Starting Over

Published on Sep 11, 2020


Starting Over 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

The Padre achieve an effortless penetration. It was a stress-free fuck.

"The Padre is the master of the deep anal baptism," Ari joked. He had been checking dinner and had rejoined the group. "He stays away from altar boys and choristers. He likes Protestants and non-believers. I hope you won't mind if I eventually dilute his sperm with some Greek Orthodox cum?"

"Is this an anal religion?" I asked.

"For me it is a welcome break from my usual duties. Does that bother you?" the Padre asked.

"It feels so good, I'll wait until later to see if it bothers me," I said. "Just keep doing what you are doing."

"Maybe I should have told you my friends are mostly tops," Dwight said.

"That seems to be okay with me," I said.

"You aren't just being polite?" Dwight asked.

"Jonathan is remarkably receptive and welcoming," the Padre said.

The Padre pulled out and Dwight took his place. For the next fifteen minutes my ass took a survey of varied cocks and fucking techniques. Technically it was a gang bang. For me it was more like one of those art survey classes that expose you to different styles and characteristic of different art movements.

Eventually the Padre returned to baptize the deepest recesses of my ass. I could feel his cock ejaculating. It was good, but I remained Episcopalian. After that, Ari announced dinner was ready, and we had dinner. I wasn't familiar with Greek food and I was wonderful. Growing up my father switched cooks regularly. The food was ordinary except for one Chinese cook, Mr. Wong, who was inventive. We had a Christmas turkey cut into chopstick sized pieces. I loved it. Dad went out for a pizza for himself.

After dinner we talked until cocks began to re-inflate. I fucked Deputy Dog as he sucked Ari. A little later I sucked Ari, and Dwight fucked the Padre and the Padre fucked Dog. A little later Dog was sucking the Padre as Dwight fucked the priest. We had some wine with dinner, and it was confusing after a while.

Eventually we formed what Dwight called a fuck train. I was the front of the train with Ari in my ass, Dwight in his ass, followed by Dog and the Padre. After a minute or so, I moved to the back of the line and fucked the Padre. Dog and Dwight took turns so that every man had fucked each of us. It was sensual, intimate, and friendly.

The Padre's phone beeped, and he had to get to the hospital. He dressed and left quickly. Dwight and Dog went off to a bedroom. Ari lifted my legs and massaged my ass for fifteen minutes. He told me he thought I was handsome, and I had a beautiful ass. He said he wanted to shoot off in me and I should tell him if I didn't want that. Before I had a chance to answer, Ari shoot off.

"Sorry about that, I lost control," he replied after he stopped ejaculating. "I have a wife and five daughters. I feel wild and crazy when I'm in a guy's ass. I can have fun without fathering a sixth daughter." Our little group broke up and Dog gave me a ride home.

Uncle Jerry and Kim were in New York a day longer than expected. Uncle Jerry called me and explained the situation. My mother had written to Jerry once a week. He had saved the letters and he took them with him. They provided background information that interested Timothy. Her Aunt had made it clear to my mother that it was her money. My Aunt had married a man who got in financial difficulties and he used her inheritance to pay off debts. Her husband left her after that, and she had emphasized the money was for her, not for her husband. My father also had been uninterested in the baby, but my mother thought that would change when I grew up. She later discovered that my father was sleeping with my nanny.

This had caused difficulties for my father. Of course, it also provided a motive for her murder. Timothy had searched for information on my nanny. She was listed as an unsolved murder victim. It was an arsenic poisoning.

They knew my father was a con artist who had stolen millions. No one suspected he was a murderer. In some ways, I was his first financial victim since he used my inheritance as seed money. Kim and Timothy were trying to determine what portion of his assets belonged to me.

When I went to work the next day, I was called into the President's office and promoted to the treasurer's position and my salary went from $22,000.00 to $80,000.00. The previous treasurer had resigned and left the state. I suggested that we should to a complete review of the books. I had suspicions. Our auditors had closed their offices too. Since I had not worked for anyone other than my father, I was pleased. For the first time in my life I was promoted without family assistance.

When I went home, I realized I didn't need to live above the garage. It wasn't deluxe accommodations, but I liked the extra benefits of Uncle Jerry, Bill, and Manuel. I was in the unusual situation that all of the people that I had known in the first thirty years of my life were gone. My name was enough to scare most of them away. My father had cheated a lot of people. I had just begun a new life and I had no desire to return to my old life.

I went to an outdoor concert in a park that night. It was an amateur band playing traditional band music. The band wore old fashioned uniforms and old music. They played with great gusto and vigor. The band master played some comic arrangements that were clever and imaginative. I saw the Padre there with some friends.

As I walked home, a man who I recognized as one of the Padre's friends said hello. "The Padre told me you were new to town. I'm Grant Thompson, the Presbyterian minister here. I would like to welcome you to town." I introduced myself and we chatted.

"Are you the church recruiter?" I asked.

Thompson laughed. "I do anything the senior minister asks me too," he replied. "99% of the people here have been going to the same church for decades. It's not a fertile field for the missionary. The Padre told me you have had some shocks in your life recently."

"That is a bit of an understatement. All is well with me here. My Uncle has helped me land on my feet," I said. there was a lull in the conversation. I told him that the Padre seemed to be a nice man. We shared some common interests."

Grant leaned closer to me. "The Padre seems to think we all share common interests, non-church related interests," he said. "Are you lonely here knowing only a few friends?"

"Things are fine," I said. "Do you have a problem with non-church related friends?" I smiled and he smiled. I had walked to the concert, but he offered me a ride home. I asked him about his relationship with the Padre. He said they were friends and he was the Padre's unofficial advisor.

"The Padre is devout, but not personable. He tends to speak in sermons, not in ordinary conversations. I am good at deathbed situations, funerals, weddings and dealing with the sick," Grant said. "I've been helping him with that. He feels sympathy but can't express it. By the way, we are friends without the benefits."

"I guess he told you that I am a benefit" I asked.

"Not exactly, but he gets nervous and uneasy any time gay sex is even inferred." Grant said. "I'm good at reading between the lines. Did I read things correctly?"

We were at the house and I asked him in. He was more than willing. When he came in, I offered him coffee or some play time in the bed. Grant wasn't shy. He started unbuttoning his shirt. I think he must have been a jogger, he was thin, without an ounce of extra fat. The second my tongue peeled back his foreskin, I tasted precum,

We soon switched to the sixty-nine position, and he treated my cock as a rare object of beauty. He was a delicate sucker who liked to deep throat. Once we got going, he began to ooze precum. I liked that. His cock was responsive, and I could taste his excitement. I could tell he was excited but was surprised when he began to ejaculate. I took the entire load. Grant was apologetic. I told him it was fine, and I liked a man's home brew. No one had taken his load before and Grant was surprised I liked it.

I asked if it have been good. He told me he was so surprised he really didn't know.

"Maybe if I sucked you again, we could have an instant replay, and you could find the answer?" I suggested. Grant was okay with that. I took his soft cock into my mouth and let nature take its course. His soft cock oozed post orgasmic drool. This tasted good and gently stimulated me. Five minutes later his cock began to respond. It became firm and then firmer. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I was tasing fresh precum, not just the remains of his orgasm.

"I'm going to shoot again," Grant moaned.

"Just relax and let it flow," I said, "Don't fight it. Don't try to hold back. There will be no trace of your load. It is all be safely in me. No one will know except for me, and I will have swallowed the evidence."

This time, Grant didn't tense up. His semen spurted and then drooled freely from his cock. He moaned and shivered as he climaxed. When he stopped ejaculating, I licked his ultrasensitive cock head and induced a few more ejaculations.

"I've never felt anything like that before," he said when he stopped shooting.

"I suspect your balls will be a little lighter when you get to bed tonight," I said.

"I'm drained. Would you give me a rain check on taking care of you?" he asked. I told him that was no problem at all. He had a real workout. Grant dressed and went home. I went to bed too. I wonder of he would come back. It might have been too much.

While a cock is a cock, sometimes there are cocks and then there are Cocks. They are both utilitarian and recreational too. For the first time I felt I tasted the man, Grant. I assumed he was intelligent and friendly. The first time he climaxed he was uneasy and unsure. By the time I sucked him the second time I sensed he had discovered new things about himself and wanted more. I also sensed that he wanted me. That is a lot to infer from two orgasms. Are there tentative orgasms, or self-assured ejaculations? The Padre's orgasms were slightly tentative. I had a feeling that he was honest enough to admit he enjoyed them, but embarrassed and uneasy about it. For Bill and Manuel orgasms were joyful, but all in a day's work. Uncle Jerry was uneasy but comfortable.

Uncle Jerry and Kim returned, but Kim went to his office to do research. Jerry explained the problem. My father had taken my inheritance and used it as his own. He had altered my mother's will a week before he killed my mother. He needed the money as bait and used it to scam other people. When I was a kid, He told me he was working on deals, big deals. I didn't realize that the deals never came to fruition.

Jerry explained that the money invested by others were used for expenses, consultants, and prototypes. These items only excited on paper. My father took it all. He was a big spender on mansions, yachts, parties, and vacation homes. I never visited the other houses or yachts. I didn't know they existed. I was just told he was away for work.

Apparently, he joined golf clubs and took his pals to the cleaners. Most of his investors either accepted his explanations or were too embarrassed to cause a stink. Apparently, his last investor was associated with organized crime, and was unhappy. Jerry told me that my father was missing two fingers on his left hand when he killed himself. O'Brien thought he was losing a finger a week until he paid off. He shot himself with the other hand.

There was a question as to what portion of his estate was due to me. His problems paying back were due to a cash shortage. There was value in the properties and tangibles he owned, but it would have taken time to sell them. Whoever he owed money too didn't want to wait.

Life was quiet for a while as things percolated in Kim's office. My work was going well and was easy after to figured out the accounting problems.

I found out Dwight, Deputy Dog and the Padre knew Uncle Jerry and Bill. Bill was coming up to his sixtieth birthday. Jerry and Dwight were planning a party for Bill's 60th birthday. It would be at Dwight's cabin. I expected to be invited, but Jerry didn't say anything.

I asked Uncle Jerry about it. "Well, Bill's birthday party is a different sort of birthday celebration. It's an orgy with a cake," he said. "All the guests are older, naked and horny. You are young and good looking. I have a feeling every guest will be trying to get in your ass. Of course, Bill would like you there, but you need to know the problems."

"Uncle Jerry, I'm not sure if what you are talking about is a problem or an opportunity," I said.

He laughed. "The first time I went to one of the birthday parties I was shocked," he said. "The shock lasted ten minutes and then all was well."

"Did everyone fuck you?" I asked.

"Somehow I ended up in a sling," he said. "That's a quick way to turn strangers into friends. I thought it might cheapen the experience. Have you noticed a stranger's cock feels different from an old friend's cock?"

It was my time to laugh. "I seem to have discovered that a stranger becomes a friend as his cock pops through my sphincter."

The party was on a Saturday night at Dwight's camp. When we arrived with, Bill, Manuel, Jerry and me, several men were waiting. Dwight, Deputy Dog and Kim were waiting with two men I didn't know. Lou and Sam were old friends of Bill. I was surprised when Kim arrived with Doug. Doug was a pharmacist and the organist of the Methodist Church.

There were no gifts for Bill, but he got to play with any and all. Knowing Bill, I assumed he would select the all option. There were some comic speeches, and then it turned into a free for all. There was a sling on one side of the room. I was surprised when Dwight strapped himself in and Bill took the position at Dwight's ass.

Bill pretended this was his first fuck and got a lot of advice as the best way to fuck Dwight. It seemed that all of them had fucked him. Bill made a single hard thrust and his cock vanished in Dwight's behind. I was watching from the side.

"You're new here, I'm Doug the gay organist," he said.

"I'm Johnson, Jerry nephew. I'm new to town," I said.

"I've been here a while, but this is new to me. I've never been in a group," he said.

"I'm sort of new to it," I said.

Doug smiles and asked, "Is sort of new the same as being semi-virgin?"

"I not a virgin, but my cock and asshole aren't callused," I replied.

"I guess I am about the same," he said. "To tell you the truth, I think I would be happy with a callused ass." We talked more, and it seemed that he was in the same situation as me. We were more than willing to do more. Deputy Dog came over and alternated sucking both of us.

I would hate to seem superficial, but after Dog worked on our cocks, Doug was looking much more attractive. His short, thick stubby cock turned into a long, over-stuffed sausage. Sam joined us. He was a cook at the local greasy spoon. He was better looking naked than he was dressed. He was tall, hairy, and hung. He could also talk. He only yelled at work.

Dog was concentrating on Doug, so Sam sucked me. He was a good sucker, and one of his fingers strayed towards my ass. I had lubricated my ass just in case.

"I like a man who plans ahead," he said.

"It's a little early. Maybe we might get together later?" I said. "It's big."

Ten minutes later Doug was sitting on Dog's cock. I was sucking Doug and enjoying it. He seemed to like being double teamed. I was focused on Doug's drooling organ and didn't think about my ass sticking up in the air.

Sam was nearby and he noticed it. He was heavily lubricated, and he popped in with a single thrust. It was a surprise. He was big, but my ass was relaxed and open. If it hurt some, I didn't notice.

Next: Chapter 4

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