Sports Bar Seduction

By Dillon Hall

Published on Jan 29, 2021



Chapter 2

By D Hall (

Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback/encouragement after the first chapter. (It was my first-ever story!) Let me know what you think of this one.


Ryan fell back on the wall behind him. He was still crouching down, jeans at his ankles. Briefs cum-soaked. The air in his apartment smelled like sex, and he hadn't even taken off his shoes yet.


Dazed, Ryan grabbed the wall behind him and shuffled toward his leather couch. As he plopped down, his ruined briefs made a loud thwack on contact, suctioning Ryan to his seat cushion.

He could still feel some cum sloshing around. "Ughhh...fucking mess." In abrupt fit, he threw his boots across the room and kicked the tangled jeans off his ankles.

Sitting back in his socks and dirty underwear, some guys in Ryan's position might have tried to process what the hell just happened. Why he let his guard down so easily. How he let himself get milked by a dumbass with a Napoleon complex.

But not Ryan. He was mad. "That shorty's getting fucked the next time I see him," he muttered, completely missing the irony of his thought. He also missed his dick lengthening at the thought of Jason while he stomped around. But soon the intensity of everything--and the whiskey--began to catch-up. Ryan's eyes felt heavy. So he slammed his head on a pillow, knocked the lights off, and crashed without a second thought.


The next morning, Ryan woke hard in his dirty briefs--an unwelcome reminder. His bedside lamp sat limp on the floor, fallen off during last night's tantrum. A dull throb beat in his head.

That headache lasted all day at the office. But by the afternoon, Ryan started to recover his confidence. Today was leg day at the gym--a favorite--and he was looking forward to "sweating it out".

Things were looking up again. At 6pm (on-the-dot), he strutted his way into the gym, dark hair waving in the wind. Smiled to the welcome desk and winked to Crystal, one of the yoga instructors. Ryan was feeling himself again. That is, until he rounded a corner into the locker room, and he ran headlong into a strong right shoulder.

Thud. "Damn squirt! You're clumsy too?" Ryan recognized the voice instantly.

His cheeks flushed. This can't be happening.

Jason sneered. "Didn't know you lifted here. Nice. Maybe I'll give you some pointers on the floor sometime. Later, `straight' dude."

"Wait. Uh. What? You...workout? Here?"

Jason ignored Ryan's stammering. He was already out the door, leaving Ryan standing slack-jawed in surprise.

Jason somehow caught Ryan flat-footed, again. There was something about the way Jason looked up at him that immediately shoved Ryan out of his comfort zone--and jolted him with excitement. His dick stiffened involuntarily. What the fuck is WITH that guy?

Ryan closed his eyes and shook his head. He had work to do, and he needed to shake this off. So he went to the nearest locker, stripped down and pulled up some thin black "heat tech" shorts. The shorts included a brief liner that hugged his ass like a second skin. Then he fished out a sleeveless neon green compression shirt, tight enough to keep his defined abs visible from underneath.

Ryan looked in the mirror with defiance. "Who needs to talk back when you look this hot," he thought. Ryan looked over his imposing six-foot build, broad and muscular. No on the floor could disrespect him like this.


Not on leg day. Squats were a religion for Ryan; always have been. They kept his ass round and his thick legs meaty. And they helped him win: in high school, heavy squats fueled his explosive routes as an all-region wideout. Opposing safeties couldn't touch him.

Ryan sauntered up to an open rack and slipped in his air pods. Noise-cancelling; there would be no more distractions today. After a brief warm-up--lateral hip openers, obscenely swinging his bubble butt left-and-right over the floor--he loaded up the bar and got to work.

His workout style was quiet, quick, and brutal. Wasting no time, Ryan was slick with sweat, dripping off his nose and elbows. The air was heavy, humid, and almost sweet: he could smell the whiskey from last night on his pores.

Nothing usually broke Ryan's scowling concentration. But near the end of his routine, at the lowest point of his deepest squats, the sweat from Ryan's balls began to tickle his butt crack. The bottom of each rep started to sting his sore hole, prickling at his weak spot. In that low crouch, his ass felt completely exposed, again. Thoughts soon flashed back to the night before, when Jason had roughly opened Ryan's hole to his thick fingers.

Ryan's hole twitched. Shocked, he faltered with distraction, knees buckling in and shaking, until he felt two heavy hands on his hips

"Easy, easy!" a deep voice behind him bellowed. "You feeling alright, Ryan?"

The man spotting Ryan was massive. Towering at least 6'4, his shoulders looked nearly as wide as the squat rack. The strong hands on Ryan's hips helped him stand up and re-rack the bar.

"Off day, I guess" Ryan sighed but quickly regained composure. "What the fuck were you doing back there, Josh?" Ryan joked but was silently thankful his friend had saved him.

"Looking at your sexy ass, cupcake!" Josh winked.

Ryan blinked and swallowed hard. He was still flustered from his squat fail and wasn't thinking straight. Had big Josh really been checking out at his ass?

"Haha, relax dude: I'm joking. I came over because my bench was out of 45s." he effortlessly grabbed a 45 pound plate from Ryan's rack. "But I think that guy over there has been waiting for you to finish," Josh nodded to a lanky mop of golden-brown hair. "Dude's been hovering."

Ryan looked up and saw Sam, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other. Sam shrugged, nervously diverting his eyes while Josh lumbered back to his bench.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Not in the mood, man. I've had a shit day."

"Oh, sorry...I don't mean any harm. Hey, were you okay back there?" Sam's big blue eyes looked at Ryan pleadingly. His voice was halting but deeper than Ryan remembered.

"I know my way around a gym, kid," Ryan grunted as he picked up his water bottle.

"Hey. Hey wait! Hold up a second," Sam clapped his hand on Ryan. It felt small on his shoulder. "I wanted to thank you for being so cool the other day."

"Thank me by staying out of my way," Ryan began brushing past him.

"I was hoping I could thank you with beer next door?" Sam offered.

Ryan stopped. He was on his way there anyways. Without looking back, Ryan exhaled and shrugged, "have a pilsner waiting for me there. 30 minutes".


Sam blushed when Ryan swept into McGrady's. Sam had gotten there 10 minutes early, just to be safe, but the extra time didn't prepare him to take in Ryan as he walked over. Ryan stared at him the whole time, his ruggedly handsome face stern with purpose. Ryan was freshly showered, in a loose gray t-shirt that could barely hide his size. Same jeans as yesterday, slightly crumpled.

As Ryan strode over, Sam noticed other heads at the bar turned to look. Men, women, it didn't matter--Ryan commanded their attention. And he was undeterred, trained on Sam's blue eyes. Sam tried not to look anxious, sitting up a little straighter.

When Ryan reached Sam, Sam's eyes darted briefly down. He suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious. Not knowing what to say or do, he slid the pint down to the bar towards Ryan.

Ryan chuckled. This kid was weird. But after his night with Jay, he welcomed the deference. Finally, Ryan had the power again. This was a familiar feeling for him.

"Good job on the beer, kid."

He clapped Sam on the back. On impact, Ryan was surprised how strong Sam's back felt. Decent delts, lats not bad either.

Sam was still finding it uncomfortable to maintain eye contact. "Thanks," he said. "And thanks for hearing me out yesterday."

Ryan ignored him. Still palming the center of Sam's back, Ryan grabbed the pint with his other. In one swift motion, he downed the beer in three massive gulps and slammed it down. Foam slid down the slides of the empty glass.

He turned back to Sam. "Are you gonna touch yours, or am I the only one drinking tonight?"

Ryan's face was so intense. His voice sounded like he was testing Sam. Ryan's aggression surprised even himself. Somewhere, deep down, he was vaguely aware that he might be overcompensating after last night. But he was not going to lose the upper hand. Not again. He clenched his teeth so hard that Sam could see the muscles in his jaws flex.

Sam paused, took a deep breath and gulped. Slowly, in a quiet baritone he joked, "Well, you're the only one that's gonna drink like THAT..."

A brief moment passed. It was long enough that Sam wasn't sure if Ryan had even heard him. But suddenly, Ryan broke the silence with a loud laugh. "HA! Haha! Okay you're alright, kid."

Ryan was still gripping Sam's back when he ordered another round.


After the ice broke, conversation came easy. Ryan was surprised to learn that Sam was more like him than he realized. He worked in finance too. Lived nearby. Also a former frat guy. Even played some football in school (Sam was a kicker).

Ryan felt a kinship with him now. He dropped his guard down a bit. Sam's low voice was sexy. He could hear an earnestness behind it. And they weren't in the same weight class, but Sam was ripped. Looking over Sam's long legs, Ryan suddenly had a flash vision--him looming over Sam, holding those thick calves up, naked.

Ryan's pulse thickened. His cock stiffened too, very visible in his pants. "Pay up and meet me outside. Let's get out of here."


Ryan smirked, watching Sam scramble to pay and catch-up. He took a deep breath, enjoying the sexual tension lingering in the air. This was pretty easy.

His confidence was back. Ryan wasn't some dumb finger-fucked bitch anymore. Could a bitch bag and manhandle a lanky soccer stud like Sam in thirty minutes flat? Fuck no.

His eyes roamed over my Sam's body as he caught-up. Tall, lean, decently handsome. Athletic gait, with a smaller build and vascular arms. A thick vein ran along the ridge of Sam's left bicep. Sam was surprisingly defined, even if he couldn't match Ryan's size.

Ryan led Sam into his apartment by putting his hand on the back of Sam's neck. His big hand felt rough, holding a tight grip. Dominating. "This is exactly how Jay brought me in," Ryan thought, before quickly burying the memory. His dick twitched.

Sam noticed the twitch, because he couldn't stop looking down at the giant bulge swaying in Ryan's jeans. It surprised Sam--and scared him shitless--but he wasn't objecting. His body felt like a puppet, with Ryan pulling the strings from his neck.

Ryan stopped short at his bedroom, put both hands on Sam's shoulders, and turned himself to face him. His brown eyes twinkled as he pulled Sam closer in a quiet, almost whisper and said, "How about we skip the foreplay and fuck."

Sam's heart skipped a beat. "Fuck yeah," he exhaled. "But I thought you weren't gay?"

"I'm not. But you got me in a rare mood. We doing this or not?"

Soon, they were all over each other. Sam didn't even notice the nightstand lamp broken on the floor. Clothes started flying off, getting thrown all over. Ryan pushed Sam back, hurtling him into the bed.

Sam landed on his back naked, panting. He was about to pull Ryan down with him, ready to run his hands over Ryan's barreled chest. But Sam suddenly felt something between the sheets. He stopped everything.

"Well," Sam looked down at his left hand. "What happened here?"

Ryan was quiet. He stood frozen.

"So that's how it is. You keep dirty underwear in your bed? It looks stained as hell."

", well uh I..." Thwack. Sam flung the cum-stained briefs at Ryan, smacking him in the face.

What happened next shocked them both. On contact, Ryan's dick jumped in the air when the briefs hit his nose. His dick lurched up so violently that Sam heard a faint slap when the dickhead hit his stomach. Ryan's dick stood rigid, bobbing. He closed his eyes. He could almost smell the musk from last night.

Fuck. Whatever feelings Ryan had buried from last night all came rushing back. That feeling of vulnerability. The loss of power. Getting filled, overwhelmed. The grunting. His cheeks flushed scarlet.

These feelings weren't fucking welcome. Hard cock or not, this wasn't what he had in mind. Ryan was supposed to be reclaiming his manhood tonight. He thought he would be reasserting himself with a revenge fuck--not reverting back.

Ryan opened his eyes, furious at himself for a moment of weakness. His heart beat harder as he stood up straight, folded his arms over his chest, and glared.

"Uh, Ryan?" The fire in Ryan's eyes frightened Sam.

"Shut up."

"I was just messing..."

"I said. Shut. UP."

Ryan's nostrils flared. Naked and standing wide, he looked like a bull.

Ryan charged at Sam, lowering himself down on top in one swift motion. The thickness of the Sam's build slapped against his. They grunted on impact. Ryan could feel the cords of muscle in Sam's taut body; it was intoxicating. Without thinking, Ryan's hands found Sam's and he shoved them up above Sam's head--pinning them to the pillow.

It all happened so quickly that Sam initially flinched and resisted, slamming his eyes shut and struggling to pull his hands down from above his head. But Ryan's size was no match. Giving up, Sam eventually opened his eyes and looked up at the beast on top of him. Ryan's eyes were open, staring back at him, intensely. This time it was Sam's dick that jolted, thickening down his left leg.

But Ryan was still seeing red. In a daze, he dove down, kissing Sam's neck. His tight beard scraped against Sam's chest. Sam began to squirm, sending his legs in the air. His quads were thick, calves round and full. Instinctively, his legs found themselves around Ryan's waist, his feet clamped around the small of Ryan's lower back.

"Damn, this guy is good," Sam thought.

Ryan was grunting on Sam's neck, kissing him hard. Still pinned, Sam's breathing quickened. Sam could feel the heat radiating off of Ryan's body. Sweat began forming at Sam's temples, and the air around them became wet and heavy.

Ryan then stopped, abruptly. "Shit," he said.

"What is it?"

"I'm outta condoms."

Sam chuckled. "Why, it's not like you can get me pregnant?"

Ryan looked up and stared into Sam's eyes. "You sure about that, kid?"

That's when Sam realized Ryan had a hand free. With full force, Ryan thrust his index finger into Sam, all the way to the hilt. Sam yelped out.

Ryan growled back. At first, he finger-fucked Sam with one finger, but he quickly graduated to two. Ryan wasn't sure if he was doing it right, but Sam started going nuts when he found that button inside. Sam's back arched off the bed and grazed Ryan's chest. The yelps turned to moans.

Ryan began fingering a little faster. "This is what you get for staring at me at the gym, kid," he laughed. "Bet you wanted this the first time you set eyes on me."

"Ufff. Fuck!!"

"What do you do with those pics anyways, cocksucker? Run home and bust to me? Bet you can't fucking help yourself. Pathetic"

Ryan looked down, watching his forearm flex as he pistoned in and out of Sam's hole. He could feel Sam tense, tightening all around his fingers. Sam was getting close.

"DO NOT CUM." Ryan stopped fingering Sam, putting his free hand on Sam's balls and squeezed. "I'm not done using you yet. Got it?"

"Fuck...fuck. Okay," Sam winced, catching his breath.

Ryan released Sam, sat back, and spit on his dick. Ryan's dick seemed to lengthen in response, pulsing and curving to the right. Fully hard, it looked like a fucking python.

During the spit shine, Sam looked over Ryan, taking in his huge size. Sam still couldn't help but stare again, starting with the thick black hair that gathered at the center of his chest. His trail started there, lightly dusting out under each massive pec. Sam's eyes traced the dark wisps of hair down, over each defined ab, towards his cock.

Sam was about to take 220 pounds of hairy muscle.

When Sam glanced up to Ryan's face, he saw Ryan smirking at him. Caught again. But this time Ryan leaned forward on his knees, kissed Sam gently, and stacked each leg on Ryan's shoulders.

"Oh my fucking god!"

Sam yelled as Ryan sunk in, all the way to the root. Sam's eyes started to water as Ryan slowly sawed deeper into him. Rocking back and forth, Sam closed his eyes and groaned. This was it! He was ready to get pummeled.

But Ryan didn't pick-up speed. Maddeningly deliberate, Ryan seemed to tease Sam with a steady rhythm of hard--but slow--pumps. "Fuck me faster," Sam thought, crazy with lust. Ryan was pushing easily inside of him at this point, skating across Sam's fuck button deep within. On contact, Sam's dick would jump each time, burping out pre-cum. Sam was in heaven but needed Ryan to kick this up a notch. What the fuck?

Ryan was also confused. With women, his animalistic instincts would have taken over by now--jackhammering a good, hard pounding. He knew how to throw a hard, fast fuck. And Ryan always thought when he finally fucked a dude, he would toss him around, rough him up, make him yell.

Ryan had prepared all night for this. Why was he hesitating?

Sam was losing patience. He looked up, blue eyes pleading to Ryan: "Fuck me, man."

"You like that?"

"Just do it already," Sam gasped, legs trembling in anticipation. He needed to bounce up and down on it. He couldn't help it anymore. "Give me your dick."

"Say it louder, shithead," Ryan teased, slapping Sam's ass. He continued to torture Sam with his frustrating pace, running shivers up-and-down Sam's spine. "Louder."

"I SAID," Sam launched forward, palming Ryan's cheeks with his long arms. Sam pulled Ryan deeper inside him with both hands, thrusting back onto him: "GIVE ME! YOUR FUCKING DICK! BITCH!"

"Wha?" In the frenzy, Ryan felt Sam's right hand slip down, fingers brushing the length of Ryan's sweaty crack. A jolt shot through Ryan, making him slam hard into Sam. Ryan's mouth flew open.

Sensing an opportunity, Sam sent a finger towards Ryan's hole again, making Ryan's eyes go wide.

"Ohh myyyy godddd."

It was like Sam flipped a switch. The ass play gave Ryan the spark he needed, and soon he was fucking Sam with gusto. Gripping Sam's ankles, he crashed into Sam's hole, driving harder and faster.

By now Ryan was full-on fucking Sam. Ryan's tongue slid in Sam's mouth and began to build-up steam. He couldn't believe how great this felt. Fully revved, Ryan felt the most intense, electric feeling every time Sam slapped his ass.

"That's one hot butt, big guy," Sam panted as reached for Ryan's hole again.

Big guy. Last night. With that reminder, Ryan's eyes flew open. He threw his head back, opened his mouth and grunted a primal yawlp into the air. "AWWWHHH!" The walls shook as he launched into Sam's gut. Sam could feel at least five spurts lodge deep inside him.

Ryan fell forward onto Sam's chest, heaving. He gently kissed Sam and rolled off.

"Not bad, kid."

"Not bad? Haha, it's like you have an on/off switch back there," Sam chided, swatting at Ryan's ass.

"Shut up." Ryan stood up and noticed the dirty briefs on his floor again. "You caught me off-guard, that's all. Now get out."

Copyright 2021 | | All rights reserved.

Next: Chapter 3

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