Spells-r-Us: Deepest Darkest Africa

By Fire Bow

Published on Nov 5, 1999



Please observe all the usual disclaimers. If you are less then 18 don't read this and if you have a dickey heart stay away too!

Spells-r-Us: Deepest Darkest Africa

It was your typical day in the African town, hot, muggy and nobody had any real inclination to get stuff done. It was most sensible to observe the idiom that 'only mad dogs and Englishman venture out in the midday sun'. The only other sensible thing to do was to go to the shopping mall where at least it was air-conditioned and there were plenty of hot girls to look at. I loved walking past the women's fashion stores and looking at the latest fashions and seeing all the beautiful girls trying out stuff.

It was around lunchtime and I wanted to find something to snack, so I headed off in the direction of the food court to find a burger or the likes. There I chanced upon a little shop that I had not seen before called "Spells-r-Us". This was strange, as I had often read the SRU tales on the net, but here, in Africa? There was no way, I know that 'Toys-r-Us' had moved here, but SRU was a fantasy thing! Gingerly I ventured into the place. It was done out in bamboo on the front, and the place was all panelled with rough wood and tree trunks supporting the shelves and rows of strange items. There where all the usual, cheerleader costumes, discounted costumes from Halloween and rows of bottles with all manner of snakes and reptiles, spiders and things that I would not even try to describe. Behind the till sat a large black guy, dressed in a leopard skin with a huge tummy and a wide grin that revealed a row of glistening white teeth, He let out a bellow of a laugh and said "Hello there Michael, I see you have stumbled across the first African franchise of SRU. I am Bongani, the proud proprietor of this place. If you are wondering how I know your name, I am a Sangoma, a withdoctor and its my job to read minds." At a loss for words, I finally blurted out the first question that came to mind: "But you where never here before?" "Well Michael, we are only accessible to people that know about the SRU universe and even more so, someone like you that has read every SRU story on the net. I am proud to be associated with this Multinational Corporation now, as we always endeavour to supply the highest quality merchandise, that keeps our customers coming back for more and more!" This statement he punctuated with a loud belly- rumbling guffaw, like he was enjoying a private joke. I felt a bit uneasy, but thought, heck I can handle this guy. After all I have read all the SRU's and know about damaging costumes, not reading the fine print and all the perils that people fall into in this universe. "Is there anything you are looking for?" he asked. Deciding to call his bluff and feeling a bit cocky I said, "Well Bongani, if you know my name you should be able to know also what I am looking for". "Hehehe, haha", he rumbled again like the stone giant from the Never Ending Story, "That is true, but you have to ask nevertheless. We do not like to dispense entirely with social niceties here. Besides, then I would not here anybody talk out aloud and you know how it can be sitting in a shop all day, especially when they want us open 7 days a week. There is such a paucity of reliable help in this town." "Well, let me look around a bit then, if you don't mind and see what comes to mind?" I said. "Sure thing umfana (Zulu for boy);" punctuated again by a huge guffaw. "Well actually I said, I was wondering if you had anything that would make the rave I am going to tonight more fun. I am tired of ecstasy and acid and all that, it does not actually go far enough. I want something that would be memorable. Maybe some potion, or a really fun costume?" "I have just what you want my young friend. This is a potion that will allow you to dance all night and be the centre of all the attention on the dance floor. In addition it will make you feel amazing, sensual, erotic and on top of the world. I promise the side- effects are better than any chemical that you have ever ingested." This sounded amazing, but I was listening for the rider. There always has to be one. So I asked: " What is the catch?" "My little friend, you are very astute! Perhaps you might be apprentice material." He mused. "Well the only thing that you have to watch out for is that you do not let any touch you in a provocative way. Then I cannot predict the outcome." "Heck Bongani, I am straight, I would never let any guy do that. He would get a punch in the nuts before he even got an appendage near me!" "Well, glad to hear that you are confident about that." He said. "How much is it?" I asked. "Well for you because you are so astute and a real SRU junkie, it will be only $30!" "Do you take MasterCard?" I asked. "Well you have to be pretty backward not to do that now. " he quipped. I handed over my card and he rang it up and handed me a small vial with a swirling pink liquid in it. "Oh and by the way don't mix it with any other drugs" he interjected as a last thought.

I walked out of the shop and thought to myself, maybe I have just been taken for the biggest ride of my life, but what the heck, that was fun.

I got home and got ready for the rave. Slipping on a tight nylon type rave top, my platform sketchers and tight jeans I was ready to go. I picked up my buddies, Greg and Daniel and headed off. They had organised some E for themselves and were ready to bop. We stood in the queue for ages and eventually got into the place. They asked me if I wanted some E, but I declined saying that I felt like going clean tonight. They smirked and dropped their tablets. I snuck off to the toilet and drank down the vial. It tasted like strawberry milkshake, but nothing untoward happened. Finding Greg and Daniel we headed off to the dance floor and started to dance. The DJ was laying down such funky tracks and soon I was grooving. I did not notice anything different and thought, "shit that guy really ripped me off." Despairing a bit I saw what a good time my buddies where having and asked them if they had any tablets left. I told them I had changed my mind and felt like having a good time after all. I dropped the E and immediately started to rush. But this was nothing like before. I danced so wildly that soon there was a group of people that where egging me on. They were clapping their hands and whistling as I got into the beat. I felt amazing, almost "on top of the world". Suddenly a cute boy brushed past me and rubbed my chest. It felt so good. I kept on dancing like nothing would stop me. My chest felt strangely itchy and I decided to go to the toilet to take a pee. When I got there I went into a stall and started to feel even itchier in my chest. I lifted my shirt and noticed that my nipples where quite erect. I squeezed them and it felt really good. I felt and erection swelling in my pants. I fondled my penis to get some relief and thought, "geez, I had better get a lay tonight". I smoothed down my pants after I had pulled them up after the pee and that felt really good over my bum. I stroked it a few times and thought, you have a great butt Michael, all that time in the gym is paying its dues. Whilst I was doing this my pants felt a little tight around the hips and butt. Without thinking I was playing with my nipples when suddenly I realised that my chest was growing. I tore of my shirt in disbelief as my breasts expanded into a beautiful pair of 36C's. I was dumfounded. I started to stroke my hair and in my hands the hair turned a beautiful deep red colour and spilled down my back. There I was standing in the stall with long red hair and a pair of breasts that would have to be insured if I was a model. I looked behind me at my butt and saw that it had taken on a decidedly pear shaped appearance. My cock was now raging and to relieve some pressure I opened my fly and let it out. I started to rub it for I thought "I have got to relieve this pressure." As I did that, it suddenly started to shrink in front of my eyes. I heard a "phwoop" sound as my balls were sucked into my abdomen. In disbelief the transformation completed and I found myself looking down at a very wet and virginal version of a vagina. Before I could even do any more, I saw a swirl of pink light around me, it enveloped me and I seemed to loose connection with the world. I do not know how long it lasted, but as suddenly as it had started it disappeared and I found myself in a short silver mini-skirt and with a crop top that matched. I did not have to even look to know that I had on a matching lace g- string and padded push up bra that kept my new breasts firmly against the stretched material of the crop top. Looking down I had the cutest belly button with a silver belly ring through it. I looked down at my hands and there where stunning long nails with metallic blue nail polish that ended on beautiful hands. My feet where enclosed in knee high platform boots. On my back was a cute little kangol rave knapsack. I was devastating and in total disbelief. I thought I have to go back to the shop tomorrow and sought this out, but for now all I want to do is to dance.

I walked out of the stall and all the guys in the loo almost fainted from surprise. I went out onto the dance floor and found Greg and Daniel. They did not even seem surprised to see me and Greg said: "Hey there Michelle (!) where have you been hiding?" and preceded to plant a big kiss on my lipsticked lips! They did not think anything the different. I then realised that for $30 I had bought some very serious magic. Very soon, all thoughts where gone of my former self as I was swept up into the music. As I danced I now had an even bigger circle of people around me as they clapped me on. I whirled and twirled and felt the sensation of cool air blowing over my now unbulging crotch.

From the circle I saw a guy with deep brown hair and beautiful green eyes. He had these really broad shoulders and lovely lats. He came up to me and soon we where hitting it off on the dance floor. Dancing together, I had my hands in the air as his powerful hands encircled my now slim waist and traced there way over my but and squeezed it. I was so turned on, but in a way that I have never felt before. I had this deep wet longing between my legs. I reached forward and kissed him. He responded by giving me his tongue as he caressed my breasts. "Hi, my name is Steve." He said. "My name is Michelle and I am pleased to meet you." We danced together, until he said "Michelle, lets get out of here and go and start up the jacuzzi at my place." Holding his hand he took me to his BMW convertible and drove me to his place. As he was driving I lent over and unzipped his bulging crotch and let his beautiful cock spring out. Without a thought I took it in my mouth and started to flick it with my tongue, before sucking hard on it. I saw his knuckles go white on the steering and then felt his throbbing cock explode in my mouth. I drank it all down and licked him clean, before zipping it up and sitting up before we stopped at the next traffic light.

When we got to his place, all thoughts of the jacuzzi were lost. He took me in his powerful arms and carried me to his bed. As I lay back he lifted my skirt and pulled my g-string down. I felt his warm breath and chin as his tongue flicked up and down over my new clit. I moaned and opened my legs wider. All I could think of was of that beautiful cock inside me. He lifted off my top and undid my bra. I felt his hands circling my breasts as he started to suck my engorged nipples. He quickly undid his pants and pulled his shirt off. I took him in his arms as I felt his chest meet mine and push against my breasts. Good it felt good. Next thing I felt him enter me. There was a brief moment of pain as he broke through my virginal hymen, then followed by total pleasure as his huge throbbing cock filled me and opened up parts of me that 4 hours ago had never even existed. He thrust back and forth and I found myself meeting his movements. Faster and faster he went until my whole body tensed up and I was racked by repeated orgasms. Simultaneously I felt him explode inside me. It was the most amazing feeling having his warm hot cum inside me. We fucked all night and I awoke finding myself encircled by his arms, the sun streaming into the room. I still felt like it was all a dream. But it felt so goof, so right. I suddenly thought this is my man, I want his children, I want to be his lover and companion. Thoughts that yesterday where not even in my mind.

I asked him for the use of his car and drove to the mall. I quickly found SRU and went in. There was Bongani sitting behind the till. "Ah, Michelle, what a delight you are to behold. I see that you did not follow my instructions?" "I did, yes. All I did was take some E. Nobody touched me!" "That is except yourself!" Again that mountain-shaking rumble of a laugh! "Well, this is it now my sweet lady. You are Michelle now. Since you are still so astute and now will be more intuitive thanks to the hormones and rewiring of your brain, how would you like to start as my shop assistant and apprentice Witch. I can see that you have the ability to be very good at it. After all you managed to manifest that amazing body!"

Soon enough, I was his business partner and SRU became part of the common vernacular. We hired a good lawyer to handle all the unhappy toads and centaurs and new men and women, but nobody could find a loophole in our product disclaimers. Steve and I got married and with my new skills I sometimes indulged in turning him into a beautiful blond and we had mind-blowing lesbian sex together. I was amazing for our relationship. I even let him have a period or two for good measure and to breastfeed some of our children, but mostly I loved his manhood. Bongani eventually patented his laugh and he was in great demand for the voiceovers in countless cartoons.

-The End

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