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"You like puppies?" "Yes sir! Can I have one?" "NO! but I might have a puppy someday. Tim has a puppy. Perhaps he can bring it over for you to play with. Would you like that?" "OH yes Sir! PLEASE?" While we eat lunch, I call Tim. "Hey I have someone here that would like to play with your puppy. Yes! He is the guy I had at the club the other night. This afternoon, why sure. I didn't expect you to drop everything just to bring your puppy over here. Well, if you need something fun to do bring him on over." "Tim isn't doing anything today and says he is a little bored. He'll bring his puppy over for you two to play. He'll be here in about an hour. He is a nudist just like us. So, we don't need to get dressed. His puppy has a golden-brown tail that is always waging. He wears a bright blue collar. He is very frisky." "He sounds like fun."
Tim arrives. He is a good friend and has a code for the gate. He and his pup come to the front door and ring the bell. He comes in with his pup walking upright. "Welcome this is Snowflake. Snowflake this is Tim and his pup." "Who are you and where is the pup?" Tim's pup, without a word, turns around to show his tail and gets down on all fours. "This is my pup "Bingo" Say hello Bingo." "Whoof, eeeeuuu, eeeeuuu!" Bingo starts to dance and prance around with his brown tail wagging. He is all excited. "I think Bingo likes you Snowflake! Why don't you pet him before he goes crazy?" Snowflake's eyes are as big as saucers and his mouth drops wide open. "How do I pet him?" "Like you would pet any puppy. Scratch him behind his ears. Rub his back. Gently pull his tail. Rub his belly. Ask him to shake hands with you." Snowflake hesitantly ask Bingo to shake'. Bingo sits back and offers his paw to Snowflake. "He doesn't bite. Just get down on the floor and play with him!!" "Snowflake, it's OK. He wants to play with you. GET DOWN on the floor and play with him." Snowflake obeys and gets down on all fours. Bingo climbs over his back and runs around front and jumps up on Snowflake. He wags his tail almost violently. Bingo is whining crying, and dancing around Snowflake. Snowflake spins to keep his face toward Bingo. Bingo runs the other way. Snowflake turns and goes the other way also. Bingo runs up to Snowflake and jumps back again. He does this several times. Snowflake get the idea and jumps forward at Bingo. They both fall over and roll. Snowflake starts laughing. Bingo comes up to Snowflake and begins smelling him. Snowflake looks up at Bill. "Go on smell him back and see what happens." Soon they are smelling each other and running in circles. Snowflakes cock gives him away. He thinks this is fun. Bingo is no slouch either. His cock is hard with a bead of pre-cum at the end. Bingo smells Snowflakes butt plug. He goes under Snowflake and bumps his hanging belly. "Snowflake is full of cum and piss and is plugged to keep it in." Snowflake stops, turns beet red, and hangs his head. "It's OK Snowflake. Nothing wrong with that. Tim also does that to his puppy every once in a while. Don't you Tim?" "Quite frequently actually." Tim reaches down and pets Snowflake behind the ears, rubs his back, and runs his hands over his rump. "He's a little warm and pink. Has he been bad?" "Yeh, I had to spank him this morning." Snowflake gets even more red. "He is a good boy most of the time. But he hasn't been with me for very long and needs occasional discipline." "He looks cute." "He is a little naive. I told him a little bit ago that he couldn't have a puppy but that I might have one!" "Oh, I see," "Snowflake wouldn't you like to have a tail like Bingo's?" "You said the doctor made a butt plug with a tail, but I didn't know what you meant. I donno. He looks cute and he seems like he likes to play." "He likes very much to play. When he is playing like a puppy, he just doesn't worry about anything. He is just a carefree puppy! He runs and plays and forgets the rest of the world. Look at him he is as happy as can be. I think he looks on you like another puppy. He is probably wondering why you don't have a tail." Snowflake looks at me with his brow wrinkled and a questioning face. He comes over to my leg and rubs against it and smiles at me. "You want a tail?" He rolls over and puts all four legs up in the air and thrashes about. "Tim, he is so playful he is up to most anything. He just enjoys being my plaything." "You need to get him a tail." He whispers to Tim: "I have a custom-made butt plug with a tail. The doctor made him one of those custom fitted ones." "I think he is asking for it?" "Here Snowflake, here!" Snowflake follows Bill toward the hall and bathroom. "Tim, I think you are right. Just give me a minute." Snowflake HERE" I take snowflake to the bathroom. "Ass up Snowflake." Snowflake smiles and puts his head and chest on the floor and ass end straight up into the air. I massage his belly to get the water mix back high up into him. I get the Tail plug out of the box. I lube it up and lay it on the counter. After letting the water out of the inflating valve of the pug, I get the tail plug in hand. I slowly pull out the enema plug and quickly replace it with the tail plug. I inflate it firm with warm water. "GOOD BOY Snowflake." He wags is new tail and wiggles his butt. "Damn, you are a playful thing. There isn't anything you won't do for a little fun. You like your tail?" Silly question he is just bouncy and boinky. "Ok go show Bingo your tail." Snowflakes runs on all fours out of the bathroom into the living room and crashes over Bingo. They both go rolling over the floor. "Yup, your right he got the idea right away and seems very happy with his tail. Now, I'll have to get him a collar, paws, and knee pads! He's only been with me for about two weeks. He never ceases to amaze me." "Bingo wears his collar almost all the time. When I attach a leash, he drops to the floor and changes personality. It doesn't matter if I unleash him when he is on all fours. I must leash him again and get him to stand up and unleash him standing for a transition to take place. Only the leashing and unleashing while he is standing counts." "Thanks, I was wondering how that works." "Like your boy... Now pup...he is not allowed to play with his cock or to cum without permission. I have bred him and had him breed another dog on a few occasions. When I take him to the club or other places were nudity is not appropriate, but playing is, I put a pair of white briefs on him backwards and let his tail out the front flap' " Both dogs had massive erections and were leaking pre-cum in massive amounts. They really seemed to hit it off. "That didn't take as long as I expected. Has Snowflake played pup before?" "No, I seriously doubt it. It's just that he is so playful that he will try anything that looks like fun. If I condone it, he will try it." Snowflake and Bingo side up to each other and lick each other's cock. "Neither of you have permission to cum! Dogs get beat for that!" Both cock their heads but continue to lick! "Snowflake has had all his shots and all his tests are negative. So, I could breed him another day." "Bingo for Bingo...Ha Ha!"
Just watching them play, my cock is throbbing hard. I look over and so is Tim's. I go fetch a ball from my tennis bag. I roll it across the floor, and it goes under the couch. Both dogs run to fetch it, but it is out of reach. Both are nose under and ass up trying to get the ball. Snowflake eventually backs up and looks at me while whining: "eeeeuuu, eeeeeuuu" I get down and get it out from under the couch and roll it back out into the middle of the room. Bingo gets it in his mouth. Snowflake growls, snarls, and tries to get it out of Bingos mouth. Bingo won't let go. Snowflake goes around, bites and pulls on his tail. Bingo drops the ball and bites Snowflake on the rump. Snowflake lets go of the tail. "I don't know what would happen if Bingo's tail would come out." "Snowflakes tail cannot come out. Doctor Smythe made me several butt plugs of various types. They are inflatable. He custom measures the volume of the ass Shute. He then takes a butt plug with a silicon impregnated Kevlar sack around it that holds exactly the measured volume. The sack is not stretchy. The shank is very strong but narrow. The base has a flat round flange that is flexible and curls up like a taco. The sides fold over the middle and go down over a peg. The peg has a hole for a lock if desired. When you inflate it with the proper amount of water it gets rigid and hard. It cannot be removed until deflated. He made me one with a tube for giving and retaining enemas. One with a heavy weight built in. And one with this lovely tail. They are about one hundred dollars each." "I'll need to take Bingo in for measurement. His tail will come out if tugged. It makes him VERY mad!"
"Ye know, we need to take them both to the club one night. I'm sure they would be a hit, romping around and playing between dance sets. I know Bingo would be well behaved and from what I see the same for Snowflake. It would be the hoots!!" "It would wouldn't it!"
"Here Bingo. We have to go." "It was nice seeing you and meeting your pup Snowflake. Snowflake you be a good dog for Bill. You can have other fun times with Bingo!" He puts Bingo's leash on and leads him to the door. "Up Bingo." Bingo stands up and Tim takes off the leash and they leave.
"Here Snowflake. You like to play with Bingo? Let's get your tail out." Snowflake cocks his head and shakes it a little `NO'. Yes, that's enough for one day. We'll also let your belly empty. Snowflake reluctantly obeys and goes with Bill to the bathroom. On the commode Bill deflates the plug and pulls out the tail. Water, shit, and air come gushing out of Snowflake. He stands up but must sit back down to let more out. This repeats several times. Finally, he seems empty. "Go walk around in the house. You will need to come back." Sure enough, about three more times. "Now you are probably empty!"
"Did you enjoy that?" "Yes Sir!" "You looked like you did! Did you like your surprise?" "Yes Sir. You said something about having a butt plug with a tail. But I had no idea what you meant. I loved it." He became serious. "May I ask something. You won't get mad, will you?" "What my little Snowflake?" "Don't get mad but... Pease Sir... Can I have a collar like Bingo's. I don't want blue. I want one just like it: brown leather but with yellow trim. If you don't want to its OK. Please don't' get mad. I was just wondering." "It's OK Snowflake. You asked very nicely. I was thinking the same thing. I hadn't thought of a color. But yellow would be cute on you. We can go get you one tomorrow sometime. We can also get you some paws and knee pads." "Oh, THANK YOU Sir. Yes, I had a wonderful time being your pup and playing with Bingo."