Sports Bar Seduction

By Dillon Hall

Published on Jan 22, 2021



By D Hall (

Ryan was just brushing his teeth. Standing there shirtless, minding his own fucking business, when he heard the unmistakable sound of a phone's camera shutter clicking behind him.

"Wharrr tha..?"

Ryan whirred around, grabbing the guy slipping around the corner. With his right hand, he tore his toothbrush out of his mouth and shoved it straight into the guy's chest.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, you little shit?" Toothpaste foam sprayed and spit across the punk's face.

Staring up, Ryan realized the creep wasn't that little: he was tall, with brown hair and ripped musculature. Couldn't be more than 22, and his sharp blue eyes darted around fearfully in front of Ryan. Ryan thought he recognized him from the weight room.

The kid stammered. "Fuck. Fuck! Aw man, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean..."

''You're saying you didn't MEAN to take my picture in the fucking locker room? Fucking cocksucker!"

"Shit, can you keep. it down? This is embarrassing as it is."

He couldn't look Ryan in the eye. And the kid's hands were shaking so hard he could feel the vibrations in Ryan's forearm. Pathetic. Ryan took a deep breath, let his heavy chest fall, and decided to take some pity. Hell, this wasn't the first time he's turned heads at the gym.

"Explain yourself."

"I'll delete it, I swear! Can you put me down?" The kid's hands shook so hard, his phone rattled against the sink counter.

Ryan loosened grip, pushed him against the wall, and let him start talking. Kid's name was Sam. Former collegiate soccer player trying to bulk-up. Raging closet-case.

Sam had been on the weight floor when he saw Ryan enter. He was so impressed with Ryan that he did a double-take. Ryan's presence was undeniable. Apparently Ryan's "big boulder shoulders" were "like, hashtag goals, man". Sam's words. Ryan's short, rugged beard and full lips probably didn't hurt, either.

"Typical," Ryan rolled his eyes. He was used to jealous looks from guys at the gym, compliments, and nerves around his masculine presence. He absent-mindedly cupped his barrel chest. "So you were snapping a pic for your...personal use then?"

"Uhh...yea..." If Ryan had been paying closer attention, he would have seen a sudden twinkle in Sam's sharp blue eyes. "Yeah, that's it."

"Look if you scram now, I'll forget this happened. But don't let it happen aga..." and before Ryan had finished, Sam rushed for the door. Ryan had never seen anyone run that quickly.

Ryan chuckled to himself, dried off, and slid on a blue polo shirt. The sleeves could barely stretch over his thick arms, nearly ripping the seams.

"Another fan," Ryan thought, slinging his gym bag and heading to the bar next door.


Ryan was clockwork: lifted hard five days per week, cardio the sixth, pick-up hoops the seventh (on sunday). No rest, ever. Unless you counted his wind-downs aftward at McGrady's next door. That was every day.

McGrady's was a no-frills, Irish sports bar. Long wooden bar, big selection, uncomfortable seats. Never full, never empty either. Ryan loved it.

Ryan was so mechanical that the bartenders would pour and have a pint waiting for him each evening at 8pm sharp. Ryan liked the structure this brought to his post evening routine. And McGrady's liked the girls his presence brought to the bar. Win-win.

It had been a few days since the incident with Sam. Ryan had forgotten all about it. Until that night at McGrady's brought it all crashing down on him.

Ryan had his back to the door when he felt a firm hand clap behind his right shoulder.

"Sam, you little bitch!"

Ryan chuckled but didn't turn around: "You're mistaken dude, my name is Ryan..."

"HA, yea right! 'Ryan!' The only mistake I made was not slipping my dick in your ass earlier this week."

"Wait. Wha?" Ryan turned to see the biggest shit-eating grin he'd ever seen. The guy was short--Ryan guessed him to be 5'6, but stacked at 180 at least, square jawed, short wavy hair, hot. He looked about as tall as Ryan sitting down. And he looked cocky as all hell.

Ryan looked at him and smiled back. "Name's Ryan, and I have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

The guy squinted slightly but didn't miss a beat. "Oh. My mistake. I've been talking online to someone who could be your twin." He didn't take his hand off Ryan's shoulder.

"Most guys don't look like me."

"True," he took his time scanning his eyes over Ryan's built frame. "You gay, big guy?"

"Naw. Nice try, squirt".

Squirt. A flinch skated across the guy's face. His green eyes narrowed. It was fleeting. If you didn't know what you were looking for, you'd miss it easily. Ryan did.

The guy quickly grinned again, dimples deepening across his face: "Too bad. What's your name then?"

"Ryan." Ryan turned and held out his hand.

He took his hand off Ryan's shoulder and shook. "Jason. Friends call me Jay."

By now they were looking at each other, dead-on. Ryan was still seated, level with Jason's face. Jason was staring intensely into Ryan's eyes, intriguing Ryan.

"Then I'll call you Jay."

"Yeah, big guy. We're gonna be great friends."

The air seemed to crackle. Jason's gaze was relentless, and Ryan felt a small current run down his spine. He was taken aback. But before Ryan could pinpoint the feeling, Jason let go and waved the bartender down.

"Hey Tim! Amber ale on draft for me. Yeah, like always. And a henny double for my new friend Sa--I mean, Ryan. Right. He's paying."

Jason nodded in Ryan's direction, catching Ryan off-guard. Normally this sort of shit would set Ryan off but--again--before he could react, Jason smiled. "Relax, big guy. Next one's on me."

The gutsy move paid off. Jason's confidence impressed Ryan. Game recognized game. And although Ryan didn't ordinarily drink whiskey--most nights he liked to slowly milk one beer before heading home--this felt different. In minutes, he had already guzzled down his shot listening to Jason drone on about his recent move to the city.

"You really do look like him, you know. That hot fucker on my app."

Jason waved at the bartender for another round.

"Whoever he is, I could take him," Ryan flexed his right bicep in Jason's face. Ryan couldn't tell if his head was spinning from the attention or the whiskey. He was such a lightweight.

Jason laughed but cupped Ryan's heaping arm. He leaned in closer, leering into Ryan's big brown eyes. "Not bad. For a straight dude."

At that moment, Ryan realized he was in a lot of trouble. Jason's thick hand felt heavy on his arm. This wasn't some insecure kid or locker room creep; Jason was grade-a cocky, with some serious muscle behind it.

Then Jason stood up straight, jutting his hips forward in front of Ryan, still seated at the bar. Ryan's eyes instinctively darted to Jason's crotch for some reason. What the fuck, he thought.

Ryan tried to convince himself that he was just appreciating Jason's massive quads. They looked diesel. But his heart had skipped a beat. And by now, Ryan had knocked back at least three doubles. Soon he had a healthy buzz, head was drifting out to sea.

Jason wasted no time after that. "Okay big guy, I think you've had enough. Pay up our tab and let's get you home."

Ryan was feeling too good to put up resistance. He threw down some cash, paid the entire bill for both Jason and Ryan, and ... promptly stumbled off his stool. Straight into Jason's arms.

"Easy killer," Jason chuckled. Ryan fell against him, his gruff beard rubbing against Jason's light stubble. He was close enough to smell the faint whiff of beer from Jason's breath, and mumbled an apology.

Jason could feel that Ryan's muscles under his clothes were beyond rock hard. "Where do you live, big guy?"


Ryan was drunk but coherent, he told himself. He found his way home, using Jason as a crutch, and fumbled his keys until they both found themselves in a large loft overlooking the city. They could hear the faint beat of traffic on the street below.

They hadn't shut the door longer than a couple seconds when Jason pushed Ryan against the wall and started tugging up his shirt.

"Yo Jay-Jay! What do you think you're doing?" Ryan chuckled. He wasn't intimidated; Ryan's height towered over Jason. Ryan's hand lightly tried to swat Jason's away, but missed.

"You're drunk, big guy. Let me get you out of these clothes and in bed."

"Yeah, yeah. You'd like that."

But again, Ryan didn't resist. Soon his red polo was crumpled on the floor, and his hairy pits at Jason's eye-level.

Jason whistled in appreciation at the wide chest in front of him. He gazing down the neatly groomed hair lining Ryan's pecs. Down his belly.

"Damn, you're a beast." He could see the hair didn't stop there--travelling somewhere below the waistband of his white briefs.

With Ryan's shirt removed, Jason noticed the air filled with the smell of light musk. Ryan had showered after the gym but still faintly smelled of clean sweat. Soap couldn't hide his naturally hairy scent for long. Jason smirked and inspected him, staring shamelessly.

Jason's breath felt hot on Ryan's exposed chest. Ryan couldn't understand how this happened: he was shirtless and cornered in his own apartment. Normally he didn't like people in his personal space, but here he was, letting Jason invade it.

Jason returned his gaze up to Ryan's face, his stare steady. When Jason's green eyes locked on him, Ryan felt a jolt that made his abs tighten. Ryan's pulse started racing. Pressure began building against the front of his white briefs in his pants. Was he...getting hard?

Ryan's lips parted in surprise. Jason took this as an invitation, kissing Ryan's open mouth. He cupped the back of Ryan's head and pulled him down, hard.

What the fuck? Ryan didn't expect this. But he also didn't stop it. The warm, wet heat felt good. Especially down his neck, when Jason started to explore. It felt so good that Ryan didn't even notice when his jeans fell to the floor.

Jason was still kissing Ryan, hands roaming up and down Ryan's furry torso. But when Jason's hands found the front of Ryan's white briefs, he stopped everything.

Thwack. Ryan felt a sticky tap the front of his briefs. Jason looked down and chuckled.

"Who's the squirt now?"

Ryan looked down. At first, he thought he was somehow fully naked. His cock jutted up obscenely, hard and straining against a wet wall of fabric. It was covered in a thick sheen of pre-cum, visible through the now-clear cotton. He saw his dick lurch up and spread another fat droplet across his briefs.

"Fuck." Ryan quietly whispered to himself.

"Huh. So that's how it is. You're not `gay' but your entire waist is soaking wet? Guess you're not as boss as you thought."

"Jay, I..." Ryan was about to protest, but Jason stuck his tongue down his throat again. Ryan didn't know why, but this instantly relaxed him. He shuddered while Jason rubbed Ryan's wet cock pressing into side.

Jason kept up a relentless assault. Ryan was head-and-shoulders bigger than him--but overwhelmed. He let out a deep grunt in Jason's mouth. Jason smiled, slapping Ryan's ass hard.

"Down you go." In a swift motion, Jason pushed down the taller stud's shoulders. Ryan melted down the wall behind him, nearly onto the heels of his black boots. He didn't even have time to take them off. Squatting deeply, it felt like the wall sit exercises his old basketball coach liked to use in drills. Except this time, Ryan's jeans were at his ankles and his briefs were stretched so thin they nearly ripped. He felt the fabric rub against his asshole as he sat deeper.

Ryan grunted again. "Damn Jay. You are one hot little fucker, you know that?"

Jason let go of Ryan's shoulders and looked down, grinning. "I thought you weren't gay."

He leaned down toward Ryan's ear, letting his hand slide down the back of Ryan's waistband. "Or are you?" Jason whispered as his finger roughly pushed down Ryan's crack.

Ryan's muscles visibly tensed. "Uffff...oh god..."

Ryan felt Jason's thick finger tapping on his hole. He didn't know what to do. What the fuck was happening to him? He soon felt Jason forcing his finger into his body. It was uncomfortable, and the pain searing hot. Ryan nearly stood up when he realized Jason was speaking in his ear:

"Push out, squirt. Down and out or this is gonna hurt like a bitch and not be fun for anyone."

Hearing "squirt" made Ryan's dick twitch, as if on command. Ryan laid still for a moment, then exhaled and started to take Jason's advice. He sank deeper into his jock squat.

"I'm in now. You feel that, big guy? Feel me finger fucking your tight hairy hole?"

He could feel it. Ryan shifted his weight while Jason sawed a finger in and out of his ass. At first, Ryan's dick softened somewhat from the pain. Maybe he didn't like this after all?

But then Ryan felt something. A sudden pressure from his behind his balls made his dick go rigid. Then again, and his cock jumped. Holy shit. When Jason hit the spot inside him again, Ryan lurched forward let out a loud "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck."

"I think I found it, big guy."

Ryan shook and nearly fell over. He hadn't noticed, but Jason had already moved a second finger easily inside his hole. When it slid over his prostate again, Ryan began panting like a bull.

Jason didn't miss a beat. Taking full advantage, his fingers started rhythmically going in-and-out, in-and-out. Faster. Ryan's periodic grunts turned into one, long animalistic groan.

"Yeah, you're mine now. Let's see just how big this bull can SQUIRT!"

Jason kept up a steady stream of fuck talk in Ryan's ear while he cunted out Ryan's hole. The air felt like it was vibrating as Jason drove harder and faster, sending shockwaves into Ryan with each thrust. He fingered Ryan with all of his clothes on, leaning over, Ryan crying out the whole time.

Until suddenly, Ryan's his cheeks flushed beet red under his beard. His mouth fell open and he lurched forward.

At first, no sound came out.

Then, "OHHH FUCK!"

Ryan yelped and he came, hard. His briefs, already stretched thin, couldn't contain the explosion. Spurts pushed through, splattering hard on the wooden floor. A puddle pooled, and cum dribbled down his right muscled quad.

"Looks like you have some cleaning up to do, squirt."

These words barely registered in Ryan's head when he heard his front door snap shut. He was so dazed that he hadn't even looked up before Jason had walked out the door.

What the fuck just happened?

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Next: Chapter 2

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