
By M. R. Masterson

Published on Jul 7, 2017


Starbound By M. R. Masterson

Chapter 4

Sassy disclaimer:

I understand that humans have varying ideals and values when it comes to sexuality. But life the universe, fate, other people, and reality give zero fucks about our sheltered ideals, values, or expectations, this applies to both the real word and fictional worlds.

If you are easily offended, click away, far away, this author gives zero fucks about the opinions of the perpetually-offended closed-minded thought-police or enemies of free speech.... TA DA...

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"It wasn't like we had promised anything to each other really, only that we'd expressed how we felt, and that wouldn't change, but we were changing rapidly ourselves, so our relationship stretched to fit us as we grew into what we would need to be for what was to come." - Alex Richard Hall; Regarding the events of this chapter.

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After returning to Montana with Jaden, (who had clung to Tash like a barnacle) Tash set aside a time to meet with Teresa and Jay while Jaden was out exploring the town.

This is the conversation between Teresa and her brother Tash about Jay's treatment, and about Jaden, whom Tash preferred to call "My associate"

Upstairs in his apothecary room, Tash made the case to his sister that they would have to undo binding that their mother, generally referred to as the old dragon woman of the forest, had put on them to limit or completely bine their powers. Otherwise Jaysen would never be well.

"He is becoming a young man anyway, Teresa." Tash began. "Right now is the perfect time to start letting his full potential out, while he will have an entire community forming around him to support him at the academy. The timing could not be better."

"I know, it's just, he is growing up too fast for me as it is, and this whole thing with him being starbound, or whatever, to Alex, and being in love, it is a lot to handle." Teresa lamented.

"Teresa, you don't want to hear this, but I promised you once that I would never hide the truth as I know it to be from you. You were placed with a family that knew nothing about all of this, and you grew up fearing people like our real mother."

Here is the truth about trying to suppress his true nature any longer. Jaysen WILL NOT be growing up, AT ALL if we wait much longer to get rid of whatever his own grandmother did to him.

This "binding spell" isn't magic, it is sick science, it is more of a biologically engineered secondary immune system. It destroys the chemicals responsible for his Bacchant nature. This is taxing to his liver because of all the waste it creates. It is just recently affecting him due to the stress hormones, and other hormones that teenagers experience. This is why normally this process happens before regular puberty, replacing it. But because his nature is trying to express itself-alongside human puberty changes, the system designed by mother's scientists is not keeping up.

His human hormones, which are arriving as scheduled to turn him into a horney teenage man beast, are getting caught up in that same system, and that is creating even more waste. This is destroying not only his liver bit is poisoning all of his organs because the psychoactive chemicals produced are not entirely destroyed, between those free-floating poisons making him sick, and the things we need for healthy brain function like serotonin and melatonin and dopamine and norepinephrine are getting attacked and neutralized as well, It is no wonder the kid was so messed up in the head he wanted to end it all.

Even if the doctors had tried to adjust his hormone levels, the hormones produced would be attacked and turn into more poison and garbage in his blood stream. We need to target the foreign immune cells and the systems producing them, that are keep him from being himself.

My theory, is that curing Jay will go a long way toward curing Alex of his depression too because their bond will be within their control, and if we can get them back together, they can heal each other.

The treatment I give him will work gradually to stop this false immune system from killing him, and will eventually destroy the system completely in a similar way to how the aids virus destroys the human immune system. However, this is more sophisticated. It is something designed ONLY to destroy the malicious glands and the antihormonal bodies they produce. We will treat him with steroids, hormones, a diet that helps his body produce the right hormones, and engineered vaccines for the foreign hormone busting organisms and cells in his body.

"Jay has an advantage, he has me and Jaden, that's something Jaden didn't have, and he turned out okay for the most part, he has to have learned a few tricks to have survived the transformation. Also, he didn't have my state of the art medical skill. Jaysen will be okay. Once the transformation starts, he is going to feel a million times better, and once Alex sees the new him in a few weeks... let's just say he won't be disappointed by the results." Tash laughed, receiving a hard punch in the arm from his sister.

"FUCK Tash, using terms like "horney teenage man beasts, talking about using something adapted from the aids virus, and a "satisfied" boyfriend... in connection with MY BABY BOY!" "Are you trying to drive me stark raving mad." She asked, trying to take in everything he had told her.

"If you wanted me to take all day, I COULD have put it more tactfully," Tash said, but I didn't think it was necessary, being we have a `no manipulative bullshit' clause in our understood agreement, like since birth, Sis, I can give the truth to you unfiltered can't I? I'm a guy, he's a guy, I don't know how to explain it all in less vulgar terms on the spot. This transformation isn't a bar mitzva, It is more like the entire puberty and young adult years squished into in a few weeks, He will appear, and be identified by his new ID cards as a 22 year old man. For our people, it was important to mature faster so we could survive and produce the next generation, and pass all our knowledge down to them before the next enemy attacked, and the Travelers gave our clan the ability of rapid metamorphosis triggered by the start of puberty. That is about how long Jay has been sick right?"

"Yeah, that timeline fits pretty much, but he also lost Alex at the same time. God no wonder..."I guess I really have no choice, I can have my son become a man before either he or I are ready for it, or I can see him die as an empty shell of a teenager. When do we start?"

"We need to start the protocol now, which means no visitors other than us for 3 weeks, I and my new associate can help him learn the ropes, and we can speed up the process immensely with supplements and modern medical assistance. Then after 3 weeks, selected visitors can come, do you understand everything."

"Yeah, Yeah, I took a biology class in school, and a teenage health and psychology semester in college." She said. "There is something else I need to chat with you about though." She said with a hint of orneriness in her tone.

Something else was off, not normal about Tash's behavior that was bothering her. Teresa always read Tash like a book. Since his trip to Seattle he had acquired this 20 something looking male underwear model whom he called his "associate". He had a new light in his eyes she hadn't seen in a long time and she was going to make him admit what she expected.

"Alright shithead," Teresa said, "Something is new going on with YOU and it's not your hair style. SPILL your guts, I will find out anyway, you know I will."

HMM... should I? he thought to himself petulantly in his head. Teresa was the only one who ever got under his skin.

"YES YOU SHOULD!" Terri shouted back in his head via the telepathic bond they had.

"Well you know me..." Tash said nervously. "I've never been ashamed of my Bacchant nature... My business trip turned from business to... intense pleasure, I met someone... a younger man, who is a Bacchant, and a siren, you know how I melt for a sweet sexy siren boy, and well, I don't know where it is headed exactly but..."

"Don't lie to me, Little brother." (she was born first and liked to remind him of it, though he more or less became an adult at age 14 after his transformation.) "I know exactly where its headed and so do you, you are in looove." She teased him like an 8 year old.

"SSHHHH! I don't want that part out in the open yet." He said.

"We are taking it slow and sweet. A healthy change for the both of us. He has already been married once, his husband was Damien's younger brother before the massacre that killed off their clan...You remember Damien don't you?" Tash asked

"He was... a motherfucking SIREN... who sang at my wedding! Tash, of course I remember Damien." She said, "He was so good for you... you guys were perfect together."

"So, wait, you are now with the guy who dated Damien's younger brother his younger brother who wasn't born yet 17 years ago... Was he robbing the cradle... or are you?"

Tash looked sheepish, he murmured "Each fruit ripens at it's own pace... look, he's already been married for 2 years and widowed, he has a kid in protective custody, and so do I... two actually... so we have a lot in common, and he's been through hell I can't even imagine, it doesn't fucking matter to me that he is only 17 because "WE DESERVE TO BE HAPPY"

"Okay, okay, ill let up.... Terri said laughing at how nervous she could still make him." Nobody made Tashrael Allston nervous. By the had always wanted his twin sister to have the highest opinion of him.

"Is there anything I should know about him before I agree to allow him around my son." Teresa asked getting to the point.

"He is a bacchant/siren hybrid of unknown parentage. He's Chester approved, he is a charmer, not just a seducer or a bacchant... but an honest to god sweet hearted silver tongued charmer, heart charmer, cock charmer... he managed to charm ME!"

"He is clean, no drugs other than the usual additives in my Absinthe recipes, and no STD's, because Bacchants are immune to all of them."

Okay okay, TMI! TMI! No more details, do what you gotta do... just don't maim scar, traumatize or pervert my son any more than you must. You listen to him when he says he doesn't feel right about something. He has intuition that our mother the all-seeing dragon bitch couldn't have dreamed of, so does Alex. If Alex calls and says he has a bad feeling, fucking check it out, I know these boys, they know each other, they feel each other's pain and sense dangers to their other half. They are starbound, maybe even beyond that. You might want to warn Alex about what is about to happen. It WILL effect him.

One down... and... one to go... for today. Tash said, knowing he had to talk to Jay next, and tell him he was his uncle, and that they were basically demigods, and so on.

LONG day of answering questions ahead for Tashrael Alston.

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Tash had explained the whole treatment plan, and the part about being descended from a greek demigod to Jay, which he barely believed, but was too apathetic in thought and emotion to argue with.

Jay called Alex and kept it more or less medically speaking, reasonable sounding.

"Hey, Alex, my love, we have to talk." Jay said, and he could immediately feel Alex jumping to the worst possible scenarios. "fuck I should not have worded it that way. It's okay, babe, I'm not dumping you and I am going to be okay, and it is possible we will be together soon... there is some plot my mother and uncle are up to, they are starting an academy, a boarding school for the most gifted and characteristically upright young men in the area, and you are pre approved... but that's not the biggest thing." Jay rambled giving Alex no time to think about anything discouraging.

"Ok, what's bigger than you and me getting to live together at a boarding school with other kids as smart and decent as ourselves?" Alex said, already loving the idea.

"I am really sick, but don't worry, we know what the problem is, my uncle is a doctor, and we are going to fix it."

"Your uncle Robert, the one who married rich so he didn't have to be smart or do work?" Ales asked confused.

"No...No... Uncle Tashrael, my mother's Twin, he's alive apparently, and showed up out of nowhere when I was in the hospital to save my life, and I am at his mansion now, where he is going to treat me for an Autoimmune disorder that is basically sapping away my will to live." Jay said, laying it out there.

"Shit, Jay why the hell didn't you tell me about all of this? I can't handle being far away from you much less losing you." Alex said, sounding broken.

"I didn't know what was going on, I was in a complete autopilot mode until I hurt myself, but I'm healing now, I'm going to be okay sweetie, it's going to be okay, and we WILL be together soon, but let me tell you about the therapy because it may have some effects on your end of this connection of ours." Jay said, glossing over the near death experience, that was a conversation for later when Alex could actually hold him in his arms.

"Okay, so what are they going to do to you?" Alex asked.

"Well, first they are going to knock my immune system down, and pump me full of the hormones my body should have but doesn't because my immune system is malfunctioning and destroying them... Then they are going to remove the cysts in my body that are producing the bad immune effects. The third phase is, they are going to continue hormone therapy which may make me a little crazy for a bit, like... uncontrollably horny, Tash, I call him Doc, said that it would be like going from age 13 to age 22 in 6 weeks, I'll grow so rapidly it will hurt, but I'll be treated for pain, and... god this is embarrassing, I may act out sexually while in a trance state, which will be handled by a sexual therapist of sorts... it's all kind of sickening to think about, but, it is the only way I'm going to survive."

"Shit, that's... messed up babe, I wish I could be there with you every day."

"In 3 weeks I'm allowed visitors, until then it's only my uncle, and one other person who has been through this process himself. They say it wouldn't be safe for visitors, I don't know what that means, but they say that they have seen exorcisms less unusual than this process so... don't be surprised by anything because I won't be myself, and because of our connection, you might want to warn Sandra that you might not be either so she can keep an eye out. Your parents won't understand this one. Mine do because I'm not the first in the family to deal with this. But babe, If this therapy has the same effect on you as it does on me, don't beat yourself up about anything that happens, you know, due to sexual urges, if you get the chance. I will understand, and we'll get through it."

The boys agreed to keep in touch with each other via text when possible.

Jay wouldn't remember a lot of what happened over the next few weeks, he'd vaguely remember sexual encounters, but they would be like dreams. HE would be more or less reduced to animal intelligence during a large portion of the therapy, after which he would start to adapt to the hormonal changes after the 2nd week, but would be so sexually aroused all of the time that he would be like a male dog in a kennel with a bunch of females in heat, so between masturbation, and using Jaden as a "sexual therapist" Jaysen would learn to handle his new body and hormonal content once it normalized to Bacchant average levels. Jaden had volunteered to help Jaysen go through this transformation because he had had to do it alone, and it had lasted 7 months for him."

Jay felt horrible from time to time, like he was doing something dirty and wrong behind Alex's back, but Alex was not Bacchant, and this was supernatural stuff they were dealing with, Jay was still worried about Alex he wanted him to focus on the positive fact that they had a plan to be together so he tried to keep his messages upbeat. He did say that he was so horney he was practically howling at the moon.

His heart belonged to Alex, but he was going through a transformation and sexual expression was part of mastering his new biological reality so they could be together. He felt weird about using his uncle's devoted partner as a fuck buddy, but they had decided not to make a deal about it. He talked to Jaden about everything, and he was understanding.

"This sucks, I don't want to use you." Jay said.

"I know, but hey, I've been in the business of sex for money before, yeah, my past is pretty gritty, but I volunteered to do this because I care about you, and about your uncle, and I like you man, I don't want you to go mad, I've seen what happens when this transformation doesn't go right. Let's just say the incubus and succubus myths came from somewhere... don't sweat it, besides, you are like a younger version of my boyfriend, it is kind of hot." He said.

"You are just a horney little bastard aren't you." Jay accused.

"Yup, that's me, no strings attached, except with Tash. HE has me wrapped around his finger." Jaden admitted.

"TMI dude, isn't it weird shacking up with someone 3 times your age?" Jay asked.

"you will understand more after week 3, trust me. Jaden said."

"Am I still going to be me?" Jay asked worried

"You, yes, after the fog clears, you will be fine, I was headed for the point of no return when I was rescued by my first husband, and then my identity rebuilt around him. When I lost him, fuck, I wanted so much to just not exist, but I had to keep tabs on the people I entrusted my son to." Jaden said.

"Fuck, you are 17, you look like you are 22, you have been married and had a child and were widowed and had to give the kid up, how do you deal man?" Jaysen asked.

"For a long time, I dealt by helping to hunt down and exterminate the people who destroyed my second chance at life. Then, Your uncle convinced me to give this community thing a chance, starting with the school. I have lived a lot, and suffered a lot, that's why I'm doing this for you, so you don't have to, you are like, the crown prince of this whole endeavor, we need you, and frankly, I'm glad it's you." Jaden said.

"Well, I guess it could be worse for both of us." Jay said.

"Yeah you could be a real dogface." Jaden laughed.

"Shit, I'm nothing special either." Jay said.

"Whoever makes you feel that way, point me at them. I'll scream them deaf." He said. "I am half siren." He reminded Jay, winking. "Once you are healthy, you are going to be a total babe, just like your uncle."

"Awkward... dude." Jay said.

"Just wait, you have no fucking idea how awkward these things can get." Jaden said. He kissed Alex on the forehead, which was pretty much standard for family and friends in their region, which made Jay feel even more awkward about what was going to be happening once his stronger hormones kicked in.

Tash told him, after he'd expressed concerns about using his boyfriend as a sex doll;

"If it makes you feel any better, you are both just doing what the doctor ordered, he is still young and horney himself, it's not going to be some terrible burden on him, not with you anyway. HE wants to do this, it's part of healing himself, using his sexual prowess for something good rather than something predatory."

"He won't admit it, but I probably can't keep up with him anyway." Tash lied. "And he thinks your are cute as fuck." He said truthfully.

Alex and Jaden both felt safe and looked after with Tash.

During Jay's sexual release therapy sessions with Jaden, it was mostly animal lust and perpetual sexual tension. They liked each other well enough, but as Tash explained, Jaden was acting as a balancing force for all of the energy building up inside of Jaysen. That energy had to be released, and absorbed by someone who knows what they are doing. Apparently that was a bacchant thing, an energy exchange during sex being mutual, and not predatory. It was part of the process.

The one thing Jay insisted on, despite repeated assurance that neither of them was susceptible to STD's or anything else, Jay insisted they both use condoms every time. He said that he was bound and devoted to Alex, and he would not have another man's seed inside him, or his inside anyone else.

Jaden was okay with that because he was bound and devoted to someone else too, and staying at least pure in the sense of sexual fluid exchange was a noble thing for Jay and him to do given the nature of the experience.

This therapy was having a positive effect on Jaden's own skills and energy at first, so it was a win win-win, because being exposed to Jay's transformative stage hormones made Jaden insatiable when it was time to make love to his own man. After a while though his capacity to store energy was becoming less and less, and they both worried he wouldn't be able to handle Jay much longer.

As Jay morphed into his angelic demigod adult male form the thought of sharing Jaden with him became hotter and hotter to Tash, and he almost wished that the two hadn't both insisted on using condoms, that wasn't natural for Bacchants, Their women handled childbirth so much more easily than other species, with children being born within 9 weeks as opposed to 9 months, much as their males went from puberty to adult in 6 weeks rather than 6 months.

Tash and Jay barely knew each other prior to that first day Jay showed up at the cabin and got all the info dumped on him, so he and Tash felt more like barely acquainted cousins than anything.

Jaysen never called Tash "Uncle", that was too weird. He just called him "Doc" or Tash. Most people in town only knew him as Doc anyway. It worked, it set up the boundary that "Doc" the doctor was prescribing a therapy, and Jay was taking it seriously.

Jay had definitely noticed that Doc was a beautiful man, he thought he looked a little like Matt Bomer, only with dark auburn red hair. Tash/doc, whether he was Jay's mother's twin brother or not, was a smoking hot male, and that fact wasn't lost on Jay, perhaps this was what Jaden was referring to when he said that things would get much stranger by the time they were through.

Jay didn't feel awkward about thinking of anyone sexually anymore, it was just a biological circumstance. Sex was part of his psyche in a way that it wasn't for most people. His Bacchant nature was taking hold, and that would change the way he thought of some things, but it would NEVER change the way he felt about Alex. If anything, his hunger for his true love became more and more maddening.

Jay could feel Alex responding to his hormonal change. He could feel him looking at other men in a way that made jay burn inside, wishing he could relieve his beloved's appetites. The connection between them was stronger, and when he was with Jaden, he thought about Alex the whole time and sending pleasure to him. Alex would have to run off to get some privacy before he had an orgasm right where he was when Jay would cum. His uncle did not know that he and Alex had discovered this new aspect of their connection, but the next section of this chapter will explain that through Alex's perspective.

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During the last couple weeks, Alex had been a busy boy. He had begun pulling twice his usual weight at work, which meant his parents were able to push up their scheduling and get more contracts closed in less time.

Him and Clay were hanging out every day after school, and they were getting pretty close, bonding over books and video games, and talking about the Academy which Clay would also be applying to, and where Sandra might be working. They were excited they would both be on a new adventure soon.

Alex had started giving not so subtle hints around clay that his sex drive was driving him nuts lately. He mentioned that he'd been having to jerk off about 6 times a day lately. Being a horny teen himself, and having a crush on Alex, hearing him talk so candidly about masturbation was a major tension builder, and Clay tended to have outbursts where he'd literally say exactly what was on his mind whether it was appropriate or not.

On one such occasion Alex was saying. "Shit man, before, it was like, I jerk off, and I am good for the rest of the night, now, it is never enough, it's like my hormones are going triple duty, and when I see somebody I think is fuckin hot, holy hell I damn near cream my pants." Obviously he was trying hard to put the pressure on Clay, he knew how to work his friend up. Clay was walking funny every time Alex would take his shirt off or talk about his sex drive.

One week, Alex had two surprises within a few days while hanging out at Sandra's house.

The first surprise was, that Sandra had an identical twin, which he found out when they played some dirty tricks on him as Clay watched grinning like a Cheshire cat as a frustrated Alex thought he was going mad.

Later Clay had slipped up on his straight dude act when talking about the pranks.

"Man you were so fucking cute when my mom and aunt got you all confused, it takes a lot to fluster you lately." Clay said.

Alex didn't call him out on it, he really was trying to bait him and the longer he waited the more intense clay would get, but apparently Clay was trying to play the same game and when Alex didn't call him out he decided to get it over with.

"Alex, dude, I know your head is somewhere else when you are not over here. You are trying to distract yourself by hanging out here, and that's okay, if that keeps you from wanting to jump off tall objects...I get it. But man, sometimes I wish you'd be a little less fucking clueless." Clay said, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh, I'm clueless," Alex shot back, "Dude I've been telling you how fucking horny I am for a week now, I've had a stiffy in my pants almost constantly, and so have you, yeah, I noticed, and I know it is fucking huge, I know you are shy but come on man, this is me." Alex said, he'd had his shirt off the entire afternoon, despite it not being warm at all in Clay's basement room.

"That's it Alex, it's you, you have been the only friend I've had for a year and a half now since we both had to move to this town, and I've never felt this way about a guy, or anyone before, I didn't want to fuck it up."

"Me either, so lets not make it fucking serious and dramatic. Look, Clay, you are a logical being, you describe everything in terms of science. So hey, we both have some homosexual tendencies toward each other, and we both REALLY want to experiment, so, lets experiment." Alex said "No strings attached."

"Just like that?" Clay asked.

"What? It's not like you need to get to know me, you know me better than my parents do. Did you want me to buy you dinner and get you drunk off cheap gas station wine first?" Alex said laughing.

" I'm not hungry for food, and I have beer in my mini fridge in my closet." Clay said, and then proceeded to walk over and grab a couple cans out for each of them. "I AM going to need some liquid courage though." He said.

"Fine then YOU get ME drunk, and your mom already made us dinner, so we'll be good to go." Alex summed up. They both Laughed pretty hard.

To Alex's surprise, Clay was actually starting to calm down, both downing their bottles of bud light platinum before they got warm.

Clay had warned Alex that they had more alcohol than most beer, but were smooth going down as long as they were cold, once it got warm, it tasted like piss water.

Alex took Clay by the hand, and pulled him over to the bed.

He knew that Jay would be having one of his sessions with Jayden tonight too, it was supposed to be one of the last nights that the hormones would be affecting him. He told Alex that he hadn't felt this good, this normal since they were young kids.

Alex wanted to celebrate Jay's recovery, and to do something to even out the fact that Jay felt guilty for having sex with someone else, no matter how necessary. So this was happening. He had made sure it would happen either tonight or tomorrow.

He started unbuttoning clay's button up shirt, which was baggy on his thin body and it fell off once it was free. Alex took clay's hand and kissed it. He figured he'd work up slowly to more intimate acts.

HE sat on clay's lap, being small enough to do so easily, as clay was the tallest kid in their grade, and he had always been the smallest. HE put an arm around Clay's neck. "Is that a bull snake in your pants? Or are you turned on." He asked Clay, getting no response other than a longing stare.

"Shit, I can't believe this is happening, I have been wanting to worship your fucking cock since the first time I saw you at school." Clay confessed. "You are right, lets just get this out of the way, no strings attached."

Alex said "Just so you know, it has to be that way, no strings attached. I have a boyfriend back home where I came from. When I went to visit, we hooked up, and fell for each other. He's kind of like a brother to me, which made it weird, but we've always loved each other. Both of us are experimenting with other people right now, so don't worry about that."

"Wow... so there is like, no chance of anything between you and me?" Clay said, looking pretty put out.

"Hey, man, You know I love you too, You are my best friend, he said wrapping Clay in his arms, but this thing with Jaysen has gone on our whole lives, dude, there is a baby picture of me holding onto his hand the day we were born, I promise when we get to the Academy I will Introduce you to someone hotter than me. Who knows, maybe we can have a threesome some time, that would be fucking hot." Alex said. "But for tonight, and if you want maybe occasionally... I'm all yours."

"Are you sure that your lover boy won't get jealous?" Clay asked, of course doing the proper thing.

"We talked about it... the possibility I mean... and he said to go for it, he'd do the same. I suspected you were into guys, we've been sticking together like glue since I got here, I've noticed things about you clay. You act like you are all brain, but I see your eyes wandering and your nervous ticks every time there is a naked dude near you. And the stiffy in your shorts whenever I have my shirt off."

"Shit am I that obvious." Clay said embarrassed.

" nobody else expects a thing but I was paying THAT much attention. Before I got together with Jay, I was crushing on you too Mr. tall green-eyed and ginger."

"Great, and now you are always going to be the one that got away." Clay said. "I can't compete with a lifelong obsession." He said teasing and laughing a bit, but he still seemed hurt to Alex.

"So, Alex said making eye contact and rubbing clay's boner with his hand. You still want to do this?"

"Am I still a 15 year old boy? Clay asked smiling. I guess what is between you and your Romeo HIS problem, if he's fooling around on you too, and you get addicted to me...well that's his loss." He said locking lips with Alex.

Alex thought, Woah... in for the kill. Maybe Clay has some moves after all, as he enjoyed their first passionate kiss, and it was passionate. Maybe he and Jay could have their boy toys and still feel okay about it, I mean, if anyone could make that work it was him and Jay, no matter what happened with other guys, nobody could be what they were to each other, and they both knew it, or maybe once this extreme hormone therapy was over they wouldn't have the need. In any case, he knew that things would be okay.

He kissed Clay's long neck, making him gasp with pleasure, so he did it again, biting a little bit, leaving a mark. "Shit don't leave hickies, my mom will see." Clay said.

"She already knows we're both Gay, she knows everything remember?"

"Yeah but she'll tease the shit out of me." Clay said.

Alex latched onto the other side of his neck and left a bigger mark, Clay started to protest but his will collapsed when he realized he'd fantasized about this for a year and a half. "Fuck man, whatever. Clay said returning the passionate kissing on the neck and down Alex's body. They took turns touching and kissing and enjoying every inch of male flesh. Alex paid particular attention to Clay's Chest hair and armpits. He had a bit of a thing for redheads.

Finally, Alex retrieved the bottle of lube he knew that Clay had stashed in a box in the corner of the room.

Clay raised an eyebrow at the fact that Alex knew where he kept his lube, but then realized that this was Alex, and he noticed everything. Fuck if only he'd recognized the signs before Alex had gone back home, he'd have had to tell Jay he had a boyfriend already wouldn't he? Clay was kicking himself for waiting too long. He wasn't completely hopeless though, if Alex was willing to give him one night, who knew what might happen. He knew that he loved Alex, and wanted him to be happy, but he wasn't going to hide his own feelings either.

Clay felt Alex massaging his ass with the lube. So... that was how this was going to go. He had no arguments, he wanted his sexy friend inside him.

"I'm going to be gentle, and take it slow, don't worry... but Clay... your cock is fucking huge, I'm going to need some practice before I take that thang." Alex said.

Alex started with his fingers in circular motions loosening up the anal muscles as he kept Clay's monster cock busy too.

Finally he had plunged his thumb in, and finding Clay's prostate he massaged it a few times, making his eyes roll back in his head with pleasure. Alex's cock was nice and hard, so he got right to it, he had clay roll over and lay down. The height difference posed logistical problems that both of them had figured they weren't experienced enough to make work, so Alex just mounted clay's skinny ass and started moving his cock up and down between his ass cheeks, poking and prodding until it pretty much accidentally fell into the waiting hole.

"Woah...sorry, didn't mean to do that that fast." Alex said, noticing that clay had tensed up.

After half a minute Clay had relaxed enough that Alex was all the way inside him.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good." Clay said. As Alex pressed balls deep into him, kissing him on the back of his shoulders as he sunk in, and then pulled out a little further each time before sinking in again.

Clay was using a pillow to muffle his involuntary sounds of pleasure. HE was grinding his cock into another pillow that was between his legs as he synchronized his movements with Alex's so he was guiding Alex's cock toward and past his prostate with every thrust. After a while he begged Alex to cum in him, he wanted this to be Good for him. He tightened his ass making Alex's pleasure more intense and he couldn't handle it any longer and started quivering as he blasted Clay's insides with his seed. He left his cock deep inside clay, thrusting as much as he could handle with his over-sensitized organ, pushing his seed deeper inside his best friend.

Alex was a little regretful that his first time penetrating someone wasn't with Jay, but circumstances had played out so that wasn't the case, and that he wasn't going to be Jay's first penetration either. He consoled his regrets with the notion that they were just practicing for the real love-making. At their age, hormones were bound to outweigh their ideals. 303+ miles was a long way for a 15 year old with no drivers license to maintain a long distance relationship, this way he could be physically satisfied, even of his heart belonged to Jaysen.

Once Alex was off of him, Clay kneeled between Alex's legs, rubbing his cock against Alex's crotch and fit flat stomach. He kept thinking of the gift that Alex had left in side him as he grinded against Alex's quickly re-hardening cock.

Alex's mind was focused on his sweetheart, he couldn't help it, he wanted to be with him right now, doing whatever made him feel good. He could swear Jay was out there thinking the same thing.

Finally, snapping out of his daze Alex grinded against clay and kissed him as their cocks rubbed together between them, and when he could sense that clay was about to cum he went at it even harder and thought of his beloved, and both he, and Clay shot their loads between them.

Clay knew he was too big to just Collapse on top of Alex like he wanted to do, so he moved to the side and laid up against him, holding him close. Clay was definitely a cuddler, and his big arms felt good to Alex even though they weren't the arms he wanted most, they were warm, strong, loving and protective.

Clay reached down with his finger and touched the tip of Alex's cock, bringing it up to his lips with a little left-over cum. "mmm... Later you are going to shoot in my mouth." He said.

"Oh yeah... well... We better get in the shower and get cleaned up before the glue sets." Alex joked.

They took a hot steamy shower, cleaning each other thoroughly, and then curled up under a blanket on Clay's bed together, holding each other close, and passed out from exhaustion.

Alex dreamt that everything he'd just done with Clay had been with Jay, and that it was his arms around him.

Clay just dreamt about the same thing he usually dreamt about. Being with Alex. He couldn't help it, and this time, he knew it was a possibility all along. He would always wonder, what could have been if he had gotten up the courage to make a move on Alex a few months earlier.

Clay knew that that was wishful thinking. Alex had a destiny that didn't include him. He didn't understand how he knew it, but something about the way Alex had always talked about Jay had made him feel like they were sewn together by fate.

Whatever role Clay would play in Alex's life, they were both in agreement that they would be friends no matter what.

On that same night, Jay and Jaden were in the thralls of what would be an all night long fuck fest in the guest room they used for their "therapy".

Their Bacchant biology allowed them to go at it for 12 hours without stopping, and the whole house would reek of Jizz that night, as they soaked the king sized bed in so much man gravy it would be heavy to carry to the washing machine, or the dumpster, whichever they decided later.

Both of them had decided to forgo the usual condom rule, as this was the peak of Jay's transformation, and he would have more control after this, tonight was supposed to be purely animal lust as they bred each other.

The two were so frenzied out of their minds that they didn't notice when Tashrael Joined them until they had been having a full on orgy for a while. Jay, at one point, looked at Tash, who winked at him.

Tash said, "Boys, in my day, this stage of the transformation was consummated by a minimum of 16 men completely at the abandon of their hormones and pheromones for 16 hours or more, some pairings lasting all night and day."

"That being said, nothing that happens here leaves this room."

The two boys didn't even stop screwing while he talked, and they grabbed him and pulled him into the pile of arms and legs soaked in sweat and cum, and they all made beastly animal noises as they bred each other over and over and basted each other in their passionate streams of manly essence.

They were just three bodies driven to the point of mindlessness and instinct, at the mercy of Jay's pheromones and their own hormones that were naturally attuned to the transformation of a fellow man, they would help him to purge his essence and gain control over his supernatural allure.

These orgies were part of the process of a Bacchant's puberty, if they didn't find release and purge the excess energy, it overloaded and destroyed their ability to store their energy and control their allure, which turned the young man into a ravenous energy sucking incubus that fed on the sexual and chi energies of others for survival and pleasure.

Jaden and Tash were the only two of their kind close enough to answer the call of Jaysen's bacchant nature trying to be born in the mountains that night, so they did what they were driven compulsively to do.

To them, with their Bacchant hormones are a peak, it all seemed very natural. They would be forever bound to Jaysen, and also to Alex, as the connection between them had become stronger that night as they both expressed themselves sexually.

Alex was about to begin learning how to master that connection using his innate psychic abilities. Both boys were growing individually, so that when they came back together, they would be a force to be reckoned with, and with Clay the madly intelligent science nerd, Jaden the street wise manipulator, Tashrael the leader and visionary, and Alex himself as the intuitive seer and advisor, and Jay the eventual healer and champion, there was nothing they could not accomplish, and a few more would join them in the upcoming months at the academy, they would need all the help they could get for the first threat to their fledgling community and family.

**. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **.

End Chapter 4.

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I enjoy hearing from readers, it encourages me to keep working on this world I am creating.

I am aware that some errors are present, I am a bit Rusty at the keyboard and it has been over 10 years in Chatrooms and away from an English Class for me... this is a labor of love and not professional. Do be kind, but I respect all views and perspectives and have a "thick skin" so speak your mind.

Your Storyteller,

M. R. Masterson (Mike)

Next: Chapter 5

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