Something special

By googly moogly

Published on Jun 15, 2001



Hi Everybody (Yeah Hi Doctor Nick, very funny) This is not my first attempt at a story, I actually have two running at the moment. It is, however, a little bit different to the stuff I usually write, as in it will feature lots more sex. I'm not sure how well I will do at writing the "good bits" so bear with me. I'd prefer not to put my name to this story because, while it is essentially a "Lance Bass meets a stranger" kind of story, it features an element from my teenage years in that the "stranger" is actually a member of a lesser known British boy-band of the early 90's. A few of you will know who I am just by the identity of the "stranger" due to a charming story shared about me by my lovely (yes very sarcastic) partner. I promise HOT SEX in future chapters.

Disclaimer: None of the events in this story happened. Whilst the characters are actual people the depictions of them in this story are in no way truthful representations. If you think they are, you are sick and I want to meet you and live in your world for a while. ENJOY!

"Hmm this guy is crazy." Lance murmered to Justin who sat in the plane seat beside him, calmly sipping the vodka he had previously ordered.

"Yeah, I'll say" came the reply "I've heard of being scared to fly but sheesh"

Both Lance and Justin had been drinking heavily since the flight had taken off from Germany, where the last concert in the tour had just played to a capacity crowd 2 nights earlier. The rest of the group had left on the night of the last concert but Justin and Lance wanted a tour of the local bars and had decided to stay a couple more days.

"I like the in-flight entertainment on these European flights. I think we'll have to talk to him about a regular spot on our tour jet." Justin commented, before both boys burst into fits of laughter, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation unfolding around them.

About 20 minutes earlier a balding man in his mid 40's had been sitting across the aisle and 2 rows back from the boys when, for no reason at all, he began repeatedly pressing the attendant call button on the arm of his seat. When the attendant had answered his call he had complained of a headache. As the attendant (she had been sure to introduce herself to the boys as "Maree the biggest NSYNC fan ever) left to fetch him some Asprin he began to kick the vacant seat in front of him until it broke and fell forward limply. Then the other passengers (approximately 15 or 16 in first class) watched on with a mixture of confusion, surprise, fright and amusement as the man headed toward the toilet, where he barricaded himself.

A little while later he had re-emerged from the toilet and headed toward the front of the plane, banging his fists on the cockpit door. The other passengers watched in muted terror as the man alternately bashed on the door and then pulled luggage from the overhead compartments and threw it on the floor. Justin and Lance, their brains addled by the copius amounts of alcohol, followed the mans movements, offering humorous commentary all the while.

The man quickly glared at the two, who were laughing hysterically at Justin's last comment, before returning to his destruction of the cabin.

"Did you see his eyes?" Lance asked as Maree the stewardess ran past their seat. "I wonder if he does parties? We could have him at the next album launch."

"Sir you will have to return to your seat." Maree said, trying her best to remain calm and commanding.

"Why? Are they about to serve dinner?" Justin asked Lance with mock innocence, causing another bout of the giggles.

Just then 2 male flight attendants ran past them toward the enraged man.

"Oooh party's over now, Maree called for back-up" chuckled Lance.

"Nah, I don't know. My money's on the bald dude." Replied Justin "Stewards have a rep for being a know..." Justin sais, holding his wrist up and allowing his hand to flop around wildly.

"Yeah, but they've been known to give a nasty slap." Replied Lance with a faux lisp "and those 'Chinese burns' will bring tears to your eyes"

Suddenly the man lurched forward yelling inintelligibly and pushing Maree back down the aisle, where she fell against the 2 stewards who in turn fell against a drinks trolley, where they lay unmoving. Lance and Justin were drawn from their alcohol induced merriment and rendered sober with fear.

"Jesus" muttered Lance as Maree stood but was again knocked to the floor by a punch from the man. "We have to do something J"

"Nah, fuck that!" Justin replied forcefully. Before changing his mind and getting up out of his seat as the man grabbed the handle of the emergency exit and began attempting mid-air escape.

"That crazy bastard will kill us all" Lance yelled as he got up and followed Justin to the front of the plane. They were closely followed by a man from a few rows back.

Justin lead the charge toward the crazed man and was subsequently knocked flat by a heavy punch. Lance neatly sidestepped Justin as he fell and caught the man off-guard with a punch to the face, stunning him momentarily. A short muscular guy with a shaved head and goatee pushed by Lance and caught the mad man, twisting his arms behind his back and knocking his legs out from under him so he was kneeling behind the thrashing man, holding his arms.

Despite his predicament, Lance couldn't help checking the guy out. He always did it, no matter who it was. Ever since he had discovered that he was gay 2 years earlier it was like a reflex action. The guy was about 25, somewhat shorter than Lance, seriously muscular and was, in Lances opinion, hot.

"Nice punch that one." The guy commented, drawing Lance from his lust and alcohol fuelled daydream. Despite the fact that nobody but his guilty conscience knew what he had been thinking about, he blushed a deep crimson.

"Uh...thanks" Lance replied, dropping his gaze. "Are you OK there?" he asked as he noticed the psycho trying to escape.

"Yeah, but it would help if you could sit on his legs, this fucker wants to get away." The cute guy replied.

Lance detected an accent in the mans speech and combined with his model good looks Lance was lost in lustful thoughts. But more than that, the man appeared somewhat familiar to him.

As he sat on the crazy mans legs he realised how lost in thought he must have been when Maree ran back up the aisle. He had not even noticed her leave but now she was carrying some kind of medical bag.

"There is a sedative in her somewhere, I think, it's for safety, but I don't know ho strong it is. Thank-you both so much, I don't know what happened, one minute he asked for Asprin the next he's..." Maree prattled hurriedly, without taking a breath, all the while fumbling with the clasp on the case.

"It's OK Love, everything's under control, take a deep breath and relax." The muscular man replied, noticing her hands shaking violently. :Here, maybe you should give that to the big fella." He suggested, motioning toward Justin, who stood behind her, rubbing his jaw.

"He's British" mumbled Lance to himself.

Justin took the bag from Maree and knelt down beside the crazy man, who promptly spat in his face. Justin lashed out with his fist and connected with his cheek. "That's for before!" he commented triumphantly.

Justin managed to inject the man with sedative and left Lance and the muscle man holding him while he went off to tend to Maree and the other stewards injuries.

"So what were you doing in Germany?" the muscle man asked Lance, as they waited for the sedative to take hold. Lance was shocked and looked quizzically at the man.

"Well we have to sit here a while anyway, so we might as well talk to each other." The man explained.

"I suppose so." Returned Lance enthusiastically "We were there." Lance replied, suddenly unwilling to admit he was in a boy-band because the muscle men didn't look like the average NSYNC fan. The mans breath on the side of his face, combined with his alluring cologne and sexy accent were driving Lance crazy and he didn't want to jeopardise the conversation by bringing the band into it.

"Oh really?" the man asked with interest "And now you're heading home?"

"Yeah, we've got a few months off before we start again, and just need a rest." Lance replied, too drunk to keep the lie convincing.

"Touring's a bitch huh?" The man asked, smiling innocently "Flying all over the world in a matter of weeks, not knowing where you are, or where you're going next."

" know?" Lance stammered

"Yeah, I knew when I saw the 2 of you, I just wanted to see how you'd answer." The man laughed. "The stigma of being in a boy-band isn't exactly something you wanna bring into a conversation with total strangers, I understand."

"You sound as though you know what it's like. You look kinda familiar too, where do I know you from?" Lance asked

"I'm offended!" The man said with mock hurt "Well if you don't recognise me, I'm not going to tell you." The man replied mischieviously.

Just then the 2 stewards came back and interrupted the conversation. Telling the 2 that they would take the now unconscious man, and they should return to their seats as they had to make an emergency landing to hand the man over to police.

Lance returned to his seat to find Justin already sitting, and ice-pack pressed to his cheek.

"You Okay Man?" Lance asked

"Yeah I'm cool, how are you though?"

"Yeah, good, the freak never touched me."

"You certainly 'touched' him though, where did you learn to hit like that?"

"I don't know." Lance said, furrowing his brow. "I guess I'll have to check my diary."

"Always the clown!" Justin responded, before they lapsed into silence as the plane landed.

Once they landed Justin and Lance were lead into a small waiting room, where the muscle man from the plane was already waiting, After making small talk for a minute or two they were joined by a federal police officer.

"Hi guys, sorry to drag you in here like this, but I need to take some information from you all, concerning the incident on the plane. Now which one of you is Mr Timberlake?"

""Uh that's me" Justin replied "and it's Justin, not Mr Timberlake."

"Sorry Justin, now from what the flight attendants told me you were knocked out and didn't witness most of the action is that correct?"

"Yeah, well I wasn't knocked out, but I didn't see much."

"Well we'll interview you first because you're will be a short statement and you will be able to make the continuation of the flight back to the US. My Bass and Mr Coldwell, you will both have to stay overnight and catch a flight out in the morning I'm afraid, at the airlines expense of course."

"Bugger" replied the muscle man

"Shit" Lance added.

After the man had taken Justin into the interview room and locked the door, Lance turned to his companion and said "So it's Mr Coldwell then is it?"

"Yup" he smile smugly "Or Mark if I follow your lead and use my middle name to identify myself."

"So you know more about me than you let on, but Coldwell rings a bell for some reason...Oh My God, I've got it!"

"Got what?"

"I know who you are, I know who you are" Lance chanted, as though he were a child.

"Who then, smart ass!" The man taunted

"I don't know your first name, but you're from that band. My sister had your albums when we were young, what's the know it..."

"Don't think you can trick me into telling you." He smiled

"No it's um...East 17, you used to wear your hats sideways and dance in overalls and work boots and stuff."

"Oh shit, you do remember us, my names Terry by the way, Lance."

OK, that's it for this issue, I just had to build some tension, I promise if you all keep reading this there will be HOT SEX in the next issue, just give me a chance, and send feedback., love you all.

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