
By Aaron .

Published on Aug 17, 2001


I'm sorry for the lack of updates on my part. Life decided to take a shit on top of my head. I really don't know what's gonna happen next. I'm not exactly clear about Akira's fate either. Oh well.............PLEASE please, I URGE you to e-mail me. Urge? spontaneously bursts into song. "I've got the urge to herbal!.....Herbal in the shower...." ok, sorry....LOL......MAIL ME!

Disclaimer: Um...I'm never sure what the purpose of a disclaimer is, or what I'm supposed to disclaim ABOUT.......um, no, this story isn't real.....If Akira was real I'd be dating him...lol..... www.aarondelorean.com


Aaron DeLorean

Chapter Six

"Another day and I could have gone mad, Another day and it could have gotten bad, Another day and I might have returned, every scruple I had." --Poe _______________________________

I woke up the next morning to the familiar sounds of Tori Amos' "From The Choirgirl Hotel" pounding out of the JBL's.

Looks like someone had gone through my CD's. That someone had good taste.

I walked out to the living room. Steph was sitting on the floor in front of the stereo bopping her head along with Tori and shuffling through my LP's.

"So this is where Holly got her vinyl-collecting fetish from!" She said as she looked up at me. I smiled. "Your hair is sticking up." Steph informed me. I rolled my eyes,

"I know; I gotta go wash out the root volumizer."

When I stepped out of the shower I smelled food. I sniffed. I smelled...eggs! And...sniff sniff...BACON! I almost fainted.

Real Food was always a major plus in my house. I slipped into some old Fendi jeans and threw on a JPG "Name" shirt. I ran my fingers through my wet hair and shuffled out to the kitchen.

Steph was cooking bacon and scrambled eggs. She was stirring and bopping her head in time to Tori.

Okay, who hit her with the perky stick? I looked at the clock on the microwave. 8:15 AM.


Steph turned and smiled at me,

"I hope you like eggs." I smiled and nodded.

"Very much. You're a doll for cooking. If I burn soup then I'm doing good."

At that exact moment the phone rang and not a second later the front door bell rang. Steph looked at me with a confused expression.

"Get used to it," I said in explanation, "It's like this all day everyday." I grabbed the cordless and made my way out to the front hall.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I messed around with the locks on the door, trying to get it open.

Damn auto-locks.

I finally got the door open as I realized the person talking a mile a minute into my ear was my assistant, Liz. Nick was standing at the door. Oh...wow.

"Come in." I silently mouthed out to Nick.

"Wow, I like the wet hair look." Nick whispered in my ear as I tried to understand what Liz was going on about. His breath brushed my skin and my entire body shivered. Damnit. Nick SMIRKed and swept past me into the living room.

"Ok, whoa, dude, Liz, slow the fuck down. What are we talking about?" I asked exasperated, trying to recover from the goose bumps Nick had just given me. Men. Oy.

"OH MY GOD! Akira!" I could hear her lighting up a cigarette. She knew I didn't want her smoking in the office. "OK, like, the phones have been ringing OFF THE HOOK, like, all fucking morning!" I rolled my eyes. Well Jesus, it was only 8:30. This was going to be an interesting day. Since when did the phones of Genuflect Clothing ring before the lunch hour?

"Okay..." I said with absolutely no clue what Liz was talking about. I looked over at Nick; he was perusing the books in my shelves. Liz continued,

"...And you will never guess who they want to design their costumes!"

"Who who wants to design WHO's costumes?" Liz puff-puffed her Virginia Slim on the other line.

"THE BACKSTREET BOYS!" A very large knot crawled up from my stomach and formed in my throat.

"Um, the Backstreet Boys?" Suddenly Nick's head whipped around and looked at me wide-eyed. I giggled and Liz demanded to know what was so funny.

"Oh nothing hun, Nick just about gave himself whiplash."

"Nick who?" Liz demanded to know as she continued to teenybopper out on the other end of the phone. Nosy Bitch.

"Nick Carter, my neighbor, I just met him a few days ago."

I heard a shrill scream and then the line went dead. I looked at the phone in my hand. "Nosy bitch..." I said out loud as I replaced the phone in its cradle.

"Who was that?" Nick asked with his nose screwed up in a comical expression.

"Oh, my weird assistant. She was babbling something about that twink pop group Backstreet Boys wanting me to design their costumes or something; I think she was high again, and she KNOWS how I feel about smoke in the office." I said as I rolled my eyes.

WHOOSH! Nick was out the door and gone as soon as I finished telling him about Liz. How. Fucking. Weird!

"Has everyone lost their mind today?" I asked out loud. Steph walked in from the kitchen,

"What? I shook my head,

"Nothing. It looks like I'll be going into the office today." Steph's face lit up,

"Cool! Can I come?" I smiled,

"Sure! Then I'll have someone to talk to." We both smiled. We were actually getting along. Imagine that!

"So who was at the door?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh, no one special, just my neighbor Nick." Steph shrugged her shoulders,

"Well, I'm-a change then we can go, ok?" I nodded,


"I'm starving can we get somethin' to eat on our way?" I nodded again,

"Sure." I replied as I slipped on my Teva's.

I sat down on the sofa and waited for Steph to get ready. I looked at the TV like it was going to jump up and demand another round. "Don't even THINK about it, or I'll get Mr. Carter over there to kick your cathode-ray ass!" I said half- crazed.

"Man, no wonder you and Holly were best friends; y'all were made for each other!" Stephanie laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, let's roll." I said. I grabbed my keys and slung my techno- messenger bag over my shoulder. I turned to Stephanie.

BOOM. I almost fainted. There she was, dressed in one of my retro-70's designs from a few years previous. It consisted of a bright orange mid-riff top with studs riveted in a spiral pattern that started at the neck and curled down to the bottom hem. She had paired the top with a pair of flared, hip-hugger spot- bleached jeans. She wore a long, knitted caftan in dark brown and yellow that I had knitted myself when I had sat long hours in the hospital waiting room as my father was in the final stages of terminal lung cancer.

"Is this okay?" She asked as she twirled and the caftan spun out around her. I nodded,

"Wow, you rock, but we've got to do something about those boots girlfriend." She laughed,

"Let's roll."

I yanked the car into my designated parking space right next to the front doors of Genuflect Clothing. My company. I had started the company with 2,000 dollars 12 years ago and now it had grown considerably. We currently had three complete lines under our belts, and we were getting ready to launch a new line for fall/winter.

Steph and I walked through the heavy glass double doors and I waved to Liz who was trying to get strangled words past her mouth. I looked at her,

"Any messages Liz?" She gazed at me with wide eyes. I shook my head and proceeded down the hall to my office.

"What's her problem?" Steph asked. I laughed,

"The doctors have been wondering that for years; She usually won't stop talking. Something big must have gone down if she's actually being somewhat quiet."

I heard the phones in the outer office ring. I waited for Liz to pick up. On the fourth ring I finally decided I'd get the damn phone myself.

"Genuflect clothing, Akira Maxwell speaking." I said as I glared at the door separating my office from Liz.

"Well, I get to speak to the big boss man himself!" Nick said cheerfully. I laughed,

"Hey Nick, what's up?" I asked.

"Well, since you had to go into the office on a Saturday, I was wondering if you and Stephanie would like to comer over tonight for dinner?" I wrinkled up my nose, how did Nick know I had to come into the office? And HOW did he know about Steph? Oh well, food equals heaven. I'd have to quiz him later about Steph. I smiled,

"Sure Nick, we'd love that." Suddenly I heard a loud gasp come out of the phone. I rolled my eyes. "HANG UP THE DAMN PHONE LIZ!" I yelled through the door, sighing. Nosy Bitch. I heard a hurried click and then it was just Nick and I on the line. Nick chuckled,

"Anyway, How about seven?"

"Sure, that'll be fine." I hung up and turned to Steph,

"Well, it looks like you'll get to meet Nick tonight. He invited us next door for dinner."

Several hours later, as Steph and I were climbing into the low-slung Ferrari, my cell phone went off. I didn't recognize the number on the caller ID. Hmm. SEND.


"Hey Akira!" Nick. SMILE.

"Hey Nick!" I said loudly over ELO's soaring guitar and vocals as I revved the car and shifted into reverse. "What's going down?"

"Well, I was wondering if you and Stephanie would mind if I invited a few friends over for dinner with us."

"Sure, that'll be fine, as long as they aren't too rowdy, Steph IS only 12 after all." Steph turned to me,

"I can take care of myself." She spoke up. Nick heard her and laughed, I could just SEE him SMIRKing on the other end of the phone.

"Of course you can." I said to Steph, knowing exactly what being 12 was all about. It hadn't been that long ago for me, I was only 22 now myself.

Nick said his goodbyes and I hit END, narrowly missing a green JAG that cut in front of me. I said a few choice words and Steph laughed.

"I don't think I'm the only one that's 12 around here Akira." She said smiling. I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't hear that." I said, pretending to be stern. She laughed out loud,

"Oh yes I did!"

I was calling my mother later. I needed some hints on how to raise a child without totally warping them. Wasn't Mom gonna love this?

Nick put the phone down and ran his hands through his hair. Akira was coming to HIS apartment for dinner? Wow...He didn't quite know what to do. He would have started the soufflé this morning if he knew that his angel...no, AKIRA, his NEIGHBOR, was going to say yes. AND the guys were all going to be there. He wondered how Akira was going to react to that, and how STEPHANIE was going to react. Stephanie HAD to be a Backstreet fan, wasn't every 12-year-old girl in North America a fan?

Well, at least that Kyle guy was out of Akira's life...Nick had heard everything that had gone on when Stephanie had called. Nick smiled at himself in the bathroom mirror. He was going to have Akira as his own if it killed him. He felt better with the thought of Akira, and stepped into the shower. Tonight was going to be a night to remember.

Nick smiled to himself and sighed heavily as he reached for his rock hard cock, thoughts of Akira running rampant through his mind. Nick moved his hand nimbly up and down his shaft, moaning. In his minds eye he saw Akira, lounging on the hood of the Ferrari. Bright hot sun was glistening off of his sweat-soaked skin. His dark eyes were half closed. His full lips were partly open, panting to Nick. FLASH. Nick was now standing in front of him. Nick placed his large hands on Akira's thighs and spread them open gently. Akira moaned out softly. Nick smiled.

"Take me now, Nick." He breathed out roughly. Nick smirked at Akira and slid his hands under his ass, maneuvering him onto his lap. With one hard thrust Nick impaled Akira on his length. Akira cried out in pain...and pleasure.

In his mind Nick was moving inside of Akira now, as his hand pumped up and down, his finger snaking in and out of his entrance.

Nick shouted out in great bliss as his cum hit the shower wall.

Off in the distance, a telephone was ringing.

...........To Be Continued............www.aarondelorean.com

Next: Chapter 7

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