Southern Chastity

By Locked Cub

Published on May 26, 2021


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

This is a text that is based on real events that I have experienced, or my friends have experienced, drawing on journals, conversations, and social media posts over the years. I have embellished the story here and there to craft the narrative. My goal is to post every four days till the story is complete.

You can follow @lockedstories on twitter for announcements of new chapters and new stories. I would appreciate any feedback at from readers on what they like, don't like and things they might like to see chronicled. If you do not want to wait for the story to be completed on Nifty, you can find the entire story here in eBook and print form:

Southern Chastity

Chapter 29: Office Service

A few weeks after my trip down to Florida, the cold of November had taken hold of the city. Bo and I had reconciled our relationship to be one of close friends and brothers for the time being and even Max started to grow a lot as a sub and was more attentive and punctual. John even spent some extra time training him to lose his gag reflex and increase his pain threshold, which had pleased Kenny immensely.

I had made plans to go visit family with my brother for the Thanksgiving holidays. Bo was planning on spending the extended weekend with Todd and Max had plans with Kenny. So, the Saturday before, we decided to all get together at my apartment for a little celebration for just us. I was in the kitchen cooking when Max arrived.

"Hey, bro!" Max said as he shook a bit. "It turned off chilly out there!"

"I turned the heat up a bit in here since we will be naked," I replied. "But, let me know if you are uncomfortable."

"Oh, it feels good in here!" he said as he stripped down.

"I would have thought that thick fur all over your body would help keep you warm," I said with a smile.

Max laughed and came over to me and hugged me.

"There are drinks in the fridge," I replied. "Help yourself!"

"Thanks!" Max said as he grabbed a beer out and sat down on a chair in the dining area.

"Did you say you and your brother are going to see your parents?" he asked me.

"Yup," I replied. "This is about the only time of year when we all get together. Plus, I'm looking forward to some good home cooking."

"No doubt," Max replied.

"What do you and Kenny have planned?" I asked.

"Sir and I will be having the holiday to ourselves," Max said. "I'm sure I will be well-stuffed in more ways than one."

I laughed out loud. "Lucky you. Kenny is a hot guy."

"Thanks," Max said with a grin. "I'm lucky he found me."

A knock on the door drew my attention and I looked over to see Bo walk in.

"Hey, Bo!" I replied.

"Hey, guys!" Bo said. "Sorry, I am a bit late. Traffic was a bit of a bitch."

"No worries," I replied. "Come over and grab you a drink. Dinner is almost ready."

Bo got undressed and then walked behind me and gave me a big hug and a kiss before grabbing a beer and sitting next to Max.

"We were just talking about our plans next week," I said. "What have you and Sir Todd got planned?"

"He's having this guy he is seeing over," Bo replied.

"Oh, that Pat fella, right?" I asked.

"That's the one," Bo said as he took a drink. "He's got this big romantic dinner planned and I will be serving them both and acting as part of the 'entertainment' as well."

I laughed. "In other words, you will likely be full of cum before the weekend is over."

"More than likely," Bo replied with a smile. "A piggy's work is never done."

Max rolled his eyes. "I've noticed the doms seem to like your ass."

"What can I say," Bo replied as he pointed his thumbs at himself. "I got mad skills thanks to Sir's training."

"Well," I replied as I pulled the turkey out of the oven, "I think some of that is a natural talent, too."

Bo and Max smiled, and I turned to grab some plates.

"Come and get it, boys," I replied. "I hope you are hungry."

We all filled up our plates and had a great time talking and socializing. After dinner, we played some video games for a while, and then the guys helped me clean up some. It was about 8 pm when Bo said that he needed to get back to his place as he had some things to catch up on. After he left, Max stuck around, and we sat on the sofa and goofed off a bit longer.

Thirty minutes after Bo left, I got a message on my phone. I looked down and it was from John.

"What are you doing, boy?" he said.

"Well, that's interesting," I said to Max.

"What's up?" Max asked.

"I just got a message from Sir," I replied. "He's asking what I am up to."

I told John that I had Max over at my apartment and that we had finished eating dinner and were doing nothing special.

"Ask Max if he can come with you to my office," John replied.

"You up for a little adventure?" I asked Max.

Max smiled. "I'm game!"

I told John that Max was with me and he gave me directions on how to get to his office building downtown and where to park. By the time we got there, it was about 9:15 pm, and other than some light traffic in the street, it was quiet.

"I'm assuming you have never been here before," Max asked me.

"Nope," I replied. "I knew he worked downtown but never been asked to come here."

When we came in, the security guard checked to make sure that we were on the list to be let in and he directed us back to the elevators and pushed the floor button for us. The elevator took us up to the tenth floor and when we exited, it was dead quiet.

"This is a little creepy," Max said.

We looked around for John's office and found it at the end of a hall. We knocked on the door and shortly after he unlocked it and let us in. As we entered, we saw he was in his boxers and that was it.

"Thanks for coming over, boys," John said. "We have a big case coming up and I had to work a bit late today to prepare. I'm a little stressed, so I need you both to help."

"Happy to serve Sir!" I replied.

John showed us down to his private office and let us in. It was a bit messy inside. There was paperwork piled on one side of his desk and he had some other materials on a couch to the side as well. The back wall was all glass windows and the buildings beyond were visible in the dark.

"Go ahead and strip, boys," John said as he crossed over to his desk. He dropped his boxers before sitting down in his chair to complete some work.

We both got undressed and put our clothes next to the door and then stood at attention for a few minutes next to one another. John finished writing some things up and then looked up at us.

"Max, come over here and sit under my desk and rub my feet," John said.

Max walked over to the desk and then crawled under. I saw John close his eyes and groan a bit and then he turned his attention to his computer and typed up some things while Max massaged him.

"You ok standing there, boy?" John replied.

"I'm here when you need me, Sir," I said.

John smiled. "You are a good sub."

It was a little chilly in the room, so my balls were starting to contract up near the base ring of my cage a bit. I started to pay attention to the window behind and saw some movement in the windows of the far office building, but nothing I could make out. I wondered if they could see anything that was going on here as well.

"You have my permission to suck my dick, boy," John said down to Max.

I heard a few bumps from under the desk as Max maneuvered to get in-between John's legs and then heard the sounds of him sucking on his cock soon after. John stopped what he was doing and leaned back in the chair and I saw the top of Max's head as he started to bob up and down on John's cock.

"Come out here, boy," John said to Max as he pushed his chair back. "Get on all fours and I will lower my chair so you can still suck me."

Max had his head in John's lap and was going down on him and his butt was pointed in my direction.

"Time to put yourself to good use, Matt," John said to me. "Get down behind your sub brother and get that ass ready for me."

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

I got down behind Max and spread his furry ass and put my face in to start to lick his hole. He shivered a bit when I licked across it and when I started to push my tongue in him his legs twitched.

John used both his hands to hold on to Max's head and started to face-fuck him as I continued to eat his ass out. I spat on his hole a few times and started to work my finger in first. I had seen Max take Kenny's fat cock with ease before so I knew he could get loose, but he was tight at the moment. I worked my finger in and started to move it back and forth and then dove my face in some more to tongue him and then moved back to put in two fingers.

By the time I had worked three fingers into him, Max was starting to groan a bit and John smiled.

"You like your brother's fingers in your cunt, don't you, boy?" John asked.

Max backed off his hard cock and looked up at him. "Yes, Sir!"

"You think you are ready to be fucked?" John asked.

"Please, Sir," Max replied. "Please fuck me."

"Stand over by the door boy," John said to me.

I walked over and stood at attention while he bent Max over the desk. He licked Max's ass a few times and then spit on his cock and pointed it at his hole.

"Take a deep breath, boy!" John said as he slid inside him in one motion.

Max gasped and yelped a bit and then gripped the table firmly.

"Such a fucking hot ass," John said as he reached down and rubbed his hands through Max's back fur.

He started to move back and forth and pounded Max forcefully enough that the desk started to wobble and the papers on top started to move. John appeared not to care and gripped Max's waist and held him tightly while he railed his ass. I watched John's chest move up and down as he panted, and he bit his lip as he growled. John's ass flexed as he forced his cock inside Max's ass, and I watched as his balls bounced back and forth as he fucked as well. The scene was enough to get my nub hard and dripping precum.

"How much do you want this load, boy?" John asked Max.

"I want it so bad, Sir," Max replied. "Please breed me with your seed!"

"Here it comes, boy!" John growled as he took a few quick breaths and then shoved his cock inside Max.

"Fuck, boy!" John yelled as he coated Max's insides.

Max had his eyes closed and had placed his head on the table and his face was distorted. I could not tell if he was in pain or pleasure. John slid out a few times and then pushed back in, but once his cock stopped pulsing, he pulled out and stepped back.

"Clean my cock, boy!" John said to me.

I came over and got on my knees and took his cock into my mouth and sucked the remaining cum out of him. Once he was clean, he had me turn around and clean Max's ass off as well. Once Max was allowed to stand, he almost lost his balance and I helped him over and we stood against the wall near the door again.

John grabbed a hand towel off the table behind him and wiped his brow and chest and then put his boxers on again and sat down.

"I do enjoy having obedient subs on call," John said with a smile. "You may go."

"Thanks, Sir!" we replied, and we grabbed our clothes and got dressed, and headed back out.

Once we were back in the elevator, Max looked at me. "You up for heading out to the Eagle? We are already downtown, and I still have energy."

"Sure," I replied. "I'm game."

The bar was only a few blocks away, so when we got there, it was still early, but there were some people around. I headed inside to grab a beer for Max and me while Max hung out on the back porch, where some leather daddies were smoking some cigars. I made my way around the different rooms of the bar once I was inside. The place used to be a private home and over the years was transformed into a bar. It meant that there were a lot of smaller rooms to maneuver around to get to the front bar where they were serving.

Once I got up to the bar, I waited in line behind a cute, younger cub. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Dan standing behind me.

"How are you doing, stranger?" Dan asked me.

"Hey, bud!" I replied as I hugged him. "Not too bad. Sir had us come over and service him at his office and we decided to come over here after."

"Ahh, late-night office service," Dan said with a grin. "I did that for him a few times myself. Who is we?"

"Max and I," I said. "He is out on the back deck."

"Red collar like me, right?" Dan asked.

"Yup," I replied. "He was the one that replaced Jay."

"That's right," Dan said.

The cub in front of me moved off and the bartender turned to me, "how can I help ya?"

"Two beers please and whatever he wants," I said, pointing to Dan.

"Well thank you!" Dan said. "I'll have a beer, too."

"Three bottles coming up!" the bartender replied.

"You didn't have to do that," Dan said, scratching my back.

"Anything for a fellow sub brother," I said with a smile.

I paid the bartender and left a nice tip and then handed Dan his beer and grabbed my and Max's beers and headed out to the deck and Dan followed. When we walked out the back door, we saw Max making out with one of the cigar daddy's while another was behind him fingering Max's ass.

"Damn, son!" the younger man behind Max said. "You feel like you been bred recently."

"I have," Max said with a grin, turning to look at him.

"Don't mind him," I said, handing Max his beer. "He's my piggy sub brother. Loves a dick in his ass."

Max grinned and gave me a wink and I winked back and tapped my bottle on his. The older man grinned as well. "Well, that's good to know."

Dan and I walked over to the railing and leaned against it.

"How is Sir Greg?" I asked.

"He is well," Dan replied. "He had to go out of town this weekend, so it's just me for tonight."

"You have Thanksgiving plans?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am going to see my sister," Dan replied. "What about you?"

"My brother and I are headed to my parent's house," I replied. "I had my sub brothers over for a little dinner tonight and then Sir messaged me after Bo left and that's how Max and I ended up over at his office."

"Ahh," Dan said with a smile.

The two cigar daddies and Max walked by us and sat on the benches at the far end of the upper deck and we followed them over. One sat on either side of Max and Max was groping the older one while the younger one continued to finger Max's ass.

"You two got the same type of collar he has," the older one said to me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "We all trained under the same dom. Dan here was collared last year, and Max and I are still in training."

"What are you getting trained to do?" the younger one asked.

"Please a dom in any way possible," Max piped up.

I smiled and Max smiled back at me.

"In that case, you two subs come a little closer and block the view a bit," the older one said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "Come sit in my lap, Max."

Dan and I moved in and faced the man so that there was a bit more privacy and Max undid his belt and pulled his pants down a bit and then straddled the man's legs. His cock was fully hard and sticking up and Max sat down on it, using John's cum from earlier as lube.

"Damn boy," the older man said as his cock disappeared into Max. "That's a nice ass!"

"Thanks, Sir!" Max replied, as he started to bounce on the man's cock.

The younger man started to grope himself as he watched his friend fuck Max. The older man put his hands back on the railing behind him and watched as Max did all the work. He took him deep and then pulled almost out and then went back again. The older man took a deep draw off his cigar and blew it up into the air.

"Wait till you try this ass, Chad," the older man said. "Fucking great."

"I can see that," Chad replied.

A few other guys saw what was going on and came over to watch. They helped us by standing beside me to keep the view to a minimum. Public sex might be hot, but it's a bit of a risk, even in a gay bar. They started to cheer Max on a bit as he started to work the older man's cock.

"Fuck!" the older man said as he brought his arms down and grabbed Max to hold him down. "You feel that cum, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Max said as he felt the man's cock pulse inside him. "You had quite a load saved up there."

"Well, that groping you were giving me had me excited," he said with a grin.

He took another drag from his cigar while his cock finished pulsing and then Max got up from his lap and turned around and licked him clean. Chad undid his belt and pulled out his hard cock next and Max moved over to sit on him next.

"Damn, that ass is sloppy," Chad said.

"You are welcome," the older man said with a smile.

The audience had grown by two more and they all watched as Max rode Chad until he was cumming as well. As with the older man, Max turned around and cleaned his cock after.

"Let me see that cage closer," the older man said to Max.

Max moved over and the older man reached out and felt his balls and his nub behind the bars. Some precum squirted out into his hand while he was doing so.

"Sorry about that," Max said.

"All good, boy," the older man said as he licked his fingers clean. "You got some pent-up balls there."

"Yes, Sir!" Max replied with a smile.

Max pulled his pants up and grabbed his beer and sat down between the two men again. We started talking some more and the crowd started to get pretty thick.

"Well, boys," Dan said. "I am going to head on home. You two have a good night."

"You as well, bud," I said as I hugged him.

"Keep in touch!" Dan said as he waved at us and walked off.

Max and I continued to hang out with the cigar daddies for a while and then we moved around and talked to some friends we saw show up as well. They got me some Jell-O shots and a few tequila shots and before long I was drunk. I lost track of Max after midnight due to the crowd and before long found myself back up at the back deck with the cigar daddies again.

"Where is the furry fella that came with you?" the older man asked me.

"Lost him," I said through a fog of alcohol. "He will show up, though."

"You look like you have had a good time," he said with a smile as he blew some smoke my way.

"My friends got me a little drunk," I replied. "Been slurping down Jell-O shots."

"How about you slurp down this then," he said as he unzipped his pants again.

Without thinking, I dropped to my knees with everyone around me and pulled his cock into my mouth. A guy behind me was hooting in encouragement as I started to deep throat him. I could still taste Max's ass on him, but I didn't care at this point. I fondled his balls and stroked him with my hand and mouth, and he reached down and put his hand behind my head and started to face-fuck me as well.

I have no idea how long I was down on my knees, but I do remember swallowing his load and the load of the guy behind me that was watching before Max showed up and smiled.

"There you are!" Max said. "Having fun down there?"

I grinned and cum leaked out the side of my mouth. "Yup!"

"You are a mess, bro," Max said as he helped me up and leaned over and licked the cum out of my beard. "You are not driving home like this."

I handed Max the keys and replied, "they are all yours!"

Max put his arm around me and said goodbye to everyone and then we made our way down the staircase, with some difficulty, and back out into the street.

"I think we both got our helpings of semen protein today," Max said with a laugh.

"Exactly!" I replied as I hugged him a bit. "But I'm glad you were here to help me. Love ya brother."

Max laughed. "This will make a good story one day."

Next: Chapter 30

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