
By Aaron .

Published on Aug 11, 2001


HA! Thought I was a goner didn't ya? well HA! I'm back! lol......... Say hello to my little FRIEND! Nimm! lol. You rock babe! Thanks again! muah

Disclaimer: Steal this story and I'll sic my copyright lawyer on your plagarizing-ass! Yes, this story is real. I really DO drive a Ferrari! Honest! Ok, well...maybe not...coughusedacuracough


Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Five

"Another day and I could have gone mad, Another day and it could have gotten bad, Another day and I might have returned, every scruple I had." --Poe _______________________________

I tossed a blanket down onto the floor, as I had no dining table, and Kyle spread the Chinese out. I grabbed two DNA's from the fridge and we began to munch away. I turned to Kyle,

"You're an absolute DOLL, I love Chinese." Kyle smiled,

"It was the least I could do. Kyle turned suddenly and the next thing I know His lips were on mine...His tongue was parting my lips. I froze.


Where was the spark? I felt absolutely zilch. Kyle was dribbling on me. I scrunched up my nose.

The Phone Rang.

Oh. Thank. God.

I pressed my hand to Kyle's shoulder, trying to shove him off.

"Let the machine get it." He growled lustfully. I rolled my eyes. Men. God forbid they should drop the Big One while some important MAN was trying to initiate a mating ritual.

I shoved harder at Kyle and he broke away.

"What?" He barked angrily.

"It might be my mom." I replied, perturbed. He rolled his eyes and I got up, taking my drink with me.

I picked up the phone thanking the God of Telecommunications for interrupting Kyle.


"Um, Hi. This is Stephanie. Holly's sister? Do you remember me?" I clamped my hand to my mouth and let out a gasp. Oh my god. Holly's parents were dead and she was Stephanie's guardian. Now Holly was dead, that meant that Stephanie...

"Jesus Christ sweetie, where are you?" I asked, floored and absolutely frightened for Holly's 12 year-old sister. Stephanie sniffled,

"I'm at a pay-phone," I gasped again, "Holly's will said that you would be my...my guardian now."

I could hear her little voice crying on the other end of the phone and my heart melted like butter right there on the spot. I was going to give this girl a home.

"Ok sweetie, tell me where you are; I'm coming to get you." She sighed,

"So I'm not going to be intruding or anything?" She asked quietly. I gasped,

"Oh my lord! No hun! Just tell me where you're at and I'll be right there." Stephanie rattled off her location, which was clear downtown in the industrial district. I shivered thinking about her safety in such a bad area of town. I grabbed my wallet and keys from the desk and turned to Kyle. He was still pissed off and I couldn't care less.

"I'm going to pick up Holly's sister. You can let yourself out." He sneered and I left the apartment, slamming the heavy steel door behind me.

I downshifted and screeched to a stop in front of the payphone that Stephanie was anxiously standing in. I approached her carefully since the last time I had seen her had been an entire year ago at a boxing match.

She had rocked. Literally.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open with my Doc Marten-encased foot.

"Steph?" I called out hesitantly as I made my way over to where she stood. I'm not used to kids; they make me nervous. She looked down at a small tattered picture in her hand, then back up at me. She ran over to me and embraced me tightly. I hugged her and patted her hair.

"It's alright sweetie, I'm here now. You're safe." I gathered up her bags and stored them in the trunk. She followed me numbly to the car and got in, closing the door softly. Stephanie: AUTOPILOT.

I merged into heavy rush-hour traffic, POE blaring through the stereo.

I tried my best to make conversation.

"So...what do you do when you're not in school?" I asked quietly. Steph sighed,

"Not much. I do wrestling, karate, k-1, kempo, kick-boxing, regular boxing, judo, kapuera, and Tai kwon do." She replied matter-of-factly as she ticked a list off on her fingers. I gasped and almost rear-ended the S.U.V. in front of me.

"Holy crap girl! All you're missing is Jujitsu!" I exclaimed loudly. Steph blushed,

"Jujitsu classes are closed because of budget restrictions." I shook my head amazed.

"Jesus, remind me never to piss you off! I saw how you kicked ass last year at your boxing match!" She smiled. I turned and looked at her dark eyes. I could see the pain in them. "Holly was very important to both of us hun," I said, "Now that we have each other we have to pull together, okay?" She sighed and nodded her head vaguely as I pulled into my parking space. I popped the hatch and she pulled her bags out, waiting for me.

"How do you have time for all your activities?" I asked in amazement as we took the elevator up to the 23rd floor. My Floor. Stephanie shrugged,

"I do one a day and I double up on Saturdays." I nodded,

"So just how good are you?" I asked. Her face lit up,

"Better than that stupid Laura Croft and all those Crouching Tiger people put together." I laughed at her comment, I could see so much of Holly in Stephanie. My mind drifted to thoughts of Holly as I unlocked the front door of my flat and we entered. Kyle was nowhere to be seen.

Oh thank Allah. I rolled my eyes as I though about what had transpired early that day. Men. Who needs 'em?

I dropped my keys on the table by the door and turned to Steph,

"You can stay in one of the two guest rooms until you pick one to actually live in." I smiled as warmly as I could manage, considering how sad I was inside. I figured that Stephanie was probably just as sad, if not more, and that I shouldn't heap on the self-pity: I wasn't the only one hurting.

I entered the kitchen and poured myself vodka straight. I called out to Steph from the fridge,

"Hey Steph you want a soda?" Nothing. She probably hadn't heard me. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge and made my way down the hall to see how Stephanie was settling in. I entered the room she had decided on and saw her going through the clothes that were hanging in the closet.

"Wow," she said, "Holly told me you were a designer, but I had no idea you were so good! Some of these outfits are really cute!"

Goddamnit, I had forgotten I hid some old designs in this closet.

"Thanks." I replied, blushing slightly.

"Can I keep some of these?" She asked boldly. I smiled,

"Sure! They're really old designs that didn't even make it into a portfolio, take whatever you want. I suppose I could even make some alterations too if something doesn't fit; it's not like I've got anything more important to do." I said sarcastically. Steph laughed,

"Thanks." Steph followed me through the living room and into the kitchen.

"So, um, what happened out there?" She asked, motioning in the direction of the still-overturned television. I rolled my eyes,

"The TV and I got in a little argument." I said sardonically. Steph nodded her head slowly.

"Who won?" She asked with a smirk as I downed the rest of my vodka,

"The TV" I said as I pulled up my shirt and exposed my bandaged wound. Steph scrunched up her nose in grand Holly-like fashion and turned.

"Blech." She said, and we both laughed, smiling.

..........To Be Continued.........www.aarondelorean.com

Next: Chapter 6

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