Soopersaver Pets

By Stevie Zadara

Published on Mar 23, 2008


Next part of story Soopersaver Pets below, more fun in the supermarket staffed by young cocky lads. Lots of naughty goings on and tight underwear. If you enjoy or have suggestions for further episodes let me know


The following morning, Donnie, Davey, Lyle, Scott and Gez all arrived at the supermarket as usual, wearing their embarrassing Supersave Pet badges and caps, their white shirts and bow ties, tight nylon black trousers and shiny black shoes. McCormack decided to do without the early morning kit inspection and the lads hi-5ed each other, thinking that their sadistic manager had forgotten to do his usual socks and underwear examination. Stupid as they were, they thought they had gotten away with it. He let them go onto the shop floor, where they started to stack shelves and move goods. As they bent down and stretched, McCormack's fury grew as he noted a grey Diesel waistband here, a pink Aussiebum label peeking out there. These lads had defied him on regulation underwear yet again and he was going to make the lads pay for their arrogance. A good crowd of shoppers, both female and male fans of the supermarket pets, had gathered by ten o'clock and McCormack decided it was time to strike.

"Ladies and gentlemen shoppers," announced McCormack over the tannoy, "it is 10.15 a.m. and time for the Supersave Pets' kit inspection. Pets and inspectors please go to aisle seven." At the end of aisle seven was a white raised podium about eight feet across, next to which Andy White stood with a microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen," announced Andy. "I bid you a very warm welcome to the Supersaver Pets kit inspection. Every one of these young men is required, in this supermarket, to adhere to a strict standard of regulation uniform. That's to say, white shirt, bow tie, cap, black trousers, navy blue underpants and black knee length socks with black shoes. I'm sure you understand the importance of these standards for the good of the store, and I'm sure these young gentlemen know as well. But just to keep them on their toes, we like to arrange on the spot inspections such as this one." The pets looked at each other horrified and grimaced at what was about to happen. About 25 men and women, young and old, had gathered around the end of aisle 7.

Andy went on. "For those Pets who don't meet the standard, there will be forfeits. Customers will be invited to choose a card and select a punishment for any Pet who fails to make the grade". The Pets gulped as the customers cheered. Their gain was the Pets' loss. So first for inspection, may I invite Supersave Pet Scott up onto the platform. Applause, wolf whistles as the young 19 year old Scott mounted the dais. His blond hair was gelled into perfect spikes. His taut 5'6" body glistened in the supermarket lights.

"Do a quick twirl for us, Scott," laughed Andy, as Scott pirouetted around and the onlookers noted that beneath his skin tight nylon trousers, a suspiciously high visible underpant line was evident. McCormack hoved into view and insisted that the boy's underwear was examined.

"Unbuckle the belt", barked McCormack. "Take those trousers down!"

Scott sheepishly undid his buckle as the customers gazed on rapt, watching the supermarket assistant forced to display his underwear to them. To McCormack's mock horror, Scott wore a pair of very brief Calvin Klein jockeys, white with a scarlet waistband.

"Assistant No.1 has failed the test," announced Andy. "Look at the outline of his penis shamelessly displayed in this garment.

"I have told you time and again, you useless piece of shit, that the only acceptable garment is the navy blue underpants issued on your first day".

"Yeah but my girlfriend likes..."

"I don't give a flying fuck what your girlfriend likes. At work you are my property. It's time to bring you twats into line. Pick a card."

Andy proffered a selection of yellow punishment cards, all containing a demeaning punishment that the lads would have to carry out in front of the customers. Scott picked a card.

"Read out what it says, punk face," chortled McCormack.

"Three days in the reality box," stammered dumb jock Scott. He had heard about the reality box, but never imagined he would be in it. Andy was delighted as he really wanted to bring this piece of shit down a peg or three. McCormack wheeled the box into the centre of the store. It was a completely enclosed clear Perspex box in which Scott would have to live for three days in full view of the public and customers. He was ordered to remove everything but his skimpy underwear and enter the box. In it, a flat screen television paying non stop straight porn. This would induce erections in the horny lad and give the paying customers a laugh or two. In the corner, a plastic toilet seat with no toilet beneath. Whenever he had to take a leak or a crap, he would do it all over the floor for the entertainment of onlookers. All privacy would be denied for three days. They'd get to watch him eat, sleep, piss, dump and cum, with any luck. This is what McCormack hoped anyway. So with the machine set up between the cold meat counter and the freezer section, the next dumb jock was invited up on the podium.

Next up for kit inspection was 20 year old, 6'3" tall skinhead Donnie Buchanan. McCormack was loving the power he had over these stupid thugs.

"Up on the podium, Buchanan, let's see what you are wearing underneath that uniform. Anything other than regulation gear and you are all going to be suffering, I can promise you that. Take your trousers down Buchanan."

"Fuck off McCormack," yelled back the insolent boy, to gasps and giggles from the crowd of shoppers who had gathered round to see what underwear the lad was wearing.

"What did you say, twatbrain?" screeched McCormack, at the top of his voice.

"You heard me," retorted Buchanan, warming to his defiant role, completely forgetting himself or the punishments that could be meted out to the Supersaver Pets in retribution. He grabbed his Supersaver baseball cap and lobbed it with a laugh into the Perspex tank that Stevie was sitting in. At the same moment, McCormack grabbed Buchanan's trousers from the back and tore them down to his thighs with an ear-rending ripping sound. The crowd stared as, not only was Donnie not wearing regulation dark blue underpants, he was wearing a pink jockstrap which exposed the whole of his mouthwatering ass.

"What do we have here?" shouted McCormack, as his assistant Andy White tutted in mock disgust. Donnie's trousers had now trapped his legs and he could barely move them on the podium. "A big lad like you in girl's underwear? You should be ashamed of yourself lad," snorted McCormack.

"They're not girl's!" snapped Donnie.

"Look like it to me!" shouted a female shopper, to much laughter from the other customers.

"I've had just about enough of this. You brats are bringing this store into disrepute and I won't have it. The rest of you, remove your trousers. You will work for the whole of the rest of the day without trousers, so that the whole store and all the customers can see the underwear you are so proud of. And you can all wear these too." McCormack handed each pet a baseball cap with the words "I'VE BEEN A BAD PET" to wear instead of the regulation Supersave Pet logo. The lads started to protest.

"Enough. I have heard just about enough. Get those trousers off now. Otherwise I shall simply get my friend Mr White here to drive you all up to the police station". The pets gulped in unison. They knew if they were handed in they were all guilty of various crimes. Their families would find out. They'd have to go along with it all.

"Shit," mumbled Lyle under his breath, as he pulled his trousers down over his outsize muffins. A small round of applause as his little red briefs were exposed. Shane pulled his down and more roars from the crowd ensued as everyone realised he had gone commando. He blushed as the onlookers whistled at the sight of his 7 inch cock flopping out of the trousers.

"Huh. You can work with your cock out all day, you stupid little boy," screamed McCormack, red in the face with anger at the lads' disobedience. "Now get working". The poor pets were forced to work stacking the shelves in just caps, shirts, bowties, socks and shoes, with their underwear fully exposed. It was a wonderful free show for the shoppers. Ladies and gents alike ogled the lads' asses and patted them, slipped them down so their buttocks were showing, checked out the size of their packets, all sorts. And there was nothing they could do about it. In fact McCormack and White positively encouraged the abuse and fingering of his bratty charges. They deserved it after all. But McCormack had one special humiliation in store for Donnie Buchanan. He grabbed him by the left diamond-studded ear and took him to the changing rooms.

"Boy are you going to regret this lad," laughed McCormack. He explained to him that he was pushing a new range of childrens' party wear, and that big Buchanan was going to model some of it to push the cheap, tacky goods that the store had got hold of.

"Well it will never fuckin fit, will it?" yapped Donnie. "So that's the end of fuckin' that, ain't it?" Except the cocky expression on his face changed when McCormack produced a man-size replica of one of the girl's party frocks, all ready for him.

"No, no, I ain't. That's too sodding embarrassing. What if... what if my mates come in?"

"Too bad. Get it on. Now," yelled McCormack. It was a canary yellow frilly party outfit with puffed sleeves and matching yellow sandals. The skirt barely came down to Donnie's buttocks. Even worse was the little pair of yellow silk panties with frills that barely covered more ass than the jockstrap. How he regretted that jockstrap now. The outfit was trimmed with a white and yellow bonnet, held in place with a yellow ribbon, and a silver wand with star. He looked adorable. Well, he looked hilarious, his big muscled thighs on show beneath the humiliating outfit.

"Right, get out there and stand on the podium next to the childrens' wear, wave that fuckin' wand and get some sales up."

"Fuck do I have to," asked Donnie, knowing full well what the deal was. McCormack slapped his cheeky ass and pushed him out there. It was a sight for sore eyes as the shoppers howled and hooted and wolfwhistled at the predicament of the hapless jock.

"Ah – doesn't the little girl look sweet?" chucked one of the men. "Would you like a cherryade?"

Very soon a large crowd of shoppers gathered around the young man in the ridiculous outfit, and sales of kids' partywear soon started to climb.

Meanwhile McCormack was starting to get very excited about the start of this evening's Rudeboys auditions. One of his mates, Terry Chambers, ran a record company and a gay subscription TV company called Perv TV. Tonight was the start of a two week marathon show during which wannabe pop stars would be given the chance of a £100,000 year contract and membership of a new band called the Rudeboys. Terry was looking for the sexiest, most outrageous lads to take part, and there had been no shortage of willing participants or that kind of money. But those lads were sure going to earn their pay and Terry wanted the sexiest shows imaginable.

So at 8pm that evening the paying audience of 100 gay men turned up at the Starlight gay theatre to watch the auditions, which, of course, were really going to put the lads through their paces. The tiny theatre was kitted out in crimson velvet drape, unused since the cabaret days of the 1970s. A short 20 foot stage and red velvet curtains. Ten rows of crimson seats with small holders for drinks. Terry Chambers took to the stage in his dark blue tuxedo and McComack took up his reserved seat in the front row. He didn't want to miss any of the action. Three lads who responded to the ad were seated nervously in the dressing rooms at the back of the theatre. All three knew they might have to do some pretty outrageous stunts to get into the finals, but none were quite sure how outrageous. All had ticked the box allowing the show to be videoed and all gulped as they saw the stage door exit locked behind them. Andy White already had them lined up as new pets for the store. After this show, and the video evidence, they'd have to do anything he wanted, pretty much! As they sat waiting to go on stage, they heard the introductions to the show.

"So I bid you a very, very warm welcome to tonight's Rudeboys show. I hope you enjoy the evening, and so lets bid a very warm Starlight welcome to our first contestant, Robbo, who is 19 and from Dunbar."

The 5'9" tall sexy youth bounded onto the stage, keen to make a good impression. He wore his light brown hair short at the sides and slightly longer on top. A yellow Y back vest, green backwards baseball cap and tight, ripped jeans. Black hi-top baseball boots with white laces. Wolf-whistles and a round of applause.

"Thank you very much gentlemen!" continued McCormack. Next up, our very own Gary, who's twenty and from Ayr. "Plenty of Ayr in here tonight," chuckled McCormack as chunky 5'7" sex stud Gary strode up on stage. A tight black vest, showing off his muscled arms with a cross-hammers tattoo on the left bicep, a backwards baseball cap again and a sexy gold earring to show off his neck. He had a squat, pug nose and pouting, sexy lips. With his head shaved he turned the crowd on completely and there was a roar of approval as he lined up with Robbo in his jogging bottoms and yellow and purple puma sneakers.

"Lastly but not leastly, please welcome on stage our football boy, Iggy. Iggy leaped on stage in blue and yellow nylon soccer shirt with matching sky blue soccer shorts and yellow trim, blue soccer socks and football boots. As he entered his gold neckchain bounced while he did football tricks with the ball with his feet. Another big round of applause for the soccer lad. Iggy was a cropped blond with a sexy square jaw. He was always laughing.

"OK, yelled McCormack", no we have met the lads I'd like to introduce our first game, which is called "Chess". The dumb jock lads looked terrified as none of them had the intellectual capacity to play snakes and ladders without cheating, never mind chess. Poor Iggy looked quite concerned. There is going to be some wrestling involved, so I'll need you to slip off your trousers and shorts for me as we get ready. Giggles from the audience as the thought of the lads' underwear exposed for inspection, and embarrassment from the horny lads. Robbo whipped his jeans down and showed off the briefest, tightest pair of black briefs, which showed of most of his sexy bubble butt, and a pair of ripped thighs. Gary took off his sneaks and joggers and revealed a gorgeous pair of yellow Calvin briefs with light green trim. Cocky Iggy shucked off his soccer shorts and revealed a bulging sky blue jockstrap, that received such an ovation that he was asked to do a spin to show off his pretty boy ass. McCormack then hung a red velvet bag round each boy's neck, each bearing the legend "My Cock Bag" and suspended from a gold cord tied with two tassles at the back of the neck. Each lad then had a pink baseball cap placed on his head, each with a lifesize erect, rubber penis in the centre. The lads couldn't see the penis at first but the audience howled with laughter at the boys' predicament; especially when they asked what the mysterious cock bags were for, and each lad realised that he, as well as the other two, were wearing cocks on their hats. "You'll find out in good time, lads," barked McCormack, as he squeezed Iggy's cap cock secretly and a gob of make-believe cum whipped out of the top. Andy then came on with the wrestling boots, and thick socks for Gary and Robbo. Iggy was allowed to keep his footie socks on. All three lads squealed when they felt their feet on the soles of the boots – the inside sole was covered with tiny nails which pointed up into the soles of the foot and made it very hard to walk in them but hilarious to watch. McCormack then pushed a button at the side of the stage and an electric checkerboard board stage 12 feet wide mechanically slid into place at the front of the curtain, 144 black and white squares. The lads were told that they were first going to have a dancing competition on the checkered dancefloor, and the best dancer would score 10 points. It was of course hilarious seeing the agile youths hobbling about trying to impress in their seriously uncomfortable boots, but they had no option of course. Loud, thumping techno music started up as the boys made their way onto the stage, Andy lifted off their vests and tops so they had to dance in just the underwear they had brought to the show, the penis hats and the boots. The music started. What the lads didn't know was that every time they danced on a white square, a jolt of electric current would shoot up into the boots and gave them a minor shock of exquisite pain. They couldn't work out why or how this was happening, of course, as they gyrated away the best they could and tried to put on a show as their cocks flopped about in their underwear. The lads got pretty sweaty as they showed off their talents. Eventually, after what was about 5 minutes but was an eternity to the lads, McCormack turned off the music and announced that the points scored were, in reverse order, Gary 0, Robbo 5 and sexy Iggy 10. Applause from the audience, dismay from Gary and Robbo, who would have to try harder at the next round.

"Now it's time to check out those cock bags. Let's see shall we? Gary, as loser, you can be first to look in yours. What do you have?" The sexy, cocky fucks had been wondering in their tiny minds what there might be in there.

"Oh fuck, white fishnet tights."

Robbo was next "oh fuck, red stockings and suspenders!"

Iggy looked dismayed as he looked at his black fishnets.

OK, boots off, socks off, tights on, laughed McCormack, at the next stage of the humiliating games. Wolf whistles from the crowd as the lads were forced to put on the embarrassing feminine leg wear, with matching stiletto shoes. Never mind, they still wore their boyish undies. But not for long. Andy White brought out a bag for each boy to select a golden billiard ball. Iggy went first and pulled out a ball with the number 2'. He looked bemused. Andy explained that this meant he got second choice. Robbo then pulled out the 3', and after that Gary the `1' for first choice.

"First choice at fucking what?" smirked Gary.

"Ha ha – fucking is right," laughed Andy. "Fucking one of your mates, that's what!"

"No fuckin way, fucker," growled Gary.

"It's OK, you get to fuck not with your greasy cock but with your sexy cock baseball cap!" The dudes looked at each other as they realised the full extent of their humiliation. Gary was asked who he would choose and reluctantly went for Iggy. This meant a volunteer from the audience was invited on stage to lube up victim Iggy. Iggy looked petrified and his cocky face dropped as a 60 year old from the audience leapt up, grabbed the lube from Andy and felt round behind Iggy's jockstrap to lube up his ass while the helpless soccer boy stood there quivering. The punter felt right up the boy's anus and spread the sexy gunge around. Andy explained that Gary was going to kneel down with his cock hat sticking out like a huge rubber dildo, and Iggy was going to impale himself on it and fuck his sweet virgin ass. The audience whooped with delight. A damp patch appeared at the front of Iggy's blue jockstap and he gently lowered himself onto Gary's head. Robbo wandered what he was going to have to do. The solution soon came. As third place he was told he had to make sure Iggy got off within five minutes.

"What the...?" "Ehh? "What the fuck??" chorus the lads.

"Well, explained McCormack, to ensure that the three of you all stay in the contest, you have to make sure that Iggy cums in 5 minutes.

"What?" screamed Iggy.

"It's a team game," explained McCormack. Gary will tug at Iggy's cock while Robbo stimulates him by fucking him with his baseball cap cock. If Iggy isn't brought to climax within 5 minuts on the stopwatch, you are all disqualified from the game."

"You better fuckin' cum shitface," blurted out Gary, as he whipped down Iggy's jockstrap and his six inch piece of cockmeat flopped out.

"Yeah cream one out Igster or we are all fucked," chorused his mate Robbo.

The audience and McCormack and White just loved hearing all this sexy talk from the three cute cocky teens.

"On the whistle, 3-2-1, Go!" shouted McCormack. The audience cheered as the three lads in their stockings, suspenders and stilettos put on a bravura performance of live butt fucking with a rubber cock. Gary's head fucked his mat Iggy's ass like he was heading a football for the F.A. Cup, and Robbo quickly whacked away on Iggy's cock so that within a minute it was fully erect. Iggy reddened with embarrassment at the thought of his cock being played with for everyone's entertainment but he knew he had to go through with it for the lads to stay in the competition. The fucking and forced masturbation went on. Iggy squirmed himself back on the huge dildo, which squirted it's own thick, warm, fake creamy cum up Iggy's ass, making him wince with embarrassment. His tongue popped out of his mouth as he moved exquisitely towards his male orgasm, and his tongue stud glistened in the spotlight. His piss slit started to flare its big purple flaps as a dribble of bright, clear precum bubbled out of his cock and down his eight inch shaft.

"One minute to go!" yelled McCormack, as the sweaty boys desperately tried to get Iggy to climax and blow his boy juice all over himself. Iggy started to grunt and moan sexily, as his metal chain clunked against his sexy, brawny, loverboy neck. It was clear he was going to cum soon. Andy stood by with a huge glass beaker to catch the cum if Iggy shot. Gary kept working his mate's dick and soon it turned purple with engorgement. With fifteen seconds left, Iggy roared as his orgasm approached and his filthy mate whacked his cock to climax. Suddenly thick squirts of boy cum pelted out of Iggy's piss-slit and splattered against the back of Andy's beaker. Iggy toppled back and right off his mate's baseball cap cock onto the floor. Wolf whistles, laughter and screams of delight from the crowd.

"Way to go lads!" shouted one. "Great show sexy boys!" yelled another. They were forced to stand up and bow, as Andy displayed the beaker, now containing eight thick cum splatterings. That would cum in useful shortly, he chortled.

"OK gentlemen, it's voting time! Stand in a row lads, and vote for the sex pet you want to keep in the contest!" beamed McCormack. The audience feverishly pressed their voting buttons as the three lads stood nervously by, awaiting their fate, Iggy with his enormous softening cock leaking blobs of sexy cum juice onto the stage as he winced and waited for the vote. "And the winner, with 58% of the vote and staying in the competition is ... Iggy!" yelled McCormack. Iggy leaped up, his dick flopping around and his ass muscles clenching as he leaped in the air and punched the sky.

"On to the next round of voting, now between sexpot Gary and little tinker Robbo," laughed McCormack once again. More excited pressing of keypads in the audience and shouts of "Wooh you sexy lads!", "You can cum over me anytime Robbo!" which made the cute boys squirm with humiliation.

"And with 73% the sexy winner is ... Gary!" squealed McCormack. "That means that sadly, Robbo is the loser, and we know what happens to losers, don't we lads?" Robbo took on his bemused and concerned open-mouthed look, as Gary leaped about excitedly. Robbo was asked to take a seat on a ducking stool at the side of the stage, set above a six foot deep pool of cold, foamy water placed at the very front of the seated area. First of all, winners Gary and Iggy were handed the beaker of cum and a spatula and told to give the sore loser the cream. Gary and Iggy were so excited to win they just leapt over to Robbo on his stool and did what they were told. Iggy scooped up a spatula full of his own cum and flicked it at Robbo's cocky face. Robbo winced as his mate's cum dripped down his nose and onto his lips. He shuffled uneasily over the water as Gary smeared a spatula full of warm, sticky cum into Robbo's hair, and literally gelled his mate's hair with it! The audience were roaring with mirth and excitement to see the lads humiliate their own friend by smearing Iggy's cum all over him. Iggy grabbed a handful of cum and smeared is straight over Robbo's crotch, rubbing it around hi cock so it left a massive set of white finger streaks all over his little black briefs. Then Gary grabbed the spatula to flick the remaining cum all over Robbo's body. Robbo recoiled in embarrassment as McCormack noticed the rest of the cum had been used up.

Now he handed the lads wet sponges to throw at a target above Robbo's head. A direct hit with the wet sponges would send the shivering hunk straight into the drink. The audience yelled `dunk the hunk, dunk the hunk!" at the tops of their voices. Robbo got showered with water as their mates competed as if they were playing darts.

"I'm gonna sink that fucker!" yelled Gary, lobbing his third sponge.

"Missed!" shouted Iggy, enthusiastically playing this stupid game in the nude, with the audience ogling his athletic body. "Get that, twat face!" shouted Iggy, as a heavy sponge thwacked against the target and sent Robbo tumbling into the drink. Robbo scrambled to get out of the water, and when he finally did, the audience were delighted to see that he had lost his little briefs in the water, and was forced to climb up onto the stage nude, with his soft, shaved five inch cock on display for all the world to see.

"We're sorry to lose you, but here's a little memento of the contest," said McCormack, in typical insincere quiz show style, as he handed him a six inch statuette of a gold erect cock with a little porcelain dribble of cum sliding down the shaft.

"Thank you," muttered the naked lad, and shuffled off to get a towel.

"A big hand for our winners!" declared McCormack. "And now a short intermission before we go on to decide who will go on to the next round. Will it be sexy Gary or spunky little tinker Robbo? We'll soon find out in our pretty baby competition!" Gary and Robbo looked bemused as they were led off behind the curtain to get ready for the final elimination.

Now I'd like to introduce our very first solo contestant who's going to try to show us all a good time. He's 19 years old, he's from Bristol and his name is Mr Gary Shitter!" The audience hooted and roared at the amusing name. "Gary is going to sing that big hit, `Leader Of The Gang'."

With that, more wolf whistles and the curtains parted as Gary strode on in a swirl of dry ice. Gary was an athletic footballer with a gorgeous face, full lips, dark hair short on top and shaven at the sides. He wore incredibly tight silver trousers, black army boots, a gold lame T shirt and black braces with a gold neck chain and diamond stud in each ear. The audience ate it up as he gyrated and gave it his best shot. "I'm the leader of the gang I am," he sang, but unfortunately he could barely keep in key, much as he looked a lot like he was leading this gang to an audience full of very stiff cocks. The audience laughed at his inept singing, but the poor lad continued on to the end of the song regardless. He was desperate to get his hands on the cash. The audience hollered and hooted as the performance finished and Terry came back on stage.

"Thank you, thank you Terry," so lets have votes for Gary Shitter, gentlemen. Each audience judge was armed with an electronic voting panel. If they had enjoyed the performance, they could press the button to send Gary into the final, if not, he was on his way home. "Vote away!" announced Terry. A red screen to the right of the stage displayed the votes. "4 votes so far!" roared Terry. "Looks like you have a bit of work left to do, Gary!" beamed Terry to the desperately crestfallen performer. "Let's see if we can't increase that number of votes by a bit!"

Part 8 to follow

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