
By M. R. Masterson

Published on Jul 15, 2017


Starbound Chapter 5 By M. R. Masterson

I understand that humans have varying ideals and values when it comes to sexuality. But life the universe, fate, other people, and reality give zero fucks about our sheltered ideals, values, or expectations, this applies to both the real word and fictional worlds.

Homosexual romance and conduct is an integral part of this story, and yes, takes place, as it does in real life, between people of all ages.

If you are easily offended, click away, far away, this author gives zero fucks about the opinions of the perpetually-offended closed-minded thought-police or enemies of free speech.... TA DA...

All readers ought to be of legal age to read such smut, and reside where it is legal to do so, if you are not, please read no further.

**. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. **. IF YOU HATE WHAT YOU SEE HERE Please go bask in your miserable hater-ness.



So starving artists and starving archivists can continue doing what we do for free.

I am a Janitor at my day job and literally sing for my supper at night, then, I write my imaginative smut to escape from that reality. I donate what I can when I can to do my part to keep this awesome stuff alive in this kinky wonderland.

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Follow for updates and bonus info and what inspires me : New content added recently!

This chapter may be revised and edited more in the future. There may be some errors. I have a full plate right now, as I and my husband own an services business and it is wedding season.

Hope you enjoy.

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Alex woke up early at Clay's house that morning, and went up stairs where Aunt Thea, Sandra's sister was making coffee and humming a pleasant tune.

She greeted Alex cheerfully saying "Well... you even look handsome with Next-Day-Hair."

"Next-Day-Hair?" Alex asked, wondering what she meant.

"Yeah, you know, you stay over at a fuck buddy's place and don't do your nightly or morning routines..." She said calmly.

Alex looked mortified. "Shit were we too noisy last night?" he said, "I am so sorry, I mean, he... I knew he had a crush and was confused, and wanted to experiment, and I kinda owe Sandra and Clayton my life... we just got carried away. Hormones and tension."

"AW shaddup! Ya didn't do a damn thing wrong and of anything you were suspiciously quiet. Teenage boys fucking eachother brains out has been a thing since ancient Egyptian times, probly longer." She said smiling.

"Besides, you Otta know that people have `other' ways a' knowin things, you have the gift too, albeit you've got a lot of distractions and energy clogs." She said

"Yeah, I have my weird way of reading people, and with"

"With your future husband"

"Well probably yeah, if I have anything to say about it, with him the connection is a billion times what it is with anyone else.

"Yeah, I could feel that cord when I first met ya, two consciousness's linked together, and you are thinking about him damn near non-stop."

"Listen, I ain't here just to visit my sister and nephew. Something `out there', call it the power that be, wants me to have a chat with you, your boyfriend is being taken care of, brought up to speed on his enhanced nature, he has a guide in his uncle.

Your family doesn't have anyone left who knows about this stuff , so the big shots of the ascended plane sent me to prepare ya."

Prepare me for what? School, the supernatural For what?"

"For your destiny of course you silly little stud-muffin. You got the look of a champion, now alls ya need is tha skills. Auntie Thea is gonna help Y'all with the psychic ooga booga stuff. She said with a toothy grin.

Alex's head was spinning a bit. "You are just as blunt as you sister, and possibly crazier." He said with a sigh. "But I know from experience, you are also probably right 99% of the time, so... I'll hear ya out."

"Well, where am I gonna start with this mess that fate has done spun up around you... see you and Jay are both... powerful beings' descended from... the greeks called them demigods... the best I can tell ya is that the greek gods were pretty much aliens from another dimension who somehow got deleted from their universe and got puked out here, there is a lot if interdimensional vomit hanging around earth, and wherever there is life really because life warps and stretches reality thin.

Ok, so we are descended from some people, or things another universe sneezed into this one.

"When you and Jay were born, HIS grandma being the Awful snake she was, bound up his special gifts, and by extension yours, because she saw you two as a threat to her power, and she was right to! It was a starbound pair that was to destroy her. She thought that couldn't possibly mean her own twins, because she thought one of them was dead and she'd bound the other one's powers. Before you two were born, her scientists took care of whatever threat Jay could be once he turned 13 and transformed into a superstud, the way them Bacchants do, but she didn't count on the birth of you two into this world causing an earthquake that trapped her under a mountain. Nobody could have predicted that."

"Great, so just being born, we managed to drop a mountain on Jay's grandma, who I hear was a real bitch."

"They didn't call her the old dragon witch of the forest for nothin honey." Thea said. "Now, Tashrael, Jaysen's uncle is freeing your young lover's power, and yours is being freed too because of your connection. You are going to be a powerful knower of the universe, a psychic powerhouse, and he is gonna be a charmer and manipulator of living things, and a great leader. You two will share a lot of these powers because of your connection, you and your "special friends" will be the best team since the original Gemini."

"So, how am I going to prepare to be the husband of a demigod?"

"You are one too!" Thea said in a scolding tone. you are a seer, probably a descendant of Apollo and also you have a bit of jinn in you too... you SEE reality for what it is, and you can show people things that aren't there, and trick their senses, make their brains do funny things... but you gotta get some focus first, have you even meditated once in your life?"

"I tried once," Alex responded shrugging.

"Ok we'll start from the beginin, then. Close your eyes, and breathe, focus on your breath in one, out one, in two, out two, I'll time ya and after a few minutes we'll try something I think you're gonna like."

So, Alex started his training.

Jay awoke the next morning feeling good. That was a strange feeling for him. He could tangibly feel the connection to Alex now, and he could feel and see and smell, taste touch, and many other senses better than he had been able to before. It was like light had a taste, and color a texture. They said his senses would be heightened, but this was wild.

He listened to the whole house, and could hear that no one was home, he heard a mouse snacking on a cracker in the pantry at the other side of the mansion, but no other heartbeats big enough to be human.

He took a deep breath in, and was assaulted by smells, particularly the pungent smell of cum that was all over his body and coated every surface in the adjoining room to his. He didn't mind the smell, but him smelling like it all day would be a bit awkward as it gave him an erection.

He took a long, hot luxurious shower, got out and looked in the mirror.

He shivered, he definitely looked older, like possibly a college age guy, and one that was in shape. His hair was longer, and redder than it had been, it fell just past his chin if he pushed it forward, and to his shoulders in the back. He liked that, it was more distinctive than his usual short strawberry blond boyish cut. This was a suave stylish look.

His eyes shone brighter, and his face had filled out a little so his jawline looked masculine rather than skeletal. HE even had the barest hint of red stubble appearing on his face.

"Good god I'm a ginger" He said... which actually was a plus for him, Alex loved redheads.

He had been eating enough food lately to feed a small village lately, which was part of the process he was told, everything these days was written off as part of the process, if he'd laid an egg they would have told him it was part of the process. Jaden ate an abnormal amount of food and never gained an ounce of fat either, so it must be a Bacchant thing, as so many things about him were also explained away as.

Jay was a modest boy, but even he saw in the mirror that he was freaking gorgeous, not being used to seeing himself that way, he was going to have to get used to it.

Jaysen Connor Blayne felt like he'd been reborn, and reborn into a new world. After playing with his hair, Jerking off, and just generally getting used to being taller and having more strength and muscle, HE lay down that afternoon on the bed to just relax a bit and enjoy feeling healthy for the first time in a long time.

He closed his eyes, and prodded at the connection to Alex that they had been experiencing with inside his head, he could almost hear him breathing, feel him breathing, in one, out one, in two, out two. "Good, he thought, Keep breathing my love, we can be together soon now! I promise, and then, we will be fucking unstoppable." He tried to send the confidence and love he felt through that familiar connection. Surprisingly, he actually got a response back, which made him jump.

"Jay... where are you... I can hear you but I can't see you..."

Jay closed his eyes again and listened, he felt like he was moving around in a dark room inside his head, splotches of bright light hung transparent here and there, greens oranges, hot pinks, yellows and electric blues. He kept moving past them until he saw something in the distance, he saw Alex inside this place in his head. Maybe he was asleep and dreaming, or had died and this was heaven.

He moved toward Alex and spoke. "I'm right here my silly lover boy... but wait, where is here?"

"It is... a place inside my head I go when I miss you, Alex explained because I can feel your presence here, my new teacher Thea... Sandra's twin sister... she said if I tried, I might be able to find you, if you weren't too distracted. IT worked!... but dude you look different in here, do I look different to you?"

"No, umm Alex... when I said the process of me healing was going to be transformative... well... this is what I look like now."

"Dude, what the hell, you look like a fucking 22 year old ginger underwear model, only hotter, like what an angel would look like in my naughtiest dreams."

"Shit man, I guess I'm just as cute as you now, you've always been a little hottie," Jay said.

"Whatever!, but this psychic stuff that Clay's aunt is teaching me is pretty dope. I guess I'm a Seer and a Jinn or something, she told me some stuff about you too, said the universe sent her to talk to me so I was prepared, I guess she could have told me you turned into a fucking living Greek-statue Adonis boy." He teased, reaching out to see if he could touch Jay. HE could, but could only barely feel him, it was like he was only an empty sheet of something more thin and stretchy matter, barely manifested, like a balloon filled with consciousness. Maybe with practice it would be better, Thea was going to work at the school teaching the students with psychic abilities how to use them.

"So, now that most of the transformation is done, you can come and visit, if you have a way to get here, Jay said sounding hopeful."

"I'm going to help Sandra and them pack up today, she got the job, I am glad, she deserves it, they all deserve better." Alex said, and then felt awkward. "Jay... I have to tell you something, last night, I wasn't myself, I was, possessed almost, I was horney as hell, and I was kind of tempting clay, so he called me out on it and said I was clueless. I told him I was TRYING to get him to make a move because I didn't want to scare him, then things got heavy, and emotional, and I kind of seduced him. I feel guilty, I know we agreed that we'd both explore and wouldn't sweat the physical stuff because what we have is deeper, but I still feel like shit. I wasn't myself, and that scares me."

Jay put his astral arms around Alex's form and kissed him on the forehead, which felt nice but definitely not like the real thing, it was like pretending, only with more sense feedback.

"My sweet sexy boy, don't worry about it, I had... well... when people like me, Bacchants, demigods of sexual prowess, go through this transformation, it's done WITH others of our kind...and the only ones around were my uncle and Jaden, and the whole thing ends in being in a sort of sexual dementia where everyone ends up in an orgy... so it's not like I was able to stay pure for you either, my type of superhuman, we don't do abstinence well, on account of hormones and pheromones which are supernatural in nature. It would be like a dog meowing.

"Uh... oh I guess, if that's what it took to heal you and get you healthy again... I'd never deny you the freedom to be with someone you wanted to anyway, as long as you still want me and love me and come home to me, I can handle if you do things on the side."

"Not if I have you with me I won't be!" Jay said. "IF I can have YOU, I won't fucking need anyone else you hear me... but at the same time, I'd never deny you what you wanted either, the physical stuff doesn't mean that much to me, we can have fun with others now and then, and third cocks in our bed would be hot, but don't give your heart to anyone else, or your ass! Thems the rules.

"Sounds good...I kind of fucked clay's brains out, he was walking funny when he got up this morning... He seems okay with me being with you, and just messing around with me for now. But I gotta tell ya, he was not going to do a damn thing until I told him you were okay with the physical stuff. In the end though, I think both of our hormones were over the top, because shit just happened, good shit happened! Alex said, feeling weird telling his boyfriend this.

"Yeah... don't feel bad about it, at all babe, it was probably MY fault because of our connection and what was happening to me. I know you probably wouldn't normally even be up for that because you are so sweet and good to me, and you'd feel bad anyway. I would too if Doc hadn't pointed out that if I didn't go through with this, the sickness was going to kill me, and the hormones, my god the hormones and pheromones, until this morning I was hornier that a goddamn rabbit, and Doc told me that If I didn't get release, then I'd be that way until I turned into a sex-mad demon or something, like an incubus."

"It is so fucking weird talking about this shit like it's real, I mean, I know it is, but, it's fucking weird, it hasn't set in yet." Alex commented

"It has set in for me, but that's because I was physically changing, you are just becoming some kind of dream-walker psychic so far, I guess it might feel like you are imagining it."

"More like I'm going crazy talking to myself, look, I don't know what's going on back in my body, and I'm with someone, she's probably freaking out... so... I'm gonna go he said kissing Tash on the lips softly. I love you, my sexy angel. He said."

"Love you too, my little prince" Jay teased back.

They instinctively pulled themselves in toward their energy centers, and woke up.

Clay's family was standing around him, all looking worried.

"Are you okay dude?" Clay asked, looking the most worried of all.

"That was FUCKING AWESOME" he said.

Everyone looked thoroughly interested, except Clay. He was clearly still feeling weird about last night, and about Alex being taken, but he'd made it clear he was going to take every opportunity to be with Alex in the meantime.

After discussing Alex's little dream walking experience, They started packing all of their stuff up to move to a cabin in the Bitterroot Mountains. The move was a little ways away yet, but they wanted most of the work done early so they could have a garage sale.

Alex and Jay were both excited about all of the changes coming their way, but they were also wary of what it all meant. They might finally be together, but they were both becoming something different from what they'd been before. They both vowed never to let any of it come between them.

A few weeks after Jaysen's transformation, he and his uncle went to Great Falls to meet with the halls. Tash, or rather his current legal identity, Doctor Ashton T. Stone, was going to be meeting with Alex's parents to convince Mr. hall to let Alex enroll at Bitterroot Crest Academy.

Alex had warned him to be ready for resistance. Walter was one of those men that if it wasn't his idea, and he had any control over it at all there would be problems.

As they sat down at the restaurant over bread, Tash started explaining his vision. "have considerable wealth, investors and contacts, as well as a superb team of some of the best minds of this era, working together to invest in a program that rewards excellence inside and outside the classroom we together have founded the Bitterroot Crest Academy for exceptional young men.

This is not a school that the wealthy can buy their way into. It is a place where the best and brightest, and of most admirable character are chosen to learn how to be great men who will lead our country and our world into tomorrow.

Two of our newest stadf memvers have nominated Alex for early enrollment, one a social worker and child litigant lawyer, the other a bestselling author and child psychologist. After reaching out to the teachers and other students who have known Alex, we believe that he is the type of kind altruistic, and hard working student we are looking for.

We do not accept just anyone, nor is finance a deciding factor, one cannot buy their child's way into this school, it is a privlge earned by thise whose grades and behavior show an ethic and an attitude that produces greatness. After some skepticism from Mr. Hall the problem seeming to be that Rash was wealthy and Mr hall did not like rich snobs, alex spoke up for himself.

I have decided that I am going, I am miserable in cut bank, it is time for me to do something about it, I will be safe because Teresa and I Jay will both be at the school as well, and so will Sandra and Clay, which means the only good thing I had in my life back home will be leaving. Just because you can't or won't trust someone who has money and does something truly great with it, doesn't mean you can ruine this opportunity for me. You know that public school isn't right for me, I am bored out of my mind with the repetitive crap, and the town doesn't exactly have much that is intellectually stimulating either." He said to his father.

"You are only 15, hid father said, you don't have a say." "The hell I don't, a month ago I was so bored and depressed with life that I was standing on the middle of the train bridge ready to fucking jump, I didn't do it because I decided to give it one more chance. You are right, I am only 15, but if you fuck this up for me, that is all the older I am going to be. He finished getting up to go to the restroom, so angry he couldn't stand to be in the same room with his father.

Haha calmed himself down, hoping that he had scared his mother at least enough to get her to put pressure on the old crab.

When he got back it was only Tash and his mother left.

Tash said "Mrs. hall, I think it would be best if we let Mr. hall calm down a bit, and I would like to take the younger Mr. Hall back to the condo to meet one of the other students who has accompanied me on this trip, they have a lot in common.

His mother agreed, and as they pulled away from the restaurant he saw his parents' vehicle peeling out of the lot.

"He will come around Alex he has to, you left him no choice." Tash said reassuringly "By the way, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Jaysen's uncle Tash, but it is best if you call me Doc."

They got to the condo, and Tash led Alex in and showed him around the place. At one point Alex was sure that Doc was right behind him as he looked at the master bedroom with the balcony.

When he wasn't paying attention something tall and blond tackled him and pinned him to the bed. He almost didn't recognize his beloved Jay, and when he did he squeezed him in a hug so tight that he felt like he was holding onto a tree in a hurricane (or a blizzard, as it was in Montana) The boys kissed and hugged and horsed around for a bit, Alex trying to get used to jay's new healthy, grown up and gorgeous look.

The boys responded to the information that pizza was there, as they hadn't even ordered food when the argument had broken out in the restaurant. Bounding down the stairs, they dug into the boxes of pizza like they had been lost at sea for weeks.

Alex looked at Tash. "do you age at all?." He asked.

"I'll start looking a little shabby in another 150 years or so. Tash said. If you keep...exchanging fluids with Jay you probably won't age and faster than us.

First... awkward as fuck, bit glad you are comfortable with our relationship, Alex said, but you know, you two could be fucking identical twins. Alex said

Neither Jay nor Tash had realized their striking resemblance to each other now that Jay was post transformation, but they knew it was true.

Alex said that since he had heard about Tash's transformation he had been working out to try and get in shape, to which both of the other two laughed out loud trying not to spew food all over.

What's so funny? Alex asked Indignant.

"You really don't know? Tash asked.

Alex shrugged.

"You are fucking gorgeous Alex, your tight little body, your dark hair, pretty green eyes, smile that makes hearts flutter, cute bubble butt, thin waste and flat stomach, muscular legs and arms perfect tan skin from working shirtless out in the sun, Jay said You are perfect, I mean, sure of you want to try and get stronger more power to ya, but you don't gotta Do a damn thing for aesthetic purposes... ok a little ab action wouldn't go unnoticed, but you couldn't be any sexier to me." Jay said.

Tash said. "what he said." And both boys laughed.

Coming from. You two sex gods that is a fucking compliment." Alex said.

"I always thought I was just small and." "Not any more, your arms barely fit your short sleeves, look," Jay said pointing out Alex's bicep. "Huh, I never noticed that that, that's kind of new. Guess I've been working a lot on the places my parents remodel, carrying heavy bags and buckets. When you aren't around, I go on Autopilot."

"Just have another growth spurt or two, and no one will he able to resist your charm, especially not if you are sleeping with a Bacchan every night, the pheromones and essence sink in and you will be as dangerous as us." Tash said.

"I'm still going to put on some muscle and work on my flexibility and endurance." Alex said.

Tash said "Probably a good idea, glaring over at Jay."

"What?" Jay asked

Tash said nothing he didn't want to tell Jay that Jaden had trouble keeping up with him. Jaden was still a little bit drained, which was why he hadn't come on this trip with them, not that it would have been appropriate anyway.

Tash just vowed that this was the last time had let anyone use Jaden from now on, he was to be Tash's beloved.

Alex called his mother and informed her that he was staying on the couch at the condo. It was fine with her because the hotel room was cramped anyway.

When they got up to the room, neither of them could contain themselves. They stripped right away and jay grabbed some lube he had brought along with him. He lubed up his ass and begged Alex to fuck him.

"I want you inside me, lover boy, fill me with your essence, I want some of you inside me at all times, forever."

"Whoa there stud, I need you to know that I like your newly transformed body and all, but all of this supernatural stuff is making my head spin, can we talk about it?" Alex asked.

"Thank the gods"... Jay said. " I have been surrounded by people who think all of this shit is normal. Even my mother isn't surprised by all of this she grew up knowing about all of this crap, and she plead with my grandmother to make it all go away, but that was mainly because the old witch was afraid I'd dethrone her, something about prophesy.

She tried to kill mother before I was born, mother convinced her just to block out both of our powers instead. The old witch still got buried in the rubble of her own cavern fortress the day we were born. I have an uncle I barely knew about, and I feel like shit because some supernatural hormone fueled bacchanal sex madness was necessary to survive causing me to feel like I have been unfaithful to you... I just feel like even though we are moving in a direction that allows us to be together, we are getting all of these changes forced upon us. "

"I know, after the... sleepover with clay, I felt like a real shithead, his aunt started teaching me to do mind tricks and invade people's privacy the way she had invaded mine. She knew more about your family than either of us did, and suddenly I am supposed to be a seer and knower of events, you are supposed to be a seer and knower of people, as well as a manipulator and seducer. Cant we just fucking be horny teenagers and fuck our brains out like everyone else."

"I think that my uncle is trying to build a community where people like us CAN live normal lives, just like my mom tried to do when she begged her mother bind our powers, she didn't want this for us, but fate finds a way..." Jay said.

I guess we can't change who we are, and trying to nearly killed you. We can sure as hell tell them all to back off and slow the fuck down for a bit though. If we don't they are going to push us toward all of this until we break. The ONLY thing I am sure of is that if we stick together, they can't make US do anything. Now that you are safe and healthy, and I am too, we need to find a way to make this connection between us work for us. Alex said.

"I want to get to know what I am becoming at my own pace, on my own terms, I think you want the same. We will talk to the adults together one or two of them at a time. They need to know that li Just as they refused to be puppets for the last regime, we won't be a part of anything we don't agree with." Jay said.

Alex kissed him.

Alex made his own vow to himself "I am done hiding behind my mother or your uncle or anyone when it comes to my father. He likes to control things, but he can't control who I love or how high set my goals.

The young lovers were more impressed and enthralled with each other than ever, Alex did as jay has requested of him and, after much touching, admiring, and foreplay, he bred his sweet sexy angels ass. He was surprised at the loud and uncensored, completely unbashful moans of pleasure and words of desire as he begged Alex to make love to him deeper and harder and fill him with his manly essence. When Alex came, it was an abnormally long orgasm with more cum than he had ever produced before, he filled his lover like a cream, filled pastry, overflowing with his seed.

After catching their breath, they switched positions, Alex said, "you already know I fooled around with clay while you were with Jaden But I saved my ass virginity for you, my sexy angel.

"I'm going to claim it, and make you mine forever, my little beloved prince."

Tash filled Alex with hid love several times before Alex came again covering himself in another unnaturally large amount of cum. Sex with a Bacchant was beyond anything a teenage boy could dream of, he and jay were like two superheroes when they made love, their endurance and strength and potency was endless, the exchange of energy and essences between them made allowed them to cum and keep going to the next orgasm without a break, but eventually both were sore from the friction and the workout and they just collapsed together intertwined like two strands, bound together by a loving and belonging energy that was stronger than steel.

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Thee next morning waking up clinging to each other tightly was heaven to both of them they jerked off real quick to get rid of their morning wood, swallowing each other's loads.

I fucking love you, Alex. I know you love me too. We belong to each other. I almost died because I was unable to give myself to you.

I will never let anything come between us. I know you, better than you do, I trust that you are always longing to be here with me, no matter what happens physically with other people. I know I get the best parts of you to keep." Jay said holding Alex and rubbing his back. He had sensed that Alex felt shitty about the stuff with Clay, but Jay didn't want to be the jealous asshole, he wanted what was good and healthy for Alex. He found it perfectly normal that two friends would screw around together, hell he and Alex had.

Alex was shedding tears. "I don't deserve you, you are a sweet beautiful angel, I should have ran away and gone to your side no matter what When I knew you were hurting as much as I was. I knew being apart would hurt one of us. I should have been the one with you at the mansion giving myself over to your wild lust. The whole time I was fucking clay I wanted it to be you."

"Shit I know that babe, and as long as it stays that way, go ahead and take care of your needs, and his, I owe that weird gangly bastard and his mom a lot for keeping you off the ledge.

If you love someone, not like we love each other, but like you love a close intimate friend, and they are into you, get it over with. If I can't be with you, just be with someone, and I know your heart is still mine. What we have is so much deeper than physical intimacy.

It is the 21st century, making love, and physical affection are two different creatures now days. My very nature as a Bacchant is to be sexual, and use sexuality as a tool, I cant promise you a sexually exclusive relationship, so don't you dare deny yourself anything. We can be smart and drama free about this, can't we?" Jay plead.

"I think I can. I'll try, but if it still feels wrong to me, I'll stop, it isn't worth it to feel like I am less than what you deserve. I won't expect you to just because I do though." Alex said.

"Don't overthink it babe, it is what it is, just sex. Okay, maybe friends with benefits, but we will ALWAYS be more than that, special to each other. I feel what you feel, so when you are getting off I am feeling high as a kite. You are far more then I deserve baby, we both deserve each other's trust and to be happy and free from cliché petty jealousy.

I think we both know that anyone else we fuck around with would be a paltry substitute for what we have together, as long as we both get what we need from each other and our sideshows don't interfere with the big picture, I will be a happy man." Jay said... "hey, S of side shows, hehehe so how was it, with clay?" Jay said.

"It was good, a little clumsy because he is freaking tall, and I'm short, but we made it work. Wasn't any way I was letting him fuck me though, he has a freaking zucchini in his boxer briefs."

I think he is conflicted, he wants me to be happy with you Jay, that is just how sweet he is, but he also has a side of him that wants me fucking bad, we need to make sure he knows he isn't just a piece of ass, he is a good friend, he is one of the reasons I didn't go crazy and jump off a bridge." Alex said seriously

"I'd like to meet him sometime so I can thank him for taking care of you when I can't."

"You probably will, he and Sandra are showing up here tomorrow for lunch time. I didn't know you were accompanying Doc down here, so I didn't warn him. It will be a surprise. I'll tell my mother I will ride back home with Sandra and clay tomorrow." Alex said.

Good, the three of us need to have a talk. Jay said.

"So what is it like when two Bacchants fuck, Alex asked."

"Honestly, between me and Jaden, it was kind of like a mechanical thing. It wasn't passionate most of the time, it was just getting off and purging the excess sexual energy. We were both madly in love with someone else, and thinking about our true loves the whole time. We also used condoms, so that made it less intimate too.

He did tell me it was a little hot for him because every day I looked more and more like my uncle, whom he was enthralled with... but that was the way, don't mention to Tash that there is anything new between you and I telepathically. I don't want anyone exploiting that yet, it is our secret. I already feel like a fucking guinea pig. If Aunt Thea could keep her trap shut, it would be much appreciated."

"Not. Problem, she is secretive as hell herself." Alex assured him. He still wasn't sure what Thea expected of him, other than to meditate on short shorts with his shirt off. She WAS teaching him how to connect more with his intuition and with his multisensory perception, And how to use his connection with Jay to communicate with him.

The boys got dressed, both trying to look their best. Alex's mother dropped off his luggage and told him to have fun with his friends, and that his dad was on board with the school plan now, of for no reason other than to rub it in everyone's face when it turned out to be a scam.

Shortly after she left Clay, Sandra, and Thea arrived. Tash explained that he Sandra, and Thea were going to have a talk about their positions at the school.

The three adults, all being of liberal spirit, went out to drink spirits liberally, leaving the three teenage boys alone in the condo..

After introductions, Jayden asked to speak to Clay alone. So they went upstairs. Alex was honestly a little worried, clay was I tense about everything, and Jay was intense about the one thing the two of them had in common.

Clay started the conversation, as usual, never one to filter what came out of his mouth.

"So you are the stud who swept Alex off his feet." . He said looking Jay up and down.

"I Didn't really need to, we have been in love since before we could walk. I am thankful he had you to keep him out of trouble when I couldn't be there."

"I can't help that I love him, you know, it is what it is." Clay said. Standing his ground, not willing to let himself be intimidated if that was the plan.

"Jaysen picked up on his meaning right away. I know, and I am never going to deny him a close and intimate relationship with someone I know will watch his back and take care of him.

See, he is the most important thing in the world to me, that means that we talk through things.

I'd rather have him, and let him be free, than try and control him and have him feel trapped. You listen to me now, if he ever distances himself from you, it is his own doing, I'll never ask that of him.

Honestly, from. What I have heard, you are a good guy, so welcome to the club... but if you try to take him away from me, you will fail... Are we clear on that?" Jay said, his eyes having a menacing look that hadn't been seen in them by anyone, nor would it often be seen again.

Clay looked a Jaysen in the eyes, "Whatever he wants, I respect that, and I won't interfere with this relationship you two have, but I won't stop trying to be everything I can for him either. Something bigger has brought the three of us, and yours and my parents together to work on a common goal.

I hope we can all be as close as family, because Alex has been as close as family to my mother and I for the last 2 years now."

Jay walked over to Clay and have him a big hug. "Thanks for being there for him, he means the world to me." He said feeling all sappy. I hope that we can both be every thing he needs us to without coming between him and either one of us. I love that boy, I would die without him. Jay said I almost did die because I was without him."

"We can both make sure we have him around for a long time then." Clay said "I will always be there, for both of you, I need more friends like you guys." He said hugging Jay back, feeling light headed and warm inside.

" We will have plenty more friends at the Academy. In fact, I know a guy that you might want to consider as a potential boyfriend. He is a total hottie with a great mind and a big heart, his name is Nick." Jay mentioned plotting to get the two together.

Clayton and Jay went back downstairs to join Alex who was looking annoyed at the fact that he hadn't been in on their conversation, but he didn't think there was anything to worry about. The three of them chilled out for a while discussing all of the weird things they'd recently become aware of in regard to the supernatural community. Clay was privileged to know some about it due to his mother and Thea and him all being prepared for their respective roles at the school.

The future community they would be helping to build in the mountains would need scientific mind's like Clay's to accomplish their goals. It seemed that there were a lot of suspicious coincidences involved in this whole plan, but in a way, it was only right that these three boys and their loved ones and friends should be the ones to build a brighter future for humans and Interdimensional Hybrids alike.

Of course, getting bored after a while, it was only natural that some naughty business would go in between the three of them. Little did they know that they were forming the bonds that would be the base strength of the Starbound Community, a sanctuary for those who would be harmed or exploited for their gifts, which would one day include small communities in every nation helping to preserve the safety of interdimensional castaways and their legacies on Earth.

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I love hearing from readers. At this point this is a labor of love, and a rough draft, not a professional finished work, so keep that in mind. Hearing from readers is what keeps me motivated to work on this I hope to have a new chapter each week. I am also working on other stories I plan on posting to nifty soon. My eventually goal is to have a story in every genre.

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