Stare Date

By Maria Multi

Published on Sep 9, 2003



Author: Alessia Gerini and Maria Multi Title: Stare Date Summary: picked up by a hotel pool for assessment as a sexslave, Alicia is seduced and then...(?) Keywords: Fdom/F, FdomM, NC, bond, toys, exhib, oral, anal Editor: Pee J with much gratitude Copyright: Alessia Gerini and Maria Multi (c) 2003 Comments: Website 1: Website 2:

==+==+== Disclaimer: This story is a FANTASY -- pity -- but it is, so there. Other than the authors and editor, no person, living or dead had anything to do in or with this story; resemblance is coincidental and/or unintentional. Any sex portrayed was within the "Safe, sane and (almost) consensual" creed of the BDSM community. Minors or adults should not read this story where their laws, culture or religion forbids it. We take no responsibility for enforcing upon you your ethical, legal or moral duties -- you must do that! ==+==+==

@>--'--,-- Dedicated to a special 'Lady' - alessia.

'Stare Date'

The Encounter

The click of approaching stiletto heels cut into the peace of the early morning. A bronze-tanned apparition, unexpected at such an early hour, emerged from the rear of the hotel lobby into the sunlit area of the outdoor pool and garden. The bikini-clad vision discarded her robe and heels and stretched out on one of the poolside lounges. From over the pool, Alicia looked up and stared at the gracious form with her near-black hair, and long legs.

Alicia had seated herself by the edge of the pool where, until then, everything had been quiet. Wavelets lapped at the edges of the pool, the sound enough to send her mind drifting into despondency.

Alicia had brought a young woman, Jenny, to the plush hotel for a weekend of lust but it had all turned sour when Jenny suddenly became uncertain of her Sapphic inclinations and had taken up with a young stud at the hotel's night club.

Alicia felt devastated all night tossing and turning in her bed tormented by her loss. Alicia mused to herself, perhaps sixteen was young and possibly too immature for the long-term relationship she wanted, despite the earlier passion between them. Miserable, she gazed at the rippling water.

She'd come down to the pool in the early morning with hardly anyone about. She'd taken off her bikini intending to go for a swim in the nude. She'd wanted to feel no restraints on her body and she wanted the turmoil within her soothed by the cool water. Feeling morose before launching herself into the pool, she just sat, paused, and let the cool water lap between her overheated thighs.

It was then she had heard the clack of the stilettos.

Since the arrival of this other woman, Alicia realised that she had not taken her eyes off her. She also became aware that from time to time this woman had glanced up and had seen her staring. Alicia's thoughts were of Jenny and that she was gone, but still something made it impossible for her to avert her gaze from this stunning woman. Her thoughts began to drift from Jenny to the delightful apparition across the water.

Unknown to Alicia, the woman had won a top contract against a competitor the day before. Celebrating her success, she'd booked in at the plush hotel as a special reward for herself. In her mid thirties, she was on the hunt for somebody special and perhaps it would be this weekend that somebody would turn up. Tracey was ready for any good prospect.

She'd vowed to look out for a nice twenty-something young woman to dominate: like the girl staring at her -- and she was nude too. She was actually sitting at the poolside completely naked. Though, at that hour of the morning, it would be unlikely that anyone would be around to see her. As the younger woman looked across the water, Tracey's excitement and anticipation began to grow. To sit there without a stitch on, in a place like this, at the very least, she had to be uninhibited. Definitely a possibility, thought Tracey.

God, she had boobs one dreams about and a body to match. This would be a delightful catch; she knew she must try to land this prize. She was certainly going to do her utmost to snare this delightful and apparently open-minded young woman.

Tracey rose and without seeming to stop as she reached the edge of the pool, in one movement dived into the water. Hardly causing a splash her body disappeared leaving a few ripples and a set of expanding concentric rings. Alicia wondered whether she was awake or dreaming or if she had only seen an apparition. But there was the dark shadow moving under the water.

The figure surfaced half way along the length of the pool.

The woman broke into a styled stroke. Time after time, the swimmer plied the length of the pool. Alicia was fascinated. She found herself staring and staring. Coming out of one dream, she'd slipped into another.

As water pearled over the woman's shoulders and ran down her back and bottom, Alicia found herself wondering what it would be like to trace fingertips across those shoulders, how it would feel to descend into the whirlpool that formed between those thighs.

With rhythm, the woman carried on swimming lengths of the pool. Sometimes she seemed to notice Alicia, who sat as if in a dream, swathed in her feelings and her arousal burgeoning from watching that body coursing through the water.

Her eyes never left the woman and when she climbed the steps out of the water, Alicia's eyes soaked up every little rivulet of water that ran down her back and thighs.

The woman dried herself and once again lay on the lounge. Still Alicia's gaze didn't waver: it remained fixed on this woman, entranced. Once or twice she looked up at Alicia, but no expression betrayed her thoughts. Still Alicia's gaze remained fixed. Then she rose and dived into the pool again.

Without warning, the swimmer came directly towards the aroused Alicia.

Everything seemed silent as her arms ceased and her feet stopped kicking. Carried by her momentum the woman glided towards Alicia whose heart beat faster as she realised she was about to be confronted by the tall, beautiful woman. She felt that she was still staring rudely. She did not know what, but an odd compelling feeling came over her to be replaced by a thrill - the chilling thrill of the unexpected, of the unknown.

The woman raised herself out of the water to the level of her bikini top. Alicia watched the water run from her breasts as she stood. On pushing back her hair she revealed a wonderful face of classic style, her olive skin looking shinny as the water ran down her face and upper body. She gave Alicia an appraising look with her intense dark-brown eyes.

Those intense eyes held Alicia motionless. Alicia quivered under the scrutiny as the two women's eyes meet. The swimmer seemed cucumber cool as she stepped close to Alicia

Being nude did not usually bother Alicia, but now she regretted not wearing her bikini but, at the same time, was becoming deeply stimulated with excitement.

Alicia sensed intensity as again the gaze moved from her eyes over her lips, her neck, finally coming to rest on her breasts. Alicia's nipples grew hard at the woman's stare. The woman's eyes then moved over Alicia's belly, by now full of butterflies. And then moved down coming to rest on the neatly trimmed pubes of her mons. Alicia had never before been so acutely aware of her body. She felt a need to cover herself, but the eyes held her transfixed and from the mouth of that face came a voice.

"Hi, I'm Tracey," and after a short pause went on, "why are you staring at me, girl?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't really meaning to." Alicia said her voice hushed and uneven, desperate to hide her embarrassment.

All the time she had been watching this woman, she had not anticipated that she would abruptly come face to face with this dream. And yet, here she was being minutely scrutinised: eyed up and down from very close quarters. She felt transfixed by her own nudity, suddenly feeling stupid for not covering herself before, but now realising that it was too late. Her nude body inspected carefully by Tracey seconds ago and from a distance of no more than two feet.

In a soft humiliated voice Alicia said, "It wasn't really anything, you see," and pausing with uncertainty, continued, "I was just lost in thought and was almost mesmerised by your style and the flow of your movements. I really didn't mean to be rude."

Something inside her wondered, why she was trying to justify herself to this unknown woman. But that line of thought went no further as Tracey said, "Rubbish! I could practically feel your gaze on my back. Every time I took a breath, you were staring at me. It's obvious that you can't stop looking at me; you can't tear your eyes away from my body. It's written all over your face what you would like to do to me, and, more to the point, what you'd like me to do to you, and now you are horny as hell. Let me see if I'm right, shall we?"

Without warning, she placed her hands on the inside of Alicia's knees and in one slow movement, separated her thighs revealing Alicia's decoratively shaved mound and clean pussy.

She did not have to push very hard.

Alicia, perplexed and paralysed by the brazenness of the action let it happen. She didn't understand why - she knew she should leave. Bizarre and embarrassed as she was, it felt so inappropriate but it excited her beyond credence.

She had seen, been through and done a few things, but this went way beyond anything she would have thought possible. A total stranger, in a very public place, without any great effort, had opened up her thighs and looked at her most intimate parts. That she'd offered no resistance was incomprehensible to her!

Whatever Tracey said or did to her left no room for dissent, and little as that dissent might have been, Alicia felt captivated by her intent look that never lost contact with her own hazel eyes. Feeling incapable of resistance, she was in self-doubt by Tracey's bearing. Alicia felt as if she were in fantasyland and as her arousal grew stronger, dumbly watched as Tracey opened her up still more.

Held by Tracey's willpower, Alicia answered with a yearning look of subjugation. Tracey reached for Alicia's pussy and without hesitation slipped a finger slowly between the damp labia. As she had expected, it easily slipped into the velvet folds.

A touch of a triumphal smile broke out on Tracey's face, "I thought so."

Alicia jerked spontaneously as Tracey's finger touched her. It sent flashes of wild desire through her mind and body. Any instinctive reaction to close her thighs had gone. The steely look in Tracey's eyes and the craving for her touch was enough to immobilise Alicia.

Tracey pulled out her finger; it shimmered in the morning light. Both women looked at the wet finger. Alicia, humiliated, glanced sheepishly at Tracey. How could she let a stranger violate her like that - and in a public place? The shame and the thrill intensified.

Holding her finger up with the smile of a conqueror Tracey said, "You see, I was right. I can read you like a book. I should punish you for trying to lie to me when you so clearly want me to fuck you."

With that she again placed her finger back between the swelling lips of Alicia's labia; Alicia whimpered as her finger slipped between the wet lips of her pussy. Slowly she started to move her finger in and out, establishing an easy rhythm.

Alicia wanted to close her eyes and lose herself in the soft, compelling spell of sensuality that this mysterious Tracey had cast over her. Those determined dark eyes held her there and did not allow any drifting away, but made it plain that she was there, sitting naked by the pool side, letting a total stranger finger her. And despite her misgivings, she loved it.

Alicia did nothing to stop her, she was transfixed, and although she knew that Tracey had some strange hold over her, it didn't seem to matter. Tracey's finger affected Alicia, as one would expect; it stimulated and was bringing her to the boil. Slowly Tracey continued to slide her finger back and fourth between Alicia's ever swelling labia, imperceptibly increasing the pace while adding a second finger.

"You're a lucky girl," she said, still fixing her attention. "Your pussy feels hot and welcoming. I could fuck you right here, couldn't I? You'd like that wouldn't you."

Suspended in submission, Alicia's heartbeats increased echoing her accelerating breathing. She tried to nod agreement, but said nothing as the sensations overcame her and radiated to all her being. She looked into the eyes that held her, her own glassy eyes blinking erratically.

"Wouldn't you?" Tracey repeated, jabbing her fingers deep into Alicia who was shocked and thrilled by the sudden pleasure and pain.

"Answer me!" Tracey repeated and again jabbed her fingers into Alicia's sensitive centre. "And what's you name, anyway?"

"Alicia," came the hushed reply between increasingly uneven breaths.

"And, Alicia, you want me to fuck you, right?" Another jab took the place of the stroking fingers.

"Yes," Alicia whispered, "please fuck me, T-Tracey, don't stop; please don't stop."

"Well, Alicia, horny as you are, I guess we could fuck you right here, couldn't we?" Tracey said, continuing to finger Alicia's crevice, "But before we fuck you, let's see what you taste like."

And so saying, she opened up Alicia's knees even further, buried her face between her thighs and with her tongue went straight for her pleasure bud.

She did not have to do very much tonguing but constant pressure combined with minuscule movements sent waves of hot quicksilver racing through the lowest point in Alicia's abdomen flashing lights in her brain.

Alicia could not believe that this was happening. There she was with a woman's head between her thighs in a public place in broad daylight. It was wild!

With those compelling eyes no longer holding her attention, Alicia closed her own, lent back and supporting herself on her arms, and as the tongue probed her love channel, she started to grind her wet pussy into the lovely face. As Alicia's excitement grew, Tracey reached for her victim's knees and slowly but firmly parted them even further.

Almost out of control, Alicia started humping her hips as a powerful orgasm started to build inside her. But just before she was about to explode, Tracey extracted herself from the succulent pussy and looked Alicia in the eye again.

Alicia slowly came out of orbit.

"W-why did you stop, T-Tracey?" she asked with glazed eyes, "You were fantastic; it was so good, please finish me off now you've started; please, I need you to . . . to f-finish me off," she pleaded.

"No, we'll stop here," was the agonising reply. "There is a better place for this - and more. Follow me and I will show you," she said mysteriously.

Supporting herself on her arms, Tracey pushed and rose out of the pool, slipped into her shoes and draped her towel around her shoulders.

Flabbergasted and as horny as hell Alicia sat there looking down at herself oozing onto the pool's edge, then up at Tracey wondering what was happening. Her clitoris ached from the unmet need that filled her mind, indeed, her whole being.

The Lobby

"Put on your bikini bottoms, Alicia," Tracey directed, "and take my hand. You will come with me. Now!"

As Tracey looked up she noticed Alicia seemed to want to discuss it but a commanding look turned any doubts into a smile instead. Without another word, Alicia picked up her bikini briefs and stepped into them, pulling them up. As Alicia was about to put on the top Tracey took it out of her hands.

"That won't be needed Alicia."

"But Tracey, if we are going into the hotel and I'm, well . . . uncovered, I need my top."

"Don't worry. I am with you," said Tracey, and taking her new toy by the hand, she escorted Alicia off towards the lobby. At a waste bin, Tracey casually tossed Alicia's bikini top into it.

"Tracey, please," gasped Alicia, "Do you know how much that cost?"

Tracey stopped and turned to Alicia taking her face in her hands, looked deeply into Alicia's eyes and then with gentle slap on her cheek said, "You silly girl! Surely that is of no consideration."

Alicia looked at Tracey, doubt hovering on her face but Tracey's reassuring look resolved her fears, "No Tracey, I suppose it isn't. I guess you know what you're doing."

A shiver of dread went through her as she guessed she was going to be publicly exposed topless in some parts of the hotel. And she knew that her rather large breasts would hardly go unnoticed. A mix of sheer fright and an odd thrill swept through her highly sensitised body at the thought.

"Sure I do," came the reply, a sly grin appearing as she turned away from Alicia and towards the lobby.

With her free hand, Alicia covered herself as best she could. That was until Tracey turned to see her. She stopped abruptly, slapping Alicia's hand away.

"Who said you could cover yourself?" The woman grabbed Alicia's chin again twisting her victim's face round to a few inches from her own. "You keep your arms down by your sides girl, or you'll be very sorry. Understand!"

"Y-yes, Tracey, I'm sorry, but there are people around the corner."

"I'll worry about the people, you worry about what I might do to you. Okay?"

There was no need to answer that rhetorical question but Alicia was now anxious about Tracey's motives and what she intended. She still felt caught as if a butterfly in a net, of intrigue, coupled with acute arousal.

They entered the hotel lobby from the poolside. Tracey and Alicia knew there were people having breakfast within sight of the lobby. Tracey noticed a hesitation in Alicia's stride but she held Alicia's hand firmly. She walked on proudly in her swimsuit leading Alicia clearly her prey for all to see. Alicia followed with breasts bare, nipples stiff, face flushed and looking at the floor hoping to avoid any staring pairs of eyes. She could hear the clatter of cutlery and the hum of voices from the breakfast area adjacent to the foyer.

"Are they all staring at me?" she asked.

Tracey didn't answer but gave a little laugh, Alicia a quizzical look, and an "of course" nod combined. They continued on to the lifts. As they waited, Alicia's heart pounded behind her swelling breasts. Tracey said, "Alicia, I'm proud of you not flinching while they looked wide-eyed at you!"

At that declaration, Alicia winced as she blushed bright red-hot right through her body but she was aware of the persistent undercurrent of excitement deep within her. "I wasn't sure if they saw me," she whispered. A thrill shook her to the core.

The doors opened and Tracey heard a sigh when Alicia saw that it was empty. They stepped inside and the doors closed.

Stepping behind her prey Tracey's hands closed round Alicia's breasts and started softly but firmly, to roll her nipples between her fingers and thumb. She pulled the girl to her and felt her own breasts press against the back of her already submissive sex toy. She felt good, very good.

Nuzzling Alicia's ear she whispered, "Trust me, Alicia, you're doing just fine. Just try not to displease me."

Tracey's voice was calm and firm and for Alicia reassuring. She had felt terrified walking bare-breasted through the lobby, absolute terror and humiliation. Now the sweet voice calmed her a little but she felt so flushed, not just her face but also her whole body. The soft hands on her breasts aroused within her a passion for "her" Tracey. Tracey's fingers were like magic working on her nipples. She watched Tracey working on her in the reflection in the shiny metallic doors in front of her.

Alicia knees weakened as her nipples in particular bore the brunt of Tracey's lecherous onslaught. Alicia sensed an orgasm approaching if it continued. Tracey pushed Alicia up to straddle the edge of an eruption only to ease back seconds before relief. It was an art form for her - she knew how to play her toys to perfection like finely tuned violas. Alicia was discovering new erogenous delights.

Alicia realised that her pussy juice had not stopped flowing since the episode by the pool where Tracey had taken her to the edge of a massive orgasm. The juice was glistening in the lift's light as it slowly oozed through the thin bikini bottom, it's aroma now evident in the enclosed space.

Oh, my God, I must have been showing my juices to all those people. Alicia felt the shame and the humiliation sweep over her once more, but at the same time, she felt that strange excitement continuing to surface. Meanwhile, Alicia felt obsessed by the audacious Tracey and the attention she was receiving from her.

The more Alicia thought about her walk through the lobby the more aroused she became. But Tracey wanted me not to "displease" her. What did she mean? I would not knowingly displease Tracey. Tracey was in total control of the situation and of herself. And me too, Alicia pondered.

"I won't displease you Tracey. I'll do anything for you."

Alicia looked at the floor. Her hands moved to her pussy to relieve the sexual tension that had her on the brink of orgasm since the incident by the pool.

Sharply, Tracey exclaimed, "No!"

Alicia froze, what had she done wrong? Shit, she wanted to come, she was desperate to come, and she felt she must come now or die. "Oh, god, I know you said keep my hands by my sides. I didn't take my hands off my legs. Tracey, I need to um f-f-finish," Alicia whimpered softly.

"Wait! I have plans for you and your gorgeous body. And don't displease me again or you'll regret it."

Alicia's mind worked overtime: Wait for what? Plans for my body -- my body -- what is going on? A zillion scenarios ran through her brain. All of them thrilled her, titillated her, scared her but she dared not question Tracey. If anyone had asked her, she would not have been able to say why not. It just felt absolutely right, but menacing too.

She stood there silently, her stomach churning; her breasts throbbing, her pussy twitching in unfulfilled arousal. She noticed a small wet patch appearing through the fabric between her legs. She stood there trembling in anticipation, not having any idea of what was in store for her. At last, the appallingly slow lift stopped and the doors started to open.

Oh, fuck, she thought, I'm near naked, Tracey is holding my boobs and my pussy's dribbling all over, I pray that nobody is waiting. Alicia's mind raced with such thoughts sending her into an almost dazed shock. Her humiliation would be complete if anyone were waiting.

Tracey stopped her manipulations but did not take her hands away. She stood there with Alicia facing the door and standing behind her holding those breasts high, offering them to anyone who might be standing outside waiting to use the lift.

Alicia had been petrified, torn by an urge to cover her nakedness in those public places, the lobby and the lift. It felt weird but somehow natural at the same time, as though Tracey's hands belonged there. Her hands were warm but sensual, arousing her, yes, but giving her an intangible sense of purpose: to be with Tracey. Her breasts thrust out proudly, her sweet strawberry buds pulsed on puffy areolas, her pussy twitching, yearning for Tracey's touch. Although her humiliation ran deep, Alicia began to relax into a comfort zone, albeit, erogenous.

A wave of pride arose in Alicia. A pride she had to claim and exhibit for the gratification of the daring Tracey. As someone who so clearly cared nothing for social conventions, living by her own rules. Tracey was always in control. In her realm, Tracey ruled and had the power to grant permission for Alicia to enter that realm. It was for Alicia to indicate she belonged to Tracey and that she was hers and proud of it. But Alicia had not yet realised that; the question remained open.

The lift doors opened and Alicia's heartbeat sharply increased, and though she was relieved she was, in a way, disappointed no one was there waiting. Humiliated or not she thought how proudly she would have looked them in the eye with her breasts in Tracey's possession. Her pussy lips had swollen, she felt sure her clitoris protruded stamen-like from its protective petals awaiting activity.

All the while Tracey had been gently grinding her mound against Alicia's bottom. With an additional nudge of her pelvis, she motioned Alicia to start walking. She released her hold on her breasts and took her by the elbow. They walked down the thickly carpeted corridor until Tracey stopped in front of a heavy door. Using a key card, she unlocked it. The door swung open revealing a darkened room, the heavy curtains drawn only allowing entry to a single finger of light.

"Step into my parlour said the spider to the fly," Tracey murmured into Alicia's ear as she gently pushed her through the doorway.

That was too much.

Alicia froze. Suddenly anxiety got the better of her lust.

All she had ever learnt rebelled and a voice inside her head screamed: are you out of your mind, Alicia! Practically naked in a dark room with a woman who is a total stranger she thought: you fool, what are you letting yourself in for? Run!

"I'm sorry," she blurted out. "I left my towel, sandals and purse by the pool. I'll just run down to get them. I'll be right back, I promise."

There was no reply.

She only heard the sharp click as Tracey closed the door. Alicia's heart raced as Tracey came to her; right up into her body-space.

"No, please open the door. I need to go. . . ."

Tracey took Alicia's face in her hands and placed a kiss on her lips. The gentle touch of lips-to-lips calmed Alicia a little, but she continued to protest at not being able to leave. Tracey was blocking her exit. A panic almost overcame Alicia.

"No, but really you see. . . " she said as Tracey took the tip of her chin in her left hand and silently looked her in the eyes.


There was a sudden explosion on the side of Alicia's face as Tracey's hand taking a large swing, struck her cheek.

The blow threw Alicia's face sideways. After a moment of shock she drew a deep breath and wanted to scream, fight back, but her voice was silenced when, on the return swing, the back of Tracey's hand crashed into her other cheek.

With her chin held firmly, the pendulum swung four times on the stunned Alicia. Then, Tracey took her by the shoulders turned her round, marched her into the darkened room and threw her face down onto the bed.

Alicia began to regain her senses and started to resist, but it was too late: Tracey's body pinned her down. With her feet pressing firmly into the back of her knees, Alicia's legs were immobilised and with each wrist held down, she was spread-eagled on the bed unable to budge.

Tracey began her grinding motion again. Alicia felt Tracey's hot breath on her bruised cheek. She began to feel what was happening to her - for use as a sex toy for Tracey. She tried to raise her head and shout for help, but her face was pressed too firmly into the covers by Tracey's brow pushing the back of her head.

A desperate contest of strength ensued. After a prolonged and silent fight Alicia's resistance and strength of will waned, and Tracey started to nuzzle her ear. She whispered, "You silly little girl. I warned you. Don't get me all horny and then try and toddle out on me. This is no playground where little tarts think they can call the shots by pleading for mercy or just walking out when things get tight or frightening for them. This is the real McCoy baby. You are in my power and I will fuck you, never mind how. You will submit to me and you will love me for it."

Tracey paused for effect and then continued, "Your strength will wane as you feel me immobilising you. You will become convinced of the uselessness of your efforts and even your mental resistance will fade. For a while, you might hate yourself while you fight me. You will give in as deep down you know what you desire. You want me, to be my toy, be owned by me. I could see that back at the poolside and that is why you came here."

Tracey paused again, "You know in your inner self I'm telling the truth: you let me humiliate you - you loved it, it excited you and it will again, and often."

Alicia detested every word she heard. She hated it but in the depths of her struggling soul, she knew Tracey was right. She would love to have a strong will but she knew that submission to Tracey was her role. The bedclothes muffled her sobs of self-pity while tears streamed from her eyes.

Alicia, as Tracey intuitively knew, was just as physically strong as was she and probably as intelligent. However, the other side of Alicia, the hidden side, she'd immediately recognised was submissive. Of course, she knew Alicia would have denied it, even to herself. She'd fought it and her conscious mind continued to resist it. She was supposed to be forthright, assured and self-confident, but here she discovered that Tracey's strength of will excited her. Even so, she still resisted stiffly.

Tracey called me a tart, she reminded herself, and said she was going to fuck me. Shit, she was fucking me so well: so why all this tart drivel! Her cheeks still burned in pain. God, she thought, I feel so hot for her, but I don't need slapping like that.

"Please, Tracey, please don't call me names," she said timidly. She was still struggling, not so much against weight and strength as Alicia was physically as strong as Tracey, but the overwhelming willpower over her.

Tracey replied, "I'll call you whatever I like, you subbie tart."

"But I'm not a tart or a sub . . . "

Tracey cut her off, "You are what I call you. Shut up until I ask you to speak. I'll punish you if you backchat me again, and I'll show you what to expect at the very least."

Just as she said "least" she brought her hand hard down slapping Alicia's right buttock. "Oh, oh, shit," yelped Alicia.

As Tracey struck her left buttock, there was another cry from Alicia and another almighty slap on the right one. Alicia's cheeks stung to an extent she could not believe. Then another almighty slap hit her on the left side again.

"Oh, my God, Tracey, please no more. I can't take anymore."

"I know you aren't deaf, I told you to stop the backchat."

Two more very hard slaps on Alicia's butt and two on the ribs catching her breasts quietened her "backchat," but that did not stop her tears. Tracey waited several seconds then leaned forward to kiss Alicia's neck and shoulders. She also gently rubbed Alicia's bright-pink buttocks.

"You are mine Alicia; we both know that, don't we? Answer me."

"Oh, Tracey, I . . . " her weak voice trailed off, thinking about saying no and its consequences. Then she said, "I want you; I'll do anything you want me to."

"That is true, Alicia, my sweet subbie slut, you will, you most certainly will."

"Y-yes, you're a subbie slut," she quietly admitted to herself without knowing its full implications.

Alicia wanted Tracey to get her to orgasm. Oddly, in a way she didn't understand why she had become very aroused by Tracey's spanking. She had not considered that the painful slaps might have a part in her arousal, nor the stroking of her stinging butt-cheeks or ribs and the sides of her breasts.

"Good girl, now we are getting somewhere," Tracey said calmly. "Pass your right arm up to me."

Alicia obliged; Tracey reached under the pillow for the suede cuffs she kept there in her special room and as her plan dictated. She efficiently attached them to her new slut's wrist, clipping it to the silk rope hanging from the bedpost.

"Now your other arm sweetie."

Alicia raised her left arm obediently; Tracey cuffed it and clipped the rope from the other bedpost. Spread out and still lying on her belly, Alicia accepted that Tracey had complete control over her. Tracey had hit her, abused her and she wanted more. She had maddeningly resigned herself to accept Tracey's domination - and she was desperate to come.

Tracey intended that from now on she would teach Alicia to orgasm only with her permission or on her command. And she might command Alicia to orgasm in a train, in a shopping mall, in a restaurant, at parties, in fact anywhere she pleased. All this would be in the future, for now Tracey had some serious training for "slut."

Then, with the silk rope she cuffed Alicia's right ankle to the left foot-post of her bed. "Slut" offered no resistance and Tracey quickly secured Alicia's right ankle and roped it to other foot-post.

She ran her hands over Alicia's back massaging it. Alicia groaned. Tracey worked her way downwards over the pink buttocks. Alicia's moans continued. Tracey's hands massaged her thighs, right down the calves of her slut who was now audibly moaning in delight. Tracey could see Alicia's come had soaked the crotch of her bikini. She grinned.

Tracey rose from the bed. Alicia turned her head to watch as Tracey now stood on the thick carpet as she slipped off her bikini top, baring her breasts. Alicia sucked in a breath of air, clearly impressed. Tracey amused herself by bending and gently running her nipples over Alicia's calves and thighs. Tracey pulled aside the narrow strip of cloth covering Alicia's labia and she could immediately see her oozing even more; looking at Alicia's body below, she smiled. She looked at Alicia's bikini and decided they had to go.

Alicia's eyes followed Tracey to the chest of draws where she pulled out a pair of scissors. Alicia's eyes widened. Tracey returned and snipping through one side of Alicia's bikini bottoms, ripped them off. Alicia's mouth dropped open, shut, and then open again. She wanted to say something but did not want any more slaps.

Finally, breaking the total silence Tracey said: "Okay, now for some serious sex!"

Alicia nearly stopped breathing in anticipation. Surely now that with "serious sex" she would be permitted to orgasm.

Tracey pushed her own bikini bottoms off and then lay back on the bed next to Alicia. She placed her leg over the back of Alicia's and brushed her bush against the girl's thigh. Her fingers trailed down Alicia's spine and she smiled as she watched the goose pimples raise on Alicia's rosy cheeks. She was on the home stretch now, but a couple of challenging hurdles remained. How would the little thing react? Would she cross the defining frontier?

Tracing the tips of her fingernails along the inside of Alicia's thigh, she slowly worked her way to the centre of Alicia's buttocks. Alicia gasped once more as Tracey's finger at last connected with the soft lips of her oozing pussy. Excruciatingly slowly, Tracey repeatedly dragged her fingernail up and down Alicia's slit, and when she finally touched the raw nerve endings of Alicia's thumping bean, she felt as if her bud had burst as her back arched her off the bed.

"Gosh, you are horny, my little darling, aren't you," she whispered in Alicia's ear. "Ask me again, sweetheart, ask me to make you come."

"Please, Tracey, fuck me," Alicia whimpered, "I'm frantic. Please, Tracey, make me come. Fuck my cunt."

"Oh yes, we'll fuck you sweetie," Tracey replied. "We'll fuck you so well, it will make your ears pop".

Saying that, she slowly inserted three fingers into Alicia's cunt and held them there enjoying the violent twitches of the younger girl's hot flesh.

"Would it bring you off if I just left my hand there, my horny little sweetie?" Tracey whispered.

"Yes, oh God, Tracey, please don't tease me again," Alicia mumbled, "please take me over the edge."

"We'll do more than that little one." Tracey replied.

Accompanied by a regretful moan from Alicia she pulled her fingers from the girl's dripping pussy and softly drew them up the crease of her bottom.

As Tracey's finger passed, as if by accident, the sensitive rosette of Alicia's anus, the young girl jerked and made a noise of surprise, even resistance. Tracey passed her finger back over Alicia's hole and she felt the girl tense up again.

A virgin anus, Tracey thought to herself, how delightful. Who would have thought it? What a prize, what a lovely surprise!

"Hold still Alicia," she whispered. "Don't you like me caressing your little arsehole?" So saying she started rolling her finger, wet with Alicia's cunt juices, around in the rim of her small opening. "Surely it feels good when you softly wipe your arse or when the warm and firm shit comes out of you and tickles all the nerve endings in this little channel. I can't believe you don't like it."

"Tracey," Alicia said, "It feels awful. Nobody has ever touched me there before. It's so dirty."

"But it feels nice as well, doesn't it, sweetie," Tracey said as she continued to roll the tip of her finger around Alicia's hole. "Are you afraid that if I stick my finger in there, I might stumble on a piece of shit? Are you?" Alicia was silent, hoping that this awful situation would end now.

"Well, if I do I won't mind." Tracey said. "Who cares about a little piece of shit anyway? And you are my horny little piece of shit, aren't you. My lovely horny little piece of shit. Yes, that's what you are."

All the while her finger was moving back and forth between Alicia's two openings bringing up more lubricating cunt juice. Repeatedly, Tracey's finger dipped in a little deeper. Each time Alicia would tense up and clench her buttock-cheeks trying to escape the probing finger.

"Don't tense up on me like that, honey slut," Tracey said. "It'll hurt more if, you do." And Alicia knew it would hurt. Tracey would not even have to try to ensure that.

While the outer rim of Alicia's anus was beginning to succumb to the probing fingertip, the sphincter muscle inside felt hard as a bone. Its penetration was her challenge and Alicia's anal virginity was going to be Tracey's prize.

She would need to summon all her domme skills in order to reach her goal. Sure, she could just rape the girl and ram a few fingers up her arse but probably that would then be the end of it, devoid of any deep satisfaction for either women.

Instead, she wanted to feel Alicia giving in to her. She knew if she could get her to accept the initial inevitable pain, then Tracey's finger buried deep in her rectum would stroke the girl's heart and a deep feeling of belonging would ensue.

Most of the first knuckle of Tracey's finger had by then slipped inside Alicia's anus. She withdrew and entered the girl again.

"This does feel nice, doesn't it," she murmured into Alicia's ear and slipped her other hand under the girl's crotch to start gentle gyrations on her clitoris.

"Oh yes, Tracey," Alicia moaned, "Give it to me. Please make me come I'm desperate. Please fuck me," she pleaded.

"I will make you come you wild, horny, little dove," Tracey said softly as she continued her manipulations at both of Alicia's nether orifices. "When I do, it will be the reward for submission to me of that tight virgin rosebud. For when you do, you will orgasm as never before."

The Submission

Tracey knew that she was going to hurt Alicia, hurt her body and manipulate her sprit in a way the girl would have never before experienced.

She also knew that Alicia wanted to give in to her: give in to her in a much more significant way than she had so far. The fact that she was here with one of Tracey's fingers dipping into her dripping pussy and the other one poised at the mouth of her anus waiting for the inevitable invitation she knew she would give and which would superseded all other verbal or physical denial signals.

Tracey knew that Alicia wanted her to take her to a point where she could accept the pain, to take that responsibility and for Tracey to help Alicia reach that point. She would not disappoint her. She'd found the mental strength she needed to split open the lock that barred access to Alicia's butt-hole.

The probing finger became rigid, slow and relentless. Tracey put pressure on the hard sphincter of Alicia's bowels. To the accompaniment of Alicia's sobs and moans of pain, she slowly made headway.

Alicia began to weep as she felt Tracey's prizing finger. She felt as though a large stake was driving into her, although it was only a finger. She wanted the pain to stop, but she knew it would not. She could only guess it would end once Tracey's finger had penetrated her to the hilt and was fully buried into her butt. She also guessed that the more she could give in to Tracey's power, the sooner it would become less painful, but she hated this part of what Tracey was doing to her.

All the while, her clitoris was sending out paroxysms of bliss throughout her body keeping her close to the edge of orgasm. Finally, the point came when Tracey's finger could go no further. Alicia sighed with relief and now the pain had stopped her mind was able to connect with her steaming clit.

"Now I'm right inside you," Tracey said. "I feel the softness of your insides with my fingertip while the base of my finger is clasped firm by your anal ring." Tracy smiled saying, "I am wearing your ring; your anal ring my slutty dove. Thank you for giving it to me."

Alessia managed to blurt out, "Oh my God!"

"And here is your reward. Come, slut, come now and come all over me in a way you've never come before."

Her free hand moved to cover the whole of Alicia's drenched cunt. She took her in hand and with quick palpitating movements of her fingers, she unleashed a flood of sexual energy that swept Alicia to the very peak of consciousness. Spasm after spasm of euphoria raced through her. Tracey's delight rose even further as she felt the contractions on the ring around her finger as Alicia's heaving sighs continued for what seemed like an eon.

For Alicia the orgasm seemingly lasted forever, taking her to a promised fantasyland, where the laser show blinded but the pleasure seemed endless.

Gleaming in her sweat she fainted away into a dreamtime.

This was it! Tracey felt certain Alicia was now hers, but there was one final leap required. The next fence was still high but without damaging violence. She had taken the girl over the first hurdle and she knew, without the slightest doubt, would succeed at the second as well.

Slowly, the rhythmic movement of Tracey's fingers on Alicia's puffed red labia subsided. She allowed her slut back down from her wild flight above the billowing clouds to set her gently down again. Alicia opened her eyes to see Tracey and smiled.

Alicia's racing breath returned to a normal level again as she lay spent and sated in Tracey's arms.

"There now, my sweet," Tracey murmured in her ear, "That was better than a quick fuck by the poolside, wasn't it. You see, I did not promise too much and I was right to take charge of you. And now tell me, that finger in your virgin arsehole, how does it feel? Does it still frighten you?"

"God, Tracey, I don't know," Alicia mumbled dubiously. "It is still so unusual and still a bit scary. I feel stretched and I feel I want to contract and expel, to relax and let go of all the "shit" that's inside me."

"We'll get you there," Tracey said. "I'll slowly take it out again." As Tracey withdrew her finger from Alicia's arsehole with a twisting motion, even the smallest movement touched nerve endings that shot a flash of pleasurable tremors through Alicia's body.

"Oh, please Tracey, careful. I feel as if I'll just spill my guts all over the bed, but it feels so nice, so warm. I wish your finger could stay inside me and this feeling of draining my mental baggage could go on and on till it's gone."

"All good things must come to an end my little slut," Tracey replied, "I'll be back, this time with two fingers. Eventually, you will be able to take my whole hand."

"Oh God Tracey, that will hurt like hell."

The Lesson

"Yes, my darling it will hurt. It will hurt as I am going to stretch that tight ring of yours some more, and it will hurt mentally as you submit more of yourself to my will. Your longing for more of the same will be immense and I will give you a plug to wear to help you."

"A plug?"

"Yes, my sweet slut, you'll love it."

"Now two fingers?"

"Yes, and you'll orgasm again. Having seen my slut come, I can promise another just as good."

"I'll try Tracey," Alicia said softly still unsure of what Tracey promised in the longer term. Alicia was not a natural masochist as she was a natural submissive so she was somewhat dubious but to say so to Tracey was unthinkable. To Alicia, Tracey had a weird effect on her, one she found petrifying but also electrifying. Tracey was at once kind and an ogre of huge proportions.

"There's no trying here, sweetheart. You will take it. I am sure you will please me. Expand your mind. Relax your orifice for me. I'll give you hints; breathe softly and constantly press a little bit as you do on the toilet. It relaxes your sphincter and makes my entry less painful. I'll help you with some extra lubricant." She reached into a bedside drawer, took out a tube of lubricating jelly and squeezed a sizeable dollop on Alicia's butt hole. Alicia twitched and took in a sharp breath at the cold on her newfound hot spot.

Tracey felt calmness spread over Alicia as she concentrated on what was ahead. Dipping again into the lubricant of Alicia's freely flowing juices, she pasted the girl's anus some more. It bulged and stretched out to her as Alicia followed her advice only to pucker and close up again, seemingly trying to draw Tracey's fingers into her.

How delightful, Tracey thought to herself, like a little baby sucking at a nipple. Well my baby, keep sucking because here it comes.

There were no tricks here, no pretence. Tracey pushed and built up the pressure and was not going to stop until Alicia yielded once more and she got where she wanted. She would continue to press on until Alicia, in her mind, overcame the powerful, natural reflexes of her body and soul to contract, to keep out intruders.

Alicia moaned deep in pain as Tracey's two fingers fought their resistance. She knew she could not stop this experienced woman. Submission and acceptance of the searing pain in her arsehole was the road to relief. The fight that went on was not between Alicia and Tracey as to whom was on top, but between Alicia and her own mind's baggage. Her reflexes rebelled while her sense urged her to submit, to accept the inevitable and to open up her soul to this new power, Tracey.

It was a long struggle but sense and Alicia's submissive side prevailed. As if touched by some magic key the sphincter opened up. Alicia gave in to one enormous orgasm that hurled her into the mattress, bucking and clamping onto Tracey's fingers. Tracey had taken possession to the hilt of her newly conquered territory and for Alicia a stage curtain had opened on a completely new world of experience and pleasure.

The two women lay breathless, silent and exhausted on the bed. Tracey, deeply moved, had taken a liking to the naive Alicia and now wanted her submission even more. She was the perfect sex slave for her. She had taken charge of the girl and had carried her to new heights, heights that she had never dreamed of attaining. She had opened a new vista for Alicia and had opened a new road for her that led to her inner being.

After what seemed ages, Tracey stirred.

"What a strong girl you are," she whispered. "You are worthy of me. I respect your submission. Our bodies and minds fit so well. Yin and Yang, opposites and equals in their strengths and weaknesses. I take you, and in your submission, you'll take me, like it or not."

Slowly she started to twist her fingers in Alicia's butt and then began to extract them again.

Alicia just shook her head. No, she did not want Tracey to leave her. It was crazy. A few moments ago, she had wrestled with herself to accommodate the pressing intruder, and now, just when she was just beginning to feel comfortable with the sensation of a filled behind, that same intruder was ready to pull out leaving a gaping open space.

"No, please don't pull out, Tracey," she cried. "Now that you are in me, please don't leave me."

"I call the shots here remember," Tracey shot back in a stern voice as she nuzzled her ear. "And don't worry I'm still here."

And with that, she pulled out.

"Right now, sweet subbie slut, lesson two."

With a few deft movements Tracey released the clips that held Alicia's hand and ankle cuffs, flipped the girl on her back and had the clips back on before Alicia, who had thought her bonds were being released, realised that the show was by no means over. She yelped, "What are you doing?" as Tracey chuckled at her new toy.

"Sweet slut you'll find out, but no real harm will come to you if you're really good."

God help me, good at what? Alicia thought as her mind took her into a world of fantasy. Unfortunately, the fantasies were all of more pain, more humiliation and greater submission. Her hole felt empty and she now wanted something to replace Tracey's fingers. She was as wet as if she had showered, but now she smelt of her womanhood.

Tracey tightened the straps that held Alicia's arms and legs, adding a spreader between her knees, and forced them wide, exposing her labia to the open air. Alicia could not help but become aroused once more and her cunt dribbled its juice. She would have sworn her clitoris was visible - it throbbed resolutely. Tracey took a deep sniff of Alicia's juicy bikini bottoms before stuffing them into Alicia's mouth. More humiliation inflicted upon her - her own slushy bikini bottoms in her mouth.

The Play

"Suck these while I organise a few things."

Tracey took a good look at Alicia, seeing an attractive young woman in her early to mid-twenties, thick hair and a shapely body. Satisfied, she walked to the telephone to dial a number.

"You really are quite gorgeous -especially like that," she said to herself as much as to Alicia.

"Hello, it's Tracey in Suite 69, please arrange for my special brunch for two to be brought to my room as soon as it is ready."

Tracey listened to the voice on the other end say, "Certainly Ma'am." Then she said, "How long will it take?"

Tracey listened again to the voice say, "Thirty minutes Ma'am."

"Okay, thank you."

Tracey hung up the phone, turned and wandered over to the bed saying to her captive, "Well, we have half-an-hour to play. What shall we do? I have an idea, would you like some ice?"

Not wanting or waiting for an answer she skipped over to the bar fridge, extracted the ice tray and put half the cubes in a jug. Talking one out and sucking on it, she headed back. Sitting on the bed, she held it over Alicia.

Alicia had remained quiet during the last few minutes of respite from Tracey. Now, with a glint in her eyes she watched and waited for the freezing drip to hit her. The drop formed. Both watched it drop. It hit Alicia just left of her right areola causing her to suck in a quick breath. Tracey moved the cube aiming for the nipple.

Bull's eye!

Alicia twitched, her nipple stiffened instantly while the freezing water ran down between her beasts then slowly to her tummy. The drips quickened, exciting both women. Tracey reached for the bedside drawer to get some sticky tape. She taped an ice-cube to one of Alicia's nipples and then one to the other, watching her squirm saying, "Alicia, my little slut, you like that don't you? Your moans give you away, but if that isn't enough you are juicing your cunt again. Would you like ice there too? Yes, of course you would."

Tracey fished two more cubes from the jug allowing them to melt slightly in one hand and leant over to kiss Alicia. Just as Alicia lifted her head and their lips touched Tracey pressed both cubes into Alicia's slick cunt as far as she could get them. Alicia emitted low cry but Tracey took little notice of whether it was in pleasure or pain; she was readying herself to return just one finger into Alicia's butt hole. Getting her finger slippery in Alicia's juice again she marvelled how Alicia produced so much self-lubrication.

With her finger ready to penetrate that now not-so-virgin hole, she said to Alicia, "Okay, sweetie, relax I'm going in again to make you come again before we eat."

Tracey found the puckered entrance and pushed slowly. Alicia groaned as Tracey's finger slid into the still-tight hole. Reflexes caused Alicia's precious anal ring to grab the finger. Now, unlike earlier, there was considerably more elasticity in that precious ring.

The ice plus this new stimulant made Tracey's new toy moan in pleasure, and she was trying to say to Tracey, "Yes, yes, Tracey!" but the words came out in a rasped mumble as the toy's eyes glazed over. She tried hard to relax; the ice and the finger propelled her to another highlight she had not before experienced. This discovery both disgusted and thrilled her. Her thoughts muddled, she lay back for a moment letting it all sink in. Then as the sensations got the better of her revulsion, she let her body max out in ecstasy.

She thrust as much as her restraints would allow as the last of the icy water ran down her body. Tracey leant over and bit the throbbing knobs on her captive's boobs, watching the face before her wince in pain and delight. She was throwing her head about and making guttural animal sounds. To Tracey, slut Alicia was on a sexual high again and would soon riding high on a orgasmic trip.

At this, Tracey knew she needed some of this action. She stopped playing with her slut's knotted nipples and removed the remaining ice. Then, she moved her body over Alicia's to squat over her face. Smirking at the face below, Tracey pulled her finger out of Alicia's butt hole and carefully watched her slut's reaction. Disappointment was all over her face. Her eyes opened and she saw Tracey's wet pussy inches from her mouth. A hungry look appeared on that face; her eyes fixed on the pussy before them.

Tracey laughed, "You would love to taste me, to lick and suck me until I came all over your pretty face, wouldn't you?"

"God, yes, oh yes, yes, oh yes, Tracey!"

Tracey said nothing but lowered herself to feel Alicia's waiting mouth touch her sensitive labia. Tracey was indeed, horny from her work on Alicia. And as she felt the wet-velvet tongue run across her open labia lips, a long, low moan emitted from her.

"Shit, wonderful, so fucking good," she murmured as she sank herself onto that face grabbing the head of her slut toy.

She pulled on the head, pulling it into her. The mouth and tongue worked hard giving a much-needed pussy cleaning to Tracey. The sensations were magical, sending ripples of ecstatic pleasure out from her pussy to engulf her mind and burn up her body. Tracey, approaching orgasm, was wailing in supreme delight and she mashed and squirmed herself into the face beneath her.

Alicia breathed in air whenever she could and gave her all to satisfy Tracey. But for Alicia it was heavenly sucking and slurping the pussy nectar from Tracey. Alicia took great satisfaction from Tracey's orgasm when it came. She had felt it building within the women above her. The muscles surrounding her head tightened then quivered as the juices flowed copiously into Alicia's waiting mouth.

After Tracey came out of her multi-orgasmic trip, she slid her juicy pussy down over Alicia's breasts to kiss her long and passionately. The kiss, returned with vengeance, was hot. Tongues probed and swapped stories of each other's taste. Tracey slipped two fingers into her slut's love channel as far and as hard as she could. As she started thrusting in and out, she palmed the very hard but slippery wet bean she found awaiting her. Quickly she had her restrained "friend" grunting and breathing even more heavily until Alicia let out a wail shaking her head and body in bliss.

Alicia was away in a liberation of her sexual urgency, thrashing about on the ends of her tethers. Beads of sweat glistened on the bodies of both women. They both lay temporarily exhausted, puffing, letting their heart rates lower, looking at each other, lust still in their eyes.

Tracey lay next to Alicia idly playing with the nipples of her slut. They were still hard and Tracey thought to sensitise them further by flicking them and listen to little gasps as she did so.

Both women could see quite well, their eyes long ago dilated in the dimness. Tracey smiled at Alicia as she teased her nipples. Both Alicia's nipples were hard, tight and throbbing. By then, Tracey sensed in wonder that Alicia was not fully sexually satiated, but then neither was Tracey.

Tracey broke the silence, saying, "More with brunch?" She checked the bedside clock and continued, "Yes, I'd better get you ready. It'll be here before we know it."

The Delivery

With that, Tracey stood up from the bed, walked over to her wardrobe and started to rummage around in a drawer.

"This will do nicely, I think," she murmured as she turned around to face Alicia.

Alicia's heart skipped a beat; her breathing went ragged and beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. Alicia became tense again, terrified of possible pain, as she carefully watched her tormentor-lover-mistress. Although then, she thought of her as some kind of beguiling witch.

Tracey was holding a bag of clothes pegs and two dildos, one of them an odd looking one. Of course, Alicia had heard of bondage but had not thought it went much further than what she'd now experienced. She had never considered aspects of BDSM for herself because she feared the painful aspects of it. Now she knew it was to be a reality and she was very scared.

"What are you going to do to me? Tracey, please don't hurt me," she pleaded.

Tracey frowned, "No backchat, slut," she said as she walked to the bed menacingly. "That was your last warning as I am about to give you some toys to play with during our meal. I won't punish you any more than that."

Barely audibly, she snivelled, "Oh god, Tracey, yes okay."

"I am going to dress you up for the ball my little darling," Tracey said, looking at Alicia with that intimidating gaze of hers. "If it's a waiter who brings our brunch he will get extra attention. A waitress, well, we can give her a shock." Tracey snickered wickedly and then continued, "I'm sure we are going to give them something very original to see. We are certainly going to give them something to remember you by."

Carefully choosing her words in order not to incur the wrath of Tracey, Alicia whispered, "Dress me? I'm all tied up already."

"Don't make a noise or a scene, because if you do I'll just have to punish you. I designed punishments to hurt, to teach you my lessons of proper behaviour. Behaviour according to the rules I make. I can see that you don't like pain so don't give me a reason. You will only make the whole thing worse for yourself, little 'fuck apple'."

Alicia's heart pounded in trepidation, a fear of the unknown again rushed upon her. Alicia was sure Tracey was not cruel by nature, but she said this would be painful. She meant it before, so in dread she expected more pain - just as she had before when fingering her rosebud, and that really did hurt a lot. The resultant climax, though, was truly magnificent. Alicia took a breath and waited in terror but at the same time hoped for the extreme ecstasy previously experienced.

Tracey knelt on the bed and started her leisure activities to Alicia's body. Interrupted only by the occasional painful whimper from the bound girl and by moments when she bent over to kiss or lick away a tear that had started to well up in Alicia's eye. But, largely, Alicia took what she knew was probably in store for her.

"You're doing well little slut," Tracey murmured in Alicia's ear. "I'm proud of you. I know these pegs hurt my little dove, but trust me. As you'll notice once the clip is on you the pain doesn't get any stronger. At least, not until I take it off. But I also know you and this business well enough by now to know that these clips also thrill you. There's a prickling as if an electric current is running from your boobs to your pussy, isn't there? And the thought of exposure to a stranger in this way, right at this moment, is giving you one of the biggest kicks in your life. I can tell sweetie, because your pussy is dripping again."

Finally, she stood up and admired her handiwork.

Spread-eagled, blindfolded and gagged, Alicia lay on the bed breathing heavily. She was really uptight and aroused by the looming prospect of being seen by a total stranger, most probably male, in a situation for which 'compromising' was a woefully inadequate description.

Trussed with clothes pegs her areolas made her breasts stand up like a pair of Van Gogh's sunflowers at midday. And like a botanical specimen, two clips stuck directly out from each nipple, standing out like erect stamen.

Another clip gripped her clitoris sending a continuous stream of pain and pleasure impulses that her brain found hard to grapple with, wanting less pain but more pleasure at the same time.

From her swollen labia, glistening with expectant secretions protruded the end of a notable dildo while the smaller butt plug nestled into her, arousing and extending her now more elastic rosebud.

There was a knock on the door and Alicia froze. She knew it was a member of the hotel staff but being blindfolded she could not see whom. She could not hide; she became thankful she would not know. However, that did not reduce her humiliation or the undercurrent buzz that stirred within.

With a chuckle, Tracey got up, gave the dildo a wriggle, pulled on the butt plug and then went to the wardrobe and put on a red silk kimono, laughing at the squeals Alicia was making through her bikini-gag.

"Just a minute," she called, went over to the bed, bent over and kissed Alicia on her forehead. With acute anxiety, Alicia could feel her body blushing hot from her face down.

"You look so exciting my dear, I could eat you again right now," she whispered into Alicia's ear, "and I will later."

She went into the passage to open the door.

Outside an over-weight, older steward stood, sweating a little under the weight of the sizeable tray that he was shouldering.

Stepping sideways to let him in Tracey said: "Come in, and place everything on the table in the bedroom, please."

The waiter walked into the passage of the suite leading to the bedroom and nearly dropped his tray as he stepped into the darkened room and caught sight of Alicia. Hearing Tracey's voice behind him say, "Take no notice of anything you see and keep your eyes to yourself and on what you should be doing." He averted his eyes.

Tracey well knew the guy would, at the very least, take a peek; if curiosity kills cats, humans told not to look do so almost every time.

He steadied the tray on his shoulders and carefully turning away from the incredible sight on the bed, he faced Tracey.

"Where would you like it, Madam?" he asked politely, but a little shaken.

"If you are referring to our brunch, you can put everything where it should go, on the table of course, where I've already said."

Placing the tray on the table the waiter started to set out the meal, but the apparition on the bed was irresistible and in between his tasks, he cast furtive glances at Alicia.

In the darkness of her blindfold, Alicia heard the occasional clinking of china and cutlery. Somehow, she felt she ought to rebel, but any opposition was impossible as her cuffed and roped wrists testified. She could do nothing but accept the situation and all it entailed. It came as no relief for her in abandoning all responsibility and just let it happen. She had no choice. She felt humiliation but realised that was pointless. Alicia decided that just as she handled the pain she would enjoy displaying herself.

And with that came pride. Yes, she thought to herself, I don't know who the hell you are man, whether you are black, white or bindle, but here I am, and she wanted to shout out: Yes, it's me right here, Alicia, and take a good look, I'm fucking special!

Tracey watched the waiter carefully for a few moments as his eyes wandered between his work and Alicia. Tracey allowed him a good look before she pointedly tapped him on the shoulder. She turned him to face the bound, gagged and totally naked beauty on the bed. Now, fully facing Alicia, he stared at her despite his disobedience of Tracey's demand.

"I did tell you to keep you eyes to yourself," she purred at him, "but I guess the sight must be irresistible. Like any hot-blooded guy as soon as you see a piece of tit you start to slobber and loose all sense. She does look so sexy, spread-eagled like that and blindfolded. Which part of her do you want the most, those fabulous boobs - just look at those nipples? Or is it her pussy you want, just look at how pink and wet her pussy lips are."

With that, she nuzzled into his neck and playfully nipped him. She then reached around him, running her hands down from his waist to each side of his fly. There she found what she suspected, a hard cock. She massaged it through his trousers, feeling it forcing its way up in his boxer shorts. He had stopped working and ogled Alicia while having his cock kneaded tantalizingly. Tracey carefully unfastened his trousers and reaching into them with one hand took out his dick, by then fully erect. The waiter was quite unable to resist either looking at Alicia or the touch of Tracey.

He just stood there. He had stopped thinking and just soaked up the sight and feelings. He hardly noticed that his pants had fallen to the floor. Rolling his balls around, Tracey started to wank him off slowly sliding her fist down his shaft and then back up, gradually increasing the pace.

"I bet you'd like to fuck her right now, wouldn't you. Look at her; she's all wet and horny. You could ram this cock of yours right into her. And have you noticed, she even takes it up the arse, you see. Have you ever been up that alley with your little walking stick here?" Tracey said sweetly but deceitfully as she continued to rub his dick up and down.

Alicia heard every word. Her pulse raced and not only was she proud, of the forceful Tracey, but also proud that Tracey was being so complimentary about her. Even so, she was fearful of what Tracey was going to make her do. She hoped she would not actually get the guy's rod shoved into her. For Alicia that was a horrific thought, but she was becoming very scared that was exactly what Tracey had in mind. She tried to let Tracey know by screaming it into her panties and gag. Little escaped but muffled noises.

The waiter's hips started to thrust at the soft fist surrounding his pride and joy, and he was sure that relief was near, that this stunning guest was offering the spread-eagled and equally stunning other young woman to him. He was sure that was the intention. Maybe he would have the two of them.

With her other hand she reached for his fully retracted balls, the sack drawn up tight as an orange. It was obvious he was in an acute state of arousal. As she continued to wank him Tracey felt the contractions at the base of his dick. She knew he was about to shoot his load. With her thumb and first two fingers, she squeezed the base hard cutting off the impending ejaculation. Then with the hand holding his balls she squeezed hard, holding him like a vice.

A bolt of pain shot through the waiter as he let out a loud yelp, but Tracey gave him no rest. Still holding on to his balls, she stepped around him and started to drag him to the door.

She hissed through clenched teeth. "You didn't really think I'd let you vilify my little slut with your stinky come! Go find some other hole you can stick that dick of yours into, because it's not needed here. We have better things to do. Listen, there is something happening here which really does not concern you."

Tracey pushed him towards the door and tossed his clothes at him. He hastily grabbed his trousers and pushed his feet into them. His cock had lost its pride and was now just a pathetic shrivelled bit of wilted skin. She opened the door and pushed him into the corridor. Lucky to still be on his feet, the waiter still stood there dazed holding his aching tackle. With his trousers around his knees, he struggled to pull them up.

Shaking with spasms of laughter Tracey called out the words often found on notices in public toilets: "Gentlemen, please don't forget to adjust your dress before leaving!"

And with that, she swung the door closed leaving the poor waiter listening to her gloating voice through the door. Alicia had heard it all and started to wonder what the poor bloke had done to Tracey to deserve such severe treatment. But Alicia had seen other oddities, a dominating trait in Tracey and wasn't about to question her motives.

The Brunch

Alicia had totally lost control of herself when she heard a male voice. She felt exceedingly humiliated and her whole body blushed. Alicia, knowingly seen by the waiter in that grossly erotic state, thrilled her absolutely. She didn't understand why. Her flow of femme-come increased dramatically; she didn't understand that either. She was fiercely aroused and becoming more so.

Still shaking with laughter Tracey came back into the room and pushed the dildo into the sloppy wet hole, making it ooze juices. Then she removed it very slowly to tease, leaving Alicia feeling hollow and empty. Then flicking the pegs off Alicia's tits one by one, she watched Alicia's face wince.

"This hurts does it?" Tracey asked, still chuckling.

Of course, by now Alicia's tits and clitoris were numb, but each removal of a peg the blood rushed back into squeezed flesh causing an exquisite but painful tingling that was also enormously arousing. Tracey guessed and Alicia knew that another orgasm was developing in 'slut'.

Tracey decided that Alicia's vocal reactions had been restricted for long enough and she removed the gag.

"Oh, god, Tracey, yes a lot, it hurts a lot, but . . . it's bloody wonderful . . ." Alicia's voice trailed off into a hoarse moan. As each peg flew off, Alicia, inflicted with pain then pleasure, soared higher with her impending climax. Each spot throbbed mercilessly, but the removal of the last peg, the clit peg brought on a massive orgasm. Alicia's pleasure-centric brain blew her soul into Tracey's hands.

Tracey had sensed a climax building in Alicia. She had thrown off her robe to go down on the sweetness of Alicia's come-flood and drenched her face in the watermelon-pink juicy flesh. Tracey's act had Alicia straining at her cuffs, wildly thrusting at the face pressed into her. The orgasmic sensations drenched her mind and body in ecstasy. Her moans of pleasure went on for minutes.

Tracey thought that she deserved some of this delight for herself and twisted to lower her puffed-up pussy onto Alicia's face. Alicia was very eager to be of service to Tracey and feasted on the delectable pussy. Both women climaxed several times in the, so-called, sixty-nine position.

Tracey sat up and dragged her slick pussy all over Alicia's chest and stomach. She forced her pussy onto Alicia's rock-hard nipples, flicking her exposed bean on them. She pushed each between the engorged lips, and dildo-like kept squeezing them until one of Alicia's tits was inside her. She wriggled and squirmed on Alicia until she came all over Alicia again. For Alicia to feel her boobs squashed, squeezed and Tracey tripping out on her upper body so frenetically blew her into her own ecstasy.

When they both came back to earth Tracey then remembered the brunch they had waiting.

"Oh, I hope our brunch is still as hot as that was," she said.

Alicia feeling exhausted looked at her come-soaked self and inhaled the sex aroma mixed with the food. It stirred her and she stole a look at Tracey, admiring her body, but she wondered what next was in store for her. After all the sex she'd had that morning, she felt 'pussy tingles' at the thought. But now she needed the food awaiting them.

Tracey went to the table and removing the silver warmer found the food still quite pleasantly hot. She picked up a plate and a fork and sat on the bed, touching Alicia with a bare knee. Alicia looked at her quietly laughing, "I've never felt so fucking horny or fucked. That was fun."

Tracey nearly choked with mirth on her first mouthful. "Yes, my darling slut, it certainly was."

"God, I'm hungry," Alicia whispered. "Pussy sure tastes great but food nourishes more."

Tracey leaned over a little poking a finger well into Alicia's cunt, scooping up as much of Alicia's juice as possible and sucked it all off. "Oh yeah, your cunt juice is fabulous my little fuck toy."

Tracey tucked into her third mouthful of pancakes, fruit and syrup. The smell of bacon permeated the smell of woman sex. Alicia was dribbling from her pussy and now her mouth.

Tracey teased her captive a little more, drizzling some syrup on Alicia's nipples, rubbing it in with two fingers. Alicia had no control over her reactions, even abused as they were, her nipples shot hard again, and she closed her eyes as the exquisite sensations rapidly aroused her yet again.

"My god, you really are a sexy little slut, aren't you? You can't get enough, can you?"

Alicia felt humiliated again; she could not remember ever being so randy for so long and after almost continuous sex for hours. "Yes, Tracey, it's wonderful."

"Hmm, yeah, that's obvious," said a smiling Tracey, "Eat!"

Tracey loaded the fork with the delicious food, stuffing Alicia's mouth while she leaned over and licked off the sticky syrup. Poor Alicia chewed madly, moaning in a crazed double delight. As soon as she swallowed she said, "More, please, Tracey. Certainly!" Tracey leaned back and nibbled those sensitised nipples greedily.

Alicia giggled and squirmed, "Oh god, more food please?"

Tracey laughed and fed them both all the food they had left and that was a lot. They both burped and farted, and giggled through it all. Alicia still bound with cuffs and rope, immobile and at Tracey's 'disposal' grew more comfortable with her disposition. She now trusted Tracey and although Tracey had hurt her more than once -- she was now happy to be with her. She was even aware that Tracey might hurt her again. She had come so much her body ached, yet incredibly, she was still itching for more sex. She really was Tracey's sex slut.

Notwithstanding the pain, she now knew she would do anything for Tracey.


Tracey unbound Alicia saying, "Okay, my slut, I'll undo you and you shall shower and wait for me to clean up and dress."

"Um... Tracey, I've still got the thing in my bum. May I take it out in the shower?"

"Yes, you may, my sweet slut. Be sure to wash it well."

Tracey followed her into the shower where she supervised her. This seemed odd but nice to Alicia; Tracey who had a wonderful body also clearly admired Alicia's and that made her feel good.

Alicia reached behind, bending she eased the butt plug out and started soaping I clean. Without it she felt cavernous inside; an awful feeling of insignificance, of worthlessness. It made her feel desperately ill although she wasn't sick. She held the plug, now cleansed, in her hand looked at it almost fondly. Turning to Tracey with tears in her eyes, she wet herself. With warm urine gushing down her legs begged, "I want it back please Tracey, may I buy it?"

"Silly girl; yes, you can put it back, and no, you can't buy it. I'll give it to you. Wear it as a memento of today."

A smile lit up her face, "I can have it. Oh thank you!"

Alicia tried to get it back in but it wouldn't go. Struggling with frustration she swore at it. Tracery laughed loudly and said, "You must lubricate it, sugar slut; spit on it a lot and then try."

Covering it with her spittle, she eased it back in. the relief written on her glowing cheeks was obvious. Her eyes sparkled at Tracey as she said in a sultry tone, "Who would have thought I'd beg for one of these to be stuck up me."

Tracy laughed again.

Not long after she had shampooed and rinsed her hair, Tracey ordered her out of the shower.

Disappointed she displayed some discontent. For that Tracey slapped her bare bum cheek very hard.

"No backchat. Have you forgotten already?"

Rubbing her stinging butt she replied, "No Tracey, I'm sorry."

"Okay, dry yourself, stand there and wait for me."

Tracey soaked herself thoroughly, luxuriating under the hot water, finally ordering the nude Alicia to get a towel for her. She did as ordered and then Tracey told her, "Dry me, girl."

For Alicia to be able to caress her Tracey with a fluffy bath towel was a treat she had not expected.

Alicia patted dry Tracey's hair and then gave it a good ruffle. She then patted down her back, butt cheeks, thighs, legs and feet, taking care to dry between each toe. Feeling the softness of Tracey's breasts, Alicia then dried each side and the curve of her hips, arousing her yet again. She could hardly believe it but the signs were unmistakable. Alicia stepped in front of Tracey to dry her and saw a gleam in Tracey's eyes. But she continued down over the breasts she adored, to the tummy of her dreams, to the pussy she found so delicious.

When finished Alicia stood back a step, saying, "Do you feel dry Tracey?"

Tracey stepped towards her toy saying quietly, "Yes, thank you girl, but I suspect you aren't."

Alicia's eyebrows shot up in surprise as Tracey reached to place her hands on Alicia, squeezing her breasts together, thumbing her nipples vigorously and then running her nails down over her belly. Alicia's eyes closed and she waited enthralled. Tracey's nails combed the trimmed bush saying, "Those must go." And then she grabbed a handful of arse cheek and cupped her cunt pulling them together. Alicia's cunt juices started oozing and Tracey pushed three fingers into the hot woman-sex of her toy.

Slowly she worked her fingers in looking for her toy's G spot and after many moans of glee, Tracey felt a firm roundish spot developing right where she expected it. She worked on it with some extra pressure and she soon had the muscular walls gripping her. She watched her slut's face take on the rapturous look that appears when lust takes over the mind of the 'victim'.

She watched, smiling and became aroused herself knowing the effect it was having. Alicia was thrashing her head about, breathing hard and thrusting her hips wildly. Tracey waited until the last second before her slut took off to the netherworld of ecstasy and then quickly removed her hands. Tracey was now getting damp herself and empathised with her slut but did not yet want to show it; that could wait.

Alicia's eyes sprung open, "Oh no, Tracey, please!"

Tracey almost ignored the plea saying, "I own you my slut, body, mind and soul. You will come with me when I leave here and you will be mine forever."

The craving girl looking into the dominating eyes, whispering quizzically, "Tracey?"

Tracey slid her fingers down over Alicia's breasts, her belly and back into the wet warmth, palm up. The hazel eyes before her melted like ice in Cointreau, changing colour slowly from a green to glassy brown. "And you will obey me whatever I ask and accept any punishment I deem fit. From now on, you will call me Lady Tracey. Is that clear?"

"Um . . . I don't know, Tracey."

Tracey worked her fingers in Alicia and asked her, "Alicia, I'll give you just one chance to say yes or no. If you say yes, I'll take you with me now -- forever. I'll keep you safe and love you as you've never been loved."

"Yes, Tracey."

Tracey was hardly being fair asking as she brought Alicia to the boil yet again only to retract her fingers as Alicia's legs turned to jelly. She knew the answer would be the same. They both did.

"If you say no I will pack and walk out of here and you'll never see me again. Okay? You have one minute to make up your mind."

"Yes, Tracey."

Tracey checked her watch counting down in ten second jumps.

"Five, four, three, two, one. Okay what's it to be?"

Alicia stood there naked, her twat soaking and dribbling, looking beseechingly at Tracey, love in her tearful eyes.

"Oh, Tracey, I must be crazy, but yes, I'll come with you!"

"What did you call me?"

Alicia looked stupid -- then a smile crossed her now radiant face, "Lady Tracey," she said with due deference.

"Never forget again while we are in private or you will be punished. Okay? You understand."

Alicia did not have a clue but was not going to admit it. However, it sounded bad so she said, "Yes, Lady Tracey."

Put my bikini panties on, they'll fit you well enough, this too, and then come with me. I'll finish your training at home and my submissive, sexy slut, you have much to learn."

Tracey threw Alicia a silk camisole and took her slave's face in her hands kissing her forehead.

Alicia helped Tracey dress and pack the few things Tracey brought with her. Alicia moved towards the door to pack her weekend bag and stuff. Tracey waved her off saying, "I will choose your wardrobe from now on. You have no need for your things, forget them, they're history."

"Yes, Lady Tracey," Alicia said, proud that she remembered, 'Lady' but concerned at what else she might forget; she did not want Tracey provoked.

Tracey wanted her charge to look ready-to-pluck to anyone seeing her as they checked out. She fished about in her handbag and withdrew two tiny latex bands saying, "Raise your camisole slut."

Tracey slipped one over each nipple immediately causing them to display themselves. Tracey stepped back to admire her slut and was pleased at the way the sight stirred her insides. The rings of latex were not tight on Alicia, but they did exactly what they were intended to do: keep the wearer hard and horny. Alicia looked at herself - quivering in delight and smirking to herself. She dropped the silk back over her top loving its slippery stimulation on her skin.

She said, "Oh Lady Tracey, this feels awesome. I'm as hot as hell."

Tracey chuckled saying, "I hope to keep you like that for a very long time."

"Really, Lady?"

"Does the rest of your life sound long enough?"

Any misgivings forgotten, Alicia hungrily said, "Oh my God, oh, yes Lady."

A part of Tracey's plan was to addict Alicia to sex and it seemed clear that was going to be a certainty. Tracey did not think her slave slut actual needed these little pieces of latex glove to keep her hard and horny but making certain a plan came together was a trait of hers. The camisole covered her proud and knotted nipples with lots of bare skin between the top and the teeny bikini bottoms. The two knots gave a spectacular show as they checked out and got into the back of Tracey's Rolls Royce Corniche convertible and drove off.

Alicia nestled her butt into the plush leather pressing her plug in snugly. She felt it enter further. "Delectable," she exclaimed as her pussy twitched and her asshole clenched its intruder.

They drove away, Alicia christening the leather upholstery of the seat with a slick of aromatic femme-come, to a new life as a sex slave for Tracey.

This, she knew, was her destiny.

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