St Monicas School for Girls

By Jenna Tarp

Published on Jun 11, 2002


The author permits any kind of archiving, posting, reposting, and reproduction in fixed form or otherwise, of this story. Copyright (C) 2002.

This work is unsuitable for minors. This work contains graphic descriptions of sexual behavior between adult females and adult females with minor females. The explicit nature of the story may be offensive. The religious backdrop and sometimes-violent content may also be offensive. Descriptions, scenes, characters and situations are purely fictional and intended solely for the entertainment of its readers.

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Chapter Eighteen

Shocked. Humiliated. Degraded. Publicly exposed. Jenna was a total wreck. The petite 22 year old didn't know what to do. She stared at herself in the restroom mirror. Her face looked older somehow. Her eyes had deep darkish bags under them from lack of sleep and stress. Her hair was mussed and lacked its usual shape and luster. Her blouse and skirt looked shabby and tattered. Her mind was awash with uncertainty and despair.

What was happening to her? She turned on the faucet and cupped some cool water in her hands and splashed it on her face and neck. She rubbed her eyes and tried to clear her mind.

Ever since her arrival at the St. Monica's School for Girls, Jenna had one strange encounter after the other. She'd had numerous orgasms at the hands of young teens. A janitor and a prisoner from the local jail had raped her. She'd exposed her body to so many people she couldn't remember how many. She'd allowed people to touch her in ways she'd never imagined before.

Why was all this happening to her? What had she done wrong? How did she keep letting these things happen? She was "letting" it happen, too, wasn't she? Jenna's mind reeled. She felt dizzy. The continuous buzz of unanswered questions spun around in her mind and made her feel sick.

Jenna wanted to vomit when she remembered her latest predicament. She stepped back from the sink and lifted her skirt and stared at her pussy. It was true. She had indeed shaved herself in front of those three horrible blackmailers led by Trisha. Worse yet, her ENTIRE class had seen her nakedness AND her latest orgasm. Even worse than that was that she'd given HERSELF the orgasm! "Oh no," she sighed breathlessly, "I'm gonna be fired."

Jenna's heart sank at the idea of confronting Sister Ann. She knew she was screwed. Damn that Trisha!! If she didn't hold such a trump card over her, she'd get that kid and pummel her. Jenna felt a building rage inside her as her fists tightened at her sides. She was angry. Angry that that little shit had made her...had made her...shave her pussy and masturbate!! "Oh gawd," she groaned, an emptiness entering the pit of her stomach.

Consumed in her own thoughts of self-pity and worthlessness, Jenna didn't hear the restroom door open. Three shadowy figures quietly slipped in.

Leaning forward on the sink and staring at herself in the mirror, Jenna suddenly felt as though she was being watched. The tiny hairs on the back of her neck raised and sent a shiver down her spine. Now gripped with a sudden fear, Jenna froze. Almost afraid to look around, she just listened. Her ears strained to pick up the slightest noise. But all she could hear was the methodical thumping of her heartbeat as it quickened and intensified.

Then she heard it. The slightest scuff of a shoe as it lightly scraped along the floor. Jenna gasped and held her breath. She wasn't alone! Her grip tightened on the sides of the sink and her eyes flicked from side-to-side as she tried to locate the intruder. Motionless she stood, the uncertainty killing her.

Jenna spun around and pressed herself against the sink. She grabbed the sink with both hands at her waist and pulled her buttocks tightly against it. She held her breath, panicked and fearful and she scanned the restroom.

From behind the last stall wall closest to the door appeared TRISHA!! Jenna's heart raced and she wanted to run! But to where! Trisha stood between her and the door! Jenna couldn't breathe. Her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest! She clutched so tightly on the sink her knuckles turned white. Shear panic gripped the young teacher and she feared for her safety.

Her worst nightmare got even worse when Bic and Barb soon flanked their partner in crime. The three aggressive looking teens stood shoulder to shoulder with hands on their hips. Silent. Glaring.

Jenna didn't know what to do. She didn't know where to go. She didn't know what to say. Her mind was blank and she was frozen and couldn't move. Her legs felt like tree trunks deeply rooted in the ground. She felt anchored to the sink.

Seconds passed. The standoff continued for what felt like ages. Jenna didn't know what to do. When the three girls didn't move or speak, it gave Jenna enough time to summon the courage to ask, "W-what do you w-want?"

The sheepish way she asked the question made Jenna mad. She was already cowering to these hoodlums and she was sure they'd pick up on her fear. She blinked to try and clear her mind, her body still stiff and immovable.

Trisha's facial expression soured at the teacher's question. "How dare you speak to me without getting permission first!" she fired back at the young teacher. "You will ONLY speak to me when I give you permission to speak. Is that clear?!"

Jenna looked down at the ground. She wanted to protest, but she was afraid to. Besides, this girl held all the cards. Whatever she wanted, Jenna knew she'd have to comply. Her heart sank as the reality settled in. Her shoulders slumped forward as she meekly nodded her head 'yes'.

"What did you say?" forcefully inquired a suddenly heated Trisha. She instantly felt like jumping with joy at her conquest, but she knew she had to maintain control of her emotions to further her power and control. "I didn't hear your answer, teach. IS THAT CLEAR?"

Jenna, shamed, helpless, afraid and humiliated muttered a barely audible, "Yes, I understand."

"Good then," Trisha purred as she moved closer to the beaten teacher, until she stood directly in front of her.

Jenna felt the icy grip of the teen's tiny hand grasp her chin and jerk her face upward until she was staring eye to eye with Trisha. Jenna still held onto the sink and pressed even closer on it, hoping, praying she could somehow disappear.

"On your knees, whore," Trisha growled as her hand slipped behind the teachers head to grab a handful of hair.

Jenna reluctantly relaxed her knees and slowly began to kneel.

"From now on, teach, when I enter a room you will kneel for me on BOTH knees, understand?" pronounced the self-promoted Princess Trisha. "You will demonstrate to the world that you are mine now, understand? You will pay homage to me and show me respect," Trisha stated flatly with a quick jerk of Jenna's hair, "or there will be Hell to pay! Understand teach?"

Jenna winced at the repeated tugs on her hair, but weakly replied, "Please Trisha, PLEASE! I can't do that, not in school! What will people say? Please don't make me do that, PLEASE?!" Jenna felt empty inside. She pictured herself kneeling in her own classroom as Trisha entered. She wondered what the other kids would think and how they would react. What would they think she was doing? And what about the other teachers? And parents?

"Shut up, whore!" Trisha shouted. "Stop your blubbering! You WILL kneel when I enter a room is that CLEAR!"

Tears filled her eyes and Jenna wanted to break down and cry. Her world was over. She was submitting to this awful teenager. She was giving her control over her. How could she do that? How could she just let this 15 year old run her life like that?

But what choice did she have? Jenna knew the little shit would make up a lie and say she raped her. And she knew that Trisha had successfully done things to her in front of other classmates who were now witnesses to her acts of depravity. What else could she do? Things were beyond just a 'job' now. We're talking jail time. Jenna's stomach heaved as the reality of her plight sank in. She choked on air as she tried to breathe. Meekly she offered, "Y-yes Trisha. I understand."

"Let's see what kind of shave job you did down there, teach," Trisha said as she pawed at the top button of her blouse.

"Yeah, let's see," chimed Bic and Barb in unison.

"Why does she need to take off my blouse to see my shave job?" a naive Jenna asked herself. "No, please, not here, PLEASE Trisha, PLEASE!!" begged Jenna.

Button by button came undone until Trisha had opened the teachers blouse completely. Bic and Barb pulled the rumpled blouse off her shoulders and tossed it on the floor behind them.

Jenna was scared. The sudden coldness made her skin ripple with goose bumps, which hardened her nipples.

"Place your hands on your head, teach," ordered a now satisfied Trisha.

"Yeah, on your head," repeated Barb.

Jenna pleaded with the trio to not make her do this, "Please Trisha, please don't do this. Someone might come in." Reluctantly, Jenna placed her hands on her head. Her breasts lifted in response and pushed her puffy pink aureoles forward. She closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to see their faces.

The three girls smiled devilish smiles as they watched the teacher submit to Trisha's every request.

Trisha then stepped out of her shoe and inserted her toe into the waistband of Jenna's skirt.

Jenna's stomach tightened as the girl's clammy toe came in contact with her skin, just below her bellybutton. She felt the girl press down on her skirt and watched her lean back and stare at her crotch. Jenna could tell she was trying to get a glimpse of her freshly shaven cunt, but the skirt was binding above her ass and wasn't about to go low enough in front. "Please, Trisha, please," whispered a nervous Jenna.

Frustrated that the skirt wasn't able to slide down the way she'd hoped, Trisha grit her teeth and stepped down hard on the waistband snapping the clasp and breaking the zipper. The skirt dropped to Jenna's knees under the force of Trisha's foot.

Jenna gasp, "oh," when she felt the material release.

Trisha took her toe and slowly ran it along the inside of Jenna's thigh. She could see Jenna's stomach convulse involuntarily at the unwanted stimulation and she knew the effect it would have on the tiny teacher. She tapped the bald pussy with the top of her foot a couple times before running her big toe along the moistening slit. Trisha watched Jenna's eyes close and jaw clench. She knew the teacher was becoming aroused at her touch and was trying mightily to avoid the sensations.

Jenna's eyes popped open suddenly when she was ripped back to reality after she felt a sharp sting on her left breast. Trisha had just slapped her tit!

"We're not here for your pleasure, whore," Trisha shouted as her hand swept off to her left, "we're here for mine!"

With that, Bic and Barb each grabbed one of Jenna's elbows and bowed her back, seriously arching her back. Jenna gasp in response and held her breath. She watched in fear as Trisha reached under her skirt and pulled her panties to her knees.

Trisha stepped forward holding her skirt against her stomach until her pussy was directly over Jenna's face. Jenna winced as Trisha reached down with both hands and grabbed the young teachers hair right behind her ears.

"Eat me, whore!" Trisha commanded with a sharp jerk on her head that forced Jenna's face against her pussy.

Jenna wanted to close her mouth, but pleaded instead, "No. Trisha, please! I beg you, don't make me do this again!" Jenna was having horrible flashbacks of the last time Trisha did this to her in the hallway. But the girls simply had her stretched too far backward. Young Trisha's pussy smashed against her lips and tongue. The taste and smell of young teenage pussy enveloped her. Trisha ground her pussy on Jenna's face and started a methodical rub.

Jenna's nose and mouth were becoming coated with sticky girl juice from the overheated youngster. Trisha's tiny pussy was flowing like a leaky faucet and Jenna could hear her start to pant. Jenna was finding it difficult to breathe at times and rocked her own head to eke out tiny air passages. This only served to excite the teenage gangster even further and heighten her impending climax.

The grinding continued for minutes. Jenna's face began to hurt under the continuous pressure. Through it all, something strange was happening to her. Something about the taste and smell was doing something to her. Her tongue darted in and out of the soft teenage flesh and - GOOD!

Jenna slowly felt her resistance begin to wane. No longer was she struggling for air, but rather she was struggling for - position. When she felt Bic and Barb lessen the pressure on her arms, she seized the opportunity and grabbed Trisha by the hips. Her thumbs squeezed deeply into Trisha's flesh and pressed against her hipbones while her fingers crushed into her skin. Jenna pulled hard against the grinding teen. She lapped at the youthful cunt like a dog to butter.

Bic and Barb stared in amazement as the teacher WILLINGLY licked their friends' pussy.

Trisha, lost in the pleasure of the moment hadn't even released her grip on the teachers' hair, but continued to hump her face relentlessly. Trisha's stomach tightened as the throws of a major orgasm were thrust upon her. She groaned a deep guttural groan, "A-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h-h!" as her loin convulsed with love juice.

Jenna licked and lapped the gooey girl cum like a ravenous animal. She sucked on the tiny pussy and tugged on her clit. She stroked each labium with long gentle strokes of her tongue as the pumping hips slowed to a mild rhythm.

Trisha let go of the young teachers hair and seductively ran her hands up her own body and into her hair as she shivered with ecstatic pleasure. She let out a long sigh before stepping back, satisfied.

"Now do them too, whore," Trisha said in a groggy voice.

Awash in a surreal world of pleasure and humiliation, Jenna turned to Barb first. Almost as if she were a robot, Jenna lifted the green plaid skirt and tugged at her panties. She pushed the waistband down to the girls' knees and proceeded to gently kiss Barb's pussy.

As if on her first date and engaging in her first kiss with a boy, Jenna held Barb's hips and kissed her pussy. Gently at first, with just light pecks, until the erotic smell of an aroused teenage girl wafted under her nose, Jenna kissed the tiny pussy. Extending her tongue she licked the outside of each swelling labia several times. Moisture was clearly evident. Jenna tilted her head to the side and pushed her tongue into the soft fleshy passage as if French kissing a boy.

Soft moans of passion emanated from Jenna as she made love to the teenage pussy in front of her. With growing passion and animal instincts, Jenna began to up the tempo. She licked and sucked on the teenager's labium and clit. She loved the involuntary thrust she would feel whenever she dragged her coarse tongue across the tiny sensitive clit.

It was all Jenna could do to hold onto Barb's hips as the teen humped her way to a delightful orgasm.

Jenna impulsively repeated the same process for Bic. When all three girls were satisfied, Jenna was too. Strange as it was, she did feel a weird sense of satisfaction. She wasn't even sure where it came from, but it was definitely real.

Kneeling back on her haunches, Jenna awaited her next command.

"You did fairly well today, teach," admitted a pleasured Trisha. "Don't think your little act here today will absolve you of any further duties. Because you are mine now, understand teach? MINE. In fact, I want you to address me as Ms. Trisha, from now on. Got it whore?"

With that, Bic took Jenna's blouse and tossed it into a toilet and the three girls left the kneeling, topless teacher.

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Next: Chapter 19

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