
By M. R. Masterson

Published on Jun 26, 2017


Extraordinary Men Of Epic Love A collection of stories told by. M. R. Masterson

Volume 1: Starbound.



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Starbound: Bound by The Stars.

This story is entitled "Starbound", which might lead you to believe that it is about traveling to the stars. To clear up any confusion you may have, I will first state clearly that this is not the case. This story takes place entirely on earth, and deals with the legacy of and effects of influences from elsewhere, mainly from other dimensions and due to energies that are either older than the earth, or as new as the teenage boys the story centers around.

Two lovers who, born under the same stars ( thus star-bound ) , are bound to each other by unknowable forces, and are imbued with traits that made them capable of anything, as long as they were together.

Limitless potential, deep endless love, extraordinary adventures await these two.

As their bond grows stronger and deeper, their own mysterious abilities do so also.

Please do enjoy the telling of this story.

Part 1. The Beginning of Forever.

A message from the Author:

As I begin the first part of this story about extraordinary young men and the bonds between them, I am going to tell you about myself, The narrator.

When I was young, my older brothers collected things like stamps or coins, or other things, and I was always a but puzzled by the hoarding of physical items, it seemed like a waste of time and space to me. One cannot take things to the grave.

I am a different kind of collector, one of stories. I was always a fan of the stories that my elders would tell, and was always a bookworm in search of an inspiring stories.

This Inspirational legend is one that, I, a collector of inspiring tales, will present to you. "From the Beginning." This is the reason I chose the title for this first installation in this particular world of story we are about to enter, and the reason why it is the first story I am producing for you all to read.

IT does not start at some hapless random point, It starts at the birth of two of the main characters. It starts From Day One.

Sincerely, Your Storyteller. M. R. Masterson.

This chapter had been revised and altered from original starter piece posted at an earlier date.

Chapter One -- From Day one to first Love

On October 28th, two expectant mothers who were getting checkups on the progress of their pregnancies at a clinic in Hamilton, Montana, USA, Earth.

In a clinic waiting room, Sharon and Teresa sat and chatted with each other. They had been seeing the same doctor, and their appointments seemed to line up by chance quite often so that they were both there at the same time. Sometimes one would have an emergency and reschedule, but surprisingly, they still by some chance ended up there at the same time. If either of them believed in fate, or in the interference of some deity in the lives of ever7yday people, they might have suspected something unusual was going on, even before that extraordinary afternoon.

As they sat and waited, as usual the clinic was running late. Both women were within 3 weeks of their due date. For no apparent reason, and with no cause, both women began to feel odd as the children in their wombs became active and agitated. I could not tell you if there was a solar flare, a dimensional shift, a gravitational or electromagnetic anomaly, or any other cause for the effect... but something extraordinary was occurring between the two unborn Children. Both women went into labor that afternoon, and as they had the same doctor, the and the births were happening simultaneously, they shared a delivery room with only a curtain between the two.

The two mothers were taken to the hospital that was connected to the clinic via a tunnel, and the doctor who was supposed to be delivering both children was forced to run back and forth between them with his nurses helping him. Needless to say, this doctor went through a lot of rubber gloves, and more than a few other personal protective products as he worked double time to make sure both births were happening as usual.

For privacy reasons, and because the room was crowded, the husbands briefly let their wives know they were there, and then had to sit in the waiting room, where understandably they got to know each other, visiting about their small businesses, playing card games, and eating crappy vending machine food.

"What are the chances that two women, who have the same doctor, in the same place, at the same time, go into labor? I mean... the odds must be astronomical. Either god is playing some kind of game with us, or this is a strange dream." Sam was saying.

"Walter Hall shrugged his shoulders and raised his eyebrows, which always wrinkled his forehead in a reverse frown. It is what it is... but just in case, We should keep in touch when this is all over. We are both entrepreneurs, small business men, starting families. Our kids will probably grow up together."

Sam Blayne replied "Probably, I mean, we aren't going anywhere any time soon, we just had a house built. Up Skalkaho Highway."

"Yeah, my family has a lot of property here, they homesteaded pretty early on near Grantsdale, they were business associates with Marcus Daily. *

"Nice to meet you Walt, so if you don't mind me asking, are you having a boy or a girl?" Sam asked in a tone that said, "you don't really need to tell me if you don't want to."

"A girl, we are going to name her Laura Linda Hall." Walter replied.

"Cool, we are having a boy, his name is Jaysen Conner Blayne" Sam said.

After what seemed like forever, The Doctor came out, looking exhausted. He told them that Both of babies were relatively healthy. A foot deformation in the case of Walter's child would need a lot of therapy to correct, it was due to loose ligaments and stretched muscles that resulted in the foot lying uselessly against the side of the Boy's leg. The two men went back to the NICU where their children were side by side in their incubators.

"OH BOY" ... Walter said.

Sam looked around wondering what was up... then he noticed, both babies had blue blankets, booties, and hats.

"Surprise dad, it's a BOY." Sam said laughing.

"We have a LOT of pink baby crap to return to stores and get rid of." Walter said.

"That one has set a precedent, he is gonna keep everyone on their toes." Sam joked.

"Yeah well, it doesn't matter to me either way." Walter said. We'll do what we must. Life is full of things that aren't ideal, we just gotta see what we are facing and say, fuck it, I'm gonna push through and hope there is something bigger on my side. Workin' guys like us who ain't had nothing handed to us, we gotta rely on what god makes happen or what we can do through sheer hard work. He said

"I guess, let's check up on the wives." Sam said

The women were relaxing in separate rooms now, and they both really needed rest more than anything, it had been a long and exhausting labor, and now that they knew that both of their babies were healthy, they told their husbands to go get some rest too, and to bring a few various things back with them.

When the fathers returned, it was in a hurry because an earthquake had started shaking the town. When they got to the hospital their wives were walking up and down the hallway holding their sons who were crying at the top of their lungs.

"The earthquake must be scaring them, Sharon said. They started crying right before and haven't been consolable since it started."

"Ok...kiddos, dads' turn," Sam said, and each man went to his wife and held their sons for the first time.

"Come on little guys, nothing is gonna hurt you when daddy is here," Sam said.

They tried everything for quite a while, and despite everything they wouldn't calm down.

The parents were both about ready to go home, but first, because both children had demanded to be born at the same time, they decided to take a picture of the two boys together, and the moment laid then down close together on the bed, one of the boys reached out and touched the other's hand, and it was almost as if the two infants had made an agreement, because they both seemed to be calming down.

None of them really noticed, as they were too caught up in a hypnotic baby gawking state of mind, but the earthquake had stopped gradually, the ground slowly stopped shaking and the boys slept peacefully as their proud parents watched.

"These guys are most definitely gonna be best friends." Theresa predicted. What are you naming him, now that you know it is a Boy? She asked Sharon.

Sharon replied, "Alex Richard Hall." That was what we decided...if we had a boy.

"Well We will have to make sure to get Jaysen and Alex together once in a while, they seem to be fond of each other already she said as the infants would reach out for each other's hands."

"Yeah, and when your house is ready, let us know, we'd like to get you a housewarming gift." Sharon said.

From then on, the two families were good friends, and the boys were inseparable buddies as Theresa had predicted. Something about their mutual birth, and the energy of the universe on that day, had formed a tenacious and loving bond between them. Neither set of parents were surprised, and they were a joyous about the phenomenal friendship that existed between the two young boys.

In their 13th year, they were separated briefly when Alex's family moved away for a year and a half. Over the years these two boys leaned on each other, and spent as much time together as life living in two different households would allow.

The parents became best friends too, and there was a golden age of friendship when they were like one big family until the boys were 13.

Walter had had a falling out with his business partner, and had taken job with a Bank in a town far up north, after a conflict in his family had upset him so bad that he wanted nothing to do with them or the land they had squandered away, the Halls were moving north to Cut bank Montana to get a fresh start and have a new adventure, as they pitched it to Alex.

Alex wanted none of it, he couldn't imagine not having Jay in his life, but his parents had decided it was time for him to become his own man anyway and see who he was on his own.

The change wasn't easy on Jay either. He and Alex had never been apart for long, and losing his best friend made the 13-year-old boy lose faith in everything he knew. He let his grades in school slip, and went into a deep depression.

With a lot of help and support, he had started getting involved in some clubs and groups at school, and he even had a girlfriend, but that was more a social obligation than a relationship. Sarah was a tomboy, and she just didn't want to be the only girl on her basketball team squad who wasn't dating someone, and while Jay was a bit thin and definitely wasn't athletic, he was sweet and never pressured her for intimacy, they were just friends who let everyone think they were "together".

Alex didn't have anyone he would have counted as a good friend through his middle school years, except for Alex. He hung out with a few people from the track team and some club members, but it was just typical socializing, not because he actually had any interest in knowing them and being best friends.

Alex went through similar struggles to make new friends, he kept his grades up, but he had more or less shut himself off from the world. He stuck his nose in a book, and escaped from reality to wherever wasn't here, to a world where he didn't exist, and he wasn't thinking about being lonely or missing his best friend.

He finally made friends with one boy who was an outcast because his parents were odd, and he was socially awkward. He was intelligent and friendly, but his baggy clothes, wild hair, and intensely eccentric behavior tended to keep people at a distance. He reminded Alex of an average child actor from the Disney channel. If there was a way to overdo something, Clayton would do so, up to and including nearly accidentally lighting the school on fire with a science project gone terribly wrong.

Clay was long legged, long armed, and bone thin despite always eating enough for two or three people at every meal. He was the tallest person in the class, and had big feet that he was always tripping over, and probably the least stylish eye glasses that the Optometrist sold, which made him look like a very tall, very hairy bug. He had a socially awkward habit of saying things that were obvious, but that no one else would mention due to social norms. He also had a comic book obsession that lent to the nerd stereotype, and was fond of foul smelling herbal remedies for every ailment, on of which he was perpetually claiming to be suffering from.

Clay was a good guy, he really was, but even Alex figured that trying to help him fit in better would be an exercise in futility, so he just accepted his new friend as he was, and spent a lot of time over at his house hanging out with him and his parents, who were a cool hippie, modern liberal pair. His step father, being only 22 when they had gotten married, was the gossip of the town, as Sandra was 15 years older.

Sandra was a child psychologist, and a true Hippie. She always asked Alex how he was doing, or how situations made him feel, and on several occasions, she had passed a marijuana joint around the table, or poured him a glass of wine.

She was the cool mom. No topic was taboo in their house, she openly admitted that she had dated both men and women, and that the best decision she ever made was deciding that drama would have no place in her house, she let her kid and husband both have their freedom, and they appreciated that. Her and Bill had never really had a fight that Clay could remember, but Bill was such an easygoing guy that there wasn't much that would make him mad enough to fight.

Clay had confided to jay that he'd seen quite a few third partners coming in and out of his mother and stepfather's bedroom, which for most kids would have been a bit disturbing, but for clay it just meant that they weren't closed minded in the least, and he seemed fine with them being sexually eccentric.

Billy was the epitome of the Pretty blond surfer dude, all grown up. Jay had noticed that he had a strange attraction to his friend's stepfather, and had tried desperately to Ignore it, but if there was ever a chance for him to hang out at their place, he jumped at it because he liked Billy, and Sandra was amusing and sensitive and an all-around supportive and generous person.

Alex didn't know if he and Clay would ever have become as close as they were if his parents weren't so cool, but he was glad that they had because but was only when he was with them that he wasn't thinking about what he's left behind, or how unkind most people in town were to him. People in Cut Bank weren't like people in most towns in Montana, they were cliquish, and if you didn't fit into a group, you didn't fit into the town.

After he'd been forced to defend himself, and was on suspension from school, Alex's mother gave him some very wise advice.

"Alex, if you are extremely lucky, you will still only find one or two good friends who are worthy of your trust and won't break your heart. If You are lucky and smart, one day you will marry one of them."

Alex only knew one person in his life who fit the description...and he didn't know if he was gay or not, but marrying Jay would have certainly been an option if he were.

He liked Clay, but clay had a long way to go before he was mature enough and practical enough to be in the class of friend his mother had been referring to. Alex surmised that something in his life was going to have to change before he could be happy again, until then he would just deal with his new life until his parents figured out they'd made a huge mistake moving there, they were no more happy and successful at the time than he was.

His father's employer was a crooked bastard, and his mother worked so many hours on her feet that Alex would have to massage them after every shift just so she could walk the next day. He didn't mind, everyone said that he had healing hands, which he figured was a compliment.

Alex knew it was only a matter of time before his father's conscience would force him back into being in business working for himself again rather than a crooked employer, and he could do that anywhere. His mother would always be in favor of returning to someplace where they still had friends. She had heard that all the family members who Walter had conflicts with had sold their property, and the property that was supposed to be belong to Walter, and moved to California, to which he said, "On Behalf of the entire state of Montana, I say good riddance"

Both boys would be going to High School the next year, and Alex was hoping that his parents would make the decision before then to move back to Hamilton.

The parents did their best to keep the boys in touch, and let them run up bills texting and calling each other because they were like addicts, if they didn't get to interact with each other often, things got very unpleasant for them both. No one, not even the boys themselves quite understood what it was that made them unstoppable together, but miserable when they were not in each other's lives.

On the boys' mutual birthday, the Halls came back to spend the day with their best friends and celebrate. It was all either boy had hinted they wanted.

"Are you excited to see Jaymes, Alex?" asked his mother.

"Heck yeah." Said Alex. "I have missed him so much... and Teresa and Sam. I wish we could come back and stay forever." Jay said, knowing his parents were well aware of his opinion of their current situation.

Walter said sympathetically, "I wish we could make that happen too Kiddo, but..."

"I know, the company you work for is selling out most of their Montana branches and we will probably have to move even further away. It sucks." Alex grumbled.

"Yeah it does," both his parents agreed. They were missing their friends too.

When they pulled up to the Blayne house outside of the town of Hamilton, Montana on Sakalkaho Highway, Jay was shooting hoops in the driveway, he dropped the ball and ran up to give Alex a hug, then they went to his basement to play video games and talk.

"I really missed you." Alex said, "I wish we never had to move, you are like a brother to me, we used to do everything together."

Jay hugged Alex again. He was more affectionate now than he had ever been before, sometimes distance makes the heart grow fonder. An observer might have thought it was unusual for a 15 year old boy, but these two were always stuck like glue.

"I know buddy, I miss you too," Jay said, "It feels like I lost my shadow, like Peter pan."

Their Parents had always joked that Alex was Jaymes' shadow, but the way Jay said it was more real and literal, like a part of himself had gone away, that was how it felt to them both alright.

It made Alex sad to know that Jay missed him as much as he missed Jay, but it was also kind of good to know nothing had changed between them. He hugged Jay back with a little dampness in his eyes.

Alex tried to get ahold of himself, he was turning 15 now, he should be able to handle this.

Jaymes had grown a lot, he was taller, and thinner, He was becoming a handsome young man already, Alex noticed, but he didn't want to say anything awkward. He also noticed that jay must be going through some growth spurts, because he was really too thin for his height, he had very little muscle, and no fat to be seen anywhere. He wondered if he should be worried, but Jay was still a good looking guy in his opinion, and he appeared to be happy that day.

Alex and Clay had gotten even closer recently, Clay really liked him, and always sought him out before and after school and during breaks, it wouldn't ever be the same as with Jay but Clay was a genuinely good guy, and Alex had wondered a few times about the way Clayton looked at him and other boys, especially the hot ones, he wondered if clay might be gay.

"Are there any girls you like" asked jay.

"No...I don't know... I pretend to, but for the most part everyone at my new school is either mean, or ignores me, I have one friend, but he is kind of weird. He stares at me, and at other guys a lot. I think he might be gay, which is okay with me, I might be too, and I don't care if he likes me "like that" I'd be flattered if he said so, I don't know... I am going to pretend to like girls for a while longer though because I don't want to get beat up." Alex said, uncomfortable.

"Clay probably liiikes you." Jay teased.

"I don't know, he might, and I like him, as a friend, I'm not gonna ask him either though... I'm not ready for a relationship, I get teased enough about being a bookworm, my crutches or cane I have to use when I go through growth spurts, and not being able to play sports.... what about you?" Alex said, changing the focus.

"I have a girlfriend...well... she likes me and I don't know if I really care for her THAT way, but she hangs around and I just kind of let her be my girlfriend because I don't want to hurt her feelings... she likes video games and sports, so she is like one of the guys anyhow."

It was quiet for a while, both boys were probably thinking the same thing, that they might both be gay... but neither one of them was even completely sure about himself yet, but they were both pretty good-looking guys, and they cared about each other more than anyone they knew.

Jay was braver when it came to saying something, he wasn't teased or bullied as much at that point, and therapy he'd been through had helped him to be more outgoing and assertive, so he took the assertive approach to the awkward moment.

Jay started rambling... "Umm... Just between you and me, When I shower after gym class and the other guys are naked, I get really shy and nervous because... when I see them naked, they... affect me. Looking at naked girls on tv or magazines doesn't make me feel anything like other guys, girls' parts just look kind of gross to me... so I MIGHT be gay, but I am too scared to say anything to anyone but you about it. So... I'm just going to hide it as long as I can." Jay said, looking ashamed.

"You know damn well that I won't tell anyone Jay, I will always keep secrets for you, and I will tell you stuff too. Things will get better, at least they say they will... The school counselor asked if I might be gay... he is good at telling that stuff, I told him I didn't know, but I am just like you.

Like you the locker room with all the naked guys, I have to keep my head down and ignore everyone and think of something else or my dick starts to get big." Alex confessed, which made Jay feel a little better about his confession, at least he wasn't alone."

They played video games for a while longer, and then switched to watching a movie.

Jay kept looking over his friend. The last year and a half had changed his body a lot. He was still Alex, but he was a good looking young guy now, lean, not overly muscular, but Jay could tell he probably had a nice smooth shape. His braces were off, and his smile was dazzling between his dark brown chocolate colored hair, his almost emerald green eyes and dark naturally tanned skin that was perfect in complexion and kept a nice tan year-round, the guy was a hottie for sure.

At one point, Alex closed his eyes and started to nod off, so Jay laid his head on Alex's chest and

listened to his heartbeat. It felt right being close to his friend that way. It was like they were in sync with each other, nobody understood him or made him feel good like Alex. He felt warm and happy and loved when they were together.

They had always loved each other, but it wasn't normal for guys to say that to each other, so they never had, but they both knew it, and now they had shared with each other that they might both be gay... Jay's brain was going a hundred miles an hour, and his heart felt like it was beating in his throat.

He tried to stop himself, but Jay's feelings and hormones were in control of his body, and his brain was confused as hell.

Jay kissed Alex on the lips, softly at first. Alex didn't wake up. Jay kissed him again more passionately, just trying to find out how it felt to kiss a good looking guy for real.

Alex woke up and jumped a little, realized his friend was trying to make out with him, and panicked. "What are you doing Jay, what if our parents see you?" he said. He was afraid if they got caught that he wouldn't be able to come and visit any more, he couldn't handle if that happened.

Jay moved away from him and sulked, he was a little hurt, and he was mentally, emotionally, and sexually repressed and frustrated.

"Fine, I'll just fucking lie here and WANT to kiss you and think about it until it drives me crazy." Jay said, embarrassed and upset.

Alex was sorry for having reacted so fast, "You surprised me is all, it isn't that I don't want you to EVER do that, I just think we need to be careful... if we get caught, our parents won't let me come and visit you again, they will probably blame me for trying to corrupt you or vice versa."

Shit Alex, I wasn't thinking, I just saw you lying there, being all... YOU...and you have gotten hot as hell, and I laid my head on your chest and listened to your heart beat, and that felt like heaven to I... I had to see how it felt to kiss a guy who I really really like."

Alex looked around worried, and suggested they continue the conversation in Jay's bedroom at the back of the house, away from the stairs, where no one was likely to hear. Jay agreed they needed to be more careful.

Alex asked a question first. "Jay, you are an amazing guy, and I love you man, but we have been closer than brothers for 15 years to the day, Do you think you COULD even really like me...that way?" Alex asked.

"Shit, this is deep, and complicated" Jay said "Maybe I always have, and we're just now old enough where that means something."

Alex remembered how Clay's mother always said things in a way that demanded an honest answer without being intimidating, so he mimicked her stance and vocal pattern.

"Jaysen Blayne, You said that you wanted to kiss me, to see how it felt to kiss a guy who you really like, let's make it simple. Close you eyes, I am going to kiss you... and you can find out if you really feel that way about me.... You don't have to tell me now...but if you find out you know for sure, you need to tell me, I'll do the same."

"That would be fine if you weren't living so far away. I don't want to fall in too deep and then have either of us get hurt because we are writing our hearts checks we can't cash." Jay said.

"Writing our hearts checks we can't cash... That sounds like something Sandra, Clay's mom, would say, she is a shrink." Alex said

Jay blushed about as deep as he could. " I need to show you something Alex, I never told you because I didn't want you to worry about me any more than you do. It was stupid... Jay took his shirt off, which was distracting enough to Alex that he didn't see what Jay was trying to show him.

"I've been seeing some therapists in the last year, Alex, I was forced to because I got really unhealthy, I am always sad, and nauseous, and doctors don't know why, they think I'm clinically depressed" Jay took a deep breath. "They knew something was really wrong when my grades tanked, and I started cutting myself and skipping school to just be alone and cry all day." Jay said.

Alex noticed the full extent of Jay's unhealthy weight loss, and the scars on his arms and chest from where he had cut himself, the way his eyes were sunken in and had dark areas under them, and the way his body just looked weak and sickly. He was still not a bad looking guy, but he was wasting away, his rib cage almost even showed.

He never thought of his normally sweet and good humored friend as the type who would self harm, but he understood feeling lonely, and not caring about life anymore, and feeling worthless because nobody understood why he was so sad. He also understood that when depression gets bad, and your nervous system is messed up, some people overeat, and some get nauseous and can't eat or sleep at all.

Alex took his own shirt off came over and hugged him, and held him in his arms. He knew that jay needed some compassion, and some intimacy right now.

"I love you Jay, anything ever happened to you, I'd die too." He said. "Remember that next time you can't handle life, and call me... and be honest, don't hold back."

"I've sort of been in therapy too, my friend Clay's mom is, like I said, a child psychiatrist. She prescribed me some meds, and she and I talked about me being depressed and shutting people out."

"My parents said I don't talk to them, which is true, and I didn't have any friends. She asked her son if he would try and make friends with me. I was THAT low, I was probably a few bad days away from jumping off the train bridge... I get it man.

It isn't good for you and I to pretend everything is okay when it's not. I also isn't good for either of us for us to be apart, we have to have each other to hold on to and to lean on." He said holding Jaysen in his arms, which felt so perfect and so right that he never wanted to let go.

"Yeah," Jay wiped away a tear and sniffled. "that is for sure. I think everything all started when you guys left, and I just got used to being sad and couldn't figure out how to be happy again. It's like I'm rewired to be miserable and nothing makes me feel better because I'm just not capable of being happy anymore."

"I know man, it sucks, I haven't felt like myself in a long time." Alex said. I'm not me without my best bud at my side, it just doesn't feel right, you know, nothing in life feels right, and I know it's not normal, I should be able to get over it, but I can't stop missing you man, and I love your parents too, I miss them as much as I'd miss my own if I couldn't be with them." Alex said. Hugging jay again and squeezing him tight. "I'm just glad we're all together right now, and while you and I are here together now, maybe we can solve a problem." Alex said.

"Just having you here makes me feel 100% better." Jay said wiping another tear out of his eye.

"The problem we both need to solve though is that we both THINK we like guys. We think we might be gay So listen to me carefully... this is an exercise I learned from Sandra, with a little intuition of my own thrown in. I want to BE a psychiatrist someday, so I have been reading up on it." Alex said trying to gain some composure after all of the emotion they had just shared with each other.

Alex spoke in a voice Jay had never heard out of him before, a slow, deep, bassey, calming voice.

"Jaysen, I want you to Close your eyes. Pretend I'm not here, I'm just a voice in your head. Now picture a guy, not me, just a guy, a stranger, picture a guy that you don't know but thinks is REALLY hot." Alex said.

"Okay," Jay said, "I am doing what you said."

Alex continued, "Picture that it is the end of the night, after a date, and he is smiling at you, and you both had a great time... and now, he is going to kiss you."

Alex Kissed Jay slowly, sensuously, and then more passionately... then he withdrew and continued to talk Jay through the exercise.

"Jaysen, keep your eyes closed. You Just got a real kiss, from a real guy, who likes you... A LOT." Alex said calmly. "How does that make you feel." Jay had tears coming from under his closed eyelids.

"It makes me feel like I want that with somebody, a guy, I want to make love to a man, I want to marry a man, I can't imagine doing ANY of that with a WOMAN." Jay said

"Well, you know what that means." Alex said, and "I want all of the same things, with a man." "Now, Jay," Alex said, "Open your eyes."

Jay opened his eyes, and looked at Alex, his best friend. "Did you just hypnotize me?" Jay asked. Smiling, he had thoroughly enjoyed kissing Alex for real, even though he was supposed to pretend it was someone else, Jay could only think of the fact that it was his sweet perfect loyal friend, and that he wanted everything he had said, with him, no one else would be even close, it felt so right when they had been hugging and holding each other close with no shirts on.

"Not really, I just convinced you to cut through the bullshit in your own head, as Sandra puts it in her book." Alex said, shrugging.

"You really DO want to be a shrink someday... don't you." Jay laughed. "You'll make a damn good one."

"Yeah, Alex said, I want to help kids like us deal with tough shit, like losing everything that ever mattered to them and moving away from their best friend, and wanting to become invisible or just stop existing, I was in a dark place before I knew Clay and Sandra. They made me come out of my shell." Alex said.

"So what do we do now?" Jay asked.

"Well, if you want, just for today," Alex said, "I'll pretend that you aren't you, that I don't care about you as anything but a guy I think is fucking gorgeous and sweet." Alex said making Jay blush. "And you pretend I am just a skinny nerd who for some bizarre reason you think is cute." Alex said with a little laugh.

"Okay and then what." Jay said

"Remember, I'm a random guy that you only know a little about." Alex said wagging his finger.

"Yes sir." Jay said sarcastically.

"Just play along okay." Alex walked over, took Jay by the hand, led him to his bed and sat him down. "You are so handsome, Jaysen, I'm glad I met you, I know we haven't known each other long, but is it okay if I kiss you?" Alex said playing a role.

"I would like that very much, you are a sweet guy, and to me, you are beautiful in every way." Alex said.

They kissed, a gentle kiss at first, and then more passionate.

"Is it okay if I kiss your neck, and chest, and all over your beautiful body?" Alex asked? "I want to worship your young male body like it deserves to be worshipped." he said, still playing his role as someone else.

Jay nodded his head, closing his eyes so he wouldn't be reminded WHO was kissing him all over.

Alex started at his neck, careful not to leave evidence, but kissing passionately and smelling Jay's skin and the hormones that a 15 year old boy has seeping from every pore.

"Is it okay..." Alex started to say, being cut off before he asked anything more. Jay just wanted him to surrender to what they had both felt, and what they had both wanted for a long time.

Jay said "Yes, just do whatever you want, I am in love with another man, but tonight, just for tonight, Handsome stranger, I am all yours." Jay said getting into the role playing.

Alex knew what Jay had meant to say, when he said he was in love with "another man". He was thinking to himself, "oh boy, we're already in too deep, but I'm not going to stop here, we might as well jump, all in, together."

Alex started to undo Jay's pants, freeing his cock and balls from their boxer brief prison, and feeling all down Jay's ass as he pulled them down. Then he undressed himself and laid down next to Jay, knowing neither of them were buying the roleplaying bit, but that it had broken the ice and gotten past their defenses.

Both were now just thinking what it would be like to be together all of the time again. They both let out a big sigh of contentment, and then laughed. They were still as in sync as the always were, even when role playing.

Alex turned on his side toward Jay, his back against the wall, and looked at his friend. He ran his hand across his forehead brushing Jay's soft strawberry blond hair across his forehead, and then slowly ran his hand from Jay's chest down his stomach and over his hard cock.

They felt their hormones taking over again, and both tried to think of the other as just a Beautiful male body, but they both secretly wanted this, and not with anyone else.

It was Jay's turn to take the Assertive role, if they were going to do something, he wanted Alex to know he was All in. Jay slowly leaned in, looking into Alex's pretty green eyes. He kissed the slightly smaller framed boy long and passionately on the lips.

He wanted to feel skin on skin, so he leaned into him with his whole body. Alex opened up to him and let it become a lover's kiss.

They kissed and held each other, making out and rubbing their hard cocks together for a long time, they just couldn't get enough of each other's lips and bodies. This sort of intimacy was something they had always craved and didn't know how to approach it because they had been taught that it wasn't even normal for guys to want that from each other. They were taught that a cold and barely sincere quick "bro hug" was all they should ever share with their friends of the same gender.

This intimacy was all either of them had ever wanted, It was perfect, it would never be "THIS perfect" with anyone else because they had repressed so much for so long, waiting for society to be okay with two men unashamedly expressing their feelings.

It would never feel this perfect with anyone else, Alex knew that now, so did Jaysen. The boys made out for at least an hour, touching and groping as they did, and kissing with their tongues and exploring each others hot young bodies with their hands.

Alex's heart was racing now. He was hornier than he'd ever been, he couldn't get enough of feeling Jay's body with his own. Sickly or not Jay was an absolute stud, and he wanted every part of him. Alex sat up and flipped himself around so he was facing Jay's crotch. Jay's eyes widened as he could tell what Alex was thinking.

"Are you sure you want to keep going?" Alex asked. He asked Jay. "I mean, I think we know what we needed to know... we are both pretty freaking gay, and I am definitely attracted to you Jay... so do we really want to let this get out of control?"

"If we don't neither one of us is going to fall sleep tonight, we would both have to jerk off, and why the fuck would we want to do that when we have each other here." Jay said, knowing he spoke the truth, and for me, it's been out of control for a long time, there's nothing I've wanted more than to hold you close and feel what we just felt, I couldn't help it, and I can't go back now." He admitted.

They were too worked up, and their cocks were rock hard, hearts beating, and the room smelled like sweaty teenage lust and hormones.

"Yeeah... Im in too deep to stop now too, I want you so bad." Alex said, laying his head on Jays lap.

"Are you sure" Jay asked feeling self-conscious about not being in the best shape, and looking sickly and weak.

"I'm sure this is a bad idea, but I couldn't be more sure that I want YOU right now. You are so freaking sexy, I just want to worship your body." Alex said, he couldn't stop himself. Looking with lust at his friend's developing figure, his broad shoulders and square hips he wanted to curl up on top of Jay's body and never leave, just call Jay's arms his home forever. Alex touched Jays cock, sending waves of pleasure through both young male bodies, he kissed his cock at the base near his nut sack first, and made his way toward the tip, kissing, tasting his skin and precum, smelling the sweaty musky scent of Jay's crotch.

The smell of Jay's sweat, instead of being gross like he thought it might be, was actually rather intoxicating. It was Jay's smell, he recognized it, it was always a familiar comforting presence to him before, but here in the area below jay's waist and between his legs, it was the concentrated essence of his friend, and it was a powerful drug that took him over as he was tasting, nibbling, and licking wherever he liked, Alex grabbed Jay's ass and squeezed it, feeling the muscle there as he started takin on the long hard penis in his mouth and throat, he wanted Jay inside him so bad.

Jays cock was a little longer than average, and had a nice girth to it, it was perfect and beautiful to Alex. Alex's own dick was longer, but thinner, and had more of an upward curve to it, his skin tone was a bit darker than jay's even when jay was tanned.

Jay was fair skinned. Alex's skin was the color of a mocha Frappuccino, he figured it was due to a far off native American ancestor, and the fact that he loved getting his skin nice and tan in the summer so it stayed this color rather than fading to a watered-down shade of pinkish tan or Beige.

Alex started playing with Jay's ass crack and his hole with his fingers gently, not penetrating, the hole he knew Jay and he were not ready to go there tonight, but he was teasing it with his fingers and putting pressure on it, he put some spit on his fingers to moisten them, and kept massaging Jay's sweet hole and sucking and tugging on his beautiful cock.

He got on his knees and He got really into it and was deep throating his cock and licking his balls while squeezing his hot ass in both his hands.

He couldn't believe what he was doing with his life-long best friend...but he couldn't stop, Jay started playing with Alex's cock, which of course felt amazing but the pleasure was too intense and he told his friend to cum in his mouth first, and then it would be his turn. "I want your cum inside me Jay, I am going to take some of you home with me." Alex said smiling.

After a few more minutes worshipping Jay's cock he felt and tasted the warm gift of his best friend's cum splashing and shooting into his mouth and throat as Jay's body spasmed in pleasure and he let out some soft gasping noises.

After it was finish and Jay's cock was softening he just laid his head down on Jay's flat, almost concave stomach and savored the moment and the taste of his friend's seed.

"Fuuuck dude..." Jay said... "you are fucking good at that..."

Alex smiled. "I'm glad I could make you feel good, I love you Jay... I can't stop feeling it so I might as well just say it. I love you and I want to be this close to you every moment of my life."

"I know, my sweet sexy friend, I love you too." Jay said bending down to kiss him. Jay could smell and taste his own cum on Alex's kiss, which was strangely really sexy to him because it was as if he had marked Alex as his own... though it was Alex who had chosen to take that load into himself.

"Do you like the taste of cum?" Jay asked.

"Definitely, and I liked even more that it was yours, it's just so hot to me for some reason, IF I lived next door, I'd be over here milking your cock all the time." Alex said.

Jay said. "Ok, I guess it's my turn to get some dick on my breath," he said, and tried to do exactly as Alex had done for him, but Alex could still taste Jay's cum, which heightened his pleasure, as was the knowledge that he had just sucked Jay's cock and made him cum. Alex was more than ready to blow his load already, and when felt Jay playing with his ass after slathering fingers with some lotion that he found somewhere suspiciously near to the bed, he moistened Alex's ass as he poked his fingers around it. He did not go very deep, but the pressure he was putting on the outside of Alex's hole was amazing enough.

Alex lasted as long as he could, and noticing Jay was already hard again he positioned himself to suck Jay at the same time, they were doing the full on 69 position, both hungry for their friend's load. When Alex finally couldn't hold off any longer he felt like he was going to drown Jay with his spunk as it kept pumping out of his engorged organ into jay's mouth and throat. Jay was greedily swallowing it as fast as he could and licking what spilled out onto his face and kissing what clung to Alex's cock.

Jay must have liked getting blasted with cum so much it pushed him over the edge because Alex got a second helping of Jay's precious seed in his own face.

After they both caught their breath... Alex noticed he was getting hard again rapidly... "FUCK, I am hard again." He said, "You make me so fuckin horney I could go all night long" he said looking at his naked friend who had just become his first lover.

He straddled Jaysen's torso and started jacking his cock off with all the energy he had left, determined to baste Jay's face and chest with his seed, which he did soon enough, at least five more decent sized spurts of cum splashed on his lips cheek, neck and chest, and the final one in his pretty belly button, which Alex cleaned out thoroughly with his tongue before collapsing on top of Jay, his cum still in between them, sticking them together.

"Damn... that was... Amazing." Alex said. "I knew it would be blissful, because it feels so good to cum, and... and to be honest, touching you has always made me tingle inside... but I wasn't expecting to see heaven."

Jay couldn't have said it better himself. "I know right, it was like... We were made to please each other, when you cum, I can FEEL your pleasure...and I know you can feel mine, you have always been a total empath, you always know what I'm feeling, and sometimes you know my thoughts too.

"Nobody else comes through as clearly as you though, It was almost impossible not to blow my load when you came."

"I liked when you were playing with my ass... I am definitely gay because I want your cock balls deep in me some day." Jay said.

"I am fucking addicted to your cum, you shithead, why did you have to get me hooked on you NOW!" Alex said, remembering why this was all a terrible idea, but he didn't care.

They moved to lie on their side, facing each other, just looking into each other's enjoying the afterglow and playing with each other's semi-hard penises and nut sacks, and any other parts they found delightful to touch. "Happy birthday to me." They both said simultaneously, and then laughed.

Could anyone be more perfect for either of them? they wondered, could anyone even be acceptable now that they knew this feeling?

After a few minutes, Jay got up to use the bathroom, and he was bringing back a wet cloth for Alex to clean up with. He felt happier than he'd felt in his entire life.

When he entered the room, he saw tears in Alex' eyes. He thought he had done something terribly wrong and started apologizing.

"I shouldn't have let it go that far, I'm sorry, if you are having regrets, this can be a one time thing... I'll never bring this up again... we both know what we need to know about ourselves now... I'm sorry, `m such an ass, I used you." Jay said, wanting everything to be okay between them even if he couldn't have Alex as a lover.

"Fuck you Jay, you didn't use me, I wanted this more than you can know," he said through his tears.

"Then what's the matter Al, we both wanted this, probably for a long time. We didn't do anything wrong." Jay pled.

"I let myself get in too deep, I let myself want and NEED to do this again and I can't, I have to leave tomorrow night! This isn't fair to either of us. I never want to leave you again, and... I am falling in fucking LOVE you, but I can't have you."

"Shit... I know... I know Alex... I love you too, and it's going to break my heart to see you go now that I've let myself admit it... shit... what are we going to do?"

"Just come here and let me hold onto you while I can, Alex said wiping tears from his eyes."

They fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Jay told Alex to hurry and get on the top bunk.

He did so gracefully, as if he were a gymnast swinging himself up onto the mattress and getting in under the covers. This was definitely not an unfamiliar maneuver for him, he'd slept over in this house, in this bed, about half the time he was growing up, aside from the time that they had spent in cribs, of course.

Jay put on his shorts and went to the door.

It was Sam. "You guys about ready for breakfast, I made pancakes and they are getting cold... coffee is still hot though."

"We'll be up in a minute, just as soon as Alex gets dressed." Jay said.

"Okay." Sam said... looking up at the top bunk where Alex was pretending to be still asleep, one of his feet hanging off the side of the bed slightly. "You little fuckers are growing up too fast." he said. "That bunkbed is TOO small, guess I know what Jay is getting for Christmas."

After he left both boys burst out laughing. "If he only knew the workout we gave that bunk bed last night, he'd be worried it would fall apart." Alex said.

"Shit man, I was worried he was going to ask why it smells like Jizz and horny teen funk." Jay said.

"Sound's about like Sam," Alex said. "He was never shy or afraid to embarrass us." Alex said, "Remember when he heard that the word "bromance" was a thing, god he teased us for weeks."

"Doesn't seem like much of a joke now though." Jay said. "If it is the joke is on him."

"I miss that crude battle of humor you and your dad have going, sometimes your mom too, but sometimes it goes right over her head, My parents are too repressed."

"Nah, You are too repressed dude, Your parents joke with me more than they do with you, they must be afraid you will scold them." Jay said, to which Alex flipped him off.

"I wasn't so repressed last night when it was cock sucking time." Alex retorted.

"No...No you weren't... now shut up before you make me hard again just thinking about it." Jay pleaded.

They got dressed and went up to breakfast, afterward they both spent the $100 dollars in spending money they got from their parents at the mall, and then got some Pizza from the food court, It was almost like the old days, only today, as they sat and ate they were checking out guys together, commenting on what they were attracted to.

"So, Al, are you going to give Clay a chance when you get home? I mean, I know I am going to keep my ear to the ground and see if I can fine someone to at least play around with here, discreetly. What we did last night, definitely not a one and done thing... not for me. "

"Yeah, I am thinking about it, I mean, he is a good guy, but he is a bit intense."

"You were pretty intense last night." Jay said with a smirk, winking at him.

"Yeah... last night was pretty intense... but that was mostly because it was our first time, and it was YOU, and I was high off of getting to be close with you."

"Yeah, same here... but I can't let you leave until you promise me you'll try to be happy somehow." Jay said.

"Okay, I will try, but, if isn't you, it's not gonna be worth the trouble, and that is what I am going to be thinking the whole time, with ANY guy, ya get me."

"Yeah, I am not going to find another you either man, you are irreplaceable." Jay admitted. "I don't want you falling madly in love with anyone else anyway. That would drive me crazy, however, we all got physical needs and I'd rather know someone there cares about you, and it seems like Clay and his family do from what you have told me."

Alex just wasn't having it. He insisted "I am gonna call you every day and we HAVE to figure this out. Maybe check the buss lines so we can visit more."

Jay finally gave up and decided just to spend the rest of the time together enjoying what time they had left.

When the boys got back to the house, Sharon told them that they weren't heading out until early, before dawn the next morning.

Alex and Jay spent most of the night kissing tenderly, with tears in both their eyes as they held onto each other until they fell asleep.

When Alex got up to leave he woke Jay up to tell him one last thing before he left.

"Hey, lover boy, wake up." He whispered." kissing him. "My heart is staying right here with you Jay" as he placed his hand in Jay's chest. "You know that right?" (Jay nodded) "The rest of me has to go, but my heart and soul are yours, always have been, from day one." Alex said making eye contact.

"I am not letting go of you either, I am gonna hold you on my arms again soon if it's the last thing I do." Jay said.

End of Chapter 1

From the author

More to come. I am ironing out the next few Chapters. This one is, as far as I can tell, finished.

I appreciate all comments being sent to the address:

This is my first contribution to Nifty, and I am excited to see what the readers think. I am writing this story for the purpose of inspiring readers and making them feel something, laugh, tear up, and just generally experience the story. Thanks to all who gave this first chapter a chance.

M. R. Masterson

Next: Chapter 2

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