Sports Bar Seduction

By Dillon Hall

Published on May 20, 2021



Chapter 4

By D Hall (

Thanks again for the support (and thanks to those who keep this site up-and-running). Keep the feedback, ideas, and flirts coming--this is my first series on Nifty.

And for those that have asked: yes, I'm a single dom top IRL.


"Go take a shower, squirt. You look like a mess."

Jay was right, but Ryan barely heard him. He was still on his knees, heaving, trying to catch his breath. Ryan's chest hair looked damp and matted against his skin. He had coated his white briefs thoroughly, again, but this time ropes of Jay's cum also dripped from Ryan's jet-black hair.


Ryan's head buzzed. He didn't feel any of the guilt or shame he felt after their first encounter. Instead, he felt...relief? And a bit light-headed.

Without a second thought, Ryan clapped the top of Jay's thighs. Jay felt a thick pair of hands gripping his quads to stand up. They were massive. Warm.

Ryan bounded up quickly, towards his shower. Jay laughed watching the big, bearded guy hobble around with his jeans around his ankles. Jay then looked down to zip himself up...and saw a giant wad of Ryan's jizz smeared on the jeans of his left leg.

"I guess Ryan is right-handed," Jay chuckled to himself again. He could hear Ryan humming off-key in the shower.


Jay was gone by the time Ryan finished his shower. In Jay's place, there was the smell of sex and a short note, written in small masculine letters:


Ryan rolled his eyes. Jay should have quit while he was ahead. He crumpled the note and threw it away.


The next day, Ryan woke-up unphased. No headache this time. No anger, no regrets. But he was rock hard.

And he couldn't shake his boner all morning. What the fuck? It was as if Ryan was a teenager again. His dick strained in his shorts while he brushed his teeth. At work, he almost leaked through his dress slacks. And during an afternoon meeting, Ryan's dick lurched up urgently at awkward moments. To stand-up, he had to use a legal pad to cover his bulge.

Jesus Fucking Christ. I haven't been this bad since high school, Ryan thought. For a brief moment, he reconsidered whether he should have kept Jay's number. But he quickly dismissed the idea. He just needed to rail a chick. Hard. The old-fashioned way. It had been awhile.

He tried to shove yesterday in the back of his head, but the gym wasn't much better. His dick felt like it was on a hair trigger. The slightest motion in the air made it thicken. And in the locker room, he struggled to fit his dick down into his gym shorts. The best he could do was let it jut down the side of his left leg as he walked onto the weights floor.

Hopefully he could focus without letting his damn dick get in the way.

Today was "back day" in his routine, and Ryan started off well. Strutting to the center of the floor, he grabbed onto two bars above his head. Hanging by his arms, feet dangling above the ground, he grunted out fifteen pull-ups in rapid succession. He pistoned up-and-down in the air athletically, with his hairy armpits and bulge exposed to everyone at the gym. His dick swung half-hard in his shorts, at eye-level.

On a "normal" day, Ryan commanded the floor's attention. You could ordinarily see his biceps bulge and his shoulders flare with each pull-up. But today, he had even more eyes tracking him. And it looked like today's biggest flex was in his shorts.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sam's mouth gaping open at the display. Ryan pretended not to notice.

Next up, some standing barbell rows. Ryan pulled a heavy barbell from the rack, squared his shoulders, and bent over. In an impressively fluid motion, he pulled the dumbbell up towards his chest and back down, squeezing the thick lats on his back each time.

Luckily, this bent-over motion hid Ryan's thick dick from plain view. It still felt heavy in his shorts. But it also meant that his ass was in the air instead. Upturned, Ryan's glutes bounced as he worked.

This wasn't helping. He could feel the entire gym floor getting an eye full of prime, muscular jock ass.

Ryan swallowed hard. He arched his back slightly. His own ass had started distracting himself. Ryan could even swear that his hole was starting to twitch.

He thought back to his "inspection" squats for Jay last night. Shit.

Ryan sighed. He clenched his back a few more times and threw the barbell to the floor. The weights bounced off the ground. Almost as much as his ass cheeks.


By the end, Ryan loped into McGrady's, frustrated. He had just finished a hardcore--but completely unfocused--workout. Back stacked, biceps pumped, brow furrowed. Ryan looked like a distracted superhero.

But any hopes for a quiet night were dashed as soon as he walked in.

"Muh Man!!" He heard a voice bellow from the bar. "What's wrong? Who killed your puppy?"

Ryan felt a giant hand clap his back. It was Josh, his buddy from the gym.

Josh was huge. Not fat, but muscular.

Josh towered over Ryan but, then again, he towered over everyone. Josh was a giant. He was constantly getting accused of using steroids, but Ryan knew the guy was just naturally stacked. Josh lived at the gym, and he earned every ounce on his 6'4 frame. He was one of the few guys that could make Ryan feel small.

"What are you doing here, big J? They close the gym early or something?" Ryan said with a smile.

"Careful Ry, that was almost a compliment," Josh boomed. "Besides, I got a hot date tonight."

"No shit? Big Josh has game outside the gym?"

"DUDE you have no idea," Josh leaned in and lowered his voice. "This chick is wild."

Josh proceeded to recount his adventures with Janet, who worked the gym's front desk. "Last night was amazing, man! After close, she came over to my apartment, stripped down in front of me in these lacy white panties," Josh whispered, "and then she gave me the craziest lap dance on my couch before slurping on my dick, through my fly. Janet, man! Who knew she was a closet freak?!"

"Y...yeah, who knew," Ryan stared into his beer. His eyes were as big as saucers.

"Getting hot gym bunnies on their knees is a huge rush, right Ryan? In public, no one has any clue that you're about to take over and show them what it's like, to be taken by a real man. And if you do it right, behind closed doors you can take total control--get those bunnies panting and moaning, begging for more. Shit. Tonight I'm ready to throw her long legs in the air and take what's mine. Fuck dude, it's the best!"

Ryan's cock was so hard now. He shifted uneasily in his barstool and looked at Josh. Josh was a big, powerful tank of a man. Beautiful even. Without thinking, Ryan rearranged the growing bulge in his pants and slowly scanned down Josh's twelve-ton chest until he reached Josh's crotch. Ryan's dick twitched. "Yeah, Josh. It's, uh, the best."

Ryan continued to listen to Josh, but he was completely lost in his own horny thoughts. The parallels in Josh's fuck story were too similar to ignore. Last night. Stripping down to white undies. All his cocky swagger gone, showing off. Sucking thru the fly. Gym bunny on his knees. He knew he was the "woman" in Josh's story, but his hard dick had him suddenly wanting to rip off his clothes and do it all again.

"Well any way man, gotta run--she's expecting me down the street soon," he heard Josh say. "See you soon, okay?"

"Yea, uh, sure. Have fun."

He left Ryan sitting at the bar with a raging boner. After a day of getting continually wound-up, Ryan was uncontrollably hard.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath. He needed release. Ryan scrambled off his stool and headed to the men's room. Desperate times, desperate measures, he thought.


The McGrady's men's room, like the bar, was nothing fancy. It had three stalls, two urinals, one leaky sink, and a dirty mirror. But it also had a deadbolt on the bathroom door and latch lock for each stall. It got the job done.

Ryan was happy to see the room empty when he barreled through. He grabbed the farthest stall, squatted down, and finally pulled out his dick. At long last.

Ryan didn't usually jerk off in public places, but there was nothing "usual" about his urges today. Hell, nothing "usual" about his entire month. He knew it was tacky, but he was just too damn hard. His cock felt like steel. So here he was, jeans and briefs at ankles, dick in hand, whacking in a dirty stall.

He licked his palm and started to get a steady rhythm going, when suddenly two loudmouths crashed in. Ryan stopped and held his breath.

He couldn't see who they were.

"Dude. I'm not getting blackout with you again," a deep voice said as he unzipped at the urinal. >From the small slats between his stall door, Ryan could see the guy had a tall, strong build. He was wearing a backwards cap with the letters N, Y, and U. It barely contained long brown locks of hair that fell out around his ears.

"Come on. You know you want to," taunted the second guy. Ryan couldn't see the second from his vantage, and he was too scared to move.

"It doesn't matter if I want to or not. I have an early class tomorrow. And I think Sunday was enough."

"Come on, Danny. Business school students don't even go to class."

"They do if they are presenting the case study tomorrow."

"How `bout you study this, right here," Ryan could see Danny glancing over next to him from the urinal.

"Idiot. Stop stroking it," Danny sounded annoyed but his eyes told a different story.

"Or what?"

"Or...just stop it, fucker." Danny didn't stop staring. His deep, baritone voice started sounding unsure.

"I swear, just one more load in that frat ass and I'll leave you alone tonight."

"Haha just'?? You never leave my frat ass' alone," Danny complained. Ryan could see Danny's dick lengthening as he stood at the urinal.

"That's because I've molded your ass to my dick, Danny boy." Ryan couldn't quite place the other guy's voice, but it started to sound familiar. "It's so tight and fucking warm, Danny. Like a pussy."

"I..." Danny stuttered. "You know I don't like that word, Jay."

FUCK. Jay? That Jay?

Oh god. The most intense, adrenaline-filled rush came over Ryan. Shit. Jay can't catch me with my pants down again, Ryan thought. He panicked. How do I get out of this?

"Then why is your dick hard, D?"

"Stop it."

Jay's profile stepped into Ryan's view when Jay circled Danny and put his mouth up to Danny's ear. "You like that, pussy?" Danny stood frozen, as Jay guided Danny's left arm to Jay's dick.

Danny stood a full head taller than Jay but didn't resist. He started slowly pulling at Jay's dick.

"Cut the shit, D. Aren't you feeling good?" With Jay's other hand, he nudged down Danny's track pants, letting them drop to Danny's ankles.

From Ryan's limited view, he had to admit that Danny's ass was impressive. Ryan could make out two, smooth large globes, pushed up by beefy hamstrings. And with his backwards cap, Danny looked like a slutty baseball player.

"Jay, we're gonna get caught."

"Live a little," Jay let go of Danny's arm. With his hands free, Ryan watched Jay's hand slowly slide down the small of Danny's wide back muscles. "Besides, I deadbolted the door."

"Ohh. Oh goddamn."

"Yea there you go, pussy. That's the spot." Ryan sat in shock while Jay lightly traced up-and-down Danny's crack in full view, whispering in Danny's ear and feeling up his chest.

Ryan wondered if that's what he looked like when Jay finger fucked him.

Jay had zero shame; it was impressive. After teasing at Danny's ass a bit, Jay stood back. With his cocky grin, Jay peeled off his sweater, unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall on the floor. Figures, he was going commando. Jay puffed out his chest and flexed his right bicep. Both Danny and Ryan were frozen, mesmerized.

At that moment, Ryan realized this was the first time he had seen Jay naked.

Ryan struggled to take all of Jay in. His eyes instinctively went to Jay's low hanging balls, but Ryan also found his gaze running over Jay's taut abs and the tuft of thick hair between Jay's pecs. He could see three freckles framing the right side of Jay's ripped obliques, and the layered lines of muscle stacked on his back.

Jay proudly ran his hands down his own torso in a wide stance, on display.

Danny stood, stupefied by the shorter man. And before he could react, Jay stepped forward, spun Danny around and bent him over.

Ryan could see this caught Danny by surprise. Off-balance, Danny braced his hands against the sink.

From this new angle, Ryan got a better view of Danny. He was young and clean-cut: dark brown eyes, thick eyelashes, olive skin. A light sunburn just under his pretty-boy eyes. And aside from Danny's wavy long hair, Ryan couldn't find a single hair on Danny below his neck. He looked like he was only made of smooth, tan muscle.

Danny winced and shuddered. Ryan could tell that Jay wasn't gentle as he shoved his fingers into Danny's clenching hole.

"Damn Jay, not wasting any time are we?"

"Foreplay is for chicks." Jay said flatly and spit on his right hand. He started thrusting his middle finger in, even harder.

"BRO, let me adjust before you jam that thing in! I'm not built for abuse like your gym boyfriend."

"Ha, good one. We haven't fucked. Yet."

Ryan raised his eyebrows.

Are they saying what I think they're saying?

"Why not?"

"Ryan's still learning that he likes dick. Like you, last year."

Shit. As if on cue, Ryan began stroking his dick hard from behind the stall.

Outside, Jay kept up a steady assault on Danny's exposed ass. Danny closed his eyes and started grunting rhythmically, at pace with Jay's fingers.

"Uff. Fuck."

"Don't worry--soon, that big oaf will be my fucking calling card. But he's got some work to do. And do you know what's nice about your year of training?" Jay stopped and spit again.


"I don't need lube." And with that, Jay grabbed Danny's hips and slammed his dick into Danny with full force, sliding all the way to the hilt. Danny hugged the sink hard and yelped.

"Shhh, big D. We don't want the whole fucking bar to hear. `We're gonna get caught,' remember?" Jay mocked.

He was rocking in-and-out of Danny slowly. Jay's outstretched arms kept Danny's tree trunk legs in-place as he ground his hips deeper, spiraling back-and-forth. From this angle, Ryan could see the outline of Jay's clearly-defined 8-pack flexing with each fuck.

Ryan loved the show in front of him. He loved Jay's display of dominating strength in such a short body: the quick actions, the decisiveness in his movements, the swagger in his words. The example of what was in store.

While he fucked Danny, Jay put his hands behind his head and flexed.

"Hey big d? You like it when I fuck your pussy-trained jock hole?"

"Aw fuck, man, don't make me say it," Danny's voice sounded somehow deeper, even raspy.

"Feels fucking amazing, don't it?"

"Yeah," Danny panted. "Yeah...I love it when you take my tight hole."

"There you go, pretty boy. You're a jocked-out stud with a secret

man-pussy, just for me."

"Fuck yea, Jay...just fuck me harder."

"What was that, pretty boy?"

"Fuck me, man! Fuck me like you want to fuck that dumb gym jock! Ryan!"

Ryan's mouth flew open at the sound of his name. The air felt supercharged. He watched as Jay smirked, bent down and removed Danny's hat and put it on his own head, backwards.

"Then buckle up, pretty boy."

Jay spanked Danny's ass hard, letting a massive clap echo across the men's room, and he began slamming into Danny's ass like a pile driver.

The fuck was unrelenting. Danny was hanging onto the sink for dear life, head down, back arched, and moaning loud. Ryan could see Danny's eyes rolling back and, as much as he didn't want to admit it, Ryan began imagining how amazing Jay's cock must feel inside.

The next five minutes was a masterclass in fucking. Jay pulled Danny's long hair, spanked his ass, flexed his biceps, and drilled Danny's hole. Ryan could hear Jay's heavy balls thwack with each stroke into Danny. Soon, Jay's whole body was tensing and sweating.

At this point, Danny could barely form a sentence. He was babbling and whimpering through all kinds of fuck talk: "Fuck! My hole, it feels so good fuck fuck fuck! Just like that bro, please Jay, I'm close! Cum! in my pussy, please!" Ryan marveled that Danny couldn't control his orgasm as Jay's cock continued to hammer into him.

Then Danny's cock started to pulse underneath him. It looked like it was vibrating. He let out a low groan and, without further warning, began to shoot, handsfree. A string of cum splattered across the men's room floor.

Ryan had never seen anything like it before--Jay had fucked a complete load out of Danny.

Danny's unexpected bust set Jay and Ryan off at the same time. Jay moaned as he pulled out of Danny's ass and started coating Danny's crack, while Ryan squirted across the stall door, panting as quietly as possible.

As they slowly came to their senses, Danny let out a soft, defeated moan: "Wow. That was really hot, Jay. But I'm kinda surprised you didn't bust inside."

"Sometimes I like to put on a show."

"Huh, from behind me? Whatever dude. Listen, I gotta clean up your `show' and get out of here."

He took back his hat, pulled up his pants, and snuck out the men's room door.

Jay, on the other hand, took his time. Ryan quietly watched as Jay gathered his clothes, took a quick piss, and then walked to the sink.

Ryan could see Jay's face in the mirror.

Jay washed his hands and fixed his hair. He turned off the water and adjusted his sweater. And just before Ryan thought he would leave, Jay looked straight at Ryan through the mirror, winked, and walked through the door.

Hope you enjoyed.

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