Sports Bar Seduction

By Dillon Hall

Published on May 2, 2021



Chapter 3

By D Hall (

Sorry for the delay; I was spending too much of my creative energy dominating a guy IRL...but I'm not going anywhere. Thanks for reading, and keep the feedback, ideas, and flirts coming--this is my first series on Nifty. Let me know what you think of the latest, below.


And just like that, everything went back to normal. Sort of.

Jason and Sam were nowhere to be seen. Not at the gym, and not at the sports bar afterwards. Ryan knew because he looked. Around every corner.

Without their constant distraction, Ryan began falling into his old rhythm. Wake, grind, lift, grunt, beer. Repeat. The mindfuck of the last week was becoming a distant memory. An aberration.

Besides, Ryan was still hot. He was built like a tank and still turned heads. When he strutted around the gym, eyes still followed. He was the best eye-candy the gym floor offered. And the best that the locker room and shower offered, for that matter. No dirtbag gay guys could take that from him. Right?


That night, Ryan bounded into McGrady's with bravado. He has just PR'd a series of brutal front squats, followed by heavy back squats, deadlifts, and lunges. The fucking works. His jock ass clapped up and down behind him.

"Sup, Tim?" he bellowed across the bar. McGrady's was hopping, but Tim-the-bartender dropped everything, and he gravitated towards Ryan. Ryan had that kind of natural pull.

"Ry! Is it 8 already?" Tim winked at Ryan as he pushed a pint of lager--the usual--towards Ryan down the bar.

"TIM! you gotta stop winking at guys, I'm starting to get the wrong idea," Ryan joked, shaking his head.

"...and what wrong idea is that, man?" a very deep voice asked behind Ryan.

Ryan lurched forward, almost choking on his beer. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing straight up.


Ryan spun around, ready to fight Jay. His stomach twisted in knots, flipping at the idea of facing him again. Ryan wasn't gonna take his shit tonight.

But when Ryan locked eyes on the man behind him, he squinted. Ryan didn't recognize him.

The smartass was smirking, arms crossed across his broad chest. He had dark features--Greek, maybe Mexican or Italian--sporting a tightly trimmed mustache across his thick lips. Ryan briefly noticed a thick vein popping across the top of his left bicep. "Dammit! Who the fuck are you," Ryan exhaled.

"Don't give me that Sam. Not after I helped you get your nut on the app last night."

Not again. "You're fucking kidding me. MY NAME IS RYAN!" Ryan shot back, a little too loudly. He hurtled his pint glass against the bar with a thud. The girls next to him jumped and scurried to the other side of the bar.

But the guy in front of him didn't even blink. "Okay hot head. Let me help you with that," he smiled, patting down Ryan's right pec. Ryan looked down. The right side of his shirt was soaked with his own beer.


"Your wet t-shirt routine isn't exactly intimidating, `Ryan'," the guy's hand stayed on Ryan, cupping his chest.

"My name IS Ryan, you know."

"Yeah, I got that the first time," he chuckled. "Mine's Matt."

Matt's eyes twinkled. "Listen, Ryan...I think you got a catfish problem on the app, but you're also wearing a wet white t-shirt and have a noticeable bulge right now. Not sure what's worse for you?"


"If you need a change, I live nearby." Matt flashed a smile. His hand was now gripping Ryan's right shoulder, and Matt never dropped eye contact. This guy had serious charm.

"No, uh...well...thanks, but that's okay." Ryan's cheeks were scarlet. "I live nearby too. I think I'm gonna call it a night."

"Nearby too? Good to know, neighbor," Matt grinned, swatting Ryan's ass as Ryan made his way to the door.


Once inside his apartment, Ryan took off his shirt. He reeked of beer and had to peel it off his wet chest. Ugh.

Ryan plopped on his couch, completely confused. Someone is using my pics online and is causing some serious problems, he thought. Shit. What do I fucking do? He rubbed his wet chest, thought a minute, and then opened his phone.

Matt didn't tell him which gay app he was on, but Ryan had a pretty good idea. He quickly downloaded it and signed-up for a new account. If some stupid catfish fuck is impersonating him, Ryan wanted to catch him red-handed. Time to shut it down, Ryan thought.

But the shitty app was making him set-up a profile first. UPLOAD A PICTURE, it prompted.

Ryan shrugged. His face was already on the app, anyway. One more couldn't hurt. Without a second thought, he pulled the phone above his head and snapped an effortless selfie. Let's see these fuckers enjoy me lounging beer-soaked, he laughed to himself.

Messages started rolling in, but he ignored them all. No one looked remotely like him. No "Sam" anywhere. Not even the Sam he knew.

Then the phone buzzed again. This guy was faceless, but he had an impressively ripped body. Obvious six pack, broad shoulders. Handle: Short King. Assuming that it wouldn't hurt to ask Short King about "Sam," Ryan pulled up the text. But his stomach immediately dropped. It included a face picture...and it was from Jay.


Ryan's heart immediately started pounding. He started sweating and felt a little lightheaded.


Ryan was about to hit send on his message, but then a strange urge came over him and he added more to the message.


Sent. Ryan's cheeks flushed, but he kept his eyes trained on the text chain, waiting on a reply.


Ryan slammed his phone on the coffee table. What the fuck am I doing, he thought. I don't fucking understand what is happening. But his dick pulsed.

Ryan made his way to his bedroom and fished out the whitey tighties from a drawer. He pulled on a clean shirt, the type he'd wear for a dinner date with a girl.

I can walk down and tell him to `fuck off' on the sidewalk if I want, he lied to himself.


Ryan headed outside. Jay's smug ass was already there, waiting. Ryan wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off Jay's face, but he had to admit that Jay looked good.

Jay looked good from head to toe. He was sporting a solid black baseball cap, unmarked. It hugged his head so low that Ryan could barely make out his eyes. All he could see were deep dimples and a broad smile.

From the sidewalk, Jay almost looked wholesome. Ryan could tell Jay was standing tall, trying to puff out his chest for the big guy lumbering towards him.

But Jay's confidence was undeniable. Jay gave Ryan a subtle head nod. "So it was actually you on the app this time."

"This time, yeah."

"Let's go up," Jay said, in a way that didn't invite objection.


"I might actually check out your apartment this time," Jay joked as he strode into Ryan's apartment. "Not bad," he commented, looking around the living room.

Ryan was at a complete loss. "Can I, uh, get you anything man?"

Jay sat in the middle of the couch and looked directly at Ryan. "I'll take a beer. And don't call me man," he said flatly.

Ryan complied, returning with two long necks from the fridge.

"Aw, you brought me two," Jay chuckled.

"One is for me."

"Didn't get your usual fill at McGrady's tonight?"

Ryan winced, remembering the spill from earlier. "Na, you're right. Maybe I don't need one."

"Nice, I was hoping it would go this way. Now, strip."

Jay took a swig of his beer and kept both eyes on Ryan.

"Uh listen Jay, I'm not sure what you had in mind...but it's not gonna be like last time. Besides, you've never stripped for me..." Ryan joked.

"So that's it?" Jay leaned back on the couch and took another swig from his left hand. With his right, in the same motion, he unzipped his jeans and pulled his dick out of his fly.

"Fuck." Ryan's eyes grew wide. Jay's flaccid dick looked wide, swinging in the open air. Ryan could see a strong vein running along the top, thickening while he stared.

Jay had a decent dick, but Ryan was even more impressed by what he saw behind it--two big balls, resting on Ryan's couch cushions. Beyond massive, dangling low out of Jay's fly. They were the heaviest balls Ryan had ever seen.

"Eyes up here, big guy," Jay's supple balls bounced as he chuckled. "Now, like I said. Strip."

Ryan looked up at Jay's face. Jay's green eyes stared right back, sending a jolt straight to Ryan's dick. Just like last time. This guy is unbelievable.

"Let me inspect you."

Ryan couldn't see another way out. So standing in front of Jay--in his own living room--Ryan slowly pulled off his shirt. Ryan's cocky swagger was gone, and he could hear his pulse drumming in his ears. He dropped his shirt to the floor and stared straight into Jay's eyes.

"I didn't tell you to stop."

Ryan's cock was rigid. It was jutting so hard down his pant leg that it hurt. He noticed Jay's dick was lengthening some, too. Jay tugged his nuts, rearranging himself. The air in the room felt thick.

Ryan took a deep breath and unbuttoned his jeans, letting each pantleg fall over his Timberland boots. He stood in front of Jay exposed in his white briefs, jeans at his ankles. This only reminded him of their first encounter.

"This is a familiar look for you," Jay also recalled. Then Jay stood up and began circling the hot jock under his control. Jay's half hard dick continued to casually swing outside his fly. "Now that you're in your jock uniform, show me some body squats."

Without hesitation, Ryan began squatting in his briefs and boots. Of all Jason's oddball commands, this one was the easiest--working out was Ryan's comfort zone, after all. And despite his wardrobe, flexing his legs and ass in front of Jay felt almost...natural. Like it was a continuation of his gym time, even if Jay cupped his ass at the bottom of each rep.

Jay's gropes started to get more blatant. A nip pinch here, an ass grab there. A cock swat at the top of Ryan's motion. A spank when he got his ass-to-ankles. The assault on Ryan's body continued while Ryan moved. He began working up a sweat.

After about twenty-five squats, Jay could hear Ryan breathing heavier. "That's enough, big guy. Time to lose the Tims and socks, too."

When Ryan bent over to unlace, he felt Jay standing behind him, cupping his ass again. Now Jay made no attempt to hide his prodding. He grabbed Ryan's cheeks hard and traced his thick finger down Ryan's crack, over the outside of his briefs. Ryan groaned in response, almost falling over. His thick glutes stretched his underwear transparently thin. To Jay, it felt like he could easily poke straight through, to Ryan's hole.

When Ryan finished, he stood up straight again, panting. He stood tall in nothing but his briefs--and his hard cock stood tall along with him. Jay could see a growing wet spot in Ryan's "uniform".

"Damn, Ry. I guess you really liked what you just did."

From behind, Jay's arm went around Ryan's chest, pulling him closer. His other hand went down to Ryan's cock. Jay's big, thick hand took hold and slowly started to stroke Ryan from inside his briefs. No spit, no lube--just some rough tugs from within the straining white fabric.

If Ryan wanted less friction, he would have to make more precum himself. Ryan pushed his head back onto Jay and groaned.

"That's it, squirt," Jay's deep voice said into Ryan's ear. "Lean into my strong arms. Yea, there you go. Grunt it out. Good. Feel how hard you are? Feel that? Sink into that feeling while I play with your muscle. Give in."

Jay's fuck talk was making Ryan's head spin again. And after a long day and heavy workout, he felt his thick legs shake with fatigue and nerves. And excitement.

Jay's grip grew tighter. Ryan's muscle bod was pure puddy in his hands. He groaned loudly into Jay's neck and started getting close to another bust.

But then Jay stopped and suddenly let go. Ryan's cock snapped inside his waistband. He was about to protest but before he could react, Ryan slid completely to the floor. The big muscle guy crumpled quickly, not realizing he had been completely relying on Jay for support.

Jay sat back again on the couch, in front of Ryan on the floor. "So how'd you like that." He smirked at Ryan, challenging him to deny it.

"Yeah, yeah it's, uh..." Ryan trailed off, as he was eye-level with Jay's low hangers again. He noticed Jay's tufts of trimmed, dark hair between his balls and his dick. It looked slick with sweat from the day.

Ryan was transfixed. He wondered what Jay's nuts smelled like.

Then, after a long stare, Ryan sighed loudly. And with a defeated moan of pleasure and humiliation, Ryan surprised them both by diving face-first into Jay's crotch.

Ryan inhaled sharply, on all fours. Jay laughed. "You like my balls, big guy?"

"Ahhhhh... Oh god." Ryan sniffed and lightly kissed Jason's sack. He smelled like a mix of sweat, precum, and clean musk. Ryan couldn't get enough.

"Attaboy. While you're down there, stroke me," Jason ordered.

Ryan wasted no time. On his knees, he took Jason's dick in his right hand, and his own in his left. Stroking them in sync, Ryan couldn't believe how amazing he felt. Jason hadn't even taken off his shirt and Ryan was already close to cumming.

The most intense, adrenaline-filled feeling washed over Ryan every time he took a whiff of Jason's balls. Flexing his chest on each inhale, he shook and hummed into the base of Jay's thick dick, wanting more. Each sniff made him jerk both dicks furiously.

"That's so fucking hot," Jay said, egging him on. He had his arms behind his head while Ryan worked on them both. "A muscled `straight' gym jock, on his knees bitching out for my balls. I can feel your beard on my nuts. Look at yourself, bitch!"

Ryan shuddered at how ridiculous he must look, jerking into his own underwear while he sucked on Jay's long balls. But he also couldn't deny that it turned him on. He groaned again, bucking his ass to get deeper into Jay's fly.

Jay was getting close. Ryan could feel Jay's dick spitting precum into his palm pretty steadily at this point. His low hanging balls started drawing up. And between taunts, Jay was starting to grunt.

This only made Ryan more animalistic. He began stroking harder and faster, matching his dick strokes with Jay's. He stuck out his tongue like a dog in heat, lapping at Jay's crotch for any chance to make him moan.

Fuck! Ryan nuzzled his beard deeper into Jay's waist, and let out a long guttural moan. His dick went rigid and his mouth fell open.

It was time to nut.

Ryan popped first, hurtling a wad straight into his briefs. But watching every muscle tense sent Jay over the edge too--shooting ropes into Ryan's jet black hair.

Ryan fell back on his ass, heaving. He couldn't believe it: it happened again. He looked up from the floor Jay above him, unzipped but otherwise fully clothed. Jay was still leaning back on the couch, arms behind his head looking completely self-satisfied. He had that shit-eating grin again.

"Go take a shower, squirt. You look like a mess."

Hope you enjoyed.

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Next: Chapter 4

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