Soap Opera

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 29, 2016



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Soap Opera

A soap opera called "Home Town" had been on television for nearly two decades. About six years ago the writers decided to introduce some additional characters to the plot, and infuse the story with some new blood. They decided to have a new family move to town. Luke Johnson was a doctor, who took over the practice of an aging practitioner, about to retire. Luke had a wife, Nancy, a twelve year old son, Robbie, and a seventeen year old daughter, Tiffany.

The family was from a big city, and there were a whole slew of episodes about how the family adjusted to small town life. Of course it was hardest on the children, especially Tiffany. Other situations placed Luke in life and death situations, and of course, he always saved the day.

Twelve year old Robbie, was played by a young actor named Michael Rawlings. He was as cute as the dickens, and he won everybody's heart. Robbie's life was always full of angst, and Luke was always there to hug him and assure him that all would be just fine.

Michael's private life was terrible, compared to Robbie's. He was being raised by a single divorced mother, who was a stressed out corporate executive. She had little time for Michael. His father showed up every so often, and took him out somewhere for the afternoon, and then disappeared for another few months. Michael was being schooled on the set by a specially hired teacher, so he didn't even have school chums. When he ran into a school problem, the actor who played his father, Ben Farley, was always there to help him out. After each tutoring session, the two actors would hug each other, even harder than they did on screen. Ben was the father Michael never had.

Five years later, Tiffany was married to a ne'er do well, and had an infant daughter. This presented the writers with a whole lot of segments, concerning spousal abuse, and a cheating husband. Robbie was now seventeen, and going through the "awkward" stage with girls, and with the usual problems of becoming an adult. In spite of the fact that Michael was maturing in real life, as well as Robbie on screen, Luke continued to hug him constantly on screen, and Ben continued to hug him even harder off screen.

By the time Michael was fourteen, he knew that he was gay. When Ben hugged him on the set or in real life, he would push himself as hard as he could against his "father." He was hoping somehow to feel the man's package. At first Ben didn't realize what the boy was doing, but as Michael matured, Ben finally realized what he was up to. When he became aware of what was happening, Ben pushed back hard, and they both felt what they were seeking. The first time Ben fully participated in their little subterfuge, the two actors smiled at each other.

Both of them had plenty of adoring fans, who greeted them enthusiastically when they left the studio. Michael lost his virginity to another teen ager when he was sixteen. The fan slipped Michael a note on his way to the limousine which was waiting to drive him home. As he sat down in the limo, Michael read the note. It implored him to allow the fan to have sex with him. The note was simply signed Jim.

Michael told the driver not to move. He opened the window, and beckoned to Jim, who came flying to the limo. Michael opened his door, and told his fan to jump in. Jim was far from shy. The minute they were both seated in the back, he grabbed Michael's crotch, and started to kiss him wildly. Michael was surprised at first, but soon joined Jim in his passion.

Michael's mother was off on one of her business trips, but she felt that Michael was old enough to manage on his own. They had a maid who prepared Michael's dinner, and she was usually gone before the boy got home. When Jim and Michael entered the apartment, they found themselves alone. Michael shared his pre-prepared dinner with Jim. Neither boy ate very much. They were too excited, anticipating what was about to happen. Finally they dumped the meal, and hand in hand they ran to Michael's bedroom.

Notwithstanding the fact that Jim was two years older than Michael, he was still a virgin. Their love making was awkward to say the least. Neither gave a good blow job. Their teeth were all over the place, and their tongues were non-existent. It didn't matter. They were so excited at having their first sexual encounter, that they both came quickly.

Afterward they lay in bed cuddling and smooching. When they were recovered, they decided to try anal sex, with even worse results. They were smart enough to use Vaseline as a lubricant, but neither had condoms. Michael wanted Jim to fuck him first. The only thing Jim did was to grease his cock. He didn't grease Michael's ass, or try to stretch his opening. When Jim entered him, Michael screamed in pain, and made Jim stop. That was the end of anal sex for now.

Michael asked Jim to stay the night so that they could blow each other once more in the morning, but Jim said that he never expected this to happen, and he had to get home or his parents would worry.

That night, alone in bed, Michael was wise enough to know that you couldn't just dive right into having sex. He had read enough to know that a bit of foreplay was a lot of fun, and more than necessary. He made up his mind, that the next person he had sex with, would be a mature man, who had been around the block a few times. That's when the idea came to him to seduce Ben Farley, the only person in the world he loved, and who, he was certain, loved him back.

Ben was now in his mid-thirties. Michael didn't know if he was straight or gay. All he knew for sure was that he was single. He didn't care what Ben's sexual orientation was. He only knew one thing, and that was that he wanted desperately to have sex with Ben.

Late in his seventeenth year, and during the current season of "Home Town," Michael's mother informed him that she had to go to the Middle East on business, and would be away at least one month. The young actor hardly cared at all. She was never home anyway. As soon as she was gone, Ben called his father to see if they could do something together while his mother was away.

His father had remarried a year ago, and he had a brand new baby girl. His new wife answered the phone. She and Michael exchanged some pleasantries, and then she put his father on.

"Sorry," his dad said. "Your little sister takes up all my free time. We'll all get together when she's a little older."

That'll be the day, Michael thought. He went to bed totally depressed and feeling sorry for himself.

The next day he was rehearsing a scene with Ben. It was a disaster. He couldn't remember a single line, and his attention seemed to be anywhere but in the studio. The director kept calling cut, and finally Ben put his arms around Michael. It was one of those hugs that Luke always gave Robbie to let him know that everything would be all right.

"What's wrong Mike?" He was the only one who called Michael, Mike.

Michael broke out crying. Ben approached the director and said they would rehearse later, but right now he wanted to take Michael to his dressing room, talk to the boy, and try to find out what was wrong.

When they were seated in Ben's dressing room, Michael began to sob uncontrollably. Ben held the boy close to him. Michael was almost full grown and he was nearly the same height as Ben. He began to rub his package against Ben's, and Ben was getting very aroused. He pushed the boy away from him, and insisted that Michael tell him what was wrong.

"I'm all alone in the world," he sobbed. "Nobody loves me or gives a damn about me." Ben's jaw dropped open, but he decided not to interrupt Michael, and let him continue.

"My mother is away on business for the next month or so. I called my father to see if we could get together for dinner or something, and he told me that his new family took up all his free time."

"Oh. Mike," Ben said. "You're wrong. You are loved. I couldn't love you more if you were my own son."

"I love you too," Michael answered. "I've loved you like a real father ever since you became my TV father." He hugged Ben tighter, and he suspected that Ben had an erection. He knew for sure that he had one.

"I've got an idea," Ben smiled. "How about you spend the month with me in my apartment? I live alone, and I have two spare bedrooms. That way you don't have to go home to an empty apartment. We'll both have company, and we can rehearse together in the privacy of my own home."

"Do you mean that?" Michael screamed out. "That would be so great."

"Now let's be professionals and get back to work. When we quit tonight, I'll go home with you, and you can pack a bag. Is there anyone you have to inform?"

"Yes, our maid. I'll call her now, and tell her to come around every day and keep the place clean, but that she shouldn't make dinner for me anymore until my mom comes home. I'll also cancel my limo service. We can go to work together. I love how that sounds, `go to work together.' "

Ben and Michael got hold of the director and resumed rehearsing their scene. Michael knew every line, and the director yelled perfect. "Now let's do it with the cameras rolling."

Michael was a better actor than anyone imagined. His whole mental breakdown was carefully rehearsed, and was part of his plan to seduce Ben. Everything was going according to his script.

After he packed his suitcase, he said to Ben, "I don't know what you were planning for dinner, but the maid didn't make mine. Before we go home, let's eat out. My treat."

Ben laughed. "Sure, why not? You can afford it."

Michael hugged Ben again, and rubbed even harder. They both knew what awaited them this night, and Ben was more frightened than Michael. All that went through his mind was that Michael was jail bait for another month or so. He chose to ignore that minor detail. After all, he was certain that Michael was the aggressive seducer, and he was merely going along for the ride. In addition to that rationalization, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was madly in love with Michael. He was also certain that Michael felt the same way about him.

They had dinner at a five star restaurant, and Ben advised Michael to savor the meal, and not to rush. "We have plenty of time," he said, smiling at his young "son." Michael knew exactly what Ben meant. He grabbed Ben's hand and squeezed it tightly. Ben smiled back to let Michael know that they were both on the same page as to what pleasures this night would bring to them.

At long last they entered Ben's beautiful, spacious apartment in Trump Towers. Ben took Michael's suitcase and put it in the guest bedroom. For some reason that disturbed Michael a lot. He got over it quickly enough when Ben said, "Let's get undressed Mike, and shower together in my bathroom."

Michael was in his birthday suit in a mere second or two. Ben took his hand and led him into his bedroom. Michael watched Ben intently as the man took his sweet time getting naked. He was actually doing a strip for reverse.

The two men took the time to check each other out. Michael was six feet tall. His hair was a sandy blond, and his eyes were a light blue. He was very muscular. The studio had exercise equipment for the actors to use. When he wasn't in class or taping, Michael used the equipment, and Ben was surprised to see how muscular Michael was. His cock was cut, and currently stood tall at about six and a half inches.

Ben stood six feet, one inch. He preferred to work out in a gym in his neighborhood, whenever he could. It gave him an opportunity to attract tricks for one night stands. He was more muscular than Michael would have thought. His hair was jet black (dyed) and his eyes were sky blue, offset by beautiful black lashes. His cut cock was presently standing at eight inches and it was thicker than the boy's, but that was of no concern to either of them. They were both very attractive men.

Michael followed Ben into the bathroom, where he began to run the shower. He had to wait a moment or two for the temperature to come to his liking. He took advantage of this moment to embrace Michael, and smash their very hard cocks together. They had done this before, many times, but never naked. Ben could tell that Michael was crying.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Am I hurting you?"

"Not at all. I'm crying because someone is loving me."

This time he wasn't acting, and he was melting Ben's heart. Ben leaned into him, and put his lips on Michael's. This was a definite first for Michael. Even his mother never kissed him. He couldn't ever remember his father hugging him, much less kissing him. Ben's tongue darted out and parted Michael's lips. Their tongues met in an embrace as passionate as the embrace of their bodies.

Ben led Michael into the shower. He grabbed a bar of soap and lathered it up. Then he began to soap Michael's body. When he wrapped his palm around Michael's cock, and started stroking it, the young man came immediately.

"Wow," Ben said. "That was fast."

"Don't worry. I cum two or three times in an hour when I whack off. I'll be ready to go again before you can say my name."

Ben handed Michael the soap, and he began to lather every part of Ben's body that he could reach. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, he knew just what he wanted to do. He particularly spent a lot of time soaping up, and stroking Ben's cock, but Ben didn't cum.

"Let's dry up and take this to my bed," he whispered in Michael's ear.

They both stepped out of the shower, and Ben dried Michael, and Michael dried Ben. They both thought that this was a very sensual thing to do.

As soon as they got into bed, Michael asked if they were going to play sixty-nine.

"Not this time," Ben answered. I'm going to do all the work tonight, and you can do all the work next time."

He put Michael on his back, and the young man instinctively spread his legs. Ben laid himself on top of Michael, and he resumed their passionate kissing. Little by little, Ben worked his way down Michael's body. He was moving so slowly that Michael hardly noticed. Ben darted his tongue in and out of Michael's ears, and then he started to take little nips out of Michael's neck. Ben figured that if his "son" had a hickey in the morning, the writers could incorporate it into the script, and if not, the make-up department could cover it up. They had done it often enough for him.

When Ben started to suckle Michael's nipples, the young man purred in delight. He was desperate for Ben to reach his target, but yet he hoped that Ben would continue to kiss and nip at his nipples all night. Finally Ben began to move faster down Michael's body. He wanted to take Michael's cock as much as the boy wanted to be taken, but he didn't. Instead he licked the boy's inner thighs and all his toes. Michael was writhing in agony and in ecstasy.

"Please," he cried. "I need to cum so bad."

Ben took pity on the boy, and he finally took his cock into his mouth. This time there was no hint of teeth. All Michael could feel was Ben's tongue licking up and down his cock and Ben's lips pulsating erotically around his entire rod. Michael came just as fast as he had in the shower.

"Don't worry, Dad," he said. "I'll be ready to go in a short while. Please let me do that to you."

When Michael called him `dad,' Ben's whole being was filled with love and with lust.

"Yes, Mike." he mumbled. "Do it to me."

Michael was too anxious to taste cock to give Ben the same sensual trip around the world that Ben had given him. He went right to his target, but he had studied Ben's technique, and he gave his "father" a top rated blow job. When Ben came in Michael's mouth, Michael swallowed all of it. Ben was totally exhausted. They just lay in Ben's big bed side by side, alternately holding hands, and fondling their cocks.

"I love you, Mike," Ben whispered. "Don't forget that for one minute."

Michael started to cry. Ben took a tissue from his night table, and dried Michael's tears. Then he mumbled something about needing to rest and recover, and they would do anal the next evening.

"I can't do that," Michael almost screamed. "I did it once a couple of years ago, and it hurt like hell."

"Trust me, Love. When I am through teaching you how to do it properly, you'll be begging for it. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, and I'll do whatever you say." They kissed each other and fell fast asleep.

They went to work together the next morning in the hired limo. They hardly talked to each other, but they held hands so tightly that both of them were hurting. Neither cared.

Fortunately, all Robbie had to do that day, was walk in on his sister, who was being beaten by her husband, and express anger and dismay as the scene fades out. He had no lines to speak. If he had, he would have been in big trouble. He was so nervous anticipating anal sex that evening, that he would not have remembered any lines. Just as he was finishing his class for the day, he had an epiphany. Ben could never hurt him. He trusted Ben, and knew that it would be a wonderful experience. His mood lightened. It lightened even more when his tutor announced, "Just five more hours, and two exams, Michael, and you'll get your high school diploma."

Michael pumped his fist and screamed out, "Yes."

"Have you given any thought to college?" the tutor asked.

"I guess I should," he answered, knowing full well that he would never go. He was growing into a bit of a matinee idol, a leading man, if you will. He figured that he would just go on acting. He decided that he should discuss it with his `father' Ben before he made a final decision.

He was shocked at Ben's reaction, when he asked for his opinion. Ben was adamant that he had to attend a university to become a well-rounded individual.

You tape around your tutoring schedule now. You can continue to shoot around your class schedule. Marion did it, so there's no reason that you can't. (Marion was the actress who played his sister on "Home Town.) All you have to do is go to a New York City school, like Columbia, NYU or Fordham. We'll live together, and be a couple. Tomorrow we'll call the schools and request applications."

When Ben said that they would be a couple, Michael got light headed. All he wanted to do was get right into bed with Ben, and they did.

Ben did not make Michael an empty promise. He showed the young man how to properly prepare each other for anal sex. He started out by rimming Michael, and sending the boy to the stratosphere. He was kind and considerate, and spent a long time stretching Michael's asshole so that he could enter the first time with the least discomfort. After it was over, the entire experience left both of them breathless.

Michael fucked Ben first. After Ben fucked Michael, he was totally done out, but Michael was fully recovered, and fucked Ben a second time.

Michael's mother's trip to the Middle East extended to a second month, and she missed his eighteenth birthday. To be polite, he asked his father if he would be able to celebrate the event with him. Not unexpectedly, the man was too busy. He and Ben celebrated together at the same five star restaurant Michael had taken him to on the night they first made love.

Michael moved in with Ben on his eighteenth birthday. He cleaned all his stuff out of his mother's apartment in just a couple of hours. She had no say over his life anymore. He made more money than she did, and could well support himself, and pay for his college education. He texted her, and when she read the text, she was relieved. She didn't have to worry about him anymore, as if she ever did.

As a courtesy, he texted his father his new address. Of course, his cell phone number didn't change. In spite of Michael's huge salary, his father had to pay child support until his eighteenth birthday. When he got Michael's text, he breathed a sigh of relief and promptly erased the message, without recording his son's new address.

When Ben and Michael came home after celebrating Michael's birthday, they sucked each other, and then they fucked each other. That night even Ben came twice, which surprised and delighted both of them. They were both living in paradise. All their dreams and fantasies had come true.

The only problem they had was trying to stay perfectly professional while taping "Home Town." It was hard to act as a father and son, rather than lovers. At least they got to hug each other in a manly way, because it had been a trademark of their on screen relationship for many years.

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