Soccer Bus

By Michael Stevens

Published on Jan 23, 2016


Chapter 2

Danny caught the high beam flash from Brian and gave him a quick wave. He quickly keyed into the front door, and scooted up the stairs to his room. On the way up, he called out a "G'nite mom!" just to make sure she knew he was home, and then slipped into his own room, softly closing the door behind him.

Quietly alone, he stood in the center of his room. His world had changed, and he wasn't quite sure what was next. He sat down on the edge of his bed and untied his cleats and slid them off his tired feet. He shucked off his tall socks and then stood to take off his shorts.

He hooked his thumbs under the elastic waistband and thought happily about the moment that he had done this for Brian. He smiled as he slid the shorts down over his ass. As the elastic waistband stretched over the pouch of his jock, he remembered the moment in the car that he felt Brian's hand slide down over him, eagerly grasping his balls.

He pulled his shirt up and off over his head and stood nearly naked at the center of his room. Finally, slowly, he pushed his jock down over his hips and released his cock and balls from the pouch. It fell to the floor and he kicked it aside. He looked down at himself; he tried to see something new, something different, a change that would document what had happened to him tonight. He had been transformed.

Then he saw it. He hadn't noticed it as he took it off; that wasn't his shirt on the floor, it was Brian's He dropped to his knees but he was afraid to disturb it; it could be an illusion or a hallucination of his wishful thinking. If tonight had never happened it could disappear and he would go back to being Danny the closet fag. He knelt before it, almost worshipping it. He could smell Brian's sweat, and when he closed his eyes he could see and smell Brian again. If it was still there when he opened his eyes, it would be real. He did. It was.

He picked up the shirt and held it to his face. Yes, Brian was beside him in the car, his tongue probing, his hands grasping, kissing him, tasting him, consuming him. Danny almost wept for joy that this validation had actually happened. He was not an uncertain teen any longer, but a confident and proud young man who had just added one more piece to the puzzle of his life.

He almost didn't shower, not wanting to rinse away any of the Brian that clung to him. But, the idea of standing under the steamy needle spray pulled him in. He lathered up, with extra care on the special places so that when Brian touched and tasted him there again, he would find a clean and sweet-smelling Danny. It was with a jolt that he realized that he had already started to plan their next time together! He couldn't turn off the ideas, so instead of going to bed, he curled up in a blanket and gazed out the window at the clear October sky. He wondered how it was that the future that had seemed somewhat overcast now seemed as sparkling and bright as the scene outside his window.

Danny snuggled further down into the blanket and wondered when he would have Brian to keep him warm.

Brian eased the stick shift into reverse and backed out of Danny's driveway. Before he pulled away, he looked back at the house, wondering which room was Danny's, and what he was doing right then. He started up slowly, wanting to stay connected a bit longer, but eventually the front porch light disappeared, and he was alone. He fingered the edge of Danny's shirt, happy that it was still with him. He drove carefully; his eyes were on the road but his mind was still trying to process what had just happened.

​When he got home, he slung his bag over his shoulder, hoping that his mom would not notice it wasn't his shirt. She was in the living room watching tv. "Hi Captain! How did it go?" She was so proud of him!

"Bad. We lost in double overtime​. I'm beat. I'm gonna take a shower and go to bed."

"Oohh honey, I 'm so sorry. No dinner? Meatloaf and mashed." that was one of his favorite meals, but he lied

"We stopped for pizza. That's why I'm so late. G'nite mom." And he went upstairs to his room.

Brian closed his door behind him, and then went into the bathroom, closing that door, too. He turned on the light and winced from the harsh brightness. He faced his own gaze in the mirror; there would be no hiding of anything from that scrutiny. "You're a fucking cocksucker, a dick licking faggot" he whispered to himself. "You let Danny suck your dick and you sucked his!" he hissed at himself "and you liked it" He looked more closely at himself in the mirror to see if he could see some difference between his old self, and the new face that looked at him now.

There was no change in the steel blue eyes or the shock of blond tha​t fell across his forehead. There was something, though. "Shit, a zit." This was unusual for him; he had gone from babyfaced to shaving without any of the skin troubles his classmates had. He touched it, and discovered that it was not a zit at all. It was a drop of something, but his puzzlement lasted only a moment. As he rubbed the slippery substance between his fingers, he realized it was cum.

It was shock to remember something that he could not possibly have forgotten. But here was evidence, not just a memory, of what he had done. But then another shock. It is mine or Danny's? He'd jerked off in the shower enough times to know that he could shoot it pretty well. What about Danny? Could this be his? He looked in the mirror again to see if there were more and noticed the shirt again Maybe it came from there. But it was impossible to tell sweat stains from cumstains.

He went out into his bedroom to look himself all over in the big mirror. Back, front, shorts, no sign of anything. He did notice though that Danny's shirt was a size smaller than his own, and he liked the way it hugged his body. He pulled off his shoes and baggy soccer socks, and then slid his blue uniform shorts down. The shirt did not cover the pouch of his jockstrap completely, and he saw what his penis was just beginning to tell him. He was getting hard again.

Brian looked at himself with new eyes. The snug soccer jersey, the ribbed jock pouch, now had new meaning. "Damn! I'm hot!" he barely whispered to himself. He wondered if Danny might have looked at him in the locker room this way. He tried to think back to when he might have caught him looking. Their lockers were in different bays, though and the only interaction Brian could remember was when Danny had called him out. That had a new meaning now too, he realized. He called back the image of a stripped Danny boasting about his bigger dick, the way it had swung between his legs, hanging from the thick tangle of dark pubic hair. OMG he's really hot, thought Brian.

His stiffening cock pushed against his damp jock so he pushed it down and looked at himself in the mirror again. Now free, his boner stood out, pushing up the edge of his jersey. "Damn" he whispered, and gathered up the shirt to pull it up and over his head. As he did, though, the scent of Danny's sweat, and probably cum, put Brian back in the car, with his face buried in Danny's crotch. The tickle of his thick black pubes against his nose, the slick precum on his tongue, Danny's gentle hand on the back of his neck helping him find a rhythm.

Brian's cock pulsed with excitement. He tugged the shirt all the way off and looked at himself in the mirror again. Naked, hard, gay. A shiver of excitement pulsed through him, but it did not last long. The arrogance of a high school jock, captain of his team, fantasy fucker for every girl in school, had just been replaced by the insecurity of a gay teen in the closet."Oh crap" he thought.

The shiver was also from the chill of being naked after damp clothes; he headed for the shower. As the steam filled the space and heat penetrated his muscles, he soaped himself and enjoyed the slippery touch of his fingers all over his body. He massaged his nipples and lathered the fine blond hair of his armpits. He washed between his asscheeks and then soaped down his belly and gave his boner some attention. In the heat, his ball sac had relaxed, and he massaged the delicate contents. A finger reached beyond, and circled the tight hole. He knew guys fucked this, and he wondered if Danny would want to do that, or if he would fuck Danny. He stopped sharply and pulled his finger away when he realized that he was planning more time with Danny. So it wasn't a one-time thing, he thought. I hope Danny boy feels the same way!

Brian stepped out of the shower wondering when he would be able to plan more time with Danny. He would see him at school, of course, and soccer practice, but those times would be spent ignoring each other. Brian wanted a time when they would be able to focus all their attention on each other. As he toweled his naked body he began thinking about what it would be like when they got together again. And again he realized, he was thinking "when" not "if". And then, as he snuggled his naked body under the warm duvet, he wondered when he would have a naked Danny beside him.

Next: Chapter 3

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