Star Crossed

By Chica

Published on Jul 12, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexuality of any of the BSB. I'm just a little sick-minded girl writing fiction. Let me spell it out, F-I-C-T-I-O-N. Remember this!!

EXTRA DISCLAIMER: I do not know if there is any forests in the Bahamas. I never listened in geography class!!

Chapter 4- The Right or Wrong Path

Bright sunlight filled Nick's eyes as he reluctantly greeted a brand new day. Nick suddenly liked each passing day, feeling his problems were soon going to be solved. Nick felt something move and noticed he still had Tyke in his arms. He smiled at the dog and petted him lovingly. He laughed to himself at how he'd never admit to liking the dog. Kind of silly, really. As Nick thought about the dog, his gaze shifted to Brian's bed. Empty. 'Bri hardly ever sleeps late whenever we're going to work at the studio'. Nick lazily thought. That's when it dawned on him. He turned the alarm clock to him. 'Holy shit!! 10:30? I was supposed to be there at 10!

Kev's gonna kill me!'. He jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes.

"Where the hell have you been?" Kevin roared as Nick stepped through the door. "Having hot monkey sex with Tyke. I slept in." Nick corrected as a stern look clouded Kevin's face. Nick plopped down next to AJ who was on his cell phone.

"How many? 56? Whoa. That's alot. Thanks alot buddy. Huh? It's spelled C-O-L-L-E-E-N, I think. Alright." AJ hung up his cell phone and I looked at him amusingly. "What's with the smirk on your face?" AJ asked dejectedly. "Oh nothing. It's just that you're stalking some poor innocent girl, that's all." Nick replied.

"Yeah, we told you after Pamela, Angela, Sandra and Rita, and as I continue you know they're getting sweeter." Howie said, singing the tune to 'Mambo #5'. Everyone cracked up laughing except AJ.

"You'll see. I'm gonna find her." AJ stated firmly. Kevin stood up and began the meeting.

"Now as you all know, the plan is for each one of us to write our own song. I have completed mine. It's called 'Loving A Stranger'. It's about a guy who falls in love at first sight." Kevin shared.

"I wrote mine. It's called 'Last Dance'. It's about a guy who has a dance with a mysterious woman and is determined to find her again." AJ stated, raising a few eyebrows.

"I'm halfway through. It's gonna be called 'Whatever You Want' and it's a spanish kind of dance song." Howie added to the discussion.

"I have an idea for a song, but I haven't written it yet. It's gonna be about a guy not knowing if he still loves this girl or not. Possible names for it are: 'Confused', 'I Don't Know How To Love You Anymore', or just plain 'Anymore'." Brian explained. Nick shot him a sympathetic look. Brian nodded his head.

"I don't have a clue for a song. I can't write a song until I lived it. It's probably gonna be a dance song, though." Nick told everyone.

"No idea? Well, you have a week and a half to get an idea. Don't worry if you can't do it. We'll just exclude you, o.k.?" Kevin asked Nick.

Nick nodded, mad that he couldn't write unless it happened to him.

"Now, next order of business. I know we haven't done too much since we've been here, but we are going to have some real fun. Tomorrow we are ALL going to go camping!" Kevin bellowed. Nick stood up and screamed, "YES!!" Brian flew out of his seat, ran up to Nick, and they bumped their chest together in mid-air. Howie smiled at their antics and AJ had a grim expression.

"What's the matter J? Nick asked, standing next to him. "How am I going to find her in the middle of the woods?" AJ whined. Nick sighed. "Listen J, you can't let her get to your head and cause you not to have fun.

She'll turn up. Now, I think someone needs a hug, don't you?" Nick asked, starting to sit down in AJ's small lap. AJ's eyes flew open as Nick's tall and heavy frame tried to stretch across his smaller frame. AJ grunted and breathed heavily as Nick's arms engulfed him.

"GET OFF ME FUCKING SHAMU!!" AJ yelled, pushing Nick off. Everyone laughed and tried to pick Nick's body off the floor.

"We leave tomorrow." Kevin stated.

The next day at 7 o'clock, the five guys known as the Backstreet boys were hiking in the middle of the woods. "My feet hurt." Howie whined. "I'm hungry." Brian whined next. "I'll never find her." AJ whined next. "My ass crack itches" Nick stated. Everyone turned to stare at Nick. "I'm just kidding. Y'all act like we've been out here for days." Nick defended himself. "It's almost dark. Let's set up camp here." Kevin stated. The other four sighed and fell to the ground. Kevin smiled at them. "It's not over with yet. Nick, Brian, set up the tent. Howie, get some water from the river we passed a minute ago. AJ, fire wood." Kevin barked out orders.

Nick saluted and Brian bowed down to him. Kevin shook his head and said, "Go slaves."

AJ frowned and set off for fire wood. He walked a little ways and started to pick up wood. He stopped quickly when he heard a twig snap. He listened, heard nothing, and continued to pick up sticks cautiously. Another twig snapping made him freeze. Again he heard nothing. AJ then began to investigate his surroundings. Then suddenly AJ felt something warm and itchy fall on his bare arms. AJ shrieked and danced around trying to get whatever it was off of him. The thing crawled across his body and went down his pants. AJ's eyes flew open as he madly tried to shake it out of his pants. AFter a few seconds of struggle, the thing popped out. 'A squirrel?' AJ thought to himself. AJ heard another twig snap and felt something fall on him. As he fell down the back of his head was hit knocking him unconscious.

AJ opened his eyes slowly and nearly fainted at the sight before him. Colleen? Was this a dream. AJ timidly poked her arm, making sure she was real.

"If you want to touch me just ask." Colleen smirked, poking him back. AJ smiled at her sense of humor.

"Looks like I was right." Nick stated, his eyes smiling mestiviously at AJ. AJ smiled at him, not really caring about anything but her face in front of him. A warm towel caressed his forehead. He looked to see her gently wipe his forehead. AJ smiled for the first time all day. Then AJ saw three more faces. "Who are they?" AJ asked Colleen.

"The brunette is Melody, the short haired blonde is Mindy, and the long haired blonde is Becky." Colleen stated, pointing to each of her friends. They smiled shyly and whispered excitedly to themselves. "Fans?" AJ asked.

"Them, yes. I barely know y'alls names! Let's see, there's Kayla, Briana, Howzer, JT, and Dick, right?" Colleen joked. The other guys snickered. "Not really." AJ laughed. "I know y'alls names. They made me memorize them." Colleen accused.

"Well, now that we've been introduced, how about we start a nice fire and let these young ladies have something to eat?" Brian suggested sweetly.

The three girls instantly melted at his sincerity. "Food? Damn a hot dog sounds good right now." Nick stated, rubbing his stomach. The others shook their heads.

Twenty minutes later, the nine of them sat around the roaring bonfire, telling ghost stories.

"and that is when the voice on the other line said in a devilish voice, 'We don't deliver after 10 o'clock'." Nick stated, holding a flashlight to his face. Everyone laughed at him. "Nick, it wasn't scary what happened to you last night, and it isn't scary now." Kevin stated. Howie had finished roasting a marshmallow and was about to eat it when he heard a owl hoot. He jumped, sending his gooey marshmallow straight towards Mindy. The marshmallow landed squarely on her face. She shrieked, standing up and slapping him in the face, and stalking off to wash it off.

"Smooth one, D." AJ told him. Howie rushed after her. Becky sat next to Nick, scooting closer to him until her thigh rubbed up against his. Nick tensed at the feeling.

"So, Nick, is there anyone that hold a....special place in your heart?"

Becky asked, running a finger down his chest. Nick stood mesmerized at her gesture and answered, "No....not for a long time now." Becky smiled at that and leaned into his ear, "Let's go somewhere where we can be alone." Nick smiled hesitantly but pulled her up anyways. He led her off into the woods.

"Looks like Nick got himself some booty." AJ stated frankly.

"And some nice booty at that." Brian added, slightly upset at Nick leaving all of a sudden.

"Becky is a character alright. No man in his right mind can resist her." Colleen commented.

"No man in his right mind could resist you." AJ honestly stated. Colleen blushed and busied herself with putting a marshmallow on her stick. AJ smiled at his little victory. Howie came tromping back with a pissed Mindy. Mindy sat as far away from Howie as she could get. Melody sat down next to Brian and ran a hand boldly up his leg. Brian dismissed his immediate tension and lightly took her hand away. "I'm engaged." Brian politely stated. Melody sheepishly moved her hand to her lap. Brian smiled sympathicly and began asking her questions.

Nick and Becky had walked down to the river and stared at it's beauty. Becky looked at Nick's calm face and caressed his cheek. Becky then brought Nick's face in to hers and passionately kissed Nick. Nick kissed back, but immediately feeling nothing but lips. No fire, no passion, no love. Nick tried to get into it, but just couldn't. That's when Becky began to feel all over his chest. Nick didn't respond to her firey touch. Nick pulled away and shook his head in disbelief. 'Oh god. I have to leave'. Nick thought, turning around and running away. He ran all the way back to camp and shut himself inside a tent.

"What's up with him?" Colleen asked at Nick's strange reappearance. "I don't know. I'll go see." Kevin stood up and asked, "Nick, what's up?"

"Go away. I want to be alone." Was Nick's reply. Kevin shrugged and went to sit down.

Becky came back and sat down. Everyone's questions went to her.

"What happened?" "Is he O.K.?" "Is he sick?" "Are you O.K.?"

"ONE AT A TIME!" Becky yelled.

"What happened?" Brian asked worriedly.

"Well, we were making out, and he pulled away, stared at me like I was the devil, and ran off. Y'all need to feed him less sugar or something. He is one fucked up son of a bitch...." "Don't you fucking talk about him like that or I swear you'll wish you were never born." Brian snapped at her. The other guy's eyes popped open, hardly ever hearing Brian say 'fuck'.

Brian stalked off and went to his own tent.

"What's crawled up his ass?" Becky asked, crossing her legs. Kevin stared curiously at Brian's tent, wondering what was up with him.

"I don't know." Kevin stated softly.

Next: Chapter 6

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