Stargate Sg

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Aug 16, 2000


Happy Anniversary: a Stargate SG-1 story by Coltrane (John O'Connor) (FF Celebrity)

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 & all the characters are owned by MGM, Showtime, Gekko, & Viacom. This is strictly for fun with no copyright infringement for profit intended or wanted.

Happy Anniversary.

Janet Frasier closed the manila folder and slapped it into her out tray in frustration. If it had been a door slamming instead of a folder, everyone in Med Center would've been deafened. Even so, everyone could tell by the look on the doctor's face that they would be better off staying out of her way.

'Could this day get any worse?' she silently asked herself. 'This was going to be a very special night, but now...'

Her thoughts trailed off as she rose stiffly from her desk and stretched. Arching her back, she remembered the time almost a year ago when she had done the same thing as Major Sam Carter had walked in.

"Hey Doc, you better be careful, you'll rip your blouse open doing that!" Samantha Carter laughingly said as she entered the Med Center.

Janet smiled fondly at her favorite patient and said, "Only for you."

Sam quickly glanced around to make sure they were alone and cupped Janet's right breast, gently squeezing it. Janet's eyebrows rose and her mouth formed an "O" as she felt the nipple press against the regulation bra she wore.

Sam, seeing the doctor's pleased reaction, pressed her lips against Janet's and they shared a brief, passionate kiss.

Pulling back and releasing Janet's breast, Sam asked, "Did you get those results?"

Janet, somewhat dissappointed that they could only dare brief encounters in the SGC, nodded and said, "I just finished them. Those spores had no lingering effects on you. You're clean as a whistle."

"So you can stop worrying about whether you took advantage of me all weekend long, can't you?" Sam asked.

"I wasn't worried," Janet fibbed.

"Liar! But I also noticed you didn't avoid taking advantage of a poor, defenseless woman in your bed," Sam teased.

"Neither did you," Janet returned. "But I really am relieved that the last three days was not because of an alien parasite."

"No Doctor Frasier, I have wanted to make love to you for quite some time. And I want to for an even longer time." Sam's eyes were full of lust looking at the lovely medical officer in front of her. "Are you finished here?"

"Yes. My place or yours?" Janet asked, smiling impishly.

"Yours. Mine's still a mess." Sam led the way out of the Med Center.

"How do you think Cassie will react?" Sam asked as they headed to the elevator and the surface.

"I think she already sensed something between us. She's a very perceptive young lady," Janet said. "And I think she will be very happy that we found each other."

The rest of the evening was spent naked and in bed.

Now, a year later, the two women were to celebrate the anniversary of the start of their relationship. Janet had even managed to have Cassie stay with a friend of her's from school. This was going to be a long, glorious weekend of love and sexual celebration. Now...

"Damn her!" Janet burst out to a, fortunately, empty office. "She hasn't even called me!"

Sam had to stay at the complex the previous evening. SG-1 was on standby while SG-4 was on a hazardous assignment. Janet spent the night in the Med Center as well. They saw each other several times with other members of the SGC around, but at the base they never dared to show their true feelings for each other.

This morning, when SG-4 returned, Sam and the rest of her team went on three days R&R. After finishing the med checks and resultant paperwork for 4, Janet was off duty for a few days as well. Unfortunately, the paperwork took several hours to complete.

The anger the doctor felt was in Sam leaving the base without even a call. She had to know that Janet wasn't particularly busy before SG-4's return, not with anything serious anyway, but she hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone to say "Hello" or "Happy Anniversary" or anything. This was the kind of treatment she had received from that louse she had married before she got fed up and told him to get lost.

'Screw it! I may as well go home, I can wait for her to call me there more comfortably than here. Will she get an earful!' Janet decided as she hung up her lab coat and pulled on the uniform jacket. She didn't dare add 'if she calls' to her thoughts.

Still steaming as she signed out, reached the surface, and headed for her car, she finally took several deep breaths of the cool mountain air. She opened the collar of her blouse and shoved the uniform tie into a pocket of her jacket. She was going to calm down before she got on the highway back to Colorado Springs and home.

On the drive home, her anger slowly dissipated, leaving only a sense of sorrow and a fear losing what she had treasured for the past year.

"Well, at least I have the weekend to sort this out before I have to figure out how to handle Cassie," Janet said. The young teenager was ecstatic when Sam and Janet told her of their love for each other a year ago. Now, she would probably be caught in any crossfire between the two women and hurt as a result.

"Damn you, Sam!" Janet said as these thoughts passed through her mind. "She doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve this!"

She eyed a bar as she drove past, Siobhan's Tap, where she and SG-1 had gotten together several times. She felt an ache in her heart when she thought that the fun and the cameraderie they all had might be gone.

"No!" she finally decided. "If Sam is too selfish to remember an anniversary, I'll have to deal with it. If she doesn't want me anymore I'll have to deal with that too and move on but I'll be damned if I'm going to lose my friends over this!"

Her last, unvoiced hope was squashed as she pulled into the driveway and saw a dark house waiting for her.

Janet locked her car and headed towards the house thinking, 'At least Jack and General Hammond don't have to pretend to look the other way anymore. "Don't ask, don't tell" means nothing when there's nothing to tell.'

Entering the house, Janet felt more alone than she had in years. This was far worse than when she and her ex finally split. Tossing her jacket onto a chair in the dark living room, she walked towards the phone. Maybe she could call the Gates' and see if Cassie wanted to spend the weekend here with her friends.

Even before she reached the phone, Janet decided that would be a bad idea. Time alone was what she needed and having a bunch of screaming young teens around would only delay dealing with the problem. Besides, she wasn't ready to face Cassie with the news yet.

She walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, flooding part of the kitchen with light, and pulled out a bottle of Zinfandel before setting it back on the shelf. Janet knew drinking couldn't do her any good.

Seeing three bottles of what she used to laughingly call Sam's Eurotrash beer sitting in there almost brought her to tears. She bit her lower lip and slammed the door shut.

In the darkness, the doctor took a shuddering breath and said, "I'm not going to cry. I'm not, damnit!"

With no appetite, no interest in the crap on TV on Friday night, and nothing better to do, Janet decided to go to bed early. With that decided, she headed for the stairs.

As she trudged up the steps, Janet looked down at nothing. She didn't notice the faint glow shining beneath the door of the master bedroom.

She opened the door and stood in the doorway in shock. The entire room was filled with lighted candles! In the warm glow of the candlelight, the stunned brunette was sure she was seeing a vision.

The lovely blond major lay back, supported by several pillows, the glow of the candles highlighting her eyes. She was wearing a short, white teddy, with very small white panties and nothing else. She stretched one of her long, muscular legs and smiled at Janet.

"Surprise!" Sam said softly.

"Happy Anniversary, sweetheart!" Sam said as she slid off the bed and walked towards the woman she loved.

Taking Janet's hand, she said, "Come with me. I am going to make you feel like a queen."

Leading the shorter woman into the bedroom, Sam pushed the door closed. At Janet's raised eyebrow, she said, "It's cozier, don't you think?

"Now, I want you to get undressed while I go prepare your bath." As Sam began to move towards the bathroom, Janet placed a hand on her arm and pulled the tall blonde to her. She looked up into Sam's beautiful eyes and kissed her.

It was a tender, loving kiss but both women could feel the promise of the passion that would follow.

Sam caressed Janet's face and said "I love you." Then she walked into the candlelit bathroom.

Janet felt the thrill of Sam's words throughout her body. She wanted to tell her lover that she felt the same but she was still coming to realize that all this was no dream.

"The water's ready!" came the call from the bathroom.

The doctor felt tears welling in her eyes, tears of shame; shame that she could think of her love like she had. Janet blinked, and quickly began to remove her uniform. As she removed each garment, they were unceremoniously dumped on a chair near the closet. Finally, naked, Janet walked into the bathroom.

The white tile and the large mirrors made the room even brighter, almost blinding compared to the rest of the house.

As her eyes adjusted, Janet felt Sam take her hand again and lead her towards the bathtub. She helped the dazzled young woman into the warm, scented bathwater.

As Janet lay back and let the water melt away all the tension of the day, Sam knelt by the side of the tub and picked up a bath sponge. She dipped it in the water, added soap, and began to rub Janet's neck and shoulders. Janet could only "mmmm!" and lean away from the sponge to give Sam better access to the soft, white skin.

"Lean forward," Sam whispered to Janet. Janet complied, smiling at the gentle tickling of Sam's breath on her ear. Sam ran the sponge along Janet's back up and down.

Sam let Janet relax against the tub again and began to sponge Janet's breasts and stomach. Janet felt a strong tingle whenever the sponge brushed one of her nipples.

Janet had never felt this warm and safe, this completely at ease with another person. This loved.

She opened her eyes and looked at the woman who was making her feel so glorious. Sam smiled gently at her best friend and lover as she sponged lower. Grinning at the sudden look of arousal in Janet's eyes and the quick intake of breath, she moved along the doctor's lovely legs.

After bathing her legs and feet, Sam took another sponge and began to dribble water over Janet's body to rinse the suds off. As the last of the soap slid off Janet's smooth skin, Sam sat back on her heels and asked, "How do you feel?"

Janet, her eyes again damp with tears (of joy this time), finally spoke her first words since seeing the vision on her bed. "I feel so good, words can't begin to describe it. I love you so much." With that, a tear rolled down her cheek.

Sam wiped the tear away and kissed the path on Janet's cheek. "And I you. Let's dry you off and I'll show you how much."

Janet stood and Sam took a fluffy bathtowel and began to quickly dry off her body. As the towel rubbed more sensitive areas, Janet closed her eyes and "mmmm-ed" again.

When she was sufficiently dry, Sam led her back to the bedroom. The candle glow was softer and warmer in here. Janet said, "This must have taken you hours."

"Ssh." Sam placed her fingers against Janet's lips. "We can talk later," she finished softly.

Janet looked at the woman in white and was certain she had never seen anything more lovely in her life. She reached for the button at the throat of the teddy and opened it. She slid her arms under the lacey garment and around Sam's back. Janet pulled the blonde close and kissed her passionately.

Sam could feel the hard points of Janet's nipples poking the soft undersides of her breasts and knew her nipples where rubbing against Janet's breasts.

As the two women enjoyed each other, the teddy slid to the floor. This time Janet pulled away and led Sam to the bed.

Pushing Sam down on the bed, Janet removed the last piece of cloth, exposing Sam's sex. The aroma of her reached Janet's nostrils and she became even more excited.

Sam sat up and said, "No, I want you first."

As she said this, she stood and gently pushed the brown-haired woman onto the bed and made her lay on her stomach. Sam crawled over Janet and straddled her hips and began a deep, thorough massage starting at Janet's shoulders.

Sam had been excited from the moment she started lighting the candles. Making the woman who was her whole world happy intensified the feelings. She knew Janet could feel it too.

As Sam continued to rub and massage her back, Janet felt the moisture of Sam's arousal on her back. She couldn't help but smile. Janet loved that she had this effect on the other woman.

The strongs hands moved down the brunette's torso to her waist and hips. Sam moved off Janet and reached down to begin the treatment on her toes and feet, slowly moving up the legs of the prone woman until she arrived at Janet's sexual center.

Sam's hands on Janet's inner thighs caused Janet to spread her legs and gave Sam a clear view of the woman's damp slit. She reached out and ran a finger up and down lightly, making Janet squirm on the bed.

Abruptly, Sam pulled her hand away and said, "Turn over. It's time to do your front."

Janet rolled onto her back and let Sam repeat her loving massage. Sam took a minute to look at the lovely, sexy body that lay before her. She leaned over and kissed Janet as she moved her hands to the doctor's shoulders.

Kneading and caressing the soft, white skin, Sam moved down to gently cup Janet's breasts, slowly squeezing and rubbing the pliant flesh while occasionally flicking the extended nipples. She moved down and took a nipple into her mouth.

Janet's eyes had been closed and she was very pleasantly surprised when the warm wetness closed over her breast.

Sam moved to the other breast and continued to suck and lick the sensitive nubbins.

Again pulling away, causing Janet to look up, Sam smiled sweetly and moved between Janet's legs. Running her fingers through the short brown hair for a moment, she lowered her face and began to softly lick the wetness between Janet's legs.

Janet's head fell back on the pillow and she lost herself in the pleasure rippling out from her most sensitive area. When she felt Sam's tongue begin to work on her clitoris, she shuddered.

As aroused as her subject was, Sam knew she didn't have long before Janet climaxed. As she began to suckle on the sensitive little organ, Janet again began to writhe on the bed.

Janet was on the edge of rapture. Sam's talented tongue sent her over the edge. Increasing waves of pleasure washed over the brunette, her orgasm made her cry out wordlessly as she thrust her hips off the mattress, arching her back in ecstasy.

Her orgasm crested and Janet fell back on the bed, totally drained.

Sam moved up and hugged her lover. As Janet came back they shared deep, loving kisses. 'This is what I've always wanted,' Sam thought holding the beautiful brunette in her arms.

Janet echoed those thoughts, adding 'If he had been more like Sam I'd probably still be married, but then I wouldn't have Sam. I wouldn't trade her for anything or anybody. How could I have ever doubted her? How can I be so lucky?'

"How could I be so lucky as to get you in my life?" Sam asked.

"What? I was just thinking the same thing," Janet answered.

"I guess this just proves we were meant for each other!" Sam declared with a loving smile.

Looking again into Sam's eyes, Janet saw her love and her lust mirrored there proving Sam's point. She slowly kissed her way down Sam's body, every point of naked flesh she kissed quivered deliciously beneath her.

As Janet reached Sam's breasts she could see and feel the blonde's chest heaving from excitement.

Janet loved Sam's blond bush and kissed it before moving to the mound it covered. She began to rediscover the delights between the blonde's thighs.

Sam moaned in pleasure. She was already so turned on from pleasuring Janet that she knew it wouldn't take long for her to climax. She began to shimmy her hips back and forth.

Janet grabbed Sam's hips and pressed her mouth tighter against the blonde's sex. She began to whip her tongue against Sam and felt her lover begin to quake as she started to come.

Sam called out Janet's name as she felt the heat of her orgasm throughout her body. Janet held her mouth tightly to Sam as she came, loving the taste of the woman beneath her.

Finally, Sam's climax ended and Janet looked up at her friend and lover. She knew from the flushed look on the blonde's face that she had made Sam feel as good as she did.

Crawling up next to Sam, Janet gazed at her until Sam's eyes opened. Janet smiled saying, "Happy Anniversary, my love."

"Happy Anniversary," Sam replied kissing Janet deeply. "And we have all weekend to celebrate!"

They lay in each others arms, happy and secure in the love they shared.

Next: Chapter 3: Matter of Trust

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