St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Nov 14, 2001


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2001. This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers. Send comments to:

Chapter Fifteen

The pile of folded clothes hit Jenna squarely in the chest as she processed past the long counter. The female guard had tossed Jenna her prison garb, a short-sleeved denim jumper with the letters "DOC" stenciled on the back in huge black letters.

"Put in on," commanded the guard, as Jenna meekly ambled by, still reeling from her 'shower'.

Jenna blinked her eyes to clear her mind as she pulled the coarse scratchy jumper over her head and then across her waist. The blonde tour guide motioned for Jenna to continue walking as Jenna pulled and straightened her jumper. Still barefoot and recovering, Jenna, followed by the class from St. Monica's School for Girls, was led through a door into a large open corridor. As the door opened, Jenna could see both walls were lined with barred cells, which housed the day's inmates.

Loud echoes from footsteps were quickly drowned out by cat-calls as Jenna entered the walkway. Female inmates that saw Jenna enter wearing her Department of Corrections jumper knew that a 'newbie' had just arrived and they welcomed her with taunts, sexual chatter and laughter at her childish size.

Jenna immediately became fearful and wondered how she had gotten roped into spending the night in jail. A shiver ran up and down her spine as the cold gray colored cement floor beneath her bare feet added to her faintness. She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as she was slowly paraded past the first few cells. The large ugly women reached out to grope at the fresh young teacher as she passed. Jenna leaned away and covered herself from the leering eyes of the female inmates.

The children weren't allowed past the door and all pushed tightly into the doorway to watch their teacher walk helplessly down the middle of the long corridor, meekly attempting to protect herself from the catcalling prisoners.

The corridor echoed noisily with female chatter and metallic banging the further inside Jenna moved. She felt her heart racing with fear as she clutched her chest and covered herself. She didn't like this place at all and wondered how she could get out.

Midway down the long corridor the guard stopped and pointed to an open cell. Lined on both sides with bunk beds and a toilet and sink in the back, the cell had two occupants already. The guard directed Jenna inside using hand gestures. Trembling, Jenna stepped inside. The guard leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "Have a good night, sweetie."

Jenna shivered at the guard's words and then jumped as the cell door slammed behind her. She was alone, so to speak.

Inside the cell, the two cellmates lying on their bunks greeted Jenna. Both women were tall and slender, one had long dark hair, the other blonde, both had tanned skin, beautiful exotic looks and appeared to be in their mid to late twenties. They both smiled at Jenna and sarcastically welcomed her to "Hell".

As the guards walked back to escort the children back to their bus, thus ending the tour, the chatter and sexual banter continued from the other inmates. Jenna's stomach tightened as her 'lifeline' sauntered away.

The blonde cellmate yelled, "That's enough! Now shut up out there, you're scaring our new roomie!"

The chatter slowly died down and the blonde introduced herself as Beth. "This is Alisha," Beth said introducing the dark haired beauty.

Jenna was very nervous. She reluctantly shook both women's hands. She didn't like the way they both leered at her and she wondered if she could survive the night.

Beth hopped down from her perch on the top bunk and stood before the tiny petite teacher. Beth was a formidable figure as she hovered over the trembling Jenna.

"Let's get a look at you," Beth said grabbing Jenna's shoulders and spinning her around. "You're a cute little thing. Check her out Alisha."

Alisha crawled out from her bottom bunk and stood beside Beth and placed her elbow on Beth's shoulder forming a human wall. Both women, their backs to the cell door, had Jenna trapped in the back of the cell.

Jenna looked down at the floor, afraid to make eye contact with either of the Amazonian women. Her heart raced and she felt a nervous sweat break out as the two women looked her up and down.

"Yeah, she's a cutie alright," offered Alisha. "Should we introduce her to the rules now?"

"Now's as good a time as any," agreed Beth.

Jenna didn't know what to think. She was so nervous and afraid she wasn't thinking clearly. "What rules?" she wondered, "Jail rules?" The cold concrete floor added to Jenna's already frigid disposition.

"First rule," Beth began, "all new inmates aren't allowed to wear their uniform for the first day. So take off that rag."

Jenna's heart skipped a beat and she wanted to faint. "This can't be happening!" she screamed in her mind. Jenna was determined to remain clothed. There was no way she was going to take off the ONLY garment she had on and be naked in front of these two strangers. Her sweaty palms and clammy skin reflected her fear and skittishness. Afraid to look up at the domineering women, Jenna clutched her chest and sheepishly protested, "N-no, I'm not going to take off my uniform."

Jenna immediately sensed tension in the cell when both women became more erect and leaned toward her. She feared she had just made a big a mistake. Jenna needed to correct things and do it quickly. What was she thinking? She was trapped in a jail cell with two much taller and probably stronger women who had demanded that she remove her uniform and she PROTESTED?! Was she crazy? These two women could, and probably WOULD beat her up.

As the two women assumed aggressive postures, Jenna backpedaled. She knew her choices were limited and she tried to plead with her two cellmates, "P-please, don't make me do that, p-l-e-a-s-e." Jenna's heart thumped in her chest as her fear increased.

Beth looked at Alisha and coyly said, "Well, I guess we're just gonna have to mess up that pretty face of hers."

Jenna tried to cover her face and crouched. "Please, please, I'm sorry! Don't hurt me I'll do it! I'll do it!" Jenna pleaded hoping it wasn't too late. She quickly reached down and crossed her arms, grabbed the hem of her uniform and peeled it over her head. She clutched the coarse garment to her chest as she pressed her knees together and grimaced.

Jenna wanted to cry as she stood naked in front of the two women. She gasped when Beth ripped the uniform from her hands and tossed it behind her. Jenna whimpered as she hunkered down and tried to cover her nakedness, "Please, I-I'm sorry."

When Jenna felt her hair being torn from her scalp she yelped, "OW!" and grabbed Beth's hand, as she snapped erect. Jenna stared wide-eyed as the two women scanned her naked physique. With her arms raised grabbing at Beth's hand, she felt their eyes roam her breasts. Jenna freaked in her mind when she felt her nipples harden and her aureoles form goose bumps. She secretly prayed they wouldn't think she was excited.

"You know who's in charge here, don't you little girl?" Beth whispered in Jenna's ear.

Wanting to burst into tears, Jenna held back. Her scalp stung, yet when Beth called her "little girl" she felt a surge of arousal. She hadn't been called 'little girl' since, well, since she WAS a little girl. Somehow being called a little girl had struck a chord in her and she found it strangely erotic. Jenna didn't quite understand it but had to admit that something had just happened.

With her free hand, Beth grabbed one of Jenna's ample breasts and massaged it. Jenna's breast was way too big to cup with one hand, but she groped around it anyway. She pulled on Jenna's nipple until she saw the young teacher wince. Beth was impressed at how far she had been able to pull Jenna's nipple before Jenna winced in pain. Beth pinched Jenna's nipple between her finger and thumb and held it outstretched as she repeated, "you know who's in charge here, don't you little girl?"

Jenna, still holding Beth's hand on her head trying to reduce the pressure, grimaced in pain and whimpered, "you are!"

"While you're in here, you're gonna be my bitch, understand?" Beth sneered still pulling on Jenna's nipple.

"Y-yes," Jenna sniveled. "YES! I understand!" she cried in pain.

Beth shoved down on Jenna's head, forcing her to her knees. Still holding Jenna by the hair, she turned around, bent over, put her butt in Jenna's face and snarled, "Kiss my ass little girl!"

Jenna, fearful and afraid, found the second burst of arousal very disturbing at having been called 'little girl' again. "How could that be?" she questioned herself. Here she was forced to strip naked in front of two prisoners, then groped and forced to her knees and now being asked to kiss Beth's ass! With all those humiliating events, how could she possibly feel arousal?

Jenna's eyes widened as she watched Beth's pull her jumper up her back to reveal her panty-less ass and pussy. Jenna braced herself by holding onto the back of Beth's knees. She resisted as Beth pulled her hair and face closer and closer to her glistening ass and pussy. Jenna could smell Beth's musky sex and see finite detail in her privates. Beth's puckered rosebud lightened from a dark brown rim to a pink center. It had a dank odor Jenna thought would be repulsive, yet she found strangely enticing. She felt her own juices begin to flow as her nose closed in on Beth's ass crack. Jenna could see that Beth was very aroused. Her labia lips were swollen and dark red. Beth's cunt blossomed like a flower under the dark curly hair that fully surrounded it and it glistened with excitement.

Despite the horrifying events unfolding before her, Jenna knew she would have to do this terrible act. She was trapped and physically threatened. If she didn't comply, who knows what would happen to her. Jenna's mind was in a fog. In no way did she want to subject herself to kissing some woman's ass, but what choice did she have? Her face was inches from its inevitable destination and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Beth pulled up hard on Jenna's hair as she looked back over her shoulder. Beth knew her ass was just inches from Jenna's face. She was enjoying the moment and Beth could feel her anticipation growing. She wanted to rub her ass crack on this young teacher's face and she was determined to do it.

Try as she might to resist, Jenna was growing weaker by the second. She was snorting air through her nose so she wouldn't have to open her mouth as her face drew ever closer.

Finally Jenna could resist no more. She felt her lips press against Beth's anus. She could feel the tiny wrinkled skin on her lips and could smell her dankness. Jenna closed her eyes and tried to forget the moment as she choked for air through flared nostrils.

Jenna heard Beth let out a long sigh, "a-a-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h-h," as Beth's anus touched her lips.

Beth rolled her hips around and around on Jenna's face cooing, "Tongue me bitch, gimme that tongue of yours."

Jenna had all but given up. She had to do whatever these two evil women wanted and she knew it. She extended her tongue through pierced lips and touched it to Beth's anus. Jenna's first reaction was to gag, but she quickly realized Beth was clean and had no adverse taste. She pushed her tongue out again and pushed it hard against Beth's tightly puckered hole and heard Beth moan again.

Jenna kept feeling these rushes of arousal when she heard Beth moan. There was something about hearing her moan that turned her on. Jenna didn't understand why it was, but figured it was some hidden natural thing. She liked the feeling that arousal brought her and wanted to feel it again. Jenna didn't even realize that her hands, which were once on the back of Beth's knees, had somehow wrapped themselves around to the front side. Instead of pushing away, Jenna was now pulling back.

Jenna's hands unwittingly slid there way up Beth's thighs and pulled back hard. She extended her tongue and pushed it past Beth's rim causing her to moan loudly.

Beth exhaled and stood up and turned around. She still had a hold of Jenna's hair and looked down at the busty teacher kneeling before her, "You did good little girl. Now I'm gonna give you a special treat." Beth released Jenna and winked at Alisha.

Both women turned and reached under their mattresses. They each pulled out a black rubber strap-on dildo. Jenna gasped at the size of them and immediately started pleading, "NO! Please, NO! You can't do that to me. I'm...I'm..." and she started crying.

"Shut up bitch," growled Beth as she pulled off her jumper and strapped the long rubber dong in place. The nine inch long cock was just over two inches in diameter.

Alisha smiled as she strapped on an identical cock, "Don't worry hon, you'll love it," she chuckled.

Sobbing almost uncontrollably Jenna tried to beg them, "P-please...don''t...I'm...I'm a..."

"You're a what?" jeered Beth, "a virgin?" and both women laughed hysterically. Neither one of the two women believed that's what Jenna was trying to tell them, they just wanted to make fun of her and humiliate her. "Then I guess today's the day you get that cherry popped," Beth stated sarcastically with an evil grin.

"PLEASE!" begged Jenna, "please don't do this!" Jenna was visibly shaken and fear painted her face. But despite all her fear and anxiety about what was to come, Jenna couldn't help but marvel at the perfection of Beth's body. Her soft, tanned skin covered the most perfect figure Jenna had ever seen. Beth's breasts were slightly more than a handful and tiny aureoles surrounded perky nipples. Her thin narrow waist accentuated by her smooth flat stomach was decorated cutely with a small quarter-sized heart left un-tanned on her left hip. Jenna stared at the long shapely legs that ran from the ground to an apex topped with the most beautiful vagina she'd ever laid eyes on.

Jenna blinked in awe at the goddess-like figure that stood before her. Jenna knew that Beth was the type of woman that guys would kill to have; she was perfect in every way. She was the type of woman that other women envied and men worshipped. Jenna felt her fear slip away as she felt her own self beginning to worship this goddess, too.

Beth turned to the teacher and held her cock by the base and pointed it at Jenna's mouth saying, "Suck me. Suck my cock, bitch."

Jenna jumped at the opportunity to suck the rubber dildo of this goddess, also fearing the alternative would be a life-altering mistake. She took the rubber cock in her mouth the way she did to the only boy she ever got intimate with in high school. She bobbed her head on the latex phallic, sucking and slobbering on the sex toy. She would do anything to keep it away from her privates and sucking it was easy.

"Oh, you do that sooo well," cooed a delirious Beth. Watching the young teacher before her, naked and on her knees, simply thrilled Beth. The sense of power and control she felt was exhilarating. She loved the idea of having this much authority. Devious thoughts about how she could exercise her power danced in her head. She knew she only had one night to subject this young teacher to her will and she was determined to take full advantage of their time together.

Beth reached down and grabbed Jenna by the shoulders, pulling her plastic cock from her mouth. Beth pushed Jenna against the cell door.

Jenna broke her fall by grabbing the bars on the door, her large breasts slamming forward and almost hitting her chin. The gravitational force drove large amounts of blood into Jenna's already swollen breasts. Hanging down beneath her as they were, nature made them continue to swell. Within seconds, Jenna could feel her breasts begin to throb.

With Jenna's torso bent at ninety degrees, it provided Beth with easy access to Jenna's privates. Beth pressed in from behind. She placed the head of her saliva-moistened cock on Jenna's anus and using a two-fisted grip, began to push.

Jenna screamed, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" as the two-inch thick head pushed against her tiny hole. Jenna had NEVER had sex like this before and she didn't know to relax and let it happen. Instead she tried to resist the unwanted intrusion and tightened her ass as hard as she could.

Jenna's screams drew more attention to her plight and enticed insults and jeers from the other inmates. The yelling, cheering and encouragement from the other cells soon drowned out Jenna's screaming. The one's across the bay watched as Jenna bent over and held onto the bars of her cell as Beth pushed in behind her with a strap-on. To them it looked like Jenna wanted it. Her screams from pain they all interpreted as screams of pleasure. Why else would she bend over and willingly let Beth fuck her like that? If she didn't like it, she'd fight back right?

Beth sensed Jenna's resistance and pushed all the harder. She could tell by Jenna's repeated screams that it hurt the young teacher, but Beth didn't care. She was going to ass fuck this young teacher in front of everyone and she was going to do it now!

Jenna felt her tiny asshole spreading apart as the thick phallic pressed in. She thought her ass was being torn open. Her face reddened under the strain as she squeezed the metal bars so tight her knuckles turned white. Jenna, eyes closed, grimaced and groaned, "U-u-u-u-g-g-g-h-h-h-h!"

When the head of the huge black cock finally pressed past her contracted sphincter Jenna let out a guttural groan of relief, "U-u-u-u-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h".

Beads of sweat blotted Beth's forehead. A grin of satisfaction graced her face when she felt her dildo finally penetrate the young teacher's ass. With another hard push she drove the rubber tube in another two inches eliciting another painful scream from her young bitch. Two more jarring thrusts and Beth nearly had the whole nine inches buried deeply in Jenna's ass.

Tears, forced from Jenna's eyes, ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the gray painted concrete floor beneath her. Jenna gasped and panted as she caught her breath. The thick black dildo filled her so completely she felt pressure on her stomach and lungs.

Beth paused for a moment and everyone caught their breath. After a few seconds, she began to retract the thick probe before reinserting it again. Beth forcefully ass fucked Jenna for several minutes until she felt Jenna's resistance lessen.

Jenna learned quickly to relax her sphincter muscle. Soon the fat object was gliding in and out of her ass with ease. Her own saliva that coated the probe initially mixed with the moisture in her colon and provided a natural lubrication.

After a few minutes of getting ass fucked in the jail cell by her roommate, Jenna started to feel strange sensations. With each hard thrust her breasts rocked forward and swung wildly from her chest. The feel of Beth's hips slamming into her buttocks, driving the nine inch cock fully into her ass was starting to feel...good. Jenna tried to shake the feeling as best she could but the thrusting continued at a relentless pace.

Jenna was still gasping for air as Beth held Jenna by her hip bones and pulled herself into the young teachers willing ass with repeated her hard thrusts. Jenna had long ago stopped her screaming and now seemed to be enjoying her fucking. Beth could see Jenna's big breasts slam forward and bounce backward each time Beth tensed her own buttocks and pushed the black dildo deep inside Jenna's ass.

Beth could tell by the way that Jenna arched her back and occasionally looked back over her shoulder with an open mouth and closed eyes that she was finally getting into it. Beth felt a sense of pride knowing that she'd 'broken' the young heterosexual teacher.

Jenna could feel her arousal building. She panted as each pump in her ass sent her to new uncharted heights of arousal. She wanted to grab her breasts and squeeze them, but she dare not let go of the metal bars. Jenna's breasts ached to be touched, her nipples felt like they would burst.

All sound had left Jenna's senses. No longer could she hear the catcalling and jeers from other inmates. Her ears rang as her arousal built and everything seemed surreal. She was getting ass fucked in prison, one of her worst nightmares, but her body inexplicably enjoyed it.

As Jenna approached orgasm the pumping suddenly slowed to a stop. Disappointed, she looked back over her shoulder to see what was wrong. Jenna's mouth hung open as she gathered her thoughts and her breath. Beth stood behind her, grinning this evil grin.

Jenna gasped as the bulky dildo was pulled from her ass. It felt like she had taken a huge bowel movement. Jenna's pussy was dripping and she wanted to orgasm in the worst way.

Still holding the bars and bent over at the waist, Jenna felt her ass constrict around the head of the rubber cock as it left her ass. She sighed a little sigh that it was over, but felt disappointed that it 'wasn't finished'.

Beth stood next Jenna at the front of the cell and faced the young teacher's arm still holding bar. She reached down and grabbed Jenna by the hair and aimed her face at the glistening dildo, tightly strapped to her waist. Beth had one more humiliation in mind before she'd let her new bitch rest. "Suck me clean, little girl."

Jenna, her loin throbbing with excitement and yearning for release swelled with arousal at hearing 'little girl' again. She let go of the jail cell bars and turned to face Beth. She bent over at the waist again and grabbed the thick rubber phallic with one hand. She opened her mouth and slid the sticky exterior past her lips. Jenna could smell and taste her own ass as she inhaled through her nose and pushed it on her tongue. She could see and feel rings of lubrication brush past her sensitive lips as she opened her throat and tried not to gag.

Beth signaled for Alisha to move behind the young teacher. The three females gave a beautiful profile of their tight bodies to the inmates across the bay that watched eagerly at the debauchery before them.

Jenna was so engrossed with not letting the device out of her mouth she didn't realize Alisha was now behind her.

Alisha stepped behind the young teacher as she sucked Beth's rubber cock and she placed the head of her cock against Jenna's anus.

Jenna flinched when she felt the rubber device touch her backside. Jenna knew what to expect and relaxed her anus and arched her back. She hated to admit it, but she secretly wanted it. She needed to cum and this was the only way. Jenna's mind was a complete fog and what was supposed to be a humiliating and degrading situation had turned unwittingly pleasurable.

As she choked on the cock in her mouth, Jenna closed her eyes when she felt Alisha push her cock inside. Jenna sighed a deep muffled moan as the dildo slid in easily and pushed to its fullest. She did her best to swallow Beth's cock but couldn't quite get more than half inside her mouth. The tangy taste was a little repulsive and the head of the rubber dong hurt the back of her throat.

Each time Alisha slammed her 'niner' into Jenna, Jenna's breasts rocked beneath her. Soon both women were pumping in unison, Alisha fucking Jenna's ass while Beth fucked her mouth.

Jenna, holding Beth's knees for balance, couldn't believe what was happening to her. She was gagging and choking on a huge dildo in her mouth and getting fucked by another in her ass. All this was happening to her behind bars in a jail cell in plain view of at least a dozen other inmates. But the really scary part was - she...she LIKED it!

Jenna's mind reeled from the effects of the sexual abuse at the hands of her two cellmates and her struggle with her secret desires. The rhythmic thumping in and out, in and out of the two latex cocks caused Jenna to feel an unbelievable thrill that electrified her very being. This was so dirty, yet so EXCITING!

The saliva mixture coated her lips and dripped down her chin as she choked for air through distended nostrils. Jenna tilted her head up and arched her back so that she was looking straight at Beth's stomach, which almost bounced off her nose with each thrust by Beth.

Within seconds of the two women's unified strokes, Jenna coordinated her breathing too. Her stomach heaved as the strokes continued and her impending orgasm grew closer and closer.

Moments later Jenna came. With a muffled groan, "U-u-u-u-g-g-g-g-h-h-h!" she expelled love juice in heavy squirts from her love canal. She squeezed down hard on Beth's knees as her vagina walls convulsed with liquid orgasm. Jenna panted as her stomach knotted up in unison with her anus as her orgasm continued unabated.

By itself, the sheer magnitude of the orgasm was memorable but as Jenna pictured in her mind what she must look like being fucked in the ass and in the mouth at the same time caused her to roll right into a second orgasm. Her whole body convulsed and twitched as she discharged more watery cum that ran down her thighs.

Finally Beth removed her dildo from Jenna's mouth. She knew by Jenna's grip strength on her knees that she had cum.

As Alisha pulled her dildo from Jenna's ass, weak and spent, Jenna clung to the bars. She gasped and then sighed when she felt her anus collapse around the cock head as it exited her ass.

The two women helped the mangled young teacher to an empty bunk where she fell asleep and dreamed of her day in jail.

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