Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Mar 26, 2006


Disclaimer: This story is mostly about gay relationships, and it contains lots of steamy gay sex! If graphic descriptions of homosexual sex are not your thing, then what the hell are you doing in a gay site in the first place? And how did you go through seven chapters without noticing the graphic gay sex anyway!??! The characters in this story usually have unprotected sex, but they're fictional characters...and mutants are immune to HIV anyway (according to the X-Men comics!). But you guys should know better, right? ALWAYS use a condom! :-) The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox. Most of them are not gay in the real comics or movies, but that doesn't apply for this story.

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at:

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 9 : Dead Ends

We were standing on a small and dark alley, right behind what was supposed to be the place where Vivian Anderson's stolen body was supposed to be kept.

A rusty back door was all that kept us from entering the place and going ballistics on whoever was responsible for her death, not to mention the disappearance of her body.

Frank, Lola, Gerry and Bobby were just standing there and looking at me, as if they were expecting my say in what we would do. I guess having a direct personal and emotional connection to the victim of this situation was making me some kind of leader.

"Dave..." Frank began saying, but I was hasty to interrupt him.

"I suppose since this operation is being done for my sake, you all expect me to lead you. Or at least give you a general direction on what to do. Am I wrong?"

"No, not at all." Bobby and Gerry said in unison. The others shook their heads in agreement.

"Ok then, listen to me guys. This is not some Danger Room session. This is real, and truth is we have never been against a real threat before. But all that practice with Mr.Summers should mean something to us. So keep something in mind. Going in should be REALLY dangerous. For all we know, the people inside are killers. Vivian is already dead, and for all we know the people inside could be responsible for her death as well as her desecration. So, what do we do in life-or-death situations like this?"

"We stick close together." Gerry answered.

"We move stealthily and with caution" Bobby added.

"We don't make a move unless we know it's secure" Frank continued.

"And if things get tough, we make sure we go out with STYLE!" Lola said, putting the cherry on top of the cake.

I looked at them with supressed thankfulness in my eyes. "You guys make me so proud..." I said, and we all got entangled in a group hug.

In the big bunch of torsos and limbs that we had become, it seemed like one of us wasn't really into hugging others. Having my face buried into Lola's fake boobs, I couldn't really look and find out for myself who was feeling uncomfortable in all this cheesy sentimentality. I was sensing that one of us wasn't really feeling connected to the others, and was feeling an uneagerness to belong with us. But we broke off the silly group hug and moved into position before I could find out in specific who that person was.

"Frank" I said, shaking off my mind the minor matter of uncomfortability in a group hug, "you got any information for us that could help us a little or we're just waltzing in the complete unknown?"

"Not much, unfortunately," Frank responded skeptically. "The whole place is some kind of lab. Don't expect an army of bad guys inside. I'm pretty sure the people inside, if more than one, are very little in numbers."

"But if the bad guy doesn't have an army of lackeys around to protect him, then this should make it too easy for us!" Bobby said with hopefulness.

"Or maybe that evil and spiteful person is so powerful that he doesn't need lackeys around him to feel safe." Gerry made his own pessimistic point.

"Or maybe there's no bad guy at all. Frank only knows for sure that Vivian's dead body is inside, and that the place is not guarded by lackeys. Maybe there's nobody in there at all, and Vivian's body was dumped in there hours ago. Maybe there's no danger inside." Lola tried to reason and calm everybody down.

"You know what?" I said, as I turned my left hand in a crowbar and pried the rusty back door open. "I bloody hope there IS somebody inside. Someone who will take the fall for all of this!" I stated with a gleam of bloodlust in my eyes.

We entered the building with caution. The first room was so dark that I couldn't see anything beyond my nose, but there was a great metallic stench in the air.

"What in the name of Donna Summer is that awful smell?" Lola yelped, as she instinctively pulled her Chanel 5 off her Louis Vutton bag and sprayed her nostrils with it, trying to shield her sensitive nose from the unbearable stench.

"Light switch...should be...somewhere!" Frank said as he fumbled on the wall behind us, probably having attained some knowledge we weren't aware of. "Oh, there it is!" He stated as he found a switch and hit it.


Blinding red light filled the room, and for a couple of seconds we couldn't make out anything in our surrounding, with the exception of an endless and dazzling shade of red.

Then our eyes got used to the lighting, and we realised what the unbearable stench was.

You see, it wasn't just the lighting that was red in that room. The walls were painted red too. But red wasn't the natural colour of the room.

The walls were painted with blood.

The room was some kind of storage area for living animals. The place was stacked with steel cages that were used for that purpose, some of them were small, for birds and all kinds of rodents, and others were big enough to contain all kinds of dangerous felines. The room was probably a necessity for the experiments going on here, considering that this place was a hidden lab and all.

The worrying thing was that there was no living creature in these cages. It looked like something had gotten loose and rampaged on the rest of the lab testing animals.

The walls were splashed with bigger or smaller stains of blood, reeking of a very unnerving metallic smell. Most of the cages were opened or pried open, and bloody carcasses of bones and meat was now all that they contained. The floor was carpeted with pieces of skin and fur and feathers, all sticky with the fresh blood of their massacred owners.

The whole place was a deranged orgy of steel, fur and flesh, all baptised in blood. I was a mutant that could turn his limbs into things that could draw a lot of blood, so I was kinda used to the sight of it. And yet now I was barely able to keep myself from adding some of my own vomit in all that bloody mess.

"It looks like something has gotten loose on these poor animals. Like getting lab-tested from mad geniuses wasn't enough." Frank commented with his always stern voice.

"God rest those poor little souls..." Lola said, as she fought to keep a tear from escaping her eye socket. Lola was a big animal fan, even her man-killing feather boa wasn't made of real feathers, but from organic ones. If the sight of all this blood was making me feel queasy, I couldn't even begin to guess what Lola felt at the time, just by thinking where all this blood came from.

Bobby walked around with his hand covering his mouth and nose (was it disgust? or simply a way to fight off the stench of death?) as he conducted his own little survey... "There were parrots in these cages...and this big one contained a fully grown I can tell from the hide all over the steel bars..."

"Guys, I can see something moving over there!" Gerry suddenly monopolised our attention. We all jumped at the idea that the thing that slaughtered all these animals could still be in here with us.

Gerry started walking over to the corner of the room where he saw movement. There was a big hole where the wall and the floor would meet, and the fallen debris was a good cover for whatever slashed the life out of these poor creatures.

"There's an animal in here!" Gerry exclaimed, slowly reaching with his hands inside the makeshift hiding place. His hands came back out with a cute fluffy bunny in them.

"Look! It's a baby bunny!" he said, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "It seems like the poor thing got in that hole and saved himself from sure death. Probably lost his family in that bloodfest too."

"Ooooh, you poor fuzzy thing..." Lola said, as she reached to pet the bunny with a well-manicured hand. We all gathered around it and checked it out. Gerry seemed quite happy; was it because he found a gleam of life in all this devastation, or maybe he had something else in mind...

"...I'm gonna keep him!" he said, as he kissed the bunny's nose and snuggled it in his lap. Weird thing was that the bunny wasn't even squirming or trying to get away from this previously completely unkown (to it) man. Must have been love at first sight.

I should have been pissed that my team forgot about the graveness of our mission and sidetracked to pet and snuggle with a blood-stained baby baunny, but come on; this was Gerry we were talking about. I had a soft spot for his stupidity and would let him get away with anything...!

"You should name him Lucifer! My powers tell me it should be the most appropriate name for him!" Frank mentioned. "Oh, and Lola, don't even think about proposing 'Adrianna'. This fluffy litle critter is a 'he' ".

"Dammit!" Lola clenched her teeth. "We can always change that, however" she said, making her fingers imitate a closing pair of scissors. Ouch.

"Lucifer ain't bad, but I think you should call him 'Rasputin'. He's got something nasty about him." Bobby proposed.

"Nah, I respect your advice and all, guys, but I got the proper name for this adorablest fluffy little thing!" Gerry said as he snuggled the bunny closer to his face. "Am I wrong, Fluffy dear?" he smiled.

"Oh, how original!" Frank exasperated. "Name a bunny Fluffy, you could have as well named him Snuggles! Oh, I won't bother giving an advice again. Nobody listens to me anyway."

"Nah. Snuggles is good, but Fluffy is better!" Gerry said, not taking his eyes from his new pet. "Fluffy, our new team mascot!"

"Why, who was the OLD team mascot?" Bobby, a newcomer to this group, asked.

"Lola, of course." Frank snickered.

"Why I oughta--" Lola tried to complain, before I interrupted the whole meaningless quarrel.

"GUYS! ...and girls." I added, looking apologetically at Lola. "We have a serious life-or-death situation to attend to. For someone, it has already been a death-or-death situation. Let's get to it, shall we? Gerry, put the bunny in your backpack, it should be safe in there during whatever battle we might engage and also will be able to breathe."

"The "bunny" has a NAME!" Gerry grumbled as he placed Fluffy in his backpack. Nice! I found a brand new way to get at Gerry when I feel like it.

We slowly but consistently proceeded in the next room, leaving the small slaughterhouse behind us.

We opened the door to a huge laboratory, with machines and weird devices that reached up to the roof. Gerry decided to lead the way and scout for whatever was expecting us, since he was the one that could turn intangible and go unharmed by whatever nasty thing was waiting on the next turn. He turned his powers on and all his clothes, except for his special g-string, slid off his now intangible body. He stuffed his clothes in his backpack in a way that the bunny could still breath and passed it to Bobby, who would now walk behind us.

"I don't feel so comfortable walking ahead of you guys while in this get-up... I always feel like everybody's looking at my ass." he complained, before he started walking ahead again.

"Believe me honeybuns, there's nothing wrong or embarrasing about looking at that ass!" Lola made fun of him, making his cheeks (both pairs of them!) blush a peachy shade of red.

We kept going through the huge corridor, surrounded by weird contraptions that we dared not guess what they could be useful for. Suddenly, something big blocked our path.

It was a really large feline creature, which looked like a cross between a tiger and a lynx. It had an unusual red colour with black stripes and two big pointy ears that ended up on a tuft of black fur. It was kinda beautiful, but its existence was an affront to nature, created in the labs from that Sinister guy. The expression on its face as it growled was pure bloodthirst.

"BOBBY! Look out!" I yelled, as the big nasty cat lashed at him. Bobby had been walking behind us all, so he wasn't really ready for any kind of sudden danger. I had no time to do anything, but Lola blinded the creature with her glitter cloud in mid-leap and Gerry went tangible and pushed Bobby out of the creature's way. They both ended up on a heap, while the temporarily stunned creature landed right beside them.

Bobby stood up and ran to the side, but Gerry was still dazed from the fall, and had remained tangible. The big nasty cat shook the glitter off its head and growled threateningly at him. I saw the creature getting ready to lash for his neck and every single fiber in my entire being screamed.


My left hand formed into a giant halberd that penetrated the creature's side and picked it off its course towards Gerry's vulnerable body. With that same halberd, I pinned the nasty kitty-cat on the floor where it landed, and before it was able to retaliate and squirm off my handle, I transformed my other arm into a sickle and picked its head off.

"Woah. Hardcore, Dave!" Frank commented from where he was standing, having been completely absent from that short explosion of action.

"PETA is SO gonna sue you for this!" Lola informed me. "However, it was nice how you put that thing to eternal sleep without damaging the fur. It would make for a splendid furcoat."

Despite the appreciative comments and the thankful glance from Gerry, I knew I had gone a little too far. Killing an animal, even a lab-created one like this, wasn't the appropriate behaviour for a potential X-Man. But if I had to choose between extermainating an entire species of animal and letting Gerry get eaten, we all know I would go for the choice PETA would frown upon.

Bobby came to a chilling conclusion. "I bet this thing was the reason behind all that slaughter in the room we first stumbled upon. All those poor animals, and to get eaten by a cross between an elf and a kitten...!"

Well if that thing was responsible for killing all the caged animals whose remains we saw when we entered the building, then I'm glad I put it out of it's bloodthirsty spree! I'm sure Fluffy the orphan bunny would agree with me as well.

As I got off the creature's decapitated body, I realised its head had landed a few metres away, right in front of someone's feet. The strange man, dressed in a rather dirty labcoat. He was a very pale man, with black hair, eyebrows and facial hair, and a small gem-like tattoo on his forehead. Quite unusual for a scientist, even a mad one. He picked the creature's head up and looked at it in a rather Hamlet-esque style.

"My beautiful Bubastis...what have these children done to you?" he said in a dead-calm voice. It was quite unnerving, really. If I had really just killed his favourite creation, shouldn't he sound just a little angry at us? The fact that he didn't even treat us with some semblance of suprise or anger at finding tresspasers in the labs verified every single little suspicion we had of him. That man was up to something and we weren't going to be played like fools.

"I can't say I was expecting you, or that I'm happy to see you here, but having some human company in a lonely place like this can never be too bad." ,the man said. "I'm Dr. Nathaniel Essex, and you children are in for some big trouble after killing my lab animals.", he managed to combine a threat and an introduction in the very same sentence.

I got really pissed at him. A twisted geneticist, experimenting on animals, making them able to slaughter each other, and also a corpse-snatcher. And he had the nerve to blame ME for killing his overgrown guinea pigs!

"First of all, we have nothing to do with the dead animals in there." I spoke through my gritted teeth. "Your twisted pet project was what obviously slaughtered the rest of your tormented lab subjects, before it tried to kill my friends here."

"And you, Dr. Essex, have some serious head damage if you think you can arrest us for tresspasing, when you're having all these illegal experiments going on in here! I'm sure the cops are the last thing you'd like to see in here!" Bobby added, jumping to my side.

"Oh, my dear children", Essex laughed, "whenever did I say I intended to have you arrested? I just mentioned you're in big trouble.

"You don't get it, mister." I managed to say while mantaining my composure at the same time. "I just single-handedly slayed your rabid overgrown kitty over here. What makes you think that we are the ones in trouble in this situation?"

"Don't gloat, Mr. Darrington, it doesn't feel like you." the man laughed again.

"But, how you..."

"-and before you ask me how I know your name and turn this in a cliche superhero fight from the golden age of the comics, let me introduce me to your merry band properly. My real name might me Essex, but in my line of work, people like to call me Mr.Sinister. And I guarantee you, there's a reason for that."

"Sinister is such a cheesy name" Gerry commented, before Essex used a weird remote control on him that made him fall over in pain.

"That's MR. Sinister to you, illiterate ruffian." he corrected him coldly. "And before your cross-dressing friend over here tries to comment on how my white complexion clashes with my white lab clothing, let me warn you that this trinket can affect every single one of you the same way it did with your gramatically-challenged companion. And I'm only using it on the safe mode by now. You DON'T want to know what I can do with it if you children anger me further."

I tried to get him more talky, so that we might think of a plan to attack him and take him by surprise. "You still didn't tell me how--"

"--How I know your name? I know ALL of your names. I'm keeping tabs on all of you. Some of you are rather resourceful, and I would love to have the honor of dissecting and experimenting on you."

I guess that last one was a mad scientist's way to say that he really likes you.

"Get up." Sinister motioned to Gerry. "I have to suppose you came for the dead girl. Let me show you to her."

"We're not going anywhere with you!" I said through gritted teeth. "You snatched my best friend's dead body! You probably had to do with her death too! Not to mention that you twist innocent animals into abominations of nature that end up killing each other!"

"I'm not asking, young man. Follow me and you might find some answers, instead of losing your petty little life. You, especially, wouldn't be someone worthy of experimenting on. Not when I already have the perfect guinea pig for my groundbreaking experiments." He pointed his mechanic thingamajig at me, threatening to strike me with a pain bolt the same way he did with Gerry. I complied. Making him talk might buy us some time while actually providing us with some useful information.

Sinister started walking us around the lab like a giddy schoolgirl that's sneaking her first boyfriend in her room.

"As a scientist, I was always curious about where our ethics as human beings come from. God would be a laughable answer, because I can't accept the existence of a being like that. I thought about searching into the human psyche, but then again many traits of our character and personality, thus our inclination to Good or Evil are based on our genetical characteristics, and the way our body adapts to our enviroment as we keep aging."

"So, you actually wanted to find out if people are born evil, and not just being twisted into it." Frank resulted with a science-friendly tone in his voice. It seemed like his all-knowing powers also gave him a scientific interest in such things. Or maybe he just tried to chitter-chatter with Essex to buy us more time. I certainly hoped he wasn't sucking up to him though.

"Indeed. Of course, one's experiences and breeding might determinate the ethical course he will choose later in his life. But what if the inclination to choosing that course exists in that person from before? I, for example, ended up experimenting illigally on corpses and creating genetic freaks of nature in a secluded lab, but was that because my passion for science overrid my ethical bases, or I simply was never born with the capability of mantaining that ethical base on a high level?" Sinister bought it and started a big science talk with Frank. It was quite intriguing, actually, if we exclude that we had to deal with getting ahead of a mad scientist's thinking and taking him by surprise before he made us into more meat to experiment with.

"There are babies that will cry all night and pull at your hair no matter what you do, and others that stay calm and pleasant and are really no burden to raise. That could be a genetical or simply chemical matter. And it has nothing to do with experiences or breeding." Frank indulged in more genius talk.

"Shut up. You're making me start to like you" Sinister scowled. "But as a matter of fact, I did happen to find what chemical ingredients and genes are capable of affecting one's inclination to violence or gentleness, and can shape up the base where one's personality will be built on."

"So, you managed to find out the factor that makes someone good-natured. That could be a great discovery, and result in a deteriorating of criminality, war, and general bitchiness!" Frank said with a smile. The fool seemed to believe that this mad scientist might actually have a point.

"No. All I wanted was to isolate the genetical factor that makes us Evil, and enhance and breed it to its full, pure potential." Sinister argued, as we finally reached a double door that he opened for us. We ended up in an inner lab, where a few medical tables were occupied there. Most human-like bodies were covered by big sheets, but one of them was was Vivian. Her skin had turned a blueish green. Was it from the experiments? Or simply some weird kind of tainted decomposure? Her hair had gone dark grey, or maybe she had painted it that way before she died. Two huge black circles were coloring the area around her eyes. Her body seemed opened up in various places and lots of her internal organs were hanging out, or had been placed on the devices lying around her. They had taken a dark greenish color. My blood instead, chose to boil at hot red at that moment.

"YOU SICK, MURDERING BASTARD!" I screamed as I turned both my hands in sickles and lunged for his head. The dead and mutilated body of my old friend on that metal slab was screaming at me for vengeance.

But, alas, Sinister only mildly chuckled as he pointed his sicko device at me and pushed the button. An unbearable pain flooded my body and made me unable to move forward. The whole feeling was so terrible that my arms reverted back into human appendages by themselves.

"If there's one thing I hate, it's a nice scientific discussion being interrupted." He scowled coldly. "And I have a feeling this will set a further example for you" he added, as he used the same device on poor Gerry. My friend fell on the floor and started twitching and spasming out of control. It seemed that Sinister had switched his device on delivering a more powerful dose of pain.

"STOP THIS!" I pleaded, making a complete U-Turn of my attitude towards Sinister. Two seconds ago all I wanted was his blood on my hands, but there I was now, putting Gerry's well-being above my thirst for justice.

"As you wish." he said, turning his device off. I started to run by Gerry's side, but Bobby and Lola grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up, supporting him until his tampered nerves would return to normal. Lola gave me a stern look, that seemed to say, "Take this fucker down at the first chance that will appear". I kept that in mind, hoping that my next attempt wouldn't result in a one of my friends getting hurt again.

"As I was saying, I found and isolated tha factor that makes me, you, and everybody else incline to malevolence. We all got it into ourselves, but some of us have more of it. I looked through a lot of subjects, and even injected various animals, like poor Bubastis over there, with many different variations of my Malevolence Serum to see which would turn up more looks like Bubastis was the one to prevail over the others, which would explain how she managed to get out of her cage and lash at the other animals. But animals are always about instinct and momentum, so I wanted to see how it could result in a human being of great intelligence. Would that person turn into a bloodthirsty zombie that would only go looking for brains to eat, or it would simply become a much cleverer and evoluted kind of human? I mean, intelligence can be much more perilous than simple bloodlust. Right? We just saw a live example of this when your hot-headed friend was taken down by my genious." It was amazing how he could turn a scientific-ridden monologue into pure gloating.

"Is this where the dead bodies come into the story?" Frank asked with restraint.

"Indeed. I wanted to find a young specimen with troubled history and see if the point they had gotten to was a result of bad upbringing or a genetic inclination to troublemaking. Your goth lesbian friend was a very good candidate. I hired some ruffians to bring her to me unharmed, but it looks like they changed their minds. They simply killed her and robbed her off her intricate goth jewelry, then run off with her wallet. Memo to self: find those illiterates and make them food for my next batch of lab animals."

"So you DID have to do with her death." I said through gritted teeth, barely managing to not hurl myself at him again. I'm sure that when he shared this little revelation he might have predicted another little outburst from me, so I wouldn't take him by surprise... I wouldn't give him the pleasure of being right!

"Yes. But despite her untimely and unfortunate death, Vivian Anderson was still an interesting subject for my lab. I sensed a change in her biological functions, and that was not because of her death. It seemed that her death triggered a belated mutancy in her. Her body changed color and her organs obtained a different texture. And if you have a look at her'll see that they're red. Thankfully for her poor mother, those changes took place after Vivian was buried. So none of her people will ever know that this little girl was more of a freak than they ever realised."

"So, now you're just messing with her body, just for the sake of messing with it?" I replied. "She's dead, what use is she to you and your evil-making experiments?"

"She is regretfully and irreversably dead. But there must be a use for this change. Maybe her transformed organs are of some use to science. Maybe they are the cure for something, or maybe ingesting them could turn you into something different. I don't know yet. I don't believe that your friend mutant power would be something useless like "being able to change color after death". All corpses can do that!" he laughed.

"That's why you didn't kill us yet. You didn't want someone to gloat to about your just wanted to inject us with matter from Dave's dead friend!" Frank said with outrage.

"Or make you ingest tissues of her. Works both ways for me" Sinister said sheepishly. "Now stand still as I put you to sleep. When you wake up again you might be a whole new person!"

Normally, we would have acted out by then. Sinister's plans were clear to us now, and we knew all we had to know to want to get the hell out of here! Gerry was almost at full strength again, and Lola and Bobby had exchanged enough glances to plan out three different attack strategies, but our attention was drawn from Vivian's dead body, that was lying right behind Sinister.

It looked like it twitched.

Then, suddenly, the organs that were lying far from her started trembling. The intestines that were hanging out of her severed belly were slowly pulling themselves back in. Drops of pale green blood were flowing back into the open cuts on her body. Her pancreas slowly made its way from lying between her feet, to crawling back into her agape tummy, who was now gradually being healed. Her whole body was putting itself back together, like some insane version of Wolverine's healing factor, with the difference that it was much faster and it brought dissected and taken away parts of her back together mgically! And, as a big crescendo, her heart smashed open the jar it was being kept into and plunged itself back into her chest!

Sinister heard that smash and turned around, only to face his formerly dead lab subject as she opened her eyes and looked at him with angry, red irises!

"What the hell is going on? You are DEAD, girl!" Sinister said uncomfortably, as he was taken at surprise with this little unpredicted situation.

"Indeed I am. You made sure of it, as I overheard." she said with a -literally- dead cold voice, as she slowly rose from her slab and cracked her fingers and neck. "It's funny, really, death is only like a really long and regenerating nap."

"No. No, this is not happening. This girl is dead. Vivian, you're dead! One of you filthy mutants must have an additional ability of creating illusions, one which I did not predict." Sinister mumbled hysterically, as he reached for his Pain Device. He pushed the pain level at the highest setting possible and used it on Vivian full-force.

She slowly got up from the slab, and approached a back-tracking Essex, who was now stuttering.

"Why don't you feel the pain? You're not supposed to get away from this device! Die, dammit, DIE!" he said with a panicky stutter.

"There are only so much times that a girl can die", she replied, taking her time to wink at me. She really was alive? And she remembered me? She instantly turned back at Sinister with a vicious, coy smile. "I do feel the pain. The pain you're giving me. I LIKE feeling this pain. Do you know why? Because being in pain makes me feel ALIVE."

She had almost reached him, when Sinister turned his back at her with a demented laugh. "You foolish children! I know she's only an illusion now, because it's clear that an illusion can't feel the pain my device would normally give her right now. But the person creating the illusion will surely feel it! Now, who is it?" he said to himself as his eyes crossed Bobby's. "It's you! Little ice and mind manipulator! Prepare to die!"

Sinister pointed his device at Bobby, but at the same time a not-so-illusionary Vivian took the chance to plunge her hand into his back. Her hand came out of Sinister's chest, holding his still beating heart.

"Oh! Look! His heart bleeds for me." She said, letting out a slight chuckle.

We all looked at her with freaked eyes, as Sinister heartless body slumped to her feet.

"What are you looking at? You DID come here willing to get blood on your hands in order to avenge me, right?" she told me, as she shot Sinister's heart into a litter basket.

I put my head down in slight shame. "Yeah."

She chuckled again, in that eerie manner of hers. "Well, it looks like I avenged my own death! How appropriate. Oh, and don't worry about Sinister's death weighing on my afterlife. I'm already living my afterlife, after all!"

Gerry burst into laughs.

Lola could only comment "Our boy seems to like morbid humor."

Before I knew it, Vivian has hugging me and sniffling, "Oh Davey, look what they did to me! I know now I'm more goth-looking than I ever could be, but why did it have to be this way? mother thinks I'm dead! Well, I actually am. And, spending all these hours on that madman's lab, enduring God knows what kind of monstrous tampering..." As I hugged her back, Vivian seemed to pull herself back together instantly. "At least one good thing came out of all this; it took my death to bring you back in town to see me!" she smiled and kissed my cheek.

I decided not to tell her that I came here for rest and relaxation, and I learnt of her death by accident.

Bobby exasperated, as he gave Gerry his backpack back. "Okay, everything turned out hunky-dory, maybe now we should hurry and go back to the mansion and find out what the hell is going on there!"

"We definately should" Frank said, anxious to see if Monique was okay.

"Wait a minute darlings!" Lola intervened. "There are other bodies here. Maybe more of them are alive."

Bobby wasn't so welcoming to the idea. "Yeah, I'm sure all corpses in here have the mutant ability to constantly reytunr from the dead! Look guys, do we really need to stay a second more in this horrid place? There's only dead flesh and blood in here...and it reeks like an autopsy lab!"

"It IS an autopsy lab." Vivian corrected him. "Those other people in here...they're not dead. They're simply in a coma. I overheard Sinister talking to his pet tiger about them and he mentioned that he was specifically being paid to keep them in a coma.

"Okay! I'm choosing Curtain 3!" Lola squealed as she ran besides the dormant and covered body at the far side of the lab. "I wonder if he's hunky!"

Gerry checked on his new pet bunny in the backpack and then walked by the other bodies, while Bobby just shook his head in exasperation and joined him. I moved over to the last covered patient.

"Oh my dear Mother of God!" we heard Lola screaming from the other side of the room. "This is Magneto! Fucking Magneto!!" she was repeating. We checked and saw that the comatose man she uncovered was a 40-year old version of Magneto. Actually, Frank was sure it was Magneto himself, but apparently Sinister had messed with him and rejuvenated him into a much younger version of himself. Frank had no idea however on how Mags got himself in this lab.

We uncovered the other comatose guests of Sinister and discovered that they were Sabretooth, Toad, and a young man that Bobby recognised as his old friend Pyro.

"This is bloody weird" I told the others. "I was sure that Magneto had something to do with the mansion being under questionable circumstances, but now I absolutely have no idea who the fucking infiltrator is supposed to be! I thought it was somebody Magneto hired to spy on us, but it seems like Magneto was sleeping like a baby the whole time! I'm not getting this!"

"Well let's just go back to the Institute and find out for ourselves. Thinking it over and over here in Miami won't do us any good." Bobby proposed.

"Yeah, I don't have the outmost idea about Monique's state and it's driving me crazy! I'm SUPPOSED to know stuff!" Frank added to the choir.

"Yeah, let's go back, I need to make a nice home for my bunny" was all that Gerry could say.

"I'm coming with you guys" Vivian declared.

"What? Are you sure about this? Shouldn't you tell your mother you're not dead?" I asked.

"I don't know how she will react." she responded, lowering her head.

"I'm sure your mother will be happy to know her daughter is alive, no matter what she has become." Lola adviced her.

"I know. But now that I'm a mutant, I'd prefer to come over there first and run some tests to find out exactly what my powers are. Not to mention that it might be too much for my mom to lose me and get me back in a new form only in a matter of two days. Let her cope with it first. Oh, and pocket that huge life insurance she had on me." she grinned.

"I won't go against your wishes, Viv." I assured her.

Frank intervened. "I know what her powers are! She's dead, so she just can't die again! I think she can reform herself no matter into what situation we put her body into. She's practically immortal. But those are only the basic stuff my powers let me know."

"Thanks for the info, lightbulb!" he received a grin from our formerly alive companion. "Don't we have someplace to go?"

"Let me get the car" Lola said, as she exited the room. "Travelling with all those loud-mouths together is gonna be a pain in the ass..." she murmured to herself.

"What are we gonna do with those sleeping beauties?" Vivian asked, pointing at the Brotherhood of the Sleeping Mutants.

"We can leave them here, then as soon as we figure out what's going on in the mansion, we can send someone here with the jet to pick them up." Frank proposed.

I was beggining to think that nothing was wrong with our friends back at the mansion. I mean, I came here, believing that my oldest friend was dead and willing to go very far in order to avenge her death, yet I found out she was somewhat...alive. I'm sure that, by going back to the mansion, we would just find out that nothing is really wrong and the phone is broken down or something. If THIS turned out good, well, everything can turn out good!


Everything was suspiciously silent when Lola's car parked right beside the gates to Xavier's Institute for Higher Learning. So, yeah, it was late in the night, and if since it was a normal schoolday tomorrow, everyone was supposed to be sleeping and resting, getting themselves ready for another tiring schoolday.

Frank was the first one to get out of the car.

"I have to find Monique and check up on her. I don't know what you guys intend to do, but I'm going whether you help me out or not."

"Okay, okay, Monique is our friend too! So, we should go to the mansion's East Wing first, where the female dorms are. We should probably find Monique in her room or something. That time of the night, she must be in bed." I reasoned. I couldn't go against Frank in a time like that because his all-knowing powers were our biggest chance of not getting caught by surprise by whatever was happening in there. And if his stupid, love-stricken head said we had to check on Monique first, well, all I could do was go with the flow.

"I'm sorry darlings, but I'm not joining in. I have to check on my room first, put the karaoke machine back into its place, and make sure my canary is getting fed properly. I mean, there's probably nothing going on anyway! You saw for yourselves that Magneto and his gang are in an induced coma in some god-forsaken lab in Florida, so consequently there's absolutely no one left to threaten this Institute!" Lola declared non-chalantly.

"Are you for real?" I retorted. "Professor X. was poisoned into a coma and we don't know who did it! Someone is running around the mansion in a hood and making the boys have gay sex with each other! Why do you think Colossus barged into your room and tried to rape you? This is not a game, Lola, it's real!"

"Look, sweetie. You just go at the East Wing to check on Monique and keep your eyes open. My room is on the West Wing along with the boys' dorm rooms (I still can't explain why those people believe I'm a guy!), so I'll keep an eye open for you. But for your information, we still don't know if there's some big, bad-ass villain behind all this! For all we know, Xavier could have gotten food poisoning or something! We all know how crappy the food in this Institute is. As for the gay sex break-out, is it really something we can consider BAD?" she winked. "I'm off now. See ya tomorrow, darlings!

"I'm going with her." Vivian proposed. "I have a bad feeling about this, and I don't think she should be alone for now. I'll just see her to her room, and then make sure we come back to find you guys."

"You do that" I complied. Vivian always had a special way of thinking along the same lines with me. "Be careful, girls" I added, as Lola took her karaoke system off the car and went inside through the front gate.

"Looks like it's just us boys now" Gerry commented.

"Yeah, I guess" Bobby replied.

"Lola is just being bitchy after multiple hours of cintinious driving" I said just as the girls here too far to hear to what I said. "I suggest we use that to our advantage. The girls are going in through the front door and, with Lola there, they're bound to get full attention from whoever has taken over the mansion.

"Which means that we can use them as a distraction and get through the kitchen door. Great thinking, Dave!" Frank completed my own debriefing.

"Thanks Frank. Now, I suggest we make it quick and stealthy. We go through the kitchen, Gerry goes first in total invisible and intangible mode to scout for us. Gerry, if you see anything suspicious you'll inform us ASAP. Me and Bobby will be ready to use our powers in full attacking mode in case anything comes up. Frank, you'll be walking behind us and give us any intel your powers might pick up. We'll be covering you. Oh, and carry the backpack with Gerry's bunny, if you please."

"The BUNNY has a NAME!" Gerry complained.

"Oh. Frank. You carry the backpack with FLUFFY inside, if you please." I glanced back to Gerry to make sure I got it right this time. He flashed me an appreciating smile.

Zazelle was sitting on her rocking chair behind the curtains, looking through the window to the mansion's yard. The room was dark and whoever was outside couldn't see her shadow on the window's glass, but she could see very clearly the young mutants who had arrived at the moment, conspiring about how to infiltrate her new home.

"They're here", she said to herself.

She got up and approached the closet of her new room (Professor Xavier's old room) and opened it.

"This is a very special day."

She started looking through the closet, picking out various kinky uniforms and skimpy clothing, mainly made of lycra, leather and even spandex.

"A special day like this requires my most special lingerie..."

Vivian and Lola finally got to the latter's room. Lola made a lot of noise while getting there, calling for anyone who might be there and awake, so if anyone was around, their presence couldn't have gone unnoticed.

"Just be done with whatever you got to do here and let's get back to join the boys. I have a very morbid feeling about this." Vivian warned her companion.

"Of course you've got a morbid feeling darling, you're dead! What are you worried about, anyway? It ain't like you can die anymore. All you have to worry about are those permanent black circles around your eyes... you're giving 'heroine chic' a whole new meaning! Kate Moss would so envy you." Lola retorted.

"There are much worse things than death, you know." Vivian said with a pissed voice.

"Yeah. Like what?"

"I just realised that if my powers are really some bizzare kind of immortality...then it's more a curse than a power."

"Why would you say that? You'll never get old. You'll never die. Most people would kill for what you have now. Minus the turquoise skin and the black circles, of course." Lola tried to reason, as she placed the karaoke machine on her bed. She then walked over to check on her canary.

"You don't get this, do you. I'll never die. Everyone around me will die. My mom. My family. Dave. And I'll keep living for hundrends of years, unharmed. I'll make new friends, but eventually they'll die too. I'm going to outlive every single person I'll ever know."

"I guess that kind of vicious circle can eventually prove out boring." Lola admitted, as she fed her precious canary, Mr. Pavarotti.

"That's not even the half of it. Eventually, the human race will extinct. I will be alone on this planet. Wandering in an endless desert." Vivian kept going.

"Good grief! Easy there, dead girl! No need to be so grouchy." Lola tried to comfort her.

"THE SUN! The Sun will someday grow bigger and burn the earth! And I'll be the only one to survive that! You will all die and yout corpses will bloat and then explode and disingerate and I'll be left ALONE, floating alone in the darkness of endless space, for all time, in the darkness!" Vivian concluded, clearly having some kind of hysterical rant.

"That's a comforting thought. Gee, you're a bigger drama queen than I am!" Lola commented, before putting away the birdfood. Then she turned to the door. "We should go find the boys." she proposed.

But the door had been mysteriously closed.

"Hey, dead girl, did you close the door in your way in?" She turned to the newfound mutant as she walked to the door to check it out.

"No. Didn't you?"

"I don't remember doing so." She tried to open it, but it was locked. "Damn! Someone locked us in! From the outside!"

"Oh please. You came in after I did, and I strongly remember the key being in the inner side of the door. Why did you lock us in, Lola?" Vivian said with an accusing voice.

"What the heck are you talking about? Why would I do that? Maybe you lost some braincells during that short period that you were completely dead!"

"Give me a break, Lola. I wasn't thinking clearly about it then, but I realise that now. When I killed Sinister, and you guys were going around uncovering the comatose mutants, I couldn't help but realise how alive his corpse still was. When someone dies, life keeps going on in his own body. I could see the different bacteria. The disintegrating tissue. The plucky, hair follicles. All that warm, cuddly kind of stuff."

"You wanna disgust me to death or something?"

"Shut your trap. Long story short, I thought that the dead, disintegrating body was talking to me. The skin, the smell, the face, everything! The corpse was like a book that contained all the information of the life that had left it. So that made some kind of Corpse Reader! Of course, I couldn't fully understand the language the "book" was written in, but I picked up some stuff. Sinister was given those bodies specifically to keep them comatose. Someone wanted Magneto and his gang out of the picture, and they seemed perfectly capable of handing them to Sinister to take care of. But the surprising thing was that Sinister knew all of our names for some reason. And one of us, he had seen up close and personal before. Because one of us was the person who handed him the comatose bodies in the first place!"

"What do you mean, you raving lunatic? Are you accusing me of something? Just because you think I locked us in on purpose?"

"One of us is a double-crossing traitor, Lola. And right now I'm pretty sure that it's YOU! Someone was waiting for us to arrive here, that's why everything's so silent! Someone INFORMED them to have the mansion like this when we arrive! That was you. And now your boss told you to lock me up in here, because otherwise I would be an uncontrollable element that could cost them their plans! I mean, your boss wouldn't know how to permanently deal with a constantly regenarating girl that cannot die and can easily survive being cut to pieces! Restraining me is the only solution that can render me harmless!"

"You're out of your mind, you worm-infested idiot!"

"Then why don't you use your ninja skills to kick that fucking door down? I remembering you mentioning that you're a mighty martial arts expert along with your funny glitter-cloud powers..."

"I CAN'T kick that door down! I already did many moons ago, and Storm had the door replaced with the high-security steel door you're seeing now!"

"No. You just had the door replaced specifically to keep ME locked in!!"

"You are completely nuts! We didn't know YOU existed until today! How would I install a high-security door for a dead woman I DIN'T KNOW about until today? And YOU chose to come with me in here, I never asked you to come!"

" "We" didn't know? Who's "we", Lola? You and your boss, maybe?"

"Shut your paranoid mouth, you cretinous zombie! I meant "we" as "me and the gang!" Geez, I don't know what suddenly got into you! You weren't like that 5 minutes ago!"

"I've had enough of your filthy lies, you cross-dressing traitor! I think it's about time we had TWO dead girls in this room!" Vivian concluded as she pulled her gloves to uncover her threatening nails that had earlier killed Sinister...

"Bring it on then, zombie-girl!" Lola dared her as she assumed her battle stance.

On the exact opposite side of the mansion, me and the boys were almost at Monique's door. We had gotten there quite easily, with Gerry in full ghost mode scouting for us undetected, and we didn't really have to be careful of anything because we encountered nobody during our little infiltration.

The kitchen was empty, the halls were empty, even the dorm corridor we were crossing right now was empty. And Frank couldn't wait to get to Monique's room.

"Screw the precautions! There's noboby out here anyway!" he said as he ran past me and through an intangible Gerry, and started knocking of Monique's door. "Monique! Monique, are you in there?"

Gerry went tangible again and shrugged at me. "Can I put my shorts on now?"

"Nah, we still don't know what might happen to us. Be prepared to go in ghost-mode again." I adviced as I checked out his treasure trail that dissapeared under his g-string's pouch.

"MONIQUE! Answer me dammit!" Frank kept going. "I think the door's locked." he turned to me. "Can you do something about it?"

"If Monique isn't really in trouble and she finds out that we thrashed her door, how do you think she's going to react?" I asked him.

"Just do it, and I'll be the only one to go in." he offered.

"I'll see what I can do" I said. I walked to the door and morphed my finger into something extra-pointy, thin enough to fit into the door's keyhole. After a few tries scratching the kethole around and morhping in different shapes the finger I had in there, I managed to pick the lock.

"Another satisfied customer!" I gloated as I blew on my (humanlike-again) finger like it was a gun. "You're welcome!" I told Frank as he went in without even giving me a thankful look. Damn those youths of today...!

Frank walked into the pitch-blackness of the room. He couldn't make out anything, except from a dinstinct smell

"Monique? Monique, are you in here? Oh Monique..." he grumbled.

Suddenly a lamp was turned on. Specifically, it was the lamp that Monique had next to her bed. Frank saw Monique sitting on her bed, tucked under her sheet, her hair being all tusled and her eyes red-ish.

"Frank?" was all that she could say with a confused tone in her voice.

"Oh there you are!" Frank said as a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He reached to hug her, but the confused and kinda angry look on her face, not to mention the fact that SHE was the one that reeked of fish put him off that spontaneous decision.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Frank? Can't you see I'm trying to get some sleep?" she said to him with a higher tone in her voice.

"I was so worried about everything all right in here? We came back earlier for you." he started explaining. It looked like Dave was right about his theory of Monique getting pissed of their sudden intrusion.

"Well, couldn't you come in the fucking morning? I feel sick, Frank, and my body feels weird, and... oh and my fucking door was locked for hours! Did YOU guys lock me in here? Does it look funny to you? Does my situation look funny?" she started bitching.

"Monique...are you all right? What do you mean you're sick? You don't feel like yourself..."

"NO I'M NOT ALL RIGHT! I LOOK all right to you, you idiotic dumb-fuck? I'M SICK! AND I WANTED TO GET SOME SLEEP! And you come here and wake me up! Do you have ANY idea how I'm going to feel in the morning? Do you even GIVE a damn about me?"

"Monique, I..."

"SHUT UP! For once, stop talking and being the wise-ass bastard that you are! You LEFT me here! You took Dave's fuck-buddy with you and left me here without a second chance!"

"But YOu were the one that asked to..."

"SHUT IT! I was locked in here, sweating my sickness out, and you were in fucking Florida having your merry vacation! Dancing in the beach with hot Miami bitches, and who know what else you ended up doing with them, and I had to stay in my bed and THINK about what you've been up to! And you DIDN'T CALL ONCE! Just to fucking check up on me!" she raved on. Monique's bed was beginning to float exorcist-like, just like most of the small objects around the room. Her telekinesis seemed out of control!

"Don't be paranoid, please! It's ME, your friend Frank..." A brand new set of make-up landed on Frank's shoulder with force, making him gasp in pain.

"WHOEVER SAID I WANTED YOU AS A FRIEND? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM OR I'LL KILL YOU! MY "FRIEND"! I NEVER FUCKING SAW A FRIEND IN YOU AND YOU NEVER WERE!!! FUCKER!" a hysterical Monique raved as all Hell broke loose around them. Frank started dodging flying objects coming at full force at him.


Poor old Frankie ran for the door for all his was worth. He dodged a flailing mirror and a big bottle of cologne barely missed his head, then he made a big leap for the door and...

"...UMPH!" Was all we heard from Frank as he landed on the floor of the corridor, right in front of us.

"Lover's quarrel, right?" Bobby snickered.

"Shut up." Frank mumbled under a big heap of pillows that followed him out of the room and landed on him.

"What happened in there?" Was the logical question from Gerry.

"We heard yelling and fighting. Gerry thought of coming in to check out but I thought it would only infuriate hr more. I explained.

"Good choice." Frank told me as he got up from the floor. "I think whoever locked her in there did it for a good reason. Imagine her being out in the open with the mood she is in!"

"Okay this is MAJORLY weird. We come here, everything has gone silent, all the doors in the dorm rooms are locked and I have to supposed that all the students are locked inside their rooms like Monique here was." I tried to analyse our situation.

"Not to mention that she wasn't herself at all, guys! And I bet even if the door was open, she wouldn't be in the mood to come out and see what's going on. She did mention she's sick, you know." Frank conlcluded my thoughts.

"Maybe everyone else has the same sickness as well." Bobby mentioned. " But who would do this?"

"That would be me." A wholy new voice was heard. We all turned to see Zazelle, dressed in an ultra-skanky set of purple lingerie with black lace around them. Her hair was well-combed and really BIG, and she also wore a pair of stiletto-high heels of black colour to mesh with the rest of her get-up.

Oh, and she had grabbed Gerry in a headlock and was pressing a stiletto on his jugular.

"Let him go you ficking skank!" I yelled, trying to get close to them.

"Come ONE step closer and we get to see if his blood is as blue as his skin is...and then you're all gonna get the blues too!" she threatened. "Hello, brother."

"BROTHER?" I said in shock. "I....I....I'm not your brother! I don't know what Darth-Vaderish cliche you got in mind, but my mom and dad always got along well and none of them ever had anothe child that I know of, so just shut your trap and stop fucking with our minds!" I yelled.

"I wasn't talking to YOU, dumbass!" she retorted. "I was talking to old Frankie here" she said, then proceeded to kiss Frank in the cheek. Frank was surprised.

"Wha-huh?!!? I don't remember having a sister! And believe me, I would know if I had one! My powers work that way, and even if I had a long-lost sister I would have picked up something about that!"

"No you wouldn't, my darling brother. Especially with the powers that you have. You see, me and you...we grew up together." she threw the bomb, still pressing her stiletto against her brother's (?) throat.

"What...what are you talking about? I don't remember ANY sister! You're a fucking liar!!" Frank whispered, scared of the stiletto that threatened to take his life.

"Call me a slut if you want, call me a cum-guzzling hooker, but NEVER call me a liar, you dumb runt!" she said in a prissy voice. "You see, our powers are somewhat synchronized. You're completely immune to my powers, and Im completely immune to yours. Which is why as you turned seventeen and your mutation manifested, your knowledge powers started working in REVERSE when it came to me! You forgot about having grown up with a sister. You kept seeing me but you kept forgetting about me. This is why our parents sent you to this stupid Mutant High, because they couldn't bear with you yelling "there's a strange girl in our house!" every once in a while! They grew bored of explaining to you who I was every second day. And it looks like you forgot all about me again once you came here. It never got better, did it? That would explain why you never noticed or remembered me, although I was in this fucking mansion for weeks now and we kept bumping into each other!"

Frank was speechless.

"By the way, did you tell your friends what our family name is?" she asked her brother.

"Fuck you." he said through gritted teeth.

"Why, thanks you!" she responded. "My full name is Zazelle Spermthirsty. Nice to meet you, you little man-bitches."

I choked on my own saliva. Gerry rolled his eyes, probably not comprehending what "spermthirsty" is supposed to mean. Bobby just burst into laughs.

"You mean that Frank's surname is Spermthirsty too?" he asked betweens laughing tears. Frank just bowed his head in shame. No wonder he never told us his full name before.

"Yeah. Our family comes from an eastern-european country and the family name was something like Spaermthurstee. The guy handling their immigration case must have thought it would be real funny if he put some words differently when they changed the surname to something more...American. It stayed that way ever since. Too bad I can't use my powers on my brother and make him LITERALLY a spermthirsty as well!"

"Is this why you went for him first? Because your powers won't affect him?" I asked, trying to change the painful (and really irrelevant) subject and keep her talking some more. I motioned to Bobby to get ready for battle but he wasn't paying attention to me. Gerry was looking at our uncovered villain as well.

I had to work everything out by myself here!

"Yes my dear faggot, that's why I'm holding a knife against his throat. My baby brother is the only person immune to my mutant gifts in this place, therefore the only one who can resist to my power and mess with my grandiose plans for all of you!"

"What the fuck are you trying to do here anyway? What's you 'big villain scheme?'" I demanded to know.

"And what are your powers, after all?" Gerry added.

"My big villainous speech will have to be saved for a later time. For now, I'll just answer to the bareass cutie's question. My powers, sweetie, have a different effect to men and women. When used on ladies, they can mess with their menstrual circle, corrupt it, and bend it to my will. Depending on my amassed power, I can give a woman PMS anytime I want, for any period of time I want, and to any extent I like. This can screw up their mood, make them grumpy, lazy, bitchy, or even homicidal!" the bitch said.

"That's what you did to Monique! That's why she treated me that way in there! YOU did this to her, you bitch!" Frank said, trying to struggle with her, to no avail.

"Yes, indeed I did. Like I did with all the ladies in here. I gave them super-PMS and locked them in their rooms. Those bitches don't even have the courage to get up and go to their doors right now. They won't be a problem to my cause. I did the same thing with your girlfriends at the other side of the mansion, as well as locking them in the room. It didn't work on your tranvestite friend, but it doesn't matter anyway, because it worked on the zombie girl you brought along. She got so bitchy that she must be ripping that filthy drag queen to pieces right now as we speak." she smirked.

"No fucking way!" I said.

"YES fucking way", she shot back. "As for the effect of my powers on guys, it's quite more simple and you must have guessed it 'till now. I can completely bend your libido to my will. If a guy is ridden with testosterone, like your teacher Wolverine is, I can use it to my will and make him my slave, or my puppy-dog to be more exact. I can make guys so horny they're fuck the first living thing on sight, or I can make them lust for only a ceratin person. And of course I can turn them gay, straight or bi, and let them be that way."

"So YOU were the hooded figure behind all the gay sex that was going on!" I said pointing at her. "But WHY on Earth would you want something like that to happen?"

"I won't deny it; man-to-man action makes me hot. I love watching gay guys getting on, and straight guys that I temporarily turned gay even more! But I didn't do all this just for fun. It helps in my ulterior motives as well. But that's a story for another day. Let me show you what else I can do with my powers!" she said, and them abruptly shoved Frank's head on the wall, rendering him unconscious.

"Frank! No!" Gerry tried to reach for his friend, but Zazelle pointed at him with her hand, using her power on him. Poor Gerry groaned a little and we all saw the pouch of his g-string bulging and getting wet.

"Uh-hu! Looks like you made a mess of yourself." she giggled at a blushing Gerry.

"So you can make us mess our pants. Big Fucking Deal!" I murmured, majorly pissed by now. I gave her an evil eye, like telling her that her ass is mine.

"Oh, you want me to fully demonstrate what I'm capable of doing? Very well" she said, and pointed at Gerry again, making him orgasm again. And again. And again. And again. Gerry was having a multiple orgasm, they way some women usually have!

"He's so cute when he cums, isnt he?" the mega-bitch winked at me.

Gerry was heaving and even spasming a little, and the cum was flooding out of his g-string and trickling down his thighs. After 10 orgasms or so, he finally collapsed in complete exhaustion.

"I think....I'm....spent...." was all he managed to say with a happy smile on his face, before he dozed off.

"Your friend just experienced 10 hours of non-stop sex (or masturbation, if we take it that way) in less than one minute. Imagine how much energy he has just lost. Energy that I suck from his every time he cums. And keep in mind that I really took it easy on him, because I like him. Now imagine what lies ahead for you..."

"Oh my God! BOBBY, RUN!!!" I yelled in panic, and we both started running away. I didn't want to leave Frank and Gerry behind, but me and Bobby were right now the X-Men's only hope against that nymphomaniac sex hound that Zazelle was!

Zazelle just followed us, but she never actually RAN after us. I imagine those high-heels were making it diffucult for her.

"Oh give me a freaking break! You're running away? Is THAT what Xavier taught you to do?" she teased as she came after us. "I thought the X-Men were tougher than that!" she laughed.

"Oh, and by the way, there's nowhere to run to!" she added, as she kept going. "The women are locked in their rooms and if you bother them they'll bite your head off. Your cute friend and my brother won't be conscious until AFTER I'm done with you! Your girlfiends are killing each other as we speak! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GONNA DO?" she yelled.

I did what spontaneously came in my mind. We came across the laundry room and I pulled Bobby inside, then locked us both in there, away from the evil sex-crazed bitch.

"Great thinking, dumb-head! Now we're trapped!" Bobby nagged at me.

"Listen, you go back there and find anything we can use against her. She's probably going to come here and stand outside the door. We're still two against one. If we open the door and attack her at the same time, she might make one of us cum once or twice, but we will have owned her long before she actually has the time to be a threat! You got it?" the strategist in my head popped up.

"Okay, your plan might not be as retarted as it initially seemed. "Bobby admitted, then went in the back to search for something to hit her with. Even if he didn't find anything useful, he could still use his ice powers on her, while I morphed my arms into something not-lethal to hit her with. She was Frank's sister and he had to keep her alive, no matter the dislike Frank must have grown for her in the little time they got to know each other.

"You really don't get this, do you?" I heard Zazelle's voice from the other side of the door. I resisted the temptation to turn my hand into a katana and slash her through the door. She must be caught alive!

"What is it that I don't get with you? You must think you're some ingenious brilliance, but me and you both know you're just a dumb bimbo." I retorted. The stupid bitch should know better than throwing her hostage away and coming alone against two mutants with quick and deadly offensive powers!

"But I am. This whole situation simply shows what a typical example of thedumb blonde cliche you are. Did you really think I didn't have everything well thought-out? I MANIPULATED every single one of you. You think it was coincidence that all Hell broke loose when you and your buddies were on vacation? No. You think the gay pairings I chose were entirely concidental. Again, NO. Of course, I had a little luck by my side during this big journey of plotting and deceit, but when you think about it, me and my helper did everything by ourselves! We kicked the asses of an ENTIRE school of mutants!" she gloated. I was in a state of shock.

"What do you mean "you and your helper"? You had an accomplice in all of this?" I asked, dumb-founded.

"Of course I did. Do you think I would be able to get in here and do my thing while Xavier was around? Of course not. So I had my inside man get rid of him for me. Xavier was poisoned, put in a coma, and I was free to infiltrate this place as a new student and do whatever I wanted with your lousy asses." she said, managing to keep me out of my previous way of thinking.

"Someone was helping you in all of this? Someone we know and we trust? A TRAITOR?" I was too surprised to get out and attack her like the bitch she was.

"Oh, please, "traitor" is such a strong term. This person was never "yours" to begin with. And yeah, you do know her very well. From what she told me, you know her MUCH better than you should be. But never good enough. Please tell her I said "hi" ", she concluded.

I turned around, only to see Bobby looking at me with a devious look.

"I'm sorry, honeybuns...", he said, and then he transformed into a blue-skinned woman with hateful, yellow eyes. It was Mystique!!!

She knocked me on the head with a baseball hat and then finished me off by shoving me on the wall, then she let me slump on the floor unconscious, before finishing off her sentence...

"...but we need to start seeing other people."


[No bunnies were harmed during the making of this chapter.]

I'm sorry, sorry, SORRY for taking so long to write!!! :-( The next chapter will be the conclusion to the whole Zazelle thing. If you guys nudge me bad enough by sending me your opinions at , I might get my lazy ass to write the next chapter quickly and not have waiting three months again, no matter what other obstacles my life throws in the way!!!

Oh and tell me how you liked that cliffhanger! :P

Next: Chapter 10

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