Spring Games

Published on Mar 28, 2007



The weather was warm, unseasonably warm in fact. It seemed like only a week ago it was raining or even snowing.

Spring break was just ahead of them but for now they huddled around their books cramming to make up for all the misspent hourse of not studying. Exams were looming over them like an English Axe ready to separate their heads from their trim, firm bodies.

Occasionally there would be screams as one or more would need to release their frustrations. There wasn't even time for the darkness shrouded busy hands that would rleive their pent up sex.

Instead of the sounds of rustling sheets and muffled moans in the dark of night there were only snores of those that had given up or those that fell sleeping at their desks leaving only their low wattage desk lamp to cascade yellow illumination over their fallen heads.

The exams came and Barry and his roomates longed for it to end. One would return to the dorm room and collapse while another would get best wishes before he left the room to subject himself to the tension of another one hour of torture.

Barry lay on the bed having completed all his mid terms. He wasn't relieved so much as exhausted and yet not so exhausted as apprehensive as to what results he'd get. "3.5 and I get to go to Florida" he sighed. "4.0 and they pay for everything" he added not wanting to hope for the 3.5 let along the 4.0. He was a good student. His gpa had hovered around the 3.5 to 4.0 throughout high school. But college was different, harder, challenging and an imaginary facade of doubtful goals he had to achieve.

Carl was already in the shower trying to wash off any self doubt after his last exam. And finally Mark and Ryan came in throwing their books across the room in disgust wishing they could discard the next semester's challenges just as easily.

"Through?" Barry asked in a weak voice.

"Though at last, I'm through at last..and I fear this campus is through with me" Mark said sinking on his bunk peeling clothing as he did so. By the time he was laying prone he was naked. "Shit I can't even get a boner these days" he flipped his lengthy but limp penis.

Ryan laughed. Barry grinned. He wish he could walk across the room and prove to Mark his limp penis had a life...with the help of his hands or better yet his lips.

But Barry hadn't taken that step with Mark, Ryan or even Carl. Carl his bunk mate seemed most likely to accept any advances Barry might make. He freely walked naked in their dorm room, down the hall to the shower and would entertain them dancing when he had consumed beer or smoked weed.

And like most testosterone filled boys their age they horsed around making jokes about each other's butts, balls, erections, blowjobs, buttfucking and so on. Barry didn't think any of thise was serious and if it became serious he wasn't sure he'd know what to do about it.

"Come on boys it's time to celebrate" Carl boomed as he came into the room.

Barry was ready for an afternoon of beer and pizza but Carl had other ideas. He dropped his towel and grabbed a football.

"Come on" he pulled on Mark's arm who sat up still naked. "It's time for a game of skin ball"

"Youre fucking kidding" Ryan said "everybody's out there" but he jumped off the upper bunk and shed his jeans.

"Ok B boy, get off your ample ass" Ryan yelled at Barry.

Barry didn't believe what they were about to do. He had heard stories about other freshmen celebrating after exams even running across campus bare ass. But somehow the moment got to him and he was soon running down the hall after his three roommates naked as they were catching and throwing the football with them.

As they headed towards the exit, one or two others joined them. And by the time they arrived on the front lawn, there were even more.

Two groups of naked, laughing, drunk with spring weather and relief the boys played football. Nobody said if it was going to be a game of touch or tackle. It became whatever they wanted.

Girls and other male students gathered, laughing, pointing and making jokes watching the growing groups run back and forth, throwing and cathing passes, tackling each other and ignoring their dangling maleness.

Barry got his fill of the sights and when in a huddle of tackled players his hands full as well. Nobody objected and their hands were everywhere as well. Barry got buttocks slapped and pinched. His balls were grabbed more then once and he just wanted to catch the ball so he could run, be tackled and goosed.

By the time the campus security arrived the watching and cheering crowd had gotten so large they couldn't get through. And by the time they did, there wasn't a naked student in sight.

The hallways were full of them though laughing, cursing, still throwing the ball around. The showers were on full blast and more then one taunted the others about how much they enjoyed their fag game as they called it.

There was pizza and beer and desert of various types depending on the room.

Carl sat in the window blowing out a sream of smoke. The lights were off except for one desk lamp so few outside would notice he was naked as usual.

"Barry my boy, you realy hustled out there today" He said handing Barry the joint.

"Yea well, it's been a long two weeks" Barry said resisting the desire to smoke Carl's cock instead.

"You started it all man, and everybody got into it" He congratulated Carl.

Ryan and Mark agreed as they swallowed the last can of beer they had obtained from a convenience store on the way back from the pizza joint.

"So we' all going to Ft. Lauderdale?" Carl asked "I guarantee you'll get laid and if you don't I'll lay you myself" he promised with a grin.

"Fuck I can't pick up girls, I guess you'll have to do me" Barry said.

"I was taking that for granted" Carl said "what's a roommate for?" he smiled handing the joint to Ryan who had moved to join them.

"Hey don't worry I'll take care of you too if I have to" Carl said.

"And what about me?" Mark called across the room. He was naked and his cock was rock hard.

"You'll have to wait till we get to Florida, I"m too tired." Carl stood and streched. "me and Bar gotta hit the showers" he said looking at Barry.

Barry grabbed his towel and followed Carl out of the room watching is buttocks flex as he walked.

"I guess I don't have to wait till Florida" he muttered to himself.

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