ever want you to be out there, without my ordering you, you got that? NO MORE, got it?

If I ever, EVER hear of you fucking around again, you're gone. I'll kick you out so fast, that swollen pussy of yours will be out the door five minutes before your cocksucking head.

I started to sob, crying at his harsh words, knowing he was right, though, that I shouldn't have gone without his permission. I knew it, at the time, but thru caution to the wind. Well, the wind was coming back to chill me.

"Yes, sir, I have it", I cried. His words were stinging me, worse than the slaps. I didn't want to be out of his life, so I vowed to be faithful to him, always.

"Get yourself together, you wimp, stop crying. We're going out, to get some things to remind you, who's your master. Get dressed."

We stopped at an adult novelty store, first. He told me to follow him, very closely, but, not too close. He walked around the store, looking at various pieces of bondage material, clothes, dildos, butt plugs, harness, nipple clamps, leather restraints, blindfolds, and other various adult themed merchandise. I followed like a puppy, not saying a word. He evidently knew the clerk/owner, as they spoke frequently about this and that. They would look at me, every once in a while, and both either laugh, or snicker, as if they were talking about me, and making a joke or some snide remark. I was far enough away, not to hear it, but I knew that's what was happening.

"Go wait in the car, girl", he said. I was shocked, by the "girl" comment, but did as told. About an hour later, he came out with two large bags, full of things, I assumed were all for me. "You're going to pay for every bit of this, somehow, you know. I'll figure a way for you to earn the money to repay me. I'm not going to let you get away with this, so there are going to be some changes in your life. I'm going to be sure I can trust you, in the future."

With that said, we went to a tattoo parlor. I asked, "Why are we here? Are you getting a tattoo?"

"Hell no, YOU are. Let's go."

"What? I don't like tattoos at all, sir. I don't want one."

"Listen to me, my little pussy girl, you have really pissed me off, and I' m going to protect MY body from now on. No one will mess with you, after I'm done. If that's not in your plans, then, get the fuck out, right now."

I was petrified at his words, and yet, somehow intrigued. What could he have tattooed on me that would stop me from "fucking around"? And, did I want to do this.... Have a tattoo on my.... ooops, Slim's body. And damnit, there was that "girl" thing again. What was up with that?

"Well?" he said.

"Sir, I have two questions."

You only get one, so decide which is more important."

Hmmmmm, now what. Girl issue, or tattoo? I was in a quandary, for sure.

Which one was more important to me? Both have, what could be long lasting affects on me, and both are totally out of character for me. Well, well, which one?

"Now cunt...let's get going.... sometime today!"

"Well, I'm not sure which is the best decision."

"Ok, I'll make it easy for you. I'll count to three, and you better have started the question by then, or you'll get it?"

Oh, shit, now I'm in deep.

"One, two..."

"Ok, what is this `girl' thing you keep referring to?"

"Oh, that's an easy one. You're going to be my pussy girl, instead of my pussy boy? I'm going to transform you into a female cockwhore. Hell, you' re halfway there, now, right? I mean, you're certainly a cockwhore. You've proven that, already, haven't you? Now, let's get that pussyass of yours the tattoo it needs."

He pushed me into the shop, telling the clerk, what he wanted. I was in shock, not understanding, comprehending anything that was going on around me, at the time. Transform me into a woman?' What the fuck is going on here? And this tattoo shit.... what's he going to put on me? I'm too old to be transformed into a female'. What is he talking about?

Before I knew it, I was laying face down, on a sterile, stainless steel table, with my shorts down at my ankles. They were quietly talking, and again, the snickers, which drove me crazy with humiliation. And, I have no idea what he's talking about, with this woman shit.

Ok, let's get real here. The pros to this woman thing, are, I'm tall, thin, love to have sex with men, but, that's it. The cons are: I'm a man, for Christ sake! Ok, realistically, have knobby knees, lots of body hair, deep voice, adams apple, big feet, a cock and balls, and have no idea how to be a woman. Ok, I like to wear women's panties...and maybe a blouse or jeans shorts, and maybe night gowns, and I like to "swish" a little when I walk, and sit down to pee, but, that doesn't make me a female.

"OUCH!!!!! I yelled, as the artist went to work on my ass cheeks. He just said, "Relax, you pussy", and continued with his movements. Slim left for a minute, returning with an item, he had bought, earlier.

"Hang on , Harley," the artist's name, "I have something here she's gonna love." I felt a pressure at my pussy lip, and then was filled with a huge butt plug. "Just wiggle that every once in awhile; bitch, to take your mind off the pain."

It's shape, held it inside me, of course, as that's the design of those things. It hurt just a little as it went in, but, now, my sphincter has closed back up, on the small part. "OUCH," again, and I did as he said, grabbing the base of the butt plug and wiggling it. Now, that's more like it, I thought.

"That's right, just think of it as your master in there, and pretend he' s filling you, giving you the strength to endure the pain," Slim chuckled.

They both laughed, as I kept playing with that invader, making little moaning sounds, and easing the pain of the needles.

After an hour or so, of this humiliation and pain, Harley announced, "Use your other hand, now, cause I'm going over to the other side".

Ok, now let's get this straight. I'm on my stomach, in a tattoo parlor, naked, getting my asscheeks tattooed with some thing Slim as instructed Harley to put on me. With that, I'm diddling a butt plug in my cunt, to ease the pain, and it's working. Wait a minute, what about the `woman' issue? What's going on? Where is all of this going?

"Ok, now you're going to have to pull that out, cause I have to work a little closer to your hole", Harley announced. Closer to my hole? What the hell is he inscribing on me, which needed to be so close, that no one will ever see it? I pulled the plug out, reluctantly, as it was helping with the pain.

"You'll have to spread your cheeks apart some, for me and hold them, till I tell you to stop", he instructed.

They talked a bit, again, and Harley, said, "Oh, yes, that will be great."

"Get up on your hands and knees, with your face down on the table, like your master was going to fuck you doggie style. You won't have to hold yourself open, that way. As a matter of fact, you can put the plug back in, now, and play with it, as much as you want.

Oh, thanx a lot, I thought to myself. "YEOWWWW!" I cried out, as the needle hit a sensitive part of my anal area. WOW, that hurt. "Hold on, that's too painful."

Slim held a hit of poppers under my nose and said, "Inhale, and it will lessen the pain, then."

Needless to say, I did, and it did help somewhat. He was still standing in front of me, and said, "Here, this might take your mind off it", and stuck his cock in my mouth. Now, I have to admit, it did help, as I began to give him one of the best blowjobs I've ever done. A combination of all that I had been thru in the past few hours, and the butt plug in my asscunt, was making me horny, so his cock was just what the dr. ordered.

"Slow down, pussy girl, make it last." Damn, I forgot all about the ` woman' shit, again, just has he buried his cock, deep in my throat, making me gag, and almost pull back.

"Don't move, now, as I'm in a very sensitive area, back here," Harley said. `No shit', I thought. I'm the one who has to feel every fucking prick with that needle. What I really wanted, was to feel a prick fucking me, hehe.

My master was sliding nicely now; in and out, giving me chance to breathe, as he fucked my mouth, easily, slowly, almost lovingly. He was giving me, just exactly what I needed...his hard manly, cock, deep in my mouth. I was melting, as he stroked himself in and out, feeling that wonderful piece of manflesh, using my mouth for it's pleasure, making me want it more, craving it all the time.

Harley announced he was finished, just as Slim blew his load into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it, rather than let it lay there, allowing my taste buds to enjoy the texture and taste. Our simultaneous moaning was enough for Harley to chuckle saying "Wow, she does love to be mouth fucked, doesn't she slim? Listen to her moans as she is sucking up all of your cum."

He was right. I was moaning with sheer enjoyment, of sheer bliss, of sheer contentment, for that brief period of time, until, he pulled his cock out of my sucking mouth, and proceeded to look at Harley's work.

"Oh, nice job, man. That is exactly what I wanted."

"Can I look?" I asked.

"Sure you can. Look at your pussy, and how everyone will know to stay away."

Looking, I saw in disbelief, what had been inscribed on my body... "Slim' s Pussy!"

The s' in Slim's and the P' in pussy were the two letters he put on the sides of my inner cheeks, so, that when pulled apart a bit, it was obvious what it said. Just walking around, it would be difficult to understand what it said.

"Now if someone bends you over to put it to you, they'll see my brand on you, and won't go there, even if you try to be unfaithful, they won't take another man's girl, now would they?"

The horror finally subsided, after a few minutes, as I began to see the severity of my situation. I was going to become his slave; it sounds, with no rights of my own, just his wants, needs and desires. His branding of my pussy cheeks and converting me to be his "woman", was way farther in this scenario than I thought I would ever go. I still had no idea what he meant by `making me into a woman'. The whole thought seemed ludicrous.

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